Tp c als Mr. mmi Mn- P- H. Brown. Mr. mad Mb. H. T. Rolcnw. Mr. i«i Hs. OH ami Mr. John A K:b attended the- funeral auiiu- »f in Bark Rmvr in Jan*s*Slf Sw»- •• • • Miss filll BeO Karri- has Lmi fr vmr North Carolina Coßeis* a: to spend the MMf *> caUar, with her rrandm»ti«e» : Mrv- Jonic C YarrriL • • • • Miss Honner Cureanas r«srt:*d Set arkiav nnrht friar Nor»h Carolrr.. •*- Irir at Greefishoro tr .«pen»t t'ne nrr vacation with Mr papier.;-. Mr. asd Mrs. Oeorcf Gnrrar.u a*, shew home on Main sireet. » m m • Dr. and Mr* tt. F. Warrer r r»v- MUf Sophie Little tr her ho * w P-M-lolu- Stun lay wh*re v3l spend the summer vac-.tio- nt> Wr parent? after atter-iirr c»•»•**■ b*-ir for the past year. j ; ! Cooperative Agents ; j }j This , s !•'• j«»tmna 4r r of nil j| | i i 1? c»v «»f "ft 1 tr - Asn»> •■»- i . ! i lion. V. t \" '» t '«» \t i! f a i « f"\-Ticuilui-si i'r*- n *'• p.. | ' - ; j If in Need of Fui.ds |! 4 for Productive Pur- | i | poses, Ca ! ! or see Us | ! ' i • M- 5 i 1 | u-t you I IK)JM !;f « l :i ar'O » !'i« c;is«v i i ] el 1 K'l't* I Martin County Sav- : ] ings & 1 rust Co. i WILLIAMSTON. NOKTH ( AHOf iNA j i I Nurse* Carry Health Education I {lnto Thousands of Workers' Homes; • an d Mot^ i mm mm Why toifW T+Z 1 JWk.»BW to afraid to Wad* it CjgSiTT^i: ; r*ii III■ if nil 11 Ito pact of »■* «* •jtoitiag ■««. TW j||gyg§? Mince Ebir ftd, Nellie ft* Bans- ■ l«n Swie BaOey of Brerett were 1 jTuiun ii tm today . |lt if itporteJ that p»t- s ** i I New Tteru Coiratry CM werr throws ■ 11 Mta a fU-lr of exchemert Katuruay , j ■*» Joe G«tard a»if the k -irr- 't • I cmt eter seen on the rolf linfe •• • • ' M?. an.i Mr-. Harry M. Stubb- a_M Harry Jr_ Mr- Fat Wr.rh: o' Wake , Fw=l a«d Mr, Joliu. 1V»*! 'pert , ' MR-ia} at CoJeraif. Beach. 11 •• • • 15 Krv f--.k Hiitfc left Sat*niajr for -j Hertford to joi? her ha>haivi *h-. is J tflerr wit' the Slate Hir»- .wst iepatrmeni S I Mr ami M« J-nV *S. Rhode? re - iscmoi from I'.k+woii".. Va. or. Fritay - j slrht . I•• • • r! Mr Fate WrijrM irw. MUs MiWfed i!to_ >.« me Monday ta ! t a**!er tl* *^k-er-! , ' . r - relatives an*' friers!- here *e*l SI ~-- 'i' . \ C. '! ..... > j|t. aiw s Mrs Ge«rce Tomlinsom of J V-Ssf s-x* Mr Oapmw M r and is-'- ■BBWMIB4* | retacte MrtjuM kad the life of tk ! o«w# rider m iWir fliv i«*n ow almost iaiaimtk rud ■W aftrf {WB( on k«rwU(i or J •a foot wild country U raoct their dejtjr *tioo It 1 | ifam it dttoiaiuti'n u>4 pLyaical itOHtk U 5* •clistr.i it the aer ate* tad anMttor* «• the toukiru af large atsa tk htw will pe»j peatiaa. hoan trucfiv tlrocfk the mud to find • shack wkirit u • aa street and has no aumber TW mom «i taAw of thr *iww and nftriai raised by tW %aonaw of iwofdc of the poorer class and mlly for «%■»«. Oae wooaaa with ft** ehtt dara had an lafrrUd fia ■ar. TW ant law i ..ij to tW »pat abvertod thm«k Mb of Mi aaly to tmd that tW wroaaa TW ma Mated that a daetar ■at CLt">a *"* ** 1 Marie and Rath Oi|aaa of Griftoti vi ited Mr. and Mrs. J. L- Mb e i a*r- itauby. O !. : i r : OWL-LAFFS j. (OB With LM«tocr3 I —o-o-o— _ T-wlo- r oi- ti-i to »"'J ■•*" jm.-i: 4! t»* vw»i-.-.VT mca, ' >h>.a'' ! iive i-- fca^fews r \ —"-Or s * S..W r ir. sai th- ' liKher c-r re if. i-iSier **" *." «*-' after irak-1 if? uer >3ct. ;» ". t havr to st I . down ar.-.i w.trt tdi her ct-"p>\i i « I |r .r. (oir.r oat. .-c* car jrr at*, at I - *'• *"" '1 S; - r « ;;»-l sr ; of it Tfark Wf, «rt ra«fr.| '■ * t\- •-•at of '. ft- M»T?f*E r l*-' 1 * • ••> to I jC c,' .i nmr ■ , -i/ - tc »aul cjrtj *-f. *• fj*. • p :ir»N • -T! i*» i . I « r i -» !?ri~ «»f '. j. f I •-i jr ß »- • •>» (;!ir-i flits'. t-y| ! 1 „K. j T :K * lav.-*- «v: VfrMt- *f I I 1 1 |: ,•. !m\ I -'i! VL-11 I: HASSFI L Moderator. | I • > M. •!'/KI 1,. Od: I IW 11 \TIO\ zzz I "la- .. .!•>! '.*» ' >UfAis ?r r,ft j j'*•» *. - '* i«t» r" f«f I I .rr .1 »/ 1 * * >-*»*; i • | L+t: ~r...« *• I r I j-i , v. *»■ as ;•! o H • r ..." ,s'j » Vl|> I 1' - • nr.U I if f f« •* •f I V it :>■>*-: I Jl -W- T ,'"MV '! MI7'"!.J. f-»-k J •; iJ ' -il S • Ts« i: _ I i . i.'JliiVal a- Kkck I i J *»•• " j » .»• ;/a :ak- r H ia>>. | (..•••: .ft ■ »;.!) of' Mart J . WHJT? j • h.. ;:i -.- • T a?l holdJ. * . "a»H- | . •- • • - .-y *.? on «-r t*- | j ■!. ! • /.» .» of June. IST-.'rl ! '.' j.'-s iol ir; ; .r' *»! > > »« •--r; >.r p.Wi'.cii to sail i '.j'" j » -ii .-i «.. ? -si! .r»t nukf -im I . o viir |.) sl of jatoe. f i. I \I»K ;*-Bt««r of j !:i I'. J This t'w fei .iay "f J_ne. IT. 1 t!0 4t 1 *>« a tW daetor AaaDy caw W lanced ft at oar* aad dedarwd that It aai aaly jaat ia tWa to l»lift the loaa af tW Wad if aat &• ■utub'i fife. I t Moat of tW awr ai* cacar t» Wara oa that tWy aaf flat their chDdrea tW bast poaaftfe trxataarat Oat y—g aaotWr, with fear aaaafl jiiwMalnia tha ddett af which was law yean. Sews especially efaaa aid rtrtf bmt aacasfas sraM Oa haaaa. TW three aldrat rhildrew had li I hot tW narae aaid tW Why aaadA gyt it if tW aathcr woaldti* proper prevaatiaaa Thto awh day was aot aa hi hat that aW ooald toad tiaae to fallow laiaf » ttoaa to tW latter; toa« Wr ,ar sssrassisTts. -• . .■- ■s~ c - ". ■ • i THE ENTEXPRIi R HUAMSTOI NOm CAROLINA. What has become «f the «U bdsM 1 ed mu. ask* lark J* «h» mU a tor*, all at the same t'lar Wc bo. f« at tic tuttaai of this, thin*. sa>.i Ute sarptoa. as he fine- j m at lie paUal'; pone. Yfc"i :e pretty a> a peach and the! > i-f b-j eye, said the tf»n* J HU. —«^o^- Ll &■ caiviM. r«-joic«»i Gantr,i _ is not BMsaanr for u to «-f t»k! aiesa(n. —oO-> 'Aotxf. creates- sins a vhnie i*t fast er tiii charity ear, cover theas Aixi wnat can m re raan >W aaaut that? "Ali -rrumert* :i fzror of i fair bbJtu livwt, to lb? fart tk.t it i> tiic style." DOES IT MAK THKTK BEAUTY? !r: a last desperate eff*>rt to stm lite i-airbobbr.*- »jte, C«Cia> I'oei am-.- run to rail) a»aiot It t> nur rinr vf beauty of wives ai»i daarh ttr*." Til! at Iz4 she * li a sale. "Will someone kix- 'h tc!l «ae. pit»s« llv* i:u:ii>- L)fc- -o •- mile?" **()*>- THL LAPLANDER A inajij entered a 'ubbriac Iss And f.rcriy rrvM -- strap. A r «i r>rn time tl»> hit a K--ie. FV .-at in a «i.ffennr Up. Ihe hoio (tn -.v Hreixr. the j*»kiee worse. -—o-O l> iluM»j : Not if I w*.- t-iikar - For Sale—Goo. ft*, tw r brwt Charie*. City i*re> —o-|j-o- Wife: Was that Mrs Krcws i ycu talking with t Henry Curkir >«ot»L- the ..wr |*.f pose, but not it.- mttW It t»c far better t>> urre a'l w->rae»; *«. jt«!i their hair. says Saflie. hut «i:k krjt any tiope that ever that ifc aiiy »oi*i. for. it ew m: —'>)*> I toll in.- Feel »y: r.o'Jiir.g will "V-- I \ *!>jp cwittEtntwr. like cri-ir.r a ihort .-story ihr.uer the adrntiwr ityfc- of a n.oi-rr. m. —*» 0° laerc i- uce Uji*: ia 'a*or of tfe Mi! a- lif » > -It. "Vw .».!«•} «r Jr-jur l>fv !'-tt a bo«k|;ifr want:- both. —o «j-o— --if liKiVt any smirt . eckn&fe in a raua '*'■> !:Wy to er -f «,• wfc.-n he BifrU, you an a irtJriti' door Th«* latest sensation in paiit r is 11.- rf-\\ of the of Ai-h icmp for she j're-.Meoev Andj >ll' '**■ will r»ver M.y-Ts. f the p**rpf+ tsH EI»E\TO\ MAChEVS FERRY FAST »l TOV«*r.'l v TRAXSPWCT : Irfi s A'ivrawl* SmM ir ! ki i lIiWECTS H»ASTAL HK.HH Kill TKS «>•. HP. 1? AMI SI2 ka'»-:«ft srm WBminrti'C. \ C, fe Norfolk. Ya \nd luferr T»»» Alaer Rr«te> Wilson. >o&i '» ro. Ken. tor.. Cwej l!e. TarboN: Reeky NeMt. V« >tr Wiil-an*>t- -. Ily- Mickey s. F-ientoa. r'iiaKth City an>l Norfoek. Ya IVr«jirt!t All Yfir Schfdrir l "3VO lidrtu R KI. IR, II X. BR _ t J«IP. I v. "!ikry* »:3) a. *.. I. Si» p. p • Midday tri;i- rot run oei Snu*y>' NEW I OV. RtTES tali uiet>:Wii« >3 »i ■ way: ri-si>l trip I A | T! «ne way; m:.r»t trip i ' "x-k- iceora'r. ■ t» >je ail "«ol "" -" irr fas*-? j For il smaliM IVTrpheee me lil | 1 o--7 Car is last rd WSriie i> Trsfcj! EPCVTON-MACKETS FERRY ROAD SHiVS" mi '.S' AL HtiiHH.W FFBBY j . : r AITO MOBILE TRANSPORT |. Across Lower l iwnr. Kiwi a I jfiaato^ j hr,e the*N«w Two Mt": i- n P^.a Rridse is Proposal! • i| liafmr. Nw Fdefw. \ 1,.8 i Bertie Cant; ttIWFtTS COASTAL llltiHft IV KoMes 3*. *1 1? mm* H? W and Rikijtk N. ' , TmNmM Ya. \.d AH Twu Aiai( Bele of Fajette-riHe, fceky Otdsbero, WOsoo. hrnstee. \« IV n. Greee. ville. Washn»r*-oir. Tu W«. Williaiwtoß. WHt*. E«se* ♦x-use to Fmperor, E liriN, Hert jf-i.l. Kr-iabeth City, ?»*>*. ' Mill- ami Norfolk. Ya. I'mumt AM Tear ScfceMr ' I.e. Kaperor •, 10. 12. S aM » •*e»«l I.e. Kitah—r 9. 11. 1. 4 and C t'dfri 12 aqd 1 o Hock trips —* **m Snaa; KATES Snsall At CI "hare (htWhf driver One way sl-50; mmd trip SI he* CSJt One way «; wmmmi trip 24 hr*. IV-jenger faxes Bflj. Ttlfhi.r. V* e Car la iMRd Whge la Traws -ItMlflW COASTAL HKUtWAT FBMIT ncssr Alter an it might as weD he that gwap as hk others. ! | le the daaU: of Jaace* T. -SUmkati. iE£ar of the Roacoke Kspcds Heraßd. | who died suddenly la.«t week. Halifax : rooty lout one of Us nonet asefni 'eitiaeaa. | Air. .-lainback attended a baibecwe Id tux* and died soon afterwards fraas «'Cir ;adisfstioß. He had been Editor of the Soaaoke lie raid for tea years and un- Jer his cJits.r-h'p the has takn iu pare arwaK the foreroorst week of this state. TV I SI EE'S -LAND SALE 1 Ftoier uni by rirtae of the power > of >aie cuntained »• a certain deed of > trust tienned to K N. Gnaws, :ru> , - ue, by Clemoeis and wife. Mar tha (Tecwn-, oa tho Ist day of March 2*28. to «erure certain notes of (tee date therewith, and of record in the ~ • K*ri-"e! of Heed's office for Martin Cooaty, ir; Imok A-l it ,a*» 445;' ami tlae stipulations cuntaine>i in saoi i deed of trust not having been coa.-1 plied with, and a port of said notes , the nrxtersigned wfli, on Saturday.! JuSy i. IS2I, at twehre o'clock, nove, , in front of the Fianter* and Merchants , Hank, limrtts, North Carotinai, Mar ' tin County. expos? to public sale to the hirhest bidder, for cash, the fol •oarjup desrHW larv-i- to-wit: Situate in Crass Koads Township. • iLilir. County, North Caroiitta. a*»* ■wee particularly «iescribe.l ard koonl w a> follows: On the North by the ' ai»i> of J. L. Wynn; on the West by the btnds of S. S. Bailey; ar-l on the .voutl. by the iar«!s of S. S. Bailey awl i Clark, the same beinr a part or - ue Ute Owen demon's tract, and*; fifteen ani three foarlh » «'.i 341 acres more or lew. This the or June. I*2l K K. t;RIMES Trustee. 0-10-4t ■ SALE OF YAH ABLE FARM PROPERTY O I nier anl by virtue of authority ' -w-sferrrd upon in a deed of trud r i«n£ed by William Floyd Hardisoa. « ihe Ist oay of May. l*£t, a»i re it* the l«ook of Morteaj>es O i ' » r 2*. we will or Saturday the ' ith dav of July. 1924 at 12 o'clock P «50(»t. at th« Courthouse door in WU r; is- "«n. rd! at puMtr acrtkn for U tie iiiathest bbhier the fol • -oiib- larsl tii Wit: All T'kat certain tract, pieee or par cel of kind, coi.tai.iin » tf aries. More v less, situate, lying and bernr on !! shat is commonly known as the Krawn Road about two ami one-half nfles South from the town of Jaaes r rilV. Jamemiile Township, Martin Cuiity. North Carolina, hatui* sort I shape, nwtes, courses arvi distanres a- mil more fully appear by referenee to a n&p ma>ie by S. IVele. Surrey or .« tie day of Feb. 1X23. and -iow on file with the North Carolina Iriiit Stock laivi Bank of iNirfcao. Vrt: Carolina. an*l fcljiMnit.f the 'aic's of G F. Cordon on the North tie lands of leonanl llardtsoa oa the East the lamis of lawreace Brwwn «n the South; the of John '•ar-'urr ami G F Cordon oa the '* Wot. and more particularly de cibeai as follows: I TO THE CITIZENS of j I MARTIN COUNTY b P I hereby take khis opportunity to thank my fellow citizens and j j ' friends of the Democratic party for their very generous support jg •• jrjven me in the recent Democratic Primary. I feel that the friendship expressed places me under a double jrf 8 tie to perform the duty of the sheriff efficiently, honestly ami with g fairness to all men and in obedience to the law. II J; I NV ish to renew my assurance that I will serve the people to the S r - i§; best of my ability. p- I M) 8 1 ISS I want to urge every Democrat to go to the polls in tlie Novem- a j® be,- election and roll up a great majority. Again thanking you for all favors, I beg to remain, - v| Yours to serve, ! *| H. T. Roberson j if?nfalaMl I TTi-"' -nil rn in r mto'am r.n ] tt yris to ■ ins past mm Ike cigt tkaswilktheSMrfL(MMiHu«- m North 11 k»i«i West » 1-5 pries to mmrnrnm past; thenee with the 1 line of a F. Cordon SmU 10 de grees and 45 wnrtw West 10 paier* rilK 1C «lniee-- West 15 pale*; SMtfc 13 «tcm» West 12.04 poles; South 14 deci«> and 45 mintoe* West 1M poles to an iron ulr in maple stomp; thence with the line of G. F. Cw«to; North 78 decrees and 45 miaates West 27.68 poles to Bnn'i l«d: North 21 decree* and 30 aal 11 West 10.71 poles to a fc.htnaad atamp; thence Seath 77 iHi um'Wwt 18L24 pale* to a ran r a knwk; thence with said branch South 14 decrees A 90 minutes East 8 paler; South C ilmiot and 50 miaaH i 6 40 poles and Sooth 5 decrees am! ro miimti > But 7 puk to a ■ " branch; tScire with said brjih West poles and South 77 1-1 decrees. Wml 8 poles to the Jamesrffle and Wdliaavton railroad bed. thence with j uid bed South 10 ht.i«M West 30.72 * pales: thence North 81 1-2 derives •East 12 poles to a hickory; throce "Sooth W decrees East IHB poles; jjsoarth C 7 decree* East 8 poles; Sooth •11 1-2 du.iat* East 'IK poles; J North 8> JULIWJ and lo *-notes East 24 > puie> to Brcwn's Road; thence North sO decrees and IS an to:-. polo; Simiu. 52 de |W-. s-d rLint.v Gut 10 ?.' poles ami Nort'i 75 decrees and 15 minutes East 8 pales to the becinninr. and he in* the aire land cor. \ eyed h> B_ A l'im'«i. O—i»ia or to the ail Floyd Hardison by tired. date? Jar 27. ItS. and of irfanl of Martin tVunt? i-ablir> in Book E-2 54* This tale is sale by reasofi of the « - t If It's Furniture —1 - c ■ ■' —————^——— —J * •■' " Cadi o Credit * - ■ : Cherry Furniture Co. IL WASHINGTON, N. G * ■ « Klortrk* Elevators to all Floors r ■ k ■ Ifudfatlmpttt I lillikji'iie cured by Mid Iks the sth day rf Jmm. l«t FUST NATIONAL Tlt'ST OOM PANT, Trustee- Durham. X. C. «"IM - SALE OF TALI"ABLE FARM F«0- W3' ¥ Under - 1 v ..rtre of rt-.n7 i— ftntd apoo as ■ a derJ of treat by Back E. Rigerna mm the Ist day of Aped, HO, and rer.rdrJ to Booh ft*, at pa«e 115 ia Martia C i —ly. we wi3 an Saturday. the Stb day of July. I*U. at 12 o'ctock mm at the courthouse door in Wffliai.Ktoa. HI at paMk aartto for cad to the hicbest bidder the followin bad. to wit; ' A tract af Uad, tyinc iIJ botoc to Bear Craw Township. Martin County and Stale of North Caraliu. adjoa •toc tk lands of Lewis Ro»erson aai others and with the follow :*c metes ' and ktad*. Bectooiar at a ditch Shack of the stables and rur line X 30 JW 180 pales alone a ditch lad Lewi» ' Racersaa's fine to a forksd sweet lappa, thenee S 51.15 W *7 1-2 poles Ito a r*a> to tke fork of a J diieh. thence S 27 E IK pales to a lichtuood «tamp in Bear Grass Oiureh Yard, tbeawe down the WiUiaiuston and CreecTMle md to the S SI E 41 poles, thence N 9 E O poles to the he cimiat. ftahhg 110 acres. This sale is r»ie by reason of fail ure of Itaark E Raeerxon to pay of aad dwhurre the indebtedness ae cured by said deed of trust to the I North Carolina Joint Stock Iml Rank of bntoc. This the sth day of Jane. 1924. THE FIRST NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY. Trw-tee Durham. N. C. HMI