WATCH IB LABEL ON YOLK PAPER. IT CABBIES THE DAI E YOUB SUBSCRIPTION EX* IRKS VOLUME XXV—NUMBER 85 N. C. ROUTE 30 ROAD ASSOCI ATION MEETING 500 Representatives In Attendance at New Bern Meeting OB W«hiHdar, Drc-mbcr 3rd, there «s held in the- cry of Xnr Ben: the Carol™ Route N'o. 30 Coastal High way Aworiatioii. There were about 500 representa tives present from the north ami tenth side of the sound. representing the coon ties which are traversed by Rcwte 3# of the Coastal Highway. A Most witbawistif meetlne was heU hi the Opera House of th? Ma sonic Temple. «he address of welcome *as made by Mayor Clark of New Bern and th» responses were made by Mr C R. Part of Elizabeth City for the north side of the sound and Hob. P. D. Winston of Windsor for the sooth side. v The Association went on recyrd as recommending to the Hichwav Com mission that all haH surfaced roads kfnafltr boili be mnstrwrted not less than 1C feet vide and that it he nnred to (ink up all projects on Roate 30 »i« h roads of hard surface (CMtiwtrai as soon as it is possible. The featare of this Coastal Route > historical as well as one of scenic beaaty and this Association has rone on record to get up all data of a historical natare all along the route, it Elizabeth City. Fdenton. Windsor. Williamston. Washington, and Kew * Pens, also they plan the establish ment of toarists camps at different points along this highway. One of the main features of the meeting and 'he thing that seemed to rroaae the awt eathasiasm was the construction of a bridge across the Chowan river at Eden House, con necting the south side of the sound with Edenton and other points on the north sid \ TV association went or BPcovd heartilv for this Proposition The eaty division on the bridge *»■ whether or net *o incorporate its erectaoa in the general road bill as advocated by swar. while others de sited a ipecial bill for the purpose which of coarse will have to be left to the General Assembly. This roate is of much interest to the people of WO!tarns*oa. we beinr sitaated where we are. at the vein- bj of it, means murh to the future of this section. It is estimated that when these ruds and bridge.- are l»lyt and route 30 is adopted as the route of the South At'aatir Coastal Highway that fire or six hundred | thousand IHIIIMM will pass through this xctioa eiet > year or I their way to and from ITerv'j The delerates were royally enter tained by the ntiaens of New Bern. After the dose of the meeting all were taken in aatamaMei to the Plant ers Warehouse where they were serv ed tu a mast elegant oyster roast for which that section is faaaous. Aftci the roast they were taken out to tlx it —try dub and ekrr places of in tersrt around this old historic city. Those representing the county of Hart in aw Claytoa Moore. J L J. T. Price. J. L H oil .day -no J k HasselL TOBACCO WAREHOUSE CLOSE FBI OAT. DEC. 12TH The tofcacri. aa»»hounes will close for the IM4 next Friday. De iimbu 12th That day nil the riooe of a moat ininiM season for the lacai naibrt and a record that we ate pauud of. If there is yet any tobacco left m ike caatry, the farm ers are coidinßj invited to bring it to the local wnilit oa or before IV Stk. L* SWALE AT BOBEBSORMLLFC NEXT TVESDAT. DEC. TTM The Pruwe R-alty company of Caletgh wl nahrt a land sale in Rsleraaavge Tuesday. Kb mbeu and afcui valuable knajiex. ana v lets, baldiag lata sad sabarhan pro perty will he said. Par a number of yaarx. people bare Lad ban made few iauatmi nts in had. New tke trad seem '• be swTnijii, the «Aer way. IVopl- are ii iliiat that land tuts laiigrr than »■!■ i * ill Lad h rapidly eMuing hbek Ma its am. 1 WOMAN'S FEOEBATION LO MEET WITH MtS. CBITCHEB The Wsmaa's Federation will meet with MB. Rig II Critchcr. Jr. S« u'deck AB ladies wke are mimktrm of the ' , \ , . . THE ENTERPRISE SEVEN CITIZENS ATTEND SCOUT I MASS MEETING i To Have Another Meet ing In C. of C. Rooms December 11th. > Last r.iiht about «rm interested I t persons went to the town hall to meet j i nfh he bey scouts of the owr, ami' ■ :c devise omt means whereby ihe 'oys might be helped. Mr. Simon LiHey with poetically I every member of the local scouts was : seated and waiting for their father? and friends. But their wait was In vain, when only sevm of the towns. i people showed up. The scouts acted like mesv rea' men, they behaved as men. y»* these ■ was an expression of disapf* >Hmeni. on the faces of the boys • The boys, evidently expected to at least see some expression of grxti ■ tude shown by th towns people TSe> had a right to expert it and they '.served it. But the lesx.n «f le, toctebody else >! j if -is rrV»:d zr.U hera hv their very friend^. It mav be that if the pam s of these b-iys had just thw. ■: f»r s moment, they would have bwn th--re. Williams'on is asked "o raise SSSw. for membership in the tri-eoenty i ounc'l which will give them many 1 advantages they do not now ,-rjoy. ! Mr. lilley and the scout? are stdl in jooil r pints ..r-d -he boy- -11 h cards antl will make a , tn«: report at a mass iiwo-'sn; to be held at the local Chamber r { (Vm nierce rooms Thurstiay nigft. Deems - her 11th at which time all " *.-e who are interes-ed in the hoj-« of the town are requested to attend. WILLIAMSTON SCHOOL NEWS Inmate of County Home Remembered By the Students For the past two weeks the Wdltrm -ston high school teams have bren whipping into shape for the teamed in te near fu ure Some of the old play ers of last are being gna'J; missed, but (hone who have shown up thus tiki have been aockuug .»iea>jiV Wd improving. Amoc; the b-.y- Harris. Ward. Meadows. I«ukrr a»- barnhill show good >irn« of starrier this season. Coach Kick- has not : fficially annour.n t the schedule yet, but has thrown ou". .he hint tai sir nr trams will be met by the VTSiam w. terms. Among the squad of girls uho have been eagerly practicing for the" pest two weeks, we ntirhi say that Misses Manning. Ha« eil. Orhar.s, ANlrews, Perry. Hoy aad Hoyt. Ed mondson, I'aige and Gargaaa* mat give the besket ball fan- imbt real surprises. let's all support the Wil liamston teams The students of W. H. S hair been offering from a severe attack 4 "tea's" this week. No doubt the only remedy available is for th* student* •o receive from » to 1«® am all '*#e«r studies. But the teachers fear tha" i* will be quite awhile Wfwr ths ■*vere attack can be cured ankss the impiLs put forth more uakiu I Han they have in the past. Each grade of the V* lUoa-ton traded school donated frur. veg tables pad naoaey for the people of the County Home aad he poor « t the town oa Wednesday before Thaaks riving. There were tl lugs ia all donated. 14 of which were riven to the inmates at the Coaaty Home, tke remainder to the poor of the town. The money was oaly drriM um| those at the County Home, rack rc r-nrmg SO cents. Mr. A. E Jacobs representing Geo L. Thomas aad Ga. of Oner* ma de u very interesting talk cu *S!cjhriV Lec ures" before tke b«gh school or yesterday. The students the reed of this work in tke ■rfcul kbrary bought a et and were given tke opportuaky |iaa. CHVBCH OF THE ADVENT Sccoud Sunday in Advent—Bev. C O, Pardo. Rector 9 00—Children's EarKan-t. . 9:4s—Sunday School. Hairy M tubba, Supt. 1040—Advent Bible daw. C!»ytof Moore aad Rev. C. O. Puda. t-nrh as. 1140—Morning Player and S imn 3:3o—Holy Tl ail) lama, Mr. J. W. Andrews. lander. AM n— linnti of the CWnk especially the Fathers aad Tlathor o." tke children wk» receive, ar? nge«* to communicate at tke 9d» A. M i«nke as there wfll he an ceMntha at eleven o'clock tkh Pint Smday. . . ' Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, December 5, 1924. | SMALL FiNLS PREVAIL IN COURT I LAS a TUK9DA V! r I Nine Cases Came Before j Recorder Small Dur- | j in Ihe Day's Session | Tl>.- Kecontor.s court! cenveneti I lasi Tuesday with she same Judge |on hi b a:i.f \V safo sol'eltorj I The sersion was. ir .irc ot less interesting, v • were several imp. rtant cases '.o c«u k U - fir.' His Honor. Jul« Smith. "i l«e first case calleu tlu:'. of Sta e fieairist Wit] Chc.-son and i'al n>Pr White, dralinjr wi!h the pjanut'ac tai\» a/ liquor, .tiuk-ncr " «f the ci.vrt was that ihe defewlan's each p..y ; ■ f:.e of f'*o. un«j en t into tena i.' 5K41.00 for his personal appeara:-.ce lefore the court on ;tie first Toes 11 v it. May. 192S to show the r».urt !ha ! they have not manufactured or m eryway handle") Imuor. The next case was I hat of State i-eainst Ronnie Wynne, he heinir chiUTvi with assault on a st»\all n»«rro bo> several asro. The »se was continued until IJ-ceml>er Ifth, the defendant rema : r ; n" usi >r "be samr* bervl. Clyde Hodires pleade«l nal , gui.\v 'c h" etitrte of a.vnult with dp; 'l\ weapon and was. a'ter the cvide: ce vas hcanl, not guilty. Alhur lee ll'wlges was fin'd «-rd the costs of 'he action for ops>r atin»; a car wh;le under the influence of lienor. The defer«lan* pl'a-'ei' ruOty in the ca.*? ; A ch: r»re of assault with dt-ailh weapon was brought atraiist J. K Hedrck •>;. th.> St?te. He came into tut* and pl«-ad'-«l r,n« mil'y hut ' I|" ourt atljudeetl him guilty. Ju.'jrrwnt was suspemled upon payment of the casts of the action. In the case of Sta'e against W. J. Ausbon. for operating a ear wl-ile intoxicated, the defemlant was fined ~r 1 *! the cos*s of Ihe actio;. ! will I? mi R>lKf| 'ha' >usi-"" v'n mar having i> eri«'U ifk: in front of the home of Mr. A- II lHinr>*ig. wh«: h : s err ian nito the rear nl »f a Fon), State v* Ar her Mirji n* car»yj r a cc-Rcealeil weapon. Manning plra-iec i ail'y a.wi by the cour S.VI jui>! the costs of th? action. —TV vs -tt -li. P. iv i"! siiurk '«:t [-'lb::c hi"l;w;-; - -4.> IKd prOSM-tl. ;"tate rj Henry Nicholson, tillo! ar«l failed, judgment ni . i. Medial Meeting at Rocky Mount Closes Successful Meeting ' 4 ihe .Seaboard Milird As..ociat>>i, of Vireinin and North O.tol ; na cb>s •! best in ihe h:story of he Ass«ciat!uii in Kacky Mount »ser*la\ er*la\ after a three day session. Our own Dr. William K. Warrii. ' |«esidel with his u-ual dignity and was given a ri.-ipK vote of thank.- for his endeavors and ruccessfid !ca>iership as president of Ihe Assori r'km. I>r. R. 1.. Payne, a fainou* >ur teon of Norfolk was elected presi '"etit for the comine year. A tn-mlwrship of fif'y doctors was added to the already large member ship. About 300 doctors from Ih ■ two states were in attendance ami ill them were highly pleased * "tl the provuled by tlel Nash CwUiity Medical Society and th? ef the three hospitals in th * «ty The next meeting of the Associaiio will be held in Norfolk Va., Decem ber. 1925. . i IBEEHOM OF THE PSESS I'PHKI.H BY FKIIEKAL Jl'IXiK Kansas City, Dec. I—The1 —The Kan.-a.- City paper which reeen'lv publishe' i list of Federal incom? tax reports, fot which it was indicted, was found ?«ot ruilty by Federal Jadge Albert L. Reeves at a hearing before him this week wtalth seems to have over- ' one most obstacles in its way. That rlau;e of the cons' itu!ion ' guaranteeing freedom of the prs&s is ' aa exeep"ion io the rule. Theri is i:o more reason for keep- f ir.g the tax list of the wealthy a reeret than there is fd the poorest aad humblest citizen. Ye*, thfie U a great cry against making income tax lists public. Perhaps the govern m«a can raise much more by pablisn ng than by not publishing them. * BAZAAB A SCCCESS The bazaar giv;n at the Masonic I Hall last erening by the ladies of the Christmas church was well attend- i «d and ia every way was a sccce^s. ... _ - } B ~' r : BETHEL-WILLIAM- i i STON UNK ROUTE i. NO. 90 COMPLETED ! * The loag-time quei.tion, "when will I "he road be completed" lacked just I one hundred feet o f lieinjc answered at ••kiiocking-off" time last nixht. The promise is that before this. paDer i. read ihe last natch of con ftte wiii te pourni or. Iloutc No. ?0 % -.ui William- ton to Spring Hope, N. ' Th? ':.. i p'jce to b? completed i. ! tie bridre over Heaver Dam, near j *;r. White Moore's. I? will require several months to j complete the shoulders and drain va\ - but this work will not hamper ; n»!:ic h i: to a small extent. X." >rk has been c rr ; tl on al a slow iv ct oil t hi; project, but ihe contrac ! or- a*v recognized at; jjood road and ;h»ir work is "done in r. I i ough way. ! v is certain that traffi: will be ri.owetl oa the road by th-,' 24th ih»y e. .his month or probrbly a f"\T days :• foie that date. When 'tis road is opened, trartic cs.make its way from Roanoke rivet ia Spring Hope entirely on concrete. As for Number 90 it will soon he pos .ble to drive from Columbia to the c; a"e Capitol on improved and hard -urface«l toads. The Windsor road will soon 'be hard urfacd and |>erhapf the Plymou h r« al v ill he in the near futurs. Martin ounty is so situate*! tha* •he main roads |iass through the on ' ire coun y. ONGRESS NOW IN SESSION Washington. D. C. IVc. I.—Con hies-s m«tt today and will probably •« - riain in sr-sion about 20 dayn when linil adjournment will iie. it looks new as if the pnni'i|i il »erk to be done is to find out vl.o is boss in Washington. President r"«olidge's stock hns «one up and no ar "cular leadership in eiliier the I Ase or tienate is in sight. The most cruel tHnj; to !>«• done the kicking out of the Republiuin .r y. Sena'or La Follctte and his e brothers.: Sou.e of the more conservative Mist seem to think they will need !is quartel'e yet. The Democrats re more icnerous with Mr. Wheeler, "hj fell out of lin? just a littl? 4 bit. '"•.il, h» -hould be excused, he pulled four "Vllows out of hf Republican •.■'•rty- s . Soil ' ifood judges say the ltepubli .an victory in Ihe election was too seat to insure peac?, that it would ■ -w«i varring elements and finally mfad to trouUe. is too . ffeli Thi-, when thinirs come lo eas> Preoklent Oyjjtiirs fair wn> '» *ay who is who ami bos'.v-Uie ei« -/b. MEMORIAL BAPTIST CHl'itt'H M)Tl> Sunday School, 9:45 Morning Worship, 11:00. Evt ning Service, 7:30. Ji.-I a brief word about las' week's ••logram. It was really a superb >re«cntat!oii of our various denonii rtional cc'ivitics by a very compe ent ifioop of s|ieakers. We are deep y i'Mlebtel to our neighboring kurehes for the con' ribution which . heir pastois made to our program. ! He attendance was very gool indeol. ISen the 4'hurch Social at the par • lage on the closing nigh*, was most I i jevable. A tiumlier of fine women assisted in decora* ing the home amt he making of delicious fruit punch Itral sure enough good home-bake'' cakes were donated by others. Then i o top of? the evening, about one '-endped and fifty guests were served •tliciou* brick cream and cake hy the j ;iHs auxiliary, und«*r the d'rec'ion •f their leader, Mrs. J. D. Biggs, rhis week's program embraces the | finishing in a. worthy way our "Scven- I tv-ftve Million Camjiaign." Our uota wa ■ $9,000.00. Of this amount ir, 430.09 has been paid. The |>astor ird his board of deacons are very hopeful that the remaining $569.31 -kail be folly paid before the meeting of our State Convention in Raleigh next week. To this end our board ami •heir helpers will make an every inentber canvrss next Sunday after nocn for the purpose of finishing this ear's program and beginning the new year right and with a clean kte Every member is urged to com* Sunday that we plan, pray ar.d re joice together over n great victory tor our Cod and our church. A cor •isl invitation is extended to all the Icc Je o worship with us. Come and s.rc how rlad we are to see you. R. L. SHIRLEY, Pastor. "■ • "" *. r.rid Mr'. Drivis cf Jsmes »!»■» r.-re in town yes'er_ay shop -1: '•»«. • • ■ ■ iELDER HARRINGTON REPLIES TO ARTICLE OF FRIDAY, NOV. 28. i Sinking Funds and In terest on ISonds Cause for High Tax Rate Editor of Tiie Knierpi. -e, Since reatinis The En orprise dated I Friday, Nov. 28, H>2t, 1 thought that I the tax payer, of Martin county j might be mi guided by a:i article which I read in that paper, wi'h ref erence to the increase of their taxes. As a member of the preceding board j whose term has just expired, I wish |to say we have tried to practice economy as best we cculd with ref treive to Ihe incrertse of taxc.;. It 'w'k as if all "a:r thinking tax pay er-. cii.'d rcad'ly see the cause for hi;;h a\.»s i> to t:,k care of the in trref t a:;d sirkiitg f'l.-ds on the bonds ; a:n.', o coin* \. T lie moiu'y from such botiil v.a ; s«nl in building our S ate highways and helping to build "imfortable school houses in most of the 'ownships in >ur county, for which 1 feel like all of us should !»• I roud. The small amourt which was ap propriated for road work in Griffins T wnship and the cost of hiring a County Demonstrator for which Mr. *'!adf and myself were so k-tnh riticise»l (ii> that article! only a mounts to a very slight raise in vour taxes. I notice that Ihe writer i f the article is a citizen of our '••wnship and from the general trend of his argument, l.e is almost on the virge of prote.:tine against the coun ty lending a helping hand in road work in our township. We are paying SP cents road tax which is the limit under our presen - law and our road commissioners can only keep oui ■■;'d-. pa!cl«-d up with fuß's they re vive. Surely that man must be "rea'ly benefitted by the use of the S'tite highway which borders closely ->t. he west >ido of our township. I was informed today that the com nlssioners had rescii.dcd the motion 'or the .ipp.opri.ition () for he roads in Criffin- Township. Now if they feel like it is right for the 't;rn'y to spend SSHO.W!).O»i in build ing roads ami paying for right of way* and on® of such roads passing •Tough every township in the county ■•lit tlr'fTin.i, why we will have to ho ..btnisiive but we are all tax payci. r.nd v/e think we are all entitled to quill riirh' in road work as f »r a will nermit. Respectfully. \V. It HARRINGTON, WILLIAMSTON WINS «>\ ER BETHEL TEAM To Play Auiora Tonight, Eight O'- clock. Ilixie W arehouae t'ourl In a game that was lianl fought throughout, >h* \Vili:amstin town bas ket ball tum defea;c«l >he Ilethei .uintet last Tu- sday night by . score of '£3 to IK. Purvi s ami Britt did the. s* 'liar ork for th" locals while IJun'ing made It of ihe visitors' IK points The local boys led their opponent* in tvery part of th" game from be 'in. 'ng to iho cud. * The piayer.s are pot yet in mid eason form but are expee'ed to be in tip-top form in the next two week:, when the'r real sche !ule bfgins. The •earn will play Aurora tonight at the Dixie warehouse court aril r. good game may be expe.-ted as Aurora has an exceptionally gixnl team. Go out aiul giv ■ the boyi your support. The game will sltrt prompt y at eight o'clock. WILLIAMSTON' SCHOOL CHILDREN TO HANDLE , CHRISTMAS SEALS The Christinas seals are here. This year they are going to be handled en tirely by the Williamston school chil dren. We trust the folks will lend an at 'entive ear and a willing hand to the the children as they attempt to sell the seals The proceeds will go to tw« worthy causes. One-fourth of the pro ceeds goes to aid tfie tuberculosis camp. The remainder goes to the school. In doing this work the younp folks are not only learning to assist the unfortunate but they ate assist ing In building up their school. Every cent will be accounted for and the results given in a later issue of The Enterprise. Last year's proceeds were used to ut dHnking fountains in the school. At present the school heads are plan ning to ;»ut drinking water 6n the > utside of the building. This money i needed for the above named. 161 members were enrolled in the| local chapter of the American Red' Croaa. THREE STILLS CAPTURED NEAR OAK CITY Last Ruling of Commis sioners Will Not Stop Sheriff's Search Early yesterday morning. Sheriff Roberson went to Oak City anil went .wo miles r.orth east ot the town, near the home of Tom Knight's where he found a GO gallon copp"r still which had been run only a few hours be fore. No one was present at the still when the officers arrived. Six barrels of beer was turned out and the still hi ought here. Within a mile or two of this place, the sheriff found two other stills. One «f lirse was hlilde.i and f"*>ni :ip |x\-'.rance had not been used for some time. The other had been used with in the last few days. Two barrels of leer was found here, and the two stills were brought here, where they have been punched. The sheriff had been furnish-d with I'.ood evidence as >o the location of ■ II these i.tills before he left iiowe The Uoard of Commissioners |a e«l an oriler Tuesday to pay the sheriff nothing for capturing a still. However he says he is goir.g to catch them any how. |iay or no pey. All be asks is that the citizens semi him roirect informat ion-of where they are iml that he will do th>- rest. N. C's CHANGE FOR PARK IS GOOD Washington, I>. C., " ec. 4.—Sena tors ami Representatives in Con Kress from North Carolina are tak ing a great interest in the 'propo>*~ (o establish in that State a new Na tional I'ark, probably in th- Blowing Kock and l.inville Kails section of the Itlue Rid'ie Mountains, But 'hey l«* lieve that every organized activity ir. the. State should Ret to work, ami that every individual of forward look ing mind should do all that can lie done at once and quickly, to s*e to it ihat the new National I'ark is e~ tablished in Norih Caroline and not some other Sta'e. The recent visit to Washington of the committee created by the legi*, liiture ha* had a good effect in Wash ington and is apparently bearim* Iruit, to judge from the remark- be ilig made. Itut Virginia. 'IV en -• *e«- nnd oth?r States are actively izing thei' campaigns to ob'a : n th« National Pnrk for 'her Stiles, an-' Senators and Representatives o i North Carolina believe that h-» who'« population of the State should w get heliiml the efforts of lh- rrmtnittT appointed by the legislature, ami that North Carolinians, irrespective of section or community, should len«« their heartiest support 'o the com mittee and otherwise interest them selves, in accordance with whatever opportunity they have or can create, to see that the Park is created in North Carolina. The announcement made by Sena tors Simmons of North Carolina a few days ago, to Ihe effect that North. Carolina sliould hav the park lecause the State is already et|uip ped with .1 magnificent concrete high v.ay system, because there is no other section of 'he country east of the Rockier, which ran compare in natural scenic gnindeur with that of North Carolina and because of accessibility, lias created interest among Senator* and Representatives and a number of Diem are inquiring as the prospect Migges'ed by Senator Simmons that lie will aid in organizing a laree group ..f Senators and Representatives to visit the State, to view the proposed sites for the park, Preliminary drafting of the report of the committee, headed by Congress man H. W. Temple of Pennsylvania, to recommend to the Secretary of the Interior a suitable site has begun, and it in certain at this writing that the claims of North Carolina are to be very carefully console red anal fully rt ported on. LPWORTH LEAGUE ORGANIZES BIBLE MISSION STUDY CLASS The Senior Epworth League has or ganized a Bible Mission Study Class which will meet every Thursday night at the Methodist church a' seven o'clock. Every I>eaguer is urged to he present at the meeting*. „ BREAKS ARM WHEN HE FALLS FROM BARN LOFT Mr. H. M. Bams fell from his lira loft yesterday and broke hi* left arm between the elbow and shawl . der. Doc'or* York and Saunders aat the' ! arm and report it in good shape. M ' that it will be several week* yet be ■t*ra Mr. Hurras can make mm of I p I * ADVERTISERS WILL FIND OUE COLUMNS A LATCHKEY TO UN HOMES OF MARTIN COUNTY. COMMISSIONERS HAVE SECOND MEET TUESDAY . New Board Rescinds Two Measures Made By Old Board f The Board of County Commits.on t ers met at I p. m. Tuesday l>»cemher . 2nd according to adjournment. The , fallowing member- were nrvsen", 11. i C. Ureen. chairman. T. 15. Stade, jr , John N. Hopkii . J. G. Hamuli! a'td I H M Iturra-. The first business of he H-.ari v. as I to reduce the valuation of he farm of T. G Manning of Hamilton Sl.'eifl en account of buildings having '.cen burned. Taking up a que tion tha* ha- . I*en iitnotnl by future ix-ards and one that . houid have been attended ' to a contract we.- awarded W. E. i I>unn for the installation of wa'er works in the courthouse. The work to he done according 10 specifications i end to cost {7W.2S. This was carried ' ly a unanimous va'e of th« Rocnl. The mafer j* rtiining t.j making ■-rt appropriation to the Eastern Caro • " r.:» Chamber « f Com mere wa.- dis -ussed. It wa- decided not to make i any allowance foe th>- year 1925. A motion wa- made by Mr J. N. i ilt.pkins ami>' by Mr. H M. I'urras providing the sum of $125 00 for Mr. R. 11. Harri.- for ceriii* for 'he Ward childen. was carri > i bv a unanimou> vote. Af'er disced -in;* the «|ue.-tion of 1 'ppropriatinT for the era«'icaVcn of •überculesis among cat !- , it was de tided that no apprji-ru'tipi I* m.oie lor the year 1925 A m>ti>n bv Mr. J C B;'rr- ! i;'l an-' -econded by Mr. I'urns was mad ■ .ealing with 'he capture of stilts I' wa- lixfil by the Board that th count y pay s'.*" «>0 for the capture o' a* still ami operator and cor.victior o' h- opera or. There will b* m'h-n ' ■{•ill an officer when be catches a Mil wi'hout th" o|>erator nnd without th« lonviction of the operator. The motiot "a.- carried by a ui-.animou • vote. The matter of th salary of the 'tdge of lie Recorder's court fo l .11*25 wa. i!fffrxl to the fir. t Monday •n lanuary. His salary will -tie ile ■-tea e*l or will remain the same. Wi'H tiie com n" of the new i'oani *;in>e doom and defer".', for the iaea> :re. th;:t Would luWo he* n ni'a urf ■nt *wo r.ppronris-tioTi-' b/ old Hoar >e re e-nd *d Th * appropriation fo county home demonstrator involv . im $ I ..'{On. was made by tne oh Hoard but was rescimled whea a mo tion was made to that • ffect by Mr I'urras ami seconded by Mr I tan hill. MOJO.I- Barahill. Hurras an. . Hopkins voting in the afSrma-ive whil . Mr. Slrde vote«l th. motion. The nest steo made by the Hoar was to revoke an appropriate!, mail by the obi Board. This latioi . mounting to s2,t*>.ot> was to hav Rene for roads in ( : rjf!in> townshit It was re-cindel when a motion wa made by H. M. Burr.xs an.i -ecoivle » J t». Ikimhill. voting th firmativ? w. re ;.!;s.r>. llopkin 11. M Hurras, and J. l. Harnhill. Mr Stade voting against the mo.ion. I' «th Chatfinall Green di-c!are.' .lie motions carrie»l j The Hoaril then adjoutr. nI to me«|i he first Monday in J -unary. 1925.. UK AL POULTRY MAN SENDS I Hit KS TO GREENSBORO SHOV. Mr. Theo«lore Roberson has hi_ «hick ens on exhibit at tl.e Centre; arolina Poultry As.-«*:».tion show is ' this week Mr. Roberao . is not in attendance and has no heani who got the prists, but expert n gowl share of th? best prixes. Mr. Roben>on expects to semi a fev coop- of his finest to 'he New En*- l. nd poultry show to" be held in Bos ton the first of January. He also ex pects to send a few of his champion to the World's Poultry show in Madi son Square Garden the last of nex month. LOCAL HIGH SCHOOL BOYS PLAT JAMESVILLK TODAY The boys basket ball team of -fce i-cal high school is in Janvssville tc •lay competing with the Jtiacnßl. "am for honors. KISS SMITH TO MARK V ' n ADORESi AT EPISCOPAL ..... CHURCH TONIGH." Tonight, Miss Susan E Smith, r Missionary of the Church who t heme from Alaska oa a fariough eddrccs the congregation at the ne ■f service at thirty. The pal» Illc b cordially tasted to still » the service this eeeanr emi hear Mie i Mr. Crack Taytar is Hi nin til • 1-aabKkaM came m . Uda.

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