ADramSEKS WILL fWO Oil COLUMNS A UTMBT TO UN BOMBS OF MARTIN COUNTY VOLUME XXV—NUMBER €1 REVIVAL GREATEST IN THE HISTORY OF WILLLAMSTON Revival Might Close Ihe Latter Part Of Next Week The town of Wißiaaertae aad s«r rounding comnuut} are havmg °" r a* the greatest minb .bit tk?j ksic ww had Emy dsj and nag-if ■n and women are tanuog their hecks upon ua and are thir kcutt and bm to Christ. It » hard to estimate the nhe and -#ect of the meeting ap to this date, tat ■ it to say the ton of Wfcwhi aas comma nil) is being shaken as arwr before and the effects are f—ihft»l and lasting- It has boea HIIWIIWJ that Mr. L« mii with his party will leave far Plymouth the latter part at next week ■fait a anion revival w® he held in the school aaditonum. Though the time b set for the open ing in Plymouth it may he pwtpnt I as Mr. Ltsnan says "We begin •« meetings, hot the Lord claaea tbeaa." and if Mr. Leamaa thinks that the work here ia completed by the latter part of next niok. then the party wfl go to Pljulh Mr. I«am» was very inpii mi delivering hi* iiimn Taoday eight which was heard by an ahaaiit parki I hoaae The last "vening is said by many to he the Moot powerful yet delivered by him Tan lay's and Thursday's m main in ■lime, follow: TUESDAY EVENING** SERMON "IN MASKING THE MODERN DANCE" Tuesday eveai'ig's -*rmoa on "Un masking the Modern Uuce" was everything that Mr. Leamzn had it would be He hid said that was one of the girstert pew. r* for the proportion of sin >f 'he prs»it 'reiir-' eratkn and in ht UMMUX he >&- dosed the here fact* of the "modem dance" which is far vov than any kind of dance that has jver been done k the history of the mild. He took one fllastr-.taaa f.m ihr Bible shewing bow oar June wdh the drinking and physical hue that went with it cawed the greatest of the prophets, John the Baptist, to Use has head. And he said that w*h all the facts outstanding. peiple who claim to be Christians, still say thai danc ing is no harm. Dancing originated as n form of re ligions worship and as it was eegaged Mea danced with mea and women danc •if with Bnt on the one ar eas ioa in the Bible where the mea and women danced together. U4 day. Then Mr. leiann took the statis tics as they are given ent. some by the U. S. Cwtranrtl and «»■' by j cities. He took the dtin of Son Fran cisco. Washington. Sen York and Beaton and »bowed the peepartan off the prostitute ihli who her? goae to their sad fate throagh the atiaa; of the - ■*— dance San Fnamra - f icentage was ». Washmgtons •*» »1. New York's was M and Baatoa's the mart aristocratic city of Amno. was f7 per cent, al these lfw*» be ing taken from the bps of the girls Oar government ddwtiw shorn' that there are an average of SrtjM! r.rts who fill m America each year .nd 3T&JBOO of them fa 9 as a of the modem And each jwafi there are C3JDM girt.- who dhappe-r. n.d they are almas* all of them Inred i -ay through the dance ball by J areats of the biniei of 11-bme. Mr. T tail »b in ■! ]Kt how thry are m a'nred ta ran off with then mea anl c: tried to these howaes end an ding -i-i and laiani before they cam from rider the efert of the drag*. Br the so-called Christians stdl contend that they da not appreve of harm ■ the pnrlar inarea Mr. Lea men tank an objectionable animal and cr ci pared baa la the dance He said that if it was object! cable a the open, it was also ohjrrtiioihle m th? poller. Aad he said that al the thnf. ia pabHc it was stM a an m the parted. And he said that al the thia?» that went with the paUir dance wm aaOy wemt with the private «a Driekiag and the am of physical Sc heme m in the pohKr dance haL earned Gayk who aamdlfc neme ef the haw kaga and caanel nil of the The THE ENTERPRISE NOIED MOONSHIN ER IS CAUGHT! _____ Thomas Rogers, the noted moon-* rhiaec of the Leggett Mill section, was surprised Monday night by- Sheriff Robe rjob and depoties IVei and Ballard. Several weeks ago Mr. Rogers, who is new C 3 years old. «et ran the •iter, when seen running a still- The jbtiil* re ling the trick; a» the »bdi:> of Tom as a runner. took peecaation to post drputie at all deors of the bom e. Wher Skerif Loberaoa called and in. farmed Mr. Rogers of lis mission ar I remimti 1 tha: he tint oat. other mini r- of the family proceeded t-> caw ar>. fuaae while the old mar qwietl-- cresscd. Whe* he h» ariii dressed himself he caaght his Kan and oaietly raised the aindoa ami juaapev Upaa jumpiag oat the window Rogers dropped his gun when Deputx BaOard flashed a light on him He be ran to nan across the garden and field It so happened -hat ho lost his bear mg anl ran usto a solid post, brats rag his face badly and Mopping him completely. He was placed ia jad aad Taaaday was tried ia the Recorder's court Ho was fined »»» aad ent and con fined m jad far a term of thirty days. duces of t-aday or rather nicety p-r cent of them are originated by in mates of the red light districts and thee thry are carried befor- an as siwmtiaa of dancing masters, who are jn»t as low as any class of people on earth, sad trird oat. and if they de cide that there is plenty of body tore to them they give them Dimes and I -e»d them oat to the public. The three thing* that alway.- go S beg wah the dance are- now . to con I Ama it ntboal takiig anything irk roniiiter ltiaii First thase who dance will either drmk. sooner or later, and this is no: cewhaed to the a>on alone, hat ■mia and uta g.ri- are indalgiur or they wil come in contact with those who do dnak Smmd th» evil dtsiie that a* a rv alt of the taac«ng of men x;*'. wom-a together and the satbf)iur of this lrmptat>*ii is of antohl barn and I has evd is partly a result of th thud, the fact the women arv improperly Hotbed and xnnr of them wear practicaly no clothe^ He appealed to the parents and old fctts ta stop permitt ii «r the dance ta be carried aa aroand them fur th sakr of the fat are Keneratioa TBI BSDAY EItMNC'S SERMON DEI EIYED AND DAMNED* Last «t the tabetuch, Evan grtast l.amaa «diirred one of the MSI pm»rfU ki -hat be hi. yet dclrvesea aa the subject, "lit teemed ati Daamad"- The fiist of the sermaei was tiut fibe an people y»ng in the a»; of Jeboirk I Oa» of *he dasw> of fib- prophet* that be sprakrr referred to was >om m o --«i>. II- that if a minis ter was pnahii.; a ill atiaa in a:; other way thsa by the shed blwd of Chrirt thai he was a false pho(h- 1 He •aid that it is the daty of Go>l"> filth fai mauter to ara-n the pei-|«e ~f tht wrath of Gad That it the doty mf it- peeac+sr not to prrarh to pleas, bat to preach to savr That were fr -duag too mark ahead tie Lave of Cod uid not e laiagb ahem the >iar of their eoagrre- Aa*th»r das> of fahe prophets to larhick he referred wiere srme *riur- Spenai jiu atiaa was called to Rapert Hagh-s* article ia the car rent ■&*«• of 'the Coumipilftaa « "V>y I quit Go '■f (• CklfdL 1 * '* Ml Ol.lf 5e wt- char-1 rcteriacd aa or.; of the j»s-. danger em articles that the rpfctk:r Had ev r: read aad the write- chr racteriaed at «r «f the ant n". writers that had e ill 1 pprd per k: ,r k H. G. Weßs was lefrrred to ;& a fal- * praphrt aaoag r.r.fs. Tir peak -r said that a aor» dugenar writer aever pad pea to paper "Ma»J." mid Mr. 1 "who haw arte paofi nai are lot bo «aaa* they have made a false profes *aaa. Oas who baa made a true pro fesaaaa mm have the love of God m has heart" The speaker stated thrt the deed wants ywa to joaa th? teacher aaad get jad as high a paaa taaa ia the thmdh aa pan can. The oaly thing that the deti daes art «=at ywa to giae to Christ is year devd-s faith ■ only mtellectaal He dam art believe ia 1m hstrt. Aad n iaL AQrirttaTb Jadgnd hyu! A (lairtaa ■ aa whaac Wiiliaiiiston, Martin County, Fiiday, Septembei- 12, 1924. MRS. JOSEPH L. 'I WOOLARI) DIED j WEDNESDAY NIGHT i ——— Buried at old Homestead Yesterday Admmist a Throng: of Friends Or. Wednesday night, jiast after the midnight hoar had pa&*ed. the spirit of Mrs. Jou.. 1_ Wuok-ni pas>«d into ■ho Beyond, after she had sutTered in the body with the greatest fortitiaie lor the past sevenl months. On last di> she was •.tricken down with ai» accu'r attack of a of diseases and from tha: t:mo she has w.Snol to hrr with »hc ' .**cvp«ion of 2 very few .lays. For the past two week sho has Uun at death'.-. •oor. graihially w-akeninic until the 1 end came. The aras Uim in Bcaufor* county at th* old Liggett homestead -1 liviS. the daughter of V hitmo! JM IJMUSL Lnrgett ? v *i> cne of nine chiMr.-n. a member a family of high Christian iiieals ati! tepor>lahie in all thrir r»-latK.n> wuh f*ir f-!lowmen. At the t i»le r ag* of fourteen »h hocarn? a member of (h Chrfcti chunrh at Macedonia anil all throupi bei life she mnainM steadfast in h->r **P*■ - d faith and lived the pur aesd i rrpie life of a noble Oris i; ««-n*_- W h-n she was seventeen, on Jan p ary 4. I NTT. she wa> married to Joseph L Kuolan l of Mrrtin c«untv an.* from the tiro v of her marriag* nnt a seventeen years ago they liv-d at the Woolartl home place about ten ""I*" from bore. THey 'hen t». \» where she has lived ever Sometime after the death .f het hu>band which «mrr>d t*.-iv»- y ear> ago she has made her horn *ith b»r daughter. MK T- F. Harri To her unmn with Mr Woo.'anl t-frt wer- si* ehihlri bom. two dj - ng in infarcy ar.i a Ma, Joe Asa *ymp in yoanr manhood, rlt-v.-i year -e£> Sh» is Mrviveil by two dru-ht-r "•"s. T. F. H=rris«.n aixi Mrs. Myrtl • Bra wn ai-1 one »on. Mr. Shel t.(i Woul ird of Atlanta. Ca. and seven **rand~ "hihlren. I-O*II--. MartNa. E tlier. Eva -nd Josephine Hamsur.. Myrtie Wool Td Brown and Thad llarn-.ii, jr She al .> leaves .-eveml sisters ar»t Nr.-thers to mourn l»»r loss. The funerul services l.wh place ye - terday ifterawdi at four o'clock at th* t >:n- on Haiir!r« street with her pe-t- r Rev A. J corluctir t ~ th -' '« lite; im i t took pl .c a* the «. Wexdard b«tw -« the L- restirg pl~ces of her san a*»" • ■sba adir. -f a throng f M>rn» i«»g fi. t» arel loved ones Me ..|!. Jos. Hotlalay. George ard C. A. Hamxin. J. D. Woolard. R. J L B Harri un, J. I._ Williams •n.' W. H. Cu'kin are»v active pall b*ar rv In the deatl. of Mrs. W'oi4atd. the town has .affrr»d th. 10-.. of oae (f it-* best citixer-. oi\>-Miming in ro-»n 'r hat thowri ful and compass; : S her rrfl!icn will all thos- sh ■ -tme in contact. Sh-' will be gro-_tl. »" »e«d by many a poor person cf the things that bespe.-k h s-«Aleaes* and bigness of h.-r h-': »• the way she helped orphans, l- r ag her life .-he took many bori h-hi ?n into here- awi» home aroi kvpi them for aaon'hs ard torn- for year? uald they wore able to tike care of themselves. In her church she mill he great'y •issed, for even durir-g her last siek a-x she tried to lerxl i hand in th W naia'. work lr the church ~>nd ha * worthy exam|de for many of "fee vounrer one; in her .to the Ojd. SERVICES AT THE KTISCOPAL («I R(1! Re«. llareace •». I'ardo. Keesar San»iay School. » U a. m Monucg pe .yer aad >emvon !!♦» No et.ihg aervice. Public earthly invited. Mr. aud Mrs. Saia Gurganus anl etiddrea of Richmond are visiting their father, Mr. Eli Garganas and Mrs. thi week. worki tie Cka-tV works. The speak er ddfereatiaud between awaking for a church aad warkia; for Christ. If I yea are wwkag to make > our earn iadividazJ church «he biggest and most j t*tted about eharch aad nr.; to save then your are "Deceived a»i Dammed." I la rißilaiiii. the speaker state.) that there mete maay way* far a peraaa to take bat that the oaly way ta he saved was Cad'. Hely Book. Ihrt if yaa are depeadiag aa aay •«Wp -ay to aaae yeanelf hat God's ■•T the shed Head of Chrirt that ?aa are HMM aad Dammad." -- GOLDEN WEDDING CELEBRATED AT i DARDENS, N. C. Sometimes, in the midst of our every day lives. beautiful and inspir-1 !t*g things transpire. One of these oave recently occurred down in tl« IHnlfni neighborhood.—the se'ebra ttcn of the Golden Wedding o f Mr. and Mrs. J. L Riddick Mr. Riddick, who *ih be i years: old next Qrt-»ber. has nis en-! t re life in th«s vicinity except About "i years of his younc manhooo. Mrs. Rid.'ick. who tB be 6? in IVtvmber. v J*s horn and reaiv l en the 'arm where she nj* resides in,i whe-ie all »; her rhildre:» were rrai«i. This couple >"as unite.' in marriage August 27. ISTI To this union ten j children were ■•orn. fivr bovs an-l five Rirls. Kight are still living— two i.f the girls having passed away. one ju- 1 >he bloom of womanhood and the • "her a young matron, leaving thre? laughters who were also reared by "dr. and Mrs. Ri.ldick Mr. ami Mr.i. Riddick'* f..m:K con sists of children, fifteen gram* hddren. si* great grand childrc:: wo sons-in-laW. four dauitliters-in law. The children ami grand children vith their families, came together at ,f home of the "llride ami tireom" 'or a week's ceelbration A forty foot * wi- rr>r.(.l or the lawn of their kautifal home place, where uni|ituous meals were senrd every day. the fes tivities culminating in a bounteous dinner served on Wednesday, Augu-;" rah. Those prevent wor.- Mr. aid Mrs. J. K Kiddick. Ihnlriis, X- Mr. ami Mrs. J A. Kid. lick. •i«l san. Leavdl. St. Louis, Mo.; Mr .rd Mrs. Charles S Teaciiy and .laugh lets. Ethel Ln ait.i Agnes. Florence, S C-; Mr and Mrs J. Hilary Riddick .nd daughters l>orr.s. Hazel ;.rd Lil lie Muriel and ns, l land and James, Harden*. X. C.; Mi ami Mrs. A. C. Ritldirk ami son Arthur, jr . St. 1 xiu is I Mo.; Miss Annie Ki-Mick. Hardens, N C.; Mr. ami Mr*. Alton T. KkMirk ?nd son Alto*«. jr. Charleston. S. C.; Mr. Herman K»Mick Hardens, N. C ; Mrs. Levi Riitawk sml daughter Eve 'yn Gray ami soujAlger. Mr. ami Mrs. V ill* I tower .'ml sons Clifton and El iwl. Portsumhi;h. Va.; Mr and Mrs. lim Hr»«lie ami daughteis Gloria '.ml Florence, S. C.; Mr and Mrs. tiarficki Jjrkson and sons l.t-on ami Sherwood. IVrtsmouth, Va ; Mr A. B Waters. Hanlen, N. C.; Miss Pally Ann. Harden. N. C ; Mrs. Jose •huie Mir'll. Windsor, N. C: MUs l!t»ir Rigsby. I'ori muu'.li, Va.; Mr.l «r.d Mrs. Sike two sons and daughter lkard~n. X C. Mr. Waters ami Mrs. Mir "II wet present at the welding fif y y ars *go After thanks had Intii offered by Mr J. A. Riddirk. a bounteou, nu-al was «-.joyed, as lline hospitable citi i»ii> of Mar;in (uuntjr know how to serve. After dinner. Mr. J. A. Riddick iCmr as toastmaster. calli-d on the ihil-.i n ami oldest grrml children for a of testimony as to whpt this lioiii- I, wi m-i it to theni and some very I. .uliful responses were given Th. i being the «»klest of the children, he ' at master n.alc a few remark hir. -elf, the teat of which is as fol lows: "Everything has its oiigin and m doubt some of you have often wonder ed about the origin of the Riddick family. When I was in Baltimore, a man said to mr, 'What are you?' I did »' know whether to say I was a Katk Carolinian or a Hemocrr.t, as 1 km« both the same thing, so I asked him what h" mean!. He jranu-d to know whether I was Scotch, Irish. German or Wap In St. I>ouis I worked in an office with an old Cerman who was very proud of the fart that he was a Germar.. I used to 'pse h.m a little ami one day when ' I :d ps- " *k •«! him h; said. 'Yes sir, ' _m a Oioan ami proud of it.' What are you? I said. 'I am a thor ough American, and proud of it.' He said the only thorough Americans are the Indians and the buffaloes, which ji* you? **l remembered FaOier telling me that a man by the lame of Riddick uae to this countrv from England or Stttland. and settled in the northern part of the territory then known an Virginia, living the reign of the lonii proprietors, be moved with hi: family to the Northeastern pi t of what later firrame North Carolina, in | crder to get out from under their uimde. He had three sons, one set tled in Gage County, N. C., one in Kafia County. N. C, and one migrat ed to Tennessee. Every Riddick 1 have ever met either originated, or ha* anres*orx originated, from one of tferse localities, except two who came direct frwn Scotland Old Thomas Rid diefr a paoaeer citizen who took a f'mit mi d on Page Three . lulb. STANLEY HOLLIS WARNED TO STAY ! Ol'T OF WOODS - Letter SigiuKi With Three K*s And Three Os Hi- following le'ter was mail.-d to Mr. Holiis of near he re ;>ini | show., haw "c.'.kin»r orn- tid ruir beaten cur can be: "Everetts. X. C. Sept. 1 , 1924 Mr. Stanley Hollis you sn hen notified that you will have Jo stay out of these wmU. \ «>u a*.".:? nil \ ur par tiers and friends. If you l> s. en • the woods ag;':n it w;!| Ik>. ith te you. This is to notify yeu ami all your partners im» yartis form the house to Stanly Hollis it; ihe u ( hml you may come nsl meet me. Tell Jro D. \\ynn to come with you we reed him. Stanly lloHis it is tru- if ever h c lusrht i;i 'he wo.x's amund searching for anything you will mwi the hot ! '-ets- of hell fi-e for you carried tic sheriff on the Roberson l>ri«lg cr-ek I :uls out to the oltl Kv 're't hrid-ro ;,rd hr»>k-» it up. •''l"t I hiss you was in ihe crowd tome on H.dSis in ihe woods and d'e with Hoss Wynn ami read th« letter ami live an-l :by out of th woods ami l*ve* hap;>\ I(H> years in peace Keep off 11011. w» .will mak • in the d; y t m*. Stay out *»f the iiihhls ;.*hl live or come and .lie. c. c. c K K K" The above l '«*er addr. .•£« Mr Hollis refl»-ct some ft - • traits of lawlessness still existing r- our cur ty. Of course "he writ"r i t. o rowan" ly and common to sig i > own i?ni and rdgtts "C. C C. ami K K k " Certainly it is ao in'tilt hi airy or tioi- to att« ni|4 to -uir- st that it Ls the autho of .such : Utter. T!u e fly pro|wr n .me c;.n sug gest to -sign such a would b ""Itlack Heart." s - MANMM;—MiII K The f.dowmg invitation has IM-en r • iviil l>> friends of the contrartimr | urti. s: Mr an I Mrs. Abrani James Mote tei|U* st the hoiiour of yotti |»i*iu'i at the marr«age ..f their daughter N >ll \\ lilt- head to Mr -James Chris'ia»i M niiLig oi Thursl i) morning Septi-mlier th. eighteenth ;>t half after teii i> cl .L Christian '"hurrl. iiAimviili, Xoito t'aiuniia Miss Moye has vLsite,| friends her on se-venil lifferent occasions and is very happily renumliereil Mr. Manning is o;ie of V\ dliamston's ;i >t young men and he 1.;.s a "rea! U.'ilxt of friend who al> interest d his -ipproachi!ig marriage to whom the unnouiiL- inent came as a surprise. hXPKKSSKS APPRKCIAI ION Iti TIIIISE MHO HAVE KKM'KRKI* THEiR SERVICES Williams on, N. Sept 11. Mr. W. C Manning. (alitor of The Enterprise. Wiliianvston. X. C. I»e»r Sir: I will appreciate it if you will al low me a short space in your |»ap r to fipr-na my appreciation to the large numb r of |> * ijJe who have fce»n to thoughtful in carrying me aroun ' it. iny rolling chair for the several weeks. Having bee-n clo.-rly confined for nearly two years from aifl rt'oi.. i* almost make ne- feel like a new n:an to be taken around f« ! can see the town ami the people ar.d enjoy the friendship of the folks. It has been a very great plea, un to attend the religious services. One can hardly realiie tbs lonoliness of one who has always been relive and then is stricken down ami becomes unable to get aroutwl at will. Those who have been so kind to me can •scarce realize the pleasure that they have been in#*rumenU.l in affording me. I take this opportunity of express ing my heartfelt thanks. Thanking you very much, I am. Yours very truly, C. F. PAGET Among those attending the funer.,l of Mrs. J. L Wooiard here yesterday afternoon were. Mrs. Emmr Woolard, of Everrtts. L B. Peel of GriAns township. Mrs. Holland Leggett of Rr.ute 5, City; |fr. p and Mrs. Will Perry and children of New B?m; Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Wocl.-.rd of Stoke.; and Mr. and Mrs. Shdton Woolard of Atlanta, Georgia. [OAK CITV SCOOLS OPENED MONDAY The Oak t'it> graded an.! nigh school.- opened Monday with the nK»; promising and they have eipern-mv.! in (i.r lu>t«r\ if 'hf rchool, when it.opened fo- It session L iKt enrollments have U«: rx*i ni ei in the various c!i?se> a..-I tiep_r; iih rits and a e*r.;ial provision ha been for the school with the ricrpiion of a few >iesks wh-ch *il! he -upplieti in a few (lavs. The work bctan prompt !y an.i will continue without any in t( tnipf ion. The faculty for the IKI ii se.vs'on is as folows: H M Ainsle>. principal; K. N K 'Klle. history nisi Er?nch; "*. C. L»if. agriculture ai>) see Mrs. E V Riddle. supplying in Eng lish ami l.atir.; Miss Marjore Knt land, h->me economics; Miss Kuth Kaukrer. sixth an I seventh »rni.*>; Miss Annie Woodley. fifth jralr; Mrs \\ 1.. \\«fcj|iy. fourth era-ie; Miss Louise •hi r- i irra-ie. M * - Kss»e Jonbu. Miss •Vim 1 Johnson, high r f.r>l an-l Mi Mary Hell, lower firs!. The enrollment for thf-hirH was fifty-one. with twenty fire m th»* h« ine economies .lepartmert. f..ny ei»;ht in the agricultural a >l scienc-? •tepar ments and two huntirett ar-d fifteen i:i the m«iis. The parents A*«i patrons if th -rhiHil are •© he c«ing»Titulate.i upo' the ii.t. rest and *~-~*|~*T~ !r--r^1 > -- !7rv~ rendering in the proe n--s of :h, cho-|. giving attention t«- all t!u school activities . The parent-teacher -Association will furnish |d-»y er..uiv-l «.|uipmtnt f«»r j|! Ihe rnilf- while *he Rank of Oak '' • > and I business men «»f t.i »i have uil> r-ii > . • ral prizes ar. medals for th- he • work in •h • laminar Knnle.. :*--.I I-•••h school. An athletic>»ii was f.-rm ed. which or van -ed two basket hall one volley l«l!. i*xl la* foot lull teams These 1 'nr.-tnixatHMis prom is. •«• furnish the nee -v-jri everei f far V- r> individual 111 • I Pupils are eniolleol froAi llannlt.-i , illll»nis ai»L !las.-e|| t.>nrn-hips .lit I »'«• from tl"* Sta»>- of Vueinu; MI;KK- KOEIIK K T«.l»y a". 11 :;;il a m ■» the ele»;-rt c-untry hem.- of Mr. E J K.M*l>ack his «!i>u*»hter, Nellie. was ui;it**d in marriage «o Mi \V illtam S Met .e ■ El.ler S\lve.- - er Ha .ell |«t-rf.-imir-i --the or no«i.v Mr.-. t'l:-.u-l Ko-Wk |.-rfolm.-l I • V pinio. -inirini; a Ir.iul 'ful - K !'«n appropriate to the occasion ;c I lei-tlered the *ftl'lriK nuirh f , m 1.,. h«-ii;-fir Ihe b*N!*' i 'he ch; arming idaueht' " ••f Mr. .»n«! Mr r I It -luiil ..s.-i the iT(Mim >• in the n-i.'. v of ~ K'- A I' I. a' Kck> Nuii' l After a trip to north-in pi-ir's t!.ey will mike the*r futur- honit in l{>rky Mount The E* terp. » e yr.ins ■ - coneraiuk.t --i u:ir till' happv »"■ u|4»- £iwl Wish f«i them a hoir lif.' of peace alel !■ • pp RM>. HEAVY SALES ON L(K'AL WARE HOUSE EI The tueal tobacco marker his ho) lirjre sale-s throuel out the »*ek. v II lop 6«.TW» puuMls ye.-t 'Mu> a.»l ap pr iximat.-ly 70 '«» powicl t>«!ay Whale the sales have hem h«-avy the prie> for the **» • I has ,ha«l a t» !l --1 i!«ncj to incre~>e n.s*e:ol of «lecrx:ise The pouiel* aiwJ prices -.f tli : s »« kl» ' ing far : hov" 'We of Ik* same w- ek ' last )>»r.. ' Mr of he Wunlsor lje»l(f« • was a visitor in town last night ' Mi I! F. IVrry is in New York ■ this *"-k where he mill puni.J ' full stock of go-! frr his new More which he erul • p':i in about two -ks f Mr Hrowmnr left Tuesday t ft r New York aul oilier 'othern cities E where he will assist Mr 11. E. Perry I in purchasing a stock of goods foi i iik ih w store. ? Mr. Rogers of Hear tiras i is in Rocky M .unt this w- k receiving t ritilical attention at the Park View [ hospital .Mis- Elear.or Stanbnck of M*. v Gilea«l ami who will teach tn the heal schools this ye%r Kri arrive.l antl is ntkizif her home with Mr. arel Mrs A. A:v.lcr aow Miss Lucy Turnnee of Wil-on )!flls I has arrive-1 in the ctty to teach in i tl;e local school this year Mr. Marvin Everett of Oak CHy >. was a visi # or in town this morring r, Mrs. Harry B J one* and little I "laughter. Lillian c* yew Hern spmi - last night with Mrs Hugh G. Hortor. Mr. sitd Mrs. Jodie Harding ol f Chocowinitjr ilti ailril the faneral *1 Mrs. J. L. Woalard yvxerday. i, WATCH THE LAIiKL ON VOL 3 PAPER. 11 -JURIES THE DATS \Ol K SI BSi RiPTION EXPIRES ESTABLISHED 18S8 (IXK'AL SCHOOLS OPENED YESTEH DAY AFIERNOON l [ Evangelist >lel Ltaman Makes spetch To Children afierno«»n. the U . lon era-led a.hi liiifn -cr.uoi.- opeccil i lor the 1924-25 lenn. i AT three o'clock ma:.;, cniltiren. : |arei!t> an.i teachers fiiied the bjf . auditorium for tn.- programme. From the start U'" ;l the close of Ihe i -iin much enthusiasm was diown by ; pre-ent. 1 lie programme iieirur with a . spiited -ir.ging ol . Vj'.idna! Hjmi:. . "America" uivi-r the itirectioß of t horister -ti.i# of the hvvnpdis'a: i I'-rt* ; > liev k |i Ikw 1 ..; roa; '.he Scriptural : lesson, a' selection from Tim.>rhy -i.i Mr. t'oston '>lT«'r*s' a very prettv a 1 : appropriate prayer M: yor .!ihn I. Has-el! or liehalf pj t*ie 'o*i. gave a nrn-l h art. » !- i nie to th.' ►*i■ 11r- -ch.tol force, t I the teacher- ar>l cr I. 1 r« r !*t«s ■ stresse.f gre a progress.-niaiis »ith- . in the pas! generation aii>i for ■ llie pre-enl chool term m.:rl s| -ur- I cess. •lis. Ja-. S. K' vsU\- .cconipanwii i>\ Mrs \\ heeler M .*rtii!. jr rvtßkrs.i a vocal solo Thos « .!1.1 «,.t k.'low Mi- lu..«u lale: t wer-_> ail -ui pr:s«vl rt ihe ea— - a* -1 gi: o«.' with *it let i ,-he liie After tills. I*i. li l.iKlfs. a ' it pre-enlative for the t Itunbrr jf ( omiwrctx a>l.irf.-se»t Ui- a nib lace lit staleti with empi.isi- ,tfu.-: . har.-aU'i is. the imp.»r;anl Ihirtß in aisl shoWtsl ho* It c. ul.i Is.- Fortuiiale ft-i Ui - -chool, Mel (i. Uainjn, EvHng»li-t. wa - p'»sent for I = *te opeftrHg. 11-. a -h«-ll -j- eci>, hS -•'e-s.s| tin- ph> sir I nil iiH-titAl tie-. velo-inient t»f thi eh* ol cht'.frvTi. bu : . "• tsl sl ' ha! a -p-ntu.-l tl-velt.pment s- iitdeetl far irreat -r ami ns-re t« be " valued ihi-n .'ith»r or both of the o' lit -ant thiit. in h ; - estimation, the three -wee, est Ward> in tlie iai-gu-ire are. " Jesus. Mother an I Home lie urttsl th;;t {>>» Jeachers , awl mother- r.- Juc th» ri p.nsibility tlevolving u|»ti- ilk m for th -pr-;iiJd Krowt!-. of 'h- etui-tern ertru-tstl to them. Mis- Hurt, anotia-r ni«nii»fr of the l.vaiiu'eli tie Party, pi-'*' «i Uith \v|uiv I > Ihl t.|t| bi hri rei.tlilh-ii tf a pretty p:ano election Mt.-.- Hurt i api ."ist j abil.t> aii-1 .'ui.. ju '. r.w tl> V.:iol 'li It'unuii in his m . *rk Sup! K A ■ PO;B- ih-.-aii hi- talk , !•;. a in i* th. aporopriate ii!u. tr T :lton - r«'-i the Hi We. Th Sins.' man Ufttn tii. li.ili asking ainv- of the :le. ami ree iving their answer, "Stiver :mi gohl have I none, bu' >uch as I have, that I give th«t."* lie ui- II i.-.ed that character ua.- the |!ime • l'je! that he wanted '-!> .ht t.| to ( furnish to -he youth of the it.*:i aisi .-.»t just - k .11 to ni..k> lit ll* tiatuey. Rev. A J Manning re -:ated that' » hri.-tu.i# living i.- 'toi to U- ron sder -I or- the siiiif olai-e as .he other things that c.'iiie into t-ur live.-, an.l that tiluiation .without ( hi -.-t i- ftilils * anal will do more to haim 'he *n«li vh'ui.l ami Ihose with whom h- comts in contact that ihe lack «f -.luc ilion. I!e introtiuced Mr J S Seymour, i rinrijKi! of the -chools ft r the com ing year. u r nil rcnu-.rks. Mi Seymour uu-ie a very favorable impiessktii on both the chihireii ait-l th -tr parent- He . -.mes l to our chool- i.iut »ith one of the able I (a.iutics that lUianiston has ever hat!, (his t cl.ool turn should be the best in the hi.-tory of the school. MKPI'TY t.U O t API ! KIIS * I. \lii.E STILL A LEV. MILKS i> NOItH HWEST ROHLKS4»N\iLLE IVpiity Sheriff Willia.n Gray, of ! Hnterronvillr, ettptured a ' t'our huiadred gallons of- beer and a cor> iderahle amount of whisky lio Moinlay . •' g A ih - still was running in full blast wl.» reached and the ope. nu»rs would (J lave been capture.l had it not t«ea for a signal gun fire. The plant was located ~ few miles northwest of Robersorvfll,- „ CARD OF THANKS n The shih'rrn cf Mr*. J. L. Wot lard y cant to publicly thank these who m kindly ministrred to Iwr daring her e lust illness and those who hsv* ex- i it tendnl their sympathy to mm ka mm \ trouble * MRS. T. F. HARRISON. F . MBS. MYRTLK BROWN. SH ELTON WOO LARD.