*~HE ENTERPRISE r (Mr* luuafeT r ** * »• pqmasi ruBUSHiNC oo W. C EAHKWRi m. C MASKING. JR. - BUS MGR (Strictly CM *■ A«l' 1 _ %U» I year « —tks J months utth. p- ofc* at »a TUESDAY. MAT IX ISJi &ALLARP AND COl BTESt T.* following: taker frorr ti.e Ch_ -ri Hfli Weekiy of :nr expeoraees of Mr Pa"ard in.. .; yrar> ago Mr Ealiard »» a pr.. :nen*. la»?w ®- PfcH»rtrfpiu» »w Chapel HBi recently: X. Balart oiw to Pfc:l»«ielphia f r> . Oh* lr UTTi. a'- the fl>ur W«.. a rather raw country boy He hi never seer a stree: car brfore he reacneo the city ~t»ne of tt* te.i. ■» iry pu.rrr.i- ha»i taug* - .. nr U*: whfle or his visit here ■ *•*-■ t«. take tr,y rat off a »- nou.~ Tt * i-.rret car a a swr. ""»"»• *■**' a roof, therefore *a- a h«s» to "* s». *►«»: I fnlrtn: it- I promptly of m> hat V> fatrjfr w fei? el Dow ar«. >2*. " It" w tit von little fooL' 5» i pa: :t «*»- lul ! na- performed tne oaly art o* cwurt#->;. ?i r\rr -hovr toward t>* >u**s rail V4 \ tumjar? u. PVuladelpfc —. » re'.urr. for this. 20 year- iaWr. t»» ma-je iw fc p«"a- fut! "* It pax; Mr l^liar-:' to 1» piit« an." t«anrv(t !t alway » pay* - voting mar. U> t* court***.-. rn!» ar*i polite W« xrißttim think it appropr (tr to he Trr> roßrtrou- Ic !!» *«*- ilrniH ami the beautiful We ja■: r« poire to buOM the«a > It? our ii. smile?, but it b s» *•' ur»ie?.- m *" ». • are jibt as kin>t at r' t» trx- pu»r. tne »nri«; Vwi mar. be marJ* ai*»- y THE SI \I»A% SPECIAL Uurr. ear b»*» ir ss »:sf i rrorjt act. U ca- 't tae'p bat apj*'' ■»'' it it ar rsrjurt Ti* >pf ciai Kam oc Ser.-a? at of ti»* tutneru wrat a& ku»i of avukrc»>.' T** aamitr- of thi particular dab go «« by •» to ti." •eorr* r. »! lex pia«r* and t* nKi ar* iiot i Kt*•' - a> t* rake- his »2) P bift!) iir.iL- 'f He cast? *t- r>r- u. warn tr* gr-*ir>; for ew «*.msjie ar the cri*. nsniilt '( fi-l.- weir to ware trwr sky. all true t.iw seeing mi vr«e Hi* aaih »ra>iull> mtv a >iow nit uM with aU !•«>* (vrivos MtivG? * i? a-t i_ave t>« sum tw.«|*«r. a-- ttjt w*r*r. u«- reacrae> the bu«!. tra! tjt 'a- W. beer. «« If these boys mere brforr lut mayor of U* Uo sm m.-te»: of their fathrrs pay tar line few- moo 1 ""at «• || Just Received I itj i " ■' 1 1 CAR LOAD BUILDING LIME. READY \ FOR DELIVERY, EITHER WHOLESALE I OR RETAIL See Dr. or D. D. Stalls before buy- |j ing- j! Telephones 33, 65, 148 and 219 wr . if*, , • * • II Biggs & Stalls j WILIJAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA. | Bs===!SSH . c«t bt them ret on tSe streets and " sweep the streets in ordw to pay the r ILibUt ■ the nooks and corners of L ~ IF MEN OSLT I XDEKSTOOD If men only ynderstaw All the joy they lose in life | ( Br the stimnjr up of strife. They woukl cease from vain abus ,n * P AIM SO readily accusing. , They vi«ki be sincere ana true 5 Ami ■auki fine some poo«i to-k>— . J If they only understood. llf mer only understood. That its meanness blend.- their j | >«ht To a sense of what is ri#rht: i And that selfishness is surely, p Just a oemor:" Simply, purely. I ... I r .They wooh: sweep it from their livinjr. ( ' Ami rejoice ir« bles««i r>viir. » j If they only unurr>to«. ( 'j If liter, otkly understood. I Tnat it-> whol-*->on»e recreation j, 11 ' Kit them for their a-lvocatK»r,. I I Tut a life that's spent in pleasure | • i r Rph* them of its rreatest treasure. h Tne? woukl scorn suck waste of ( bles^inr. While the work for God is I If they only understood. f If mer only understood. 3 That unkiwlnes- to another. To a worn and weary hroti. r . 1 Ivies no! make hi- l«unir:i t-reater: Itut it mrrr'l • url - hater. | *"Tf»ey w«»i!l«! finr." the lieavrtil) por ( tal j 1 Lndiair « to lo*e ini"j,.rtal". If they t-nly uhdrr-(««i ~ ' !f mer only under*" -wd, | • 1 rat re»:en«!>tioii> jiioclamativn; « «: -«»s to me? in every station. a ntiw of wealth not hidden; ' I•■ v> srr. every -"-ui is bid>ier.. I ■ | • 1 ?se\ wouM -e»-k *'# Lord of rlor\ I 1 A' m rjlw u - weetest story. 11 If thfy only ur^wrstuod J K WARKKR. | I.AST WORKS THK l AMOI S ' rVillipc- lir**-k Tfierr i- i.o other r ''ft t«ut the eternal. C , l'rf>»wnl Ituchauar.—O I—rd Al | I ; nutrfty. a> Th4 »i)t. |j'mar-f rxk Who would ha*>- I I thought it' tier jamir. F. Sutler -I have peac«- j (•"f-rt frt" j llfneiirt Arnold me die in the J«4.1 umfonr. in whicfc I foucltt n>y jt«atUe» ft>r fieexKxr. May m! forvive [ >me for p_:t.*>r uf any tlier. j Jir. iury A>lam- ll l- the la.-; I « f t».e eartr.- I am mment' Henry »mi Beecher Kvw ci-mes j [ '!t(ie rri -tery l*a»ef ij FarraKVt TV.i> i> the last t.a» I -rail ever trrail the deck of a man of war |- • ( : Her.ry tTay- Jlvtlei. n«l»jer. moth v«r—awl my .itar wife. f j Al«* ("an --1 want to »ro away I | NatKar. Hale I only rejrret that I have but W life to give U> mv coon- ! I "* i f try ■ Alexander HairJtvr. - Remember, my I r Rita. yo« are a Orotun I I Benjamin Frar.khn—A dying mar 1 car. d» frothing easy. Horace Greeley—lt is done- Patrick Henry—l trout in the mer cy of God. it b sot now too late. all desires for the sake of the public K*od- Benjamin Rash, signer of the de- j 'daratiaa—Be whlgeat to the poor. Thomas Bad— Read—Sweet; are the bne of one's friends- Israel Putnam— I am resigned to i | the will of God and am willing to die! now. Sir Walter Raleigh—This is a sharp medicine, but a sure remedy for all evils. Edgar Allan Poe—Lord, help my soul. Re*. William A. Muhlenberg— Good morning Ilev. Samuel Nevnu —Anrel>. An rels. do your oflice j Walt Whitman—Oh! he's a dear good fellow Ger. Lew Wallace—l am ready to. meet my Maker President Zacharv Tavlor—l am a- ! ; bout to die. I expert a -umrm-n.- .soon, j I have eiwieaTore>l to 1;-charge all | my official duties faithfully. I regret I nothing, but am sorry that I am a i bout to leave my friends. Henry I» "P-oreaa—l leave this world without a regret. Gen. Whitfield Scott- James, take good care of the hor»e- Uayarti Taylor—l want. oh. you know what I mean, that staff of life, t'omelius \ ar-ierb«lt —Yes-, yes sing that for me. lam pour and needy. I On. Jo-eph Warren—l am a dead man; light on. my brave fellows, for the salvation of your country, tieoree Wa>hmgton—lt is well Thurlow Wee want to go home Frances II Williard How [ to be with God John Greenieaf W hittier —I have t krown thee all the tine. William M. — J forgive all thobe who have ever do&e evfl to me ' and I war.l all Ifcwe whom 1 have harmed to forgive me ll»run Steuben —Dont U- alarmej. I ! my .-on. Oliver P. Morton I am dying. I am worn out. I' ' ' larrtsjti Ur as. aud (Tam|)atty * - Special Showing In Tub Silk Linen And Voile Dresses I S WE HOPE YOU WILL COME IN AMD LOOK THEM OVER. j. T YOl T WILL FIND A LARGE ASSORTMENT TO SELECT FROM, AND YOr WILL FIND THE PRICES VERY LOW. * ' ■ \ r . _ jf*- I Harrison Bros. & Co. COME AND SEE IS ALL WE ASK ' • '% , WILLI AMSTON*S LARGEST DRPARTM ENT STORK _ ■ • —i t i ! . ■ * THE EXTEKPKISE. WILLIAMBTON. NORTH CAROLINA. * ■ L—Mi Matt-—lf yoa RMhc to follow the Lamb ■taww ymm maj be led, yam win Sad al the ways phw nt ViSka Reai—To be Hbe Ckrirt n to he a Christian. i {death, I an as ready to die today as 1 i ———— SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES I, H. T. Roberson, Sheriff of Martin County jhave this day levied on the following tracts or j parcels of land and will sell the same at public I auction for cash, before the Court House Doorj Jof Martin County on June 2,1924 for the taxes due jand unpaid for the year 1923, unless the taxes and; j cost are paid on or before that day. This sth day of May, 1924. Jamesville Township, White .1 TAX COST TOTAL W. J. Adams. 'Ob acre? Corey land % 8.75 SIJHO $10.55 I-rah Franca*. -0 arre- [aru land 5 10 LW 490 jK E. Gardner. I town lot _ _. IJI IJO 174 ID. L. Hintcou, 0# acres Bear Pood i SJOO LM UO J. F. Hardason. 22 atm Spear Keys 24.06 IJN ISM 1 ' llalsej Hardtson Est, » actt» res. : 30.00 ISO 21JM j IJ. T. Hinsoc, 4» acres residence _u- M 34 1M 3814 K. B. llolltday aail It no, ST acres Geo. HoOiday ft) acres HolInU) land. 57 acres Hardison land 144.73 1.80 14453 •K B. Kolliday. 1 lot 10.55 I>© 1235 IT. W. Holladat. 34 acres Mary E. Ar.jte land 18.78 1.8*» 3058 ' Jr«> A. Mtzell. 7 anc> Mmrll larjd 1.45 1M 325 K. J Mnell. 15 acres U C Uu.ll land. faaL _ 3.40 1M 540 j Johiww G. Modliri. 57 acres residence; C 4 acres J. E. C. I*ar«s laiwi _ 101.57 180 MH37 W. K. Modlin. 3 acres residence 25$ IJSO 4 X I !•-;. n--ke R R. Lbr Col. 47 acres An*e land S_KO IJO 7.C0 , I. H Wynn. 20 acres Butler Pit.; 30 acnes Harrison land __ _ _ . : 10 00 180 lL»j JamesviHe Township, Colored Willie D. Boston. I rr-mfwr 10 acres Cordon land. 44 acres Geo land I__ ; 40.04 IJNO 41.84 Robert Boston.. 21 acres resadeor- _ 15.77 IDO IT 57 : Elizabeth Brook-. 17 are? resadence ' 10.15 ISO ILK Mary Dlison, 1 _ ; 7.75 1 SO »5S Mary Jones. > aow residence 1450 I.XO 14 30 W. R_ James. S8 acres residence, bal . 1228 1 _XO 14JW E»aw Johnson E»*.. 1 j Keys and Ellis. So acres Gnffir Ellis Heath _ 20.94 IJM 2274 ; Martha land Est . 1 resadence 43U IHO » «.> ■ Ptrrj h«fc Est-. 1 residence liS 100 335 Georirania Kerarvuer. 50 acres resadence. bal. 1254 IJO 1478 Will Smith. 25 acres Cordon land 1_ 1«L91 IJO 2b.71 W. H. C. Sykes. K acres mill road __ 5.42 1M it* Alsce Sykes, 14 acres raill road. CO acre* residence Alf Walker. 1 lot 7.14 1.80 SM Henry ttooteu. 4 *rrr» Wow Is.:*! 1 04 1M 284 Williams Township, White i ( C O. (Uxlard. 2 acre- residence _ 33.12 1J» 3492 Williams Township, Colored liunijer? Heirs. SO acres resadecce _*_ 13.20 18U 1500 Polly A. Catancb Hears. 34 acres bal. 492 IJM 4.72 tPaymon k>rHam. » ecres residence 1271 1.80 1451 j Patsey Hutkacay lleir*. 3* acre.- Sjrkti lar> * . 720 ISO 900 j A«'liiir Hanl.sM>. l!e«- 10 acres. Ha -U of- 3 ST INJ 5.77 j Itaniel Moore. «• acres re>*»ei.ce 24.48 IJHO Jl3> II aura Moore. 2 acre#" Jones land , 1 J£2 18P 352 ;Gran» IN-Uiick. 3 acres Reddark land ... 2.40 "I HO 430 H»nr 1-r.U'ick 2» arte.- stump field 642 1 M J..42 * K. Sta»>e Heirs. SO acres Sheppard land _ (oa !X) 7i® Bear (irass Township, W r hite Critcher 2nd Critcber. acres Will Knox land 1 1250 1M 1430 at any tee. Gen. James B. McTbtri— —Have a fill that gmp. Kee. Cotton Mather—l aa pac ■but all tears wfll he wiped from my eyes. Joha Br»wa—l aa ready at any » toad *» JJJ- g* fW. A. «IJwi ' ■ . . *§g JS *2 ■ s-£ 5.51.1 s-ls s Li £wZSr. M .ere. WbiUtaT U-. !*• JM Joe Warren. 1 acre Bear Grass '*f "* WilKamston Tow—hig, WMIe Bea Andrews. 1 resiilearc Watts Gm »l«5 LM SUB W. M. Aadrews, 1 lot »» .*£• ?H5 ,lkM. L Bollock. M acres laad ' A* IB *» • Bryan Balard. 1 residence lAM 1M 14* ■Gas. W. Coltram, 1 reudtm *• r,ll A. Cntcher, t residence Watts St 2S&M L» {CMtaher and Cntcher. 2 lots Ray SL. 1 lot New I Band. 1 lot Chard. St, 1 lot Hyama at 23AM IB MACS JC. A Forester. 1 lot Watts Grave IB l» SSS jcau,s— kt Factory. 1 lot 4 OAS l» Sl« 'E. M. Gardy. 1 lot Watts St- 3.15 LN 4* •Harrison and M. 1-* of lot Ut l» ** Martin and Fi In. i lots Watts Grave TOI LB *« 11- —r >nd M. 1 lot lA2S I* IMS 1 I Gilbert IVd, 1 Ist ~ ■*ln SL 1: ILM IM UUW IJ. L Wynn. 2 stores IMM LB UW ■J. H. Woolard. 7 now roaidsnse AM lA* M Williamston 1 ownship, Colored Jus Bios. 100 acres Green land. ML AM LB MM ?A. O. Brown. I residence 2S.IS LM MM " Flrrah Brawn. 1 lot AM IB lAM Tom Badey. Sr, I lot AS IM AM Eli BelL 1 lot AM LM AM Sarah Cknunons. 1 lot AM LM AM ! Pui Clwsui. 1 lot AM 1M A* |,«Ved Crass. X acres Cross land 2SAO LM MM . John Edwards. 1 residence and store 3L2S LM 33AS ' Fidelity Mfg. and Repair Co. 1 lot J lATS 1M MSS . J. D. Gray. 1 lot , . 1A75 LM ITJ» 1 Zmme Hymac. 1 lot A A Street 7B LM AM J Sarah J. Hyman. 1 lot 12A1 LM 14*1 . V. A Hynaa. 1 lot AM 1M AM J Wealthy HasseU. 1 lot IAS LM XM • Herman Hodges. 28 acres residence 11S LB ISM . ;Uzue Hmn. 1 lot S.7S 1M SSS L Lxzue Hawkins. 1 lot IAS 1M 3M | Andrew Jaws. 1 lot adj. Speller lATS LM IASS ' | Robert Johnson. Sr, 1 lot L AM LM A 7» ■Laaier and Roddick. 1 lot IM LM A7B i Hanah Uoyxl. 1 lot A2S 1M ASS I Noah Mabry. 1 residence 14S0 LM lAM Geo. H Moore. 1 lot At 1M L 7« John Mill ikon. 1 lot IAS LM 3AS I Woodley Thompson. 400 acres residence 37AS LM 39.1 a . Malisha ToweU. 1 lot 12AO IB lAM i' Miles Roxers. 1 lot A2S IJW ILM -Stewart Rodders, 1 lot , ATS LM lAM » James Rodcers. 3 acres residence A 75 LM MSS , Jim Rhodes. 1 lot SIM im AM j; Wheeler South. 1 residence 7M LM AM j Minnie Sprain. 1 lot SM LM CM I Ahe Spout!. 1 residence AM LM ib j'A B Speller. 4 lots : 3ASO IB MM |;SherradI SUde. 1 residence SM LM CM I J»«* Slnde. 1 Ist CAS LM AM e Tan Sut». 1 residence ; lAM 'n sf .Gahrial Wiggins, 1 residence, bal. IS i«n MM ( H- Wilhai. 1 residence 3l 44 1M 3AM ! Imprewnent. 1 lot. J. A SK LM 7.4S . PWIj Williams. 2 acres residence »sn j m A m Robert Williams. 1 residence. HaL _ - 436 IN ATS Cross Roads Township, Colored .J. A. Andrews. 50 acres H R Mired land. 4* acres ■J l- nf.jT 1 ! «*M iM 447* M- • - Effittt, 1 itdioHi - SLS€ IJ§ at L Alice Jshrjsn. 8 acres residence sua jm ! J«snilt Lenry. I acres residence 3j| ian 171 1 "iLS -L J M H * *«"■ - - 48 40 |M MM » Josephine Moonr«. 2 acres residence SM LM tia ; Henry SUde Est .70 acres Mars and Falford land lA7S 1M fa&s. 1 Aognstas 7M. 1 residence xi% IM 4M |i RoberswivUle Township, White >£ L '"■ L 1 Green Street IMb IB MASK i 43 •"« »d* White 3AM LM 127S I 42 acres Ben I nett land aM . H I Jf- l*CCtt. 174 acres Jolly land ■ 104.1& laa jWHpfciNehaoHeirs. IM acres Savannah Laad UM IM lAM 12 ' * Bryaat land. 1 res. MM IB 7AM A. Rvbersot, 1 Tmlrmi m m mmm Btv B. 11. Km, U arm Itu]tnr u 11« . M 22 J c iSr-,"J2L T-,W !2 "2 . 1 ***"• * r *"dence ... »K IM 3172 ' Robersonville Township, Colored Oscar Andrews. I residence Parmele ' iu Edith Brawn. 1 residence g S *- C Chance. 37 Lsts Parmele _ _ ff* "* K. S llartras*. 1 lot Parmele 41 *2 Rsoette Moore. I lot Rohersonrill* .If John May. 1 residence Parmele - JS S HJ Bettie Rivera. 1 residence Parmele «ij . _ Saßie A- wa—.ln,il £ J3 IB 1 Poplar Point Township, White Critcher and Critcher. 170 Bennrtt UrnLM. sere, Meisoa land ___ MM inn —m. A T Hollis 1-sC. 30 nrras ~ ■ ' Si? M! Mf*. lUrteck Eit, 174 acre* retidence 7SJB ij§ HMM ! Poplar Point Township, Colored Usw». 123 acres residence " SITS LM Ku ade EsC. 1 resides _S2 IM Sb Hamilton Township, White JW_ Crisp. ISO acres Mm. land M~S tsa -s^ C« «e- 1 mil so* _ «*» Hornc -cres M IM wliS A M. layhr, I lot r " C 1 M ~ S S 52 Hamilton Township, Colored "!-yy "y, mts LM soss I?.^— C LM X2H is^Ss-'jn ■- Xothaa Staton. 1 lot AM S AM ;W H. Yonnc. 1 S S tS Goose Nest Township, White ' M seres Bill Dawson laad *♦*!! 12 , W C Halm. IM acres Hynmn hsl " Ugwtr and Fortes. MS acres Draper M r» HJ I'/'lmm ■!? Hi ** > *"* HAM IM nana w S " jlhs—asJZrAnlhsny. 4M nans Oimp land. MOacras **** **** !r. LM SUM • WWjl 1 B *~' 750 aam "*"* mm .LM «J! ! Goose Nest Township, Colwid :J2 3 r n— ljj a- 1 * " 3 » " g r ~ *" "* 7 * Ma—!— "S5 £ "IS wm-s i 2 » 5= « • 1 CWfc U1 in Ut • • v* • ~ t