WATCH m LABEL ON TOUR Pirn. IT PAMIRS THE DATE YOUR SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRES ' VOLUME XXV—NUMBER 86 WILLI AMSTON FEDERATION NOTES A iim i ting, of the three Federations will be Wi at the Methodist church Thursday night at TJSL Every mem ber »in»l acd nqtrttiil to he pratir Sakject to he discussed is "Prayer", the one great and Mtrihet'«( factor m the growth of every Christian. These Kfagi are mm wtuaJ to ■eaten oily, hat th* public is cor invited to attend. • Those of as who heanf Rev V. P. Schovffle preach las: "i ue*iay nigh were greatly encouraged by the ser raan he iklinwL ft was Spiritual aad from the heart. Same of oar euaesUieo aad religious seal of thi 'preacher that they attended his serv j aces Sunday night ■ Greenville We expect to have another pood preacher to pceach for m m "hr rrn pea futaeu. We are dctnaiiud with th leip of God that this great Chris* iar laity shall not cease EVA PEELE. " MRS J. W. WATTS. JR. R. DUKE CRITCHER. MRS. JNO. a MOCS ENTER--1 TAINS EMBROIDERY CLUR Mrs. J 80. D. Hi*** was hostess to the Fmteoali i j dab this afternoon at her haae m New Towk PoMed to euhuwee the lavfiness of the terior of the hoae. whir was all open ed to the guests. Mr>. Biggs is always a very charm iKjt hostess and apoa this ocrasior she made her gaests so mach a* home while they rmhraiilrrel that tb» af towmoa was saoa passed. IB— PtaacM Williams and Ifiriam Courtney served a sala! Others besides the dab member who were invited to enjoy Mrs. Rirgs" hospitality were Mrv John W. Man ring. Mrs . J. G. Godafd. Mr* J. S. Seymour Mrs. Wheelrr Mania. Sr. Mrs. Wheeler Martin, jr . Mrs. O. S * Aaderaoa. Mrs. Carrie Biggs Waiiams. Mrs. Paanie S Biggs. Mrs. W. J. H~igus. Mrs. P. E_ Bodges. Mrs. A. Anderson. Mrs. H M. St abbs. Mrs Lake Lamb. Mrs. C A. Harrison. Kisses Clyde HasseO. Sadie Harris, Martha Andervaa. Mrs. L C Beanett. Mrs. Harrv Meador. Mrs. J. W. Watts, jr, Mrv Titas Critchev Mrs. Elbert Fed. Mrs Erab Cobb. Mwes Eva Wftar. Carrie Deße White. Mrry C Leggett and Eleanor Sfaahacfc. Mr. Wheeler Mar.ia m Washiagtoa Mr Wheeler Mania left Scndax (u Washington. D. C. where be at leaded the hearing far the sdec*io« «.f Federal Jadge for th- Eastern District. Re wiR return tonight or Mis. F. W. Hoyt has returned frurr Washiagton who* she spent several days. MR. W. L. STALLS WINNER OP FtMtO TOURING CAR ' Mr W. 1. Stalls atteaadod a land tie between Tdlery and Eafldd .'tared by the Atlantic Coast Resit? I—t1 — t bit week aad was the wh ner of a Ford liaiiafc car which was gives away. Mr. Stalls is satesama for the Sta • Vboher cars aad be is a great be liever m Stadebakers bat be say* that he wdl take Fords when they are gfeea away. |S MOKE DATS TO SHOP Jf Thirteen days mare aad the shop ' ping wiU ha over, as far as Christ - chants here aad tluahui. the last adnata shoppers vd mere than crowd tha 1 pi WUe the Omtoa> trade not jarreasiag h' praport-sa la the limit od time left m which to do it ia. Mrs. James L. MrGI of Richmond. Va. and Mas Derah Stabhs of WB Wi'h'i""liy. December kd by Rev. . Fred R Cheaaat af the M. E Charch Sutfh. Mr. aad Mn. MeCM wfl make their b J * by the A. C L. raflraad NOTICE OP ADMINISTRATION oa o o Havmg this day j—Hfl "if as ad iiiii mt the esta*e of S T. I'll in. this is to iiprrt alI aer . i i pab 11 to Me the same wRh lie >Tbis the Kb day of Dinmbn. 1«*. £> J. SAM GETSINGER. II I I 1 I I ■ IM4 » s. f THE ENTERPRISE SCOUT NIGHT AT ROOMS CHAMBER COMMERCE TOURS Training of Our Boys is the Subject to be Discussed Thuisdjy night will be Seoul night it the Chamber of Ctaocm rooms and there is nclhiag of oorv im portance to be disrated. thoagh: -boot and worked on tha?? the sub ject of the 'raining of oar boys, and this will be the sabject af Tharsday right's meeting. Oar material growth aad develop ment of our bays into good men m«uis more to the making of 'ne future of WiHians.or ika. sivhiij: else unless it is the 'raining of the eiris but we have a well Foy Scout onmiatiM acd all it 'eeds to accomplish untold good is he corporation of the town I as aH meet with the scouts and l.eir friends on Tharsday night in the Chamber of Commerce rooms at eight o'clock ami .-apply 1 the cuoper j-tion There were only sewn present H the meeting held last week aixi the boy* were dL-oppointed Shall wr disappoint them Thursday light. TOWN TEAM WINS OVER STRONG AURORA TEAM Before a crowd of 300 local basket 1 all fans, the local tows quin et seat the strong Aurora team down to de feat last Friday night by a sror— of Ti to 12 in a slow bat iateiesting tine. Taking 'be lead in the early part of the game, the locals gradually increased it antil more than a two to one standing was had at the end of •he fame With the exception of i|Uitr a few interruptions mnde by the referee the game was evenly played. Wat..on for the visitors did the stellar work. making seven of hi* team's IS foin's A. Ha&seß jr. far the local* played a remarkable game and great ly .-tided in the making of his team's TS points. p. The team |.oe* to Aurora Wednes oay night where they will return the 1 game. Friday night they will piny a return game with Bethel at Robersan vßle. PEA NIT DEUVERIES Tt» ASSOCIATION VERY OKIIt IMrrericj new crap peanaU to the Association this season have been exceptionally good. Although h» -ro;. of Virginia peanuts in tha secton i> i i. i'ierabi) >h..rt and the farmers , are away behind ia harvest lag. due to the fart that the crop was late in maturing anil land weather delay**, harvesting, deliveries to the Assori •lion are only It per cent behind what they were on corresponding date last year. Whoa the lateaess af the I crop and reductiaa in sise is takra in to consideration this speaker, excep t tonally well far the prn i ports of the Allocation. It is coo Aden* I y expected that deliveries will not only be larg er this season bat that the nam her of members delivering wM be greatl) augmented. MA NT TELEPHONE PATRtINS CALLED WHEN WIND BLOWS WIRES TOGETHER RESTSRDAt Several bandied telephone nkenßi in yesterday attempted to eaeair 'heir telephones arbea a telephone wire came in contact with aa eteftrir wire, caasing the phenr i to ring. It was about twraty aunatrs before the ? rouble could be located aad all dar mg this tioM the varioas bells werx steadily ringing The trsabl' was lo cated hi float mt Stabhs' oMce. Hr. Robert Everett, af Palmyra was in towa Moaday etti idmg teat Mr. T. Joaes Taylor af Rabersan vflle was ia town yesterday atteadiar to barinen matters. Mr. ami Mrs. C. D. Anderson and Mia. O, ,L. Claik of Tarbor* visited Mr jad Mrs. J. H. Britt Sunday Jadge Mb af lilmwiii k a ttending eoart here lib week- Mr Julius Parvis was h Bißn !■ Saaday viritteg ft bate. Mr. Harry Walda of Hamdtaa at tended court have yastevday. Mr aad Mr*. R L. Shirley left Moaday afteraaaa for Roll where they wiD attend the State Baptist u anatiea. They *9 retara Friday. Master Ribut Lee Tthhhy ia the gtmat of Chatteo W 1 g this week NOTICE OP SALE We wM al mbr Cer cart, oa Saturday. December SOth. ISM at IB P. M-. at oar stables, the Mboiar neiiism Rtolhaii md C i |i y. Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday,"December 9,1924. Swiss Woman Doctor At North Carolina Sanatorium Sanatorium. N. C. IVcwWf 6. Dr. Amalw Jafoksou, v -jung iraau .octor of Zurich. Sai'^rHus 1 . b spending some time a. -he Xortn Sanctoritun for st.-dv uw o* tuberculoma. irrs'-jnl tiai methods in the '•.tev IV. H_ A. IV.'i on. Supervisor of Me** r caf Serriw. National -.-*-- twtion. New York City, rrrana the North Carolina cat •>' many others in th" count.-y. to Or Jarohson. Speaking of the m?'hods of tcher (u!oois treatment in Switzerland iM bete. "There isn't so much differ*•**."" she said. "Not so nri'ich the doctor m do. Give the patient nlenty of ie»" fresh air and good foo»l; he has to work out the cure for himself. It is colder in our country than here ar»* "■or* protection has to be provided frr V pitien's Faeh ptfent ku te have a room: they cannot spend the whole winter out on an open |s>rr 5 as the patients at the North Carolina Sanatorium do. "At Davos and Arosa. Switierfan»i tl«ere are a number of lar«e private anatoriums. At Clavadel over Davw 'he government maintains snetii state When asked what she though* or 'be Sandhill country, she said: "Free very fine' New Yor v is so big. so cosmopolitan, not so much American But here I find the real Ameriraas. ' an« too little here; I cannot express my though's as I would |ik-» to." Dr. Jae.d»son's native language if German, (ierman is the langmee o* 'he section of Switzerland fiwr which she comes. She has never stnd ied English, but swb it very ovW. not bavin? been in the Tinted Sla'e lut five months. Speaking of different custom, n Switzerland end here she said: ~lr my country 1 am Fraulein IW.» Jacob.on, or Miss Doctor Jrtcohno* We say 'Mr. Doctor' ami "Mrs. IW •or", too. "*Ue have a nuniWr of wumea he tors in Switxerianl You America' women, you are so progressive, es- pecially in politics. The women r* Switzerland would not care to vote** PHILATHEA CLASS OF THE BUTIST t HI RCH MEETS On IVcember 5. at o'clock, tb» Ihilathea class of the Memorial sip list church met for their regala* monthly meeting, 24 being present Officers for the 'Coming year wei elected as follows: Mrs. l.twimr I "eel, presiden*, Mrs. Harry Meador, first vice pre ident: Mi'« SaHte Han». •ecanil vice pre..i.lent ; Mrv John A Ward, secretary ami treasurer; Mis- Vargaret Everett, correspon>t>nr sec tetary. After the business n. th* cla rdjourned to meet Frklay, Jtuar kd. with Mrs Z. H Ro~e MRS. JNO. A WARD. Sen AGRICI'LTI'RE NOT IT'LLY RECOVERED FROM DEPRESSION Secretary Gore of tbe United Stat. Department of Agriculture announce tiom Washington that agrirukur* h* not fully recovered from He states that the crop, thus year are worth 12jOOO,Wt*.n*4t He for" her says, "it would be i ueUk' to conclude that the Ame r wen farmer is done with the of tbe de I ression period. If readjustment is left to blind economic forces it wdl b? many years before that caa hr said." •udge What on Paaaeo ; Throagh Our Towa Ea Route to thnpH Hdl Jadge Francis D. Winston was i. town Friday on his way to Chapel HOI, where he made an eddress be fore the University law class oa Saturday night. Judge Winsfbn can mak mire kinds of speeches in more different flaces than any other North Carolh iu of today, pcrhapa. Misses Mary M. Andrews. Trateb W. Page and Elizabeth Gargaacs mm Mean. W. H. Gurkin, John Wads worth and John Booker metered to Washiagtoa and Greenville Saaday , Friends of Mr. and Mr*. P. L. Man ga af Petersburg who have beeo visiting at the home of her mother, vfl be glad te know that they ase "mptaiiiM after baviag had mveie at tacks of influenza. Mr. Hinga was taken M last week aad wm «Hle II for several dags. Mrs. Miaga was not Mr Fre,! Powell of l>arme{e -as in the city yesterday atteadmg to Messrs. J. G. Godard aad W. G Man ' today! SI'PERIOR COURT IN SESSION HERE THIS WEEK Jury Returns Verdict of Manslaughter In Hoyt Hotliday Case The IVcember term of the Superior cvwrt of Martin county convene.) yes terday uith Judge W. A. Uevin of Oxfonl peesiiiing arut Solicitor IVnahi Cdl-arn of Tarboro prosecutir.e the heC Judge IVvin made a short bu- im peessri-e charge to the Jury. Thus, composing the grand jury were. 7. H R«e. foreman; W. J. Hodges. J. W Hepkins C, L. Etheridge. N. R Rol> «r«aeL jr, Marion Evans J. L. Haislip O. R. W. H. Roebuck. Jno ■" R«(aerson. A. D. Gardner. Hugh !>b-rson. P. H. Brown. V. B Moore I - Augustas Johnson. ?. SStali: :rd J. S. Meek.-. The following named jurors wet f.«r the term, J. B. E-'obod n. A. ( 'ore\. S. C. Parvis. l. V Wnl. " 1. R«4»er.en. W H. .\ hi*. :*J W. G Perry. Cases disponed of Monday *-.w: State vs W. W. Griffin, for failing dip rattle. The case was. nol pros *d_ State vs V rariah Williams, chart* him with larceny, was continued aier the same bond. State vs J., S. Wynn? for havtnr -nd transporting liquor, was a rase apealod from the Recorder's court Ihe Superior court returned a renlict if not guilty. la the ex.* of State vs Hoyt Hol " day. the Solicitor that he -ooU ask for a verdict of not more '■ar weand degree murder or man Mtfcter Holliilay knocked a negro ever las* -ommer during a brawl aixl "he negro fell over an embankment •i nd rwr a blow which caused his "*alh when his head bit a log. There was no intent to kill and the jury 1 rvaght in a verdict of manslaughter The cane of State v« Jesse and Tim Wiliams. charging them with lareen\ was nol piossed. The next case was a charge a -aawt Wmley llaber and Gas Cowan The defendants plead gdilty of the L-neay of tobacco worth less than veaty dollar*. Prayer for judgment was continued for the term of two vin ander a bond of I KM), for good hbivw and the payment of costs Mad ITJ for the damages. *"«» ley Owens plea.l guilty to the •-harge of assaalt with a deadly wea p«a of which he wras charged by the State. Jnltawit has not been passed Stale vs Tim Williams and Jesse tt dUaaas for tbe removal of ctw v» the .-ecoad charge against lU WiUuas boys. They were focn-I -edty by tbe court and jutlgment vra | apeadei apon the payment of «>f easts of "If- action ami |he delivers •f tbe toii-t ito M r W. S White Cocrt c nvened this morning al * "• aa>d :he first case to ccmi up tiat f State vs Jack Fa*ilk ««uirj(ifflg .". fendant witii brc.T.y. IV ' r«"ari F; alk was fourvl rot guOty State vs Frank Griffin war a charge «-f assault Griffin pleat guHty ami 1 ailnon it was -u-.pen.l- l upon pay - nra* of f~!»t to l»r Taylor ami ewti of arion.'-v S ate vs i. It. ».rile> f»r drivin-t •s'rmt Sil* while intoxicated wt» tsalmaed untd a future date. State vs James for reddest ■ mag was brbught up from the Re corder's court nd Grime? was focad tot guilty. Stole vs John McK—l. charging de fendant with sedacticn was a case Oi nolo cnateadere. Judgment *uspervde»l Mti Jaae IKS upon payment of casts of Kiln each month to the Stale vs Dick Steveasan. charging Miiinno with assault, was contmu 'ed. . v __ ± . Slate vs Bunk Owens for assanlt wAh deadly weapon was sCtlod by Oanu' paying a S&U. fine. IOO to Dr. J H. Saaaders and costs of the ac taa HARD SURFACED ROADS FOR BERTIE COUNTY IMIMT, Dec. H. —Abort one mil* of i ail kM been pmutd on the roan ■ itr the meal iw mile contract fao hud mmtam rood pit toward Iriulv m mmt direction, awl r«i»» ■cctaaaL 11a whea finished will lean a few autes of dirt road he tawa Wtedaar aad Aalamter. aad a lap of ahowt eight miles from WW aar to Wtaawtoa It fa pnrtf ««r- tah that the state wffl appiupikli * mm r adbw aad awt of tkat all the gaps wfl he caaapleterf Mr. Md Mrs. A. K. Donning are earettatetor this «caia| ia haaor of W. A. Deria, of Oxford. Tt ad ■ yaar renewal to The Ee -1 ujne before Jaaaary firat. Williamson Will Have Community Christmas Tree This Year On Monday evening the committee cc community Christmas tree met at the oilice of Martin and Peel ard the following oArers were elect*.:: W. C. Mr.nnimr, chairman; C. D. Carstar phen. jr.. secretary; I>r P R. Cone, treasurer. ahl R. H. Smith, chairman « f the Tag Oay committee. After due discussion the committee *ci«W to make th* program ore 'hat mould be for the eachaatmert of com munity ;pirit and th-- Christmas spir* rather than an elaborate display of \pradi*Bies. V.'illiamston has rot had uch a > n~r.iaa«y Christmas ev—rci-e her s*- f'.re a>l it vr3| a grrat leal n l»e spirit of our p-ople to pi to . ih—r !» sue 1 , a K ju*:ful sj.vice a., the chidi are held at the community tr^f. Committees were appointed to look the .letafls of he arxi they wil! b- pablUM in ac esrly i> %ue of this papt r. Ijocal School Children Head Seal Campaign The Christinas Seal sale campaign will begin tomorrow afternoon, the 10th. The privilege of selling' seal> this year will be given to the school Uys and girls, with a prize of three cellars for the boy or girl of the high school selling the greatest amoan' of rals and a prize of two -lollars to the one of the grammar school sell ing most. last year the procee-U from the • Seal salej were used for luying drinking fouatains in the Wfl !&ms*un School, the cununittee in charge of the money having decide I tha* drirk ng fount ait. for the school were th* most pressing need of the t wn ani by using the seal sale fund.-, for this parpose. mo t goad coald be done- Mr. Seymour, who ha» be—n con sulted and who is acting as secretary knd treasurer of the campaign this i~ear. says that two drinking fountain.. »re hopelessly made«|nate for Kd hr-ys an>l girls and urges that ia the ; r'err»t of the health of the children of Williamstan two more drinkir* fountains be placed on th-- rjtmpu In accordant* with Mr. Seymour's blia, this year we plan to arain use the sale proceed.-., .--eventy per cent ef which is retained for local re. in haying these much needed K-untain- I hiring the week, some one wdl call ••pon you to deliver you your Christ mas Seals. Plea«e buy as liberally of these seals as you possibly can for not • rly do you buy attractive decoration-, for your Christmas packages and let lets but you buy he;»hh for tie- ciii! «'ren of the town. I'ntil Christma . stamp: w.II be sale ia Mr. Seymour's obre at thr choo l eivl Ham on Bros. Store, u • harge of Mrs. P. H. Brown ami Miss Anna Crawford.—Mrs lake lamb Iy>l-e Frkk l». V. ir ton of Wiri vor is atlrmliar cowl km tku wk Messrs. W T Mnfeg>. Jr lie' JCH» Harrrll TWIOIKI IO GNW'ilf Sumta) to «« fnr«b I'rufc r R A. Phillip*. of :he I'Trntbi sftwol in torn Vo-ji-av looking after ka«ian» uttfn with Ike SHMWL Mr. Enoch of Plyiroa*a and Charleston. S. C. wo* is IMW )ft>nbj - Mr C. G. WbiU ff Viater »»• jr. bu>in»->- ri iter '.• ike e*y jr •lay. j MAN MAN Rl'INKn TO DEATH UNm HIS CAK Joha L, l» T«r» OM N«H> Urath mm Dually M huß, Dec •. John I- TWip«a Jl .. act 19 jmn, of Dua. art a I • rnbir death akMt lIJB th»* Ham ir.K wkra tkr Baack car ia which k« ■as riilinr along tarrwd #w a* the hard (arfanrf kifkny krtawu Dunn and Mr aad was kara«d H* unfortanate j aawf man was f»»|kt ui.ier the car and karnM hayaai iwofnitio« It ia Ikaajkt howm, that kc was killed kef of? 11 jag kan. HI. While no aw saw the —MI M L tkaaght that yiaag Tliiyna swemd kis car to tke left to rwa mr a rabbet aad ha richtia* it last coa- InL A rakkit which had heaa rwa dm aad kflted hy tke death car was ft aad aear the pana* The an a—J jags iaila all il that tke car twnaed ewer twice before coaaia* to a *»•* Sew al people were attracted to the kam in* ear bat mt aaakla to iiwia* 'ill jiam —*»■ >■ > >■* twacd ap. • Mr. A. Carey JIWI i »■' was a Vfars TisiU* ia towa this hfter-, . 1 ROAD MEETING AT WINDSOR IS POSTPONED To Have Meeting There Soon After Holidays It is Thought News was receives! here today ftuir I eskjuirter- of the Route 3# N-artS Carolina Coastal lliichway As loeaa'i »-"i uuiouncinK 'hat the big rmJ mee" ing scheJul«J for TliarsJay. IV.mb ber 11th. at Windsor, hs; been pvt poneil on account of the be y ■ -re Christmns season N'a lat ' has been sei for the isn! •i.* but it will proVbi) tak- piar-- a' ai. early ibte after the holiday are o\ei It is very iapntfett tha". the towns on Route » work at thi*- time for the No. 40 Association is intent on gettif ; that li. V or- IN nation*! highway ar.i are ha- a ; fre • uent and well att?nrte«l ewe in-« working to that end. Rasket Ball Tonight local t.irl- Will Ila «uks|t« Highs "The local Kiifh school fIU ha»ke* (nil tram will mrrt Ihf k«h> of Washington tonight at the Dixie ■ itrhoiisf at fi*h» o't'wk I>B i> tlie first match cinv thai our (.rl> have pb>nl this won and the Washington t 'am i» one of the *troac es* of this «ctK>n The Washington I,'lt have ilefratnl IV Rocky Mew" 1- ..m ami other strong SfmrJ'." - • 'his year AMI arr already AI hone OR tl»e c.>urt while our girt- are mikm the>r .Unit tonight- So let w» r» '» •he warehouse tonight ami ttiaH b> himl them, whether ihey win M Iwoe J AMESVILIJC HIGH S»'H4MH ■OYS AMI GIKL-S DEFEAF EVEBETTS TE %M> The Ereretts»t boll b») > a*»-' »irls came over to Jamesville U'! Tuesday with the in'ention of *ir '«t bjth (amr First the guU went on th* rati!, with"both spirit ami bl«wl in their e>e* The K»rrrtl> girls 4>i «•>«! work but the r:H. w*rv too much for them. The Jiwr- iltr rirl.s won over their opponettf- with i >hut - out score of 2K to U Nest came the ftgbt l#-*!*r n ll»' h)s of Kveretts an.l thr h». • ef .'alw-vill The Etrwltj htr anl ir Ok i amr trtih high hop* U( «'i l>aii>lr« bitter Mrat by the Jr»». Jmnr.svillr trim when a -o»r* of C to 0 was m>ie - Reported ... , CARD CU B MEETS WITH MRS. TTTI S 4 RITt HKK The (aril cluh m t wit! Mr* Tr»- ' riVSer U! Ihur .lay - *i».m three-thirty t* lw» lkir J. Hur. -orr «r»~ iruxlt- by Mrs J. (> lk»!iw :nd she ww three lo el 'ur Iki-rrhnfs RrfrMhaen!'- coran: iuc of lee cream, fru.t rake mk| Jrf etl ilite- were *erre.t Kd-tor W. H Muellr v f fcr* fc.d. i rvMiville HfraM wa.- a tiutar ■ «ar rity Messrs, J. G. Godard. Jr. aa>d J W MaRMiK are atteadtax a laa»J «al in Rabe#aaaviM» today. TIRKEt IHNNKR AT MASONM ■ ALL HAMILTON. > The Woman's Aanliary »( St. Mai ta'i Parish will meet at the Mv«*y Hall Fn lay afternoon at few *'H«A They will a turkey diaaft. bn r bazaar, and a fe»ti*al at urkL Ice mm. cake, chicken salad, etc. *#l be told. The pmkbc it cordially m tiled to attend. , Mi* Sallie Harr* an.l Paal W Tnitod fr«md* ami i*h'im aa Sc»»- 1-nH Nrrk SciwUy Mr. J. P. Ktu> -prut Saafa; r» TatW* with irialhtt. Xmrv Harold Emrtl, JM EKIH! Willi* Pool and Mayor IIUMD. a®l W. C Manninjr. Jr. ■limit to Hi» IIM. Oak City and Hitpil 9aafai Mr. MD MIL Wahrr Orfa mm «F Aiwdie vu**4 Mktim ktn Sa» *»■ \Hr. IM Mrt I. K. Bb«a a# Saf Mr. Brace Wjtaie BA a tear of urml (aatrni tam last Smmimf. Mr. tijaiat Tsjfcr ipcot IW 4ay Urt Saadar. rjato* WM w, LnbUa. Kalfagi. lt I >at Kick rlTr" " ' IM. aad Qak C*,. LOOT—IN WIIXJAMSTON LAST advebtisebs will FIXD out COLUMNS A LATCHKEY TO 1M HOMES OF MABTIN COISTT. * "■ ■ ■ | ll 11 ' ■ ' 11 " ESTABLISHED 1898 JAMESVIIJLE WINS BY LARGE SCORE A -core of 59 to 2 tells the !ak of the JamovillivWilliasastee k«a xhoolr ka»krt bail (imr hit Fr»l»y n the Jinmriße coaart. A me of via i cine **>■ soon Taauhtii from the minds of the William-'or. b*y * «litu the Jamesvjr UJ oQsd op a beg lead in the beginning It n$ a case of how nan) could Jame-ville g«t =r>l how many Williaaaston coaM k*ep Jamesville from gettrn*. Pook e> for Willijnuton made Kt> tna'f two Um points when he cage»i two -ho»« from the foul lir.e The James "T* wi* more r- nljr divided. t«r the* all partook of ; -e feot.. Art-i w*iilt> our bn)> were -uffrrnf •verwheliaine .Wfji, \| r . Charlie * kew was in a fris+.ful state af B 'wl to the statement I* hac ■nade before the inw He tot' the '-.iwr-vilV K»y> if the. *>. aM wir It * vfoTr *>' to |*t ft w.miM givi them a hik of cotton He nui nar f*t the bays "a" hale «.f c>"toe ha rt seems as if he is »n.i*>f.»rd to ther "o the extent of three-fourt.* of a The Jame-ville fiv, -eents to h ha*tnnc all the bono-in "he way • Ka-ke* hall, havinr defeated ever "w playe-i by their *his season. CoL Meekins Is Favorite Candidal- Friefvl* of the sev*»ta* can-it»lat# for Judee of the Easter- IVtnrt «, North Carolina are becoming very a* tire for their various r.* r-.iniates. Hon Herbert F. Srsril, Col Ge E. liutler. Hon I B. Tinker uiJ Co 1 S Mtrkin> are 'he f»«r leadir ani each ha- a lance fc !«tn? Hon Marion irutler ts « or ~e. .ioinf all he ran tor i'.rwtt • ieonre ar«i hoth Ve.-r Tucker at II ai - well indor-.-i ll.>«rn at r»m kn4- as if ("ol *ke Meekr i- the safest of all the rz •folates ; he ha> the endorser* a; of Ck ■ J«a»tice Taf" of the I" S. Suprer c- urt and this, generalh. ha> ma weight with the l*re-*le;.* in appw mt Federal iad|{rs HtRUX'A ( LASS KM I RTAIVS WITH OVSTKB IV Haram dass of • Mewt«t Kaptast rturrh entrrtai:...l last ere It|t with an oyster rua-l at the pe « r plant Pie Xurviay school classes !»r J.-hn 1» llirr- an-i Mr R (urtiej anl frtrrxi- the *tl >wr»ia> -chool- m to* n v guest Jo-ire IVvin of Osf 1 ard f IknaaM Criltam of TarWr® who a ■ •t!«»(inr court here. « . • truest* • If nor at the iwast The aulair was infori J -in«i »n " («unt of the .lownpour A rain, » had to be ilo««? away wi i:«-w*ver. the hour wa peat w . I Wa-antly in mnversal.wi aad C |aitaku« of he r-)n t uf kk» « \-|e»^ >E* M H«MI|. HI ILO * G IN MAXToN Kl RM ' Maiton. N. C-, IVc. 7 —The i> •Im«I haild-ng at the 1 lertjr «*!«• -ai aule.- -■•ath of h-rt, wa* ban early this morning. It t> the iuu'*« - (paaiaa that it was barwi by *.k pun; who las been coeaneet-d alt- Ihr geaeral wrangle over the *h wlurh has been goinr oa for - I iae The warring have til • n th- matter to court .several time- TV building cast with sl* - r» • in-aranc*. BOREBSON (lil TRAIN y— lay wit at the home af Mr J G. Caltiaia ■ Grift i- towms a. Mif Mittie Cohra-a became the h> : Han i jtei performrrr the rerrm ■ l.arntflou pcrforwimr the or'ma " A I nrfre nambrr of frierxl- r- -- •Anas w»re pre-etit j t the cen'ina" M.>- RoVr w is the bee® •»aa«fcter of Mr. arvi Mrs. J. G. C> - Uam of Gi iftn ' ownshap x*J m k » n high esteem by h-r maay Hn t Mr Rilnnw is a pn>ma fuur U that tawwhip aarf has many haul who wfl he iateresteJ to haw af „ i • Nit V. T. Mfaiawi. Mrs. FVr JC Caritaiphea. Mrs. L C hmill r-m Mr. Urn r>i 11 »«n 111 the GO^-a KILC llili il rf IMU* wa. a visiter hm J-