Xgcjals Miaaes Beet* Badkas. Alice Cason nsiltd Hits ftni] Wood lladhan. jres telUar «h» is visiting her aunt. Mrs. S R. Bt*gs Mr. Join I- Jeakiatf- »f kinston is Blir r Kb rrfaUr kppninliiirr.t in town and calling u hi> tra«)f or (U-- tnirrv in nMjliwi. tfct ww* • . • • J. A. Spifrr and E. W. Midjrtle of Eltxabeth City s*n visitors at the Atlantr hotel *fJnr-'b\ m m m • Mr D M Harper ami C. A. Wootei of La Grange made their repular visit to lki> city Wednesday. •• o o Hi- Kkklv HasseO ha' returne I from Windsor where she spent a week the house ruest of Mis Anna Elm. bath \owell • • • • Tiiriibi nvminc whit- Jailri was naknif his rw iar r.Hirht JriimHif ice with usu: I niello* voire T\in«' nire freh ami iir the f'jsleii Carolina l!t into hi an ati.i wrecked hf «r«- o • • • Mr Hber: Pee! pen! Wednesda in Otapel Hill. ♦—- —■—■—■— | If It's Furniture j ! ■ ■|! (V.sh o • ( r flil |l | Cherry Furniture Co. jj I i WASIIINCTON, N. t\ J. I KU'vatoi s to all Floors • r I: ■£ - r --; -• :£:;-r v - ' 24-' ** -~r v ' I W. R. Orleans No Profit Sale ! g HI I Is Still Going Strong $ 80- ■ •% Mi I You Have Attended Our Price Reducing ; I Events, Need Only To Be Told The Day. 1 I You Know, Because You Have Shared In | | The Woundful Bargains Always Given. | I You, Who Are Not Familar, Take ITiis^rl I Hp, Make Your Plans Right Now To | 1 Be On Hand During This Sale, For The I ;" l! ' ... ■ g | Greatest Bargains You Have Seen In « 1 , Years Await you. J 1 W. R. ORLEANS j I Williams ton, Nbrth CuoHaa, | 1 Panic Bfc—l ■ N*w Town. ■ .... | Mrs. W. R_ OrlvM. Mr. and Mrs. • !M. I> Watts, aau Mrs. Jo«ie Whitley. Misses Gladys Benjamin an>i Laura Orleans enjoyed a swim a .Riverside ' Wednesday. s .... I Mr W. It. Watts of Plymouth was in . | town Tuesday. .• • • Mrs. Carrie Bigg* William- a rut ; j Mr*. ' i i. trior, and - i I iiesdav afternoon. .... Mr W. C. Manning la-lr a l«usi n>ss trip to Norf.Jk v.- -tenia) • . . • i Mis- Rachel of lUAfrson j ville is spemlint- t k >» week with M:s« . . . . 1 • Mr-. (»~rar Awlrr-u!.. M»>. J. S. 1 Khikles, Mrs Carrie Birrx's Williams. ' j Mrs. J V\ Manning. Mr*. Parlie lirowi, witii Messrs. Ilarn l!inp>, • Julius I'eei. O-rur Aiwrr«n: and Mr I ! indsley *« re in Windsor 11 1 nii'iit .aUendinir the dance . • • Mr k I: Crawford with Mr Uil-oi (■ I amh were ir. I>rtii imdly yes derday a rot la-t nirlit . . . • Mis (V \ Harrison ami children. UHiefii. K: t« i .n» !■»! Blanei return fr.-n' Tarl»*r«. fVn 1 they spent (In l r«k JritK Mr; Blinrh An . ii-r-..r | Mr and Mrs A. Donning attended the I dance in Windsor last night. _ IN MEMOKIAM I In the quiet hours of the early Biorain£, the angel of ieath caiae and took I rum us oar beioveu on.-, Mrs. t. M. Noble, on hay », l»2« at Park View Hupiul, Uuckjr MULI.I, X. C. The family rmivtu a *u* statins her srniden diners, U:i beiore they could reach her bedside, lieiU. IUHI al ready mule its fatal Ktmke. Mrs. Noble wa.- MU l-tlia Ai .etia k.pel«ck. ilaugl.ler of Mr. ami air t J. Roebuck of ttxum-ton, li. C. She was born and rd.tl tu aortiu oynlj ami lived there until her marriage with Mr. L W. Noble. November 14, ISI6. Site was educated at Black Stone College, and later took a Teacher"* j Training Course at Kast Ci.roli.ia j T.-arhers" College, (.reenvflle, X. C-j While at Black Stone iihe acfplfi j Cnrist as lie personal Savkur ar»i j ju.iiel tiie Methodist church Stie wa- , faithful in all tier Christian duties. As a trwe servant of God. she measured ' u;> to j realness. Always pulHiit arid i never forgetting Iter every obligation : life. t.> S«er uiiie. iier church, htr neighbors Ife lla never fatlel ir. duty a- a devoted wife, always sharing Iter h*_ "ntst's joys and sorrows, makin.' hi home a place of Itappirtes:- a'i i i,..ni.i,iv. ieraiw of htr unequalled s >.TI presence ami disposition. ,As a Duthoi, .-Ik- could not Is* >urjrj.w.l A- s laughter, she was ever tender a:.l thoughtful to her aged mother ami f.'tt.- r-, also her husband's mother I irirtrin she loveii so «iei As a , r • here i- no otlier that can fit' i« i ph.ee in their lives., At tne time of i»ei death, she was i 2. years old. While w»- do t.ot umier- ' stsi:d why one so young ami promis l ji» - ; t>L'M taken, we k-.o»- that He j «1,. ••• a!l thir.-;- f»r tl»e be.-t. ever.! I th *u-h it's s*» hard for us to see n«m ; ( V • one knows. IHI! her family, hos j k r ! ii.i.l tl.»-ee little jrirls. how «e 1 w IHUS her. It"- liani to think we J \v .! i f-ver ms- her ar.y more on this I ea. • . i»ut -wir! meniorie- of her Ji«::r lfr wi!! ever linger in our. j ir t.rts- Ptliu ral service- were co«ilucte-l j j front hi-» i -.Hie on South Crare streW j Ih r.«-r .(i.tnr. I>v. I!. M. Xortn of j ill Kir-t Methodist rhurrli ami l!f. I er. |«O. "or of AHH.CIIHI Str»- "I J j !':i|>li-t rlmrr'i. l-er Sunday' s»-e*»i | rlris - n ■ uU-rert. sonre ' iiipressive tiiu_-vlr. I Ai. "a ' hi.i rof rrowin? i: s -rrief -t'ukrt 'antily. 'er fv i r-.:;tr.s Mer» Ij»! {.» test underreath r« ! i ■{: r h-.te of .'ers in Pine Vii-w |r i. tery •; :. i!f—.i' •*!>>, >r .r' trial- :h « pa.», ] ' Lh'» *• tliine own ■ hall thiv ' 1.« • t.« fa - :« that i-'.rnii! liMn " .•? .y ■ -«i;«l i> .Vn\ for I'm.a lia * ;io:iite . 'the .' .«> I "-r SLti. -in lav. Mrs. ( '...t'lf 1. ii. » >Hi. k. Gre»-iivdie, N". C. ' Th- vrli* '■ t dioe sa.l motor] 1 i iK\ •». adv TH* EVTEKftIi £ ffiLUAWTO) MOKTH CAROLINA. N OTICE . I forbid UJ tad all persons to kin or to shelter at hoy Tcmmie Outter bridge. ■bo m mmtx 13 years old. H« left how Mar ». 15T24 HOWARD OITTEKBKIDGFL LOST: HOG BOrCHT F*OM WIL. kd li .-KJk Flyrioulh, N. G. Janu ar. 1-»J4. llajt naubd with V over left 2r." rijr* aar. V.'e."*hs about one vd fiftm with lip lit tbjk rpat- m it. Very cwitle. Manila Little. Williamston. I'fKii.S F(»|! KENT Tfv r -oitt- for r cl. Good lonliip i an.' c -ii ke>>r?. Ap|™> at K«.tM,iri-»' office. WANTED: TABLE HOARDERS IN Private fa.iilv Rate i"7.W ppr week to Kk- Millie liarrell. Jlf K. KsKkvirk rtnrt, ja * two block fron po-! (Are. " 4 2T> ■ CHAIR RI-TAIRIVG I i 1 I Mr in a to bottom rt' 1 [chairs arvi fix in my way um j -vry I also oftrjlf'rr «W eiiair*. C:vi ' jmc x trial, ft . II- Hope* . V. a !ii:U ' |tor. bo- S;*ll»r'» •-ion ' Wi! Ilia* i-tor.. X- C. |V« "-TKO:—Ura cm ». «mi to lA or.i'rs for setmine (ruarunleed hos ' iery for mn. wwnr-n ami children ' Kimir jl' bmiir Salary fTf. a »wl 1 j full link-. )! -4 an hour fpare time ' i IVastiftl Sprmjr lii*. lidrruliuul SWrka* Mill*. ' 7-|i Xorri. town. !'a. | K\IJSTMKNTS OPEN FOR SIXOND HKUI .%KTiLLEK*i CabtnnU are w* «|«i f-»r tlx 'Sft-wnt Fueht Aitfliriy. the famou ! horde outfit of Fort N Enlist went- arv open fur only . I.Jivrt period '4* here is an «tpportun iit> to jum a oral Mi'.tit y«l }■'. soul, mi mil tar) service. 1 • li-ti w-nu tii U- made i f on »'rit»e- for mer who love noi I'M srnicr l'.r«ttttif.i 9tatibii> at lUtl-i> li an. K«t K:i« | CLEAR ANI> FULL-B01)IKT) J Bl'.: >«**£ (HI. • y**^i ;r.p iiEt r_ke o p. ,-ri. 1..7 i ..re, m, ! ;3irts*ititrfj. a: >« iiiilc cu»i, witli sj tittle • rwjMe' a- Itc.j: uu' ..o*.r rr-.tk rj.se. a?.d refill wit) I EXA( O Sl*. Ui OiL •-.ki... c_„ ~ full '«u*ije»i— *ra.!c»> rt - 4 «doi a.' l* ,»•«:.>7 r-v lei» :. m:ie S"il . •**. «i!I i.«s*e H4U« '-'i / anl relier i - J-ue pr*ri\« .•usrhse. .:■jartlaHif premaiieii',. too .'.«r it %ot f«rw latnl ear'toii J liitrtt . -fttn—m.. liftjvy ar..! estra UVVA V turf tov ~t«- llie "I ii \ AC'l r ."»i >Uf niXAtu T)i. nr\: tttsur your wife u::.T lake jto tell y«a «».il iifii,itf>Mu:il wnrai) jiMj; are. remind ler lh:T il ' *>k ;i ir u to truer I :r pju^ OWL-LAFFSII * j ' - ' IT « (Oa Wkfc U^M G Hello Folks. All onrreased rolling .« 1 sticks to the «lou|»h ''io kf ' {h? MES yoa » u * u t to kis* Ik uol to kk-; a Mk- un.lsa; ■j .'.at to ta-j lite Miv- yi.". >u :l>t to miss 1 m !•» a lik» a s»k- ami s. c ' —a-0-i- A cer'.at:! U'i!!ian. iou biaii who evi -1 I nil) r. rOl it 0..»-e an>! vi lm to :>"oii - .0 ar~i.li. Ll. norltc; the .! V.eh rjit I:k? on . tin oCWv ci.leml :*. with a sk'iH ami n. jo Q-o — |( Tliey may not ""quit under fire", yet, p ' s.i:iip niay find the |>lare *"loo hot to j hold them" —»f>o — I The iiiiiKinfr I'ullnv t r-.rters mm j with il~ Traveler- c- 1 ' 'in in on , "Where nre my wotv'or:-™ to- Y nijrfit". 10 | - ->■o-° - 1, j The wiiniar who is a ire her hus ' : «ar.il lxs-:iue he i* n-l-. vhoiv may u l>e takirii; vpp effeetr ? -ps to cheer 1- him np. , * ' 1 —O-O-0 Too (M*inrn ladyr We saw the a-lvertir*ment a >t Ix'iit this heinjr for sale arvl we've eome to see it. nl Owner: Vrs. madam, but after read iiiK tlie t on e de-sription of it we luive ikriiinl not to seiL Jo>s of an Editor J An exriiant,*e rontain» the f »!lnu%n>f ' .luthur^t: One of pleasures of running a *' c antry in-»..(ij*r o the faet tliat '.mo of your fr!fna» are aiaays 1 •mill:* to the rt rae j«st at ?3>e rieiit |, , y\nu\ Tie 'aie-t to save «>uj ' iv> i lEI Briiikl?v. lie sent in a hi» mess . ♦ f j| of -pure -ibs. only they we#* not spare, f r he fj«rut to trim all the " ' meat »H He way the l»«tehei «10. Oli. Iioy! hut they wrie i'«d. j. 1 —o 0"*» ITariec avs lh» mer: y« u i: b> thai nuki.> lite a »u>trs>. o-O o The baby ami the radio botls do the rutest lhi«n after the company lias ! pone,- opines l> t'arstarpfcea. —O-O-0 I Oh, e.l oration, what are | roii>inittetl in thy name. .! —o-O o— ■ If you ha»e liod teeth «l«n't rutli []j vate a silly rrin. Si • ' -o-O— --y Care feet and leir* may be immoral. I! hut Stanley Sessouts .vay-i he lias iever ~een a pwture of an :-jif*el wearing H shiies anti storkinirs |j * i' June, i ( uite rontrary, |j j Nou mix your weather m». H One day we need electric fans— The next it's test below. % | —o-O o— ,♦« ; A welfare report says that a family 'n 'can live on SS6O per meek. A family r.f five ul.at ? % —O-O-0 h l)o n.M |>rmit yourself to be le ij J ceivr.t by a few lialmy days «ays J Home Hilars. It still sumes a lonp {! v. :iy from Usne time to "take 'em off". -000 lVte F. vi-.fen says we all admire - ■ rwin until v mxft hl'l'l.* ■K>(l ITprnTr? u || EASTERN'S I |H ' R| ;' 1 NOVA SCOTIA I.ANI) I 1 .ASTER & s| MANI r -"ACf I' RKD AT Ol ! R "ffl | I NORFOLK FACTOKY . jj From rock of the Higrhent Quality 1 I. IMPORTED DIRECT BY US FROM g iffl . NOVA SCOTIA . ni 3j )g! It analyzes higher, is rrround finer, and is jg tia & whiter in color than any other plaster on 82 Iffl § the market. "IT IS THtf BEST" " v {I Ask us for name of dealer nearest you I Eastern Cotton Oil Co | jj NORFOLK VIRGINIA Jjj the tact between Hugh Horton aad j Deputy Luther Fed to get their hands , on when the Klarfcm halted their nutth. l —o-O-o— j It is raid th« vrjoa he » war if , we live.! or. vi , ."'-*rh There *;■ J-• J if anyls-K tried to mak- us live on , spinach. 1 Aixl yet t;•« wwnvi who urunl ] shake hai*'* for fear of perm- will ] try on a hai lhat has keen on seven- | teen heads. The world's best nvJine and motor oil is TEXACO. •«* "NOTICE UP KB-SALK" Notice is hereby K=*e« that S»J" vir tuc of an onitr of tiie Saperut Court Martin County, i.u-le in the Special I'rocmlinip entitled "it. K. Ki ecutor of J :..r,«-s il lliwrr, arsi H- 11. MMt., G l —.j-a »or UiCuoi tVrq. ilarl .» i>e!U» Cherry, tlhl Here*-. Pierce. »«»«» I-ury Moor.-. Liziw -fe . ! . It- C««sei.l. Jasper and Joe tmrrj, Mary loogielon and Levi Cuii;.ieU»n ami otini -ordering a re-sale, the former sale having been reported by the Commissioner urfav joiably, i>ie u: 1 l omuiivvKuwr will on Monday the 14th day of Jul) 1*24 a: 12 o'clock M_. in front of the door of Martin County at 1 Wilita.it-.loii, X. C-. >;aui offer for iale at ;>u'»l\r auction, to the highest bid .de for cash. the follow in-; desrnbeti pr >rly to-*»t: !■ 1!. ; T TI'AIT: lich; that certain h ..ad !-•: ».i the South side oi H.: I.isj Sti> . t . i the inn qf R >(> er -iv ie, N •' w! hein the Mm pr L..-> lie , >»( adjuining the loi of 1L .Si > *!" ind be-r.jf ll>e a,w lot Je.w-Hbft em One of the last Will ami Testament of J a me- K Moore, ilecea^L SECOND TRACT Situate in the town of Robersonvilie. and adjoining the first lot above described and be ginning on South Railnmd Street at an iron Stake, and runs thence ilon South Railroad Street 4S feet arid 9 in«-!ir. to another iron -tako and run. li.k between parallel lines to the ln.« of iiary A. iHUinin*'. ami hems: the '•"US ' and lot anjmir.ing the one or a-piiil by J. K Mowre an j w.le at lite tin* of his death. THIRD TRACT; l^rinn.i, : on Fu>i South Kairrad Street in the U>«ri: of lUiaerMicvillr. X. C, at the corner twi.vif at ai. iron t.-ik-; ruining th -tee dowr *a«d I Street HI feet an-i live ar»t l»a»k liatwern jut .lkl Iti,-. t.- il«. lilif of tlie ttolier . . . itle Lir'.t an! Poui-r Com;iany, ;he>efn~ii the libUM and lot -ie» lis) to Marthaf l»e:l Cherry under the J Will a'-nve referred to in the first description This tl»e 12th day of Jane 1*24 A. If IM'NNING. IVnimiujanrr «13 4t SALE OF YALLABLE FARM PIUI PERTY 1 inlet and by virtoe of the author ity ■•!.ferr»-l upon ll> in a deed of trust executed by Hannah Roeburk on lite I*l ilay of June 1923, an-i record ed in the book of mortgage* 0-2 |a(e 111, we will >n Saturday the 12th •lay of July 1924. at 12 o'clock noon at the courthouse door ia Wdliamstou, sell at public auction for rash to the highest bitlder the following land to wit: All that i rr* -» n tract or parcel of j land lying :•« i -ing in Robersonville Township. Martin County Vortli Cam lina. eoiitaininr' !*7 1-2 :.eres more or less. Ikiiinilni on the Northeast by ■ Matthew Parker Swamp, on the South ■ by tlie l.iisls of John Dixon and J. I. : Will.nin.- ami Henry l»i,r, on the Southwest by the laisi- of V. O. Van- Nortwirk and on the Northwest by the larads of N. O. VaaNortwick. anil i being the same land deeded to Han- nah Roebnck by H. L Roebuck and wife and J- Alex Rnkark and more particularly described as fol lows: to-wit: Beginning at the mouth of Bee Branch in Matthew Parte Swamp. iu« along the said swamp to (ft. Ol YanXort wick's comer in said swamp, thence South C 4 West 3660 feet, thence South 6 decrees aad 15 minutes West MO feet, thenee South M East 1610 feet, thriwa North 40 dtgncs and SO minutes East lltS feet, thence North IS East 900 feet to the Bee Branch, thence alon- Bee Branch North 81 East 3ffc> feet North 81 East 470 feet. North 06 East 165 feet. North 79 Jhiw ■ an. I 10 minutes East 329 feet ta the beginning. This sale is made by reasoa of the failure of Hannah Roebuck to pay off and discharge the indebtedness se cured by said deed of trust to the North Carolina Joint Stock I-and Bank of nsrhaa. This the 9th day of June. 1924. FIRST NATIONAL TRUST COM PANY. Trustee. Durham. N C. 6 13-4t SALE OF REAL PROPERTY By virtue of a sale contained in that certain mortgage executed and delivered to G. E. Harris by W. H. Garrett and wife, Annie Gartett, and Jasper Wynne and wife, Mary Wynne, dated the 19th day of November 1921, ami recorded in Hook F-2, page 432, in tlie Register's Office in Martin County, the undersigned will on Satur day the 14th day of July 1924, at 12 o'clock noon expose to public sale before the Courthouse door in- Wil llamston. North Carolina, to the high est bidiicd for ca»h. the following de scribed real property to wit:- Lying and being in the Town of Jaine.-.ville. Martin County, North Carolina, and being the property where on Mary Ellison resided at the time of her ileath, a portion of which pro perty was conveyed to the said Mary Ellison by John W. Hinsdale and Spier Whitaker. Commissioners, by deed re corded in Book FF- page 206 in the Register's Office in Martin County, N. C This sale i« intended to cover all i of the land owned by Mary Ellison - at the time of her death. This v-le will he male for tlie pur fo*e of the terms of said Bn ilri"e. This the 4th cay of Jure I'.rM r. E. HARRIS. Mortgagee, By I telle Harris, Executrix of the ' E-t ite r.f G. E. Harris, deceased F. C Attorney. 6 !3-4t Elii:\.li\-M*C*E¥B FERRY FAST A;"".*«•?!' 'HIE TRANBPORT lAer-«s.s He Sound in 1 hr. I OlN v 'T.S C-iAfT.'AI. HIGHWAY j I. -l r . KS so. M. 32 AND 342 Ka!» • :«d Wilmington, N. C., to Norfolk. Va. i-.d O.L. r Toons Along Rentes ! \«dsoa. (iolilsbora, Kinston, Green ville. Tarboro, Rocky Mount, New Bern. Washington, Williamston, Ply month. Mar key.-, Edenton, Hertford. Elizabeth City anil Norfolk, Va. Permaaent All Year Schedule r lyaves Edenten 8 a m , 11a. a, 4 pm | l.v. Mackeys 9:30 a. m , 1, 5:30 p B1 M»lday trips not run on Sundays! NEW LOW RATES , Small Automobiles (including driver) , 3 one way; round trip $5 l-arge Automobiles ( inrlidling driver I $4 one way; round trip |6 Trucks according to sixe and load Passenger fares 40c. r Far Reservatiea lelephone 128 or 158 > Your Car is Insured While in Transit -FOLLOW EDENTON-MACKEYS FERRY ROAD SIGNS* i NOTICE All perrans are hereby forbidden to place advertising signs, to haul dirt | off. to rut on the trees aad to dump Uash on the ginuad i wf Kkewarfcee Church. Any person doing so wfl be i prosecuted to the fullest extent by I U " ; This act passed in ..nference of ; Jane 7. 1924. SYLVESTER Moderator JOHN H. MI7EIJ, Oerk. INVITATION " LL N" ' Tor 'lay after the 3rd Sunday bear | Jiiio the 17th *as set apart far a general . Van i-p .lay of the Skewaihee church -r.rtin.U Any and al persona —ho are wiDiag to r.-*lst in this work are cordially invited to help. This dene by order of conference June 7th. S. H. HASSELL. Moderator. JOHN H. MI7.ELL. Clerk. ~^66 Catarrhffl Prifniw mt tto mocaus Umimt Zavo" a V mk£« UMMIjm ■SwUhnri*" " ■AIM CATUUU Mil wM '5 «MwWslulMl|iaraukß

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