' 111 I -== WATCH THE LABEL ON YOUR 'APE*. IT. CARRIES THE DATE TOUR SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRES VOLUME XXV—NUMBER 82 JUDGE HENRY G. CONNOR DIES IN WILSON Holds First Court Here Over Biggs* Old Drug Store Jade Henry G. Connor died n Jliwlljr the ZM at 4 p. tri ms dentli was not unexpected a.- he hnd been faßin* physically since. February and for several days before the end came, he had rapidly declia e«L Jadge Connor was one of Um- State's hading as wefl as most beloved eitiaena. He was born in Wilmington 1852. making him mote hart ft years old. He moved to Wilaoi in early youth where ha took one of the best academic wmim available in his Ajr. After completing this coarse I* l»w and was licensed to prac '** at 'he an* of 21 in the iowr. of Visas, where he remained un'il his death The last forty years of his life was the most part used in an official capacity, serving as lac mak er or judge. He was the State sena tor from his District for some vesu-s, and served his county as representa tive in the Legislature and speaker of the House. He was appointed Super? >r court Judge by Governor Scale* ir 1885. He held his first court in Wil liamston The county courthouse had just been burned and the court was held over Biggs drug store. An ordi nary armed rocking chair was use» as the "Judge's Bench." He r twined on the Superior court bench for eij,+t yours. He Barred on the Supreme cant bench of our State for six years President Taft appointed him United s*atea judge for the Eastern District of North Carolina while he was serv ing in the State Supreme court in which position he rewiaiM* far 15 yearn. H In a significant tat* that the United S*at«s Supreme court sus tained every dee Wan that Judge Con nor rendered. J edge Had M BwußaHiaa of His FM Term of Court HeM Km Judge Connor's death wns a shock to the people of the whole State, a* if the death of any great and go. ;! man. He wns beloved by people all over this section of the State especial ly by our people, he coming in con tact with so many of them through the Federal court The "eld judge" aa he wns lovingly called, was reminiscing with Nome of cur townsmen only a short while ago shout incidents during his first term of court which he held hers. here oa the old "Const Line" sone hefe, m le old "Coast Liae" some cue stepped on the train at Tarboro and handed him a note which proved to be a—m from Jad pre Phillip* af that town. The words went to this you want to get any*hm? If eat while yoa are in Willismston. you'd better turn Cliff Bland loose." The Judge said he did not set the full meaning of this admonitloa until he arrive*! in Williamston, and found cat about the Bland affair and had tiKa that he was freed. Rut he next day when the went to the "Kirby House" for his mid-day meal, he foand the biggest squirrel pie he had ever seen, which the proprietories* told him was seat to him with the compliments of Mr. Cliff Bland. An other thing that the old gentleman told that «lay and (hat b shear* tag to any of as mortals was same thing aboat the hospitality of our "home town" He said Rev. T. B Haughton as a representative of th chizens wanted to see that "the Jdkge" was well fed, went down arm told the tadms of the hoarding hoaae he sate to give him delectable food and have fruit for bis breakfast each morning without fall TV ae*t ■imhiK l-t • br»ye i «ihil —iitwilmi about »s Ircr >' Lk arm, was dntdwd >ut nr the taWe iHttjUm. Aad He M heard the particular warain- «b.«jt -fmh far breakfast" by the y readier. the Jadgc wd He aU 'Hit rae-half MIM which be war FM W.. three tfcasa larger htaa a gear l T- ■ rUNTOS AND MKBCIIA NTS BANK OXE OF MOST PRO GRESSIVE IN SECTION The Plant*** aad Marehaata has* of Everett* m oae «f the SMat profres sW* haahs in this ■eetioa. It ha# *are and ■toady growth from ft* beinaaiax aad until ft now enjays the na>iliiaiif aad patronage of aO tha people af Everett* aad aqp'Jen. j "Ht the daae af bwiini Navsmher 19, IMS it had oa deposit llffjMM aad despite the meaty af aacaey a tWs th*e this year .its depaait* have hipwand to 9UMM.4I. Oa the las' pace of thia paqcr will ha faaad a slatiaiit ihaaiiig the Itnuth of this mmmM hat wide-a THE ENTERPRISE THANKSGIVING SLftVifE At 10:00 o'clock a. m. there will re services at the Church of the Advent fliis service will be concluded by 11:00 o'clock. Special Thanksgiving services far ail the people will be held at -the Methodist church on Thursday morning: at 11 o clock Rev. R. L. Shirley of the Memorial Bantist church will preach the annual Thanks giving sermon. • His sermon subject will be "Origin. Spirit and Purpose of Our Thanksgiving". An offering for the orphans will be taken at this service and it is hoped that there will be many who will Teel inclined to give the income of one day to help care foi the orphans of our land. Those desirinr their offering to irp to their Church Orphan s' e rhould write the Church's name on -he outside of the envelopes will ! >e f \- tributed. MANY ATTEND SERVICES AT ... BAPTIST CHI RU! The series of services in |»:ij(Tf?s a*, ihe Baptist church are beintr l.iria ly attends ! and ari arocsng rvch n t- rest. The pastor planned i»r an >dues' ional week looking forwarl tn !he completion of the "75 ir '.ion Campaign" of Southern Baptist* iii..l sach speaker ia stressing some spee-al rhaae of IVnomi national -«ork The first speaker wu Dr. CI arie* Anderson of Scotland Ne» k v l«o oe liverad a grent mcrar on the sub ject, "Our Home Be*.-*.'* In ihU he showed conclusively how *ha. a'l o'.r endeavor 44, dependent Upt-u f .ov a!ty to and support of our hoi .«■ an/ State work. His message was t-i'ir ougly enjoyed by a great ew*its.i don. Ut also spake at 2:30 ai Uil-it.- chool house and at S:3O at Riddlek's Orove where his service* w-*rt greatly appreciated. At night. Mrs. H. M. Find of Rocky Mount, was to have spoken She missed her train ar«l the pastor on 30 mhnu'es notice, took her place and . -Poke on "God's Challenge to America." Another great conprega , t*on was present. Monday night. R~v. C. C. Smith of Windsor spoke to an interested anil ; opreciative audience on **Tra ! ninst rid Enlistment." He was well received j.nd his message grea'ly enjoyed. Tonight Rev. W. G. Hall of Rob cisonville will speak on "Organiza tion and Efficiency." It is important that all our people hear him. This service begins at 7:15 sad will close in cmple time for everybody to :ce j "Flapper Grandmother Flap" By all means everybody oufht to hear Serf.- i tor Matthew* of Windsor Wednesday night. The complete progr-im appears elsewhere in this iFsue of The Enter (rise. WILLIAMSTON GRADED BCH**!. NOTES (By an Observer) When asked to give a synonym for | "activity" all the student: yelltd: J "Seymour." There is m» member of th? Fsitity ( whose name rhymes with "liclu." 1 his is not to be wondered at, for j i iigh'ly licks are bein- given ath letics to force the grade upward. There were so many pr-lty school • teachers in Ihe auditorium on Satur day, that the High School boys with, cue of the teachers (nal?| have l«en , foaking lilihif the dadre to tod if oh l was not left for "knepa." Quite a number of ypung.pl 1 1 1. ami I older anas, too, amonr them the: touchers, may he seen chewing She ends of pencil*. Oont worry j they are juat whetting their teeth for the per fect seulteg of the "druas-stick" cf the Thanksgiving bird 1 Here's to the girl with leeks, who dons spurt hooe and pretty frocks, her bglish is Irish and Iter ninth ciiss crosa. hut if you nJss her rniile. you safe loss. What la acadad tn nuke lh.- school | look up, ia "Old Glory" mm the ruapis. ( Where is the flag pale which once I wna and now la net? The Janitor usually cones in for a grent den lof discussing with the I "dis" luft off, but from present indi-' nations things are gufeg very ho' ' oown in the lowur rrgisns. This ww heard on tfak campus: "Rkks will Reel the Griffin /An «np liah early appie). and then Stui-hack ■ • •We Aadprti nan and Robert's son rre attempting to Turn-age hack so they am Win af life, and lis* en ♦ • , Williamston, Maitin County, North Carolina, Tuesdays-November 25. 1924 MANY DOCTORS TO BE AT CONVENTION DR. WILLIAM E. W VKKLV HKAI OK THE SEABOARD ASSN. TO MAKE AN APDRE*-> Rocky Mount, >"ov 22—Ba*c«*fi 110 i nil 2W> doctors from the . tkn of Virginia, east of Rirhircnd. rr' Ila.stern Carolina a* far a Ral eigh, are expected to attend the twenty-ninth annual nwHing of th~ Sej-boanl Medical Avvx-aiion »h'Vf will be held here December 2. 3 artl 4. The Foui-h District North Caro lina Medical Styety wBl me.>: i con junction with the Seabc •..*! a»«»c i'tion. Headquarters for the conventM-i. will be at the Rkk* Hole., and th session* will he held in the hatal nu •Utoriun. Public ■aitfuu are |p rounced far both Tuesday and Wed nesday evenings. Dumber 2 and 2. Tuesday evening'* public w.'.l he under the aaspanr* of the Xiuh ' Connly Mtiliisl S*id* with I»r. 1 V Thomas r«. iirj dire> - •cr of the Hiehmond public chool, as the principal speaker. Wednesday Hinin*'» public health Mstina *ill be handled by the Fowth District Society, ami the principal speaker will be Dr. Louis R. Wiban. of the Mayo clinic, Rochester. Main, who .v:ll di -cuss "Our present KiwvMte of Ocncer." Numerous -wial n«at» will be sandwiched ir hiwrni IW business sessions of the ceoveation The convention will open Tuesday cv ninjc, December t at T:3O o'clock k' tht Kick's Hotel auditorium with a public meeting ui»ler the j"lnt j .'ispices of the Seaboard UMcii : iwi i>rd the Nash tVaniy Jlrtnl So ciety. The meeting wil br called to enter by Dr. R. 11. Noel, pmsltni of the N'a.sh society. after which Rev. 11. M Norih. pu.ar of the Firs" Metholikl church, will offer invoca lion Mayor T. T. Thome wfll we!- j come the doctor* to the city, aad j the ie«ponse will be by Dr. Cyra* ; Th'inaiM, of Jacksonville, N. C j Then will follow the annual pre.-! | ■tent's add(ress by Dr. \ v illaa 1: j Warren, of WBlmnMtou. Hmd of the i Seaboard association. The umlalisr! event on the program is to be an ad- i drew by Dr. N. TWnu.- EanMt, medi cal director of the pebl«c -rhotls of PTchmond, on "Child Welfare As Ap plied to Home Life."* After his a.: dress the session w3 adjourn and a smoker will be 'enderad the doctor* at the Rick*. •THE FLAPPER GRANDMOTHEK" AT OPERA HOI'SE TONJCfT* The "Flapper (iiardioothr r" wl! be seen at the Opera Hoase toatga* by a cjowdod house, according to re ports of those selling tkkii. It is a musical cnmtdy in three acta with forty-Ave of WilHnmrtonV beat known actors, singers and dba eers appearing m the ttage. It Mr e laugh at every turn and the turn are frequent. There are no reserved seats, hut just one adnuasioa lee, «r.b for the children and 15 tea's far the wWta,. Misa Hattie Thrower j pent in Belbavea with Mr. mi Mrv W A. EHhm. m • to Harrell torn plum about' the dyk of a haaoe which HtsdmlktfM instead of tha itftf —a atmtiaa aft'd givas the public gaaa epos hr Steward while arrangements are mmtt for mmh.- Al this goes to sfcaw tha' in the land dii idi «f Gaul ar hen , tog tha Tool's Cili i." L TEACHERS MEET HERE SATURDAY On Saturday, NUtialai tS ffty four Mar in County teadkis set for ihe second regular matting. of the Martin County Tnehrrs' AHtdafioo. At two-thirty o'clock the PmUnt called the me*-iny to order and bk ed Supt. R. I. Leak? to > inihrt the . evotional exercise. He read the IKS • iVahn tnti led in a prayer tiuSOoi I ilirect th; teachers to teach »f-.r Tlif pla:. when an earth. T}i» S cfiar)' then md -h> ■«- es of ihe previous .ilxHiiij Jhck. -po:. approval were -itopted Kind.' j Sx pi. Tope asked that th* tnrii , ck in a brief way tell of theig im-! IptLssion of "he District meet in ' that was held in (intrilkj on November 14-15. Mr J. &*Sey-| • • I . TK-ur was the first to rnpnadj Of ( ' (artrular interest to him wit the address on "Supervision*" by Dr.] 5 Th« s. Alexander of Teachers*. Col-1 ! lege. He left this point with (t —aj 1 eleor ami accurate knowledge t| the j ' >uhjort matter kiuier qoestiMl y ah- S .-olutciy necessary for :ny of. ] occessful supervision. Miss Bmk> ! J kckr.:«n explained how a ' | project, may he *ork.>l .-nt in'one Iree io.i with the iundani -n-?l kV ( wist iuirhi in the Primary fTyilr • Hi' ir. kfd th-t such would mtftiie : viUio an otherwise hMius its -oe nss : *nter>ent iwi main It an .i -ludy. She poke in par •rulrr of a Henl*h pr.jio hit add :-d licit oiher projects were -.si just as productive of fowl re el V Relative lo he c«o»S to he pic -I in a «-enersl way from the*# Dir r.ct meetings Mis Koh-»rt~-« tali 1 . "1 her* Is a per.w.u'i touch to be "ai«e«l from the District M*Hln» hat is no: possible in the bncci State Mee in*." Mb. L'n PtdypAt !>riefly of her enjoyment of Dr„ Aln st «!er's address on "Supenrisiolr and -f th- cop=ol?tw» to b? iltiiii'4 from !.» vewp.' 'it of the teacher Dr. Alexander s*..-*ted tk»* a r«-al KTOwtntf teacher wan (brewer ' realizing th:«t he «iki not know [everything necessary, wat Jkle to. > . (.pose ffiUi i|ni«tlnni * I miMU to be ympt' krfkalh npn vis*-L Further, she stated that she ra.- impr«K.«il by Dr. J. Henry Hierh -■nith's itMrci-s on "Object it» " Dr. •licfisr.iith bditrH that a "ti«f --b?"" ?i n.ytxiary for tNsrh teacher *.f the various : ••cnmlary aad •hat a ruuntr-wiak' I'ntlerstamluig a»i t ppiication of th' objfrtirts to b ncschad in a pivrn time by a. (mi -rral- in a given t abject is no' only ''cnl but practical. Miss Tenu-e «a rw»il wi'h tie Turk of the rr-TJiry IVpartinent. wss very husiast ic in her eapfcinatioa of "li» littfc- play worked nat by thr ' r mary Grades of !h» >r -cn\ fIW ?f-*!ool showing how dariag rari> boar -f the day th-> mink of the chfl d»«n might- be r«->etir»lly emji'o.' 1 I'PMI omf idea of health—-brwsh :ng their 'eeth, takinr «»• phy>iea? ' -wise etc. f'upt- I'ope made an tarne-st pie: •hat all tcechers avail 'o' "lie opportunity of at'ervline- 'S Oen ?*! rrl Group jneetinjf of 'be A# ■ wiaf ion ro as to rrt th- prof - >inu' > He impiKMrf tach trwfc | *-fTh he duty of being a eiooia* '! • -iVr, a teacher e._rt fully f>-llow •rig the "Course of Study" nuppei' •«1 by the Slate, aal vbcribinr tc 'ne professional mafaiiar—"TV Nor'h Carolina T -ifher." Mr R. A. Pliilliias. in cumMiuo wth a rc«joes' im«le by Sop*. Kfe "tve an extended r— port MI "Reeoae ntcndatians for M.-rtin Cowty Atb ItUe Association." In this report h • are the deferences « opinion of th -~ople of 'h- past ami present cm r • ./.)* an atheltic program for the .choals and sabmitted a witicitk which followed in the main that mo* lj lhf SU't Hifh School A'hleti* Association. Mr. Pope thaaked Mr. ffciikp-, f*r l-is seal a.wi in ih preparation of this pap -t and rt •.(.crated a motion as to the r-l —nbfli :> of he adoption of the eeastitatiew as drr.fted by him. It was adapted by a unanimous vote. Several were ir favor of delaying the rlrrtisa of tScers until later, bat it wms hill toought viae H. elect the nMrrra at tnee and let the chairman ral far » aKtiat of the ismimli J gfai uate to be sprriteii by kaa Mr. a A. Phfllips was cKMrman; Mr. J. S. S j msar. vice rtairmaa ami Mr. L. H. Habhle. reere lary-traeawrer. Pollowiar this the nri *•» Reading Circle Groups jait for I heir work and were diimi 11 by the teachers in charge. BUPT. K. A. POPE, rinidml EVA IRENE PEELE. Secretary. SAIt: CARiIAGE PLANTS. I Early Jersey Wake Field. SO m*» Belay at Beer Graaa. It THE PROCLAMATION Whereas, the President of the United States has issued a pi-oelai nation setting apart Thursday, the 27th day of November as Thanksgiving Day and-we should con form to this custom which has been handed down to us from time immemorial of as sembling in our places of worship and ren dering our songs of joy. praise and thanks giving to ihe Giver of all good, who in His infinite wisdom has spared us to this good hour and blessed us with health, strength and a bountiful harvest. Now, therefore, f. J. !_ HarseH. Mayor, do declare Thursday. I he 27th of November 1924 a holiday in the town of Williamston. I. I. HASSKLL, Mayor. By (I. H. HARRISON. Clerk. MRS. tt.G. HAi'MNr DIED LAST FRit >A> Warren C. Hant-nr. «' ilipii parl> | r>i x "~orni>: afwi heir* a to oa »■**' s"aic wwal !^ur> Tk" «1 riw at the horn- ft -In Ciii- Ji. Samym, ■mOmrn of (kr b" rewfl! Skwifr. her fries I zed pkvsM-iati. TV mnvdialc aoxc of Uf-t «!*■,» *®- ; #T5«*» x «*jil,. is I:kI iiiHKar'i.j. ' 1 the fact «a>, iise k>>l Km iec.l ly rmim,) fr»m Her ilinr- . > |V White Hoojf two jfws sj», am. iH.- »Wt rf Ikr l"rr~ ».W "l' a | »M fiirml trip *nm- -V -alirv«il in Au«sl tJJS i!«vall> she had been »rpr -n! i* Jrtlib. oi Bii-y of iltw* ri i- her. Dr. h»ri*.- Sawyer, Mr.. lid tat Wirik. «iir ai th* 3f;xsn -? "h - ? !f!er t >» S*-rt«r." *t 1 ri 7 jiiir* WJiarr, at! of «fc-»ea trth her « Ihe Alaska:: "i.| Sh» took t« I—r H-«! Oct.»o r SW I .tal never r«w train. Tt«e frd burial >ei«i(rs s*i* M I yf-j". -ay f.om the l-»r» of her t-, 51- -. ■ aagshaeeoaen is llaHon. Mm S»* t.te -ante |>> 'M+r r rKo dhitfi-l a* •* services VH ' er .'i-M -rsM ,i. ku-tun I a hitl >inn v aio RRIIrf.K (LI B ENTERTAINED "HSf Urkl-i dub which ha 'been .♦cen'ly orgaaiaMl. m. nit*ftaß' Friday sftrrwi by Mr? S. R. Mir .-.t her honr w Va'l' ireet. It «ciM at Ihb time to nrel ivtrj c-fher Tl,*jr-d»y af'ernaoa. TSe.e were t*« tables of bdt rod Mrs H. M S ob*.- mj.*e hieh core an! was prf-ffllf.' sith a V«* lie deck of hrid-e rank llr. G. O Itkido. invited gae>t for th? 000 wa*- rrweoibftw! with an r.t rarive china boa boo bidk. coo. ?stin» of fror nit labit. potato chips salti: o» a»« : Ihe* were serve i bv the Iw'.e - The ctiah meant--r- apt— - J. a Rhode,, Cha . B«n, H. M S;abh., J 11. Jfeaader* Vita* CiiUhti. J G Mint a»l |je lie Powden. THANKSGIVING DAT HKRVH E Spiaaapal tkanh Rev. C. O. Part >. Rcttu. Ibonday. November 21- IliN a. m The pabl.L is card'- By mra d l> ottead Ihuhfirhc day .erric* In the (batch U the Advent. The service starts at l##i fcVU- k ird wiO he oaHaM by ||.-n a"- ciack. Mr.-- B S. Cuonaey and Mr -- C W. Hanluas aaarorrd to Was'.n - too Satarday. Mr. Kraak wdl leave tiaarrao afternos i«r Pilthaaia where he aril spied Thaaks>giv»pg with fneods. He will make the trip thraagb the country Mr. ami Mrv Wesley Adea ard aaa. Wesley. Jr. ami Mam Hutle h Gray Cailia of Gain*.boro w>r* IV week ead swats of Mr. aad Mrs W. M. Perry. Mr. aal Me*. Boyd Higl t of hgtia spewt the week or! Ser- with hh tifli. Mr. Md Mrm J. « I-V. lor spewt aaae time la Jarenil* ' Mr"'it Mela— af TwM—. N. J. ridW fnmh is the dty last week. The Will if 11 b«h sehaal feat M game passed tbsaaigb here at wheat a game ariß he played between the two i rki all They woe ridaag m r track pi.ikl hy the athletic as- RISD CROSS ROLL C ALL VERY SITI'ESSFt'L- I'lr.e kt 1 i ««»,>• ii>»ii *.l U U-,. v-iwmW (o tliL- l>> i-wk- pro • i't in this imi.HMslf vicinity tii.-N i: •*»!*! > «-ar- pist At thi> tiinf there have been l:Cl enrolments. Mi.«. J- F Thiepeu a* membership I'-aiinun I'm* vn-uru «f •'« tour into a very •utre-. fu! n .u .u t»n siihl 'h« y have tan" ast 1 'he e»« l.ro town ami coinmunity. She was ag isted by Mevijnie- I i». V*'(n-Iai«l, (Jeoiite H. Hrip-ur, V\ H. Bijfes C. I». Car.-tarph't. JoSr. A Waid. Whe*-ler Martin. Sr. am. Whe»ler Martu . jr.. W. K Warren John l> J. S. U hitl-*y. W C I jreiman. K 1». llaLI a"xl ilk; En aa KuheiUaa, Kvelyn (lariiwi an' Marearet K.vor-tl WILV.IAMSTOM SCH(K)L N! w «VH. CRADK KXTFi Ti.* . On Friday last the ah». • . « ater-ained at the rretit : .> «len>es by the f«unh -j 1 ■he u|«t>i i«n nf it- t«a 1 •.' "I " I 'foiiof Stanhuck. Th» «• : rr-*» I- litil? fuib were very « i .ft snH t mtljr enjnii I. ' p> s -s •r.-rram nt ien«len-.| .st Jlnv.-- Aafrica —hy the srh.»ol .'Vripluie \erv.i —by \V •!- t. . n«k, \ ivian list rie, F.*r ■- * nd Krnest Harrixjn. I'iajrer- by the tll > A ton; of Thank* -iv n. — h» ' Story. "The Mar"—"•4«> !!••••: '"owe*. IVin, "OurTkii rjV f'w' •» 4ary Crawly Gurkin IWm. "ic! l:le s Cur rL-.-~ !• )|jn l»ivi Hirdtwi. Pa?i«i. "lejce"—by Ifc.W t r'taj- Spwrfeil !:a-:!«-r" I* *4««L Thrnfc? i."d lonor to *h ■ iren j i, h f* ai*- '■oar.--' the r \-r.ll* s».*d -Jte uh-*.i'!v '•"•V n i S- xvlfe of ft"» • U'i'i' ■,; Ki nay -. . ti'h. *~h *• •• «I* ail atjain. TS «rk »u» h?e-.u=e »rj tlx- rt>i!e.-iie!S of »me othe: in.\ . ;»!«•! , hi> v.ho «!efac "d "he arali by ihw htlesady writing anl mi_k.ru «Hke4fhtly on th n A praar of $2«» ha» be«-n o*er«" hy Pit.feswir J. S. 'S" |vp:l writMt? th? b>t letter or e*si 7 > tb" "Hhi —ShouH Wdlmaaston Hav t. I*»renl leathers Association." Th * ianinf; letter or «s*iy will be tea i. CHta|> I Wednesday motnin.'. 11K ho-tl mil dose Wftlnexlji :or the rtaiiluKkiK? holidays ai»t ■nil open »pi» Mvb y. I lerrnilv If" Mi«e* Tianuite aiki Stewart ar. X iLrk. of the faculty will leaer tonormv for their hornet to >pei»l the holiday s. Mioses Eleanor Slan lark are! Martha Louise v ill visit in Durham. JAMESVILLE UX AL NFMS Mr. Tat am. Mlv. Vihile ami Jl is. llairr of the Jtonrule hiv-h sthai' ■wtorr I t« Waohmrtna Samlay tf- Mr. ami Mr*. Tam Hardnoa aad lamiy of WadnxtM wree the guests of Mr. ami Mr* C G Garkm ami faaiy Sua day afternoon Mean. Hubert Gurkin, Dan Faaran aad Oawood Davia rioted friead* fa flym.uth Saaaday afeM. Miams Ireue Harriaaa. Sallae ami ,« -ht truest, af Mr. aad Mr*. H. L. I Thaaka*»ria» day. » ADVERTISERS WILL FIND OFR COLL'MNS A LATCHKEY TO KM HOMES OF MARTIN' C'OI'NTY. ESTABLISHED 1898 ! SHERIFF WITH DEPUTIES VISIT OAK CITY | \ ! Still Found Within A Hen's Cackle of The little City ;v»i lUUar>i. v(ct » Otv Cit\ Kri «*y nirht in atuwer to •; I. t >v ; 1 call i'«l found a iDnathinf 4 if) ,»j ;l ( ( it.umiation within a he-Vs c.">ckb of I the town. T f sheriff «.• t i\ it nit j hr?«l evident!,- I.een th»T .">: a S et J The operator ha-i ju.-t finished *«*rk ant! pu., the (ire out wh«n '.he airiifl They round eiifht *• ~reL» of corn lu.aor Iwi »hwi. was I lurffi out nnd U'.«* .-till hipre. Th» fffiffr? H..,|rri and ,'i>und —•egmloj.s i f what !h«>v bought io le th«> newly ma.!.- product in ;he Itressinr club of a one legged nc.rro, named Anthony. The\ took tKe liijut-r a cash bond from A. thony for '1 »s a|>|K>; ranee liefore Judire Sr.-ith •lay. " r hvy ;d„ - a u;h \o; n n»': neiru. with a whiskey on hi' person. Jones has liead;. rved a term ;*\e ra Is • r-hi.i famiiiart'y v.i 1 ih-» l'«,uor -ti .l he. lo.» . rN-i. : rr I to . ».ip 1 bond for his i.avnrance 1*»- ■ ■«. th-* Keconler\ n,u>' Th«* « nicer. were -0111 -wliat «u •• r;-ed *t fin-' that a f : lt hal re oaine* 1 ««> long in a m* :l .* rhiK*' and • compUmt had beer «n. -V 1 10-f re It is understood that women wh --e •u-lian 1 ; and sons were g»*' .ni» drui k •filW th» beans. M»PLKS |t WK HI IU)IN«; IHS \ VKKi.W ESCAPE WHEN FIRE BREAKS on IN t H I. VI People.. h..t.k build nc i ll 5"«>« escape yrster.liiy morniii:' «'i>t f:rr broke out ic iHf ba-em t.* o baildmt:. Smoke >va* >.'en stream. 1 : the ventilators and ih J-!;*™ was sent in. the volunteeV'.fir cvmpany « .poihliii. in le* *hen thre miiswtes. At first it ♦ m» very jiifimm, for W till* •?v.- n««or to «t:ch an extent (ha w fiiTi*; w ****** uhabl," '>> ctl'r bu ■ i*e- i-.kc; n- thi" b.isrr.ien* i* v..- ",u - * **» !»* r pil? «.f tra h I. min ■» »um had fi*?! die t-edint at Ito * w:, biuunh: in* r' "-1 th" firt' vas Kin rxtii --«hed *• i 'Hough* lh» trash. w:-s fin "« hi", :n the furaac-*. " F hh;ii M instil. TRIFMPHS Kir -«» l » MBI The lan!r;irfl!« rirl- b.t k»t bi Vt.m .'"f-;i - M the stront* (VulTlli t«n las* Thur-day nirh' « f:» %n>! hunt fought fin'?. '1 he .lame Tiile rirls won over their opponer W ;■ sp;»re of 29 to II T!i ■ «ea« lisnla>el rweh ami >k : n every part of the fame bu* w t n!rbMtl by the lamesville iriv ■ h»" it e-»n*e to ruri)inir up p°' n ' s - Mr Pope. Sup!, of the Mart 1 ( un'y l*ub!ie School s >pent ye.s;.-. 'ay ; n the Hty. nnVK»T,l\lNfl SERVICES \T VEItNON Till RSHAY M«L' w*!l I> - * .-K.'il Tttsnk f ivi 'rnMNi beld at Wrr.on liitinal -y niv". •_t 7:,1t Vfl;*k by a d«d«- ( 'at»e.l fn v lU of William-ton. 3He»rs. I yman Itrit: r.n! ''ili ® INirVt- I.pen" Sunday in V.'a Nr. jini Mrs. O 11. *' iil l"ii' ' tomurma for their bt me in lieliana after -pendinr the p.s". "hr " months in Williamston, while V - H ;ji ".jus beer, buying tobacco on H P toczl 1 sarket. This i? the ;hir.i ye. * I'hat Mr an-1 Mrs Head have be I here ami they have taken an atlivs i Iterest in tht- religious ami soc'ii! li.' • I ti> ; -wn w3tile hArt- ami lKe«u-elvt to the W illu>r.'- Mon. Miss Sadie Perry Will arrive to morrow from Wilson to sneml T'afl. • pnin? with her parents. Mr. »i 4 M W. A. Perry. Mr. Wheeler Martin inatk a busim .; • rip to Norfolk yesterday. MRS. 4. W. MANNING WILL PTFBTAIN CENTFRY CLI. ! Mrs. J. W. Manning will enter*:' > Ifce Twentieth Century club at l f • ho«K on Church street tomorrow : t U moon at three-thir v at" its rfjv -?7~~ MAS.)\|i NOTICE Y*«« will It p regular communi. . ?. A M. toolghft atTsM o'cl. AM flAcftra art) eyrtally nrywd ir fce pmnt ted'trn All ni- - C. D. CARSTARPHEN.' Jr. Sne'y

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