WATCH THE LABEL OS TOUR PATES, rr CABBIES THE DATE TOIB SIBSCUrnON EXPIRES VOLUME XXV—NUMBER 74 WOMAN COMES INTO HER OWN AT ROANOKE FAIR Five Thousand People See Exhibits in East Building Woman camp into her own at tkr n—ikg Fair held at Williamsfe** n-; week "Live Deins^tntiiio" S"« ~ t East bußdinr wt err «»•> t a'ionl the Hone i)wrai» niK. Agents (i*e dcnoß(tnU>r> m fiwe>. »rU and crafts, clothing on." 4lm pbaiM of woaaanV work. Her we** interested spectators *oo On• tj» molted. ~Ne*eh again will I t« the length of another skirt when my my wife can have a dress :'«m » cheap" On the left entrance, Mb. Martha W hit field, food specialist, gave oub cnstrs.tion.- in salad mak'ng ana U-lk m nutrition ami school Inches. Sw was assisted by Mr* M. M Sprmili of Beaufort who weighed ird m-a-ur ed chddcwa giving corrective nmt for adil • igllts acd overwngfct;- Kissc Myrtle Svindo'l at Winli Hder Guth*r of hw charge of the Arts ard Cnfli hoot', whero CMt:w« deoonas-raUw* were given «r rope, pir? dte. reed and spin rid baik.U, U»>. etc, shuck Lot nct_». chair be" tominjt ix«u rug ackcs Ti> rip sent frvta Hertford ewinty wer- h*ve !y in d sign end culonng A !ai»t -pact ttzs ptei ov, r to the dj'he booth where seil-bli' gartocafe fc at ige> from hobyhaod ihrowr middle age wer; displayed- Te ba*- dR»» mads by the W«sM«r« court".) women w -re an slliart*: here. DKBocamUc-u ?n*' dad. ■ al M. of pftuiiu irJ Bskicf dres.- form,- ThouaiA of pstterr> and Kijaui?.- w;r pi* -i. vau. TV ■«■ were dowtM by The V*i-. hit— rble Dits.-, Pscton.l Htrview. T lite. McCaJ's, Har>:r d i'o and Gai*t*i Ki»> Mi. Ist M y >»•:- isey of New He.— >uu Pt!ai:> V. oi Plymouth arranged that ■«>« a - tractive booth. Tte* inronr* or rniug booth with placard giving Bkw t* the *h®» sands of dollars saved thraagk Oab Market." was of inxr A Mm Pnulin* Smith. Dbrfnet Agent, who had charge of the budding esti mated the crow«i> who saw the dem onstratmu-. at ao» than h« thoa» and. v A space 20 by * feet was given ever to a cannot goods display « charge of Misses Violet Alexander o! Washington and Fanriie May Holm* of Wilmington. Over tested jars were eihibitai from ■»*■ euan ties, twenty-two rfawfc a aB. hUnr the entire spare which wm eacehe : by the state fair m number only Every conceivable product was « kikted here from the famliar appie aid berry to the wr fermented jaw* from l"er*jaimaa>. the fancy J» and jeDi» from Halifax, pickle- fiwc Hertford and Mrs. H. B »«j'» *»• Varieties" of Meat* from Bensdort. Halifax. Northampoc and I'll pn aas entered special nkhl Heaaf rt eounty carried off trrt prise: Hert ford second; Washington third, and Chowar fourth Mr. and MR. Ptrie Badham aw children Misses tail Sarah aad Little Pane. jr. —tore here Sunday from their ho* at Ed mtaa to visit Mrs. Badham s sister Mrs. S. R- Biggs- Mrs. ao little aoa will it mite km this week wth Mrs B«g?s. Mr aad lir?. Joaa L Bodges on aad daughters. Mfcses Mary aad Margate aid Mrs. Anna Harrwan tfot S» day in Tnrboro with ulotioi i. Miss Hennie Fagaa of Edeatm spent Saaday with her arter. Mr* - Miss Evelyn Harrima rfl armx to mi new from Ibchmoad where fh has been far the part fcf weA^tak H*r friend wfll be glad to tear* tiW Bora ta Mr aad Mrs Noah M. i * i —. this morning, October Blh al Mr. J- C. Ceftoa af Wj— as m the city yesterday aorwag Mr Fred Pmirtan af Windsor w* in Williamston far a short whfr yes tetday. • Dent mm one «d the best thhg ticket and Wig the fwiy V NOTICE I have (km Whka THE ENTERPRISE JUDGE WINSTON SPEAKS AT FARM LIFE SCHOOL Traces Republican Ad ministration froin Lin coln on to Present Jadge Fraacis D. Winston of Wiad -or. «or of the State's ablest I V*tx cra'» and a»-l popular speakers, a>i •Iressed the people of GriftnV t *n - h»p at the Farm Life last A ««od mwJ was present to hear tfc» Jadge and the talk he made u> -her; was both instructive an.i |4e v-ir.v The iitmhKtioa was nade by Jl. Lphraim IVol aad then Jndge Wats toe arose ta the pla'form and ktp. his Mi— intensely mt-re ted for aearty an hoar His speech *l - ap of the activr.jf- »f th ' Kepnblicaa party from ! ovwn to the pre*en* ' He dhfc-trated cleaHy every step lit he wanted to ewipha.-iie with a Be* ' tie eoanty joke and the Jaiff e»: ell a joke with more flavor than »r; I ■ mas in the the State. He briig* oei he dear logic of which ire is capaMr. with an dla-trwtien so forceful th- : 1 his wonts are long rrwmterol Me»sn. C. D Carstarphen. H T KrWv». Clayton Moore. Hhrt Peel ami Sam (iekagtr. candniate.- n fcr Uemocra-ic tirket of ihc c vr-e pnsml a* the meeting f CHAUTAUQUA . STARTS THIS AFTERNOON |- nay b> a tchouU'aU > lintli i 3#- U; i: Ueeoones a (dace of ama-nirii' iwnatMH. ud insptrataor. from then , g«. for the three dayf of ( Wednesday ai>l Thor-u> The sta-e b all set for a "inr time"* s ana the Male QmiUstf ar rived today frntn Stantoashar*. rean.y la qi a liv Hy |»erforw-ithis aft* noon ami evening. [tr T. S. t idp. fr»wm IVdani. Owiu, today s speaker, is to give two annsaallx inter*-'m* and in . teresUng ami inspiring lectares. In the aftaiwoo *■ he talks on "Bit "iniiltiiiig Waban" and at niaht on ' "Broken Bamers." Mtss Dnrwthy Greet, the swpertn * .ewdent. says the pn*Tam fc ipi".» r the best that the Bureau has e%er given. Two pla\- wJI »>e liwa Wedaesda> by the Sprarw players- "The iKiel". inthe afternoon. ■ aad ~Rip Van Winkle" a» nutt.t- Dr. ' I la. a Mart it will -peak hi the after ! c«a on "The Ersl of the Bainbuw'. * and at night or "The llawn of Ci\d.- * DtiM". Two cookcerts by the Clark* No»el.*y t ompany on Thursday and two le - i twres by Dr. A. M H>de tonrioie tJ*' r. program. His afternoon topic fc "TVat . OM Can? of Mine." and bis *->enin , "The Better Tomorrow " * r Mis—es IxMti-e. Martha and fetner ' Hamson returw.l Frwiay afternoon * from Win*! wrh their mother. Mrs. - T. F. Hnrrfcou ami Mrs Myrtle t Bioww who motored there to visit * them for the day. The Misses Ham ■" son ietarned to WiL-on yesterday af Mrs. Jot.r. Fraley left Sunday for htr a* Taihoro after nendmf d mt time with her .-ister. Mrs John 1 L Bodgenwn aad Mr. at 1 their home on Mam strret. 1 Mr W. B Harrington of Cn»r.- r - vwaship va a business ttutor here d \es*erday Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Mortur and little daughter. kath».rm>. spent the d _»»k red in kinrtM with relatives. * Mr Charted Biggs of ItUeigti -pert t- the week end hjre with relative* Mr A. Her cett Kogerson of Bear ■ Grass wa~ a ba»ine*- visitor here jet *• terday Mr. ami lbs. Larry I- Moore and * daaghrer. Miss Meta aad Mr * Thomas Moore of New Bern speet the past week end with Mr. a&d Mrs. * i. G Gwdaid. jr. * Me»rs Howell and Albert Wads ■ wwrth of New Bern visited Uaeir #fe ter, Mrs J. W. Watr*. jr. aad Mr * Watts dnriag the week end. " Mr. Joha Davenport of Hamihoa was m the city yesterday. * Mrs. Ddh Green. Mr*. Charles Mobley and Miss OBie Marie Baker » saa motorad ta Washiagtow Sandal to see little Miss Isnite Green who is very ilatke Waskiagton hospital Mi. Wheeler Martin spent Monday f* m Tarhoro on professional tenors * Mr >;C Inb retarned Saturday to fram Wdon where he spent last week Mr ad Mrs Db of JamesvOe Mrs. G. W Halite on. Mrs Mary E ad Peel and Mtes Anna Pipe mofore ? to e- Wahington yesterday afteraw a Tlill j—* T worth at the six performances Willianiston, Martin County, Norih Carolina, Tuesday*, October 28, 1924. WiLUAMSTON TOBACCO MARKET , AVERAGES $30.65 hold 123,776 Pounds oi Tobacco Last Week The average of the Williamson tobacco markM runs ahead of that of I Greenrdk ami Kinston for the past! week, recording to stntements from both these towns and given .3 yesterday's News ami Observer T are among the largvr l. o Eastern Carw!ina and for WillKamstvn to surpass them in averagv prior-> paid, -hows that Wiiliamston is pay ing tip top prkes for tobace». • The Greenville market said 1.1 5e».- j Od 1 {xxuvds of tobacco la.-t w. -k : I a price of $29.47 per Nut-1 ureal. The Kin-ton market Ml) poumi.- of tobacco with atenrt ] of S2T.W per hundred and the \\ 3-1 tams'or. market sold during- i ast week 123.776 pountls with an ave-au.--* price of $311.65 per huntlmi. This fc une of the best averages of tl* e-i --t ire State ami Wiliam.-ton ha? nvu.» - taiMti a record liurnjr th -ra -»n ih*t l»as b" j' 11, (uai... *t larger markct-- AULANHER MAN SERIOUSLY Ht'R'i Mr Janie.- Ilarrell of Aulan>lrr was -~rr»oii.-ly hurt when he wa- hit wh.le ioauinv a car on the Const 1-ine at ihe Buuiioke lair gruuiuls SjlukU.. nnini: atuu! three o'ctuck Ttse the "lark ami w oh-* reeins to kiu.w j«i-l how it Mr. Harrell was working on a tractor wh«ch wa- bcine u.-e«l in luSxlUic the Zialmiu ai»i IV>llk shows when a catde struck him. crw-r. ir>s his .-kull from just ai»>\ .> his eye luow to neat the top of hfc hea-i Mr. Harrel was giv -ri itaedk-a! at;en- Uon by Dr J. II Saunder- ami then taken to the \% sshmeton »k. (mUI An operation wras perf«»rme.| at tie h. ~|Mtal and several pietes «f W> iM* were itmuteil Kor a tune %s --eonditiun> wa- coits»«i nw*.-t ven ous but ho-ptlal iiertor> t»« regxnl hfc condition as hopeful, l«e havinr U\oor Nfiai eon^ciou- Mr. Ilarrell fc airrwil. hfc home >eisg in Autander, howe« :r. he has teen ecgartnl for somrtime ia buiht :ng the rual to Jao»>(ille Cotton Iteinß Delivered At Satisfactory Ivate ielivereii to the wjr-l ourf- of the \«rh « artdina Cotton Growers' Co operative Association at a very satis factory rate, Kcopiimr to a state men tis.-ued from the Bat igh • Are Thurs-lay nigtit. The week started »fl lilt, Si((i hal>>.- on Vomiaj and every day has teen etpiallv as sat fc factory The deliveries irdiut.- "he eo felt m an »r leH) azrkrtKr by th grower- of thj s»a*e Cotton was received al !oe ware house up to tlx- time of the ouaiii rains a! a satfcfactory i-»t-*. but diu rng he iainy -*a ->n tne «Mlivenes «ere very slow. Si»: the -iiistKii. came, the fanners have been .Mf t park and gin their ct>:twr. and tley ar* ttbking it to the Ajsocutk* *a.«- h«us«s. Last year »he A»«natk« handled tw*K* ai«l one-half per ceo of the crup a North Carolina a»i this year the indication* are that the .V»aociatMe will handle at least 15 ioa crat The crop this year fc very late and very short, but the associa - ion fc rweiririg a terger pr. (**l«w thaii it did last .-n «rt Prior to the rainy eo>>jc the eo* ton received was of the better rrak . very Ist'le grading below'mtddloMr ar»* very much of it Goo) middling -uM trict mKidlu.g The cotton received immediately after the r.ut- was o' a lower grade but the cwt'oc comir . in now is showing much inpwtmri as to grade Nothwithstanding the W-w market price of cotton the Assactetian : i - til* king /b a«tvarace of 17# or every iW-pound hale witk a pro portionate advance on bales weighu i less than M) pounds. i , North Carolina farmer- are ge~ ♦Jer away from th? long e*«to» > and according to General Ma»a«ei - iUaluck, this fc good. The first -ens» r a|.praumately sine per cert of th » cotton delivered wa* long iUp> Lasl year '*** sras reduced to ttes r three per cent and the pre*e-t « less q— one per cent. Muck r ' f this year's cotton is luaiimg fdl u inch, a staple that is much in* de e wad. : lad. Mtes Losose Green Coattemes U » little Miss Louise Green, whu wai (cperatsd an at the Wasktegton kns pital. a wuek ago ia nrtmuiig wen r.fl and her caadiltem is tm liirrn * «*ery -erions. We hope for her scot ' recovery. i # I • I COMMUNITY I PROGRAM A GREAT SUCCESS Performance Was A; Credit to All Who Participated * The Community pevneram *im, nr. ; tier the dircctiau of M*ss un- - wi ; ; will be superintend t of t».' .. 1 c!:fle Chsatauqua which wfll b. yinta > here for three days, begin a.-. was exceptionally tine. The perform ace was a credit :o Mi— Greer a- 4 well as to theee who appeared jm t.v ' liiugma. , J The atrchc»tir stunt.- by the >maii; ; -nooi boys, the group swnss a»i th» ' lopty turvy sougs by the small bot -' ' and girls were very «mu The reading b> Mi— Uaur-a - i " leans vas heartily If>i The rwal- quartette, which aim. i j ; stand- near the top of any J pngram in M'dliant-t r. cave a lot I « mhibniun. Me—r- Kt»-.». t'one. Kirk j ' ami Ward takit c par* A trio bv Mrs. \v heeler is . ao-l Mi: >es Carrie Mi? WM' arxi j Martha Aruier-ow sras son enjoyed and a gwd cs.Kibn.s-- «. j - «ne talent wa.- dr plpuif.l Solos by Mfcses llva til >M« 1 Martha AivSer • « w -re well wnafm l ! ?!*) .-hownl off th voice-- td eac*i 4 -he \•une ladir- iv ahaa aee. j r ' Mr> Camr |: 'A ilium- ai. ■Mr II Solo man tlt lew. r««- irrrt" very tnk | . | iitgly a piano durt. j j The entire program wa- wewch e» | P vol by aB thor— ah* at:ewde«l j HUNTING i Li n LEAVES FOR CURRITUCK -1 Tfte Hunting lloS fcft «arl. Sa»4 ! «bs n...rT,uir for t'ain'oii mwv J 'v.Nre its «.wbr- wdl -prnd U.;- I «v-k hiuiUng ar*. k-har. By nu . I sfctttj Sntarda > vrai-y; ever. ihir;e l was loatted. mrtiMmx Tcnam>»i r" J U'l ""Hal - and before lurbt *Tann ij _ I the ship set tad with a tfcxtee j hearts aboard - - Those in the pnt are mit—i tm , Icwunty's be-' hunt-mew an. f.-»i men and each yenr the* K i m-jcb 51 r-mc ami catch mar. h.-a, ud »l . I er joy a week t»f real • life I They have had the hou-* tears; rev!) tainted and furna-heti with tea e up rnenl aisl 'hi? year Ik.' a«wart-i - tie so eomfwrtaide. in fact, we douta whe"h«-r they wdl »rtwr» before n ! weeks are uut. t Those a the pnrty are Messrs W h- H Crawford . A K ftnosg. J t. r S>atoa, hi-.ler B Cr»wfo*io. Ik l>. Paiker. l»r J. S Bboh - awl lohn S I I'lak T Parking On State Hiph e way Proves Expensive r _____ I'arkui. on any N. Stat* fciehwii 3if unlawful, tea ikspd* of ll* law j and cwc.tu.wuws wreck- aoa ralamrt»-- M fc own or tes-> .limhe ;e»i la-l night whd* a car, b»hira.T to a od ( ot4 mai>. was s*anilog «a the rors crete it was era. tet nt* by car. both, can being tely damagml. ( The nimi - of tne owaer- of tne two . I cars were W kn.ii aad »• n j , mijrhi have been the fnidt of the r -lrrver of the aota« tar i as thought j the hlimr ran be chare** to the one who parked bte car a the rwmd Murh ("wplanl has here, made in _ to the -toppror of aori'ionobfles on the fwjtfete u Washahgtoi. .-tree'!, tut hi -pte of it the taxi prarti. ".v- to (Miaoe if not ismrwa-e a d FBIDArS ISSI E MUX BRING d MMIII NEWS IKIiM NASSEFS ■f DEFARTMEVT SIORE " alrh for Frotey"- i-swe of IV Ent2rprfce. the »h«iti og seetaoet 1 for *t wdl rwnr ste gwwi news frer « Na--ef- I Opartaoe ? -tore g They wiß send all the reaVr- jef i- this week, imanunrta r their g month sale which. wB begin Fr»c.v mrruirtg. If yen to not believe that I- yen car. -hop te VBnnrtw ja>~ a. take a look at thew adwertas*mmt ir 1 Friday's paper aad ym oil certain'? a. he here before Srttordtay raghc * PEtNIT PKWE* OPERATIIRS 4 ( RGEO TO MEET NEST SAT a 1 res pi Ufaßy ask that aB peofie i- who operate, penned ptek=r> «s tjhfc if lectins to moet m fropt of the City * Hall. —I —N p Saturday at ►- 3 o'clock far the skapiw of dfc icaahg tie needs of the several see jtioar are sad and as to nkol wdl be ■ a fair price far phkiag tkte oeunon M | G. C JENKINS I •-I T | Faa far the whole fssudy at Chaw 'est bnhy. Gal a aaansn liefcst. RfcIX>RI)ERS !- COVRi HAS LARGE IKK KfeTl I liqour and Ticks Are Court's Mcst Power ful Allies ftif lii-ctiixier's court h.ui a lone fWkei teiby. but for its iwo p*>wer- I I ful allies lnjour :mi tick-. >t *. u!t i a\e been a blank It was -a.) t'u. • j «V tif the ;* tiimg> m; k.' - men ■ 4 ii*l ".he o" her one make them fcNr i I Big mal. Ttiis may r.ot b-> er.t'celv I I tre.-. but it p>t> them into th*- Ket«W i : trs court, aiiii many time- in |ai' J a-, ire J. C Smi'h was on the beaA 4 ud Elbert S Tet'l pra-ccut>rt !!>«- , i thsi wer? h. nt! "«i are: State vs Nathan Lill~y. him with cursing an-l u-i-nr dwrc I language. He |»1 "a«l ituiltv art-l jwig - j M r* vs- su.-pend-ti U|H>n pr.ym-'M of ] on- s Slatf Vs kinchin Moore for _ • au!t wa- the ' second ca.-e ;tcair ' Moore ard In this one l c did • ot r* t ' ft sc. lightly lie was foun-f euihv sij.l a S™' of fitly dollars was iihr> j ;:|vn him which to p-sy th • tfrug aa». > doctor's hiil of Felton I'urvi- .ini ti-* j -una of 17.5# to So pail to l"ur\ j the -uii! of fli to b" fatal l>- '. I ! Anb.-»- for daniaire to htcycF. |u • j meiit of jail boani -mco IV ".V» I j itnl the costs of tit • rclirtß Thi" l:ext Mu'-' > 11-rs. I Itayiatr, w-as,of the o'«i - ** I rfatveil with having ami rue I litroor a)>.l via- f »un>t cuihy bo nit J prayer for judgment, the* est -e w~t- I cvntinued until Novemhe , •••» t I ivaymeni of ct"-'.-. "I ' ** i rji.i - I"» car when ho wa- drunk. » is tra. i« vt and :>»ilh wan i't.-i . i liv a- .» NenJ«iice>l to th»- month.-. I S:aie \ - I »j Smith for btjia - was rin-dlier chargt- which cvve I t»«ur jiio ith- on ln»- !■«. State,vs Pai'l t'heir> ft «*s cie t u|> and • >. rr> ~»- , fruiii guiliy a..u fined . ■ >* ! - irvl cost.-. Stute v» \Mlli:im Sharp «■ a charve of liarine lit|U >r bit Ka »i. i was fournl ruilty by tht court ar»l *- aentenceit to *ia month- m t_ He apfieahsi to ihe Superior e>ur Tin* ii«-xt ca-e *i- .'(ralr -t Shar» ii«l Hertiert klllehr ~w 11»> «n. hii h td e. .th «»n ha&t *»-" iin.|«H I us.- Shar|> wav«" »i •uilty* t * having lu|>ur on -lafwl ar«i was fiiitsl f.iO ami half tv cwt-"s --1 iteth were f«»uml kuill> of .ntjwd ung awl Kiilebicw was fined tirf-'uif i* ci. t-. Ihc auto wa- -.r.»»i*-i «-» be sold according t:» law. " State vs. J l»avei«,t»»" iallure t. tlip cattle When ib» u e caiin up. it was «wi llial thtre was iruinic *«. be a L. -s. if hems. It was trul >a tar of law* lalkini; and hub t-.-iy Im l«M.ket a little ,-qually a' Uib«- afcf ' tbe court ••tfievi brgan a. n.| «ci. -I...ijt ipir.-tMMiing. jlavtitp-ct w found guilty »-ut ]»!rmeiil »> - |W4«ds«l for eight- n f ... itK I "Kir \AN »l\kl.t," »»IIM lll:kk».ki SPRAGI e ' —Rip aVn Winkle." ky " Irvrag, fc one of Anwnca gneatejt * classic.- Two nei have h-ru r--p... 1 ,-ible fur it- uiu-ual .-ucce.— »» a ' li aula ihiw knnwn «\er th* w»»*ll lor 1 Its great le.—on- of truth and «tejeS} f Tliese two men :ir» Jo-epfi JeKersw 'he great actor who fc long ia«re 1 dead, and Herbert Spragtie. op* k what* -houlder- the mantle of Jeffn ■ ion ha.- fallen We are esp-cuDt f*. tunate, therefore, in having Mi Sprague and hfc company of player on Tliurs«la> nfti r-MMMi ami afc.-bt of the Radcliffe rhautampia thfc year, and to have an oppol-t unity ,of -eemg C thfc famous American classic rtvew under the direction of Mr Spragwe ■ hiirself. In the afternoon, the Sprpgwe Hay ers will pre ml a M*-wi coineily calletl "*Tlie IMhI," ad wfcrt ' fc full of inter,.- dramatic :*«i"a*. . At night they will give the great cotm-dy-drama, "fcio Van Kakle.* B 1 whici) Mr. Sprague will take th- part of "Kip ' and Ho> M.han Spragwi " the part of hfc scolding wife. "*Gr«*ch r en." They will be -uf purtot by Mn-- Eanke Diller and Mr Ma Sine, both of whom are splendid actors ami the ers*ire play of four acts will be given from J-tseph Je#tr-aa*s original manuscript., The t'hautomiua fommit'ee k glad to welcome thfc innovation on the Rod diffe *hautau>)ua prosrams. and hope that evry botfy will aval hinseff of yhis opportunity ta hear and see an r eminent artist and actor. Give yourself a real treat. Bay a i- team ticket to Chantaaqna. a Get enough! inspiration to bit a ■- year at Chaatamiaa Bay a saaaon ticket. ADDITIONAL fcjQCIPMENT TO i LIGHT PLANT | \% ill Make Possibe A Saving of About St Per Day | _ Sim 'he m-ulbl i«i of .-i m 0.4 evwrr Usnt plu,'> in our city the h-.; ,»f -en ice ha.- («■ rern.rr.!. - rvxv fcx- bws an«i in twni *ll «*!!- But after ;* m>>! fjrffal ~ H «x» . Snrnoi thai thf «prr.:i!arf n- nwrel I'ar it be M*i for -he |a-t I «?rml the Sii>«ennt« > n.tei.t. I IMi Matir*v M'V-rr has tn-f: «orkif I >«n a -«Jut*»J to the problem. K. > I a wh»«e ei! humor were in t;ue tk»a. I iw to tn -till Mirh «t>uk iwt" t**e| jußkirj; of an "\(VT.-uf i>o:rt; ~o I th«> Mi »a- After !■»>•: I jpf iivvtri a -team outfit »as ft-ur-i I ir \V hitaker- •hir'- wa- for >ii? ai;«l ! i (nrfc oa- twi'lit h> oar tow • at -if I apojwvimate cot of $!>«■»•■» jll-v I ir.r it»«: IT'4* t»» (ihr* th. unit ; r I i tr. the !• >! sd.t t A - it now I •Ui»i- the to a! et>-t will V for j JMt ar.-l which m fll !«■ the th«r>l t»| i» 111! » oiet.ilpon *n the i-*ll t4a*t.| ihi' Si'O In u-in? *h»- plant in J 'N *f*er *ra« a s*v-ne of -t I. a-t I >« a bt an.? 1- ha»> a rain. I I ~ »i- e-'imat.-. will he tho the! Ifhmi aiait »ill pay for it>elf in .-Unl I r tear"- time, A b"i\ of iM- kii -* I I *t!r*l - .-ur attention ar«i »(' -in*-' I l'« it will nwt I TV plan i> heme ICMnvnl I Itki' week will te rea !y for »pr( I "-oei * thin the «e\t few u\ After •fera!ui( at what >.«u liat a Wi-- for the pi t -a-v -fa! \ear-. | e elj ' ,J 1,1 Jl " ,l ' Uil Ihfre ukif« 'kit wtl* have a •>t*wi Ila W-w« r the l!e r»-« f llbe t..» !"> lirhlint; -s>!.ni -ill>.k i- r Ife- J«k »e an rt-.l !•• i' mui-' ISRFAKIN." ATTENDANCE AT CONVENTION I'ti-a the or- Virata' I'jfct *t 1 SirL-n (Wtv Stuliii ■-e* '**4 »"».» **■*>"«•»• . w«e » * T-» s«ate." "hat at! hwl>c?>tioi,- pfint *i a r>>nl h»eak,r««> it'«.taw ■ •'•writ)' Set..« J nrventlort m*• v n mtct* at the lor il eh-rr i>* i.irfet ali-l ail Ui Frbtat, iid*Vr W» mm! 31 Aawni: ".Sir promtta-i : ' i ikr pave rani «ili l« Mr l» A Sm? , 1-a l : fl.. Irennl Ml|ki mln .K'li! ..1 .mtk tairiiiu SuftiU) Scbow! \ - -.« >'««, al>-l l»ji ) Magee. i i. > , |iitL-«n SvpefTOtrtMh-ni of t aoae intn« !fce-e Sol kef - will 'tin. - •«i wy- of Sltlttiat .vh». Ati A- ktr Wei. pmriaL-li umwiM a prfi&aijl mill br pr. *eute>l la ti» >Wtcla) SrflOiJ hat 11. * |kT([:r!.' I (sati-MM) Uk lllirl kumtkt of - talera '.ur> »t »zt -« «ti, lu mi tf« .iwik-r of ii sl-t :rurt *kat p nieuUr etiurch tc l!.« ri-iinr. u. which I la- convention aill • It beht The twill- t I- open to all «*a4ai SrU«4. in the county Itv [ mof Itic rw,\ent u, Kikui af I l'«i>K I N li: ICI I. MEETS •tr Lftworth laaKiae la* *t la-5 aicM at *»« i f»tt) fc«r tn tlw Jttt.ii>i rllirrti ll* (rfe flnil read a (i -.-arr fro*.. lie lirt-le u»l a yntrw* pll.ri b. *ll «a-- mal lhe program ■ i pi. jm «e»i anal It* mnukr.- m.t • I • >autaie,a IM leir* »ill n>ee« aKun next Moi*ia> at the Mir 1.111 > bull is iiitiln! to a'toie"- tllr«4i 4 -vawa tn W i It.a- .m TtM.4 bU a'l mIpI IM >•>..* AMMba ka l»l*fit mere Mt I Sua I Mr ami Mr I arlf I Ja«M». Mr Harr> (' Jaioe-. Mr.- M:«" I I .lie (Mmm, Mr V- til>am t 'l>.ae lia: I fell, tli at-I Mr- 1_ I' Her,r«ett. >li ' | Ftaiik IliK).. Mr aiat Mr.- «• II ilea:, I Mr-. J .S Fkak>, *ll» Sallte llal I>. Mr* A- k Itini-iiix- Mr a-»: Mr- V% ■ J Haire-. Jiiiw J I'eel. li . I' ' ■k. .itarr> A Biw>. * TKum . G I N ItanaM.-. Mulan ooke *t. il. t ,arkin. Swwn l-*ih >, I hart-Gnt I mm. lb} Carjaiat, Uiiioa Nauut: Piiri tart W uiia JhJ:u ftsr-1 vl-, Mts- \ella Andren> rail W It ' l— A> r . r j Mrv K F I'ope attMM the m- in Hvirik Saaiay aftenwe { Me--r- Vk heeler Martin and Je=»« tT. Pnre aiM*l the > peak in* It i Wa.-4.mnat. lot nijfhU , 1 Yml mmta a M|ktT gtmd snw » «f litww amd lHhw—n»« if i« i a tel attend tUt jtnrt fkM »«r- \OYERTISERS WILL FIND or* COLINNS A LATCHKEY TO ICM HOMES OF MABTIN OOtNTT ESTABLISHED 1898 DEMOCRATIC SPEAKINGS IN COl NTY % er nor Morrison To \ eak Wednesday -> 1 (oarthoune V-ierwi Morn>*>ti * ill he re re '.onto! o pe: k to tne ---opie of UiiUm-ton adt Kart n eou; > i* the ifterraea at two-Shirty cV Tr»e Governor w .11 the l*ort ftrnmuti j":-; Vtaitr TrafiapuluMß I Bill.' Tiie i!,o-*u.* "*u Mik» pt.'ce in I i:.t tnu'lftou-f ar «l aI jv o hear, Xr M >rn-.>- wtto I na> !«u? hi. w« .»le h»irl mt*> the work lof 'he bili |av.-?rt. Tonurht at - oYUk in the eooft Ifioiw Hon. H > Wan wsl! -peak to Ithe voter* if M-'irt-r. t\»ont> He mill | -peak .f. the inpurtint > m.iatit |i- ue- of *i"Sa> T'; jiablw ts for- I•!•«!!> »aviie« u» hin*. Wftlne-b) nncht Mr. G 1 Kruruiiii. - t HKc*alr for la'tome) «>• tal. vi.l t-ak to the |x*»ie.> t-f !Kr m | ffi j! ttfilnes |»la) mi{tt a: T > Mr llrummitt will I r!>o iwoes. He is |i-. %er> inan* l the - I Ih/Mmc i- in* :teil to Her: IhiiiL (nfrrx V!K-n 1 o\ will I *.hr fuu-> t'f If* Oak Cit) eel ion I at ?* I' M su the hifh I at»;it«-riur I »i«Tcnl Coi t> *tw v! Slate's I i '}» Wul I■% !' itj la! *:l! • \rr*h»*K Mlv C OSTON IM PORTS IN(; AT PLYMOC TH Mi J ! •-• s.-t, wa> m ton.i ye>- h,!]) sut n- »i- hi u.-iu-U «-n'hiui .-tie tho-l the uef-f - of the- Ir-vrtal •t rh -ite |>art\ t» ea. ryirw «m in 11. mMh. n*rf were ar-n.l-1 a |»r» -ei t >«. ii "» "n '»t It -ittii'- nWnf At S-'h tl 1 aftw m- ,-i, h:!ei. ".roi the ;a:it "rf |l three -. n- .Y- «ri» -aai ill « -t..;i Ir. n « - a ' il L'slm! afet nil. w Hllut as tie .iiT. ref.i -ert irtv The M»-ii«e-» m. i. art-, uw »:J«r -1 ..f tite tvwi aie artiss tirfif ■*»'t! .•■.prrjliwt. \ me--iRe from Mr to. ion -«*-ak i»ir ei—ut U-t rttiiin,?'- (:»>-»' crr -1 ? j t u i a worti ib ul , tO > Tiniit - | i t>rr mw.inr It * - t«f .... . j • et •"» ... -l*-t. PW •• i.** ; « ■ *- .it>»n 4, iftWß i {isef «»» i• J mkS. t - I uft«l :*fi ! . ?vS ill it tHe> a M vnl He I ft* lj&r& I> I lave i see® il Wf«»rr kH ill i ? - } 'if ' - il-*. fttrtK r *al-> that the i |.ef lu> ttul tHere will imt fH» fjimUll i' at fJ. I #kiA will ' ,>l in H>wtoW* -•*-! ft t»e m all 1 iVr L- Ka. k lajJ of-WMS)* it#:* •ho m*l? M|» t»- rr.font* lh^ » t a 1 ICE WAGON DEMOLISHED I i-t i ijri... W Sam Fau!': wi- lirir v--iv.e or. WashirHf on ree «k*« I: M Ib-arh. a travel r.* - Je»asan •irote op b)-tui.l htnt with a Fort! ear without' lirht-. -trtkinir the »aron. tii nu.r -a me mer ami Kaiilk rait F»blk wa- kafly Ixvbeil but M -eift-li He on the prof»«r -iJe of the .iia.j tr.i wa- «ff the pnee when ruck by U»r Mr fiT IW-ael. pave his**- - a- New •Srrn He ami hi- ear itguT- Mr an.l Mr- li J IVel Mr and Mr, li S Caaitaejr, Mr and Mr> IL S. • rneher. Mr> K A CnlAft tud Mr t'ol|in, I'eel motortti tu, I "It hhiiill >ur«Uv rr*!ii«r -o Hetr Mr Uuna. in the Evanr*l»»t»rt uiftir; Mr Matter Ai-Jc- af Iteikaran. ■a- in the city fur the nek end. Mr B C Hoiue> mote-red ta Rayid •on. \ reiaia where he >pe«.t 'be »uk erd mth his family- They ar» His mother. Mr- Home^ Mr. awl Mi - W J Hodge, and fin '"»ir> I belle White attenJerf the Lne anar.t~«L-to«i revival but Sandaj ■ Plymoutr. e £ LOST A POCKET BOOK IN ID ROM at the Caatt U» Hi pit, . Friday aarnag. October 24. r— tiiaiwK tISOU aad a ntimber af 1 I «fl pay HMI imtd for Hue*. ' if the ftader Ml fal jilhlt »' L— tmIM tTw'ril i njgj john wnxnrs. KA.

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