CORPORATIONS ARB MOT BM TRR»Y TO A REDUCTION IN INCOME TAX usntm THE REVENUE ACT OF 19M Capital Stack Tax Mai ti|»l«l aad Capital Stack Tax Rrtmaa Mwt Be _ Snt an! Payanen's Made to I S. .. COtrta at Raleigk. S. C Da TVit appeal* to to a misander tax iaywfJ apoa corporations by the If ■ 11 Act of 1924. Year attention is ilimtrd to tfce fart that under tkr provisions af Sec |M 23V rf tkr irt iacoaae tax •a nipaiatiiai a IS 1-2 I** cwt, •kick B tto sw rate of tax appli cable for the UtaUf J*ar IKI Ccifontioas Stor.-fore. ate cot pnshtxi to take as a credit any re ductioa in tax far tto payment dae jaar li. sr icy dutau- Mat iitf Tto credit af 2& per cwt is limitr.i to IBIIK -huls aik fa.ueiarir - who arc idjanal U> file return on Form- lO'O or IM9A Capital Stork TM RMarn forms wll to as !M« as wceived from tto Cauau «aaet. KIKTOt CETS IN BAD 4a (UtUoi «tor. ja>t atoat ready to g* to pr s, ~P«d~ a eoai-le of artarlr*. oar concerning a pafeltr •ate aal tto other a write ap of a aoidtnr He a>ke>! tto 4Bre devil to ret tto lw» t«frtke» —and to dal. Here I* tow to put tto two to ret tor. aad tto miiture was aot knowa to tto editor until an aagrv ami tto aotlet of tto toil.- appeared * tto sceae: -V idua Smith and NU lacy Aa ijri »a were lt+u«>l of at pablic at ay torn one mile east of a toaatiful chaster of nmes or he. tora ! ami two while calves before a backarraaad of farm implement- tao ■aian ai to aaenlioQ in tto prefer*-.- _of atoat Hl— ty gaests inctadine two aiirfc cow* mt male aaJ W. He*. Jarksaa tied tto maairi pal knot with Sa feet of hay rape tto towtml riaple left on John Drer. gang plow for aa ettffdol trip witl term- to 'art tto purchaser. The will to at toe to ttoir frirmi- will, oar gaad ■ to* Itorrt.m ami a few J katrtoa rtewds after tea moath ( from Oate of sale, to responsible par I tiro a«-l 1 imr kfty chickeas" Sf 1 Ireted I DIMEL AND STATON*S MILL i POND BEXOMES POTI'LAR 1 Tto weather staadia.g at »' Je»i« , ia tto >itr prwn> to to a real . rndet whew atoat N rf tto local peoph took a flaar ia th"Oto Swimmia; Hole' yesterday aflenxon 1 Tto water was beaacaap to amf wet. of coar-e Nothir.r can take tto place of tto ~Ote Swimaiaf Hole" wtoa the aaicary ret- to flirtm» with M 4» ) i«e> aad probably mare. t * Oi l it EES ■ AVE FI N « AFTER Kit; SCIFFLF [ Mill— Srotmri « Oa tot Saaday —ram- atoat T*» 1 a. m. wUe Sheriff N'wtod* ami Depa * tier were ia eai«h of a still aa Cntol ■ Creek, a mast straaee incident occure>' 1 a ■too ttoy ria rtalf I to wait aatii t toeak of day before 11 ■ lin ia art a a stfl apposed to to operated hy Will S ' - ■. •, 1 •' •- a ad I ■■nan Kablilt. went near a f po«k oa tap af a rilye. and lay dona li . . to l| _ li Jaa after ."Tto i ifl Nichols. Daa t Grawt aid Cm Sdver who cni|« ed this party aad faHea asleep. ttoy were awakened hy tto apprurl af men. S whmapaa Sharif Niehafts amakr. aao teak a to/M af one af these anm aad tto other Aen a aaaa each, tto a rtorif I nil aainiu "Yaa nail pi** ap ' a mr I shall have to stoat yoa," artoc. aaa af tto it tor mm. says. "Yaw give • same ttoe as tto sheriff mf McDa—Jl . 1 Coaa*y - These three men camiag apia tto I dark as ttoy 4U proved to to Cans -j BrytMrt Metier. Bert Gd River taararhip. wha had MK far the whOe this scaffle lasted far many minates they after aialian. tto trae discovery eajoyed a hearty laugh, waiting there antd daybreak, ami all Koiag after tto Xohtrtt toys. % RAD ONE UN THE KWTOR j U so happi aed that tto Editor ami jfcj i -garter tiareM tto sas* trad to-t r.lay Tto editor wrs at tto scene of a. tion. and it was atlibs too. who. iif reporter, eoyerin? fully tto detail > rreeped in later. IK.- r.lito tells yva etosfcm in these cv.-ur .6J tie story of a wedding told at tto n-art toasr last Satanisy. W ell try ' to past on tto details. Ret. IW.I, the preacher who mar ried tto con pie. stated tto rales ami rffshm-i.- a.- to witdilinf. In the rule- wa- 2 dacw forhiddin.' a r. u|4e to marry with - bcin in lh.-Ir arms To tolfk the rrn.Jv ■ rrita'rn esl con- j Idc. the f "itor - .!!ii,.Hy i-arred his ami Ke!.l the faahy. Well, kike do more O-an cry itvme times.. T.ji' tto >t«ry.— i*mi rrj»-rter. P. S. Vfte bat.- u4 a4vu tto editor for hi- tews on autriawpy where wioorr. walower :.m chihlren are all involrevi. belt *ll try ami park it oat r-f him later - rr|*»r:er NOTICE OF NEW KIK.ISfKATION Notice is hereby given that a new r>-K>-tiat*on hating been ooirnsl hy tto Board of Coanty C of Martin Coanty in tto Farm life Sctol I »■-tract for tto parpo-e of en tilliaag tto |>taliaol ekrtors rexdiar in -aiii District to register in «i.ler to Tote in tto Special Klertion to to held ua Taesdar Jaly Ist I in -a»l I 'crtrirt. that I will to at liar>li .n - Mill in saad Di-trict to meen Mav 2l>! 1924 ami June 21-t 1924, Sjmlays ei cepte>l. for tto pnrpnM- of reri-tn .iir all tto tpaadifcd eteetor- re-^lii« in Oa»trirt- 9 Notice is further *iren that it is for all tho-ce wh*. de-ire t« tdte ia akl elrrtion to m i-trr he tv.eea tto ahote dates, a- this L- a aew rrgastratiaa urdoed h> tto I!oar ! af Coaaly Comini»-ioi»ers of Martin C-^y W. T. KOHKKMkN. Regi-trar. i »lt , -NirTKT Haviag ifaalito-i a Kiemlf >f tto Estate of V. K Taylor. Iterea-anl. late of dart in t'«niaty. too- is to a «•-- f) all |eiv*- hatmr rUino tlrule of tail d*vnaed to eii.-rnl toeoi "r tto at KmtUs f. or tto hoaoe -f l-aun TaiW A i.jtastar. N. C. It F. I» on m tofore the atl, day of May 1.» tSas not are will to plemie.l in tor of Heir rwonery All per 1 oar jaMtol to a«l e-tate wdl plea-*' mato ianr I late payment Tht- tto day of May I*-U V. U. TAYMIk. I.KMAS TAYIjOR. Kientco of tto K-tate uf V. R 6*7-It NtmCE OF SALE I'ader ami by virtue of tto power of ale naat-iiael ia a certain deed of trust e aerated to tto Moiersigard tnartee by A J Maaning ami aife on tto Ist day of March. I*2l. aad of rerard ia tto paUto registry of Mar tm Coaaty ia KMI C-t at page -ail deed of trw-t bnvmg toea r>vca I to leeur tto poymrwt of certain notes | at even date aad tenor tbaa> aith aad ■ie fault bariag beer made ia tto pay m> nt af ail note- and the tipula tiaas nat aiar I ia said deed of tim-t not having been complirrf with, aid at tto inipaeit of tto holder of sail nates, the aadrrsigaed trwstee will aa Satarday. tto 14th day of Jaae. 1»24. at 12 a'rlark M. ia fnat of tto Coart Oaar af Martia Cawnty. *1 lia.adoa. N. C ofrr far sale at pah lir aartiaa la the higto.-t holder for ad, the following describe-1 real es tate: FIRST TRACT. Begiaain? or. tto land at tto Soatb East corner of Pay den. Coaen. et als comer; thence ■'aath went ward a straight line to Maa Mag's line; ttoacc Siahautwani a toace ."Tantl nritaard alaag tto liae d lands in Black C af tto J V Watts Laad DMwa ta a ditch; ttoare with ail ditch la the earner a# Lat Ka. S aaatoai CHAMBBW- IdflfllOjOMl MlfcTha^ patol; CMaSWi lIRW^iALTI^ (in the line af LaC Ka. 14; thence East ward adoce tto line of Karrm. 14 ta the Road; these* Northward along r This tto 14tk day af May. 1924. the said Road ta the beginning, con taining 9 acres more or 1' I SECOND TBAIT: He. . - Fines 1 .-2 ami J«C* Farm in r_..l oear | Wflliam-ton. N. C. that waa fonr.Hy > owned to Marion and known as tto J. V.. \ Far«t as sarreyed and platte by JVC. James C. E. which map or | 'ji is of record in tto public registry of Martin Coan ty in Land Division I'.s* No. 1 page containing 29 Pi iro acres. THIRD TRACT: Brin- lots No. S+M and T ia Dh-ro C rf tto J. W. Watts Farm Dnrwion, which is of rv-oord in«tto public of Mar tin Coanty in Land Dirt .--1 Bo«k No. 1 at page 522. This 14th day of May. 1924 ELBFRT S. PEEL, Traste*. Martin and IVe'. Atty'-i - r 5-20 4t. -NOTK E OF SALE- I'rder :nl by of ar. «.!rr of tto i>-,*rior Court .»f Mnrt ; n Cn nty. ma»Se jr. the Special I"- evenings er tithsl ~H. It. Moore. Eiev...." -*f lames I - Moore, a*.l 11. 11. S;*:c. tacarsiian "> njerry. Msrtla I«e!!e Ctorry. irthrl I'x-rre an.; !>- -ie Pierce ver.srs l i:cy Mo.-»re. lirif C-.dße1.l ai.l hith r if.J. P. 11. r*dieW. Jjvf Chr-rrt. J.«e Ctorry. Carrie Chei y. Mary Coo t !e"on and ?■asUami I. vi t'.•nxlel.-r. •'T-:.' O'er". 1, et al»~. tto rmlersign ev! Ctari ia.aer of th 1" >u~? aill i»n Mor. ay tto ninth |9tjM lis-.v- af June 1924. at tvelve tl2» oV.wk M. in front of the t\»urth*Hi-a: I'.vr of Ma.~- t"p Cnorty i;: William-to. offer for .-a!e. at poldic :. act ion. to tto high e-t bolder, fot cash, tto follow in- .to -critol lots of lurot to-wit :- FIRST Til At T:- Beini; that cor'ain house ami lot situate »t> tto South sia!e of CailrK!l Stmt in tto town of Rotorsonville. N. C.. ami toine tto -ame premises no*t to ai.l ad|aiaing tto lat of It l_ Smith. -IKI toia? !•* *aak" lot of iai.l a*,- ia Itoni IW of tto bt H ill an.l 1 f -trana.-rt of Jumc K Voorv. I Wra «1 SFt"t'N"i» TliA'TS:ti>ate in tto Ta>«n i'f Ui'lcr-jH.r IV Jr. C. -i»l or. South Railn>>l Street, aie! to? i inrnr at the Na»rth-Fa>t c».:iH-r aaf |; I. Smith r.n -aid Street. ar*d ruiinir.g ttoiare lim ;iial Street IK7 feet a- •! S inches to an Iron J'take. an-l rui r»ir.g back hetaee-i parallel lines to tto line of M.-rs A. Hunn.R.-. THIRD TRA'T:- I eirinoinr • * Ftr-t South Raiii.. hi Slre* S in tto T.awr nt Raito 1 -onvilW. ,j, lM.'at the S-i l ir-.t con«er ttore- fat aa Iron St.tkr*. rw>- nhag .iown saial Street IK feet —mi fite lie to-, ami 1-r.ek betaeea parallel lirws t.» tto line a»f Tto R»r> er-ooi ilie l u-ht ami IVwer t'ompany. | MR. WRIGLEVS COUNTRYMEN | irna m | Qcrms v ——— g , IdULK b ffllw drive ikia (roa ike - ■ V— y f* l " f h ***'J" i:«M S» IMM I* HINTS 1 *" ^am I. Wm-tmKmmm la bMßts «Vfr ;i»r lUia, prr IWSw.tfkofc ■nfj «fii mjianiiii >■!■ a* k>f« a lW Hht, trJ D-J r. -i > „ f «=»" "' Ht (na *4m% ailij air aa4 fnaca - C . Ta *°*' lC:a \Mm:t mm- M M L*» t» Al y-*t nKatmm •? nit >*4 u J fßf "***m'rhaa >il —til Inn (V JT*'\ *mwtt» il lali Mb, U*mr, thai | tk M And Ln »i lliia Anil I Ml hatk lie Of, at il ajm lW IB ENTOPVISE, WILUAMSTOX. NORTH CAROLINA, - nrrptin; thmfrM the koKt ami lot i Jtrinei to Martha DHIe Cherry under r the Will a bore itfenenl to in the first description. - This Ma; *mi. 192*. A. R. IH XNI.VG. omitiK.i. ner. I , r t Notice j 1 fp-l i! sr.r r.Tki all jfersor.: to hii* ! or t« - . iter HI hoy T«mmir Hitter- 1 ii bridge. «k> Is only IS years old. He.t left I n* May 28. 1924 o HOWARD OITTERBRinGE. t lt_ke lamb Rc*U I. (\»bori I IAMB * CORI RX r ATTORNEYS-AT -LAM" .! Cfcfp next to Ander-on Cnvfonl Co l«j Telephone Xo. 74 _ J« V • North Carolina (%l |f 11 IK. riUILBS J. S.IWTER jl OFFICE YORK lU'll.niNG |t rrsrtif to Eye. Ear. Nose f anil Throat j j from 1 to € L In Wflitamslon every Friiay afternoon i T-TiTroNK - Dentist * ■ rtr* Orer v Farmers and \!er ! f chants Isurk Hoars J 12 and 1 & ' I f»c 1 hone No. 9. Res l* No l -f i OST: iuh: imh ;IIT FROM mil.. xo Hyman. Ilytnoulc. X. C. Janu ary 1924. I!> marked with \ over f Wl ami net- ear. V.eich- n!~>ut .>r hundred ami U" * puNitili, with litrfct •tatk spo»~ .*"> it. \ ei-. t;er.tle. r Mar.— : little. A* i-liam-ton. ROOMS n»K RENT Two r,*w - for rent. tioo.; location s. sd *rll ei|uip|ie! for lirht bou r L -(«'- *ppl\ at l"nler|»T! r office ' WTEO: TABLE HOAKItKRS IN t I "mate famdy. Ibir i~. ««, ~.r week. r • Apply to Miss Millie Uarrell. »*i f S»; 4r»r(. m l dr.. 'M l f :'r>*u (i-l .Aor | i", 41 p CHAIR Rl.l* \IRI\t; 1 I -in in a |v«-it...: to Mti'in :|'l « -airs aial #1 them in an\ wa> nerc r 1 -H I al-«» upholder >l«l irluttv !■ 1 e I *» a (ml W. K. Rocer-. Washin*- - I 1. >lre*l| near Sprllar"s storel Wil » I m-loii. X. C. ' * WTH»:— Mr* or •*•«.■ to lake f or.- -rs for rrnuiiw I b>» I Uhr? mrs. «Mb-s. auj thUaitn. I -lirn-u— Salary ITS a virvk Ift-S tiar. i! -4 an hour spare time. I .aliful S|*-nr line. 1 1 letnalMil S«i«|E Mills. » * ® Xorrfstown. I*a FOR SALE: TWO GOOD MILCH Cows. Fresh. See or Ca!l Joe Taylor. NOTICE OF SALE I'rder sr»l by virtue the power of aV- .AGtaicfit : n a certain .iee.) of Ifiil to the Hit.r>ipni. truMe- - ' bv C. "I. Cowen ar.l wife Xodta on the TtK day of April, ISI-\ '-"'I dir.: •' :rast of re-orJ m,:!* j-tMf rfib'.iy cf Martfr. Cocn ty ir i». k A-2 a! pace 127, said of tru-: having been jrivei, ;n s»s urv the iayecst of certain r.ot« . .»f r\en fcie in i len »r the.ewith ami the »:ip« latior- r>r;a:ned in said de.»-I of »ru-t not hat in; leen complied with, an.l defaui- Kiviee been made, at the re quest of the hoi.Ser of sanl nctes, the Snder-irrei Ini-tr will on tin 1 4th da> of Jii e. 1921. a! 12 o'ci.-k SJ. m fri»nt of ItV*j** lleusc !Vs.r in the Town «>f Willt.- tor, \ (' for sale, the i.-Ilow-n - -«-•»}«,-.; t. ; ,i fi . tate: A tract cf e.-nia;r*,s -aartsn t s be-ir: hocr»' «i or the \'«r;h Wil IJrfin am" VVaIK or j'-e Ka 4 nr.! — " * 0 • \: | H*r c,lS ° M «t **-■* ■ - r .-"3 »»»• * ' :3 .■ ■ 1 -1. . - * 1 ♦ 1 U V ' ... k , V. ". 1 *■ , . «r*-* \ ... ' ' - * \ i r | \ ~r * tx> _ 'ut *•'':*vV "- \ srjppoiiT 111™ HAS DOP E THIS :;%jJ reuxiw r.\u hi>:l.S v.-nr MB Pv''ly (»ilh has |tul into Inr ha ils pros! |m{ ■mrlfr*r«** on North (*»n>lin i jOjjj«l |> »««'! farms. Tls« s«- liu ris, .safr l»y* gf S SjO" miiy ** ontleiful n •tiirah r. s »arcr-.- » f our ||MK'j> Bfl have hcli>?*«! N-ilh (".irrtlin-. to EjKtjß yjlf ■.;; j§«' rrti» fr«»m :» .in! p >sitK>:i !•» jyjftf "'l'.-Fillh anion); all the tales in airnfiil- _ . I * * ur "" * n *V ,n v "*' ,nM * Fclerul mBcI 1 |ji • • W the S: »wrs. k.. do* - hr ■fcrJftM j|j| ■ At' 1 ) y*,* Life fiiHurame Company, the ■WPIHIJi *iaaHi4fcit'»« 14. JeffiT'on St.lilllii.ll In srTenteea yeais, Ihf Jefferson Sarulanl luts leap ed to h plare at th«* 1-tp uith th»- !>« s| JtffuMß standard ituiidin*, Lif e (asuianr- Comp.micst in America. Jrffrnwi .Square. Gruub«f», H. C- We count N'jrth 1 'aruliiM »ur Ik it f* state. North Caroliniaii* our host •"pmspeets," North Carolina'* soil our best investment field. « When Comtidrrimfi Life In umnt r. tr.IL it oi#*r with Ik* Jefferson Standard nit 111 . .m. t ' -- -V- « - - . •* *'• . Jtu 4 " --. -:. t -7 - - - • -- r t-rl , JEFFERSW4 STMDARD LIFE INSURANCE COMmXY Julun Rncr. Prßudenl GREENSBORO. N.C. insurance In Force Over $215,0W).00G H. Marriott Britt, Agent WILLIAMSTON, N. C. ■- f | South by the land* of Wilson, and on j the South and Uest by ll>e new road " | which nuts throoith the lank former |l> known as the J. W. \Vi» Farm. r |* ru « ieinr Farms XoY. 4-i-€-7-8 9 IO • C. 11. ai d SI. 11. Cower by J. W. Watts. Nar. ,t\h, !SI7. rweonieil in Itr-r k V-l I at ''on: map ma>!e by J. R. Mobl«y, Sur v-yor. *ai»f maj: fiV.t -..-ilii !,;• Ke!.'. al I act.4 Rm.k • !, t'ol ir b a. S. C , v. iIEELER MAkTIM, Ti u-tee. ' * t.: ami IV,-! \i»y"s. "t „ .V2O 4t XoTIt F OF SALE p 1 I mler and t-\ »irt wof the 1 ity co>dainfs.i i.. j t..m 4enl of :~j-t f rxeri-iftl :> *1 >- j«. wife M.t'- ' trie SluKk-. on the Mh Iy of Jul i " !*•!♦•. an of rrcorJ in tie re is- I » | try t'f ( oyn!)' irs k 3 1 ai | W t*» 3WSW a cfftaiu nutr of ' .. iblr an I tVv €«in«li 1 ii tion therirr I complied with mad at Ike i r il mt the parties intcnstcd Ike trustee, will on Friday. Kay ICth. • 924, at 12 a'dock M. m fwmx mt the Court Howe Door ia the Ton of W illiamston, X. C, offer for air, at public auction, to the highest for cash the folloiwiag desrrihed |rf»- pcrty: Being a Town lot on the Sooth .*k t of Washington Street, arijoiainr J- B Speller, the aPraers Warehou-* ]ni others an.l ctoipifr: by M family. Thi* the 14th .tay r.f April, I*? - C- H. GODWIN. Trat«— Martin ami l*eel. Atty"*. NOTIO: I will he •Mightc* to «Eo roar or dinary l>rwk an>i cemert* ««rk and :als» your lathir>«r. I will be oper, for j rtiir »«ren:ent on J'-I aftor jurtf- Ist. , r,'»l '{ you have -»r> of the a'* re ! work t«« do ; t-u may write iv rail ( to "J-Jl ~«uth I'.ail .1 rm. U ]lbK •»® : Work ii«>ne in ar.f >«t *f town. J On. V Roc^r-

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