ABiuifsas will hsd on inunw A LAKiIKBT TO ISM anus or JiAims couvr\ VOLUME XXV—NUMBER 48 MR. W.FRANK GURGANUS Dlfcl) LAST SUNDAY Was A Member of Local Police Force For Many Years ' Hr. Frank Ca &ian i died Samiay at the Imm of kit usttr, MR. EBea Cibaia. auar WiUiaaston. Mr. GvpHt juiul u ajgkt polk* ■M to WgliiMi I■■ far several mat faithful ofteer- the ten em had. Last jht he h«aa to shorn »%u of fafliag health bet did eat rnki whan he Mt to Jaka's lliplwi Hos to kMC OHCT The &ne tod toe* nattiaa to paid tot very little at -11 a«i iii to it. la the put few aoatb the runrir begaa to grow very rapid ly aatil death last Saaday af- W. F. Gargmnu* was 4» jean aid. the aaa rf K. S. Cim—i and wife. Etta Whitley. He leai ■ mme brother. Mr. Ma Gaexaaas and fear wten, Mia. Etta H arable of Taaagsvflle. K- Vpa aad Mia Clyde Gargaaas all ■a aiihn the nmaity aad the frtoh aha are at a lam as a result mt toa death. It any to said that he aa aa aipai «l in trying to treat aB. hath white aad black, fairly ia ad aaairtniaft the law. The faaeral was - r-tfr day aftefaaon to the a«id** of a large aaaber of ftieads by Revetewl E IJL Ml of the Metho li-t church aad R. L ShiHey of the Baptist church Whitley (tare yaid aear twif. LOCAL HAPPENINGS .OF WILLIAMSTON Mr. aad Mn C. A. Mr. aad Haa. F. a Biaaa aad Mitse* Carrie DHk White aad IbWkafc Har day aad apaat the day at that iomi Mr. aad Mia. A. T. Qawfaad. Mr. aad Miv L C. Bennett wOl leave lliath atoia. they wdl speat iaae tiaae at the Caartaey Terra** cat- Mr. J. W. Watts. Jr. has «afraad fiaaa New Beta where to speat the aak ead with Mrs. Watts aad Jiaae at the toa mt Mrs. Watts' heathers. Mi ■■ II- ll—ell. Albert aad Jaha Wads Mr. aad Mrs. Gt—m Gancaaa* aad aiaim vttatod Riteessde Path San day afternoon Mm J. W. Hodges is visiting •»» Mr. aad Mm J. O. Manning. Mm Charles Mohley. Mm L C. Braaett aad Mm Joe FMer aad Mr. Elbert Maaaag aaatarr I to Riverside Parh to . f —liy afternoon. Mr. aad Mm. Nat haa Ortaaas. Mm CMaaat aad luaai Mamdii speat Mr. Neßo Teer of Darhass is ton dtohac to the caaitrartisa of the fey fna Spa( Hope where she haa heea vacating H latin I far several Mr. Barry A. Bam» will bare to» win HI Car Vkrton Beach to spead Mr. aad Mm Bea Barahdl aad lit tle aon. Bea Jil ad Mr. Kadar B. - aad ia Aydaa with"hhtody. " Mr-"aad G. Statoa left they wfl spead amd days. torday ha Sew Toe* where she ha> toa the »ad mt Mead* far the past Mr-aad Mm A J. dtoa aad Mt »• Ita- T nTa sister. Mm M. W - «ai Mr. Hardy. Mr. Gits «■ ■!■■■' part mt ttoa weak to 4s A. ■. Otoaar wdl '■aaa that to b ■ a ha w . ' . . - •' THE ENTERPRISE LOCAL SCOUTS RETURNED FROM CAMP SUNDAY I Hie Twenty-six Boys De dare Trip The Best Ever Had toaapjatoM* F The WiilnatOoii Scoat Troop, oil- V der Snalasiiir Simon Litley, return ad Saaday afternoon from a week's I aa iapi«i.; ut SJw i_.ke Park. five r a ile eat front VI ilson. Mr. UUe> anai bis boys report a ! very favoraMe trip and woul-t have I reauiand for another week had it not r been far thr sailden itctraw in fi- The toys »«* inclined to be a lit tle sceptic arvl not very enthusi astic over the proposed location at irJ hat after rrafhin); camp ami net tier acquainted with the place they torasse unusually pleased. Oatskle of a few ear aches no obstacles fame ap aad the trip was enjoyed by every oar present, in fart they say it was thr brd trip they have ever haai. Mr. LOley wishes to thank publicly tho>e who wee* so generous in help ing bia transport the boys and lug rare to aad from camp Those who helped toward that end were Messrs. C. K Clark. G. X. Gurganus, Hen Barahdl. Norman Ward. Mayor J no. Ha -seß. Bamll Daniel. Herbert Want Bakert Manning. C. B. Hassell an-l I Henry >arkia The maU were pat through the rerular discipline planned awl laid oat for tha scant* and on no occasion Jil the scoatnaster have an yt rouble enforcing the rales and regulations.. V.ith the Scoutmaster there were 26 ia the party. William James, Robert Brown. William Cook. James H. Want. Fli lUmhill. lirac* Whit lev. Samuel limni, Paul Kimpsoe.. Homer Itarn hdl. IXwh Pule. OaiKie liaxter • "lark, leslie Teel. George 11. (lor cai,a>, Marion Cobb, Harry Hamhill, George Harris. Jes-up Harrixm, ('has. IWI. F.twia Cnx, Hart*! Trice. Alton Itanirl. Joe and Ravmorwl Roberson, Henry Manning and Thomas Craw , for»L Mr. Simpson As A Potato Grower Mr. John D. Simpson as a potato er«»ner saepaaaaa the youneer men. Mr Siapon is the first man in this > i?etioa to peodace a sweet potato this i year Thoarh eijfhty years old he > raawj oat ahead of the younger farm - en. Mr. Simpson sold th? potatoes on thr W3Kaa*taß market yesterday t I'ade Johany raised these potatoes I with his lahor. no hired man or crop . P*r i The price noiw pak on the Williams toa aartot is 1460 per hu~hel. hut I will jat coarse, he lower when the slower farmer- begin to put their po tatoes oa the aauhat. OAK CITY LOCAL NEWS The Kapti-t San-lay School held its a a anil picair at N'oldeV Mill Porn' hit Friday. Th«e tlai atten«le«l rn Jayed a -vim aad a .lelieioas lanri Miss Idliaa Walston of Scotland Keck wa> a vi-itor ia town last week. Miss Katr Matthew- of Winton and Mess Viv tar: IHaveiii-r" of Rock;. Moant alien-ie>l the Wdliam To>td show bete last Tharsalay evening. Messrs. W. E EaHy and J. M. I John*** aatorad to Robersonville Satarday afternoon on business. , Mr Khan I .Haoadson of Hassell I asd Mtoaaa Kihd aad Davenport mt llaauiton were ia town Tharalay Mr. Eraest Harreli -pent Sun-lay , ia Rocky Meant. Mr. aad Mm H. S. Ew . v t I.k> «.r --f ed to Bibtiaaaiilt Saaday. ' MB. MBELLE GETTIN ALONG 1 NHELT AT HOT SI'BINGS, ARK. 1 to a recent letter to as from Mr. L W. Miaeile, who is at Hot Springs Arkansas, stated that he was getting * alaag akdy aad improving very rapidly. Mr. Miaeile is at Hat Springs taking a treatawat far chronic rhea | "fa far a aaaber of yeam He ays that a too a pari aa gives " his residence a North Carol iaa. the greatest State ia the l aiaa that all We are clad to aate aa iaprowmeat' 1 m Mr. Mtaeß aad alaa that to to hadBBR the State mt S. C i. r Miiaa Mary Hardy and Elizabeth L Marrd af Ktohbads will arrive this ■ eveaiag to visit their sister. Mm G. H. naniiaa aad Mr. Harrison at I their haaae aa Main street. * Messrs. McClar* aad Harrow oT Talk aa a are visitars ia town to-day. ' "77*;: " " y ——? — Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, July 29,1924. COUNTIES NOW LEVYING TAXES FOR YEAR 1924 1 Martin's Levy Has Not Been Made l et; To Be Made In Near Future A number of counties in this wc - tion are levying taxes for the yeai . 1924. Our neighboring county, ltertie, ha snia«le the following levy: i For schools, 72 cents on the SIOO. ' For rwaii>. 4() cents on the $ ltK). For general fumi, 15 cents on the SIOO. For sinking fund 7 cents on the SIOO. This makes a total of $1.26 on each sloo.im of property valuation, which is the same agitate that that county hati last year. Martin county has not levied yet, but like Bertie when the levy is made most of it will lie for schools anil ruads, two institutions that we did not have much of a few decades ago. ' It has been only about 20 years since the roads in most counties were place- on taxation. Martin county has not heen receiving county appropri ations that long and one township 1 (Poplar Point) still sleeps under the same old law. riding the good roads of 1 it townships ami ploughing through the mud of its own township. It would he very hard to find a man I who oppose:- our schools and roads. Yet there are a few sub-normals who may be oppo.-rd to everything in the form of prosperity. If the world is making any mistakes in its school system, it is in its higher education anal in.! in its general educaton. Ceneral education is the saving power of society. Higher education only wi-lens the branch or gap lie tfttrii the people.- and increases the -tratu- of society thereby destroying oentocrac) and feeding plutocracy or imperialism. The higher education of the tierinan people causpal the growth of bigo'ry and selfishness that has practically ruined them. They tru.-tea' kiiuuiedge anal not justice. Our |ieo pie may call for a reduction of the expenses of the higher eilucation i»ut never for a reduction of that great common system that enables everyone • to have some kind of an education. What will the levy lie when the Board of Commissioners of Martin county when it meets to | decide tluu problem? Will it lie increaseal? Will it be the same or will it lie in creaseal? It is a praiblem to be settleal anai one that requires much thought. I'hilathea (lass to Meet ' Friuay with Mrs. Rose The Philath a Class of the Memorial Baptist t'hur- will meet Friday even ing promptly :.t 7;.:0. Everybody is urged to be present. The meeting will be held with Mrs. Z. 11. Rose at the Atlantic Hotel. MARGARET EVERETT, Secretary. J , ~i • MR. I.MIKGE W. BUH NT CONTINUES ILL Sir Oorge W. lilount, who is one «f the earliest risers and one of the oniarte.-1 anal most dependable of Wil l.amston - citiaens, still continues ill at his home on Simmains avenue. He is greatly misseal by his frienals anal a*u-ociates alown at his place of busi ness. It is sincerely hoped that he will soon recover anal l>e able to get about again. GI'ESTS AT THE ATLANTIC 1 hose registered at the Atlantic Hotel ye^tenlay were: A C. York, N. C.; J. E. Grissom, llenaler.-a-n; J. M. Mathias, Va.; C. E. Sebroaik. Norfolk; F. J. Wilson, Nor folk; S T. Bowers. Ahoskie; W. M. Bryan, New Hern; H. J. ltesl, Knox ville, Tenn.; Nello L. Teer, N. C.; W. C. Cannon, Ayden; J. E. Overton, N. C.; Wm. H Ranson, Bremo liluiT, t Va.; Mrs. William H. Ranson, Hremo ■ Itluff, Va.; Mr. ami Mrs. H. W. Arnell, 'Hremo HlufT, Va.; Misses Virginia 'Arnell, anal Aualrey Chewing, llremo Bluff, Va.; Mr. Phillip Areell, Hanover | Va.; Miss Marjorie Areell, Hanover, i v *- NOTICE I have returned from my regular isummer camping trip with the Roy Ii Seoats and my job printing office is aa aapsn for work anal if th*r is I anything yoa need along the print i htg line, I will appreciate your rall ying on ae. I am pre pa real to pro-luce . wm r kon short notice. | Thaking you for your business in I the past anal that you will allow me J ' to serve you in th» future. I SIMON LILLEY. ST. LOUIS MAYOR PASSES RESOLUTION Labor Situation In The North Not lieasin? But Many Jobless The following resolution was sent us, as it was to every other Southern newspaper 40 give the tree facts in regard to the labor sitaaltoti in the North. False reports that there arc demands for labor ia Northern cities have been circulate*! aad the Mayor of St. I.ouis has seat out this resolu tion to give the people the real facts in the case. He states that their are in East St. I.ouis. aloae. SjOno jobless men anal the government is having to take rare of the sitaation RESOLUTION WHEREAS, It is reported that in the Southern States, especially in the large negro settlenaents. that state ments h.-.ve been aaa>ie and ciivulateti to the etfect that there is a -leman-l for Inhnr in the North, at high ani i:i nme cases inali;.-ement> of ,a,f fer.-.-.t kinds have hn-n presente-s !• the l "-to populati«Hn. which has fan eal :i iarge immigration of netr.-a frrr.i the South to the North; an>>. WI'EREAS, The City of East St. Lrf>ul- has anal is receiving mam a.f the. e i.eg roes, an.! a large numhea a.* lah r.-r, are now --«• of employrtiei 11 am! appealing for *»ik, with na -la in:. r ,ir laha.r of any kirxl in thi \i cinity; anal, WHEREAS, if the exoalns of the negro population of the South con tinues it will cause great uffrnng and want aluring the remain-ler of this year, especially 'luring the winter months; therefore. lIE IT RESOLVED 1:1 THE V CI I. OF THE CITA" Ol EAST ST. I.Ol'IS: I HAT efforts be nu-ie to aln>e the people of the Soath the true corvdi -••*»' - as exist in refrrencr to Ul»r leniaiiaLs. and use con-i-tent eltorl> to offset anal prevent any further mis repra -entations that in-tor* the negro to »eek the North for etnployawot HE IT FI RTHER KESOI.VEM. That copies of this KXI be print eal un-l alistributeal thrnngh the South ern States to alrL-r anal a-ff-ct the former misrepresentation- that lta«e been made to its people that has rau - ail ihe large exodus of negroes. Signe.l: M. SI STEPHENS. Mayor - !Miss Helen Maultshy. Nirr- :*f l)r J. S. Rhodes Dies in Denver, Col. Mi Helen Maul thy. -eo.ial abrnrli ter of Mr. M. S. M .oil-by awl hi 1 t'r wife. Mrs. Rho.les Mault l.y of Montgomery. Alabama -lie.) Frialay night at a —inatarium in llenirr. Col. after an illness of six month-. It was alisrovereal in January of this year that she had tuherruk.-i- awl she was carrie-l immeitiately to llenrer, but nn'h-tt"' eool-l he -lune to *av the all-ea-e Mi s Mault-hy was only in iier I v entieth year and ax- a very ai:a| lnvely girl She with her twaa si,- ter.- Ii ivinr liren rearral by their t-ran-l iria.ther, Mrs. Helen Rhodes, one a.f M.irtin county*- most cult ureal wonwn, "nrr the aleath of their mother in their early chOalhanod. Resale* her father awl gran-lnwrflaer she is survived by two sisters Janet anal Bessie of Montgomery, three un cles. Dr. J. S. Rhodes awl Mr. Will Rhoah - of Martin county :.nd Mr. Frank RlmaUr- of Birainrham, Ala. BEAVER DAM LOCAL NEWS Mr. anl Mr Elmer Che* on anal family ,-|ient Suwlay afternoon with Mrs. W. II Ros-er Mr. a;;d Mrs. A. I Raynor anal .am, Richaral iwktoreii to Bohersonville Sunt lay. Mr. awl Mr-. Frank Braugbton of Plymouth 'pent Suwlay with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Allen. Mrs. Alonzo Wynn has ton oa the sick list for *everal days Mr. awl Mrs. M. & IVele awl fam ily spent Sanday afternoon with Mi. Plenny Peel. Mr. Walter Oakley aaatnted to WU liamston Satarday. Mrs. J. H. Sogers speat Saaday af ternoon with Mrs. W. A. Burr— ghi. Mr. Lester Robert went tn William slon yesterday on business. Tom Tarheel says the boH weevil ean't eat ham aad batter and eggs and corn bread and garden trark sn the j folks at his hone w3l to vel fed this winter eiea ' if they daa*t aak much cotton . ' SQUIRE CRAWFORD TAKES TWO DAYS TO MARRY COUI'LE Tarboro Couple Plead For license Four Long Hours S«|Uire Asa Ta>m Crawfonl xtlicuite-l at a romantic wedaling a part of both Saturday evening anal Sun day morning when ho i*rformed thc cerem.ii.\ winch mair VL-s > lew. Mrs. II l_ We are not accusing Mr. Crawfoni of inefficuMii'y when we say that it took i .1 . two -iays to marry' a couple, such was the case. The vr:i\ t!.a- i--mance hegait aras ti*is. Mr. 11. I. Ivcggett. twen'y-two years of age a-' 1 arlx-r--. fell in love mth M i-s In- Tew. of nineiccr f t Uaianters of Se.it l;m-1 Neck anal she ac j , cepte-l anal u-'unusl his affections an-l I they lio'h thought it was too l«>nesome j I tai live alot>e ami -la-ci-le-l ta> -h>uhle I track the pa'.l: tf life anal march siale hv snle. .Vpputentiy they thought it unwise -• »btain license in either one of the tame rountie.-. so they stole off to obi »i:.riii • '«ere for several reasons they tiu.; ••e.i with alates liefaare ltegister • t IK tsi i'rown before they coulal get him |>acift->al, for you see Regi-ter of !:r >#n has learneal from ex )aeri«-in-.- haw young ohl girls can lie .tn.l I i.t. -hi \a>ung girts can he; so :lie i h :?( a catuple flits across the ca-unty line, he becomes vus|ttcious awl bet: s to ask all kinals aaf f.»d questions. He. of course. ina|Ufre>. in a matter of fact manner, as to the aire of the man ar.a! thru with mastering all the chivalry of his nature. Mr. Rra>wn goes about hi dim; the true aire of the laaly in a t uestion an-l i-rillim; a timi-l lass Kies against the grain of one as kin-ihe.->rted as Mr. Brown, hut. as we saial l-efa re. cvperienre hi • aucl-f hiii-. llir-' it is neces.s;iry nn-l he limits ! im-elf that never yet ha he founal- Kim- (a-lmitedly i un-ler eigh teen na«r ever twenty-two >ear- «.f •re Aflor four Hours plea-ling, multipl\ inp. aliviuiiig, aalaling anal subtnirtin-; it was foui-a' that MLss Tew wa- in leality '!» anai the sacred -laacument was Mr Crawfaanl ha-l very w illirivrly kept t lie aloorway lea-1 in:- to toe -eat «f inppines upen for the young coufde and they approacheal just at the (lose of Saturday. The jwrf-.rma'iie «,f the eeremorr. lieiran ta» lie co.npleteal however after tlie ra.ur of • welve hal -truck anal the s ahhatli terming ha-l begun. ami Mrs. leggett have the -nle. .1 a- promises of happine-- as they •re -ple;iilial looking anal have many I'awhl fr>a>na|s in their haime counties. Mr lei T" aa'mltteal th-* it •-as a c -incialenee that her sister, Ro-ie Tew went to Virginia Saturalay mom irg .*• na| married Mr. Henry Strirklawl ef Tarboro aiol that she should leave i.i the afternoon an-l marry ana-ther T:.tl»»y. Fis 1 - T >v a* Jay's Cann To-ni«/ht Mr aii.r Mr . f. A. Itarri.-on. Mr I :in *l 'h-. -I I>. Waaa.lriral, Mr. awl Mrs. r 7.. I?. Rose. Mr. awl Mrs. P 11. |:r»-A n, Mrs. T S. Ilaalley, Mi-ses | Mar. aret Everett. I allah Wynne, t'live Murril. Eva IVel awl Me--rs. J CI. INjrcell, S. C. I'eel, T H. Pran •fon. anal N'ello I_ Teer of l» irham w ill i to'or to Ray's Camp thi afteri-am I ra-wl have a fish fry. To tie ure they will have a li-h fry, they have sent Messrs. Bn>wn anal Roe. two veter.t:i fi-hermar> l-efore anal they pmmiil to eateh an.l ha\e a plenty for everyboaly, in tame f.»r the evening meal. REV. WALTER It CLARK To PBE.\ II AT EPISCOPAL fill Rt II NEXT SIMHy} Rev. Walter It. Clark, a former rector of the Episcopal Church who has heen serving the pari-h at Loui— burg. N. C., will visit here on Sun day awl will preach both morning awl evening. ■ —" . Mr. Clark has many friend- in town who will he glaal to hear him again. The public is cordially invited to a'tend each service. Mr. John E. Mining of Jamesville. who has heen sfanding the summer with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Manning, made The Enterprise a pleasant visit today. He experts to leave for Arkansas, his aalopted State, where he teaches philosophy and edu cation in the John Brown university. j SUBSCRIBE TO THE ENTERPRISE C HAMBER OF COM MERCE MEETING TONltiT AT 8 Citizens I rped To Be I "resent and Ixnd Support The VS ill iam-lcn CUmbrr of Com mettf will h.-!.i a meeting to-night at the court house. Numeral* bvuxs? nultrr- will he ■liKU>~nl ami r-perialh Ihr lohacco market. It iwti >!alf>l that the M illiam st on maiket ha.* -uffrmi every >ear of it.- rxi-tence for the want of great - « f-'Kntimi I* «wi. all t!«e factors who nnsohole to the railiinir of a good i.urLfi. con-e|ur«tly the market ha hrt»n the nijftl of attack by those ■r.orv interested in the iown fall of jthe market than in it> -uccess. It may he that if our hanker*. I clerk-, merchants, lawjers "hwtum. hotel men. bfc.s k nulh- :.r>i butcher., in fact .all the gei-plr. w.ul-t -to their be-t to I»K| the market they couM possibly •iefen-l in ne of an attack frum -4>me ou--i.tr -«>urre Certainly some changes may he ma-k> that can not he explained m>>! ~f them however ran Ik*. One of the greater -ourre- of propaganda airain-1 the -mall market Comes from hirr>i ag»-nt- who-e ho i ne-.- it i> to •Irum tolnrru ami at the -ante time pe»ldle tohaco again-t the home market An hone-t combination of personal l»«o-time *ill .to inuct to o\ercome these thine-. Tl>e l.cil markrt has al-*" -ufTcred at time- from poa.r -erv ice of warehou-emen. The market must Ha\e wareitou-enM nt «b» ■ ill carry each pile to it- rea-oiutlde limi* f »r the faim-.-r is entitle*! t.» 'he pr.*- \ ail in- IJ i.t for iii. cumMoiiiH. Ware hou... m n arui ki. r-- on tie V. ill tain fit on rket a*-I «»! l*-r n .«ket- as well. :sr |«re. I. l- year- haif hren krio* it to huv tnliarrii a* a lower pric» than they -h.>u!« . m, their h*iimr. have kk! for it ami then -ell at a near by market the next .lay arvl clear a hou. a> muci. as lie farmer teerive.l for thf 'nlrmn 'he .ia» hef.-re. Th ' hususe.. of the ( I-1l» her of Cnnwirrrr t» m-.-ht • II le to lelp take care «.f am weakw- of any .leserip tion that ma\ -hou up on our market ami e-|fc"e:.ill\ *-elp lu. t the market. I'*er., ci r in 'he c.immunity attend tl#e merlin:* at the rHirt h«u-e li>-iiirM at r»-lit o'clock The meet inr will not la_t so l" i« T-at i; m ill !«- l>ur>len-ome Will you attend? Attending District Meeting of The Epworth Ua^ue \ great many member- of the local organization of the hpwoith I earwr are attending the district meeting which M heing hefcl in Scotland Neck to-.lay. attending are. Mi-.*- Myrtle ttmw, M;.rtle l.lenn, Kvel>n Harri son. Chi i-tine lfc»n. Mar* lar-lar |«l:en, limner tiurranu-. Mary (I>>le I i-gi-etl. France- l.urganu-. Matte law i:«»srrr -on. Itnma i: j rt ami i*.# ML- e- RIT K |I. Thohl. IKH »l lltokl and I'ryant t ar-tarphe-n. OF INTEREST TO THE FARMER farmer- of Montgomery fount) have ..r-lered to "late T.aO |»»und- «-f vetch -rhl t« be planted as a winter le«uine thi- fall report- County Ami A It Morrow. —o-O-o -> I. Smith, jl farmer living near M.Culler- in Wake Coun'jr nillol hi [ >uhry AMI the other •lay ami cwi ( v•• .1 the cull lord- into t-tfl cask, oo u o 111 I", tlfeei;. *ho live on a rural nm ■ irom Raleisrh rej—r-ed to farm ■. . John OTAmier o«i that he ha>l harve.-ted ami ihmshed 312 bu-hel- of weat from Hi arte- of land Irnmi la-t fan 1 . • • • • Ti# true lest of civilization is no* the cen-u-. no* the sw of rit*s crop-; IM, hat the kind of man the country turns out—Kmer-on Many «tair> farmers are that Sudan pas- makes a valuable crop for -uppli meting the regular pa.-ture. It will furnr-h much rrazmg -hiring the hat -ummrr m»uth». say* J. A. Airy, dairy extension -pecialt-r for the Slate College How to miiktt craps xwjiMj is the one great problem now hefoee the North Carolina firmer. To this i)»f liiu he met now ImU the urniu thai has made him an tirinl r*~~ WATCH THE LABEL ON YOl'B PAPBL IT THE DATE TOI'K SCBSCItIPTION EXPIKLS ESTABLISH El) 18H8 SHERIFF ROBERSON CAITIRES STILL AND RYE WHISKV Sheriff takes I Soot While Fugitive Makes Good His Escape >her ill l;..Vr-» wa- imuif alon, tla- our,!) r.aa>i Mon-tay *tm a -irons "'tor of ■ n.-k. reacts; hi nu-tril- ai>! he .teemi that steir .here was -o much -ntoke traere mu-l tr a little fire, -o he wuuhi hr>i übt wtw-re it *as ami what it meant. He rot out of the car aiv: t ,«■ |« a view of the -p.K from »>re the -moke wa- emerging ami he uuh bis mer »erp le«i to a retire*! -pot on an :-land in Tranter - cr*»k. rn-ar the l;.Jer-*i brkl^e. T«o- po-tel hi- mrt it; url. H 1 "- a* he thourh*. «. ul.t I4i.| the p.'h of the operator-, in ra-r the> altem|i(ev to make a a«;i> a» • he pr.«*r«k-- to fln-h them. 11.- marrhe-i cl»-e up oith urf. caution that his pre-ence *.as r»-t notetl ar» i he ohenm the men a- l«i ) as ler at 'heir n.'ik for -« VVI il f-f I uU- lw fore he di-lurh.*- *. em and m«; until «a- uithin a f*w -iep- of Ihen. di.i the* know that h. was -iwhrrr on thi- i-teen e:>rth _ TV.ej ma-k* .la--, f..r ii*ir lilvrtv am! the Sheriff #.4iowe-t " ~n betiiß-l hu* heav\ l»«.t. ar*i a frv. |»4i r l avoiiuupoi- that the Sheriff i carry ing right at this time kept him 1 r.a> either of hi- men. altlwHtph at .*ne time he wa- near to one In catch him hy fhe b-4 amt -natch it .df toi ler. ohich ir«e- ti. -how ciery hialy that the «f ill jartw- orfwri..l were in air Ami it »- co«w»-ir-t to the rn.ii. oho b.-t hi- > wa- a *ero >•' l« I..hi euuiliM.uin Tt e sr til *4 rur b\ a Intn pi ' f H "trill* f«*ur«vr ktrrH .»C l»fr ai»l .TUhul fixe of oam r>f .lc- Tarboro-Williainst«Ni Bus I ine l>cuan Operation Yesterday The Tarhom W ilium tot. |!H I heran y«--ter»ta> uok-r i l>e •uanaremer t of J. C_ ll:.rr»l of I boro Tie I ine 00-i-t- of tw«. IM lllml car- ami mill m.ik- two Inp- .1 ily einptin; Sumia> ami of uhuh i■> on" trip will he nir.il \t pr*- nt tftere ar - mmi .H»m hu f within a feu immtti- traere mill le a hard -u "faced all tl«e Thi- «»ll rtK.|li a»l the i« i« •!*• a- !• udl -leciea-e the line m»w re >|Uir..j to run fw—t *wre !•> 1 >.i. io The lane cwiwvi with other In*- al Tarlioro affor>iing travding by hu Ine to a very rteat rv.ii' n. Ihi- ert •■*. E>»r r iad -rhciule . e .1 .i. aI gr in IK. e c* lumrf- LOC'AL ITEMS OF HAMILTON Mr. I». (•. MaMheo returr«*i I'n •lay ntgM frota 1 > nef.loirs-. \a_ Mr. J. A Ihsnpdt kit nnOu. for Jk Mis- M>rtle Kaerette lu- retuiaeJ from \orfolk .uher— -he ha- l««i vi-i*ing for ,-everal «eek Mr ami Mr C. S. RiHunls Kn M. I. IMbn) ami Mai: .ret Kwell -prr.t Sumiay in l*alm\ra. Mr. Klmrr l.ille\ of IL>leirh .eiit Sumiay here with relatirp* Mr ami Mr-. J. II Ijlmwd •« l>erit Sumiay aftenn>« with Mr ami Mr-. 11l Kogur- in Wiliamston. Mr. I»r«ni- In-rwe of |ent Sumiay here with his father uho ha heen ill fur -ome lime. I»r ami Mrs.KL Long altenir*! the I'pt-copal services in W'a-hit. -1o« Sumiay Mi— kale l*ark* kitchen of Scot land Neck is the gwr-t of Mrs. F. L ;i»l-lone Mr ami Mr- C. O Caßtoun ami Miss Margaret CalhMm of Rocky Mount -pent Sun IIT in town u ilk Mr. ami Mr*. H. S. lokn un. Mr O. EL lline- of \bo kie pent Ike week eml with frieml- ami rela tives. Misses Hat'ie Krewtte ami Ue Wablo and Mix F. L Glad low »t«-nt Sumiay at Ralh- Mio Vhriau Ikrdfnt of Eorky Mount is the guest mi Mines Helen Oaveuport. Mr. J. C. Hane9 of Tarhoro h k town today. ' % Now the sane? »"f— » the - - N m. ■ ■ _ M pr? N-rrnig BHIE. lueooct GN iIT O*

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