ADVERTISERS WILL FIND OUR COLUDJS A LATCHKEY TO 15M BONES OF MARTIN COUNTY VOLUME XXV—NUMBER 33 COMMISSIONERS OF COUNTY MEET IN REGULAR SESSION Adjustment of Taxes Main Issue Before The Board The MrtMy Tftinr the Board 0 f County CamMiisiinrr far Martin county was held last Monday at the MdthoKC with the following mem hen present. J. G. BarnhuL W. B. Harrington. T. B. Slade. Jr.. and H. C. Green. Chairman. The following In il l ' was dispensed with. The first thin* to cow before the Board was the layiag out a public road in W 31nm> township It was or dered that this be doeie. (Vw Skuie was allowed two dollar* per month on the mimml of the coun ty poor. Fayette Roebuck ww released from the piysacat of poll tax in Poplar Point township for the year 1923. It was orviere.' that R G- Sexton he paid $lO. an w#n furnished for the poer. It was otde»e»i that W. C- Manning be released from payment of taxes on SUW> on town Ms improperly listed in Williamson township for the year 193 X Whitmd Slade's property was or dered not to be sold for taxes a« they had been paid. W. E. Baker was redrwwd fiva the payment of taxes in Point township in 1923. the taxes having been pahl in another township J. is. Peel was released from the payment of poll taxes in Williamston township, same having been listed Eoex SpraOl was released from the paysßeat of poi: tax in Phplar Point I township. Ue being a non resident of that township. It Was also ordered that C L Cannon of RoberaonTiHe township be retesseu from the payment of poll tax on account of physical disability. Ben Best was ithased from the payment of poll tax in year 193*. J. R Whitfield was appointed con stable of Game Vest township to fill the unexpired term rf J.L Davenport whi resigned. The WiOiamston Realty and Invest ment company was released from the pay meat of MM in taxes improperly listed in Will ■mot on li—liip SEVEN CASES DIS- I*OSED OF IN THE RECORDERS COURT The regular .ecrisa of the Record er** court was held Tuesday with Judge J. C. Smith presiding and E- S. M as solicitor- State n Joe Whalaker and Wiley Woolaid. manufacturing liquor. The Mfldaats were dischsrga4 State rs T. E. Goodrich. Defendant discharged. State tj F M. Johusou. failing to dip cattle. This case was continued to June 24th. State n Horace Slade and Henry Slide.. dii»ing MtamUe without pssdrd upon paymeat d the cost sf the actioa. State ri Settler Buaemmu. carrying a nytilel wpu Baiemore plead ed not guflty to the charge, but plaad ed guilt) d poocaamg a pistol with out a permit. Judgment was suspend ed upon payment of the casta. State n Ctd Hooker. Hooker was charged with carrynNT a concealed acepm. His eaae was aal prosed. State n Dm Ishnasa. failure to dip cattle waa the charge, but Mr. aud'~ChpM. * ***" TO THE DEMOCRATIC VITERS OF TME FIRST CONGRES SIONAL DISTRICT I am writmg this letter without the knourtedge or pwifml of my fifcsd. I ■ If y C Warren. him durmg twu arssiiu. a t the Gon etal Assembly of Earth Carolina. In al his acta aa a ligaislm. he was stiuug. able, rleaa and dear cat. mt the First i .1 District. P. C HARDING. Gnrnfflr. K. C Jane 4. MR adv) SILVER TEA Tae PWathea dam mt the Baptist mt Mrs. R A. CHtcher oa Watts i? ' 11 r* rmIW -V '■ _ ' . I. THE ENTERPRISE !MR W. T. WARD REPLIES TO MR. WARREN; CONTROVERSY FORCED UPON HIM BY WARREN S FRIENDS Mr. Aydlett Possessed No Knowledge of Letter And Had Nothing Whatsoever to Do With It WiUiamstoik N. C. Jane X l«i l.indsay Warren, Esquire. Washington. N. C- Dear Sir:- I have noticed in the peess your letter denouncing me as a liar and your amazingly feeble defense of your activities before the Carolina Legislature. I. being Wag familiar with the habits of pdhirians. must confess that neither have affected my previously expressed options and I feel constrained to poiat oat that your so-called denial is nsthinj. noie thir an admission of being a paid repre sentative of nrh men and tarp>>ratioiu of the State which, x the cmwm)! speech, is lobbying. Your statement that Mr. Adyiett P»s*s>ed any knowledge or b>i any thine whatsoever to do with ay letter to the Elizabeth City IblepecJut was an error. Your attempted denial of for the Southern Power Co. is indeed laughable. Mr. Warren. do you think that the people of this district wiU believe that Mr. Duke and the South ern Power Company, who have in their employ the ablest lawyer, of tie United States, would come to Wash ington to retain you unless h were a question of buyhag political influence rather than leral ability? Your deeial is nothing more than an adieis4on in substance of being the paid repre sentative of a rick man's coropor at ion. which is the reason, as I stat-l ei in my letter to Mr. Saamder>. that! I support Mr. Ay>Bett rather than you. I'o you think that tie peopV be AVDLTRRRS REPLY TU WARREN To The Voters ol the First Congressional District The htatemeat of Mr. Wann thai the letter of W T. Vt ml, who i> a brother of our CMgreume, ILa. H. S. Ward, was inserted m the paper by me. is untrue. I knew nothing of the preparation mt mm jr such letter, or nothing of its pahl a aim a until my attention was called te it last Satur day evening at Gnamile. whea I «aw it in the Greenville Keflector I had never heard of anythmg beiag done towards the preparation of any paper by Mr. Ward, or aayose ei-e. The statement made by Mr. Warren that I was causing Mr. Ward's letter to be circulated throughout this district is absolutely falsa. 1 have never appeared before the committee ia the Legidatare regard ing any legislation or ia behalf of any client, or die at i. except seam local matters ia Chrritucfc aal soma ia Elisabeth City. The lbdepeadeat. week after mrek. since the beginning of the campaign., has been attacking me. aad my charac- j Itr ai a lawyer ami a* a aaaa. and the "friends of Mr. Warm.' wath his, connivance, if not c—mat aad ap proval, have beea peculating extra marked cepiss of thaae uan through out the dartrict. It seems that the laaeperdial, ia its eagerness to attack me, west out of its way to attack Mr. W .T. Ward, and Mr. Ward struck hack, aud Mr. Warren m now ramplimmg that 1 am the cam* of iL From what I heard of Mr. Ward, he is as hinsrakle a gentleman as Mr. Warns or mjrsdf. and when the Independent, in its MARTIN AGRICUL TURAL SOCIETY HAS MEETING The Martin Caw's A*r*Jtanl Ssciety lU k» nvriu xMiiir bkl inf last M«htor a pw: rrpff Kntatioa ym at Coat; Agnt, Hm lia oatlined urmal |>im rf «*k Ikat be t* m Wis ML ' The Society l» ■ulat for a heart) tounntiw rf al the Afimhirai interest* of the Hij as ad as aB Mr- Aaraa S. c —- pmid the Ea W* uM kha Mt hit aice priu Chlaa hats aarf he aat M mt ae ther -ere He has —e 14 ■—«fc «M that itiii Wbe caa heath this? Mrs. Charles L Uplilj a»4 little Me, fhailai Jr. rf SL Gain Swh CeraKaa aye ~ iritit Mr. »4 Mrs. T. B Bnaha a the Ti Heel apjr-- M*ta. I » Williamston, Maitin County, North Carolina, Friday, June 6, 1924. liere that you were paid a large amount by the banks to go to Kalctgh to correct a typographical error in a bill? This would have been done by the Department in charre of thi ' bill without any cost to the bank iof the State. It seem- to «*■ that yt-i ! prrsume too much u|x r the ign.»ra«sce lof the people in thi.-.kins that they I wt.iild briieve that a typographical eiror, which is mere!-, an error of the tfi printer, would require the specihJ services of a lawyer to correct it. A rain your explanation of your op position on the Stat* Hater Traa— portal ion Hill is weak, incim-i'tr-t land misleading. The News and Ob server of May £l. pntticc the report of the State Shin ii>l Water Transportation Comirt: -ion ami re viewing the history of t k e hul states that you. leading the .>iif» ;ition. had maie doubtful the possaee of the bell in any form. I am glad. ever, thourhi you have had to pursue an mcoc.-i.-te—ll course, that you now admit the Water Transportation Bill to be a splendid i thing for the development of Eastern North Carolina and not the (Ki>a bill you once representee! it to be 1 am forreil to remind ;•« that this controversy was forced upon ne by your friends through the Hiraheth City Independent and that my de fense can in no way he as an eleventh hour attack opuit yoa - nee my letter was written fully ten days before the primary, and if the eleventh hour approached before you could frame your feeble Oh.iil, sure ly the fault was not mtce. Yours truly, i l adv» W. T W ARD. Ileal to ir.jure me, *rot out of its way to attack Mr. Marti, he >aw prvptr to retaliate. Mi. Warren probably has heard It.a I **Oucken> o-ne huene *o ioast," aixi when his friend, the la dependent, goes too far ra the atta>k upon others, he ought cot to mmplin becau.-e they strike bock If I had oe j sired to make any statement agaisut > Mr. Warren's recor>i. I would have Mgnci my own name to it. I am bat i conducting Miy campaign in the dark. Mr. Ward is atde to take care oi his own matters. Mr. >ld sot no-1 fer with me, i.or daft he give me any j intimation, that he was goiag to re ply . or that he was going to is-ake aay mil whatsoever to the attack upa | him in the Independent. Mr. Harrras! rpecisl advocate. I say this, as I have sa»J before.' that I have made no attack upon Mr | Warren, hare counseKed my friemls not to; have not even exaaisH bis record, —and don't waat to krow it. because my purpese is to win this] nomination on my own merit.-, and without seeking to injure my oppoaeat Mr. Warren's attack aput me is un just and untrue. 1 am sorry Mr. Warrca feel, any one is •tahbtbg h:m ia the hack. U he is suffering in this way. I caa .- ympathtze with htm, as I have keen recei »i«g staus ia the hack at the hatwi» of his (nend> as«i supporters, with his knowledge »■»■* leesamg ap proval, since the h«|iaais& of this; campaign. . E. F. AYDLETT. (adv.) TENNIS TOURNAMENT The William-ton chiampaamhip serirs for tennis honors will be staged oa the court at the green mm the GodarU et-taie on Friday afteraooa at 4M i>.osa who are m the are Messrs. H. M. Stahbs and Peel versus Dr. P. R Coae ■J. G Go., rd Jr. Much iaiuut km bees. T. Hunter and Miss Delphsa Kehfes spring and a bag crowd is I to attend the series. IRSI SARAH NICHOLSON DIES AT HER HOME NEAR mar Mr*. £arah Narkafna. wife mt James R KicWsoe died at her home near here Tuesday i t at |J| o'clock. Mrs. Nicholior. was fr* yean dd -nd was born iu Beaufort i nssalj. The funeral mm held TT far lij st So dock by Elder Syfvey&er HaoHl The body was laid to rest ia the fam By cemetery Vote for McLean far fainsm air. The talk mt today is TEXACO, adv MR. ROEBUCK STATES HIS VIEW AS TO OUTCOME .Best For 3rd Aspirant for Congress to Sell Chance for Fish Purmeie. N. C. June ! ,»;t. The biiitor. TV Enterprise. - Witlianiston. N. C. Dear Sir:- IFlease permit me -pace ia your valued paper to to its mac;, readers my view as t. wha; the vut ev-3»e of the Primary. which is to lw jhebi on Jure the Ok, should ar-i «..! the. | Relative to our two j Candidates for Governor of North I Carolina. I wfli say that from the ■ the platform on which Mr. Ivailey is I running is so clear ar.d straight fioia |th~ shoulder ami s*> near what the I majority of the pe%>p!e in the state need and want to s*e ,ut into etfec; that I see no rrasor why he .-h««ulw r*»t r. rciw„i the sapjh*rt of a com fortaUe majority of the in the primary. As to Mr. McLesn i tSmk that the xvrjees which he is to brr during the time l* a Imcwnber of the War Fisance torpor ataon was such as to arrpfy ja>tif) ■ the of this state .3 letting hair. lie t for a few year-, at least ur.i.i I 'hey get ready !or deSj I■»«■ at which tim- hi> {-Clare on which he must be bctsiar bis hope for the nominal tor s ill U»k better I predict that Mr. I£aile> will wm the " miial on by a mail nujuni). -Vs time and spar*- will nut permit meatijung all of the hor.oraide state dfices, which is to be -uppl»M by the I many asparaats on Ju-.e the 7th I wJI confine the rema.fier of what I have to j-ay to the First saooal l»i>tnrt of North Carosraa. in whach tier* is to be a man m. "ainateu which is enjuivalei.t to eiertol to repcesent the first >U>trirt in the liowue «f Be|tresenU»tt%es at Wa.-Llng l "*s D. C. for thi> high dke we have three aspirants two of which ac«wr>t "t 10 the .eports are m far ia toe lea I of the ether one that it would be (pood bttsisesi of him to .-eil wut for a kiuii of hsh. though he ia> tae r*p4itatioa of being a very aace »«>•• As to tie Hon. Laadsay C. Warm, of Washtagtoa, *i. C. I will say thai the record he ha* ma-te a.- a State I Legislator does amply justify his. in a-king the people of this distrirt to him to the higher a&e whirh he -eeks Ie voting for a man to IUI toe high o{ Congre*ss»aa of the United States or any other dke the eler torate should be sure that he or she as casting their vote for a man that absolutely ptSMSM the following three special qualities. First of which as unimpeachable character, second, practical experience, thud, mijut tiouaUr ability, which is prieriiially derived from experience. I hare ever> rea.-on to k;.ow that Mr. Warren I possesie- the iualitir» meatiooel above, therefore I am supporting him the best I can As to Mr E F. Aydlett he is another one of those fellow* that lflbr=. to have his pacta re hrMda.b«! around in high place... which an ■) »*ti"»tus resesbble* that front pucrb Mnpupi that hrourht disaster on ♦sr Country four years agw. I prenict that he wfll feel very small after June the 7th. t'omang down U> toe County of Mar tin in which I live aad love so well will cay that polatic* have recently warmed up to (he extent that our representative the H«a day ton Moore aaxi our County Judge the Hon J. C | Sauth and our Eegister of Deeds and even to our sheriff all have oppotmb 1 which will have to be mkoacd with in the Primary of June the 7th- Relative to the aspirants for the. otter of representative I fed like it is a duty that we owe to ourselves and to Mr. Moore to seud him to the legislature again for the mn« that his former experience aad legal abil ity coupled with his high character and personality makes him the must appropriate man- for the jsh at this particular tisae Evea though Mr. Holladay is one mt the best ia the county which I think he is. Rela tive to the aspirant* to the Judgnhip of our court. I wdj say that I dsat think there is a man ia Martin county that is My better ipilifcil m every rerpect to fill the dfce mt recstdei'a court Judge than the Baa. J. C. Smith of Robenanigle. N C Aad oat of all due rerpect aad high re gard to that fiae yiaag lawyer aad ex-scrrice man. I think he wiU be best. Aid without any further argu ment iheiiff Kikt aid John Sam Get is ig 11 have their aommautam aad scued r Tsars very tidy. (adv) L a ROEBI CE Vote for McLean for Coium. air. l»R. jon\ i». HH.GS wfc» i> |»if>i>Hnv over Jif \-rth C&n»U&a liajlurs' As .uitioit in A-hevill X 1" Mu week. -Vsheville. June I—Tislay oi»;*»r --tu'iity at «r iix r for \or»f Carvdma is attract:hk m«-rv favor" abl*- attentH-i. thun at.y other Sla',l in the 1 nicn." John I*. Biggs of ttii liamsiu!.. told ifl (sinkers in session here today for the 28th anr- ial cor vention of the \ortn Candina Ita.ikn-' Association, at Kenilworth In 11^ I»r IJinr.s who is pre-i.le:.t of thf Assdciatjon. in •feliirerin™ tlse annua! adaire-ss declare-l that I'# S! ite has |nx |erel eicwl.nqly de.-p'te the fnriel 1 rate ." ai»i sii-l that some relief f«r this iua> 'n- eiiier!>s| in the rx.t far di-tant future. " Market lag His Problem. Apart from the -address of Lhc trie chuf feature «»f tl»»- opnting session cf the convention lidar was.the report of ti>e tural committee. "Tie chis-f aiiment of the farmers of North Carcluai at- tlse prerei.t tiaae is not pro.luct:.>n but mark-1 m«r." tie committee .i.vlartsi in ils rrport. Retowieinbtwß w*» made li.»t th» Stite A sociation anoint a committee to thoroueily examine exL-tine systems of .iVm.mli'. o m:rlwlini' witn a view to acting on ihi- piotdem as aa organiution. Hoost Kocky Mount Mia. la hopes of as>uni.g tne eteClioi of Frank F. Fagan, cf ltfk> Mount as third Vice President of U.e .-tate "'.itniuti' ri. a U.rgt frura that city is ht»e for ;•'.«• coi. vention. This is tlse only contested sdbre. all officers abo'.e it au(-rtiiatical 1 ly moving up eacti year. .|ue;.tl.. 111 th* election of olitcer. torn* n-.» moming, S. A. Huiiiun. of tine Central Kau.k of ah-, sil! pre.-i «k*l for the commtr > car. PresHlent lsigg>, 111 part mm: "In agriculture U.-1 we *er* .-urpsi->e-.i only by" the vast State of Texa.-, which ias at; of more thai five tin .- North • uuluaV. 1 he Agricultural Committee »;il tell you more about this subject. "Industrial!., ae -tai. t at the bea«J of cotton goods, aifi today tfserc are mure .-puxlles in actual operation in North Carulir.a in any other State 111 tl>e Itiwu. In the manufac ture of furniture and i.umer-.u.- other articles we rank hirb. while woo., pulp manufacture aixt paper is ju.-t, in its infancy in ti>e State. Faawid at Home "While we »ekoi*>e out.-»Se capital the fir .arte uig of this bu-iness has fceei. •Km? largely with local capital, j The hames.-ing of our water pow (er has been one of the mifrhty forces of our development, giving m not on ly the light of day bat the power to *oe our accomplishments, and a vi. ion of the marrel's yet to be. Educationally we have ana-ie greater strides than any other State in the onion in the past 20 year*. In 1900 the expenditure for education in North Carolina amount ed to le&s than a million dollars, in 1923 we spent more than 123, "In mad building we have in the past five years rapidly steppe! out of sand and mud on to smooth hard surfaced roads, and we do not hesitate to say our road building prorram has done more to—put us on the tnap— than any other one agency. "Financially our growth has been truly marvelous- The Federal Census department announces that at the ead mt 1922 the wedth of the State was pracitcally three tune- what it was ten years ago. No other State in the aanoa has been able, so far, to . reach this record of achievement.*" HAMILTON TO HAVE -NEW 11 Kill SCHOOL I;ITILDIN(; SOON To I>e Completed |{> November First of This Year A K.i.if.o: for the iniiluiiti; of a i*» hs;'h ftlKwl at Hamilton was let by the County Beard ..f Education Monday. June 2ad. Tlie routmet was It-! to F. 8. lain* of N"a.-K*ille, N. , the contract price bcir.K |2l^2lK. The heating contract f..r the irnill injr was given to Howard C. Dixon ©T R.icTiy Mount a! The tlwr limit for tiiC completion of the build L- November the first. The location of the pew 1-uil iim; will lie rhanKdl from tlie North etui of the town to the South end where a kw -iti" l»a> been procure-!. The of Hamilton have b«en working for some time to -ecure a rew building and tiw letting of the ret proves their earne-tre- s in j-u.-iiiry the matter through. The oltf !-ail'iit'c is eiitirely inadequate since tlie hounds of the district have been « ittndnl. It is l.oped by some that completion of tlie new building will he iiu.!e in liw for the opening of >chi«.| nevt fall though the contract doe> i«ot call for completion until Novem l«er the fir>t. TO Tin: VOTERS OF MARTIN COrNTY A- the pr.inar) i.- aimo.-t here, I appcai to tlie citucic of Marin, c. Jl.«> to ca.~t their ballot-, fir Mr Sylvester I'eel on June 7th. I have known Mr. I'eel from ra\ to prtMi.t time. He ha.» a irj-l'j I ( hn-tian character. a kind and ctiterful deposition and a strocj! and abriinjt faith tn his Maker. . lie • not only believe- in the bt-.-t of !.(>■. but practices the ihing- that tend to make life more happy. SonU are ujiiiK that he is too oll but I Ihiuk that is a ;■ * eat mistake. Thai l, une reason that I am writing in his benalf. He is getting too ol I to •Jo hard manual labor, ami I think we -houlo honor him with the »IF. ■ cf Itegister of Utnls. As for hi.- mental faculties, he is as Strang a-> ever. I wish to say further that lie rave the prime of life to tracking some twenty odd year- for twenty-five and thirty ilollars per month, and row in his ohier age, I believe we would not only be doing ju-tice to him bat to ourselves as well to make him our next Regi-ter of So let it be borne in miiui by all lovers of truth that when it conies to the real, simple, spiritual and accept - able c en in, he iaJt—tpn—d. Written by his former school pupil. GEORGE C. CRIFFIN. William -ton, N. C-. K. F. D. « . ladv.i -MINISTER'S WIFE'S NEW BONNET AT FARM LIFE i- SCIIOOL TONIGHT AT 8:15 "The Minister's Wife's, New Bonnet" will be pre.>ented tonight at the Farm lafe School in Griffin* township The proceeds of the play will be used for the promotion of the W illiamston Aid Society. Admission 25 and tt cats. Farmers, Labors, everybody re urn her to vote for Ifclw adv. • 2 t" ' » WATCH THE LABEL ON YOUR PAPER. IT CARRIES THE DATK YOLK SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRES ESTABLISHED 1898 METHODIST RE VIAVL PROMISES TO BE OF GREAT VALUE Saturday Rooster Chorus Will Give Its Programme The meeting now in progress in the i Mfthoilist church under the !ea> f - rship Pastor ami Kev. Carolyn A. H«s(onl is giving every evidence of "much for the com munity's gin>. ilurii.-: the remining • lays of the campaign. The first of the «ek hindered the beginning.of the work lecause of the conf*.ict Monday night with the |>oli ticnl meet,ru' s\n.l tho hat r:\in on Tuo lay nii'ht. Wedn, sduy night was I the first normal .-rvico ar.d its at tendance ;.n i interest delighted those in leadership. Miss Ho.-ford, siHij; leh'.er from Springfield. Ma: . has ulrvady won tlie h«— rts of th >«• who have hcaril her for she lias an unu -uul voice with which to lead lite ~|!:gir.g which is «uppleinenie.l by n thorns Choir of jilults and the u.-o or" tie Sav phone which she so skilfully plays A Junior Chorus also assists nit'h'.!>. Th > music an attractive fet.ture f tie service m-i much time '.s fivers i-i the «rvice to it. cvatu'tiuy night is the big i.iglit of the week when the Itonsicr Chorus of oo\s aiul girls will give their program • n song for which they have fovea pre paring during the., afternoons of this week. Promptly at eight o'clock they will march in military procession to their assigned places on the platform numbering "5 voices. This will l«e the only time that this Booster Chorus will sing during the Campaign ami a very unusual ami attractive service is promised. Miss I .ucille liraiishaw comes from Wilmington on Saturday to lie pianist for the ISooster programme and will remain through the campaign to play one of the two pianos that are lieing u*ed nightly. Mr«. \V. I!. Warren lias •«e«»n plaving one piano and will con tinue to play through the secolld and last week of the meeting alon : with Miss Iliad.-haw. Suiioay there will !>c three services— the morning and night service nt which time the Pastor will hring the messages and Miss Hosford will con duet the singing. In the afternoon at thrt-e o'Hock there will he a -pecial mass meeting for women only, when Miss Hosford will speak on the subject "'The New Woman". Mis Ho: ford is an ordained Baptist Minister and has held pastorates and Ix-en associated with Evangelism for twelve years ami comes to Williamstoii from her south em headquarters in .Conway, South Carolina. -■services will Continue ihtough -next week, closing on Saturday iiieht of the 15th. Morning prayer services are l«-int; hehl- on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday mornings in the jiarlors of the Atlantic hotel from 9:150 until AO o'clock, large numbers are attending and everyone i: cordial ly invited. EI'WORTH LEAGUE TO (JIVE MORALITY PAL THIS MORNING I'nder the direction of Mrs. J. F.. Thigpen, the Epworth league of the Methodist church will give a morality play at the school auditorium here this morning at 11 o'clock. The play is given in order that the league might be stapdarised as such. The play is being given today sb that the five delegates who will represent the local league at a meeting in Morehead City June 16th to 21st, can report it to the meeting and so that the league will be standarized. There will be no admission charged ' but a collection will be taken and the proceeds will go toward paying the African pledge money for missions. The public is cordially invited to at tend. The following compose the cast: Misses. Mary C. Leggetl, Christine Dodd, Myrtle Wynne, Gladys benjamin Josephine Sykes, Mary and Martha ).egKett, Ellen Cowen, Minnie Robert son and Evelyn Harrison and Messrs. 1 try ant Carstarphen, Marion Cobb, Boyd Hight and Bill Harrison. MRS. K. B. CRAWFORD. UNDERGOES OPERATION Mrs. K. BL Crawford underwent an operation for at the Washington Hospital on Tuesday and she is getting along very nicely now. She was accompanied to Washington by Mr. Crawford, Mrs. F. U. DM— and Mrs. Chioe Lanier. Friends of Mr. Willie W. Lilley thru out the country will be glad to know that he is now improving rapidly and that he is considered out of danger. r.. talk of today is TEXACO, adv : ■ J;