lOTAL MARKET NOT THE LARGEST hi GOOD AS THE BEST THE ENTERPRISE TV-'-"— * Tweaday a mi Frifci; by Ihr ENTERPRISE PCBLISMIN G CO. vTc MANNING. Editor W. C. MANNING, JR. I;u*ir>ess Manager Subscription Pi m (Strictly Cask in Ad™»l I year *l-5® C Pu:Uh> 3 months -^1 j Eniemi nt the IW Ofttt at Wil liamston. North Carolm secotm- — matter, unuer the act of Marcft 3, lb7». A.W res.- ali Enterprise. WiHiamstori N. C. FRiDAY. SEPTEMBER 12. I«t " been iarf tk: * t Wii: talk, ani: now the? saying tha" ■ writ e.-. offer mar a.- pri«: «»f UK slat» j ment. tne judgment ir- tne famou- i Leopoia-Loeb trial The judge mviik: m»: lift out '• wrote for «iays ai». »>ek- * > rj - » |y wrote )u>t *HI every l--": r-xf-rf-- ed Ni&etj vut of ever;. Miwi" ■»* cu|r«i he «ut.k r:*e tne * r>'.» judpnra! that he •»«»: r've , 1 sentence an*, not iiiiiK. *r-' «•! >*' every himavo said ■?.*" *»ue t» rirh* Tne prfiKtu-r of the p«~ p»- thu" lu»f>t wild woul«i be t«u-e>, aimv! entire* t(»t !'* wcaltr of tne cnmi'x:?. £» -*«•* how lit'l.- faith pevp. have ir, court IVmapc- the tnzl will h? a jv.'.rk of ir ttinkuir h p»-f«rm"! ar act of m rr> Xhe fi-Jk- a!l »«»• the e--ui tn »er. hopu.i- the «f tK~ «t ui: ruU tr» -iOc r_,"h-r ".tat : rtirr.entai nerrs TRANSPORT \Tli»\ « It ha- becvaat «H1 V"*t ll»rt«r" out tr* State t»> aii ;r.. voterv they will have tr» opportunity t£ >•*' for or airir st «na! «- reall t . trai p-rtatioi, wa-arr Tr,' bil! 2»tht>riif f tw of thr -urr «f -t» c.-ub 1 tran-portatMte *e mor* trar one I' ■ of tr«e State - territory The fiinirr? mention#*: i» iie - art L-rp*. st l :n» >tn-; s? ;malle-t fijrure- r.aM by !«• |» -J*- the Stat* f»r man.) Uu'. State ha.- ' *- u Will h> a.- niiarr -~f >ei! i.- n.jf ■ return u-- tr.- prop>.- m«..- u ? • IA Tre la.-*. (w» ' »e i- i. bo?..- to tfte • o' Jsr.'r;' ■ OUT a-kinr a »>•*.»-• •- ■> >•_:» r Uhsij- ar* f M r in* '> .- * v x■ * i r ;yji burnt- !» * - --• «f i««j »-nr' L->ne\t t»> :■» Wf -a." - f rua«j bv:kxir av: " J e«'' :• >. • ere i-.-ue>: , fo» - «-■ J »»f tr - . . Ir ;*» =Ke latere l-»- -W bi irt- a*air to ? J !>.»»« o>' ar*: U-" tr f-r »h- » - fttr »-• •' !- of learr.:-? ir.S - char?*ab!.- - ' '.he of f 1 kt a t>ur.c iff « passed I- 2 r. "r-w.- - >se V. •en pur. of tr- St.(S# l'« !,.» .! . * tbe-e t-ue> amoivtf r {yj ;; _ If »» »rre r. » . ' t -- bc-Bitt-- »ere u»uec '>»«4 o Sa trk>.- t>« c ar.i! mr.o :u mtin" tw>.».)rr.. the*, fertfe. «e «--«]■* ttfK tfc be the |n4rtir.u. t»- ir.\ uMer- of >ar ftw til * for t,'; 1.--aio »" •se with "e eic»j*-- »f ~r ie casional fo»> «4.t fedww. aho »a.- . fr—.! of —*. ; ! n»K.f* A* •-ra -u.-r.ai fellow i-' tkb-. t> j* 1 i ali 'j.e* i_-.-ee-- Th» - irar.; rtea* ti,:r.f - a'*i ;is» R4l} fw' tf i'g-. they «rf» rsnf tv. aher tf 1 n»ri*> way t»e ir.*- o. eoo: lix y wiere to cave. • "«i roa-i for everybody :« fv t t» wc on. a i e'jv: i«w! to p to cf.tr* w . a ?oo»! roa-f *0 p-» to r but 4o i road frotfTlc to 1 f.r }ini, yea. ruad.- to r»a* ob"ai.ywher ui witfc r* «ao»» U.BJ. no more rattier, ao ma*re "stirk "ar (.air a few bioWc-at.- Jot one riae 1 This war nt fiexs-i •to ifce pvfi | ".hat they tkwMe: with joy a»i tb SHOES We are nam prepares to fit j . -- vow feet with «i«pr nibble | We are fealmtr a «*pie*e liar rf hifrk rr. r Mrhnl .-lin RUSS BROS. Variety Store Washington, N. C ;... . r . l-iy Ihuif wa_- launched. And the* K 1 iwi politician- a "tit home to be by a .aar.kfu_ ! peopi? for. • the rreat they nac ed Aw: certainly w- ten a rral many ; ;aw loKk wd : ripil roevs »y.-;eoi 1 * hiefe we cannot critjesafc, jr« Ji of j u fcivr not rot tool read pmb*| by »ur hc-me-. a«*J many of a- ir? f»il! usahy rnte.- iron, a n*: icui of any j ku»d air, we ar* i'l'ii. 4 to .lay «aan.. I m»ie- a«3> «n!e-> w«- take up j . o>i walß lUind- for p»»i nxt«i- were not ( f.»upfet by say jnw: »rKar,.zataon ami ( they m„rHt sot have b-ei i !«. -e»i hat! they pass*«i by th~| j«e, pl-. -hey were i- un; by tie rrpr- j - r trithre- of the p-ople. The same pa— ■« bond; | that totals- tr.llii* for r;«her je>:ucataora> ato cfcintable insttatiiMV [of "he State son crrtu!:K we all ap 1 |»rr-ve of chart) ant wish more work jrf tfeto- kiifi c*»«ll«* be «kwje. h-3* tK i.-a/>i parr of Ita. r»>t >un « nt to ,it* oiufatfct-w ift liW iM-i, whei* 1 k niy a >mali prrfitUiw of « ! p»o --ilr will over, ever -T TJ>e nuyr.ifiwt!' ixukiiics ain! c»rtar.:> a eery mrJ' ir cei.t int(v: will ever enter tneir .«,r--. t«ecau » with fhe es|»-leistur*- of > ?tA se rreal um-. tr. Co-. of .-e:riir ; i* ._ut e»iikire« :o the er ' t V te rfimul '.a- .ot beer P-!IK» arwi n> j t : r *.• t ; bie •• attewi '.l. ir, Iv "rk im! M* k'«-m iv.iiu i a. •i.u: tw-e ippropna.M-- :iw tii-r» r- m-(.H s* kk Of' e-ur e a «. >:r Mi-iie— to fir-i oat • '.it !te» " -'pr- -erta" iv»-- w. nc ■nj'. vel th-> rx* i ivns -iri I rr* :sn.--ui . •-■ r I' pr talro '. .r a - -a! of l*- .r-. Ill) sv rural --f ail! 5" ili ;rar .• Jer a- Kr-i !i«e> or t Atui »»e liv., 1 wort?. 1-.' ' . >»•■) «:unnar trse lrs_-s '»•• « .» kgri utub will *!«.«>»; up t». art »k "r~ tij >»' *a".i km" at r-j«a-i te-fyL? *.ll I - 1 ue«: r wi' .a.-. io» .>f t»- ! iL-.i'-ur • * v»*'r> »?.o wer- -.frurl i t»- iutidt 2! »»- i-|«»2rl ar» I : r to t-aue w» if-xl I .re ■ Ne> p K.J* .it > ' r» *••-» «ne .■fra?" to o l««.L --. '. f.- ■i> u t of for on* •?r ha- ixt !.e»" «u* t-> ti -? p*'*T» --1* - -t «t tr>e I t > .tre ; ... 1 *,i f ;i(>.i«et/>e- for »" I-» -f y*" ■* Ihr M>'» "»> h- *• t •" ' I JJU that it CiCN l«e f-rV- •' TV' - • r«' ra-ir e*; «rr :. z~. n (« 114*' • 4- ' «et t'-c ' 4jtr * * v»-r* n* I A CHILD IK PAIN • uru to Mother for relief, bo do the grown ups. lor Mxiat Md f >ftr p*>» m. rTi —»h *t>: Untrktiaß(«L daoiLgu CHAMBERLAIN'S COLIC and DIARRHOEA RtMEDY k baa eettt Ico iavn lo Uil j ; " - ~ ~ - ••as t Come To See Us I For Fir& Class Mdse. | Of AU Kinds! -?■'■' 1 ]> ■ & . . ' m We are nowSreeeivinir n no of the largest and n.ost u»> to ('.ate lines ot merehan- of overv kin* 1 that has ever iven seen in Williamson. t " | OXFORD SHOES, HOSIIin, \ READY TO WEAR OF EVERY j SILKS. WIX'E GOODS. , J I KIND AND MILLINERY. ! *i| 011 V! " many new thmirs in our line of merchandise now that you have not jj seen lx»fore ( oi.ie m and let us s \o\ on a large assortment of new fall jroods and when you have seen them and the prices we a»"e asking for them, they will surely [ 1 please you. ~~7" • ~~~~~ —r~ *—--—r— —1 | k I iw ' I ft I I Harrison Brothers &'Co. j ffi I WILLI AMSTON*S LARGEST DEPARTMENT STORE 1 8 WILUAMSTON ~~ NOOTH I •of op their deee=» all iht Urn-. too* - iTf that some dtty soon they wmuld l»e a Die .0 ai it to ;kt extent that it would be a paying pro -1 pesitioc and they would be able to -re-bhl? it up sf th~y did tbe Atbrt* Ch« Line, the N. C. K- R. she C. I' | and Y. V. sua the lAer»-*n .V C. R U | Now ::ic":E coiwr a the . !s ulsi be of jrrea*. «-roii«»ii »c:J vahit jto Use rank arai hie of tiw Jo* the State, in f-e* to ev- ryho'fy ei jeeptinr the few ratimad mr-.i end tnnr lwfl!-pajii eouti «.!. ! A"d % few pol»-• «- are firht'-.r :* Ifnr all they are wor h. ihey are p linj the very air with p*opor-. .dr against it. Every arnawrt co-f»- ,able if put up it by the very i-elf-same Wlorj whc. fa-'enf tiw ryrartic the people with impur.-'y with-iu'. t k mr the people for OK worf of a*tr:ce Why thi- chr:n»re in the-- mer. * Have the tabl - turned ;jrain.'t tr.- b»r irtere>t> and they, the raiina-i ar- orraiii" " araiM a mea-ur 'hit would hurt them. And th- politejr Here and there throo-hw. th- Slst.' are tneir rrpresrn:?' 1 ve.- The-e politician, are cimTit-nr tie cost *n - mo-t solemr ma".r>--r Th*-? ere pouitmir out the very lit'.W- iroed writer tran-portatior would do »h --peopk which L so ftaerar.tly «r>?rv* iiiai 9 b ri-ndiloW. They pi*-;-., the heavy- ee-st of up kt-ep of boatr. bu". ev ry bo-iy that m >r» tifnber n>'■ and, m- " rri»-U ru-t ort tie railroad fr» ir. Wilton ton to f'l> mouth than would • nou—h ship to carr> every p«i- l o( freis-nt that r»> "~'o every pi r " th*- Rui r .«k r:*rr a:-d a'l it> tribo tarn-'. I'eopJe. we mu.-t rt-nwic 'th* -eal"- ft-.m ->ur »vo arei fir- : out, what wain r;>i -por*at or woaW e- -r;n to U.- ft t 666 i» a pmrripm f*r Malaria. • hiM af.d le»er llei.rae or I. it ion- le»er ll kill- Ihr (Hb. -—■ - ■ - - -—i J j All kinds Jewelry, j j Watches, ("locks. Sil- j | venvare. Ciina. Cut j i dlass am! Novelties. ! a " 1 Watch rci»airinjr a j IW. HI-OWNIN" ! i JEWKLKR West >!ain St. J Washinjflon, N. (' 1 THE ENTERPRISE, WILLI A*STOX. NORTH CAROLINA - witt a::) imm of Ik recalls cf ntcr a > trwfMtz'.-oc m states where it c jkt bees «ppt mi y «sr not KSW. - TVat B ibr mlt *sj to find out bor >*£ to- will «wt •«"- before trjmj t ctit b .'rtt*? Srwr- i* forts from i .fci-w itnt slrady trwd it out. j 1 i WANTED— R».l L\R AND TRAN j sit timr? rowc? uxi ar itcaLsunablr j See Mrs- J C Uirf«H. priooe 4? r | Mr- -ii!ir Bqr?; F,t-rfi Work ' t will b*> conlutmd bj Mrs- John Hope i?iH Mr-. V'iirea Bigrs JTiorje 173. tfIC(~L*K com NICATION OF SKE« \KKEK LODGE | ■ A-Fand A.*.' (*«j s:«Dd and fwJs TiadtT nighi •art mbeUi .'.2 Mi'tff #.!«•. - c j-wl standing j • ' irf tj. 'iollt iKTi"f*l ell HAVE IN *V POSSESSION A ' 1.-nek Male H«r uMßirkwi ind , .., *nr» abse- *'j «r ZD poun«i> j Ost#: w pet by for ] •I { th»> a»t an*i k»«f»:i-r A. A Wynn j ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ► Hjt l".:? thi> bf -fi :-*2 a«Jin.. - j ? -'utra rf it«e es'Jf «f Vl': H. \.i" | Iwnk-. r- iK* i> r> (i U> aM | - parties baUix dt-m.- *i e - •; *tr t b> pr»-»e*si ius" »ii «r bff«pc 'he ,frt v e-f A«n |)C r >. or this ro - t;«v- wit? be . .ii t«str of the ? i- reeo*«ry ( All bVl'.i-! to eu! estatf I - I PAINT VOI R A L'TOr.l 081 LE— , J ET l*S PAINT YOUR AITOMOBfLE X'iZ Y/lIJ. !A) IT IN 10 DAYS AND IT WrLL LOOK LIKE NEW. * N. A. Riddick || ) | Motor Car Company I Agents For Buick Cars ■ n_ % J i NEC K NORTH CAR. | ere rcqaertid to aab ■■rifa'f PI" ' men of scaae- Thii the 21st day of Aagvo, IS3A. CELIA J WILLIAMS, Aihnu traLx at W. W. "A il'. rt, deceased. 8-22-61 NICE HOI SE AXD LOT ON MAIN | fctreet and mail lot ajjoHi;- ' with acre cf land for salt Price, and terras liberal. John D. Son I pson WilliubtM. MS H ANTEHAT ONCE. JAJUVOB HHt WPlamston White c rfci ■! . Apply to Mr. Johr D Simpson. j LOST, IX TOWN ONE PAIR OF ICE, [ scales haririe a capacity of two ko ' j dred poun»l>. Finder pleas* i«t«ra j to W. S Faulk. !>R_ CHARLES J. SAWTEE Winter. N* C. j OFFICE »ORK BCIIDIXG j i'ractke limited to Eye, Ear. K»« iu! Threat from 1 to t ; la Williamston ererj Frifay *fte*noo» j TRt'STEE*S LAND SALE Lt.uer abd by rir.K of tbe |»we. jo. >ait; cunUiMu L!i a ceitaic otti ol j .iust executed to t X. Grimes, trss- Catarrlui Jeafn^ , s often nuatd t/ ar TiiK ostaak , >f [U mucwi* of lt« Eaaudtiu Tube When tbs tin. to )«• have a in t «r Haitii( tnV» ft» I tM be reduced, your Utrv **> be de stroyed («««r HIUI ( tItUN —CM *l3 do what we chto for It—nd r«w armeo of ' atarrb or Dw!u«i oaarf by CtUrrk S».id by all 4r.«bu foe «nr • T »UI w. J Oi—l A Co TOMsl OH* LOCAL MAKKET NOT THE LARGLTT M GOOD AS THK BEST "tee, by Ma CVnn and wife, Jlir jtha Clwiini. m the Ist iky of Marcfc ! 1920. to seen* certain H»es of w* ; 'date thti iwitli, and of Ravi in the 1 | Register of ftwft e®ce for Martin 1 Coaaty. « bock A t at. pc«r !«; and the it if liti— ih'iwml in said deed of tint not having Wen com plieu vhh. and * put of said coie* being pu-t doe and unpaid, snd upon deoaand of the «■!»«> of ssid notes, \ the aadersigned «S1 on Friday, Oc"o --ber 1. 1924. at twelve o'clock, noon. : m front of the Plants' * Merchants Buk. Everett*. North Carolina. Mar tin County, expose to public sal- *o the Ugmt bidder, for cash, the fol i,knring described land to-wit: Sit—te in Cramm Roads Tovnsnlp. 1 1 Martin Canty. North Carolina, and more partirw!a-*y described as W- Jlows: Adjoining the lands of J. L. Wym. S. S. Bailey, and othrr-, H. urxSed as foOowr: On the North by | the of J- L. Wynr.; on the f I 1 { JONES, 30f® & ca m norMLr.\ifi««u /r N MM" tf.srow* or- vdui mr.n i.rwr £tcfla6e rAciLrrts. J I LATEST MARKET INFCr. '.naK PUftrtSStKD OH REQUEST I EREE of- CMARSC-. Br TELCPriOftt OR TELCCItAPtI 1 C F__ _ FENDERS I YELLOW-FRONT-STORES Very Best American CHEESE, lb. —29 c I*ure LARD, lb. J*" SALT PORK by the side, lb loc Kib Bellies, Cut, lb 18 l 2c IVerv Best Tul) f Sv-i*fts PicKic BITTER, lb . 50c i SHOULDERS, lb 18c , Granulated SUGAR, lb. __ 8c PLOU R Palace Patent i Wonder Self-Rising 12 lb bag 24 lb t.ag 9Bc [ 48 lb bag 1.90 98 lb bag 3. 5 D. P. Sliced Bacon, lh . JCc ; 1 2 lb. 20c f BACON. In strips, pound 2* * I). P. BREAD and CAKE W n h D. P. Large Loaf 7c L Our Pride. Wrallied Loaf. 21 oz. Se t D. P. Cake, Assortment 8 kinds, lb. 2sc 1 CEREALS 4 j ; D. P. OATS. |.k«. * w Cream of Wheat, pkg. 2* I Shredded Wheat, pkg J2e w Puffed Wheat, pkg.i_ l4c }[ IhifTed Rice, pkg _—-- l Quakei*s or Mothers Oats. pkg. ... » 10c ► Post Toasties, pkg. —*—~ 8 l-3c 6 Kelloggs Com Flakes, pkg. ... 8 *"?* jj Sugar Krisp Flakes, pkg. —— 7c i WESSON OIL SARDINES J Pint Can _1 27c Best American in 1 Quart Can 49c oil, can 5e SNOWDRIFT 1 lb. 22c 2lb 43c 4 lb. Tin _i 80c 8 lb. Tin 1.52 | Fancy Selected POTATOES, lb 2 l-2c 5 Onions Selected, pound —-- **" K Navy Pea Beans, lb 9c ; I I Lima Beans, lb. £. 15c SOAI*S and WASHING POWDER Octagon Soap, cake 1 C l-4c Clean Easy Soap, large cake 4 l-2c k- D. P. Soap, big cake 5c Gold Dust, lg. 4 lb. pkg. 27c Octagon Powder, lb. pkg. 8c Old Dutch Cleanser, can 8c Ivory Soap, guest size cake 4 l-2c Palm Olive Soap, cake il 8c D. P. COFFEE The Worlds Best Drink, 1 lb sealed pkg 37c Absolutely the finest grade coffee pro duced We save you 8c on every pound. 1 Golden Blend Coffee Yellow Frost Coffee { > | lib. sealed pkg. _ 27c 1 lb. sealed pkg _ 33c 1 Unusual Quality Superior Quality | ' ■ ■ , W»rt hjr the btadt S- SL. PJq; JO the Sooth by th- Vadi if i Raiky sad Jesae Clara, the j «■' be j sfi» ji" wvit-h (1-T) a«dnTded ia , in the late o«'.a trad, j This the 2nd day of September. HL R. K. GRIMES. TWtt PMt SWEATERS j Cool weather k here aai so is I oar line of Sratcn. We hoc* > | a well aoaartad line ia aR the ; J different styles, weight and ed -1 j or . See at— J RI'SS BROS. Variety Store I 1 Washington, N. C.

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