Aovomsns WILL ran> out CDUW» A UTCHKRY TO 15M HOMES OF MAKIN COLXTT VOLUME XXV NUMBER 55 REVIVAL TO BEGISI SUNDAY TABERINACLE COMPLETED THIS MORNING THRONGS OF PEOPLE IN NEARBY TOWNSr EXPRESS THEIR PLANS OF ATTEND ING THE MEETING RfcGILARLY j Randotp Star, Wedowee, Alabama, States i hat That Towa Was Well PleaseJ With Cam- Paign of Leaman-Ctfcka.i Party -- ■ L Noted Evangelist to Arrive In the City Tomorrow j ii TV •pninc of the Lcunan Coito ii rrrln! k#f* en*. Sunday mark tfc* ' lint real -prrtus! revival ever held in ! i'.n hi* ory of the town. While ther«-, have keen aameroas morals held hi re, | they have beta ef wall note. The son ti-r of 191* ritMMed act of the 'arj- * n »r *o Ikx tin., when Rev. J. R iiakoak held one at the Brick ware- j li>w*. This one latied for onl> a >k r*. passed without jnr J tn slpa mtiw With the {-then they ' weit of aa itiiiiilwl nature, they be- , in: sponsored by oaly mk church li the tiaM. Siihf the Med of a relir ■mi iNkrab* here 'he fear chnche» foimrd a caaauttre to aalr plant for a revfanl and k this i n—itl who MMwi the etrahan of Messrs Lmbmc aad Coetcr. The iwrd> •>' tvaarH. t Lraaun z.nd Chariater Oastaa are truly ftm r-, .n( Mr. Laaaaaa L--aurnt, fully heU ! mmiap hi thirty xof the states *n I thr cantry aal tK* benefl* to indivi | ■'■ all aad oaaauJu k im rtnble. I Whfle he is aa eraafdkt, he k J Treacher a* the same time with a [ jhwhg peraeaality and an effective) •i.*livery of spate!. TV pnu of th; * states fa which he held meeting speaks aati favoiafal) of Mr. lea awn and a aaay cum he is da r red above the fjaiai Bißy Sunday. Many who hrva haaid hha aad who- expect to hear hha whfle ha it here state that mm better riaiittir of re%io« work cmH to fieaad that he it Mr. Castor has bsen with this patty oaly a few months aad wide his experience is not m uhadw, ft is aa established fact that where he has heea he has created far himaelf the record of being a saort taeceufd song lender. With the hrjr tsfrernarle aad these saea as leaden. Wttaadaa has the right to believe that it wiH hare the greatest mertir g ever acid here. Work oa the tahemade which is lacatrd aa the Saaaden lot aa Main aad Watts has been carried oa this week at a rapid pace aad the ready for the spiefag- The buddinr is MS feet hat aad M faat wide aad wfl seat eaaafsctahly 2SM people. The chair itaeif wfli accomodate aver 200 safrn The seats are aaade at ham? aad while they aiealt at all faacy they are rsmfsrtsblr to the aaar. The sides ef the Isi liag are party hoarded so of the haMa« are partly boarded so m to avoid as aaach fatoiiaplisa from fafaafni with the free cncalatioa of this party far the pa* several month penMe"aad aa aaa* of 4e huat aantaga of tUs aha ever held fa .ffeaist aad wfl he fa chaise of the w&h Mr. Laaaea aee fa uiwt fa the after tms aerviees wfl to held' at X fa the afteneea aad • aaeaad at We aee the f jXiag. tak tfa year ef evaaa.l l Mel W. laa ■fa, rf Waikfagtaa, D. C_ ard sfagow Friday night ef faat wick with qpfer war If the led ef the THE ENTERPRISE ISanday. The cor»iuct»ro of the aM 11* early prxved tlmxs!v> worthy J -of the high reputation with whirl;. | the) came. The seating capacity of the I I -ent, fa of the Huchrha Hotel.j • !«a- been eurtlol. aid tirre hrwel t bvr. sevcrrl CMivmuu. thoagn ;h --: rvunpibt has not yet pre*: mvita (tfan,. Some of the strongest at«i be.-* Iremmis ever heard in lik.' meetings in Wedimw are being «'« Ineia by the 'evangelist aad it is experted the per *nt meeting will be one cf the m-ot oatstaadi-Mr fa the his*ory of anio -1 revivals fa the town since thHr begin-1 ninjf fa I*l4 The revival trill continue I arts it become apparent the w. rk • L dene, according to K-fv. Mr. I «-nn. fl '"We begin oai aw.t»»." >.e t\ I | plains, "hui we If th.- Lon! ch tkeaa. And we like to retinae so U t I lar the Spirit is working ani pew - • j [are being saved." Interest is reaching out wer ilk- r jceuatry as eras the Hope of tho it. I I charge aad of thr th*ee pn-tor» of I the town ehiisi. churches ire co opt i J atiag. as every year, fa the revival | Threx tboasand people will be attem!-1 fag Saaday, is the predictira of thel' evangelist Goad staging is a reauue of th. I campaign. Aa excellent ptam-t, I DwweD. is with the party. "Mr. Cu- I fan," says a paper ef the chorister, *u I a yoaaig man. who ha.- th* power of I ieadenhip. and is a very good sinr I er. He is always woaMterfidly succr»»l fal with his choir work ud never I fdb to get people to sing in all the! song naiiitj daring their meetings "* I For the mghtFwochurches'shrdhn! | Spring Hope. X C. was the town! at which the leaman-CnitSSi party ( held a TSting directly before coaair.g j to Wedaae*. There w»re Thi coaver j sms At Weadeß. H C. fa the pjs-| ceding meeting, there were MO cm- I venioas, aad at Zehalon. K. CL, ml the aietfa before that, the coaver 1 siars to afad ll«> i-uoJeu** xat coaverted aad j the an that made the atiUs for the f.-liovs to make the daf fa err. rot. | verted also Voaag girls fa th? Uea t cge were converted, and after they j were ex-river ed would r _»e to lUe>: ' feet and testify that they had bees. { ssrmher of the eha?«h for ji»n and' they did not know th?t they *r- last before the meetfag there There were htwds of folks ih-it »Quid xe»t i. to this, that were fat before the Lea-1 Ci■mrath'g'oa the heneflt to fa j orvidaah aad a tarn arising from -aeh mi itfagi as he' has saccessfaUy ' hold fa m states af the ccaatry. Kev. Mr. Uiaia saad he was happy to rtcdl that oatsta « r..*n fa lead ing peefluiaas w -re alwt ys reached, as »ti as the ""down and oats*. Witk the ta spnatiui of the,. |» ople and thr ibanbra «f the tswr, he stated, ".here coald ase fad ta he a itrara revival, ef mark beaeflt. Maay chaich people agaf ta be rerched. aad they they caa realise they are saved and testify ahaat t" r tect, sLlltfa'hspaf M plaatsaoa cat. it is i ■ idi at wfl attead, to he eaas -1 foratkly cared far. r w # ' regefar wuM) drO. aad a pietare r Okly a few weeks :go (here acre a m a *no * - | oaly weekly paaycr meet lags, aa psc tare iham aad aa flee Mk Jadg> * fee paarsdf. t , Mrs. Fdgar B. Beady fa Wdmaagton t mm. LL Ml liij aad ilfllm are r i i WOKaniston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday. August 22.1924. I ■ II l x I Kt v. Mei G. Leaman E.E. CLARK ON TRIAL FOR HIS IJFfc IX KLiZABtTH CITY i 'lived In Wllliamst un For Several Months I K H l uii, of Muaheth t.'it>. is) 1.1- ufal toua> u. that town for hi» life, i I He is chargetii with criminal a-.-e ult or> I Itwo girls an>t*r m years of are. Ipmalty for >urh a crime i> leath. i I_ A special venirx of ISO men w*--J suaantoaxl from which to draw a I Jjwj I Ciark hb been in Jail since May I a ben he was arrested for ai-.-aultmg 1 ■ Gladys Berry and Kuth Khxln, both I bring girts under 10 )ear» of j Martin county people runrniiri | Clark who was in Kober.-onville for Ii naoctiwi, coming from there here I wherv he remaineal for >everal month- I IHe overhauled t>pewriter.- and gen- lerally da' good work ar«l while here > ■was very fHendly to young folk-. He Imi . i,f". it: i • where he «ta> > [ed awh • and froti there he went U ? lEImJM City »her- he u now facinr ' I trial. I Clark actions whde here were n>x |t|Uite span. He claimed a good eaar>> |*irtne». bat did utA sustain them. He daiaoed to hate teen a Y. M C. A , I worker. He was nurne! but did iu>> live witk his «*fc» I I; W. 4. Ultl AN INJt KKIi IN OYEKTI KNEI* AlTf»* 7«-rre Hauie, Ind . Aug 21. V 4 'lata Jennings Hr>aii was injured earty (Is-! evening when aa automo(MS it.{ jwhirh he wa- -peealing from Tu t'Ar. to Mattoon. 111. turrx-l over or> tk* liet. sa>. it wa.- learned tulry. Mr. Itrja;, was cut and br. . [abnat thr nea«i ard face bat nas able ■to give a sctnluM lecture upoi. ar-, j rival at Mattoon. Xews of the accident j jwa> withheld last eight at Mr. Bryan's, 'request, fc tne ift-ui. that he dd aot - Bryan, slk> is d! at hci 'home n llorvla. io know of Ihe in | jjsqr. i j ——_ iOLO KEuJLABS UIU LABK JI.~M.~E IS BECOMING M ABCE lOßuis iadl, Harris ami Baker • tared a still fa Crons B««ads Wed ,jß>]day and several barrel- af beet . 'ahich amounted to four hundred gal I jkes. The worken- were not seen, j Saae ef the old regal an declare j the jaice is gulling ta he a little scarce fa theae mtartera. 'j D. Gaorge, the hot dag man is fa ' j own today. ' Sir. and Mrv. W. U Crngr and chfl idrea have retaraed fwmm a vat ta J relatives fa Hertford county. -1 We are glad to know that Mo. Jan r.D. Ttmpian who has been v-ry ill far ijiewnl days is tapadly recovering. t Mr- Jale Purvis is iO at kis hoaae t Mil a . F. W. Graves and &T. . Hedges ef Washfagtoa were fa tawn . IMterdey Masten Bflly Clark aad Charles PVmmc an at Kiveraide today. r FOB BALK: MEW BEVTMAL FKA as* Picker aad Find sea Tractor I'ad to pick oaly 2000 hags ef psn ■ate. WB adi eae or both vary cheap. Cash er Credit J. W. Green a '/| '.* » - _.r . i mk ' . »■ - """"" , ; f^fflj - W Wr Wmr x 1 V— * "v>i v. f »T WJ4 Miss I H'll;i IKmctt. I'ianist Revival Closes at Everetts Alter NEXT WEEK TV rmtal ~rri« that U ii«"» I* ~r ktU at Evrretu by Kt-v. J. M IVrry if br|r)> iIUwW, the hoase I* n* ißurfc too >niail to an-uiiMablr lite enwt t Mr. Perry who for year* resided n« Iht count) t pleasantly remembered by a K*>t of frtend* Tht are uiitw- to hear him iinr and preach to. hi> uoaal a»i plain gvlf the nuctiTir *iU do." after iw*. j, M.~ lerr\ v.fll have t« re I it to hh iharch in Denton, Telas. p »r. T. F. Harrison Back From Northern Mr T- F- Harrison returned fiom the Mithtra auhU yesterday, after ■pettlmc terenl -lav- there buvinr fall ff->od» for the ira, Harrwon I'rw tard CM P—F • Mr Harriot. ,-a)s the peoph- are | "y mrll with the comli I I it* enta;-ia.-lic at- t'» the, .ill t-jifc. All are 1.-.kin*: forward to ba bcm duniME the fall Prare* art practically the *art. t thej nir lu« ytmr. Mr lla'riaon b>«'ht a large stock of every tiini ii»lr f-auxl in in up to date i'tort ..oil he -say# that he will have t'»en ca the -helve» ready foe inspect im b> I 4 - — >KMOIt I PMOKTH LE At.l K TO MEET MONDAY NIGHI 7:30 I-jt euM Epworth league will itr*-*' 'docdaj night at seven thirty in ' kad of eirht. The foutth deparu lent I ».ll have charre «f j. fh rt »L->c .ary finma Every nemUr in aire I to 'j iVieat \ i-it*r> are uekrom>- K ely. Harrwon, 4th Dept Supt. i - ' fIIGHLT KESPBCTED OLORED WOMAN DIES Ddh Allen one of the town's most highly respected ralared women died T i inriirty night from heart diseaoe. . The body wM he boried Sunday. i j a.. Mist Ktth H«n*rd of Aulander is Mi>» Jniephinc Sykes of this •;«Ur. * Et dear Midaa oa Rohersonvillc was in ton last Taraday nijrht ' MR. T. W TV nn retained ye.ter day fraa Riaaake Rapids where she ' ha» been rit itinjr her daaghter for the last «ul Kb. G Blanch Mitchell of Sdn i n#«nd thi—gh fraa Selma en roote to Edtatoa where she will visit rel • atives for MM thar. Mine Mitchell is chief ipiiin for the American Tele ■ pi tar aad Telegraph company at M- Mr. John A. Mitchell, a drwg*ist of Efccataa panned throaph here yester ' Cay from a wmM ta his people in Sel {FEDERAL A;EMS j STILL ACTIVE IN THIS SECTION I 75 (iallon Copper «>utiit Captured Yesterday Morning . tjvverameat vni., 1 -tii >neil, A. S. lla-rifvD. C. k .\ Shaker u«i -itpot) j -lu rli.. Luther IV. I. went «.! I(. the j School ms'wh yesterday 1 ii»>riMii|r ai.i fouie. a -till with it ca {...« ity »f 7i t;-llofi. Ihe i4lvri - were «|Utetly |us-ls. i thr»u>'h the vw»t. sirn a nun Are.! behind .Item >kar t»«e uatft '!.> hail •ixv let Ik i irrj/au'.l iki- f a r*l f«r lb* operator? to rui». »o lh y. _\ 1 sr.irj !f« t « sti.l rvMiuv at full bla>t bat deserted b> it., operator- Th- still »a.- swir of "W" ' al *' hail two wo«m> ahirh fltMnlfl Uit • •!; ■ -[r übier then thru I" / oluur l»rrel>. 1M- out fit trace ii j l* > ■titan- of rum All th» !wlit.-key Kal ' ■?» carried away, leav ■ Jua th.- still •-d fi*e luff(i ••{ be"r •j1 he r dbi ia«t i.,utfit locat-?d or It wat» in fr.-i- ' u{ Ja r >te A »on i officer*> knew, homier, tljil iia- in *ay roe.fwtr.l oith th »vlU. PICNIC AT KM KBSIIHt TIHEBIIAI Nlt.lM T erei>u>r the 1 |-.rk. Mi.-«s Saiah larH' a»#d Klua- Uth Hurra ami Me-lin«e Hufh i Hnttoa Marriott ISiitl ei.lertain- j e*i i i.umhi of ••Mora »r>' fr'-nA* ■ with a T.V part) k-ft Willian Uta« o'- ► cl ck in the wiEajt aiei i the park whrre the afmhr- enjjjed a svrin brf«,r- an a pet nine lanch »»« senre.!, co#r>:-I.t? of aan»l •ilrhr? am* tea. 5 'Tht - il' 6.*>r 'he ! \:' H-e- E xabeth Thirpen. UuahftH Rums. Manam Gotham, Mar) Hua -1 beth Gorham. Sarah Html, laertw 1 Ri.kiick, Mr and Mr*. Hn*h Norton, Kr. ami Mr- Marriott Britt, Me.--r Ji-iaes Maaniaif. T. It Boyd. C. D. r*arstarpher. and SakasU* ' Mac.-r *i~ I . , (iltl G >TOBE TO HAt'E SI "N HAY HOI BS t t iark-Bennett cat|Oiy. in r their ad in thi» atake an ar: noonceaaeat to the e€ert that tV -1 store win have 'fecial Saaaday hoar., * be?.nn-nr with «**• If yoa desire cream, cicaietle* and ' oda* on Sonday yoa ahoaM ~ .yoaradf to the hoars as «>fea in the j firm's ad. * Hon. Harry Stnhfcr ietarae.l from ,'lhe Le*isla?are jre.-terday. — ~ | The special aiiaan MjwH Udap _ eatvi. * ji.e Sw iiukil is Shot And Perhaps Fatally Wounded Elizabeth City. Au H. Jo* Sain «iell. In-1.1 in the I»|u.-lai.k ( wuity Jili tfcairni *lth (tuxiurl a jr;il.*>J ialail) * »ufrktl ai ;hr |«rltnUx Ijj .... Ktaniiu;tiri the *iri igwl noii .MHrwincd inimr.ii ately t« the briiJ and «a.« utrntilini !.. J I» Kairx»r. »( IVil-oa. X. C. ' Kkirw u >akl t«> tuvr th I' p. 14* *t«l railed SvUklrll to the cell « :ixk>u ||- fire! Jul! | M.H.L. th* liut '|.-ts Siib-Mi'i rieht lunc. it j a - flifgol. "U call >lw»t nw iiu« ,-i wabt to," KariK'i t- l>- t.d.l tfcf craz> .-ince thi> thinr happ r*>: ai»l I have plam.inr to -ht«( Swinlell for .lay * " la trior. reput«.i to be a wealthy n-'iM .—>ft drtt.k nuuitfartuin. »a- 1 i -! m *!->_««•■• kwi. charged »ith ■ .ill » -*»:. »l!k li- - tit tu kill ll*. HOMIK (>K MISS THl;i*t:v Ike h; t nmiibri uti tl«e • -ek> Imcul ralri»h( it. tt ill* iir-l>.n was It# CJii |i>n> gnn by Mrs Maiuw S. !ii«ir it l.tit home in "ItanrJo* ' uft liittMi street, Tar»iay awn. jit./'. It 3Jt» EllubrlK TKiepr-. IR! Tr rtir»r*». Ob» of Uu charminr hotter truest« of )li» IJmbrth Hum., on jlurt M-in -tree? .... | Autro-t'a brilliant hoed A»*er. ar- I ranged altrVivtl) about the i*.m> Itaadc a lui l> -*tt.s.r for the k.Me jwal her fikkJ.'. who «/•)»■• bttJ*« !siml n-ok. while u»w>t ..-frt-Kinr punch • and salted peanut* were stnwJ 'ln linjc the iink: lleuaiit repurtee and : laugh'er made the hours fa:* all 100 Vuirki, After th. endiag of ***" W | the boat ** -erred .lolioou, ttt* with cake Tko*-- enjoyiu* Vr» Metre's hospi tal*) wne. Mifo Muaheth TV u? pet ,Mu» lam-iw lUI-iKk, MU> Manai. «.»rham. Hu> Hurt *>«. '.Mary Elisabeth ««rham. Mifc. Sari.. lllurtrO. Mb-- Uittbcth ltafr*>. Mist I Marram Everett, Mi. i OyMe Ha-.-rf. ' Miu Dorothy Thrower. Mrs E. P j Vb.ninKiian ENJOY FISH «* I lie* E_ D. DuM an i fauail) a»d a : number of frit aAm had a fcsh fry W«J I {Mwlaf dowa MI the ha ah* of Sweet ; Water creek Thetr report a delight - •fid outtuig aad a good l«( ■ **"" We wen- .r.klr-ta get the exact * r umber of «sh eMght but Mr. Da*l ' ; ci .ted that a large nuadaer were caught, that k. enough for rfiuner 'K ' " —- . t Mrs- B. 1_ X mimmiii mmd mm kA this metiiag f»r their have ■ »for folk after riutat telalrres here fur '• Mr. F. U. Bane* left «Ua ■ iruiag fur Nurfalk where he «fl attewd ti tt ATCU THE LUUiL OX \OL2 i PAPER. FT THE DAT* i lOVB SI'BSCKI ITION EXPIRES ESTABLISHED 1898 I v itiii iMtT, i«. (. I vision (•(Jljl'Li i. A I i LNi > i' uLi I*l* A YfcK MKLi iMiS tfev. ii. ( . ii iu I'reaches i oni In at Hit- Tabernacle I >ai 2; aljli: „1 I' M. ; ijn-rv !«** -Vi\ .•».!.«■ le..n*i'. t .M!an 1 «B!!W •«-« f« *t - •».!-«* 4»k» al lia-iy 4vl i«i !*t |Hiy« m .inc- :"ii; air tifwi h-»l it the linos ("urtiifi ot iw tuwa. The | iaU*--- aui ue hh-:. •»;■ havm iep-. a/afe nwrtjii'. l»ut > -'. motif * L. ll j»w They -i * jrttim- '.h* jvt> |i. v 1 Ulliu iLv' j. .. Da .-a of iC . t kui CUI)« i w . ch b • Jl) * r in." Oi* irj.i i» |iHtlr I p yi*»ir in itir W(ilw»h) itiifi.: -«-:i*cv iV; ".iKit-* »*V ri jrrf «!>»>.' K4e jiUliL Sg .liC |-r»)er !««;> i;> V 'ln:*- *n, iLvi h* lu tl r»« **■« —r i "f ihr K.V Ul{«- iw «• (ui* ».r «i>ua! tits a rni> .1 •( ..sar i »n " If« : *»n- fi'l\ i, p; .-■»' jt t l i* h™*>i«u4! Mgh: nntii.; *i»i at u. 1., f. - a b c-« > .!«•nt ( l*« |« lc~ I iNi- | inhuti e:"Wso an 1 tut* a • tdV v»*i the l •?:, laf *«rl« -Mf. >. J i*« T. Ua i|IJ lt e», to k-_( tfc* in» *ir ; b t . •! r> uit» -r." t - ; ..'M I 'or- .is ji k- i «• (• v ? X'Hm oi r *l*, ir,-, !5y M «f *4r IV * Vi|> U- W3i ! » lr- ;«• r«-' ii.i «.n ■- .ie rhaptrr in tit- !-M«- h i.rt jyf It* >ervir«* la-t r-irht. Tnnirfat at N I'. M Mr. will t—l-l i juirit a' she » ben ide . in oi.lfr to arriM'. aim! s- j»7i eats F (•- all th- -e »K» are to ?ir. is the tlk it AH -ii,jf-r> arr r«|i «rste! to , i.»rt at tiw liUnsifl? t.-niiht a* that time. i A - ia.- £i fiuuiioil Lbi nvhl at the . tairnacie. Ur . G. t . 1- Mel. i Ihr mast sito built the ta! :n4! . is u>l lim:t*«l tu a ««trvb>r. hut Ke is - . ma evai.«eli>t prurhet a- well, oil |4cw>. U-iuylit at the tafcri icie Mr Cat4ut, the «hon-t» r for the Uaiui. Co.4Mi fan.fuit,!,, will are , lu> re/hUr ciMMT nrlß-afxii .1. i w nee . t K'll Itr ,-tIMC -jf i , I The rhora-ter w_« wril ill , his rhoir la>t u(ht an,! I e m ttHl r uittiier mi .a »aa try I t - y*t - if jiii eI»C by UiMi i»« i Iht u >JI W Ik la>i upf» lOtr.i > be . fore the •>_ nicir service ®f the ca*- fur rehfar-val -m B/.l'IISl (HI R(H NOTES * Seed*s .Sefceel, d:te. )l>inua( voMup, UM. Mtricss will be heM *> •ku diaßfl 4iriiit; the me' inr at th# •?l»niar>. We am anxious that the k wrawg aenriecs Wlh ia Sm&aj . I Srhaal and cimieh »hall ha w«U attend , «i r«ae and teeeire a Wart) wrlr>— _ | ar, 1 enruwafc us b* v« »r ■*»- atf- K. L Shirley, PksMy. ' « Mrs- C. B. Siee US, Mr*. Mark W 1 fc. MIL E. W. Steua. MiN Wi«t * Stataa and Mr. H. M- Britt M jUr ed U Washagtaa jt»t»rcay after | ; Mr. C i. SicakdT vent ra Grtw —_ t - rom SALE: OVE BASSINET IN » -» - «