COLUMNS A UTUUM TO UN MB— OF MAUDS COUNTY VOLUME XXV—NUMBER 51 JURY LIST FOR NEXT TERM OF SUPERIOR COURT Jurors Will Be Needed If Court Is Restored Here The Mbnf Mat of Jurors was dim at the Board of County Com ■hmos* ufaig. which ok place lut Ea*> If the term of Supers— nit is reflated to this cmhl], the jaaoa i he needed; if kbat hM the jcm wdl tot he mML K is hoped that tlu«s(h aw way. the SspCeaher tern will he m»iii ahit (he facial aeffiu: of the Oaml AaeaN; is in pro ere*. to em mm the jary for the tnt »wt: W. & M. J. F. Weaver. W. U Vomr. M D T3m>. VHlum to lova-h-p. A. L Dry IM. L. A. dark. W & Bade,. aadMc-L Junes. CW Rudas township; C Arthur Robersor. J B. R.ak IL t Baker. W. H Ota. aad 1. L CaaM, Raharaacrrgii Waim. E IL CijUrd, George I- Caper. Jaamflk township; A. T. Lißay. L F. Grih. V. Dm Mao •inc. i- J- Saber'—. 4. D. Miaelle. Griffia's tiara.hip; M. D. Taylor. Jas. Baler, Bear Grant. Umhip; E. N. Hohl. & B Taylor. W. & WhiU. Pbfhr Paint toaahip; E. A. White. B L Everett and D. G. Matth-w Hanßa taanAip; J. T. Vkfa, H. J Handip. T. E. Johnson end H. J. EtWiiJii. Goose Xwt township For the aocnad wk Hainm Bohersoou Arnold Kobe iron. J. C. Gurkia and C»'r*T F Grifcrt Lcurnahip Eli Rozerson. Jar-. D. Be-wen. Bear Grass *owr.-hip; T. F. n>n i—. Wdl ator towrv-hlp. J. B Awr» and J G. Faebea. koad uswhp: lie D. Hudiao. B H lea aad W. O PowtlL J. ' CaagVton. C T. JokuMr. tnd R Cochran. Kihmari Unrnsnr M M udC-S. H OfltPH W AGE SINGING ' ■BSE >H o'clock, the IdWdiri charge mt the sarvaee. Lrt he OK than for I an sate • and people roaang in late ; uwaMe the yuaaag dt. a m* of thair porta, flea, ajghhirt to we I aril I tea and ri—al he wiU thr E D. DOD* sat bide n« vLsrn aad John Bi aha gm a hay rh. water aria fatty in honor cf M %l I aad Man Hardy Morrill who at* nalac their aasten Mr* G. H. Hnmaa aad Han Okie Marrdl The party aril «a Hiridhgl 111 oa track* aad on their aray hae stopped foe a feast mt dehoaas wamaaala n . ■a. Fat Hants. Mary MeUnaa An hisi. Carrie Lee M, Nanaie aad lead Hatha*, Geot|t lemur Harri aan aad Hohert M. Jr. Mrx G. H. Ilatiiaia rhaptnaad the ywwoff folks B. F. D Rh mue. plsnaU caller* te oar cffic* jiata toj Mrs. Martha Hardisoo of Sock} Moat is rd&c hrr daughter. Mm. Mr and Mrs Jaha L Badgrriiaa aad Otaan View when- they wdl r k k Mrs Si km i a's kMhy. Mr. U K. Mc- Mias Yd— Harrna wdl retain Dr. and Mra J. F aad am thio Vo(Bh Mr. Qqha Mnoa* Ml Wtdanlay h town Thai Ay "" FOB SALE: «W SCHIAU ftT Caad an pick ady 2jM» hags of! via THE ENTERPRISE Bigr Meeting At Fair Grounds Tomorrow ! If t _ | Every citiaen ahaald attend the ■ j picnic to anon co at the fair paak It ' s* going to be an nil day ad air and ahoaM be of interest to every one The people shoald take this special opportunity to stady agricultural tw. ditions. At this meeting sack in s portant question as we are ap s ' gainst daily will be ducat red by rpeak ' ers who have made z stady cf sack ' 1 things. Mr. Samuel Gecrd of the Sears- i Roebuck Agricultural Foaadation will, apaah Mr. Guard has a national npu- ! la Lion a, a speaker aad his speech to morrow will be intereriat to all There will be oUer paoai n i sp-ok , era on thr program aad wfca «i 3 ; uisruss the ptubleaa aclrwiliiw the ■ •wen an I children as won as tk- ■ . farmer hirjelf. NEW LINE ON BaHTE M TO SB OPENED EARLY DATE The Everett*-Rohe room Mo link of the hard surfaced road oa rente uaaa her ninety is to he opeaesi at a very early date. The hard surfacing latatui these two towns wa_- completed a few days ago. The state re*|uire» that the :oad remain for 'wenty -one dnys before any traffic paaaaa oa it. hat the ua portance and the acasaal aaaount of traffic on this road wdl passffily elimi nate part of the tinae in this particular case. Traffic will then be opened froaa Wfllioaastoa direct to Roheraonvilk by traveling the old road from tk* Andersrn farm to Everest*. The road force is now this side of j Everett* aad if i nndkiini permit each I week will «e an aiMitioaal half a mile ' of concrete puaml At f hat rate the j road from here to Bethel dwaM be completed in Xowenaher. jk ■3, S •* SPECI AL SERVICE OF COM MCNITY INTEREST AT RiDDK~K~S GBOVE SI'N'DAT I'pr n die caS of tic hailii of I Saady Eidge School distract aad upa ■ the suggestion of School Sapl K A. Ptope. a ape rial iaa«i«e of h#erest to every parent aad papd of that dla trSet is to he held rt Riddirk' Ciw»! next Sunday at focr e'dock. Th ■ hiv* •ecarsd the serv ices of Mr. B D. Clincher aad Rev. K L Shirley, park of wkkh wdl address . the meetiar for a -hart whde. These 1 men are giving mm ikrir tioae aad on- i ire fr elr kcaase an ban*it desire te ' help s- in the hettnars' of oar reboot Let as .'haw oar apprrci:tisn ■ by having a foil boa* «e> b-cr th* • By the trwtee- mi Saady Ridge . DhMlil BAPTIST Cftl RiH NOTES Sunday School. >ls. M 11r t Wonhia HMI Evening »rric* *.«. The Baraca Char w9i have charge | of the opeanug eaerUse of the school j gratifying . Sanday aarahg the pan-' tor wdl peonch oa "A riaialil Pa Tbooe are vital aad wa «aa- Bdiadj Mfcra ywa wdl he 1 lull 1 ia thaaa. The paator as - g|| ■nrioas that there dhaS be a lav «-"L SBllLnTPrateai m ■ a 'I 4 Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, August 8, 1924. BANK OF OAK CITY DESTROYED BY' FIRE THIS A. M. I T ~ Fire Started in Store off F. M. Harrell and De stroys Store & Bank Oak City suffered a big I«ss this ami-iing when sir cawoaiM the store of Mr. F. M. Harrell aad the Oak Cay bonk. Th • buikiiag* as well •a- the furniture were a total loss j The loss is estimated at 510.0UU with |in>ar.:a(w to cover it iy twa-thitvis 'of the destroyed property. Th» stark of roods Wontir* to Harre!l was C- '.imaUd to be worth iljO' The Are was utseaeiA: >hortly at iter three o'clock this noirmr in th» ' llarrvU store nrd h.o sack x bai way that all to the jlane proved a> A >. The blare soon {found its way ta the which wa* s portion of the same buildiae erupted by the Harrell store The origin of the lie is unknowr. OLD SOLDIERS DAY OBSERVED IN WINIaSCi The old soldiers of B-rue and lounalinx coanties w>ie pasd hoaaar to by the «>f Tt-nie yedfub; with a barhntr d arwr for the Ye* trans and pablie *pr-k or and bc->- hal gsrne- ia the afteraoaa for al! Thi .!ay is observed evsch year !•- the go-xt i««ple of Wi.kbM aad it i a very b.tinir tnUite they pay n there dd soldiers. The Windsor L»i *er say*. "It is a ad fitt that thr - r amber of our old is frov jing very small and there are -cure Ia scare of them left to pey ** if* to." The people of thjt seet'on rea j'™e I'jt it i- -i beautiful privilege th-af jis eirrn th« pn to f ooor the old k»i - Jan.! that 'hoy mII -mi have it nwck ' loiirer I ANNOCNCEMENT FABFI Wednesday eveninr. Mrv Joht* A entertaaaed at a bnd«e par from nine untd tw-h? oVHck a* ?tkc hoane of P. H. Browa oe> The attractive pureb was «i decorated with (Mr flower* add ■ th. two parlor- s color ?heme mt .nk and white ora> ca. rae«l «t aa I re table> were ar.a ir >1 for r.rl> Af'er bridre had be.-a rapped for whde. the hosts* brought in a .mature cake on which were a hrhle ixi troom. Rabhoc - whactt weor :! rfhol to the cake, sha drawn dis- Woed a Aral baring the initial*. V L k .-ad L B early fafl I*;*, hirh* the jnniafw at of th iPproarti::>g naarrage of Niu I aSah -«mare Wynne to Mr. Wdliaa L J Silaier City. New Meuro A dainty haad aeoe haa*errhirf .as drawn by the Uih elect lee • ream and cake i-i pink aad whit was served by the bo»te- > au»i>ted by Mra. Brown Those present were. Mr . o>car An •iprson, Mrs. A. R Danaiag. Mr. G. |II. Hainsatk. Mr>. J. G. Godard. Mr', jj. W. Maaaiar. Mr. E P. Cuai-r [bam. Miss Carrie Dellr WKite, str i lUfr CrUcher, Mia. Whe»kr Mam. Jr.. Mrs. a A Cr trl-r. Mra R- t. jptpe. Mass Anna Pope. Mi» Vefc 'Andrews. Mi>e Am Pape. Mrv. Titr- Criteber. Mis* Eva IVel. Mrs. L'aL Wynne. Mrs B W. Hardy. Mrv 7. H Ro»e. Mrs. Roy Garitaaas. Mrs. P. H. Browa, Mrs. A. Aaderjpn. Mra. M D. Watts uad Mrs. Klb-rt PeH MR. ASHLEY BRYAN INKS IN GREENVILLE HOSPfTAL ' Mr. J. Ashley Bryan mt Ribroa Ivdle died ba a Greewvdle hoopital yeoteaday afteraooa after ia oper ate a for a serioaii bon disease. H? ea iper-enced three aperaian for this 'diease but iimumhid ta the fatal {attack of the faith. ! Mr. Bryta was SO pczra old aad lived in the Gold Paict secUoa fa a I number of years untd a few years aga • when he moved te Eohersoavdle j Sin re be-ng ■ Sakcaaaamße, be tea jeagaccd ia the giocery ead maikit jbanoen aad was regarded hp all who knew him a> being ae of the nasty's aoost worthy dtiaer^L Mr. atd Mra. E B Crawford re taruad Taa»*aj afteraooa ba V«r gmia Beach «hae they base hsea Mr. aad Mra. G Horta Tueadaur ha Waahaagtea. GntaiSt Misoes Eva Pad aad Craw fori aad Mr E H Ra» sprat Tm~ |duy a. Raleigh. LEMAN-COSTON II MKETIN; ONLY ! TWO WEEKS OFF .1 '! There are only two steks bel—r. ; tne beginning of .He Leaman-Casto:i I evangelistic which is «ehedul ed to start here August the twenty ■ ®r*t. , I The U.bernade ha.- not yet been ■ built bat Messsra. K. A Critrher an.' . K_ F. Pope spent several days of this , I week in Hmdtwan completing ar- , iiaagratwh with the compary '.hat does th- construction work an.) ail i i i plan- are most compleud for the , ; * w rk to begin at mice I J A real -piritaa! uplift for the toarr. lis expected to resalt fro n this mevt ine. Itu-iw , nam in towns of this five where naretinr hrvr be*n hebl fcave lent their nrfla r to tlte spin tual work and row thv y k.iliinr i dijy piayer iuc*tfng> f>r the bu i : ne» folk in many of the near-by toarrs. In W'tdlipftor. Tarboro. • Greenville and othrr towis 'hex prayer aetvices are h-ld at soma cen tral point in the basue s section an.l the 1. ymen ate the lenders w 'h , \fry taking an active pari. , it is hope.' by the cemwir- i.i .■hit*e of this phas? of t!ae work " h-' . W-Iliaatston"« most promn t .n-i » II lead their -upport ITDEKAL AGENTS MAKE TWO SI CCESSFI I. KAIIIS t Nets Vial Woods Near I'- lufort t oaoty aad Capture l.ual laqaor Out hi . | Prohdiition agent. H: tTi# and hL ..three deputies areompant-«l by Deputy ' SK-nff PeH made two raids yesterday aftera »m. an.j foarad two larr- stills. | The first still was a .ft' ntyfive gallon O'pper -Hitfit fourul rear lh» Rawl- MJI bridge on Ben Bigg - farm. The A*t» are ar. ler the that the still belonged to Bl?r>. as he i* the sanae man placed in juil la_-t Sun ,day for baying stolen for the («.rpa«e of manufactarar- Ixioor ThL -till had been run only a few alay.- ago. ' lat no lifunr. her or other alcoholic ' eajuipeaae-st was fuond at the time of it he raid t di-po.-ir.i- of this plant, the ' , «4bcer - pracenlol to a big wo»l> near ' the IVsufort county lin.- where .hey '■ ran in rmtxt with '« -iant outfit, ran | sitting of a r kettle li4>ling a jb(4it lii gallons, a copper doubter. >|kMdiag near fin rations and all th ' 1 aeceaaty coanectauns for the ntaniag 'of such an out At ■ j The oflker- .his plant in an .. hoer rft-r the fir- ind been . fra-m antler 'he still The -til! was I' *•*'■ a"»d tb-re wa- .■» liquor «r h»er f-mumi at this plant. j v.- T. ANDREWS MAS Hoi SE TO BI BN WEDNESDiY W T. Andrews, colore.i. of the Gold P'jcut sortaon had the misfortune to lae his dwellinr house early Wed nesday morning He was awakened by the of the fire and he : r»l "]Li- nfr just hail time to make an Kafe drag we trunk ftja the i Uirs'ig; t>udding I The eleven year old daughter of Aadn w « was de» ping up *tair- a*, the ta of the fire. She south' s-.fety by Ira par g out the window. Aadr-w, is a hirhiy r».-pccte»l col ored citizen of the Uki Point sect ton. His Iw.' ara« practicaßy coveted by ua.-aracace. SILVER TEA ' TL>- ■ -lie- aid octet \ of the M -tho - oist cnurrh rave a silver tea it ths at- I tractive home of Mrs I- B Hai. -on - a II aught PCI street Wednesday -ft*r - aw«i from f .ur to sin. ' Silver otrrmr wet. made in the I front hall for tie b -nefit of the so ciety A fdeaisant afternoon wa- en I jryed by a uumker of the ladies of I tht town. » Pressed chicken with sandwiches aad tea were seread by members of the » Epwcrth Leagwe. t ' LARGE M MBER LEFT THIS MORNING FOR RIVERSIDE PARK The mi mh'.nhip of bath the Baptist ~ aad Ctotiaa Suaday fciiiah laftthia * aaniag at en oVbck Cor Slaai. Ide Park where they wM bold thair aa r pie aflair hat far several aafoa i iii 1 first |li ail"* m t Mr BM Joaes of the Big MB was - a I a mi 11 la town thin wak. Mr. T. S Hadlry mt Biggm School Hiuie was an towh Wedarsday 'TOBACCO MARKETS i OPEN IN THIS AND NEIGHBOR STATE I Vices Range From 4 to • 40 Cents; Quality Very Poor The tobacco markets opeiicM th - ai c-ek in parts of thi- state and South Carolina with big sales. The quali'v of the wer»i wss corv-a-lerably [»>!■ r than thai of the lust se?sor. jnl tho the price- were not as hi(D a.- tH«*>e of last -ej-..n they are, better whet, the «|Ucly of the tohrcro of last season rial that of thi- -ea-on is The fwHuwinjt ra-porv- giv.- an t»W a of ju-t how the w •-•■»! is -ell ing: I HEAVY SALE Ui:iI>RTKI» ON LI MBLKTON MARkfcT Lumb-rton. Aug. I —Auction to- j bacco sales on the first day of the j season were .-topped here laH th 1 .- afterrooit with about pound- . un-oi.l. Kstimatetl lirim- show Luni berton -•!>( approximately S» ur.l- for very j» «>t a» eraie which •- a ! «- estimatel at 17 rent - Farm ers .. .>(>eare>l well pi _-e»l and the 1.-:r;-e!ton marks- is booming. \*bi :>-t from all over X»rt!• t'aroliria . :.i ••.•rts of Virrnta were J.n. M ».I:KET AT t L \RhTtIN OPENS l>?I S SE ISON Clarkton. Auk —The aurtun to bacco market here at the openimc -ale. sobl jpptuiinut -ly :10.- 000 poun-t>. The offerings w- re |«rac tically all c»f primi-g- an-l plan* leaves. The ci> oper t-ae- Had a rood •lay. Grower mentis r- who ina>l." deliveries, receive.S a chevk f«r pc:y mert on IA3 crop General -ati facta»n on both markets- I FAIRMONT ALi4t REPORTn LARGK TUBAO O SALES Fairmont. Aujr. h.— Twenty -eight | tobacco auction market- in the | called Scuth Carolina br lt upensi j today with .iouble on thi- and ot».«-r large mark -t - Ijglily Ate to nrnety per cent >f th" olfeiwr-- were iMimuii pnminirs and th • prir-s range,] from fttur cents t. forty cents. All of the o*n|t*nie- wer» kidding very freely ud the farmer were well piea-ed with .he prices f cetve-l brre. Tobacco ara> off in Torty per cent. I*nrr- on all | «'ra»les of cunukMi anal me-tium to ] bscco were from fifteen to twenty- j five per cent higher than on th» opening la-t sea-on. but 'he'* wras li*.lo rhsnre in the price- o' thr few ,-ecd j.r s that >U. I Fair mwnt s receipt- were arou «l OPENING OF M ABKETS » ATTRAt T> BIG CROMO V. Mli a ille. Aug. a.— W t .tev ill.-".- j Udsacco market uptnid toilay /fo! j 1 . ia-tiing th- I*2l crop The down-! town sertttr. of Cdfamba- court>"-| capital ara- the center of actrvities Throuirs of farmer- began arnv mi in Ihe early amnticjr hone w jtia tracks, carts, and wagons laden with (■•bam. Iftespste the fact thai *b yield is Ul* the average Mid year oa arrvsul of weather condi tineas .the sales toby » -r~ unusually gool. Whrtevdle baa *hr> -- inde penaknt arel one co - perxtiv.- wire bowses in opetzlvoa this year, nil under capable warrSoc-c and lobacr- men. with a larre fortte of buyers. Th* ir-1- pei-l»( ', did a bar ku iatss a»l were overrun with tobacco -da- a I price.- (aid Lru>r .-■> high a ta cetit». per p'Onrt. ids of farmers I were tu aml away by the Kkirj, 'at | er.t- «.n accooi t of th* lr heire to ha»ile the vast a" —unt of ta- i bare * briaght to their nrvboase- { The oi 'aper trva r-ceipts their ezpectetioas. A third payment! was made on the 1*24 crop The ad vaaces oa the 1*24 crop were very satisfactory, exceeding la-t years* ad rance The co-op—atiae a-soctatioo ia gaining strength, a good number having signed ap orith the Associa tion toaty The tinae fa signitu; up fa IM4 t apaaia Aagwat Whh Mim Bonner Garg a ia in the Park View Hoopital whoro ahe onder Ska ia getting alaag vary naß at tkia Mime ■ Laia aad Martha Harriaaa Carrie Lew M aad Aaaur I laiae Crawfoed moteaed to WOaaa Wr laaa day. Mr. W. S Bawls of the Hopkins Tajriar Ca. of Baltiaoee ia at Harri ! aaa Brothers aad Coapaay that week taking orders fa fall datba*. i Mrs. Gray In Recital Here August 15th. Uecau.-« of the many ir-*juirje- con •xrnitiK the ruming; to IM Opna Hmue u! \\ illam>U'n next Fmbt nitii!. AUKX>t IMK, of Julia Culbr.?th (•ray of W r.-hinjfton. IV a sirucfr. i«tiper-o'ia;>r una ent«tt?iner. 1 .If »irf to .-say that I have reifr hear-; her in r vital. th« «ri. withl her mitral y in inuthtr •«»:. | However, from former knowSe»»>- ar»« tlv 1: rn" number of lite hixtir>t k;: j of Se-tirooiial- hrf >re me. nt>! riip | p-sr- fr*.m many "»ew -p. Pr- from I many tate.-. I am are that all villi have a ran trent in hearing her l! J fill he _» concert of th-* t*. pe I I .-M running the tbility . er |Jiie!y of pitlnr her hore an»i pc.virg I her. and I h«.pe that the peopi- will ' it ten. i it? ~iK-h,.numh'r thi>* I may jtealire 3 e.«»l little profit on it. a!S lof whirH »ill e« into fnin'iiif aM r» |uii w..rk far trve M thttil.t Oarrr • Tickets * II l»e on 2le H\ \V I \ morning ar-i will lie sold to rhsMiri at -lit fpr": an.! to r.iuft a? T"> Those purrhj-ini; will grl rf-rn>i seat.-. thuM who >io r>. purrha-e- :xl et# w:l| have to tik on 3 vat ir.dicatkvui it -eem - that a will not be ahle to supply the .£rmar>* on first floor. -o i*rl your iark-*t • .-1 i\ Buy one an.| rve it to a fn?»l. t* wil» be appreciate"! by him and th» money will help a yoo«l cans' ~\»*u kr.>« |aint a*d p w.ler cover up a sa!!- of ugly spots-** n i> iwnn n 1.1 \ IT i.itici ni URAI KISES T« SI PKEME HEIGHTS IN lIEK KEtTTAL AT TKIMTY « HI Kill TH« !!.iidn L> taken n |uit fnm ti** Wilmington \T-»rtti-«; Star and i j? t »w- of the many pfts- r»j»'i* tha* pr:-is* hnrhlv the • rtertainmen* •*ven by Mrs lir?.y: Ihe recital given by Julia Culb»e.- j«.r.»y >*• 'lie : vrmMj of Trinity ■ church la. ; right was one of !>■» rare t j 1.. 1 s of ent vtamm. Nt tyt la> berf UN'N 'o re in many y-ar UMBC »}*■ Iwv-nt expecting to hear 1 mttstc Ire-* Jw« re c-rta rdy not 2M lin wl-litimi, lie ir»l ra.lmg- by a- tal 1.1.1..1 a« erti-t a- mm the If' fni In* pri>K rani *a- ilnwol into .hrve |auit. He- tir-t. of *'irh wa- a rruup ••f Ku -cn Miips m which itr- III.) vr.-re a . - u> ui'ie wti ch »I«e sail! wa* •»«. +• for her by a fr>-m th it county a'»l. at that Vine, locate*! in Washington. I» •' I', rt Jtwo rt. of the ~l»M S«n!K' I e ith the accompanying >f tie ante hr-llum •lays, while the ti ;r-! a»l la I part was Gyp-) i 1 charact r. WIII • ••e c«> liiine characteruiw of that rare. Etch wa.- most at'racthr and leant a:. >I.UI ch .rm to the nurn her- riven Juli:-. 1 ulbr- th Gray pi«>es a beautiful trained o«tnlt> v.»ire. which -eems to improve wit % ac •luaiiitance. ;-n*l an »I>H chirm whirl i- nol t*> many « the con j*rt f'ai-f today an viaiiratiuo that Ji- -imply |» rfrrl Pit r>>)Ui-.t«. Ion*; led fir by many but po-.-e-.-sed by few Ju- Sli *:-t which -rve* mnn than | anything el-e to put itro-> tine mnp 111 a nur.ner that appeal- to the mun. arsl earn - home a me--aire that would otherwise be lost. ! Mr are! Mr> A T. trawfcrd. Mr aiel Mr-. I. *. Bennett ami Mtss France- Williams will return tbi- af trrhMHi from Bead, where •hey .-pent the |a-t two weeks ( apt ami Mrs G E W J|„ of Win>lsor pa-«l through here WeJ -1 lay en roatc to Moreh"~£«! City. M r John oke left Uu a*rui« 1 f .-r \ irr-'i>' Beacl. where she wil ifpend time. > Mr Al lapp of Richmws! will ar |mt t«.m..rr-.w t» -p»i>l th -reek er»i in the city with his wife .who is visitinjr her mo«hrr. Mr* W IK. Ilirn, Mr*. Na--ef ami duUra of New ! I tern ar* visiting h~r son. Mr. J«* Na.v f-f for everal days. 1 Mr.-. R. L I rml- mooJ ami cfeiWrec I' of Norfolk arc risi tine » tK- hoanr of her crand father. Mr Jif ■ Waters (and her aant. Mrs- L C. Rober-oo Mb* Mary LOWM Carstarphen of Herxierkon is risi'Jnf her ulbr. Mrs Paaaie Car&tarpbew mm HIM street. Mm Sophie little k her aant and uncle. Dr. and Mix. W. E Warren mm Haaghtea atreeC Mr. rtmmk mt Hamdtaa «u hi town Wednesday. Miss Lmm llTii—a ha* i>f —J from IwWilff. Vinrmia. ebjt Ar visited Mb Qhahtth EtberMge far several «wb. Mivses J«e*kiM Syfcev and Mary : ( Lersett are tMa« Mb Bnaa rr Gwr if*»B ■ t«kj Mawt to-day. WATCH THE LABKI. ON VOL a PAPER. II ..AMIES THE DATS LUT K SL BSCUIPI SON EXPIRES ESTABLISHED 1898 RECORDER SMITH HAI) INTERESTING DAY LAST TUESDAY Several Cases k> To The Next Term oi Mar tin Superior Court | The a;ai bis rvcrt •••re JK*F hi y :,«-arly aii of ui-L I IK- -lay (altiitutrn it+re wer»* oru> a r>w !*• ie trw>! The acamst the |c4oroi men. Kiev- I. Hy ■ n .1: . RoKers JU •! V\ iliiam XL.ils If- r so'o :.r ! lakut); -n«rar f 1 -ir th* river c- -r -mils; - I crt .ilrr po*t «i. « f the 'k.y an : created i fJ V a h t of excitement The fir-t ca-e of the iay wa- H t . f«r r» -i-tir, ar ■Vi>if-' wa- fine-i '.fn .Sollar- aral c*--" Ir .he ca-e of iyinu-. I'» r wf. for a—aultinx wife. Iwi» -i-jhj e.s u|oi. the pat IU r.i ■! : IE rn-u of the action. Ber. BIKX who w». itre-?e. w»th she burch "f -uga. - •J-s»-v«- Sjtana) n ih wa- i:e«: it :r-»E-- p'rtiir iitjimr a- »• wa- she af the r-r u-«-i !n thl- fjtf he «a fet ed (v-t- .' -.1 t» .L - w-K-ii hs.l - »irr-i J*»! i Hvma*. r..! J- -e K.-r-rs T-'tr crir.-'sl «ith hme »r«ii ?,r. L;tceny uxl - !■ «•*! «rt"»r *.» t-e nex* T* m t.f ?h • Sop-r*or e -urt II \ ma" >-! K .-rer- w~ rr a |-St«i U-nd t:rh II.»n I'irr- was c'-'ri-s a -h laaytix -talen •-«.»• ar j s.• I- -urv! »v - .0 the laext term of the Superior 01-f. urd«r a !«oni In th • ca-e of State v- William Mill- arr-f ibr'.tifif Villi was Iwursl over t« the r*xt r-rm of Superwr o*urt an»i piaoi a-r|er a l*>r>l of S1 r a> l-iCt-. Milt- azi-i- Kosjrr- »ere -«e h'a-ed u#M the rai-tnr of !*»'r hut Hyman 1- -till in pj Ha:rv »a? t up oa tne CHAR ICE V( NU.'IULA'.AN:..' I>PW- ANI w-as f"U!fl KUiil) out - jikirmria liy -ai-p mini f..r or»-.- w,*t la lie cw of S4 it' versits HinL v x Msnr:ire 311-1 J*m- for alftray. feislai;! > mere fm»l rutl'.y i>*i| jMKmei l was suspended -|wn tor |ay merit ..f c. oL-. IIIKMEK NIVMLVOLI HE >hl.\l|i»M t STll.l I.E\I»I\;: IN SEN \TI EL TtTliiX Ciijla'TO! I'ity. Al.r- 7 J I ton. J po-s! Governor ir>l Mlw cp t-esent «-f il«- Ku Kiuv kiw ippruol to h: i'» wwi .he I »>-:n cnlir -rai.-i -»I NHniLslM, K. v i r a lea" f.-sir t;»"0 ...r-! ar*l ei-rt.t*. f»-'lr vota— IR I *-e iv'.uno to-lay from Tae—lay prirw ary uTf 1 1 llowar>t afco bao the klaaV n.-loremrn: Tla- I>aily ttklaSoman, w» m p 1— e.i tla- nomir.ation of fono i li. i »ne.r Wahon for the I nite-i St iV. >-nate on the IVIIHCMIC rwket. II predict in it.- T>:ur-,iay'- L-rU- that hi» Anal piarality «-ver I'•*! re--- E It Howard will fc* Tt»i^ '* -ruinr Walt »n 1- L>j hiir l.i nearly ijHWt vote- Tli THE JI'NITIK EI*WORTH (J:%GI ERS Are y »v a Jat.h.r Epworth l eaftrrT If van are, wv.-e you at the r la-1 afternoon? Every ab-ent ••■ember wa- creatly mi--o! •»f the eighteen on roll evht were |-rn -er.t Wta; wa- the t rutifci- * Uere you krpt M i.ofne or dal y"U fvmt it! Those dw were there to .Ar jO-A 13 the proirram dkl (Xrm;- ily »ft -, we. the Junkr Epwort- U..te :ii|.r ftentfU an-1 a'-bUM -lf>na :er«fent. ask )vu fcr your ptri ML Kcm:f»l the little folks >f tre Jauor Epwx.rth League nertiagr eif) Muo «a) aflerrrjoa at five o'ebsrk If i!wjr aren't in the praxis don't itp Jwai al home but -er>-l them, for everybody ba a part u everj —etfag. If y«w duU is att a m mber and 1- of ate t* to la* -• r»i them tbcre : U Join. We are -wrr they will be benetiued EVELYX HARRISON. A SupC Mum law-lie IUmII itwxd Ued uodajr evening frwm WJainfm where she vL-ated Mf Marram Joy jcr for a week, gk Mrs. J. L Willtek. is n-itot ber parent*. Mr. and Mta. L J. Cbipmaa . in Griftoß. Miss Margaret Jay— af Wilmmg. 1 ton ic v-isitmtr Uto ladlr Hasaeft. Mr. Henry IX. Chake «f HopeweO. I Va .i« here wimUmf hi t an-1. Mrs- J. [ H Samlrri ami Dr. SmmMtr af tbrir LOST—UMFC MAIRED MM DALE r Dac. Hack and tan roiar. fVal - rctorn and nuiit it—i ftih| IVrry. WKuMfac. M. C.

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