immnsßts will hnd quk OOLITMNS A LATCHKBY TO ISM HOMES OT MAMTIN COUMY VOLUME XXV—NUMBER 43 J. W. DAVIS NOMI NATED ON 103 RD BALLOT WED. Charles W. Bryan Is Selected As Running: Mate Xew York. July tt-Mi Dark af West Virgiiu, nvl Gam- Mr Chutes W. Bryan of Nebraska arc the PijiMUlii purty't omliifatw for Imyiat awl Yiee PikhloiL riirim: cn the one himlrrd ami thM I«lli1 a* the choice for tKr n» iiwiM Maiaatidi, the West Vir fMI b*ytr and diplomat swept a wray frreat vans of bitterness* churr. (d of- during. the fifteen pnoda - days of stormy conflict. Then takin r»—l immediately, the new heal a# the party rwteii the i—nutiet. swiftlv towaid a -election of his rat am? mate, the brother of Wfllia:; Je—mr* l**yan. hit mst »ie»-oo> op punewt ' hroujrhotit the htllMmf ttVa the convention adjourned a: ?:24 this murnint" it had fil!e>t m. i: new page- of political history—miej in dramatic force from the violeel 4«m rle taaelic days ar» over nai mr the ba klm klan in the port v platform tkiMff the record hr-akir.- deadlock kfw 11 supporters of Mr Adoo awl Smith that held thimrk m; km Jw 'I ballots before e pre*: dential nomination was in sirht Ir the lw in) J ecu* J. of the coaneatiae this i— ll inn, eame a imr preredrr" in the peraanal appearance of tfc» ■ oaninre—John W. to acknaow!- edre his rratitude and his pmntpt as mptiiiri of his party by a-ldressii the caavwatiau and then roinr int« —fa— wi'H tmr-ntioa manager the choice of a nominee for tk.' rice Presidencr. In his nMiT»i to the ennventior Mr. Darts declared the platform a dopled by the party 'was broad eaaurk for aH the pi or less ires and libera! to stand upon, ami it was indirat«»« that bis later eaaifeaenre with con deaary nt with a view to uaaktnr eev - tain that an appeal was made in lb personnel of the ticket to the rote in the West n* well as the East When the Presidential nominee ap peared he was frcetnl by a prolour ed Pillion. At the reiaiaa last met > a doaen rnmmm had been placed in asuaiuatina for the Vice Prejidenri A ws> was permitted anal flovemo"- Bffu was chosen for second mm the lirkrt after bis friend* b>t placed before Mr. Ila vis and his rw feree* an argument for selection of a V».-tirn man of proven ewtiit ea pnrr: v. familiar with ajrrirnlture ami m sympathy wi«h the liberal sent., ■arm of the MMtry The nomination of the .Vflnda tiovernor took onlr MB. PCm BKFVES CDvnm vnv ill of Mr. Peter Rreres in «d Inn4w. Bahemnuvillc aad throujrt Mt the const y rearret v»iy mnrh that he ontipar i rirht sick at the hone of hit taayhtcr. Mr*- Marshall D. Wtan in Sew Town. His son. Mr. May itmars ami Mrs. Beeves of Oiahaao have been hrre at his bedside for sev eral eeeks Mr. Beeves is erne of the rent** ■m of the aid Sonthern school an-1 he Bombers his friends by his ac qpnintiarrr A *pe-dy recovery i- Mr. Arthar Ckma of WSson is ia the city to-day on business. Mr. Wliam Cnrstarpheu left Tan' day "~r for New York Mr. V. B. Watts spent yesterday Mr. H. S. Everett of Oak City was m town TMar att*alm« the Be nrirr-, not / Mrs. Z. H. Base. Miaseg Marcant Dmittl. Unue Harrison and Yefcaa Harrison attended a FhOathea meet h« at Caleiam Bench yesterday. Mr. 1. K. Manning spent last nirbt Mis- P- * Cane ami children. Sntah J# MrT Carrielbrirs WW—i. Mis. J. & Ml ■ lea. Mrs. J. W. M i i t g. Mr. ami Mr*. J. a Gudard ami Mr. Mas K. M opart to apni the week ' "ihad Mni darbs !WBua.l of - ft l't faa tl'enM the fsmi al of Mr. P. H. Rtaaa . mat several k* of the* week ia EMaaheth City attend fa I *. dITLi ■« THE ENTERPRISE MRS. SAIXIE SMALLWOOD BIGGS LAll> TO REST WEDNESDAY IN MIDST OF A HOST OF SORROWING FRIENDS Williams!on's Most Beloved Wanton Passed Away Tuesday Evennj; After a Tluee Weeks Brave Struvle Against Death MEMORIAL BAITIST CHURCH NOTES Sunday School. 9*5. Morninir Worship 1140. Evtniar Service !roo Splradoi enrnratiw.; are in at tenfawe npon all 'he services. The pesyer naretin*- t- also my (iifourir inc. On last Sunday r new order of ienirt was icaucurated in the Sun day SdeaL Th~ |«-no has been place*!! m the aooi i»iilnniim ami the dv«» I w3l adjrurn rad mMemblr by marie j Xcw black bnards have been place*! . ia every loom in the building am! j th record of each class is posted both ' in !?jc class h«.m and in the audi tornuin S.wil r.iu ic will b~ featur- M a* ■«! as the pKis i> well un-iei wrty. The paster aiM »*|-rir.t«,.!ont. Jalar Airkiv«, are abent the new plan. They hofir to enre one additi- nal teachers for tonic of the depart narats. Coaae with » Senby ami see ns at mark B U SIIIBI-EY. Pla>t«i. MR. RF3D. WASHIN(;- TON MAN RITN DOWN BY AUTOMOBILE j Bepotts frara the Hospital twiV at Mnn are *n thr| effect that the enrdi;ion of Mr. ami Ml H. Head wbi ws- knOrrkd ■*■>»; | ■* Mrakrt Street sr. a c»«ll! k*n witi. i a car. was. very sertons He n ■prratcki on thi- forenoon b> l>t Hate Toyiar. who rvpi>rts a severe J f rartnre of the -hull, ov er and ncms- from ear to ear. The mmbraar «-f th«- brain wi- haute 11 and . larpe riot of Mood re amol Mr. BcWt was |uitr con acians at tunes tHi- mt>rninr and when t«dd of bh. eri>u> conlitiun. saal: "Well, hi me up tie best yna im Or. Ihivn." Ace n lias, to «h~ rrprnl at !»■>*. Mr. Bead's for reonery were eery dixht, hut wink- there was iife V bvi a 6**4! :ir lleary IS Toompnon. whose ear in«b>! M- Keki ..IT hi- bicycle. VI releasee! on n.Udi Mr Ihamp nn feel- very fcodly over the accident and (uatii.wll) impure- a bem Mr BjaTs itw)ilni lit re p«titr the lcr.i-'Bt y-~ter«lay j i srrnr was aaa>ie in valine flat ar.- nthrr ear Iritnl "out '-f K~*r'- Set -"■ re Suiwr." It Itave r. ml of Ed M.lli oi/- aaks station U »nr*mi Ikr-ily .Vewa. BK. B %l\ IX W11.1.l IM STl»\ AMI YMIMVTY Yester«tay «ne of the tar re-a rait - of the reason fell in M illiam*tor. ami the vicanity >urromlinc it. The aide -treet- of onr heaotiful city the M»j*4si ippi river in some place.-. Every bud j bmi e»nclmini that >he raiay spell was broken ami they be can inanwp. "It aint r.iat k rain no an*" hat they found «ut they were sady nu-takm. a few mlna*e: after the s'ona arrived Sheriff J. C Crawford is qui'e ill at hi* home an Haaghton street. Mr. Frank Taylor ami daarhters. Mines Edna ami Annie of Richmorad who have been vbotinr Mr. ami Mrs T. &} and Mr and Mrs. Z. 11. Babe left for tb-ir home to .lay. They mere acewpiaie I by Miss Mary bUe who wfll .spend several days • with them before cubic to NorfrJk to visit relatives. ' Mr*. Charles nanrll Mrs. J. W.j - Maaaanr. Mr. and Mrs- Elbert Peel ami Ma. Jdn I. Hassel motored to 1 Wasbaarton yesterday 1 Mrr J. Laaim .» Peel ami daaH-.ter. ML* Bath and little Miss Bullock motomd to Waskinrton yestenlar. 1 Mr. Bwh is Just out of tie hor pital where be «pent some time, re -1 esrewear ftuaa a very dan serous oper r ntiau. We are (U to say that Mr. tnm I ■ihia a aery abort taw nam. Mr. awd Mrs. Uaanad Ituncfi and - Hole chad «f Marfan are ab ithn at i Ike hsae mt Mr. Bunch's parents mt I this city. r Mr. Inbf Marpolis arrived Wed ae.i ilay ee» date from Mew York ami vWted haT parents ia New York fur - tare, weeks and then spent the reat of i, be tbr Yirgkcan at the Strand Williams ton, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, July 11, 1924. i I D-imnMlt kwr: - wharf she : •wnt a.- few have dme. pbmi there 1 by karads she ha! (b-pd with fri»i ship's temirr touch. wa Juawini! 1 all. the rtern braary ef the trees. 1 th- -dent form «*' Saßic Smallwood 1 l!irt- lies aaaemc her drad is 1 ftiii Baptist Ceane"cry a-Siere it n> « intrmit \\ ninrslay. «m>c ac I men and wonam wkh I» oc .1 herds did her iweieai.r Many |»»»fb • felt the Ins- of a fiieu: smt rrinel : | with the «rbrra | E«r .-«ae heen preeunou-. but with i fortitude •hon. otJ> tot of a str»»nr failh m She 't «!aesi Mi* mercy of '«i llenvenly J F-a'fiec. ?ke iaad uha:: .:>'«t her buane «i'Kuer alloaine a fai! kv-sVOfe of her weakne-s. mil three w*k- ap> ai.enetk *m t*a* re had to keep her r«n nm! lev' Eien the*, she e*pres,-e»i b»p of brr rer»«very. &m! with frr-ikS fb>ae«! work fkat she .iesire! to do for the Master am! His !»t»le one- m the mamaaity am? the Churvh at brr*. Tuesday water. Julv Kth. «n-t after twtlsrhf. -be peaeefußy fell asleep as dees a ehd.- ara- horn on Mairt ©•!»_ 1-tT; her eyes no mo-e on earok M ith Hr visines the -Iliac she W'kea! Ir j vor.d. s>mf m m'al* l«re- saM to the |RUre: "Ok, | -ee surk lewtifai Bon 'ers; you naaal -ee *hem hut I .to" _ TV.«>-e dwat he. bew teanl br repeal (over and over tfce wuadi of tie P-j!bi . »>t ~Ertreet mt all His Weeks* zjf. IJod as life -l«e»e*S awav. she hears* aratn but cvnki oaly say ~F-r*e» " In tfee l.eart of lb oamaailr sbe ii- the he-t blwol maim, aad be* f"! llene .. hmaiitr. unekaass at., wie rour.-el were knew; a none tki l»*- |dc. wk» fall} realke :•* OtSt I IV -e--ir.r a- -be dad lb 1.1 ft Si preise, de anw faiM. be hot own, she »tae ei. doml ami tkaarbt no tvi la the fam My circle, hen wa» the raw kaaei 1 ei. the »ympnthmr bean of a *■ *«te»l mother. Always sbe na- u> terest-d in r town, ard br b*e fx the Cburva aad "fce l"»ii-« Mjaua t»ti> Slot ».er life *B» pj brer u e aiar cowkt ane «J :x: dl aid '.na to hln npifei,-. k an>! m- tto ««f S*. ivtei"-. M a-asct>«s \ by [>■/«.! . tie ntiieh .-be ns- slat oi tbe Ijml ef As*., a»l s mr* ber s»rl yeai de Kal runs her to thi Church ,and its Ileal In th? cc entry of ler pur tee late Join ia am! Knul) 1 urats Smaßwowt, mratr V» s-luetu. lieaafort County. SaUae .-ndlsvo wn- km «n ILati 6'h. Isdl; art t irlhwod days ant ipent mw Bower.- nmi other braucfui of Nntare. a»*t it a*s rer to i uiiWe ab«t lie ftmei>a to see 111 years, art t ttrnu >. \»• ur» de k->d e»l Bp to Vatnre" flun. tie. lie iCtt sbe nuiei s.u*d L' wal« Biacrs, poauwal *>•**. aij.l f—r year- Trea-nrer of ' Mart in Canary. ar!W-e .ik.ii. .erario I in Siorek, IW). at RtUe Bidee Suanaaut, l*a., übence he baa teen takes, for his health. To tbni mat mere be, nine rLddrer. two of wfcarh dard ie infancy, ami »e*en arrne tor. are. b arm 11, Jack * . S. Eeae i Bnbirt. Cbaile i. Mrs John F. I'-pc, all of Ulianftaa. am. Mrs. Kdetl , lfc*»rt. -*f WadurtM. Tno dd(t>, I Mrs. G. L. Whitley, of Hliuaaot, ami Mrs. Jasepk ft. lUrr-. of Wask infrtoa. with tw»» Intbrs lltarb- Kaaallwool. of aid Itruce - of Texas, aln j«rvive i her Stoce ita'oCK—ii't'ia. Mrs. IMtJ 1 had been a narmter of the W««aaa*s Aukdmry ami Cud I. din lie leader ' aad instructor; dar dad fadkful aad ' loyal enee m tbe 54aaday School, in the Church Sew are leatw, and ia ■ ether artiveirs. Calm aaai rrvfrad, 1 »«e was ever mm the side of right, and tbaurn uai uaaiai. she held a piare a mane her eo-wwekers wurthy of brr " iiteflitrwe ami la hi hip Wrrtae «tay aftermoa at kie o'rlork. funeral -eiiiits wese haM at the ' Church of the Advent hr the Bcr. { by Mpv :Ip|liil Gmdnea. d Wask r iarton; the niaed held r a •floral 'dernei seat by fiuali ad .jirbtives here ami uat of toarn. Mr. | frml of the famdy. war orae-rt far i the ham. The wjbd choar tamtr. Ten r.aff Thy Mds Who Pram Their r l abors Best" ami Hut. Hark My I«mL- Tbe mtermem was m the fam 3v yk« at the IhplH Cimainj: I there the chair Map "Abide With Me" KECOKDERS COURT IN SESSION HERE LAST_TUESDAV The regular .es-ioR of the Kcctrvi er"s wan convene* l at the usual hour Tuesday m..rninc o.ih Jmtcr Smiih presiliar anil Sidicitor I'-ri ap pearing for the Slate. The jurors for Tuesday's court were. W. W. Taylor, Harmon Kober ■San. John U lercctl. I!. IL Tayl>r. W. S. IVH. H K lSrker. Y\ A Yandeford. K. I- limy, Tbe»>. M.ddr>. J. T. James, S. H. K.>et>urk ami John 11. Everett. The case?- disposed »f .mrim the •e.aiian were ol an important nature ami drew larrv ctwurds from all par! - of th- county. The cases a- disposed of are as f«di.n» State vs IV>r: f.uiurv to dip cattle. Ttu- r.i-e h i-" been e.niiw e*t for .-ono' ttiue an>! w;»- exte»tr>l fe MMibt week -lie vs Lernai: Itennetf. a siult W!ln k~a.lly areapoi. This cri-e wn cort linueiL State vs M:>l>U«l ll >pk.i . >!mar au'.oiaobiie white drur.k. IW-t'emiaitt pkaM mailt> ami wa hne>i s.>*••» ami cost. Sta'e vs E tt illuim-v a >ul> with iemlly weapon. Caste coiitmue>! t.. the 1211. of ~ SJate vs Ehenex-t \Vilium-: Wasa faetarim; ln|u>>i Case cuntinord m t.: Vuru! 1 _*tii S«ate vs llajvod Whilaker. mar.u • aeturirif' liapior ment wa- *•*•- lenlol upon |ci\ nei.l id the cost. State vs |jl Itoifi \.d I'ro- Stale %» Erre-t 11 lllmvntl-wr, -lamler. Hefri«i.-ii t enter- idea o* ale mnleerirr. Ilea wa- accepted by "he -late. Prayer for tn-l -mmt Cu» niiuhi up..ii paymer.t of i•• • of artM £ml entering int.. bml in the 'tin of S3i'«tl for hi- apj».ir3»«ee year from date. Mr. Dennis (', Taylor Injured in Tar Wreck Mr. I let.nL>. C. Tayb.r wkdr drn :ne k»me ye.-terdny afterm»n fr»m Windsor had the misfortune to turn qi> ear over ami to receive ereraT »U! ,uiinfal I Hit nut eiorti- Mr. Taylor was C«m.IIH - Mar im mediately afler tbe hard -f ra»r ard the ri«h were very sltp •er> ain! the-e with :t broker. n>lw ?»-l cau hi- nr tu tyrr. r»ni|d» r rlv .*e«. The i«p vra- hr«ke*i in ami tke wiml >hie! I laroken Imil little •laaaarr »a- ilute to other part- oa the lai Mi TJ>, 1.. i aras not -'noai h knrt Hat be is uIT«-rine -••me |umful cut?, ami Vitii e as a re-ull of tie vri d.-nt. Shower For Bride Mr I >-»..! hi.- i-aw »». t » a i:wi. «b»»er for Mr - U E. l'ope vita k-.i.» niarr«e-l t*» . etb an* in S'ew I (err. Mr Tote. tefwr here riarriaee was Mi • ju. Wynne, is uwr of V. illian-lM > ':'■%»» iw.;ail:ir Villli; women M>l a t .-ee crowd of frieml* have been m vded. Tie pretty home of Mr- Aa>- •>rfaa will he profn.-Hy lnurdr>i far the occasion. C.jlflO tIF THIMH We take thn mean- to experts our .■latitude to our fne»d- ami tbe crirls the Epan.rth I eirur for their k'mlnr»s durme the recent of oar dear baby. Mr. ami Mrs. G. B. Ilrdliny iwortk Mr-. E I* Cunninrham ard Mr. a»d M-v Maurice D. Watts apent ye-ter ••ay in Washintaiii Mil Jiase . A. Evere't and Mae an. Viarren ami Joe Everett natnm! to Wr«hiiet«a yestordiv See the Virginian at the Stra»«i Tljeatre adv Miss lim die White and- Mr. Jae Eotdwk of scatland Keck were ia iMm for a -hort while pdtfiay. Miss Jess CdlL of Wnshinrtan. hv Bev. Morrison Betbea. Nad Bev. StefJhe* Gardarr repeated the kymn. XfiJer 2H Ac.nre pod barrt -: lb. J. K. Bhodrs, d D Car-I arpkea. Clayton Moore. Ik. J. IL Saunders C. It Ha -ell. Dr. W. E Warren, Wheeler Martha. B A Ciitchri. W. J. Hadps. Alsnzn I Ins sm ß, led> Eowde-n ami K. J FmL Out of-toua penple attandisa tie funeral were, Bev. aad Mrs. fltniiib tf d efc'Uree, Mr. aad Mrs- Arthur Wifec- aad children, Mrs. Frank r«HvK. Me. and Mrs. Jntepk ft Hnd and san, Mr. and Mn. Charles i'aaaß ' wd. Mr. and Mn. T H. Myers, : Mrs W. & Hat Mag. Mrs. CWwlra '-little, Sheriff aaad Mrs. Bond aad I Mr- Sutton mt Wiaimr. Cl U'EPI'ER HARDWARE COMPANY TO OPEN STORE HERE IX HASSEIX BUILDING AUOI T AIKItST FIRST t Mr. I*. H. l»n»wn, Part Owner and .Manager Has I Urn In Elizabeth City For Cast Feu Days Ordering A Coir pie! e line • Hti ret»-r!. r irtmiew Mr. I". I!. |:- ; virr, * «x% m i!j !• a iwmbrt of I thu tin of t Vilprtt" r tlaiilwaf Com- j past w»*+ mil s -loff here. 1 thi> snil h- J .t-*e»i 'hat :h#-. J ■■■H her.*. ha smrsat Aut!ii>t ti l or | !«o a-» it *i- pn. j *iM' !•» »«rt tftr Kijil hai: in rva.ii | if *. V ' . K : '«e pi--* v eek in J Ha s«c: 1 1 »» .1 1*1 ?.e \. i;! the Mr *»rv | W "I. »i !. ii Culprppt r hive I ,v> i n mrlii.. rrprrMTUftwij »"fe>4r !* kiwwrr. 1 (irm- fiotr. -!if- | ■.-r«"tii« »*"*»»• of il«e -nHtntr> pnreS::nr a fell !itic ,»f hardware f«»rj Sh-- r ae.l sMrsair ?»u- sw f »hw* «Hrr >;eei t»» >»n -i I„r»e! clr -s this. TKr firm »ll «rupy one of the .1 I H . «vl »%•»»-. by- the f.i.- «»f t!• «r ■ f«' She I" S ("curtnfy Film: t»r Cearpniy nd the ilt'hs |>«" "r rrains iv in tlio rw*t few •'ays Mr. P 11. vii>i thp) -intra>lf>f til: ins- .hw -t«r> with a lint- whirl !! ji!l the refuirment of th bmj mate ;«M* in th* ha-dwsre liri .1 T>e\ rj 'c* [lff >i»( ..ite I of tik*- !»».« i.ratinr in iho ha->ine.. seetio". 4 the tovii o*r of tip fr-al:*st wnt- of our to* i- b l*t in i |. to date knl ««f f»»r marl valuable l.u.i fca» rwe to o-her town* an.l rit""- «*r «.f M~*l!iam~t.>r> rut ktvtMr ..oe ilr l-!«»n w,vi> ihi intrwhirtton !» Ihr j« 1* of ru(. r Martin or iVr "*r «-'-jit- jt-. It#- « 4 horn ar»S h: • i»« an «—-•*•» u, Mirtir. fnaaty nm lt_» imrl .»t iwry -«Kkm of it ami IVr -r yd at - fv i\ w t.ori fw «!■>* »«- |«(t ut it i , «-». !« i- known .-•-. a man *f It i> i -t »►•». • iiilfrntv Ir* -i«" '1 ( ul|k'|)|>> i .in- iiwrirr of *■(.* •!.• h'.Mitti.' kiriln.irr bim »f H «*- rti e« inUutr ««»»» ■! KliuUtk • iily jfc.i th y aiih Mr. Uiukb will •- 'ln- lirni of tnr I olr>n>f* ' IL nSnir I . «*>)• ,«,j «>f \\ liltan> twfk Tirir i wit ilkki ,ii thrir hunw i» a —M-i a««» on* jjs Itr ttn-.t I.tir t >-• ?w t«a-« !»l nn.( n-lir l.f* :J;3i ;A*V, t'ipw- ttr; >•«.• at *aj - Ir r«i IHI. HlllJtU lltltlt olluu OIMKS 1111.11 l \ IIKM'MMIMH l> 1«» K4li+iu I **•l * w «* »HT. - imtwt ill •«"■** »(k, . xiir- hit*M> >•*>•*« ->-i-"I l« itie |»T~- ami |«iM« 4 aili» i.-« n thi.-, ymr Sir T«M ail! Iw irnn mIK risl a- m# A ll# iri4(tKi«i- !«■ thi. .print* "t* Hdimf rtrrus umlei the au ■wo «ft Urti!-r of I'nmtiiPirr •if T.»«-l to Ir tei>wmherr»t hi frtet«t> Iw "on thr dlbr tawl- wi«h»- t.. -late or an apJL.ii.Tf- •».-«» ikik l.- Lite \Villnrti Twt t rhdW, hftl lit:4 I" hint, .iixl lltil Mi Tayli>r r*-*t i> ir. »x. *fay e»itnerte>l with •jUbr-iiM*; ""?*■ Tlii. allra-t>«it i~ one ..f tiie rkjt Urff-t atvi i* I van-lri ill*- show* m tie -late lie w-#*«•> that e»ery o»r wfll mw mt :>tfl see Wtlltam T«U d»« an its own farm ami not in fßUrt- TV ptmrrana r« it - twel» vawlr lilir arts ami r«ainl playb with ik "-l ine change of j rupra . raeh warfct la to Wt rwhervft that this is not ta imlMf rimii ui the Trout variety Ml HJlcin TwU'r. kr motorize*! tent iMllt. Sir llaton Motion i- in t'howai. iwMly to«tay «n a ha-u#>. trip Mr Sumy CV4«i; is *pewiii»!.' :w with Mp- -r.-. I rm.k at>S living MairsJi*. 'jl wgi amir »o-nri»rr»w to week with Mi- • l.aries lla»pB at thr l*»iii» of Mr. John I. on .-'Mkaitt 4m t. See the Virrinia'; at the Straml IkaM. aJr Mr. James- J. Ilrrf'.:.* of the ttil Ick Tttkl how tr.~ h Uwn t»br m iKMKIi. £r "tr W the William T«hl Vaurtex i«e . Ub wv ir. town yestentojr and to *ry- t Xrv. O. €mp will arrive to morrow I M(hl I* ivtl her son ami .lanrKter r in law. Dr. aad Mrs. P. it. Cowe for t « l««h ai tkir heme on fltwrrh «rf*f 1 I aim. A and IJhert S, » IVel aw Jprndine the sflmwi ia % V i ni on professional l**wt** i T«4>y i«■ ryhody t raMtnp fM TEXACO. _ Mr DIC. JAM ICS srin NT I>KAI> 1 | Pr. Jmr- »f ttilmiiu tuo I >iw-i July |l-> m-.1l: iflri a long ii li£.~ .. li*- us- »«. }■•> I year a! Ji* t.aar »»f hi> -trait-.. I'! J'al » j»~ .«v 4 l!.o !*■»•! Isils: **• ?-■« r« .} the t nlti+i iy : . IK **u." .1 *lll. *• of !i. ihr ftmuu »ar»»i«i-« >( ii# tii 111 j Alruapirr . atJ >..« *t..i »• * fwa :»«« *«». 3»a«: liw !>ulk ••* . jtlw Mm «S 'hat llttt (iariif. .7' |L[»U *-a !•> '!«■ ",»ur ! —* «f ji ..f !«■• !» uvr luh' - j • « i '» .. s«- i.v Ju >« I Spraat ai .-- f»r •» hirt :•- rrrriim | I f t-r Ivtf li * 4»i > :• 1i- . .-.1 1 1 |M~- Tlr »I « »l. -It ill' - . I rot lor. «.# ''a" 5.4 «• « •!..!« ' • ' tf-a \j: i!at t9ar «-.»,.;1.ii , fn-ii iiw ;>.•** t-.a, h.- t«j «• ui . . | art*"** 18-« «* * N Itr M ' . ! * i Mill tl'il.4 1»» Sp*mr.i «ra i,4 •:■)> a t'.nr !hi i if K-», in kcl a liiMttrtu. a |tfcila» alfcj * I'-IfMI- trj > ■ ' Hf 'TOISACCO (.liOWJ KS Mrni i;K\i:m v m> 1 I 1 -■fill las lUi VI..I(» I krrf I p I'lh M Totunv !iini* »! In trrti I • k'ulie.l fi» 11- * faf 1 1M Ik'jl f rttH t>.« trsul Ibr «.-intu« wii *ti! f.v .'lfl.t 11 »Ci Ini lolon* rmnt* »f Aic».-r» .* In «■» . v■ » it iv. . I S»ls Olliailti i. »it«i Jif fl. !' *■ Skti iiirai alfa»»- «f itr in *lali* a — at •*. It St fm l\. I .>ri if. j(w I ur«|«- »i 1 ii>jr s«f Wi ■> «-51 I** i.u,.itr t I —t i«Wr» .Irliii'iei !u IK • 11l i\ 1* \. .ii I . k' is .ttg i«■ I .mill ui Inly ralk«t»- •«' V«rth I 'aruliiu • -timr*-. *- !• ImiII.I St..- i.» a « it...-tS '," j JSB.- I IHM »Kir > —«ln «. .. ...ilh.ii, a.- »■. Hal »*.•»■• ' Wl iitsl l.v «^u. >wf l« ; '• if-- * j 1 1 a«. ,«r_«. iiu.k. i i.'i 1I«- !« >ort» «f tli- j>-MutiN tiwim. ad) ll.' , W « 8 Uir*« as a rr uJ( . f II- (MMwi • iMi'- »i-st l«» I t • i. M» s«ts. *fc«. -Iltftl Ih.ll IMltl.ll - I r.t*M 1%.m-.1. l!# i.f It f liStrtn > -KOIM. kllf n« nk .hi ba -y trtixi juralfi I i'K- lm|#ia{ ► TatanM I—of (lir; 1 Kritaui. t ■ m -r- -Arnl 11*j lb« 3 * s~»itaf»s nf |«irt me 11# .tMkbl i . af IcAanru* fi..m ll* r...jni t al r - xu.ti>A I fc- a. I - iilinml «t ' l»l* liilWKI. |.i..rir I a»»t •* tw »tin *i (a- l. #i, 3' 1 s. juiWsr rilt«it.r tKi- > •-.» «i «.■•> f i«M ifii Mr a.Mrf- 1.. «... 1 I j inn t sniuu 1 mi Juiy 4 "''X v» 'l'— - t(i. (]. ai, . i|» now-lit Xi.« it >- fc>. » I -n ■! M> Sau.l f F«i lb*- ll>t I|lM> HI kl-IMI lb» * faimM >-f Vxtb in li-.n 11- l-.r 1 tfcwtfcr in wi f«m» Nr« Y at -I I I j**r ml ira»-n~l ft lnl • *t r pikl- ttf l«tun« «.«l.i Imii j UI. k >ln.! |i«m«i 1 of buti«i witf ui I!»I4 , Si p«i«l ui t4um. sill l«y flic sjet umii ■-1 t«4«i. ihlwarti it ink- I bmit alwil iM rum *i-i prwtorl - uf . tar ■■«rgai»in»«l f»r**-t- !«. bu) **l n I 11.- »f ilr •w-. iti 1 ■( fat m »ii.f • tkas Ibr •war. anpnt-tMo; . Mr. . u 1m- IbtiniH kwi.fc. r |un.trl uttt llal H»»-t nra>r «f ti* YiJ.'rr. . lii'.vi r- I Mfrnlur A - e ftnLiiM »»n. a 'oil y»ar ulirxt iWr.i arv'iabr- ?»l bwlw.! U| tbi- tjlr ,j -m • * —% etimr ttj- !. c« t>ut m •*»; I ..f !'«' f »rniM .• !»• tiwitW llu if 'r 1 ■■» I |il) ■» nt h-t tautttk .'run. tiw > - wrsitjU- ■»!*!>. u r*. t»-b Ww I Drat —i.*ur; Whb wkirn l« turv*~« r Itkrir ISSi mf «M dill hat* aM.ihrr I nh |a>Mn.t m«u»? Iw !>*■«» .■ b. I vnr"« m*sL ttr :««• s mt thrir s»a ■ r-atalM j»xiHv u|« In thr farm #r» Ihirtw . li* "I" - r tfjitei Ibr " 1 IT nl .ir-tlin- of tlw " I■ bint 11 a MIIIMI. mni»iri Ihrw that 14- fath v» Ibm *»«• w..' * wtm kii Mib4 tb-ir >kirt - mad |c« Mbrtv irbl far tbrir palitiral ' I uitylmrr Mtad that tbr mJ; m*m ' L to ibr 11 ii«t ■ puMpcritir rf L j th~ :Ti—hrm tikirri farnarr today » fi tbr ma aria* t- to* naarillv to jliß 1. be a abbn faint la a twfi«» -' far Ibrir ntana wtftu* ar thr MB IT trart Imhrr aba Jrbv- tKr m' r. atari aril mm to Ik Swatbrn __ j| LJ r j i , , jg| •V .VI m THE t-°%*EL •» ■ ftltn fAfLiL IS -li iS«F> 4 tit uiiK siwcnrm.'i Ex^atcs KST Ai>Li:sH fcll# lsifc Kfcll>KK \L AC;EN i ACTIVK IN THIS SKCi iuN Due Fulforti Caught When Uiiu t i > KluJ .Muunsiiiiic Siili - *-■- MaiTi> si r.. ti. j j■' I « ."i*! 1 jriAirt ten ..-r.i jiil » 'i It»« '• -W.. i .3«—r. ».!• - : it. t&kli t »i*rr «- r im»* _«-l -j. :t j. i, 1.; ■fr* tin W - "•... jf its: •-•'h* -Wit - - -_W AilS ! '™" ■'* i-.:r , .-i* fviitiri. - wr*% j-» *' - ' r -"'- r ' - ■ ».r-. . baa •o rater - f«r >^nuct j..' ". i- .f j l'r,~ " V- -.-fli -llii- I j " i - - v iHs .hi*i| it ■ i,M.- »!"! ! : \!i KIKt-i , lv K 1 * * li 1 . f 4 |. V vllf "■ - 1 .^, v 4 - I • 1 *w"» * - » f r«e»! j * a K* ; •»* iU i - caa lb (k|« •*" -- p- t- -La*t? I w v Ki-;rn "1 ?*f al- Tl .:?w. ~4fc«r* • \*v I i ''kr' mi - Ztisr' IfWw# * «_i i* . t»| - j*-* >*t\h '=»* !!#. '• * •i'-'fcr.i ... ' -M l£fc- W. . a^-'-^ti«/ - iA.» lt*. v » He" ,%« i i J, labttf '** •»' * f " ih «_C I'l afiMiilS Wb«rfir fj g trs: , St»r+ \j \\ ->*» *r« jr * P- * If»rwj4b ft- p: ■ 1.1 j-\" . Ti-ti .Wv -r r -iia ' •-*. ' . « , . ~' py*- stjJb if' 3»■ . r , 3 _.| j ' * - V H 4 .. mm U '*» J V*i 1 i-- j . J*l - *•?* .it •*. —*• fi ijaaularill . 4. .*jirtip,rt ii ;»» • mm™Urt -1 *.. ifn t. > ! liomLjwtt • „ ••'*• •- i*"mh i S ''r »- » I-.JU- a A. fj t* «* Uli . . ,ir-.1 ri, - .i Ktl. *( %• I- « -.1 m*m l,d* I- it ii; . • -lti« Mi Bilif ai. itiii irv 4, t». . .. a, I'j a... *1! ttK V. h KIZI.I |.t. «i. V. *nr a*? i*' jNTii w rt I» **l .>4- .fc >r *** - I• >. " '« i - '.l.f . .l.^r:.- ■ i i;.>i-. t ..■ .!« »; -_ > IM. „s - I MKr-l-at- ,*li -"i **,• 1 !*i.« ._t .r. , ;nl -41 . t it liLr ikTiCM >n«»i fl» nit V MlllS A. .. m - ji tae .•mIH ia w *.l tb* t>« hi\. > A- *.— tiiM» ■■ .li IT." {- tlr u. lb; fit •" iu l*c vjir . ..V:-. .i: vJ t!l> a. at , At - ". Ji li' • _Ui XutjLi Ml s»r ircUlM 4- KtA.. .. rtair *f> - • I -J..- M tfe« ijiim >**- ». . i&tt. . t -fi y •IweA tw at «I iiwati v"t J. Iw tin t«nxrii« CUM- | - i. [mh. hi/. &ti. i bt.jw -Si.\\.t k >) 1 i =- iu~, M , Im ak li* iifan- -I HiaJ ' "*■ w*- u the hip AncMaii ngtiitM !ii-»rr> uJt lUwv arall ibeii ii«ofa' iMw««b ibt |«wiNtf «f lb.- to- »»a«ailin tW ieu. , la Mr. -SaaitC ab» uim ibit tbil t fact ViM «i ml Mar to aci.» iu t sl«»tk || Ut» liuataU Ml>. wk nuetOy I bft hr* >■ ifaia ia thr fcnb Quo . lat Ibfutanl JL KJnfiilwri to take f am tar ulmn t--an>riri s mm , Jqpartaatai w mummmm"* wart, atie ,rU hrt «. U«r JuaytiTili».~ m. jw I rug «f Irhtmnc aM m«l* S* *-« . r 'aaJy ttt ir~ -4 thr Swtb CartWiiw ' ,i fittMt W * .J a D Fm w,M

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