WATCH THE LABEL ON TOUR ♦TAPER, rr CARRIES THE DATE TOPS SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRES s*== *' VOLUME XXV—NUMBER 96 Martin County Teachers Hold KegulariJMccting^ at Local School Saturday • SUPERINTENDENT POPE OUT LINES WORK AND AIM> OF TKAHERS AND SCHOOLS; IMS- Ct'SS PLANS FOR THE COl NT) COMMENCEMENT. OB Saturday, January 17, at 2 o'- clock. the Martin County Tacher>' Aiudati«o net in the William-t-." School aaaitoriun for the third regn iar Meeting a f the school term 1924- Sapt R. A Pope called the meet inc to order and asked Rev. li. \V. Arnold to Iqd in the devotional Hli we- After bavujf read a port ion cf Ike twelfth chapter of St Luke—tho-e *u*s that oeau with Je.-u.-'- aarti ■* cooeeraiEit the leaven of the i*har>- *«s—Mr. Arnold cave hi; in »'rpro tation of some of the main idt-as of the selection and spoke briefly of th? ie>pon>ibditv that must needs rest u-> ca a teacher if he receive the piau-n: "Wei done." He then offered a verv tpfroprute prayer in behalf of tl» The secretary reai the minute- of the November meeting. As no cor rections mere offered, the\ aer adopted -v Kifii Albletir Asoorialioa Superintendent I'ope adtbol that each school have one teacher t.i rei> resent it in the raeetin*r that aa- to be held after the group meetings to discus* plans for the athletic assoca tiaa. Tbe pnudent. Siqwrinttotlnt l*«*pe. uM the vice pn»Mont, Mr K A Phillip. to take the chair for the re ■iiifiei of the I'tcrrnwiL He then, sn a brief but comprehensive way. set forth some ruling which, a* superin tetsie.'.t of the schools. be mo-' eaecute. there were points in reeaiJ to the regulation.- adopted b> tV! board of education. regulations whirh ate budicit upon all the teachers of tbe system first, he spuke of the fil-hoar day. as revfuired by law. rtprcial reference was made to the n-Moth fdiotk. He insisted that to legally change or lessen the perk*! of tbe teachers day the taxpayer* must ask for a shorter term, tt-e CMnnittre and tearhers rnu-t fav..i it. and the count} superintendent mu>*! g»*f bis approval to it. Second, he nvi the role relative to monthlv giades. To make it impressive lie reiterate.! that all teachers shall he require.! to send to parent.- or ruir 4as> a monthly report of the; starV j in* of their children. Third, hp-'urr*«t that it was the duty of each principal to find tut the exact revenue at disposal and to tee thai expenditure do not exceed the rnen amount. In ceanection with this he added that ar ticles furnished at the county office aach as erasers, books, crayon-. loose l*af cover- should be obtained from tbe uftcr aixl not elsewhere F»» principal- he said, had beer, remiss 'alone these lines. Tbe next item that claimed Super intendent Pope's attention was toe taae m April He read some of the ideas aad regulation recorded in hi tentatrve pba aad wsi»ted that xl 1 teachers, with that as a basis, ba- \ themselves with preparations for i saccesjtfki competitive meet in arit.i aaetic. spelling. and singia* and pre) ably in pageaat*, athletics, ami tm-V exhibits. J act here byway ef digression, t> e —pinati II hnt stated that it was hi Jateataaa to muck eat a plan by which at tbe next i mialf fair icboals ard aat iaibi iibaali mid receive prixe far acbac! week. Sapmr.l eurien t Pope insisted that it tmmafiini asked far «a tbe census Hanks to be attained. The census (he a bade oa which an ext-a tli In i can he giantod ■ cases of caasatidaHon This information not Ml; help* him as county welfare offi cer bat it aids the school which is try - far to gain another teacher. A plan arms made by Superintend •at Pape far those members of the lacal aa«» iatien who bad not done sa to aMale with the State branch, aad (has become labn i ibi i for tbe pr~ pects a tmrhrr te —bceribt to some eat Plope stated that he was acting in . bib dfcM capacity when argiar^ THE ENTERPRISE Local Town Team to Play Belhaoen Tonight Toaisbl ikr Iran • til b«ti Ike Brlkam Mi ina mm iVr kcil mn al * a'rkack. Tkts «s ihr mJ mar thr4M« team aril pU« kere (lih «rrt. ui a nknfcf' W Ikr fuk. far (kr IMlutra team «s irrj tlraac and aa eqaal ■aM for Ihr feral «ar. Wrdar «day aickt the team a ill ■1 el \arara*» loan team aa ibe Wasbiacloa nut. Hilliaa-lua a ill be sapplimmted bv Übv J aha •oa. A aaabrt M Ural propi. are eiprrt«ae lo we lbs same. Oa Thursday Bisht Ihr tram a ill ICO !o V a-h» dir. a her, lkr« ad; lay tke Vatkidle loan leant. Tkroaek an error ike caaw las: aeek «a> earned Ba ike Kalerpn-e as Ikr Naskvdlr Hick it shoald have been ibe loan learn. Thts »'II br Ibe Ml aad taar a ilk Ibal acxrecalma. CO-OP CHECKS TO BE MAILED SOON Members of I olloa \aacuiMt w ill Rerrtve \aolbrr I'aymini tboat Lact af Jaaaary The rvri| uf (hi Catton Growers' • «>p*ral!Vf Association i well pi*l-«-f. if juagmer; can t»- f-rn>e-t from tlse letter- jec.-iv.ii a* the Raleigh offir . with, ih# - cient of the a_ssoti»t»*r for Iw ,-sa ,-on tv the pre fit time • Member- of 'he jM.utm brt •*- ceived in cash mote than fejOMVO' and other m«M> oil! br pari -*•»» members within a few day- Th« di>- T ribuT wa sent «•! m lNeaiter ci .e r— ail cotton on whim «sraft- had .!• ■- r receive-! up to November SO. with tie exception of sae few acc-v: •- t!u! i«e>led special at'enUpe Na;urall\. ir addition to ibcST cottoe del"fie! ir November ii-. «r. whic-l the fk.- had not beet rt»M :»! C'.-JM e ndd not be indu-le-i This «!is!nN> tion wa.- in sklitKj| to the rrrjbr -•tvance nu>se On IH »en of >«>«r - ton. Cheeks will he mail*>t tK • t J r.uary covering 'ho-' aorou*.t- m * h;«ve been cleared up. and all "l or, which drifts rrachei the olßee •# KaHrb pner to January Hv |>r v M *j the enttos Iv bteft fiwi'M tf-i Assistant Secretary WfbUt S»)J if 1 the tni sMtrer in the fii-t per* ' January delayed the fmlirp classing depertmiut. ai• (his .se'*v cabled him to include a!" Mi (* i . wiurb drafts ba>i beet pa«* up to Janu ary 10. The office expec'-- to |Mt the-.-' checks in the mail beginning? ahot,*. January 2# All other ro(lw .sefivere-l in Jar.' - ary and which is gradei ami da- -e-l w ill be ,*vtnc»l up .runr* the montfi cf February. The maaagen-jent "eels a little pr»!» ir the fact that the work goes «■"» smoethly at Very few members have ban any cause' for PH»- I laint, ami this is da? very targel> to the careful mk ibu in the jrer.- «al office. In the event tfet there is any ni Lvlrr-laMir e ceaceramr y«ar dt-trs b"tion check members of the !on will bad tha- tbe RaKieh -rF. e w>D fin pioaipt atteattor. to' far c - mmaaicatian aad famish jo. arv E format ma yow desir arjd Mr. Pope asked that the> he :oal i. as early as caevenieat- Messrs- J. & Seymour airi H. it A.n-ley receive*] the super .i» ten-le - c mmeadatioa oa their use of the craatjr paper—The Enterprise—f-r » frr rtaimr achoal wark and actnitie IMefahs to Stale Aioembly Misses Elisabeth Heat. Sarah Se*- t« n. and Eva PW and Messrs. H X. Kiddle aad Fml T. Lang were appeir e>l by Mr. Phdhps to nominate rep n iialaiiui to tbe Stase teachers' I r mbly to he bald in galrigr January | £>-31. After caandtatma. Mr E. X Kiddle, ekaarama uf the cMumittee, re-' ported that Mr. J. S. WB-J liajtaa. Mr. K. A- Fbilip uf Everett*. Mr. H. M_ -'II I j_ uf Oak Cey, ard Kr. J. L Jaaes. uf Haaukaa. were were anaaiaaaUHly ilrrtail As this the haiinr a pw f ram tbe rata— readmg circle graa - aid were h mil ill by tbe leaderv. Mr W. H uf *Jaaur viHe, aad Mrs. C B. Millirfc. of Ei«r W illianiston, Maitin County, North Carolina. Tuesday. January 20.192 ADMITS HIST,UILT. GOES Ti> PRISON N. 1_ SiBMfK SmlriKid to In.- 1 ur> m Proilralurt: tVrll kn«»i Hnr Washington. JaU 17.—Norwood 1 Simmons sentenced tn;> mornirr in u* -uperior «>un by Justice E. n Ll rifiih.r tu scrv* a tcna uf lart ante than ».»rht ami not than .-ii yenr p she S:ito pnxjn. While there ar» I hfl- of indictment afjint the V th-* ju ice in pa>snr -e-v t?-nce. suspended joucmen: ir. eicht ,»f she bull--. only in !*«. the>e besns fo* furcor; jusi i».a- Urilement. and it.clarevi to irpß»;nt "Tiaifiafait ~T*a!toes i# th«' ft tent n* iii>jpop Am'nnm to -be rule- of th? pet •- le'ltary. .t" Mr Simmons ;«ro\e- him self to U a f«»: pri-i-ner he *II •e: li month.- credit of court, vr+icri mean- thai he! sorve for » ve years la ken to Kilei.h at * 'r.! Jnawlalcl) aftrr sentence h. i hfh ( pr.»i>funee»l Sher-;T H;*rn to k >insm«»-.- £!k! JiAnni - V. [' •> by uu'n-iv-biV at: -r- ikri »•!! in-it iheir term- at or*e In* crs- Sin:moi - «cup~ IN- at-nWon of th* fi'Urt pr;ictk-a>> ;.ii \e> Tenia? aftrnx-oa 1 rvere a no i»-r>. a- thie deleiMiant (anw n uit truil j to each a'-i • very charce It. outer to brut ire brforr toe urt the S;ate int~.- .•uc*>i one ajtne-.- in the per—it «•( t.lber; ti urn ley, rejrisTer of •lee-'-. *!« testified lo !h» fraudul- i«* n • f p:«f r> in hi# ••tfic-- Was ItrnrfarliH of Man> fte kf(tiunl intit»iuce>l Short? Harris XV I > tir'me-. i". • M»r- , > I: Mixon. and Kov H 1». SearVr i'. ail' of aliom |»>k>- of the .lef> i»i.»t u th*- I terms. h«>ar he fc'il I k e,s s»ij arrive part in the- Associate-' frames *r*rvitw- ami public *--S arvi hoar lie ha«i r--eue>! fall •»» nib ami aomrn pari at hi- own «-v --! n--- tlteni in institution • f !l- Stile The> (mfce of his .-tru- sheii a n- rr boy, of hoa h» a. - • .* ..ia !.. ,y~ ~Zi*~i ai«loa- ' it. ••tier i-«i f• iir - Ter- aixi a br'-Uier. Ir w .(rvi ".!#■* v ilDOim told -lie \«al' I'ai N'oraxod I. Sinirno had -rie.fl- a- any man w VV„>I -met on. t «editor-. for Mim In a-»b(!>ii to th-se hich a»r !s - f for the il'feiKhi t a petition v presented ;o ti«e o*r. >i)me*! by J- person* aho ha-! -Ulcere-! !•• ! ui'ti ii~e acts of ihr tivf- r.-unt. ~i k I that i.o pwiislni'M b. ine".»«l J* l l ».t more of th. 'tefewb;;l'> cr--h |r; ■ did IX4 Sign Jf!Hl«r "! .\~ ( tfter. uer- t onre«i«irn't an*! r> je ri'h Only ;* • • f ,rf «reiiitoi- So attath -i Mfiire 1 ' to the- T v - ma«se M, i>- t -and Wa> V. i ll Kmvk in \\ •ihaiaslnu The trial of Nif vimnl Si«rim*.« i . «f V.' has 'leatci muh ini« r e-l it Williamstoi.. wher*«he i- well k or;, an-! ael! likr-i lie ha- K: -I bi>iae . Mid -orial e«>rn»ecTi->n he»e «l:at haw rna-U- friend a 1" « "pp..!,! *•■ VjUrAim anl aith his ' ra3;, »ij this -JrwU.- County Athletic Association in Meeting Here Saturday Adopts School Basketball Schedule Ike Martin («wl) VUJr if A«- KUIWI kW a rait ■irlint ml ifcr iittaliir cms ml lev at Ifcr mad id MM baMwiC >■ H lllußriM •m Mlar4a>. iuur> litk. fl|« /ikiH lku( far raai ritra:a«" *i«l a far 4rlnau>iac ikr (lunpr«« and s«rt»" •»- Lribll Iraau at ifcr raaat). It ■a* that Ikr propn »«J I* 4a (his •»» I* «i»>i a »rfw Mr far a • fc»ipi«»wtip m» ol •un The «Malr ikal •« 4r (lM ipw M priatrd W»«. Tfcu. wMilr it far ha»»' ud tvk' mat. Thr kmc* art la kt 4wUf bndrn ia rarh o*. ta tkrartrr a Ma f*ib So «our la |b) a» ttMM aal*M oa«r athtf 4alr ■» atn«4 apaa M>m the laa Iran* inratft. ikal IMB farfnt* Ikt oa» aitli aa otorul mr at 2-A. If H happraa ikal Ikr aealki 4an aaf prrmm iW plijiac of a |«a» as M,« if MM athrr nu« raaflvli with lW MIMMT. Ik* 100 Inai laaimJ caa amatf ia ptaj ikal partiralar par aa aaalktr dale. AM (aan «M all J aa aiaar iaa«t» an to krfa al TJt ia iW nrtaiig. Al iho»r to kreia al IM ia tor aftiwaa Vratral rrftma an to kt tmnd if at al paaaMr. lit ra- MN af al paa arr to he ie- Fats and Lean* to Play Benefit Game I harsday aicbl nwduln> af ter ihr pareatlearber- aswulMi a. >3l there a ill be a basketball Same brtaeea the "Fats" aad the -Leaa»" of \\ lUiawta. We a ill iotk for ihr • ird •' She fats, tae member of Iknr lay ■p hatmc performed a ever* came Ibal has bee* plated oa ibe local eoart darmic Ike irma. And :he fact Ikat ke axalli marks harder I ban tke a i erase ptaycr a>i eaaMe kim la play Ike abole raw: aad help kb faller hfrotkro- As lor ihr there are amr ml tkrm la ah hot a bill the) can tkn> a a tcLrd ball, aad Ikey pr*nti-e to ItiVe Ikeir appnwi aU marb everrt-e. Tke failoaiaic players a ill hr ie :be lineap: I als: lias Harrtnoo. Harry Meador. II her I I'rel, Z. H. Km ih I one. V 11. I*aidm- K I. -bir lr>. E D. "odd IVrtavia- Ma*. l-«aas: S. K Se—aa. I . |i v »r ---i irpken. |r. Bill Maaom;. IU-1 llairell. K. I . t'okara. Nam I »'U y. « oriel treen. Joe I'radi r. Naau llarnaoa. Ibe prorrrds af Ikr laar a 111 «• la Ibe beaebt af Ibe Pbdalbta clasoea a: Ibe Kaplisl aad I hrt-Jiaa Iharebes. Xdmtssiaa adl be li and li reals. Home-made land I* - and -al'rd aa's • til be sold by ibe Jirts la ibe rlasaes. >. K. NOMINATION OF IKK MKKK'.NS J >*«■ ■■ l>*.r )r4r>4» al H«Ji [l Mrtam; rH>fiiutw« V mlr Hjs j Iviat tt \l.«k)n.' r> miitttx* 'or U*. Kf-lfial ju-ir-hip in -i-Urn I j-o j i*j, • hbrh wa- ma>te - IVr>k .t lioolMcr earl} U>| m - k »is re*» firmed a few «ia\- a«o t»y the ,vm> ' { (hiine to 'Sr .line >of •«*- of :.V , r Mi.hrfj of the Snule Ji>twia:> I'ar j U iiU* apmointeii to liuvllr (to - j I | -»r ' htrnan, of North t"; luliu. - -k»- • : . ti»th»r lo U- appo ai«l S« j : Shor r»ir of Califanu.'. Kfpuo ■ 1 rsn. *v' j|>|»Miit(L 7 Ki- nauMtlor It »-«. aiol '!■* iuiuiullM> U- rain 1 *'> tl-- ."-'* where it wi. niliii*>! | I > .-!» ußaUini-m- Vote W 1 Mffkins »i> »».irn in ••ifttr- 1 ; »>Unl*iT in (n m *t*>f I r ».-lit to Vf* York to coi cluV Hi •». ,-k in the nb!»«L An (K*r • M»j j i '-! to It# Aalf in 3 f*w >b>* j ; t- take up his ■•■tk It •« rx-1 ku'*r. ni« (Uti*» th-- | . !«ib of F«knl cwi.l ».>*. t * -> !i hare Un heM in V\ i-hir.- n' , ir. the r-*-it f>* ««*> will I* p.. ' , ip>l -.r 1.-.I If it is Meekr •, , » la, '-I hi* fir l (uuit in ttis irs ■ i?r -ertiT:. in \fc a-nißrtor.. rtsr April j ' "rjf D V. . ArnoU. of l*ann»-l* at t. :/*•! the learher>' oMetinf hei« S»' t ur-fcsy. Mr Vai. t»- T?t\lor, pre~>»*-il «-f !•* Planter * Vi. rt ant- liar k. of K" e» etl«. a vi-'t'ir ir tkr nt > t*»i irorair»;- t»«. 'td 'a ike iccittir; ml ikr **- ha mill Urp a mad ul mm. Tbe falia las irgililaa *a puwn ta la ikr rlit*iii.» al pU)rn: >:riiili HifiUr la p4aj MI aai af Iknr rfcaapnrt i»» itaaaa a»- hr ■ rrcalar »l- IrWurr al Ikr xhaal akicfc fcr M rtfrnnlt al Ihr liar d an) (»r mm 4 mm*', katr aa »»« «» 4uii rtHrifw rmri af at Ira* M pn ml far Ik rannil xfca 11 fi— mmd aaaat bte l-r mm a aajwil) ml Ikr irtjuli. a -mmr rrtrmlmrly ariaiuH mm off la*> ■ ik xknl .M k ci tbt rrpranU. Tka» ■ h Ai'i t» far tfcr irkiak a# Gnap I. tjr «atk ( Irackn ar aarr. Tkj Jiatatir, Oak CHj. aai E««r- Hta. Aaatkir arkidi far irraap t. tfcaar irk a all aatk kaa tkaa C itackiK bk k PBW later. . Kkrr apptan aa Ik fal aat kaitaald it wfl k kfl to ■km tkaa faar is to kr pUjni aa ia rack caar tkaa ia Ik iaanrj 3»: Oak Cky al Vl — H MEETOF BARACA ANI) PHIiaATHEA dr»- Z. M K»« and Mr. J. H liarreii I >•« UilluaalM \tteodinic t'aolerence r* banra-l'hilatiira ejewitif leari 'J> f hffc ca!l«N> to a ineelir. | «f the Kim m KaWn'l; a! thf Tabf- - j • Jft? Baptist Chawrh January 23, J »VKk. w.'h "he convention coinm:;- '.*■ of Ka>i|(h i At thi> mrrt::,f plans will he for riuhtri for the "silver jubilee™ col »islk>a. whicft a.- to he held jn Kuloia i Jk«* li 12. IS, on i 14 am! mark- t( * - fttyiifin milestone in Ibrar.- I' Uthra in North CandiiLu —Sr« Itaraca eta - > orßimiftii "he Nm'h *»> foniml in Raleigh !•> Hob. K- X- Shwhhi- 25 years a>r . race that tsnx- the fitmlh of l!i* ■» >»emet t ha,-, been such that th*»r.» ire sis «very State in ti » N«ih • »th msi \ State wide orc*! '- i'K>K5 ar-i many ot h r «r«anu v ) •t4e classes following Ihe Itar.ic " tialhea pian. he.~i«ie.- numbers i»f I lay -cnoo!- that hs\e l*» -i small, poorly attcmle , ;-:4 wiiitrnstinc nehook to larjt • - filltxi with inti»r --• atki e«;hu-:.»-m t>-caia~>- of the or- Mnbi* of Itataca I'hiiathea class ■•l the inure nun an«l younp women « Ijo ha\e l»«i atintdAi) and brouijft* ■.n'.o the SonJai -chonl- through t ,•» rara It-.iblhea |»lan and it.-, activ ■ I t«h>. . . v I*Umh Iw ~S*l«er Jihtlrr" H liiynl to t his (tun ent i"! i erwt' mtlKnii£ of Itihle studew* - s i :Kat mam who are not now ai"- *d» nr"lthr>l *ith r..:raca-l'hilath»"% l—-e- wOt latiei.-i fur the sake of » ' »! it ha> mean: t«» them in fornii r lis»itatK>«i~ will he «it to al! \'.f within ruach of 'hr- neneid ••rittat) ain other . ami it piann*-l •US a nit ««f hoßK*« illilK .-pint w»IJj featsir this co"\« ' ; .on flood hijr'-! |.« »>» all vier tli» Strt" will ail much > ith t*jf af«-i>d. nee l« ifw-r to ;h« !■•: -Idv adv"rti-e tcej • ■€tenttoa a,«i hi iig it hefoie all ■* the S*a3e something over "flin.r will he forr- 1 - «>t m iaii>a pan of the State, the c.j. y of mhicfc *ill be to visit every «»a» vithin a radiu- of m many mile a»>i td! ihm at> .u; Ihe convention -•* rt»havor to tft them iittere. t>-l ; ••! o«nii,!tt.M to -ending a c.-rta-n 11 in «*f -Kl rile- As this is a |«i »>-yMi r» convention no clas ; »-> ! r»rc*l a» t« tine i.vmhrr of dfletfat-5 ;ij* the»ef«r with t'.e »■«•-( road-. df*ii>l i>r>.r fji»«. nd the warm w.l •■«e 2WailWit them in th* beautiful ■ ' J IUNjIi. ik. r State capital, it rt|S#c"et tha* tfii- convention »*l! )• 'Ulan-, I •( any . t-t hdd by If »- • mKiUln-ri of enthusiastic vounf ' Me- -ti»)ef t ■ «f 1* oetH.niinat h>ii- Kjfcir' l'ifui«d for I Irlrealo R h-i*h *0? entertain this eonven t» in trr a ua! h»|« ; tsW manner,! : .-I aay* '«e W(.| ha- ever attended j'fct kit-! of O'tiieiil'.n in Kalei* h i r ..m - ju-» Imv royally they are ent»r --»; Bed Hr» 35. Ilaxiy Rose, State preM • • t-t of the Philathea*. and Mr Jame- I HarreH State -eeretarv of the I Macaw* of I hi- city, will attend the r e*mr iaaaao U: Oak I il» ai Kali rixatiHr. *iiliaai>-laa at K»rr rtU iaaaaij 37: Kirrrtta it. Oak Illy al * iMlaaiWaa. Kcbrrvwi >ilk al WdliaaMM J)— >r) M: «illuMxlon al Itik « My. Kakaf a»ilk al Jaaar*- liwitr) 3: (lal CHjr al Jaaa4*»- • ilk. ETTFMU al HIIUMIN. Itkaar) C: UillumolM at Jian»f. al Oak City. Itkaan 1«: K«krMi«iilr at CwMU. JaantiHr at Oak CUj. I ikaan 13: Hjjhairt— »*. Oak t alp. Jaaniik at Kakmaiiilr t»k»ar> 3»: JaaniiNt at Kitnlt*. Kilima»iilt at Oak «■»- Ftkaar) 23: Jaaeaiillr **. Oak (H), hkraaiik *» K«mtti. . I ihaiaj S: Eitmu al Jaan >rik. Itdkira— «ilf va. Oak City. Ftkaarj 27: EtcnlU va. Jaan •Or al WifaMlaa. Wtftiaaurtaa at Rakna»r. Marrk 3: Jaaa*»*Ul«- at Wi- Oak (1* at KiirMa. Harrk C: Eimlla »«. WiKaai fmm. Jiamifc va. Kakraaa lank II: lt»kii»ia»ili n. Secretary Poe, Leaving to Sign Shows for 1925 Fair, Optimistic Over Prospects Parents- Teachers Gathering Thursday I Wnr • ill kr a BWUf af tkr rirraU TracWn Ainanata— a tkr ~mn af Ikr MiiwUmi M I ncki. al «J Hs'cWk At tkt> ■lilac pb* far Ikr • orl of Ikr tpriac tkr ktlmrr »l Ihr sckaal tm »ill hr for■ u laird. Hark tkal a tkr caaabaaed effort* of tkr psrral* i*d tracker* of Ikr ckiMrra al aar taaa la a«k I tkr >cbwl BMr rffrrlitr ■ il» Iraininic i> akal atH kr 4iK«»rd iitd plaaard far al lkl> atrlnir. Ikr leackrr> adl kr Ikrrr. far ral>. H •> aar 4ili la ami ikra Mr arf« jcnad af tkr rtlknuw -k»» • Jad Ikr («a4li aiabrr prn «nl Luf IY«r4» aitkl ( aar aat acaia Tkarvdai ai(k aW krni t»ar artckkw aalk »aa MR. NORMAN TO HELI' FARMERS I'rrfttto I red* IrtauialM H btrk H ill Makr LH*> far trap IWadHa Mr. Milton Nonua *isjt«si as today uul rim I eery •ftiautK wu U* taU».k (»i this year. He has -e up a crr-tit «>ncanuatMi at Jamesv>llr. where i«e will !w jWr to acrom'no • *ute many farmers with loans ih> lison. Mr. Norman keeps his ofttr in the i>rh-k Warehouse, whet* he IS always KUI to meet farmers ami render ail the issistaim possible. Mr Norman • ays he will he able to assist farmers llimurhuat m»t of the hanks in the iiHinty when the* want to procure loans for ptmiin H-a purposes liliii-S(TKK)L BOYS BACK FROM TRIP I aae I* Hick. I* I* J; Hert ford Uar Kamerf CM; Heat Wal ir. K to II The local hirh-school boys return--! ■ urway from a trip to b(fnlon aix' \Vint»>r TK"-* mate the trip by auto t.tobtle and acre Mipposed to l'U> Hertford Sat unlay afternoon. hut IV lain an>J bt»l nails caMhsned cau>el liient to head >n%r jitneys towar>l ►. me Satuniay nx rinii: They stop p..i over at W utfcar u»t played the f i|h »tool team there that night. The l>lentu« pap-~r has an account i! (he bteotM rine. a.- follows: "lb* KaletLlot. Hfh School defeated Hie UilltanK-'M IJifh hcix*l here Kri • k> mrh! »' a slow rune by a ma r * i- n of SS to 7. Ihe two teams ap- I arr-l to be aW evenly matched the first few atirwie- of play, hut the l. cal bo>» opened up th-ir offensive •irrve an»i ruoli..ae4 looping the spher* until the final whistle MMIUM " |iilerlon has «M SIX successive I ime ■ and is one of the best high xhonl teams in thtc xrtMo Hut the t*4r rttuqH ui Wu*l*or. V. illum lan «■i.ninir Mrt with a scorr if « ami l.» TKw «utdaor boy*. likr of our im inn have not |«4a)r»l nuoy nulrh pwfor Ike post >fir. Mrs. I ovinia Williams Dies -in Farmville At the tmnr mf hrr MM. Mr V dluob, a FarnrvilV. with whom she hj«l far the p&>t tcmal )*ir , V.m. Uriaia K :>lna» died last night. 1 hr >bnHil wa* * focwfr i*»ktrn' t f AiQkanalAß aid «w of It* nu-l K >rhJ> ami tatjovn! wow: The ■taurhtcr of SL k and Mart™ Mohley. *he n» fcara CT year* ax* r bout foar milm frmm h err. at Ihf oM Mohtey kMMitnd Sb> wa» taint "I to Gcwp William* rmi anrd to WdNaaostoa ■ 1884 *hm she Intd —I il a few years ago. >'iae-r that tar sfcr ha* Inred with her rhikim ra Fanacffle -- SvrriTiag her are ta* duUm, Mt L*wi« (Maa aad George Wituav of Karanille, aad aae sister. Mr> Etettie Teel. of this piece. The faaeral party aniwd here this afteraaoa at 138. aad miuaft took plan h the ifrtHir hp the ait of i fcer li in haul, who has hm ihad for .-e*eral years. She was a mtml it of the Methodist Kpucopai Chaich ami har pastor, of FaraniUe. Mihtri hy Mr. EL D. DoM. of the loeel ih—ili. at the service*. Mr. Aarfrew dark, mf EvoctU, wis it towa Ohamiv. j I. ■ - 1\ DVEKTISERS WILL FIND OLE COLUMNS A LATCHKEY TO l*M HONES OP KAKTIN €OLNT> ESTABLISHED 1898 PROMISES Kit.t.t k AMI BETTKK HIK l\ EVERY » 1 HIS TEAR; "LAST YE\K A MM»L» FAIR. THIS YEAR A CKETT FAIR." MK. POE> SUH.AV Mr H M Pur. secretary of tne Koatioke Fair Association is I i.jnc bunt. \ a_. ittrr-i.r.r tfcr South., rr. Ka.r meeting. which convwe annual!} for the purpose of sivinit I. 1 * '*noM settr'irir uf iu»> South aa opportunity to h>M>k show ■n*; act* for the comiisc Mr. for. in a letter lo the Kmrr prise, states that Martin County ha« ! an exceptionally KO»! fair last year, hut for 1925 he expects to f*ut on the !ar*ot fair ever for eastern North I arolina He is booking shows ..f the ! iKticst type an>i acts that will esce'l any of those seer; at the previous Roanoke Fairs. *la.! >w a :«•: Uir. thi> year a treat fan." l> the do(Ui that SIV. IV ha> for the Koar.oke Fair «f 1925. aivi Mr Ft* lik«- "ther re- liable institutions a!hi tixln >:u.»K. live; up to his sloicar Ihos* *ho altrfldot last vcjr's fair k!H>» that nnjthiii); was. a- -;s nlwrtMil that it wouM he, an I tSey can rea>iil> Ww\f him this year when he wntes. "1 pr»rru>c the hurh •' dx.-ss fair.wrf m MtSflPSifiiMi f the State thi- vear " FEDERATION WILL HEAR MR. lII RKKL lor art I'aator of H illiaaistun Itip tul Ikurk I* sprik Hnr *■ i d«y Rev. W K Iturrrli. (>1 Monroe. N. *.. i rul former pastor of the V\ iMnir .ton Memorial Itao'i-t Church, «lil preach to the Federations W«dnesiay night «l 7.30. at liK Kaptsst Church Mr I urrell «s remeniher-> her« not only for his intellectual attainment In". "or ritual gifts as well The public is «■ •rdtally invito! to hear htm iH'ath of Mrs. Romulus lailley las! nucht at her home I*l t.rutins Township Mr- K»in»iu- I uc cumbtsl to ati attack of p umonia. iw.trine been Ktiou • *>»• She «a> a -UurliVr of ne late 1..1ey and Martina Kobeisoa ai«l «as Urn in Gnfiri- Ti-anship. ufcere she lived all her life. In prlhooil she wa» married to Komolus (alley, and he. with five ctokirrn, survives her. The chiklmi air Mrs. 1 on) liavvls, Je.vsc lalle.. art-i Me- is Her bert. Mile. alki Jtrfin lalley. J hey arm all res*leat.s of Martin Coui.ty She uUo leaves one brother. t«e«rKe I! «b --i r son* She «a> a «!"*out Mit-vci tt> the I'rimitive Baptist faith ar;«J atti-r. !«■"! services at the Smithmicks t'rt* k Uap li-t Church for many years. The funeral services were l,eW this i>fternoon at her late residence.' and the intermrat wa.s rw«i«- in the l ..iev Cemetery Elders John Rormon an«l H" It Harrsnrtor. conduct ->i the err- KVEHTTS HIGH St HOOL. WINS FROM KOHKKMINMI.I.K HII.HS The Ktflrtl' Hifh School bo>> *jr rm thr Kobrr.-ontill ■ Hvh School in t very interesting erne at EvereU> 1 hunwlay :i|fht, January 16th. Thf - .ore was ia to 2V I h«- princi|>al fea ture of the game was the ipoal throw - •itir of IVrr).' for Ererett.-. who *«-ored 36 points. Kranklm, of Ewer rti also did «mr eroo.l throwing orinar a total of l point.- Mr. Jim Cook, of William ton. was the referee. One noticeable 'hirjr about this jaw • as (bat at no time ihrinr the game d«d an> piayr oa either side seem If icet worried the least bit. This wa ■ioe principal!) to the fine refereeinn •f Mr. CML . Mr. Mtftna Soman is spemiinr * few days in Edentoa attending to tosiner i for the North Carolina Cot ba Growers" A«—riatinn Ma Frank Hitch. Miss Lyda Cook. Mefir. J. L HmeU, Haratd, and Joe Everett tUwl to Washington ye* Mini . W. H. aMJtfM