sr=i ■ ■ WATCH THE LABEL ON VOB'K V PATER, IT CABBIES THE DATE : - OCR SI'LSCRIFTICN EXPIRES VOLUME XXV—NUMBER 72 KLAN PARADE THURS. NIGHT T- riON. iL 0. iJVERETT, ONE OF S MOST DISTINGUISHED SONS, SPEAKS TO LARGE AUDIENCE IN HAMiiAGN • - Speaks on State Port and Terminal Aieasure; Messrs. Lamb and Taylor Also Make Short Speeches on the Bill HMI K. O. Everett, one of Marti, cojnfy** m.->st (tictirni'M ami abl and Kepresen'alive of Duriian (runty in the State Legislative—bfff several years, spoke before a large ann enthu.- irtstic audience in Hamilton Saturday night. His .«pcecii was th conclusion of a series of powerful ad dresses Mr. Everett has be -n dc Ihrering ia Martin county in a.lvocac of the State Port ann Terminal meas ore, and the large number of voter in the county, who have been lookir for light on this rabject, were com pletely converte.l to the measure Mr. Emtt was - elected to sponsor thie Bill in the Hou fit he la-t Spw ial Seanior of the Legislature not only because of his ability of leader ship but be4ku.-r he has always cham pioned the right* of the people and has supported all letrisla'ion .lesiene! to advance the real prtnru of the S'ate He h** rerer suwmnW to the insidious aptl pernicious influence ( f the special and v«=ted int-re.-t. as * many legislator- 4>;tve and for th reason his' whrorn of 'he Pot' and Terminal Bill tarrie- c»nvic tion to Oie people that this bill has real teeth anri is honesth as signed to relieve i_ur oppressed peo ple of unjuat. discriminating an*' burden some freight rates "The nilnwd.- began iwentj t»\c >ear» are," declared Mr. Evere't in his address at his home town i Hamitiao, 1» plan a monopoly of i'reignl rates in .tun it Carolina and to-tlay we »ee the pet lection of .heir handiwork. Water competition so essential to the equi table regulation arid reduction of freight rates has been absolutely kill ed by the monopoly. We 'set the once prosperous and thriving port-town of Eastern North Carolina now tiea • or suffering Ir.nii supreme inerti. I*he railroads have done this by «t. verting commerce which righ'ly bt longed to be handled by our port - town> to the great trunk lines whicu transport our commerce for long ui lances North and South, which a true.- to the benefit of the Virginia cities. , "Our State," he -.tated, "has «k --veioped thu- far i_i not from a:-! J furnished by iavorable freight rat«> ' ft in spite of discriminator) freight • ales tliat have served as a gres-i .'-.tndranee to a inert rapid (it-veluj ■DVIII. llr do|im nt >f water tram portatioh and port - terminals will { mean that he ji'dtts: handicap in. posed through the years ■» ill be r moved ami that Un. State in tho fu ture wdl be perni..ial to expand ir. j manner that will surpa.-> the evptt i tations of ti i. •».-'« opi-.nist k I. has been impossih' > for N. C agriculture and commerce o develop when the railroails have Iwti exacting a toll of 10 millions annually ir. discriminating unjust frei*.h lates. The best statistiea.' auiho/it} shows that Vir ginia has approximately fti per cent more wholesale ard jobbing houses than N. C. altliv._*li North Carolina has more tlnn *0 per cent mare retal e.-'ablishm :• - ti»ar Virginia. This simply mc:.ks that favorable freight rates enjoy id by Virginia enables •hat state to prow rich at the ex pense of or N. C. retailers, who -wll to our individual consumers. The consumer or 'Jo-w pays the freight ikai makes the Virginia cities richer and themselves poorer. Kates based on developed water trans por* at ion .1 -ood for V irgin a and the other 2* . tat.' s in he Iru n who have de velo;ied their por. , will k better for Nor*.h Carolina as we are a great ship ping State North Carolina's inland water systems coi-sist of 1300 miles of n-ivigable river and 150# miles cf other inland navigable maters or a combined mileage in excess of the to tal railroad mileage and these Cod -hren natuial resources are not being uaad" Mr. Everett further explained that ' well devel >ped seaports are valuable asaets to the entire State. It brings lusine*- and capital that would not r.-herwise come, thereby enriching our State. It gives employment to the*: t and* of men in the immediate vieir ity and to other thousands scattered (throughout the State, who are co gaged ia making, producing, or trans porting export commodities. picys capital and utilises, ia the re pair of ships, vast quantities of nt terinls pdmd ia the State, ft en THE ENTERPRISE ICOLORED BOY RUN DOWN BV BY AI'TOMOBILE ■ Boy Dragged Half Block Before Car Was Stopped Fehon I'urvis, the eighteen .ear ol colore.) boy. who "delivers cioti.. fr.:« Ambers pressing club, was run «v»: Saturday night b> Kinchini Moore. iol»i«i! man who lives near Everett . The boy was very painfully hurt and hi* life was endantrered. Purvis was in front of Mrs. Fannie Carstarphen's home on Main strv. t when the car ktweiftl him low. ard I he was draggtd a. far i Mr H V. ( Hurras' residence, a'mo-t a half a Mock, when the car driven by Moo'; ran into a car that was pa-fced which ' stopped it. Thi- probabU >ivftl th life of Purvis. Most of t lie flesh on the farm was hi.. hei»=t I bruised! badly arwt otwr'V v 'iti-i'h—-rr-- More wa> place.! atwler arres* bv I the pdice an«f is now ir jail awaili.« trial. He is ehargetl with being in toxicared. -pee.line without light- on ! hit car. The are K lent occurred ah..i T ten o'clock when th» delivery boy ws s j making a trip up 'he street. hanees property values and swells th box receipt- Thf larger these rec»ip i, the more muuet there will !>•* for di tribution. to schools ami oth-r i»i '>! - irsti'ution- ami purnoae-.." In appealing to the voters he cor eluded. "Every North Carolinian proud of his State. He should con sider h a privilege to he permitted, to »ake part in a movement which j w- ill relieve his State and hini-eK «.f| paying further trib-'««« t„ rnjds A favorable vote >n Vovorr*b# r for State Terminal- a*!«I Pur's wi'' break the chain f *^-i»n«.mi v il servi *u«le ami give the Sta'» t fair or portunitv to «leve!.*i it >.» competition with «*'>e- S";.te- " Mr. Harry Waldo rhairojan of th# 1 IWine after the ■.i.rirrei- Stinn of th* mee'inv to Mr. Everett for his nlem!?d nwrh in'ndtwvil M' I ike I and. of V ilhjm.tii'i Mr I arob in hts diseu--- ■' princip;dl> two quHioii.-. namei>, i.- The plans of financine th. buihuii,. ami opera' .ot of the perl - and term I :ml.-; ami 2i d.. the local t«*nefit to be .lerive.l by our farmers, merehan s ;* t>u ig--- men in Mart>n county.! Uetefrom. In reference to the fir t • luestior. Mr lamb saial. **ln buiLlii.g |m.Uw icrmirial- at •' I facilities the S'.a'e spends nj ap ; iropr a'lons ami no Lax aonty. it tM>rio«>.- at a lower rate nun an> of its tnun. eipahii-s or' citizens can do al.d gu- J ve-t. .ae r.nsney in revenue ' r rfrtie*. which tl.emselve- are an | ' pie seeurr y for th"? lasn. Tlie term*-1 lna!s art expecte.! o meet all expense-,! j mchxling int« rest and smki'ip- fir.. I irl arges to retire the bond, ami p.« j Jv:«!e a profit for additional improve-1 men's. The Stat" owr.s a irxinopoly of I e-.mmerc a! necessity has the po». I 'r to fix port charge? for servio -1 • emlered This make.- it a safe inr I VHtatK The Rill expr.-ssly provifl*.-1 that (he schedule of harbor foes in a I be so fixe.l as to m;-ke ,-afe the State's I investment It is therefore, a IHI-* ' , ness enterpri.-e to be operate-i on a I r I business basis for and in the 'liter* s| > of 'he people ami 'he upbuiMine oi th-? State. The terminal- in 'ir states have he-n built on this plan ami "n each state the 'erminals have,pai.i for I themselves-** In discussing local benefits . Mr. ■ Iml' >aid the interstate commiegion > had ruled that water ra es at fn%h> basing points were ane third oI the - rail rotes ami that if the Bill pn-.l f tbere would certainly be a freigf: 4 basing point on the Roanoke TV. t would cause a two-thirds reduction in most of the merchandise ,-hipp..! to and from the Korth. Por instance! if fer»il)mer from Norfolk over the! ra;l route is |3»t the water freight would he Sim. He further explained I that the inland towns would receive' eoually large reductions in shipments | cf freight. • Mr. T. Jones Taylor dosed the meeting after a short talk with the statement, HI the words of Andy Cump. -As Martin goes so goes the' State." _ , • "*** 4T . • r V > • . - r . Willianiston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, October 21, 1924. FROPtiINENT VOLNv» J MAN DIED FRIDAY I Mr. irv iK# Thiour Taylcr of the ■I Spring i.reen -evtx-n of the count> j passed away al his home Friday ®ven -1 inj after a lingering illness which ! lasted nearly nine months. ; Last Kebrua; > Mr Ta>!or four.d ■by -peciali'ss to have cancer of th? j throat s-.mi the> beli.-vcl for a wh.le ( ! Nat tht-y eoui-l cuti him of the tr»j ■ Mes but they failed ami for some time jbe grew wor-e at a rapid rue until , I death came. The ilee.i-fi wa- thirty-four years vf age and was unusiudly strong a-»l •"tie ur In he aas afflicted with the r.a.iful urease, cancer. He wr.s .he . .-on of Mr. am; Mi -. Fernando T- > U.i of Sprinp Greer. He marriei >lis.- liottie Evere't of K >hei -on\"»llo Sh• survives turn but their two infant chiS i ''ren prwv-leil him to the grave. H " slso leaves his fat'ier. several broTh , ers and -t-ters Mt. Ta>loi wis a very l.k. ab.. I >oung man aini a pros|>ei.'Us farme. The THI rial took plan- M untax after i noon ir. the nes ceim tcrv of ItoU rson ulk with Ke\ J. t». I liner of the > christian chuich officia;mg J >PEt I%L SEK\ ICK AT t HKISTIAN CHI KCH W E»X HSIIA > hVEMMij At the regular h«.ur fo: I' e (_»»y.-. ..meeting at the christian ehrich or *%e«> eve u.i ;. a .- ma'l . -i- I « iil la- given b\ ihe • - iien of th« | Woman's Missionary a-iet>. "i he church as a ts«l h.u, tMitribu* •••I one mill ion ami twelve *i>»usald •iollars this > rar as a fift»*lh anniter .• ry present t«. thr lioibiing fun 1 of. I> t.e Ijiit.d Christian * Mtssioni > » i«!«tj ami 'his program will j. rliaj ihe 'houvht ~the foui taltot, L- lai«l let Us build' 'ami will be of intent, t to the member- of ibis church wh > ' have htlpol make thi- foumt.ition p> Jsible | All member- of the church ar? u».red (to at'ei!«l the Jubi!e- service. A J MANSIMI , Pastor .' \MK>\ f 1.1 K VS KOIiERStIN \ 11.l E I Kill \ ) M«.ll' The aJme-\lle Higti Brhool liov? and 'iirl- wdl go te (KU r-onvil! • Frida> evening to play two ma'ch Kames of lu-hrt Th- is th • s#een«! time. tV-e t'-ai>- have piav e>' thi« -ea-on ami t*-.. \f-r\ interesting p*Bie> are expece.l Tne kh h scl 'ls«* cooi t> have ma«« J.tsf pofit-.-v in athletic- dur ing the pa-4 jearf ai... Ut«-> •!* -• if t -.pp-n of the when * ver »!ie . pla : lie home town |e»mmuftity shkli *jor-_s;» .if a uai . ' houht '.ack Us Irani to ih»- l>n» s tin l-J.ear *iij- at'endatm- am support. J Mitk-t Head a*d Juliu l*e«l ate very enthasiastir «.nr ttit fine course at Ihe »««-n* ;ile coontr> club. '» h*-r»- they been guests and (Jay - |«« during the pa-t 'on* week emls. jl J'TKt I LAM SR r '«s UMIII AEVKAGES t:»K KOtNOKh Price- are- right with Watts "ar.d I Mi..'tnr!'it the limnuke Warehoiue I A circular was mailed out to the r Ifrieml- am! patron- la t week with] 1 several a vera »«■> tanging from sixty! IN seventy-five cents These are won l.ierful prices ami they - now the p>-« - I pie that the H illiam.-'on mark* t is on r ----- 1 Mr. and Mrs. B. Duke Critcher at- Itemled the services held by the lira In r'..-'.n hi angel i.-t io party in I >thel yesterday. Messrs. A. k I tunning ami Mr. am Mr- James Statoo nK»tore«i *o Hobt-r souvilie Sunday- Mrs. W E. Smith-on ol Rocky ' Jlounr is in town attesting the Roa -1 r.oke fair this week 'I Miss arr.e I»H1 \«hite -pent the week eol in Plymouth where she as ' listed the Leaman-Cnston Party as '•iarl-t during the ueek end. , Mr. J I. William- motorel '.6 1 'i rift on on Sunday for Mr-. W ill iam.- : ;»ho has been .-pemling sometime wi'l ' • her parents. 'j Mrs. Gertie Biggs William . Mi K C Bennett, Mr Mnd Mrs Elbert 81 ! JPeel and Mr Jwlia» Peel attended the sStll- F'oto cireus in Washington Sat : I vnia> night. | Mr. and Mrs. J. A. f "heat ham of iKinston spent the week with Mr lend Mrs Arthur Anderson. Mr. Cheat-j jham returned yetfevday and Mrs , 'Cheuthum is remxiiiinn over for n few day* to attend the fair. i I IMARIIN COIN 1 I TEACHEItS MEET HERE SATURDAY First Meeiitig ol 1924-25 Attended By 79 Teachers Seventy-nine of tlie Murtin county teachers met in "the Willianiston school ainutotium or. Satunlay alter noon, tk-toher 18. to orpitix' tht Martin County Te:u-hers" A-.-ciatu>> ami to plan for the Koadmg e ircii work for ly.'l-IJiv Th" f »n»»al op.-ini. • be;*an with tlie - ; nstt!K of "The Ualtle livinn of ttr iJepirWic" Kev. C (>. Panlo of the 'oca! Ep.-copal church llier k-d in a short pni)er. alti-r v hich the As f'.iMy joine.! him the l>ord"s Pras er Eor the mspira'ion of the teach ers. Rev. I'anio read the account id t hrist's early life as men in tin second chapter of St. t iik-'. He r a of tlie four-fold desviopm. r.t of t'hiis how "He hki.m-oI in „;i,. sta Ure. ami in faioi with tiod and niar. " lit- « \|>lain- h. » .nly a |*> "iitial. un*?v.-loped di\ine el-men: t'hris: .'ilTen-it from tli.» youin. f 'rxiay. lie ioaeh*-«t • - th. dut> i".ct) encher. a- " h, to pr>- n...»e tlw child rails t d'\'lo;uiient llii nvi.tal .lev, lopawnt. Fa ry leach IfTxv-IMlBt-tlu!' duty iheu he ■■ntei 1 ! | in profession. The growth that »f physical ievelopm. • t >s OIM ••f opportunity. The Uacher may »ol«-p within the pl-i-th- minds o> chiklren ;• r—-peet f..i the humai ft mi ii»l may brin- .» fx> ir I:|M I lhi-r mimls tht c.n el a of th physical g'owth. Th-- >i» rs"u->I growth l'». is m» .if appirtunil) foi tii i. ..i1..-r Each. 'each, r should iiisti'l the fundamental religion- prmeiph wiihin th« hairtiaiii .'ivis .of tjh>' children through SBifgr.eiaii, A Chri-tian it-ache* can lie.-t k- this- I for example means o»uch to the t.atur ally imitative iwtures of hildren T :se 'iMirh, 'h*- trrowth in fiv»r with man, involves a character develop ie«»:» an i'lerea-e in ability to liv .1 v. ..rl v itt "f-*i*hbors in a spir:' ' r»-al co opera ton He tin t»ac'ier- to reiiM-n'' er that th we e r«-i«rtner« with tiod in their effort? to eif.ct 'ins fiiut tfi'an development ef 'lie your-* li»«- m their c:ire. The fir. t bu- His., to come liefori I the i rvanization wst th«> election of it "flicers I' A liollip- aet' a mrv Aft. i du fi rltaioentar \ ilig officer were unanimously lot-ted Supt |{ A P"p«. President; Mr. ! A Phillip-, Vice i 'resident; anil Mis Eva. Ire»ie Peel-. S.-creti-.r> Ti.a.-ure!- Mr. Phillips ai.t .1 Supt. Pope n i' ttine an accurau- roll call of the 'tacher? j. «-ent Then Su|»t I'ope in a brief way e:. [Jaited 'he n • ins why teachei should ith the State Associa tion an.! the fa-l h I the nominal co-t two dollai- w;- lillb eo'ii[ure.i with the atlvauUige >o l» «lerive.( from belongiri'/ to Uie State « rganization ami f oni receiving the pt.ifessmiial magazine "The N'«r h Carolina Teacher." Supt. Pope, realizing the husine. . ---.-ion wi.ut.l ..f necessity li. tilth- « !>n-, arrange.! 'or t.nly OIK numb, r ■» th.' pr-.rrani Snot II SI \ -n.-l» . i tiachrr who h; w-orke.i out th I-l'-a- he a-lvaT-e.! : ul knov... of tlie.r meri . gave e taile.l account of -How to Run a Library" He ve-ij 'ltarly r.ut!ine.l tlie following topic - -♦-lection of taioks -itd pictures; cla - ncation of - accord'ng to grade awl type; instruction in the proper use of bock -; aifl left d-vice.- to lie «i>e.t to .-ecure an use of library book-. Hi- account was see OTtrihy of careful consideration th it Po|i« au horize.l hint to cau-e •t to he published in ;he county |ia|ier. Mr J. S. j..ike f,,r a fe.v minutes cotacernin? the appreciate r due our County Superintendent and the obligation resting upon each teach er of the County to maintain gmd onier. to enter actually into the plan. cf the County Supt. to make out the repute.l reports, to faithfully keep the contract and to cw-operate with I rj-ther than to criticise his efforts. mv. Mr Small said that he thought lie was voir in:' 'he n- art felt sentiment of th teaching force when he said that I 'Key would rall> to the Superintend - '-til in trying to carry anything 'hat ->• thouTh beneficial. Mr. Pope in a few wonts thanked Mr. Seymour and Mr. Small fo.- these expreasioris of loyalty. Then Supt. Ptopt- sugjrested thai j' here are two types of teachers—one, j composed of the mentally efficient but Mm ca operative ones. The other, compose.! of the fe** capable but more L i arge Numoers Attend Revival ai rlymouih The lieainan-Costc > party so tai lias shown very p. utilising »it a meeting that will result in giVal goo.l .0 th" town in' Plymouth a- well a.- to 'he community. The people have in much larift l umbers ihan" is customary attended I both the morning and evening serv j te-. All the business houses are clos I 11? for the morning service from 1C to I !1 a .111. |he high school is co-opera.- iiig with 'lieir presence a- «eii wills tlieir voice- in the choir i.'iiuei ti. gnio.-t evt'.livil mu-ic t' ji . thrill ..ig t'-.e heir - >;" .11 w!u» coin. On la-t Sunday tiigb-. ll>e -eli-1 avt* the fir opportunity (. . .1. ■' ho wanted !*» accejn Je-n ■ *ni i - their pt r- mal av .01. the.t we; es i'i.Hj t;,; '. they u -n --• for the ht-t lime in then IIM :'d that from tin-, forth tlv. jyen jtotm •> live for -heir Ma. tor Tnere were ive save>l 11 'he fra't meeting h-hl 1...-t night. Spc ial Evil) Ol!.- of I . ..... ilU'l.l ■: • I *cr\y ?unnli«»- tu kels itksi a>tunia\ f*»r t»«n * h ui -i::i t«- in Vfrv r liHih n :,Ot » } •iirhisivf .ire rv«|U ;•«! h M ti» • iim \t .'-. i* i« vt oii: f »»f vVif | i-» K'inii) -!.» .! .-MI'M! J. va > uiiv» ; * «. ct.ll- * I « iiay Mi Ihs* !♦*?ti i *»tii have i«l samp until Sa ur i .. V» • at ik»;»| t j t*\«\ ' ti-.'* . ,*• if ,i|V »" Mil , th»* otiiini f t •»!.*! jt !» ni jk uur lit*- L .?h .. o t Let ( ! I 'uu N fVn. st , - - TTKI-TT ro'.jMi H i i •i I \ \ I** * * in: . :" ~ i 15 A N i..-. if AS.! I' A i m v 1 tut':* I .it 1a: .*.-r- ami M» 1 chant.- It and t!i>. ii.i.i! toil.!* .'at .ii>'- a 1 «j TlUsl 1 ni>i.;i||) » !' i-f. e TiiUi .hi Oct. i"! at o'clm k 01. account of li. * ' I' 11 ••«o rmr iliat th ntav I at. I h> I .it 0 a - tend the ;a.r. ) SI t '.'ESS! ' ?. . I.:*''«\i: ' I.O.sEh •'I I ..1. l.l(0\ I >1 Mi \ . A » ry uce .-fi.l meeting coiidui't I etl by th-' "* -lor. K« \. A. J Manniiij ,| has j .■ Ir-en ilt. e-I ;;t Maple t.royei I'bri i.m ■ tinrch. i» tlriff'n- town-hit. ' I'he r.'vival closed on Sunday with . t-rvi- - 11 the morning, dinner on 'he grounds, after winch tliei 1 weroj twenty-two |e>>pb- baptized who had! joined during the meeting. Much entbii ia-111 wa- maul 1 o-ti I 1 ami much goo I wo.- accoinpli-hed ri the community ... ■ 1 —Mr —end —Me-. —V—T—Kotd ami—Ml.. j Martha Hardi-on and Miss Mac 11 Keel of Korky Mount vi-ited rei.i'ivsi ir the city the past week-end. Hon 1.im1.-ay Warren of Wa hill) *»| ton vas in town Sunday. "doggedly on the job", thoie who go the entire way and do Ihe 11 utmo tto function a* a real teacher. | He insisted thai co-operation and 11 t • (.ri'icisni should Is* given th> leaders' «.f th • various Itea.ting Circle group- Hi.- plan for the organiza' ion if the Uead.nv Circle was: liroip i cot - posei of High Te icl.ei a: i 1 Prinripul-, With the co iead rs. Messl . 1 R I. I.eake'ami II M Ain ley; Ciroi p 11, Section A, compos.d of Ti iclie s ef the.fif'b, sixth ami seventh i rad« s, with 1 hej-o leader.-, Mi. J S Sfrntrn r ami any assistant whom he hoohl • lioose; t.roup 11, Section It, c mpo | e.' of Ttachet- of lh( fir-t f . secoi d' tl srd and fourth «rades, with co-lead eis, tMin.e- Emma Kobertson and Varo Hairr. Tha texts «o l»e -tutlied by the gioU|i. ere: fur Group 1, Knight's "Public Education in Noith Carolina," and for Croop 11. Sections A ami 14, "Ele mentary Course of Study. Supt Pope urged the teacher* to give special attention to (II Oire.*- tiens for opening a Six Mortths' Schirol t this important only foe tho.e whose schools! hal not opened 1; ('.! t ( Score ( ard for tBl Repoft l.lar k for teacher- of Six Month-' School; til reports; * (5) lieen ds of High Sehm-I studeri' -; ami (fit Compulsory Attendance regula - tions. 4 , AfteT a short session of the respec tfve groups, each haiiet di 01 is «1' those teachers in his group. R. A. POPE. Presklent. EVA IRENE PEEI.E, Secretary. ■' ■ ' J) . '. ' ]• - S THIRD ANNUAL ROANOKE FAIR OPENED LAST NIGHT AT 8 o'(Lo K; BIG KLAN PARADE THi RSDAY, 7:.{0 l\ M. I>i^ r es( Crowds ami Cost Fair in the !hstor> of the a Fir Association; Lvxhibits in AH i Hpar; • ments Surpass Those of All Former \ ears ;\a ; Mimv.w » ; 't. i.ii I>LASi AT FAIR TODAI Zit.Giiiai. I'ollie l>r:n; . i r . .,est »>hi>w ; v er I'd lv\hil>i* iK'.'j \ \ i>il i«» li t- fan !.•« ?.,1, ~ ». i.iif* eal**t| tht* !a« r . * ...u »e • AU> ti'i> \ ear v\ 111 be , •ver before, /euiin iA ai tl lie I t\ brought then entire tf« rt> r. -lu»v. to furnish tht> I .»tu?» \iri\itiK iluritm Suri«la> t«*«»k practical!) all «lay yp. t«'r .a> . brul tlie seventx u.p n> t«. v Kr«)aii(i> ami I hem at »ifT r•: location.**, ami uhile pver\ «•- *• twenty >how> ami rv%. !i«»t i*l*cration la>i ni»:hc .til are *v»! •- «i .t full blast \ casual inspection i* * . !f*.c» that tin - \«ai i«1 u » »he treat «»f tio*'ir l»\**> «*r *i • !♦. - Anniw.i t n.i'l |,s e fdri.illv ; r .:*■ \it w of' ih- f. c tha -iw* * v'* *1 o'i'l\ l! • , i.lmut '/.*'•lrnin !• • %«i* 1 how , 1 .t 1- |h" c?..nil.i.e a»- t.efieiell\ nit r! «»ruu i .»iur-- *» I:-' it th •> I ; .r.if that v. '; k I t.t .1. 1 .»i ».t a! tt» is*» »»>!• h«. c.' jt \ their l.ttii*- cirhl■•■n to .*!. .-ho.v •» i lt'le on th«* »ni«liva\ v. i h th that not hint; of a » s i(H*ti"iiabie will foun* hit tint :s>ti it whole oii*« ii»u j n.ent will h.« injo>e«| , Thtte iiothn.t RAKT"«I :«IH»I j •'••Milium ami !*ollie -h«»vA The h«» j: runt , v tents, r:«iu»u ; ...! i:» f:u*f fveiy hire, arou •! : - ' tii. the touch of ma>' *r low 1 1 u n, iinti thr* >ii!c a - »l .ipaii ::pf» arttnc I li eit «!waL will IK* much «**wmeti 4 O Ufioli. Tin* how hetn>**l\e?» ;.r« lio- Ih- II llec »i 1 »f t» o'etf it tract • ti th:*» I 1.a.« tver been ;'o!* n iw- th -r J1 mm if Siil.>soii ( ifenenl •• .i f .t «.* the show c«»rii|>aii> coUotfy ami Kur«.pe la w ,*i r t arch' of iH>V('lti"t aid! «*io* ih j suit evfi > ta. te '/ill t•• f*.iii«t niche I ii.%. ilAat'f , nun -i"! . «it\ .• * ;"i»l • hajric.aii •, swp«vt inir r.-. traiie jwild aiiuii p»lu.uleil l*«»t * . |» 1 I forming «h»i:key> ami (n».o. . b .1 a II loll*, clowns, M*t*iiic an 1 p'rvt: aa! jtacles, acroba's, InVb tiivfrs ah re «le\ motorcycle ami i«uti. r .Lt > 111 U 1 auto«irt»iiie, im»f;k»*\ hipp> •te IIV . Jur 1 IM», ':•«» moitslt ß A!p»n •, tii'* f; 'TTIRL FROM 1 R•. TA 1 r >|»l«mml i. t n u-ir 1 fe*m h:«l l>> t*vii I j.le'lx r eii, the fain«*u be. «l ha«h r ai t .I i c -mpiiny ef c«»nc". t ;»r'i b. | '•' at Kmi t« \ th * wiek f I anil the f«lh»%- tiu e«iitoi»al J^i in the Kin 'on 1». ily N * « « I tlie Sui day thai th« hov. ieft I* v. I ! j'ive shii c »tlea «»f the ch racU i»f ii •lews aml tht shi w |M*t»|ile selves: If K M 10l hS AMI \ KAIK TH AT W \S \ SI t i 'R>- | Ihe Kin 'oii io Qituu) fan eu«U« last iught at r.ii«iin|(ht, th * b;.-t la 1 in every wa> he hi n» KirHoii. It v%a better ami *h.m any precetim fair ami it wa.> well a'tei:«h-«l in >s#K 'n f the flood condition- tit-ri*iiU»u.-. Not only w;.- the fatr .1 -uec lu. ihe /eidiiiaii and I'ollie -110*.-. defers credit fur ..ddnie Kn-all)' U >h«- u ceh.s, 111 the wav "f dein. cnjo>aWi enteitainnirut A but! -ho* of in jkind ruin- a fair hot a Rood one 1- in added attraction that actually make a fair. /.I'idnian an«l Polie mailt th. fair. We al.-o wi.-li to Im -(xak a Hunt I. tile people who m .k>- up t«.i~ -hie ■ They are real folk.-, r»-ai h'j nan. , u iterstandable an-i intere.-ting.. with v/'de knowledge of thr world. Mai ... hav«? tlie idea that show pe. . |ilc are chea's ami worse Nol i-.i The Zeidm;.n ami Polite folk- were ir»- ' tere.stinir, sensible, ■ stage and on and always hav n«r ; jfooil time. We have seldom seen sue! - a gentlemanly and womanly number ol ' people in uny show a- on the Kinstr. midway. Jt was a treat to have Hi ! 'hem here for a wrek and we liepi" - that they can come back. « Mr. Joe David Th.-ower of Port, mouth has joined Mrs. Thrower and little son am! they ire visiting Mr. and Mrs. Thrower ant! Mr. an! Mrs J. H Brif ... ( ~ ■ t \I»VERTISERS HILL FIND OUR ( (il.I MVS A LATCHKEY TO HOMKS OF MARTIN COl NTY. ESTABLISHED 1898 W'iih one of the best is*, rict falls in proeess ;.in! an orticial parade cf the Klu Klu>: Klan to lake olaeo Thin s.lay nt 7:'io r>; m.. t'vo th' on- • of , reeple f !, at' av a ml !ui.vHt. just thousinvTs of ■ ' li> \ ere t!iis i'l it iat will '»' n '-i • i; .ti*at e\ - > ! 1 >■' ' •' km ha:" ' !!>.' >'• jtolv a'tr" > : eia! o: t''?> • ' ' ipo will i !\> i) ir«vs. We are n r *' in loi. to trivt "full Via:''.of all tie Kb"! i'-occ-odmv- We know rot from whence they eon>' v no;' ~~ where thev v'e ".h —1 H 4 -*—^ — j ;H'"»le " o*' ■ ' ' " *\"» • > , . • .1 .» J r»v .l;m . », iJ-J ;•» n jio«mh-(»J !;v on' if' 1 - o we arc sin - 1 ;• >nv ' :i features of the S '• . I" he told aii'! ' r . • sa'i'ls of neoii!.' lie otlieia! 'la. V.i i r no ">o:i, J f -son near yoo.i neeti te. the organization i) a ;eir lnw»;e. sis to •!. i.» the people in then KOOU works and leual I tif Itliaiiok I' .III'- A-v ucu lon upeil • .1- i,a l - U.-l JliJftu ~i I I,;hl o i !»h k ii it iii. l.. .mm n.ii, liul i.i i .mm.! hi full this run> iiuvii ;ii it* wa.-* •'« t" '•"! «.|H'll,l., la l I: ~ lllu.-t of tf. IM.*. .... t IL •oi ■■ -.0 ..i upei' . ti*. ii lit-.-I- 11 v .. i. ,i i in*, were h, "l' •.• i..i 'ii . • ... ... tir.taring .iLnle I •!•».. i 'hi...l .... \, litireu Imim ..I over lli.- entire »• n .t> with tii.-.. ieailiei - ale aim' i. fr« -» ami ll.i- ..-louml.-. ale At.iku ahve .villi I.* Inti.% folk*, i In- I exercises *v t' I• • well .airieil out . . wi'tf a III'T- -ful ail il. Ii;. ti. ill ;,iti ; .lay i t till* fall. .Jafiie-\llle ttr. Still rs in v K tiii l.if '~» r a; — ti.e winner iii tin* .'con.l ru-- Kuii * 'et.,il.-. ami eii'iltt wlu*ii' iti*.- v\ ill lie trivi ii in full in our hex' i ac I. it 11 lint* —m —all il«|mrt i'i'n r r' Hi •• of an) former )eai. lii - |i. iltr. a in) In I'-tmk ilejiai tnu'i i. r.- 4111! 1., lie l» 11 In ,t e\|'..f' at' >n of t,husi' ' iiiti resteil in them. The's UuililiiiK is pri»ttier tiis year than e**vr iiefore, the interior air iiceinent ~ iliffen-nt ;.inl evej yth iiK' • **e!l ■li |ila\e>l. The main liuiHi i'.; i very Inn ami 'in keeping'with .h • .itlier fi a! ure- of the fair. 1 The musie by the Mai': iti Square (•allien hainl ami the \ irtrry l.aiul ofii-r the Ix-st of reiii.ii:. The -e two lu'mls i.mill ea-il> il»iii;,n.l a roluinn ii: an\ newspaper. The fir. works pro . {.'ftim last evenintf wr. vrry kooil aiVil wil trrailually "grftw better each iii Hit ttatfli for Ihe battle of Venlun 1 1 «I ieli will be leprnilifeeil by s" Hi rks —— Messrs w'll. (iurkin S. Collin ' I'iel v.iitei! friends -in Washington.. Sunday Messrs. I„ B. Harrison ami Elbert I I tsiaile a business trip t.i Plymouth )#-terilay. Messr C. A. Harrison, Pcnn's Tav ; !or. liill Harrell anil Bruce Wynne >-1 attended the circus in Washington • j Saturday night. Mr. Joseph liuark of Wilmington « .-pent Ihe Week end in the ci.y. Mesdaraes Kason I.illey and John '• Peel were shoppers here .Monday. Mrs. J. Phillips of Por smouth, i; visitinir her sister, Mrs. S. R. Bigj. : '• Misses Dorothy Davenp. rt and E!ii 1 •• heth Warren of Washington were visitors here yesterday Born to Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Kowden - m HauKhter, Annie Coffl*ld, October 17, d 1924, at their home on Rr.ijthv ;*k d street. d Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mills an.l daugh ter were shopper" hen ycnu .ihty. w -- 'tiMkMimt tfiMt

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