■ - m \ AWmnsia *1 ILL FIND OUR OOLULVS TO liN HOMES Of Mil 1» COUNTY a V VOUJIE XXV—NUMBER 28 JOSF*H COREY' MS AFTER Y EARS OF SUFFERING luried in the Gray that He Wore in the Wilderness After many months of suffering Joseph Carey passed away at his htnr Saturday. He was 83 years old the 14th of last February- and was bora ■ Griffins township where he! lived all his life except for four years j when he sojsarceyed into the Wilder nra where he slept in the trenches in mad and water at night and fought for what was considered right in the day. Perhaps no man wore the Confed erate Gray with more honor than did Joseph Corey for four years, ami few nen cherished its cause and the reco lectioas thereof more warmly than be He had so well preserved his uni form of «>• year* ago that it was used as his burial suit kr-p-ark wa.- also placed in his coffin A large crowd assembled at th* home Sunday afternoon where funeral services were conducted by W. I! Harrington, t C. Stone anil A. J. Manning. After the services the hod . was taken to the burying of his father at th? Claudius Roberson farm and buried Mr. Corey was the last of a large family of children. His wife only reach ed the grave a few months ago. He leaves six children. L K Corey and Alex Corey of Jamesville ami D. * Corey «f Boston. Mass.; Mrs. * K IT' ilxrk Waimmston: Mrs. C. R l*ii ik'assn of Baltimore and Mrs. C. H. Moore cf Graham. Virginia. MR. AND MRS M. J. DAIYS ENTERTAIN SENIoB OA&f Mr. a%d Mrs. M. J. Davis gat - th« Senior Class of the High School a uncial eyetittg Friday, May It Pink rvies in silver vases and bas kets artistically carried out the class color ttheme in the receiving room - A lively game. "Searching for My ÜBrje" started tho program of ac tivities. Mass Carrie Lee I'eele re presenting Big - Bluff College wo : tnt place and for her athletic feat was awarded a smaU W. H. S. per aaat ~Kntranee to Big Bluff College" —iked the door of the parlor. To enter Big Muff College the candidate were to pass three entrance eianin? - lions. Miss Myrtle Wynne and Mr Bryant arstarphen winning highest hi an. rr oa history and public speakin ; receivv-l a class of "24 leatherette ba skirt contain ing class poems writ ten by the hostess The rending of these offorded wholesome amusement The stndents then exchanged partner - far the geography test. Miss M>-rtl Wynne scored highest in this also. TV- Has* asimsl was presented to her. After the entrance tests the candi dates were received in the dining roam by Miss HartsMd. Here they four*l their places, which were designated by tiny diplomas tied m old rose and sil ver ribbon, and enrh bearing the Mne of a senior. These diplomas ear taon of faalificatins for entrance to Big Bluff as expected. Fat's decrees mere then rend After which refresh white ice cream and cakelets mstrli- Al this i lining added sentiment, sis dad the paach served at the beginning ai the i is jag When the gnests returned to the pnrtor they foumi magazines, acissors. ptmrli. ifthia and all the necessary teals for asalring picture Journals of each other. This task furnished u how ef well-earned fun. Jast before ■tn| "good night" enrh wninr drew stwtislira far his or her diary now the daas. She was ant forgotten at any time. Puttie's fortune, journal and hag etnas mates. Nevertheless her i> II rr was Ml Professor Wolff of tte High School was amde aa b.nor ary mi mill of the class far the even The Sensor Class knots eight un ton shanU he peaaad of her hays and N'nlh Carathm as freshmen next year. , They are Misses Vefana Harrison, Mnttie Perry, Carrie Lee M, Pat tie Harris, Myrtle Wynne, Messrs. WB Kam Hodges, Bryant and far Pwiwliii WWR UKT >3l attend THE ENTERPRISE BLAKEST, DIRTIEST AND MOST BRUTAL CRIME IN HISTORY OF WILLIAMSON COMxMITiEI) SATURDAY Smallwood Threatened Woman Life and by Carefully Laid Plans Is Enabled To Escape Hands of Law The blackest, dirtiest end mist brv ta! crime in the history of U il liamston was committed last Satur day night w'nen Lock Smallwood of Bertie county assaulted Mrs Alena Kelley. wife of Carl Kelly, at her home in the apartment over the F. h Hodges store. Mrs. Kelly who work- in the Citv Fruit Store an Main street went to her home about 11 odork where slw? lav-down on the bed to rest and rea>: She did not undress bat palled a blanket over herself. In about a hall hour her husband anil Look Small wood who she hail known for some time ard who ha-1 been a clo-e frienu of her hiL-banii for several years, came in. Sma!lwooii was to spend the night, usinsr the apartjnent usually ocrupie>l by Mr. Harrison a Plymouth contrac tor when in town and who is Mr. Kelly's employer. Smallwood brought two fnei>l- to Wiiliamston from Bertie county anil asked Kelly if he woukl not take his car ami carry them home which Kelly did Mrs. Kelly still rrciinin? and reading just as when her husbam' left. After Kelly hail departed. Small wood went to her bed and sat down on the side of the bed. He was told by Mrs. Kelly to get away which he re fused to do. After his refusing to get away, Mrs. Kelly attempted to get up when Smallwood caught her ami forced her back on the bed. chok ing her anil bruising her throat, her arm ami scratching her breast She screamed so that it was heard by a number of people, but she was -o bad I) choked that she could not continue to scream ami the hearers of the flrst scream thought little or nothin? more about it until later. After accomplishing his purpose, be then told her that if she toM it It*, would kill her. For some time she was j heard begging and crying Tim* hear- j ing it however, thinking it was a db- j turhance between she and her husband.! were slow to interfere. Sonart-me there j after Sheriff Roberson and Chief of Police J. O. Manning who had been away from town came and listening in bear! Smallwood ray "If you tell it. dxmn you, I will kill you" Then it was that the Chief went to the door and ilemamled entrance, gting in he expected to find Mr and Mrs Kelly, but saw he was mistaken when be j found the man to be l»ck Small** oil. ] Chief Manning found Mrs Killyl badly frightened _n.l deathly pa> Smallwood took the Boor and told fie police the trouble wa, that her husband hal gone off with his (Sniall scod'n car and she Wft. uneasy and nervous about it. WhJe Mrs. Kelly wzs in her frightened condition she did not tell it. renumbering the threat mule by Smallwood Smallwood*> statement threw the officers off his ,r a«"k ami they bad no clue to hoM him When Mr. Kelly came hb wife told him jast what had happened, but be fore Smallwood could he attested, he had skipped Much sympathy is felt for Mrs. KtSy Mr. and Mrs. Kelly aao>ved to Will «■. ston early in the year ard >ince their arrival, Mr. Kelly hi worked with the WOlianuton Tinning and Plumbing company and Mrs. Kelly has been em ployed at the City Fruit and Vegetable Mtart. Mrs. Kelly is only fifteen jean eld, she being warned soon after she reached the age of fourteen. To nuke the crime more .brutal. Mrs. Kelly is in a delecate state by several Months. Smallwood is thought to have left for some northern 'point. Careful watch is being made by the official and it is hoped that they wil brin? him to quick justice. LOCAL TALENT TO STAGE PLAT AT OTL HALL lOMCHT "The Minister's Wife's New Bonnet" a comedy, wil be staged by local talent in the City Hall tonight at ts o'clock. Clean, whole mi entertainment along with barrels mf fw for those who attend. The prweveda vil go to the prsnatiaa of the Baptist Aid So ody and is being staged by Circles 4 and « of that Society. STAB ATTRACTION AT S TRAND TOMORROW NIGHT "linesues of WaanT aa anasaal attractica has been, soured fay the w9 fae mat id lonasnsu i lining at IM o'clock. Litsd Barrynaore is In the cast and bis poisiri ipruki far the nsL Willianiston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, May 20,1924. COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES OF LOCAL SCHOOL; j Comnrnxmient Fxerrises of the J Cintldi anal High School I '«ill l«*in Friday night. Slat 2L A, . Terr interesting program ha> hm I plaruJ athl it will be' of interest to] everyone. i On Friday night >t S P. M ibrt •grammar mraiie.- will present a piai.. I'lnci* Si ainl thp Sun l!«n> Oak", arnl »i opi-retta The Flower \.Bp- Sur|*ris-,' l're>enta:i.«n of (vrtiftratf to the grammar rra.le >tnWM> wil! ! iiso tak» place at that time I Mr?. Warren H. Biggs will give her rousieal recital Saturiiav Fmn all report many g.*oii -elect ior- wiß be nemii'mi as Mrs. Kiggs has been careful in selecting her number- Su:.d*y morning at the i church at 11 Oil o'clock. Pr«>!ess«»r H | K Spence, hea 1 of the Theolocwal ; at Trinity I'ollege will lie- . I liver the hanalumte -ermon to the j i senior class of the high school Ihi l Spenee conies to us highly mwnmeiki led and is a very KOO>! speaker [ On Monday nirl.l. Mr Shirley, local | pastor of the Kaptist church will >ie .liver an a Aire.- at the High Sdunl ! auditorium. I IHt. SAM SMALL AT BAPTIST ( HI K* H I'r Sam Small of Ihe Aiurnmi I Anti Saloon league a>Urr.v4>i a L»e jau>iir!ce at the liupti-t charrb here last Sunday evening at * o'clock. l»r. Small cilkl the must important days ui history, capping the>:» oIT mUK the one when Nation-wide fr»t..aiU-r was nude possible. Out >ide his witty remark- be men tioned the one great I'urpo e. ~l'rwfci bit ton, not for the obi anil gray haired like he wa-, but l*rohibition for IW >ake of hi- children and oar (Kiklre- - the future citizen# of Anenra* He menlioneil the fact that the trend of several congrei-men's artmit- wa t-> j seek light wines ami leterayr-. and to| this he matte a very striking appeal! to the member* -f all the r'uir e- '"* l help eomltat any such thine j Or. Small has been in tie ertiiej. about forty years ami Un.-'. Us* • speech wa.-> a bit beloo the averse i o«.e. he touched the key note to n; fut«ii ami the next rew.liw. t future when he said. "I'roK Hil - 1, not for the oM but for Americas, future children" He «Ut wonbi and could happen to America b> re femnjr bark to times and conddaon> before the \\ wrU War. u-ing the down fall of the Orman Umpire to iilw> trate his point. In his |> ech be stated that the Almightx had not -eterted Americajust for u- to live »i die in but for a roach greater rase, and to establish that rau-e a ilnnkef. na tion was not nreiM therefore Nataoa wnle Prohibition for America now aa«f forever. MISTAKE LEADS MAN THROI CM WIM (IVi INSTEAD OF ALLEI Sat unlay night, a colored aaa who had parked hb Ford on the -treet in Iront of Anderson CravfuniV stare, made a serious mistake when he push ed the clutch rather tkaa the nwne gear while his engine wa» insiiiat at a fast speed. The man had finished liippiaj am* was attempting to "hack out" bat in stead of doing «o he went forward sending his car over the sadewaM aakd into the store window So far as the store was concerned, it —it hi taa.il the shock but a seventy-five dollar plate glass window wa» broken nii the strain. As an explanation, tho calor ed man said he was »impl> »ia| ■ instructing his feet and the Ford. a> a result, went the wrong dimtiw. HAKKKN TO SPEAK IX JAMESVILLE FBI DAY MOT Hon. Lindsay Wiir.n, urdilali far coagrex-s from the frt niaaJ district will speak in the school awdtt torium in Jantesvdle Friday aight, I May 23. 1924. On the following night ' Mr. V.arren will speak at the Ciitj ! He-use in Crtfins townshfp. i Everyone is cordially invited, and a' I -wcial iaaitalisa is itlmli I to the On Friday night May 3*. Mr. War-, at Bear Grass Satardsy Ught. May Bl- ! ______ 1 Mr. MJ. Davis left this ~i , ' Irrt He «■ ittona t CHIEF JUSTICE CLARK DIES IN RALEIGH Went to the Supreme Court Bench In 1889 ! Chief Ju-tice Walter ilarh ».f the I North Carol ma Supreme Court. die>l jat his hone m Ralegh yesterday of liapoptevv The Chief Jnstxe wa- stricken ill at his nrsalence at r«»r S— Uy ami ■ wa- uncow-cMW- all nnrfct. | Jw-tice Clark comptaine«i ,»f brirr lacwei* Sor»say BKTT.IL- !«S dress*.! I | for church a* *swal Ahoct ten o'chvk •b* l*y down ami his phy-man Or Haert Haywood wa- urr.nv>ne.i H ■ I wa- pat to bed ami oroere.i to be ke|.; •inset. Two honr- later he MI.M; laj»-evl irto aatie.Vkti-re- Throochoat the pnoent term of th- SwpreWM- Court the If-tel Jw-tue ha workem very harvL It has hen a trow i ed term ami He entire member .' J ( . la- been taxed a> N has not been in >ear- He carried his fall -hare of bonier, ami those cl«--e-t to him ohserv that tie -tea 1 " was brtii-ninj to aenth cpon him tnonrh tje hue-elf •aflftl to note it wasU t>4 de-i-t from the wtm» rt ewraor The tluef JaMare »«I!J tuive heeti years old ant Ami : He ha on the beach for .t* tear-. Iw c irr I*.? bis -ervnv as a uper ««r mart J « I* IM be inl to the Suprme Coart ami n l«o«S was made ch.ef jn-t*re. la mUn*.« to hi- judi cial labors he foumt l.ne 1., .jo a treat oral of writiac and amor hi* works »- the three «d«rv traru-lation of the t".«-Ual otary . Ja-twe I lark was a laesteaaat Colawel m the Confeder armies at the a#e of 17. the yemf ever t« hrar that rar k Windsor School (loses Successful Session The ria .aatinr fome, of the Wi:»l-or Hirh were Ml Ma> «ah ami 14th an! bmarlri to a fit luk* rle-e a very >«m--ful vtar of one of the most r -cho •* systems in the stale The Harcalaare-ate -enmc was le ItTered by the Rev Ih W l» M«- j fc ' 1 1-aor I Hill The ""l*ar-«-o~ ;«rea -t» ■ erf Me of the mo-t powerful -erm«-» - [ever leard m Iki- vmnity. 11l- ta«k was rode Sent with ph3«o«>t. iral a.'- jvice and r«4 oalv the Ktaluir. I*;t I also every mrmber «f t»-e entire .m Jwe was deefly moved hy hi* pro found words I J">l«r*- Fraects l» Winston fare the i5«-ry aUre-- The t>pic was "tt'.««l row W i-.o" ami never in tie- !■• ! «.!> of the town-falk did the "to»vert.««r" iac*|m« Lan-eif better The inspiring [topar irrml to lead iLxelf with all |iU B-spratoa to the -peaker. makmr him even awe ehopier.t than is hi w*a« The citnenry of Hertie were hoi m thru praises a. claiming it af a ma-terpwve worthy to be place.l j with the a ilna best orations- The di|*oi- were piesen!e«l in a u e.ae way. the umthers of tie irraal ' aate- haviar the fcmtr of rninr the -hcepikiu Those rraduatu.r were Mwe» Mary KlWnlfe Rnea. Kurenia Sesious, Esther Wake Oatlinr. Mai > Khode> CifilaM. Essie Mirell Flora M.'cheM and Hrrahelh H.a,i Anaif the nnirkiMe achieve wnt* of the year a few tand out pranineutly A rU» in l*wU>r Health was >arrewfaHv condurte>i hy tlie leahh ilrpi. Or J E Snuth A class a CMursdip was c»Aducted b) Mr T C. Taykr. Superintendent oi the Windsor PuM* School* This Hassj UN a Uo* felt want in lie rurri j rulam Some of the activities of the Ham were as fallows: A town clean ap was r«ndft» i with ahvioady bene Anal results A rialiu concert was spin ii mi and Miss llmdie ICose Knox. North •'anlimV most notesl Tnlmi t wa- -ecared as soloti-t The (faw aleo had A W. Mclean. J. W bailey acd I M Mee-kms to deliver »MMI I« Thus the school has be come a real caasmuait) center, the ill ill toward which all educator* strive The r M plr have been rrv-en a', eppartuait) to hrar the best speakers ■uiiim ami. thru the medium of ■lain i by 4MtsL and lecturers by authorities, have imui anpiaiate>l with the Shake-periaa Tra«edies. Sa trreat ha* been the interest it this dasi in Cliiwhip that Baquirie have been itaiwd frum all parts of ■ii Hit II Much af the rmeresa of Ut >rbo«l mmt iU activities has baen d>» to the mud af the Superintendei r Mr-T. C Tayfar a ft i af t-V Uumiai af North Carolina. After |a I »i»al record aft the I'aivervity. head af„Jhr local arhi I ajiti HI ard WILL WATERS FIRES LOAD OF BUCK SHOT INTO HENRY BOW EN'S BODY AS RESULT OF FRIENDLY QUARREL Bowen Now In Washington Hospital Is Holding His Own, No Better, No Worse, According * To Message At Three O'clock Today 1 ! 1 COUNTY BAR PASS RESOLUTION OF RESPECT The Superior of Martir County in at U dliamstmi. C. C. i yen, : >t ng. uj*v hrsri the sail new- of the >;eath of thr MJIK! lliirf J tsl K*** .f the VjrL J Carolina Suunfme C.-ui aajtmi f . ur.til Sen n'tiivk T»rsU\ no; The liar h\ u:an.iik'X~ vote in wr - .)- tiiM of the distiiuruishrrf serv tee- it? the great Jurist to the State and ■Nation. tir itx luion-:- WHEKKAS. lioath ha.- claimed It*- imiiHTt.il reman.- of \\ alter t 'ark thief Justice of the \-«rth | Sunrpmc Court. who ha- servM hi -late a- a i lii« . . •iealteatirc 1 1> life J ai«l laU>r- to it - ;i'oral anal spintus'! ieve!o|>m> nt. a. a brave ai*>i curat ' e«u- -otiiirr. :>• it.- S;nse of nee>i ar»: a.- | a meat Juri -t whu-e ia-triful im>- i"ii- »ill ever -tart- 1 a- a bulwark j protection to the riclit- and liUrtiel of a IIOMV p»«.|»ie. WHKIiI'AS. ti»e valuable erv s.-v- cf i Chief Iti'iliiv *"ark wil! k- errat!) j mi >*->! hy all th.- {ic-ple of the State Now. ri!KI!KI"*>UK it irxiliM l-» tl.ej Martin County Itar that expre-- our .leepe-t regret-- in the love >.f one j of North Carolina'* mo-t dtstintu!-h« ' fitiren-. and e* tend to hi- family, hi-I frirmts and his State our heartfelt »mpath;\ Sijmeil: Members of the Martin County liar a- follow- II- M. Stubb-.A. It IhinmiiK- I uke I aitih. Clayton M»-.re. It \ Critcher.. II M Stuhb-. l-"ll»-rt S IVel. \V heeler Martin, llutrh llortun. I! iHike Critc'ier. ItoU rt I. C«d»urn. J C Smith. J. S. I'eel Infant Child Dies The infant daurtiter cf Mr. and Mrv. W'abldetoii died Sa'.urdav morn inr at the honK of it- parent.- on Cl sirrh treet The death of the lul>> if ««r«e of tlie >»l>lest that ever « nrml in U llaiik 'nn ..rxl the far- I enls have the -ympathy of tlie entire | .-ommunity in their dee;. rrief at tlie li> of their chil.! and f«-r the irav th:.t it died. Saturday no>rnii.r. Mr-, Wahbleto;, l)i»U|!ht tkil the inky was -leepii.s* later titan u . •*1 U ft it in 2 room while 'h- did her ku«»eli l>l work, and w hen went to sre what *!• the Umilm' rh-* f..uinl tli.-t it wa- le id The moth — r tha'Urht that it "must have p. t un •ierneath tlie- rovers krini; tlx- nirht •id on »rr .uit of Iter ilnfre.« -lie s unable to hear it try, and wa •tranrled to -leath I Ihe funeral -ervwere (••iniuct oi from tlie itikkixtr - undai a.'lej; man v.itli Rev. It I- Shirley «.f tlw '»!• no.rij Itapti.- 1 Church ml.ci£liiiir a.:.1 hi- choir |T m> int-rment t»ok place in tlx- ruUli li » at the home of it» jrrat^lparrnls i :-I NI-s OK UM AI. s« IIIMII. TAXED Willi EXAMINATIONS The j>up.l - of lis* IwJ school ar Eu:»K through with their regular tin.l elimination- this week Some of the pupil.- are fortunate em-u,-t. to e> cape the ayoh, l«> lavm; k.-|.! the.r yearly avera r*~ aU-ve VWe wish "em all >wm» re»rar.ile-» whether they take the eianb or not. The rumencc-merit rierriao will he Iteld in the school auditorium wit Kr»da) micht. The tear her* have been drdhi.tr their pupils for the pa-t sev eral month* for the occasion ami a very entertaining program i.- a-.-ureil I'icnic at Rea 4 s Beach On Sat unlay at n«ne o'clock U>e sixth and seventh grade- of tt* local tchool with their teacher. (.lad> Benjamin lixl a few other frier d- left in cars far Kea\- beach whe.e they spe. t the day picr.icinr l*.--p.te the cdlntM of the weather they a!l en joyed the water ami -pent BMU-1 of the day swuaminr A delißhtful lunch wa.- carried which wae enjoyed at mid day. Other chaperone- who acroaipanied the children were. Mr*. Carrie bi(p William.-. Mrv L Whitley. Miss Frances Thomas. Mrv C B Has-ell. Mayor John I- Haskell and Mr. G. W IbnlMa. ' lawjlie Ha—ell. MHha Wynne ■ad Harry A. Birrs ndand to Greenvde Scrslay Saturday nmht about ten thirty ' cluck, \\ ill \\ aters ini rtr) i wouß«lfii Henry ftVi en u* ( tiie store of Krahin SprlUr wir the' iuoiiukc iivt-r whan. Anvnucg ;o a statement mailr by Waters t» the t Xar.olk |k'lky 1(h I 'culmination of a trip or. Sacupiai »f-i tor noon when Will Waters. I>n:k lUr. ! ais.l Henry it,>«vn a trip t». sv! whi»kej and upor. irturiii e uecanu- engaue-i in a frmi.ll> jrku men: on ;he w iiarf ; n.t during the ( cmr-v 11 tt hirh ln>ttya tvrame j:far a.ed and -la|»|* ■ i \\ ater - Tht- nui>i idi :ied Water- an.i h«- wertt t-» hi*; ht me arsl (,-ot h.> an.i tif. u,i town lo Ret -he.ls an.i then rrent Uki i~.:o«n the hill" ami found l« kr n u. uhin . : ;>-ltar~s >;..r# art«i -hot him. i he a tint her i>Uik h>! troinr -n ■ ! Bowvn's luii cau-mc hini to hate j several hemorrhage.- .from uha- ~ *-• i !»• J Mi :nucii liliHki that he v..1 rs..: Ic*;«wtoi t 1 lite f.«r several h--irv J Bower was able U» walk nw»t uf the j )*-»> to lEiCits l*rusc -tore »here iv | was o 1 ven fir-'t aid by l»r II I; T«rk|' and was then ru-he.l to the Ha--hir.|r-1 hospital where he wa> reported al ! ! *' o'clock today a- ifttmr aU.nc J i - well a- coul.l he expected. but a- J |b.-inc in a very critical -tate | Water- spent the nicht tn or near _ W ilia Ills ton. having cV3.tol the • I sheriff an.i t'ie deputies that nu'ht a ' !he was seen early ne\t mornm* at j Spellar's store again I Kit he left short r It after seven o'cU k Sunday nit ritir./ | | for Norfolk b> car *ith Willie Am j' -troin,. a colore.! hoy who u-.rk-d for*' ■ him. driving. When Water- wa arrested in \..r j jfolk | loti distance IrU-^oie E -a«re- ha villi; been >erit there, he *a] arrt'-ttil soon after his arr.val m, t.rafiby street 1 he exonerated the l*K'o boy and told hin» to raicy hi car tiack home and put it m»>T hed and he ii.Mht, " I dtlil think I'll have any more u-e fur it mma", AcruiiiinK to \orfolk pup* 1.. Will! is in a |i:t if ill condition ar..| they say - that he broke down when he «a. jail j ed and fell to the fl-.r f ryl''•"l. -JJ bow l*»i I ever do a thinir hke tbatV| •ml be lias w-artte.l to keep in touch f with William-ton to hf [. t out how# l'-oweii is l ettin;- aloft* an>l they -ay j he i, much srieinl over lite crit».-a. | coiHlition of hi.- fr:eml Shenn Kober-on left thi> n« ;r>!ic | f«r Noifolk v.liere he will get Water j and bring bun home f.»r tn si. at j r'viiic here tomorrow tmut It* fam ilies of both Waters and |{o«efi hate the j o.pat hy of the-r frien-i s«t tie conii-tunrt). e-|>eciall> i'«e age I fajhej ■f Water.- win, has been in ill healtl : 1 waiiy wuntk-. -■ SlimUOK COURT IN SESSION; * .-.fot-al term of tl»e Superior t'ourt of M.irtm Count) 1- beuifr hrkl lx ,'ii.:uii-' v.--teniay w.th J»lye t" t" l.yo i ainl will contmi'je the ren.aoniei of tiie »eek \otl.in±; U. ci\:l ca-r-- are to lie trni. ni.-t oil tb *-•:! l«eui|f of tt.e !.»« tire ..«t' kite.: j thai do I. .1 appeal to the court fc*u~r• , loungers ai.d litakmit; it a little Kar l to find em uuh bt-la»oler- to auk - u-. a jury. ' Im- i xtermely bu-y sea-0~. t>» • k -ep& f:nmen in the 6eM aiel mi 1 1 from the court Itouse ISi shop Darst Here Yesterday hishop Thomas C*. 1 *U t ma-ie all visit to the Church of tW Aaver.t : 1 yrstenlay mormni; for the purple of ,1 baptizing Itavid I'uflw, the littie •« . of Mr. arid Mrs. 11. C. Karwes of • Murfree-boro, who were the r«r>l> of I Mrs. Irene Smith while in :on The 1 baptisinal service n> held at 10:3 - ami at II o'clock, the Kite of I'm 1 Urination was adminuster*»l to two/ carxlidates. The Bishop matle a short * :diirt»t to those conhnneit, and after tlie dose of the cerrire. he n*rt the j \ e-try ami discussed with them the - calling of a permanent rector to the. parish. After the noon hour, theji Bishop iwctored to Waduuctoa tail hoard the 3:2U train there. At the Sunday mori.l". service at 1 tlie Church of the Advewt. Maif> I I .ray. the infant ut Mr. and Mrs. W. 1 E. Dunn, wa* knptixed by tie rector. Rev. J. E Warner. The tigkt anvire was the last to lie held by the Mctor, I who will leave in ahout a uuk for I his home in Nova Scatw. I ■ Mr. J« White mt sftal Monday night in the city. WATCH THE LABEL OX YOU 2 I'APHL RR ..TKKILS THE DATE \Ol B SIRS»|UKiION EXPIRES liSTAiiUbHEI) 1898 I A. M. DUMAY ELECT | EI) DIRECrOR OF TOBACCO ASSN. Kvery County in District Had Full Delegation Present \ V Itemsy of W a-t.ir.cton. N. C.. •»r»e of t:e -J a.e' - lead.flf bankers was .■!«t»i Utwtor o? t e Tvhnero t.row t irr- ' «-»»peralive Asso.nation. al a rreel ,'- -Z of t' e of |tV Association for the Ist I>i-tnrt ;of Notts CarH rsia Mil fiere Satnniay. ,V*y iTlfc as o'clnck. ih-'.nrt i- of fol *" c c"Ui :jes. Heaufort w,t}> four !•' lecate-; IVrTie. Hertford with ;v» 'def_je-. K-lsrecombe with nine .iele ste- ar-l VI -e,.' vl 1 five I very cear!; ha i ".i 'u'l >ieles»tH»n 'i a- iVid*-: I* O Moore. Crocwrriiiy. I* K W -* '.j "1.-r. t*h?r!p.- Sr-iall- W II T>re !bth. ' !* I r-retop-. S. II ler!- jii-ss. p-cHvp.. II I" TJr >wn. ('■ "t«e. .* I I—el*--. T rlifcro, W !! -rne. I f-rlwr.i J 1 lKii»rv R.fkv V =nt. '!-* K.ickt M-m- t. H Cor- I laVV'-rn John K lav r---*ce. !. "-4e*a r>e. \' jie le. r>. Col»-! a ; ne. . \.«ur' T I\ e t I'oher-onviPe. A. I Rehurl Roberi.Vnville. C. A. Kub !*fs*w. R-ihrrMHivirw. J Arthur Wynn. , William-tor Cha M I "eel. Williams !t.^s n>* mserine *a- on,ania*d by elec- I :-nr M; John I; of t!er c*-4ifii\ chairivufi *n»i t' A. timber «e. of Mart-n -errri in TV chairman na-'r- • a -' ..rt 'alk l-htlinitir the |«ir. j>e of the meeting tie importance of eU-c' ;»•; ; «»o«l ,naen .director II Mr l» lawrrnce of I'.ieecomhe ■■ar.ii then place-i Mr A V !ii.-niy lof l'.«u'..i! county in 'H.m*-ation \f- Ker many -|Jer-.1.-l trilnite were nai.i Mr IHinia> a- a lea-ne-- ma:i. S«ark !er. farmer.'the' Vote wa.- call*-' and 'Mi Dnntay ra- unanimm. lv '«-nL A resolution wa- i«a t l>. a vi-ani vote evpre--inr the 'hank- 2nd sppiwiaticn of the Assoriatiun to Mr J V. CpSab. the retiriiti; .'ireetor. for ". he -|4e- -.1 J ' .# rv:re he~lris L i*M#ml pie Association iluriric t' e last •AO ! tear- ami the chair wa- .lirecte.l to s slat a committee t ( . drrtft .uch ."-■lntMi W C Man»i;nif. C A. 'l* ar>«l J.'IT I were ap j *i-mt*»l a> -uch committee 1 Here was a fine spirit .«-rta;din|t (Use meeting aixt much enthu-iasm i] anwnr tie «lelegates ami vLsi , " ther> beinr a much larver r.um ["•er of v'--rt«ii- than *eley;:te (.r>-.-nt 'ho came fr.-.n every- cutint) in the j.i -tret Mr Ihwtii the newly elected .iirer ■or has leri one of the A -ia * hui I*s t -upj-irter - ah>! -te'r -ler «r year- ard lu- contac; with larre - nuke hirr. e-pec la it (ifltsl for -he b#e p.i* to which le ha- betn j«!-cte«i. 'MRS. IU CK Eli MONDSOX DEAD At her buair o:. :l»e \. |; Tay'or arm war llaiinllon. Mi .. Ku.'k Ed r-uwl-ou |u- ol away >"r»l:i) after »«ai al tour o'clock after an attack "• -cut.- |»lle£ia which had ua!y ;ast • s| f„t al«at t* . week- TW «*vea-«d was a us., lit. r 1; Mr. a ivi Mi s John Bowen a:» nurrwi Mr. I- I. li-MKni-ou eaii> 11 her life. She e- a member of '.lie l .Ti.trve Baptist Ctmrcii at Sprii., Green and during lier entire life sse Was a le -.ote.; follower of tlie c.eed sV pru fc -e-l Her .leatla i> ually - s.l m i»e ua> the mother of children afl of »h«.m survive he: ami nw-st of the chiklmi are very t.ua* i'er life S was 1 .ten to her ehikirea ami the fnl fiu.rie of the homely dutie» sal site will be creatlt nil- -e-l as a kiing nailer ami faithful wif- The funeral took plree at tl.» Jack iLrKcrit place yesterday aften.w at Itwo tnirty o'clock with Chirr l-on S. t'»»me of Bear Crass oS.-Latiiur. 1 here wa- a larve crowd of NOfms ; B-; fnemts ami ac.|uaintar.t - in altew- IM NB\K*S -CANDY (iiKLS* _\T STKANU THREE DAYS ' THIS WEEK I 4Gaidar's candy giib will iie lie at traction at the Strand .he Int . ler part of this week. Trie rt day. Er»- j i*J and Saturday t. f Stx Hm is fans will have a chance tn vary their theatre menu. The c«Hpcrv is wn paced of ten pf plr and has shown in aaany places this warn. ! Mr. and Mis. Jaw G. Ot t.-J two JcUdreu and Mm Hihb uf ■ Ibttw sprat Swhy in tsti «ik M Hwlwrt M si tibflv