THE ENTERP every Taeaday and Fridij by the KNTKRPKISE PUBLISHING CO. Williaastoa. North Carolina V,\ C. MANNING. Editor Subscription Price (Jjtrietly Cash in Advance) 1 year - » 1 - 50 6 mouths - - 80 8 months 45 Entered at the Post Office at Wil liams ton, North Carolina as second flags matter, under the act of March 3. 1879. Address all communications to The Enterprise, Williamston, N. C. TUESDAY. NOVEMBEK, Henry W. Grady appropriately de scribed the "Home" in one of his speeches, from which the following is taken: "HOME "A few days ia'er 1 visited a country , home, a modest, quiet house sheltered by great trees and set in a circle of j field and meadow, gracious with the j promise of harvest; barn. 1 - and cribs | well fdled anil the old smokehouse ( I idorous with treasure; the fragrance of pink and hollyhock mingling wi h j the aroma of garden and orchard | and resonant with the hum of See j j.nd poultry's busy clucking; inside the house, thrift, comfort and that | cleanliness that is nex to godliness; ! the restful beds, the open fireplace; j the books and papers and the old clock that had held its steadfast pace amid the frolic of weddings, 'hat I tad welcomes! in steady measure the r.ew-boro babes and k.-pt company j with the wa'chers of th? sick bed, and j had ticked the solemn requiem of the dead; rfd th? well worn Itible thn'.l thumbed by fingers'long since stilled j and blurred with tears of eye.- !•: g I since closed, he|i the simple anpals • r the family ard ' l "' heart and ro" science of the home Outside stood th" master, n m>r\ and wholesame and uj;ri- h: w.* >ri. 1 no man's collar; wi'h to et his roof and no lie?i on hi* rlp"*ninz harvest; pitchin-r his crops in hi." own wisdom and sel!:n(; them in his •wn time n his cho: r nv.rket; muster of hi> lands and m:\strr of himself. Near by stood his aged father, bap py in the heart and home of his son And as they starred to th? house, the old man's hands rested on tl»e young man's shoulder, touching it with the knighthood of the fifth com mandment and laying there the un ' speakable blessing of on honored and grateful father. As they drew near the door, the old mother appeared, the sunset fall ing on her face, softening its wrink les anil its tenderness, lighting up her patient eyes, and the rich music of her trembling on her lips, as in i-imple phrase she welcomed her hus band and son to their home. Beyond was the good wife, true of touch 'and tender, happy amid her household cares, clean of heart and conscience, the helpmate and the buckler of her husband. And the children, strong and sturdy, trooping down the lane with the Towing herd, or, weary of simple spo seeking, as truant birds do, the quiet of the old homejtfafrr" And I saw the night descend on that home falling gently as from the win«*s of the unseen dore. And the stars swarmed in the bending skies; the trees thrilled with the erieket'i cry; the restless bird called from tha neighboring wood; and the father, ■ simple man of God, gathering the family about him, read from the Bible tha old, old story of love and faith, and than went down in prayer, PATARRH af head a* threat h .ho be by hidden amid the folds of its j mother's dress, and closed the record of that simple day by calling flow. the benediction of God on the family tiid ihe home' And as ra«d. ths memcry of he jrrea; Capi o» fadtd from my brain. F-tirotten us treasures ami i'fc spkn .ior., Ai A 1 said, "Purely here—her? n the hmes of the people—is lodged hi ark of the coven?".' of my coun ry 1 litre is its majesty : rd its sirsntph; I »re ih 1> •"'inr.inK of its and | 'he end of its responsibility." Th- I of he people—let u.. V. ep tlrm pur" and independent, and r. 1 will be well wi'h he Republic Here L« the 1 ~sson our foes may learr h>r- is work th? hun:hl-st and weak •ft hc:.d ■ may do. Lei us in simple thrift and ocor.oitiy make our homes independent. Let u 1 in fruitil indun'ry make th rr. f.u*t».nin'r. In tacrifir? ar.d denia! | le'. us k'-ep thent free front debt and j ..Miration. Let us roak? them-Jiomis ! of n finement in which we ..hall t -ach I |-t>t>r daughters lhat modesty hnd pa ■ if ice and penile uetis are ths charms j I,f vornsH. Let us mak tl; .m temples ; of 1 berly, anil teach cur sons that • an honest conscience every rtan J fl at iKil'tieal law; that his »v ri'itm'y ir ■' beneath I"is ha*, and th*it ro I . jiler.dor can rob 'hitn and ro force J j:'tif> tlie st:rrei d'r of th 0 ''omple; t j i :ht of a tree and independtfll' cl'it* ti • d above all. let Us hoi.or lod in our I | homes —anchor th-m close in His I love; build Hi. altars abov? our ' arthstone, uphold 'hem in the set ji! d in>p!e faith of our fathers, and i ,wn ihtm with the Bible —that Hook of b>'»k - i:i wh ch -*-H the ways of life ii re me!" straight and he myster> >f d.a'h i> made plain i.«.» j. rem rnh-r ;hat th* home i nmSftß NOODLE . f . . ..t. l)cir ProfiSS-r: j ) ■ >""10,000 —v Sor" f- !Ks t> *t ( I '.lftit ? *3* L\ -' kA the C, nam.-. J • »V\ * ) fcr no c> ; ov--n.J tr . Knew this danr.e —] |4'- \ j./ iff sh '" r *'•• ncj tf" it °' ■ Fuller EtKerl I li bet this was nc.\t door! No other |jjj|||jhj|l\ WWij *>7s*; V £ voice, 1 m sure, i could soar »3 fz»r jW arvd when she 4—— - —" " * 8 Hour Service 1 We solicit sick batteries and return then recharged within eight hours. All or ders given prompt attention. i 1 ' •' ' ■ J one's lilcctrif Shop ,** " I . (Rear York Building) j s . _ - .. Phone 237 Williams ton, North Carolina - ■ . • "'~~~. ». • . r - I, ne -ource of amr nauaaal Bf«- Back j of the National Cafilal mad aWwe it\ slaznz the home. Back of the P«si- j J 1 i en- and above this and aathia* elac j « ' v.lil the Capi'.oi be. Taha* k* rHizra I i I -lis, thi* and ct? wflj thej- I I'i eo.dent bt" . ' A ft.'" deportee n. war a Uraf.' I I * c.u-y wt*o the h** ,-la.rj -ounded .h? Sre 1 .• lied (Ml a few itoei i_fieraari j I' .h-; spectators r-zrr z.'- the S/ bo* J J.e:r was 8.-ectd farj Ihe votin'Mr Sre cfc=*B my mar-a*- | ,jeu veil the •: t* •'•j r I -.v»s enr.u»he! .a a very f«» **»- j j w: h little oecarjs- j Iwe Ei.', oroe fire dep-r:»ent. * , I THANSSGIViSC y si', KIT— The lhanb?-Tau sp'rh wnhia us i! ,va es us all to i pUce; I w ner-: ail men .and «|C*l '■ ; he si»!it j i ..f the Maker Man vt_ads uncovered • I' Ufo ec» y. f*-ory. forest, i- mln-. rtver. railway. aossUia, «eean. •" !> cc-."1 «heei. i#"«e >nd s church and jn«-' thaahs _nto Go-i for { ht bread that he for tl« •.ha, t br ath- -rd ftr the water >'t>.at h? irst. ahaowi«itr" * •»* " ■ leb*ein«sA t > for all tfce Ue»!- r iriKS V- tov»«t apoe Sum. 1 . il:, presJiKt iff [tjdiv*nal or na n Ktn '.vill «jj* fc-e'f RreEtaeii r at d ria ata u » , But ***** '* i:ion or nat'Oß lolfrt- to tIJtA God I r j.r.d acknoarledges Hua. *»l tower ' hel-i fw Soo^. ♦ , Th? , rati ful s~eart is. an k , i irr - ' earl T* «» that can ° th - rati.lww tr.foa-h the rain. ' . one tha. can rejoite at the dark- I j mss of the Btich hacaurf' «t make* t ; i.wl'i stars sh me brvn'fi. is a great OIE ENTERPRISE. V/iIXIAMSTOK NORTH CAROLINA ..«i.t. jb a fre*. lm. 'i v rks jrla; sj-rit fc.res Bs ;)irLaal cplift and helps to lighten our burden® and brighten oar patha .It c. satil thing* into great ihmiT. tkc sir-pie every-day thing* bceoc.e beairifnl to us awl eaahlrs us it see Jesus cnan"e the food we btv; Ln'o »be bread of Life. -ad yet ice world stores alone j ! ; oc kd everything to to wren,,. | aid tii a one time T Ycsthxk the j has eeasad to inrn. its cnumeis . if Lfe ap.jear tib; d»r?«U *w! this j | *TJA 'hat -ad bio and her jut all go! | rrsc; Ti-«! when yen a>- your j j worries torn new. yen see the old work! jrh a iuady ax-d e»bn.i~ t'swrb of po-rts* are open to -b" .'is*. triil •> the bg ceoan liner anr» , her.-. Bo: convinced ss ,!j* h' ccaUsia o c.t: taH =n* thci h i'. fc; »ra=ll. j lvu w»K',r lua>l- of fartlue aion- 2 Lt'l; conn ry row? iast sunday ni .h' about 1!M To » V' • mo:t R;l, a *r'Ji a be i «:a vl-s kcdlng tbe w=y aVij tfc* i |«*a. k iuisely 10.-.I /ml so it 'a *p *e of oar worries—we *«d the frff ;,. r-L-hirir h- rhOd. the .t.ilury train, ifc? .4ran boat and l.e * > load of f jmitur»-. all roing t: so that the world will move along. G.VE TO THE ORPI.ANS- -Rivinic f»a> is set aside in :• na as a pecinl rift da) li.t r p* Some give to titeir . h::rc'. others J not con iee*d with my church. eive theii for one day's work *o the t.r..h r_- in home- of different fra *e:nal onler.-., Tb*re i> nofhinr th-*t iw»l- » Mronrly to the humvi hntt as a fatherless ami mo'herle>s child asi 3 -reat many citizens ef this Slate end Nation are giving one day's in nMM in answer to this appeal 81 ASCRIBE TO THE ENTERPRISE HOW'S THIS? Htixf i iTtaRH »rotrui wtn fa what we u i.n for jw >iaua of Citarrt a* D:a # o*as t*M« fcr Ck'atia Iftum ( IT»"I:B *r»l«:>•! w»- S *4 of *n Qmrlktr It'll-" »j th« «•» V •J' hMnd a Toafcr, «ivl »>-■* n ». -t'U cs, t!.j« MW*; Mn.: "r4l !!■-«- K K >rr -t-iSEfet* * • —T # T.«m » » (» «•« * r a» ne*> I Getting Down j I To Brass* Tacks ! ffl | What - And who ~ Are J | Back of this Bank? I (NINETEEN YEARS OF SERVING THE PEOPLE OF WILLIAMSTON AND VICINITY WRING WHICH NOT A SINGLE - DOLLAR OF OUR DEPOSITORS jg MONEY EVER HAS BEEN LOST, ARL BEHIND THIS BANK v: ' iiEN RECOGNIZED THROUGHOUT TH E STATE BECAUSE OF THEIR KEEN & VISION ALT) THEIR BUSINESS SUCCESS-MEN OF PROVEN JUDGMENT AND S STRENGTH -ARE BEHIND THIS BAN K. 1 ; r —" -- - ' ' !■ I STRENGTH—PROGRESSIVENESS—HEIPFULNESS —CONFIDENCE | I Farmers & Merchants Bank WDJjIAMSTON, j Last call for the feed Cnm M " CalL A doliar may seem large to tr_my at h, bat its \alae m the Bed Crass «9 be ma Inzer. •TWO I" NFURNISHED ROOMS PUB 4 ibsL V'ater imif >, rat reas onable. Phone H 11-11-3 NOTICE OF SALS l ed' r tad by nitat of the, pa an | sale cor.'alned m tbat oraa M « trust executed ta ne by S. S. ■ Hadky on *he lOtb day af March ■ 192 D, and of record n Martin Cooaty | labile Registry in Be k A ! page • * 0- securing a cerak bond of even j *jite and tenor dniwilfc. and the '| stipclatiaas therein aot lining been . j rr-raflied with and at the rtqnr rt of , the bolder of said bond. I will, «a I the 3Kb day of December 1924 at i' 12# o'clock fiaat ef the Ccart ROOM door of Martin County offer at public a art ion to the highert bidder for cash the following de scribed real estate: Being balf aadnrided iitlefeat in and to tbat tract of land ad joining the of W. W. Grifin. Lawreace Jamas. Jre Yarrell. the Swmia tract cf lard, Isaac Nichols and what is ' known as Deris Gat. containing be i tv.-*>ta and nine hundred acres , n-orp or le», and kr«own as the Moore (.land Fans, and b»iag the same land porcnaacd by the said & S Hadley non the Clayton Moore heirs. TTu5 the lTth day of Nowemher 1924. B. DUKE CRITCHER, t Tr*ste«=- 11-»-4 Northe Carolina Martm Court) In the Superior Court B Harruion w h-rti iilile Paving Co. a eor- .on zod w Koad Construe 'k« -mpany of PWm-ylruua. a corpor=ti«t- \«ttrr mf S—— aed *\ arrant of AlrattoiaL TKf i!;frixiaau «kcv» named, 5* uiK.m ft AIR- Pavin- Co., a cw wia.iaa and V.iß* Koad C«o 'nK i>n Cunpinr of Pennsylvania. a i r*«rat!oi,, will tak* mUh llul on U 7 «'aj of Nov i 924. an aflfaiavrit ■O. Lv-col a?.-i «r«l r of pohiica.icr * by k: Cl;ik c» «fce Scprrior art c? Mar ia Cocn y ajrain*: the •« fefrtaaU. Ihr Pbitliff dsinir; the sen of SaMOn wK)> itewl from the ! Jay of April. IW «toe oa Jtwn' of contract Ufwa plain' iff and d> mQggJ Ckanberlaia'i Tablets Take two and waVl foal «pod tomorrow fiOforK«onta f>ndan.s. wtofc aaad wier i> ret■ar able kf«c the desk af the Sapentr CMrt of Hun Csoatj Us dke am the 8 day at Dec. IW*. nld by said desk of tke Sqnr Coort of Martin CoaaUy mm the T iUy of Now. 19M »fi*t •»« ty of said defeadaaU which said war rM of Hfirfcami is retainable he fore the Clerk of th- Saptrior Coart ml Martin Coamty a- his office on the 8 day of Dec. 1924. at the time and place Matd far the r.tnrn of the (■■m ■hui aad where 'Jw de fendaat m tenpaued to appear and answer or Imai to the Comtlato'. or the relief paajnd will ha granted. Thm the 7 day of Now ~ IW4 R. J. FEEL. Clerk cf the Superior Coar tof Mania Coaa ty. . "«-• Mutia * PWI. Attys NOTICE OF SALE Under aad by riitsc af ths po»-r_ of "i» tatodari to a certain wed of irnst execated aad delivered to the undersigned trastee by M P. Taylor and wife. Earn Lee Taylor on uc 2ud day of Angus'. 1922 whid seid deed of trnst is af tecaed to th? ptb !K registry af Martin Caanty in Book N-2 at page 334. said d*cd ol trnst seenrtog certain «Ae« cf em date aad ten* therewith and de faalt baring been asale in th* pay ment of tha ■■sir aad the stijmU tioas eaadatoed to tke said deed cf trnst not baring beta complied wit" sad at the mptst cf the holder of the nates the aaalerngan. tras tee will oa Sa'anuy the 29th Hay ot " r rmbrr 1924 at 12 oHork M. a. i >«t of the eonrthoase door in tb omn of North Caioltoa df.-r fr sale to the hrghest bidder I ?w the desr.iVJ rr- * estate, to-wit: Being 2 khares of the Mc. G. Tay lor laid, aae hand and oae bought from Mn. J. A Rrerett aa* bounded as follow*, mm the Noroi by V. R Taylor aad th? Hamilton aad WB- Haoptoei road, oa the East by t«e Und of P. I. Roebuck oa the Soath HOW DOCTORS TOUT GOLDS MO THE FLO To laosk aa a mid ow aigh( or to cat dot to Max of iaflacaaa or asae jtosat. a— Cilia ri tablet, that is | arifal iaam dan pnai sad irtroaag effects. Thaae aha Km trad it aq that a arts Nb magic, by fat am sod nfj a tbsa the old atyle nkod. hrmt-L •' it wr br Vhoanm' a • Oae m two Cslaasbt a? W time witb a aoaßow of oatn. —the * tH. No tab*, as saawa am toa tiifkmi uuifotan l aid ra mg. watk or phaiar- - swen •sg no cold km •sard*-" *« J iwa m- Km Irrls trfintod a* I•- * O Wuh- an KU aafy is - fVap«. friet m com icr thr > w: llii'if »e cna Im the l*i - fo3' pork er-. I ooamaadrd aad t.a n moaas br T«it rrnmrr brk U yum mn m 'ijfcrA—efc. by the Staaley Leo* aad J. L Taylor land*, aad betog ZM 1-2 an Trast Cia|iiy for JMMIM. The above land wd. he aaU sab ject to the da ain of Baa Lea Taylor which too heea imdlj rf tattad. r This tho 28th of Oct- ISM. Mattto aad M, Attys. v U-«-C i. G TAYLOR Trustee. Monrs Under aad by rirtae of a Daod of Tract execnted bfK.IL Loac ta tee i maided to Beak OC2. Pa«e 48. of the Martin C mHj Registry. I wfll «a Taeaday. er, 18th. 18M at «_P. M. to float « the Phot (MM to Oak City. H. A seO at pablic aadioa for cash, the foUowiag daotol real erstsle. to wn : - AH the right. title aid totereot af the said K. H- Lang to aad to a eer tola tract of bad aitaato to Game Neat Township. Martto Oi aalj. Stale of North Carol toa. the laad cf J. T. Sanie, L. H. Haa. C£i Janes. Calrin Smith, Claade Greer. &ad others, lying oa Tat bora Oak City Rood, knvwa as the Joe Lai place, and coataiaing -J aciu ■aw or leas, the iateaent ibnato caaoey ed being a aw tenth, mhkh tha said u H. Long inherited faaas his father, Joe boar This NOT. IS. 1*24 W. OL HOWAED. Tra*f» u-iHt 666 is a pacmiptioa for *t is the sssat speedy emtdj we know. End it now asaat yoa aae Simon's. It naada aeadstmh blsad t met lag through tha igiilii apat. to aa I toa jaata frat af pato. Alkwbta-Slarii