AWIIIMP WILL PIND DDI ■Mil or luim county VOLUME XXV—NUMBER 41 SEVERAL STATES QUIT UNIT RUUB AND SCATTER VOTE AFi'fcJi FIFTY BALLOTS McADOO LOSES BUT REGAINS IN 58TH North Cvofiia Gives Gordon Battle Twenty in t?id Bnt Utff Goes Solid Again For McAdoo ■baa k. AM "t * Wwlt Rata Bali By Kmw Karyic. Ihif S*aare Gardes. My X—ln fadt iarie*na tn state* left the ant mr to jam 'Ju ivcV( f«mc of B - u Paduag qi •the? xaUirol group.-, lihtw gaaed hat was a hoc way be head thr leaden. aad the faH foic a fthe ari« la Uaotfi not be d. In mit i I Willi thr McAdoo fear*, la fearers kept at mk steadily. j af the M Vhgaa delegates fm. la Ua ha! the*- hcihd t. e> iCMF trthr fat I'M. an . t'avj karr km cast far Mr* dsn since) the start himJ lefanuJl) derm: the hist Wht la diaari the anil tale aai aalUr its vales as follow - MrAdaa •; ■ hi S; Ralston «; J. W. Dtaa 3 1-2; Will 111 1 14 Vaft Par Ralatea Thaaaaa Tanat imuforxrs.l to oay «tt Ms ami far Ralstor ' As the ssaak of thr 43th ballot Hal . *ton ciiffM MtAlis't stttattK h> ; taUar the saM nte at » Missis j Miaai iala. nakiat. a fatal af ST in pfewr af 31 iLim hia aa a fesir trfer af peecediag haßots Tagged aaii ha nprtal "la ri4e the haan far al ii aw aath." At M the pra «aaas una ale* hat Thggwet did mm WeAdaofa Tatal Dwfedka Oa «h» Mh haßat the McAdoo !*.> •Vili i 1111 I aha.e W, I>4 fJIn la «C I t m at 333. Maat af the athrr caadi hhaaaV departure fraaa the McA-l-»o A, the sate vert aa MtAdm* ncM w»m»si«' tt his sha n. Sanaa* Wim Tar Ma New bra. M. C, Jaly 1-I .iwl States *ia*ar SMaaaa* seat a tde pa la CYaiaaaa O. Max (Mar aai the hh«alas fraa North Car*. -I aa ahateheartad far McAdao R* feral II I 1W IM haMat «as the Int aa Thursday aad aa wfech Uahiaaad lad «( Saith 319 llff; MrAdaa «H. Mai W. Dans Tl; Cax S4. Clans M; BaMaa 31; R>i 44: Kitrhar IT 12; Ihra af Kaaaas 1; Wdah 1; Tailil /C; Owea 4. Tatal UM (Ma Thard Plac- BaMaa aai niiu the salad wate rod aa the Mh aM hlat hu-aia aad tl the McAdaa aad M'j la At the * ' af the Mth hal M ad Ml the maualiaa adjaauel fe aaat dIP.E 1W a i ml aap •aa aat aa aaach la gfee a nat aa X ' T" fans aa the fee, apparently wiih ar«*rth 5a the 11 la aai« af the MrlM b 423; Taith, 333 I t; Prrh. •U-t; Fa I n 11. 43; Caa^MjOaaa. A Mr Ada 4T3 M; Mtt Ml 1-3; Jfevas •; Paiaaad 4®; Bfdtfe 1« ■j/tHAOQ Mater Oi. fe%K tfeaa. aaater ad h TEXACO. adr THE ENTERPRISE HARNHIIX TAKES I I OATH OF OFFICE j ROCKY MOL NT MAN SWORN IX J AS SI PERIOR COURT JI'DVK I TUESDAY MORNING i Rocky Mount. Jaly 2.—M. V. Barm hill, pruminrni local attorney ami j recunier of Katk County, who was. recently appointed superior court 1 judge to wwaad Judxr George W. Connor, of Wilson, who wa> ia tani eievatci to the saprea* coart bench, ara* sworn into his new judicial offier .Taenia)' morning. j The ceremonies took in Jadge j Randalls oOct in the National Ibnk of Rocky Mount haddint; where thr near jurist took the oath of oA-r V fcte Squire «eorge It. Coope h : s {father-in-law. Only a few intimate , friend*, including members of the fecal har arho startnl the campairn j which led to Judge Barnhill's ap pointment, who had Ki|BHle>l to he P**s»nt were ia attealaace. for the ceremony which indneted the app inw into office. As previously ann niKf! Jo. If Rarnhill will com'act his first rourt at Kantc-rd. county ai: "»f Lee Cna ty, July 14. He ha- tlml, len ere. his resignation as Nash County .*■ ronifr. | 'FARM IJFE TO MEET JAMESYIKLE TOMOR ROW 'i The Faran Life hasehall team will : play the Jaaaesville team at illr- { Salanla), Jaly &. Yhe»e two tnu« , are aaaly aaalcheil and a very Rood | rame ia expected. The nxiUsl will be staged at the JaaarsriUe hall park ( aad will hegia paaaaprtj at 4:M p m. The fofewinit is the lineup for , James* flic: Carol Brown, catcher; Gardner, pitcher; S Brawn, first ha*«; Hubert Garkia, «ecoul base; ICayiaoiMl j Bailey, third base; l'aal Waters, short | stay; Anlen Hanlisua, risht field; Dan ] Faran, center Ml: Tommie Sykes, left field. KNTKRPRISK TAKES MOST OF DAY OFF—WITH IT The Knterprise force has iol en- i jayai the prhrilere of a holiilsy for i rnaae time. Feelinir the impulse of patriotism we are taking the remain- der of today off aad as a rc-ul' thi. isJaat will taaa aat in advaare of thr 1 reraUr schedule. i i APPOINTED AGENT FOR I DODGE ADTOMOMLF^ Mr. Jahn L ladKtrva of thi« cit- | has haaa fortaaate eatarh la aca>r i the afteacy far the Dodge aataaohik- ' % hich ia niaaHm I the aad d-waate 1 aaadiaa priced car am IHe au'ifi. The CM that Ua Cmlaaaa I a«J ttea nttasMjr iarinr the war it i |tuf a pleat > that they ate hnalde | rad ifeiian the pis! few «ar; ia desifra of the body has rar.iM n.-k ■ a neat deal af att«.i i•. intil i* t | ia caa af the aaat riC'if a' an aah. I Mr. Bail—art a 4** t a ill j be aeeai elsewhere ia thia paper. f, COLORED PEOPLB HAVE I LABGE PROGRAM TODAY ta tha city la cajay tie 1.1 aat pew ( paa ta be givea at the fair paaafe. | Horse nciaf, school taww and other features «* ta asake ap the pro- Mrs. Pattie Cohara has rrtarneal home ftaa Greeaiharw Mr. Jaliaa Hartafl a ipcadag tha 1-3; If a l«t aa 42 1-3; Caa CA. Saalshary •; Glass 3fc; Blf ■ 32; Gtea 25. At the ad af tha sixtieth at 11:3* Mt aiftht taa adiiar aat aada ta aljawa fe aaat tha airaM at B» i—i—tion CM BaMat Dnia m Glass »; I 43; Richie 14 1-2; Ralataa XI 1-3; Cax M; Tll ml lan j «; Oaeas M; WaM 34. . Oa thr «M haßat thr laanadim " j SUBSCRIBE TO THE ENTERPRISE^ Willianiston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, July !, 1924. Inflated Currency Freed | Germany ot Aiort^aseo iiariin, July 3. —There is probably aa country in the aark with real estata less burdened with mortgage* thaa Germany today, ia> Uaafred Via-' J ker-Flatow, legal adroar af the Aaa jericaa Chamber of Coaoaarca ia Ger jirany, wYitiag in a trade pahlilitiia Jcf that Mjanuatiaa. He 1 liaati ' 1 j UuU more than S# per ceat af all Ger • Bran morgages trere cleared off aad • release given for payaaeat ia paper • marks in the uullatioa days. ! "All this has been arhiaiad." asserts ,lhe wruer, "at the npran a •' ' persons and instil ill ions, who fanaesiy jhoked upon a mortgage as ihe aval • sc.wre form of inrestunt, and ahaa • f:».ih has li«en rewanied b> alter ac- I«>\ cristimertL" t oiuss lei-able real estate was baat.t'i u> ticruwiny hy foreicncrs, 1 pcrialtj" Americans, after toe v —aVrr. lyi;-. revolution, when owners of house p*«*r~| erty in many instances were nmprtlol I to «ll at great sacrifices in imler to I avoial brinK ruinesi because of bgijfe lion lesigne>l to protect the tenant ~ ENTERTAINS lt»R H'»l sk W EST Mrs. Jimim' I>. Uoolr..d eninuiaJ at lier home on Vu* Main -tree" Wednesday evening from eight thirty until eleven oV ■• k luptiaml ing her sister. Miss K>«r MtT«ske> of Baltimore, who Itas heeti her hou» guest for the |«>t two srrk- The home was made vary .vtlrartne hy a profusion of >uaa« hwrrr pink roses and xinnias with fern be ing used. Tlie guests were met at the door hy Mrs. George II llarri-niv arsl intro .lure. 1 to the guest of honor a>l then they were invitetl to the punch bowl where they were *erved .lelirioa i|tunch by Miss Velma Harramn. j A hox of Coly*s powiler was.eiera to M is* Martha Harrison for mnking*| the most progressions dannc a fe lirhtful hour spent in playmr md Miss MrCloskey was preteatol with •- guest towel by the haalan -» Those who were tha recipientt *' Mrs. Woolard's hospiialitr mere. Misses Velma Harrison. Olive Murrill. Margraet Kvertt, Martha ami H-ther Harrison, I Sooner (iurranu~. Ijaaue Harrison, F3iaaheth llassell. FvHyn Harrison ar.d Carrie Ice Peel. MICH. J. L MILUAMN IhiSILSS Mrs. J. L Williaiit. n.- 1 - to a iluft'ii frieisb. last evenut - Um uig Miss Hose Mcdonhey of lalu inoie, at her attractive little haac on Hast Main .-treet fr.x,. ;he boar ot uu»r to eleven-thirty. Ihe front and tack parlors ware thrown together ami sweet pea* and raws in silver vases and crystal haafe nuule tlie rooms even than ' aaaaL Two tables arere arranreu for ' hrvlge ami one for rook .*«' -J." peanuts and punch were served dat ing tha interacting gaaaa . After they were finished the bo»te»» a»Mol hy Mrs. A. K- tnmniaig «*r»e>l a ata>i ' - I'airUy hand-maile haadhercairfs arere presentei Miss McCkofcey, the 1 gaest of honor, by Mr*. Wdliams. Those invited were, Mrs. G. H Har 1 ri-on, Mrs. A. R l»unniag. Mrs. E S. 1 I'H, Mr. Oscar Aadersoc.. firs. I. G. Codard, Mrs. Cortex Greet. Mas ' Louise Harrison, Miss Olive Mar rill and Mrs. J. D. Woolard DEMOCRATS STILL AT KEA FOR A CANDIDATE Tic Democratic CoavealM pauad the. iughwater mark yesterday faaaa the point of endaraace whea 4S bad M« hml been taken without a noaai nation. Na other coa»aatina IK the history of the party has gaae leyaad V> )>s I lots without a chairc. The silaatian now aran a berfaad ed that it My lake 4C aaata halfet ami many days, perhaps wcek> may he repaired to break the dead lack No candiilate has gained nor fen very much so far. There nai ta be aa towering figure ta aawp the caaa veation to a pitch that waall mihr it away to either side. It fe evident that paiaHfli aaaw thaa adauration aad fiMI lip for candidate* are artaatiag tha entfeg Maat af tha tawaapaaplr haaa guar spaad the day. theaa hear aa *aae •tead tha day. there hefe* aa pfeae near WMiaaaataa ta ga ia hathaar the prejle asaaffy ga ta Raanade Park near Waahingtaa Paalirw hearh aheaa the fishiar aad hathfeg ate deiarht ,ful, aad Sea's hearh acar Ojaiath ' Bertie caaaty. SECOND rkIMARY } iO BE HELD ON SATURDAY I M- L. Shipaaan. mho failr>l to, get ,a majority of all the votes ca.-t t- r j Coaaaaaaaaaer M. Labor ami I'ruiikij, Kd Mi. Fraak D. tirbt, ar. •«%.«. *e*. j 12JKNI fea vafe thaii Mr .V. H*aa: , ,an the aaly>tanu ai ttw »;» wary- ahich will be bchl t an'tisar Mr. Snipman. Uho now huhU the IMUtioe, ia coaaMereu one of tnc r»,—s tijhly ahceal state uti'mr- Mr Grist wants the position ami cli-s --tte ahdity to gitc equally as OO.I w ice. He asks (or the odice mainly, ever, oa the gtyun.l of hrmg an es aert icc man. lae coat of lie primary wdl be more than the four years' salary of the other The| work of th>> .tepart amt is among the big business hranchas of tha state. Ahout |ia.- W is expenditures being direclr«t by the CoanmixsinaMt of 1 al« r a.:-1 '"i" ie: .. » , ilie office is af ,«uh im|»rt.ii.o> that it should rver;vr careful rooskier at ion. BELL HOP JAILED H»K SKLMNO CIILOKED U \ I I I: Atlanta. Jane W —lVirlr l» .1 liam*. liellhop am! "lh|U»r nil •:* ~ it f fashi«.nahle hotel. eith« r a■; nt, the Judee I !*.'• or -me !• •' .• iaoaa on tic cht. >-gang r >» -«toitg three tuarts of "fine stuff" an.l he ditnt -ell any Inpior al ail. The purchasers, three >t«tlt who live in an Atlanta suhurh. were #, Mtnrinl by the liellhop. who >ahl a "rich guest" hail left thr** t|uarts ot fim iKjoor"" in his room ami that he lidn*t know what to ih> with it "Guess I'd lake ahout *7 f..' th.- dafT* he toh! th* vouth- /»ho !• came more ii.tere--i.*l Af'e- 'j in? Ihe annMirl the yrafielr liVi'l l»»t;le- «.f "reJ lapaor" ami peace*.u.i t« g» ebe ulaxtL A te.-t showed, to their di-miy that >1 wp» art lung bat ralatal faKt "If there ever was any litpior in !hose bottles thai water failed to -how it," one of the chaptc toM lh> jadgv a disgust. EVERETT ITFMS Mr. Walter lailef, wh» is oorkme in June ville, jsnt the week eml at Mrs. Vt alter lloiley 1- >perutmr hf " sek in lamesville with her hufeal Mr. ami Mrs I jtmm Stall- speinl Sar. , -ay in l«am wit', relative-. Mr. ami Mrs. George Keel -peat •»umla> will Mr and Mrs. Carl Ital «k Misses Mary aifl Tayinr of •'■ear Cnss wrr- in town Tne->la\ • vening. Misse« Nellie Fae lUmhill ami CLie feci arho are al tripling -ummri -choal | : a William-ton ' p»-i,t Toe-.lav al hoaa. Mr. Neil Jame- of Enfiehi .-pent jhay in town Mrs. Pollie James continues to he re: the ick list. Mr. Aral Mrs. Ilaywood Hardy, of Pitt county spent Sanday in laax visiting friends Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Karl ami Mrs. Ifewaoa Birrs attended the Priaitn* Baptist union at Sparta Sea day Messrs Garland Rarnhßl and Gra. Hoßiday attended the Christian aaioa at Bath Satarday ami Sunday Misses Nellie Fae BamhiH aad Susie Bailey ami Messrs. Paal Ruder lad Ernest Mohter mnlnrol In Wash ingtar Sanday. Mr. and Mrs. J W. Cherry and Mas Salaa Stalls motored ta Wdliaaerfaa IMhy. Mi— Virrmia Rogersaa is ipealiai this week in with rel alhrea. Mr. aad Mrs. C B. Riddirk and fam ily motored lo .''■ even Spring- San dar. Mr J S Peel motored to Goldsfeeo Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Biaroe Rigp speat Satarday afterr«>« in taara with rel - live- Mr Ray Everett ami lan Hardy f Bear Grass were ia taaa Monday Mr. J. A. Itarr.hifl at Wißiaaitaa ra> ia toara Monday. Mr. Johaie Holliday of Haaadt** ■pea Sunday ia toaru Mr. George TayM aidared ta WB- Piß tof Friday. MB. FRANK CI BGANI'S IN ILL HEALTH Mr frank Cnrgaaas. wM has »tt ad the tnwa for aaar T»aw aa fight palirrmaa aad who haa aaade a haa* af fHeads fe Wißiaartoa aad the wr- country h suffering frwa M health aai ia aaT iMe tn he ap Mt a aery small part af the tfee. ELIZABETH KELiA JOINS THE CO-OI*S i • ——— [DISTINGUISHED WOMAN UDI - .) UTM TO AIU TOAUVO GROtt ERS t . 1 4 M&ss I - uatorih K'-ily. l"rr-*K-r.l of; 'thr Nor-.a tarxd i _ Tercher.- Ascuci- : '| a »» • ha.- iiri 'z. p»!ti»n ' jle the State fXiartur'.: of t>htca- j j'r » and is one of t most pro»n:nent j ( jS,lii(S in the *.jrr.tKmal »o?k of. IXoth (Vf'.as. this »nl j-tnei thej * Grover* V.operative Association asj tnc hr. -i .!>> it.- :«-w .Vjvirtn-*.-m of! ' »-s»ner - vrost j The ioAKm '.W" loca' ur its: c rommoaity or 1 ' tatii alii a-, in North Candiaa, St uih j ' ar-dusa tnd Virginia. a-J Kelly 1 *Ol drvnif ner-«di to the *«:k « f .IP j * velwpaiLg tic* !«;.l otranicdii'r.- -i.Tectiee the activities n:>i J ■ .nteeesS ia c*«pc.-ainc marketias of I ti* w.—or*, (tl tbc tobacco firru of ,l !e state-. Mi— h• !!_- . «iv. ura- hwrii ar.d rear d »> a V -f. h toruira farm, has Pf" I"! fc n tKue touc!i n?h the -9 ar«i il-f country pe>|Je II*"- "vmaathir- arsi afTertien are wiO> ; t3«e country a.'i ihe -pirit with nkwh de cr'.er; ner nf* woik with the T-fam. Cnaen Cooperative A -*•-1!»« i- evidenced hy ti* follow !-c Vtirr la'.irg why she ha- left ' her high !•» Hv-Ti « th the Pepartre-t . of l.itxati.4 t»- a»-i "Se >'in.-nt for o»-prntive ia*ttft,!!- «»f tobacco: *l** Keßv'» Vevj;e "Ye.:r !■' tewam] upcrvL-ion a rurul -rinol have kept me c!opse to far* I I.r pevddcas. ] "ac k»*. heater 'll I as 1 ahlr. farvrvr- "e it- opportunities as ; a- aa> f>l ;#n- - chihtiei, .. in. for -hr*K-el«« Si 1- 1. Igely u «p*e.-ti-,n ahdety t. pay t- e rri|tiiiol |*r Ml' With ■**(. ;t 1- k tie j ,111 - Is* -1 .y*i ai»l * ill.o«ne- - t.i pr«. wi rejt l the farm a*- u i|U« % '> » ft aow to rcliii. a fnii Jan> oi - 'hal -allh for l!e frru Ea*: »• jit" fa tlie f«r»u. 'Tlet* a»u»t t* some way i'-hiik, | ay attach thr farmer may i».i .ieil\ live n l. «rii> liecune »* .mon ■rally mkyriKlrtil » a- to in ure the prt-lart.- viatrh Jl othei cla -.-e - ..f ' peufdr wot * e to live. An intelligent -y -tea of Raihtt-nif point.- the «jy *e (CHMag for the farm er. W'iti Hi, u II corm ' «** i I Mac*-, pud sflmo!; , «hude> ami «tJ*ei 4rl,iM4i il>at ii> • ure au! f«f|ctiL.l, tisc welfare •' ' •a*), rural 01 an.ui.i. >. North Carolina *» 1 • »jn!) aa agricultural -.ate aiV. pcvo»nl> iijkd arricuure »u.t tin -tate .- welfare dtpcraL "-t amc Guns to beast of our ' Treat agricultural wealth 2nd |uitr 1 Umal thiag to realise that no ' ■ es. a 1 bit or jast share of thL. arealth is - -aryd to the producer- F-r thi. I aa ready to do arhit I ma\ 1 da hy way of hclpere to esl;sldi-h thr i cf eoof» ra;.-.- oiarketing -Skce Iko 'ee«o u> oi. r rch« f from part £Li ;r*.-en; ah-cl fee i to keep in burlaee a pei pie thai K- M hy all rights lie mare frr-e (em any afcrr das- mi earth." RANK* AND 111 SiNExl MOUSES CLOSED TODAY OBSERVING THr. roUKTII AH Ihe ba-.!ie*s Uue> of tf* town ■advfe; the Farmer- arxl Mrrehant Ra-k aad the Martin Cw-ty Saviag »l Trust G ap»n e do d 1 i.x 1 a (h ervane of thr fourth f July, ' "he My ad toe aagei . of lh Ot- lar ' '•.tiaa of Independence i't Amen- ' caa raiaaie ■ I ' Mao Of he Mamli left ye-lerday af- 1 Teraieir fac her hoan* ia RirhUnd- to spear! a feu day*. She will he ar- • etaapx&Kd tuk hy her mother, Mon •Say. 1 Mi» Bahiac ami Dr. T. Rt3s Boyd are at Kea'.- teach today. HhtillEß PREVKVTS BALL GAME LAST WEDNESDAY. TO PLAY NErr WEDNESDAY .TW hull fraoe ah** «i= lo have hrea ptryci last W«dnes.ia> hetweer 1 Wuhaelai aad ViUisadai was pre reaied hy '* con , dit to* The gaaae, tf tha weather per aits ad he pfeped arte next Wednes . day at thr fair graands. y■l ■ ■ ■ Mr. Harry Oaaa b ia town today 1 Me ears. Herbert Pale ta! Wtffiaa Hrdgcs. Miami to Vadaa h-t night. 1 WANTED: BGCII tR AND TBAN- I •M kaidm (iod raaaas ami |.auaai Ralrs reasonable i|Jbe Mrs- J C Crawford. Haar*- FRANK (ikIST IN SECOND PRIMARY EX-SOLMEK II \S t.lioli >H«»«I- I.NO IS HIE SEHIIMt I*ICIM 1 j Ml Frr k l> e f. ( or ! ~t» r iint l*ri^^r Iv"Jl run in the prim sry v. Uh is '»r liMwm* in tha S:rwe He ( that ik* v >tahi tafcr iw *»R6e I l« a |sec.;>l Ulnl. the »\ NaM rr- rave _ tak' a l;i fish: uim tin w«li Nip { i n ..'i v \i4 nr.\ ■ • vote r.H cwyjit !«ut there ±re msar . ~f I Jl 1 " 1 e «-,» .ant s.. a ;h« IT IP 11 Ifbit1fbit "• .it:« m.u wW ~sjt - , | • iW :-*m ir. the irn jm «- j Ir.ill »,« imi :vote r'or i tm ■ tVlja - :h ' rof pn#," | ru .*v of ih 1 Sljv !- ' *!..« ■; cirrtiia•.»■»• by tine Le.i.r Frank " * r»i ». fanzine f.-r (W MWioaf *f I jr.' IVmi Ef. jr.; • i,- . i-k yi ur v.-ie -.m»l jn »!ut-i»ce l.« Ictus: !•» a u.-r»- -fal e*m the 'I loi; • r...-e 1m- !■. •wakiei- for '(he- «JRr» ti uh.ri (v ran crve his i.& .-c of hi> f. n-»n» riCs w»Bte- 1 :n lV * manner t k .»j S* *r*«i the rut-or in it- of sue. J " Si ,v .c ( a -fkr.l tor a 51. \ al -«'> of Si .OM>* - If J.- ' jjl" i>«* tei! -iuiltrioi aiili -nun • H :n I' i' Mt a c \ri"nrn». . ,«a-e --'- 4|jl«liti to fur :he M ! « lifr's voc:;»kt. y..ur \«lr z.a»f i>«l Uj-jniit i- * lw. Kii;h"ceii v»::l- in tlr prtrtirric Nij ' K ftvrii lin- "prKitrr". .le*if" t«» mat :uftoNil. hare tamM IHW M O*U ll«e lhH>r:r. not ih» jcFict! m>vHk» t; ci.*itioi;s of It* t-fctii try T l * ffwsitiiiral of >•# *»,*• b- "jinirHtJ" t«. utikr n»S. mret are t.|| |..n>>riar»t v»! » !' he ki ru -leicc in Hit- jiti»tmk»!f>ti»Jt mf hi, • 'FLLTT !t c-'UtTt hi, h»mi [«•• -paV a*> tlx' e m hi- "jtivr State from fbe »*• •.Sitain* " hrr-, h«- ha- |ar«it una-' 1 ! his lift- 1., thr wall*. Kr i "i. ti,. it raux'. un*l tkrv vit omttii ?' t> ;.'->anl ;h• mrnt of ii«wiia. •t. !i" w for otfw* EVTEKT M\S si \hU SI lit Nil t"| \>s Mr?. V K IHib ttnt nlM> i»»-l '•w mraihro of Wr S«n>b> da-s .•!»•! !hf Mi -f.n lUr.r ll# rhn tr,n cHurrh l«-» T«i»~.ti» *««», i oiriu. a! I.*ivirilr Carl curat Wi-I> IV I'* rail: tt«" t tl* fcslH « • -e-; !h* i i n A|i/- i ! i -I.«iul lyiirli. n'.'i.l-lwf —I frivol S.ii kfr I. tl.i'll. (-•••;*■• ;•». fhy Mm* litr f •.ir.'n irl. . rhtp- Cnw-kir ti»l Ihri |«r» » t»j» "in* ir..l ti-hir, % t>;ii«-i inriM r»-t- ww * C. Milium'. Mk« uMrtfea IfoitiM w»l Mr .r- S Ijilrt aftfi W*it •I: irti I RTTKRSTIN-SIKIRKS \lt ...j| Mi- Johr» Siurk ai.noutirr th* iwuiurv •>( iWit •kiarhtri . Ma!»ri^ to Mr. Jam*-.- I>«rfvt, lt«Wi o*i M*.-,-lay, Jul.* the thist-M'. r n hiimlmt an>t lw».i mr Kolw r i I,i ill*, Vnrtk The forrtroir.R .an r.»mrramt» vail be r«i t»ith a ?rr»! .inl »f ißlmd by the fMiim -el -f Wlbß'tM w» -iet) a- Mr - Knhrr-im lr*»»! i#r»- i** «mr«i years .iurinr he* ri.'U» I nt I iaj alway- very i»>|Mtlar will, her frteml- arvt al ~n with the 4lrr pen »Jr af the town. \ Tfc; roufiie were marrm« evmini* at rune o'rfnrk in the jaraee i;c of the '"hri-ttan rhurh with Kr« Mr Timer, pt-lM »f the l»Mf ntfrf-ialtar vnUmr r>' mi • Mwt, Mtly the imme>ltale f»»ilw* «f " i«e rai|iH|nli(t; partie-- a»l thetr H«atat f-iet»l- leiiw|imfaL HIMTESS Til THI LAI 111-* ILWS Mr- Anna Harrt-«e wa. to the lliilaihea rla*> J the liapfL-l rhurrh anH of which'' cl*#® »h* K a m mUr a»l the rhilathea th» mt the Ckrutin rhurrh which b* mu*ly been ontamiMi, hat i nwr * hfw on liatmhl— Jtmt to which Mrs. Harrin. Mis. t H- Ito-e ud Hunnt Everett anl (riven hy- Mr*, toe. aiaiatarf If Ike other* Then a short laitea «MW was held before Mn HaniM «*- iirtd by Nn I- 1 Hanii— Jtiwl a -ie|irhtf«l ire t— M. ' If ISA Lrefyw Harrison nf»ih«l the ■ w.* with panarh al Mv the . *rntmr. WATCH THE LABEL OX YOLK PATER. IT THE DATS TOL'B SIBSCRJPTION EXPIRES ESTABLISHED 1898 CXJTTON MEETING AT ROBERSON VIIXE # - GRNKKAL MAN %GEB V C iIITTtIN I;KOWKKS TIL VISIT HKRE HONDA! Mr. 1 11 M.ILI«K. IRF"*NIL '!IR-TTI , »l thr \. t*. ( Cr w. i >-.{er . A««rwii« AJLL V _-I: WR IIBB t««ii, n«-*i Mi>tf .ay «m KI->IR- I >i. I »rr— tti. Ju ; : r, :jr will .lriner '-:T, JHIIIH'.-- IN the I ..JI!*!- nuiii 1-. • -»m iio*. aj vir.h • .■■■' ti* ewi ' ra3 J»UUK I- .xtniialii invited to hear Mr Liatork ha- briit +vrm! prom. |h> lil"lt in North I'.ini'ina ami « virlv known m i-s» s: es.- circle-.. "■ «A- A Lrvr farmer »f An on rwift- iMiikt r ai» 1 Ki- .»i rrr liu,IIESS in- Hi- i .;. i-Uli■! h . slie first «f .iiit' r i tin' i.on As « •*•!> a- «;.U-r..i .r, AMI K« - Vt«Ni I TL !hi. C.JIOITY -«.rc "r*c . Ml- Huratrnrn! .f Avwutiba ia> vi-rv rmnlaiJe aioi it is *U.«II nrrv r T ~IT | trim wil h.ivo tin 4 pr of i »-:ir ' "i 'iw »u1 !v iu «TI--1« .I ai .( ill r*> (* liearirif Mr liU'.l. *ii> vMness will ? 'im* t l # -.j—r." ». of the i trai iiat!->; T'R.A: AIT .nevs tamlfwint. "ItWV; (tN « »sHi\|' r l»* MII.LI\MSTTI\ ICO \|l I *ST TI KSHT! Mt.HT t»' lin -«LJK ala>:i! ORE .! k M« -r- J.»hn I M.« II .trvl liamkl I I were xioti-rinr • f».*m \V M -Hrnrtoti »»ier 'WIT 1 ir* 111 - »r»f riicrri thev rarue ii|ani . !-■ >.k ear * J n!' i:a*: bifi wwkeii aikl on *W siiie of tlie roa>i TVv «aw arourhi sit i womm"- hat t»*at W been left in •He r»a>s Su! the '«orti|*arit- i.f ifsr eat M let t*-f-»re "hey arnveii. tliey .li.l n»-r k»« aLo the were r.-r what sn »ir>- tlirv, ha«! receive.!. II ItGE I KWns L». *l\.TO\ IT» (IMMTKSS M \KTI\ tTil \. TI SI MMI K M IIINX. TNIM J»IIT FRANCIS I* WIN.-tor > f K IML T will make a PATRIOTIC AHIRV- to tie Mart it: eourity -tinmiei ch«««I at 'V RTAILE* -chool LU-litorinr II.LTV at L« A M Mr i«ston i- a |Jer«i»t irf ike- II»L i 1 a I! «..r*h >otir t un t«- fear LIIM F\er\ L»«:\ i MI ilea' to '«eat • in M I S KIMkS \M» KKIHIKS i:\l.\Kt.i\i: -TOIC.- Mar ( Ji- ISrother- aii-i iir-A- are -fi'arf in* tM ir store hy ru" i" »t» •rih hetaeen the -imrle -t« that lA>> H»»e hern ICOI|N,INS AN». SHE *r\t iiot wliwrh wa- forrm '!y .II|AEI| hy J A li*.'.v! T an«i rum WIV AMI makine a I. .ulJe .-re for -e in the futurr The firm OF Manrili- |tr»at'.*r- atfct R.nmk- LU LAWN »>ne •»F "he •-! rn-s-W* in the hu-ire- - lif« .af VV ii- Ham-ton .iuru I- tl«e |U• F fe years mill Wl-N it HA heeti vety Har«l t » J«st keep R'.IRIF ami fianle -till t« make a -acre - of your BTSIIN&S IHN firm ha- taken over A -tore crbißll- NL wtti. ■JK tI«E BLL -totk AMI are IV. carry MR -ACH a kith CT»le MA! * it into ,«r of (TE -TIOFKPINIR centei of the cvMHity AMI even -urroumii' * C-.UN tie*. The riirht SIRFE of the bniVmr will lae H-E.l FIT -hoes ami the N»R».*s IRADF to-anear .»epart men! ami the IW .tare IN ill be Ws#*L for women - ap IIH AMI rtaikiren'S A)H*arel UATFA re»a! to-arat ual wudreiai RF all kimL- 1m their -H-THMR- > Mr Frank J. Marroli-. » member of the firm ami manager nf :he W'S- I lam-ton -tore -ta«e»l this nmmnar that the «t»re woaM he ~ m|irtJ by fall ami that in rartt a- nam he mas (KHif to |«t on a hijr fJI epew iar that wwwbl owtcbiss an. Hinr be bail erer ibar before 'Mr Marrolia -.res a ereat deal at hit time per -m --atty to wimtoa ibetsiar atl bis PA trwms wall he dad to know thvt be «• haw two man wimlow- in which to 1.-fUy a part of bis roM- Mr. Manr«G« wfll lenre In tww N 'k- fa* SEW York wbe»-» he «9 LYEWH the ne*t naanth rtrvhrm- rle . STYLE- ami hwjaa- far Ml . AMI winter I —; Mr. J. FMI PlinHl. attorney at taw of Snow HI aari Dr. K. T. Fri*- ' aril ml AJTE HI H tam »j TEXACO Motor 08, K-HL Arm. - (bar, r 11 — color TV* milft BE* ■aator afl B TEXACO. TRIE