dp 1 The Drag-Weight On The Country Children (From The Greenattoro Daily News) drag-weight wh ch the State of North Carolina cjaimps around the shoulders of its boys and girls who live in country was described in plain figures the other day by Sta e Super intendent of Public Instiuction Allei to the teachers at North Carolina Col • lege. "There is too wide a gap betweei urban and rural school districts," Mr Allen said. He is not worrying abou the city schools. They have far to g» before they reach the position where they can perform the work which they Ougnt to perform and want to perform L.ui in the main they are headed right and they have the strength behind hem. Each year marks improvement -i. wjien the State superintendent uias o the schools he finds .u.e fearfrg disadvantages all along i. u- hntypttte city school children g> scowl eight and nine months; th c?ftfh#y children in spots have an eigh niuiith term, but the great majority o nerr. are bound by a meager si: ..ion hs. Of the 600,000 in the rural districts 72 per cent, some « 432,000 h. ve less than eightjnonlhs. That ia —w4«-r-and~Tiegro — Boys and girls. Of he white alone, some 400,000 in the rural schools, .about 88 per cent, have eight months, and some 62 per cent or about 248,000, have less. So long as the status quo remains the gap widens; the city children are enubled to go to school longer and consequently to progress faster each year. The country children drop fa her and father behind their city cousins each year. Nor is that all. The city schoo children have better buildings, bet ter facilities, better libraries, bette eachers. They lose annually in quan tiiy; they lose annually in quality Mr. Allen said that 24 cities in the State are spending $2Ol in buildings 'or each child. And 25 counties are spending only some S4O in buildings Tor each Child. It is easier to show by figures the quantitative advantage of the city children, but in the long run it is probable that the qualitative factor ranges as high. • City school ] teachers, taken as a group, rate high-1 er by every test ttyrtv,country school teachers, and the ones who suffer are the country school children. The Allen argument leads inevita bly to the eight-month school term for all North Carolina. That is sure to come. It has been blocked and _ checked and hindered and sneered at by political leaders over the State. They lack the courage, liut the ground swell of public opinion grows ove North Carolina; it can not be held much longer in check. There is no justification in moral right or com mon sense in maintaining and adding to the drag-weight which the State has qiamped on the shoulders of its boys and girls who live in the country district*. Guilford will answer thai question for itself last spring. While the State hesitates and shoves off the Inevitab! j this county is asked to take the step | Guilford has blazed the trail for j North Carolina before. The county has a splendid opportuni y to do i again. NOTICE - To Kllla jaLnH p. Ai_Ctitcher, their heirs, assigns, and all other per sons claiming under, through, or by itiem: j ijM You are hereby notified that tne County of Martin purchased 60 acres of Griffin Ellis and Heath land in Jamesville Township, listed by you, .on the first Monday in June, 1924, at a sheriff's sale for,-taxes due for the year 1922. You are further notified that unless you redeem the certificate of sale within-owe year from this date the Martin County Hoard of Commissioti trs will demand a deed the said tax collector for the said 50 acres of Griffin Ellis and Heath land. This 2nd day of March, 1925. H. T. ROBERSON, ml 3 4tw Sheriff, Martin County. ' NOTICE To Leah Francis, her heirs, assigns, and all other persons claiming under, through, n by her: You are hereby notified that the County of Martin purchased 40 acres of the Davis land in Jamesville Town- ( ship, listed by you, on the first Mon- | day in June, 1984, at a sheriff's sale ( for taxes due for the year 1928. | You are further notified that unless j you redeem the certificate of sale j within one year from this date the . Martin County Board of Commission- j crs will demand a deed from the said tax collector for the aaid 40 acres of c Davis land. ; r This 2nd day of March, 1925. H. T. 'ROBERSON, ml 3 4tw Sheriff, Martin County. t - NOTICE a North Carolina, Martin Cotmty. „ .Under and by virtue of au order of M. V. Bamhill, judge n signed on the 6th day of March, 1925, in the ca:e of the Corporation Com mission of North Carolina vs. Martin rr pf-unty Savings ft Trust Co., notice is - hereby given to the stockholders, di rectors .depositors, creditors, and all other parties interested in said bank si ihw on the date above mentioned «!ie T cndetKlgned was appointed temperJ'y ai r*reef *r for the Martin County ol jnps and Trust Company, and notice II ( % J, ii Soldier Loses Arm, but~> _J --- jmt John J. Murray was a stake driver at 118 par week before the Worid H War. He loat an arm in H the Argonne. RehablUtat through the American Legion waa Boston University, and ha* been made a professor there In v . naaa administration. ———— is far.her given that the order to show cause "Why thi.- temporary ic reivership should not be made perma nent will be heard before N. A. Sin tiair, judge, at Williamston, N. C., on Wednesday, the 18th day of March 1925. This the 9th day of March, 1925. C. I). CARSTAKPHEN, Temporary receiver, Martin County NOTICE To Noah Mobry, his heir*, assigns, I'iid all other persons claiming under, through, or by him: You are hereby notified that 1 pur chased 1 residence listed by you in Williamston Township on the first Monday in June, 1924, at a sheriff'.-; sale for taxes due for the year 1928. You are further notified that unless you redeem the ceitificatC of sale wiihin one year from this date 1 sha'i demand a deed from the said tax col lector for the said residence. This 7th d/'v of March, 1925. ml 3 4tw D. G. MATTHEWS. NOTICE To Herman Hodges, his heirs, as signs, and all other persons claiming under, through, or by him:^ You are hereby notified that I put chased 28 acres, residence, listed b>> you in Williamston Township on the first Monday in June, 1924, at a sher iff's sale for taxes due for the yea l 1923. You are further notified that unless you redeem the certificate of sa'e wi.hin one year from this date 1 shall demand.a deed from the said tax col lector for the said 28 acres, residence. This 7' h day of Murch, 1925. inl3 4tw D.G.MATTHEWS. NOTICE To Sam H. Williams, his heirs, a* ' signs, and all other persons claiming under, through, or by him: You are hereby notified that 1 pur chased 1 residence listed by you in Williamston Township, on the first Monday in June, 1924, at a sheriff's sale for taxes due for the year 1923. You arc further notified tha' unless yotf redeem -tlie certificate ®f wi>hin one year from this date 1 shall demand a deed from the said tax col lector for the said residence. This 7 h day of March, 1925. ml 3 4tw D. G MATTHEW* NOT! CK To lilK heirs, assigns, •anil' all o'her persons claiming under, through, or by him: You are hereby notified that I pu"- chased 3 acre*, residence, listed b/ you in Williamston Township on the first Monday in June, 1924, at a sher iff's sale for taxes di>e for the ye:u 1923. You are further notified that unle- yon redeem the certificate of sate wiihin one year from this date 1 sha'i demand a deed from the said tax col lector for the said three acres. This 7th day of March, 1925. ml 3 4tw D. G MATTHEWS. NOTICE OF RS3ALB Inner find by virtue of the power c. -ale c. niaihH in V atl ' trust t.x cuted by Claude Burnett and wife, l.sther, on Ihr 9th day of March, 191>5, the f*me recorded in Martin Count* iecor.ll.ook J-l, page 6i*l. The same having Veen sold on the 9th day of March, 1925, after dlt; advertisement »nd the highest bid at said sale hav ing" been raised and a resale ordered. I will sell to the highest bidder fo •p>h on Monday, March 30, 1925, nt loon in front of the Bank of Hamil cn, the following land: One tract of land I now live on, con fining 57 acres, more or less, ad orning the land of Fon Everitt known is the Brown land and the Lake Bur left land, being 7 miles from Hamil n on the county road leading *o Pa' iiyra, N. C., This tb» 14th day of March, 1925 F. L. HAISLIP, -120 Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by yirtue of the power of tie contained in that certain Deed of • Vast executed to me by T. M. Mills ' nd wife Cherry Mills, on the Ist day f IWemher, 1980 and of record fai the lartin County Public Register in book, t » G-2 ))u h 'c 30 securing: a certain bond of - eyen l;te, and tenor therewith and the - stipulations therein t" t having been - complied with, and :>t the request of . '.lie holder of said bind I will on the 24 th d.i.v of April, ' H»2 > at 12:00 o clock noon in front of th; Court House door of Martin County offer at public auction to the highest bidder for casl r lie following described l-md: Hounded on the East tyth#s lands o J. H. Cross, on the West' by tl e land of E.ison Biggs and Tobe Page, on th , North by the lands of' Sam Winbuah , on the South by the lands of Join liowen and being same land bought o' H. O. Cowen and known as the Mack \ I.lobley old homestead, This the 23rd day of March, 1925 It. G. HAKKISON, ni27 4tw Trustee NOTICE The undersigned administrator o. the estate of Mrs. J. S. Peel, deceased j will on Monday, the 6th day of Aqril, j 1926, at It o'clock, a. m. at the home | stead of the late J.. S. Peel, deceased offer for cash, to the highest bidder, the following Ascribed prop eriy, to wit: One horse, One buggy and harness, One bag of peanuts, About 10 barrels of corn, , One lot of hay, One lot of chickens Six feather beds, Six bedsteads and mattresses, sheet bedcloihing, and pillows and bolsters Three bureaus, Two wash stands, Two wardrobes. One lounge, Four tables, All cooking utensils, Two wash pots One clothes boi'ir, ■f Tvvo kitchen safes f> Twenty-six chairs, 1 | Two tubs, One sewing machine, Uugs, carpets, etc. Two clock., One saw, One stalk cutter, one cart ant wheels. And all (Jther personal property not ' injc to said Mrs J. S. Peel, deceased. This the 10th day of March, 1925. ELI GI'KGANUS, A. I m ■ JT's. Peel, deceased. : ~t. . m 24 "* " NOTICE 01' KXECIfjION SALE Noj-th Carolina, Martin County; In the superior court. J. YV. and A. Anderson and W. 11. Crawford, trading as Anderson, Crawford, and Company, vs. Henry Moore. By virtue of an execution directoo toHhe undersigned from the superior court of Martin County in the above entitled action I will on Monday,"the" r,th day of April, 1925, at 12 o'clock m., in front of„ the courthou.se door in the town of Williamston, sell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said execu tion the following described real es tate, to wit: Beginning at a lightwood stob on the road, thence running 73 yards! south to a lightwood stob; a corner; thence east to a stob, a corner; thence north to the old road; thence across the said road at the end of a ditch, thence along said ditch nearly north to a tagged pine* a corner; t hence along the line of chopped trees near ly east to two large short-taggei pines, a corner; thence along the line of chopped trees nearly north to a sweet gum in a small drain, thence nearly norlhwe&t with a line of chop ped trees to a maple on the main run of Keepers Branch, thence down the various courses of said branch to the mouth of Flag Pond Branch, thence up. said branch to the Noah Godard line, thence with said Godard line of old chopped trees to the •foresaid old road, thence along said old road to 'he beginning, said to contain 51 acres more or less. Being the same land deeded tb the Bank of Jaroesville by Henry Moore and wife, Sadie Moore, by deed dated February 27th, 1922, and/ recorded in book E-2, at page 666. This the 6th day of March, 1926. H. T. BOBERSON, ml 3 4tw Sheriff of Martin County. k THE fiSTIBHRHISE WII4OAM 4th Grade Reading' for Bth. Grade Children To impreas the people with the im portance of books in the home life of the children, the State Library Com mission of New Jersey made an ex (leriment which is described in Home Education Circular No. 6, recently is sued by the Department of the In erior, Bureau of Education. Fifty oooks were placed in the eighth grade' j: a school which *had no'library and' no supplementary reading. The books »vcie chosen from eighth-grade lists usually found in libraries. Ninety-live per cent of the boys and girls who read the books were unable to write or talk in elligently! about any of them. The children were! hen given seventh-grade books, andj only m third of the children could write of the books. Mov ; mg down grade by grade it was lound that these eighth-grade children aver age fourth grade in " heir reading habits. When these facts were pointed ou to the parents through the parent teacher association, they began to realize the importance of the use and understanding of books, and a plai was worked out to make books a part of everyday life This resulted eventually in the es'ablishmenl of a system of supplying books to th small town and rural communities. NOTICE 'V _______ North Carolina, Martin County, in the Superior Court. Farmers & Merchants Hank vs. W. M- Sitterson Notice of Execution Safe . By virtue of an execution direcieu t the undersigned from the superior court of Martin County, in the above entitled action, 1 will on Monday, the Cth day of April, 1926, at 12 o'clock n., at the courthouse door of said county, sell to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said execution all the right,, title, and interest which the s#id W. M. Sitterson, defendant, has it. the following described real estate to wit: Situated on the McCaskey lioad, ad joining th? lands of Nicholson and others, and kmwii as the Joe Sitter son Farm, containing 140 acres. V- ' H. T, ROBERSON, Sheriff. ATTACHMENT North Carolina, Martin County. In the Court. Farmers A Merchants Bank, a cor point ion, vs. J. L. Wynne, Maggie Wynne, J. i. Godard, and the At lantic Coast Line Railroad Co. Eleven hundred and thirty ($1,130) with interest from Jan. 1, 1926, due by note. Warrant of attachment" against the property of the defend ant, Maggie Wynne, returnable before K J. Peel, clerk of the superior court of Martin County, at his office in thfc town of Williamston, North Carolina, on the 23rd day of March, 1926, when and where the defendant Maggie Wynne is required to appear and an swer or demur to the complaint. Dated this the 20th day of February 1925. R. J. PEEL, Clerk Superior Court. NOTICE OP SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed to me by Eliz-' abeth P AT'ENTS Oh ujned. Send mo'el or Nketiih and we will promptly send you s» report. Our book on patents and trade-murks will be «ent to you on requ*«t. a SWIFT and CO. I'alent Lawyers 30. r » Seventh St Washington, D C Over 34 years experience MONEY TOLOAN on real estate ami city property, for 3, 5, 10, or 33 years 50 per cent appraised value. See- — . JJt WILSON Stokes, N. C. Phone 582 Robersonville i'lON; NORTH CAROLINA May, 1924 and of record in Martin County Public Register in book S-2 page 7 securing a certain bond of even date, and tenor therewith and the stip ulations therein not having been com plied with, and at the request of the holder f said bond 1 will on the 24th day of April, 1926 at 12:00 o'clock noon in front of the Courl House door of Mar in County* offer at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash the following described land: Commencing in the edge of Pocosin Branch, Dennis Simmons Lumber Co. corner in the Jamesville and-Washing ton road, thence South with said roan to George Roberson line, thence with said line to the New or Godard road, thence down said road to the Godard line, thence along said line to C. C. /FOR SAu: COTTON SEED Clcvelnnct I»i* r i 19'2.1 I KOI' $1.50 per Bushel Mexican Bifr RECLEANED $1.75 per Bushel 5 Bushel Bar s Cash With Order W. C. PITT T A KIi() RO, N (' Said Mr. Jones To Mr. bin r "Why do you patronize the Hiway Filling Station.' Said Mr. Smith To Mr. Jones Well, I'll tell you i ! e truth. W hen Igo to the Hiway Filling T'tatioii i ki.>\. hat I'm to Ket service. There's no guess work about it. 1 know that I'll get my lull measure of gasoline or oil and that I'll get it promptly. ... . ' - " "1 know further that if I ever getin troußTe out in the country on lack of gasoline, or 7=r .u,. -irom l send their car out to help me ** \ J : "And I know further that I'll get the same cour teous service in every respect. So ivhy shouldn't I trade at the Hiway Filling Station? 1 " - ■ - Said Mr. Jones To Mr. Smith "By George, I believe I'll follow your example and give them my business in the future. They're located near the station, aren't they? Said Mr. Smith To Mr. Jones "That's the place. Kuy your gasoline and'oils ■* ""M'W'AH - . t f-w..'; there, and you'll never regret it. They give the kind of service you can depend upon. ' ' *. The Hiway Filling Station ■ • ' *ll . Owned and Operated by B. R. Barnhill Cofjtrain and Dennis Simmons Lumber I Co.! corner, thence down the Dennis I Simmons Lumber Co, line to the be j ginning. Containing Frfty (50) acres! moiv or less, and being the same"land! de»i! M '.o W. L. Hoath by Elizabeth J. J You Can Make Money! Illustration describes how easy it's done by malting -^ WT, ' CT, _ BEST-PORE—PAINT fH s3^oo P*r Galloa teK'JCtffctiW —«Hk Quicklydoo«.S«vesyuuMoney. L & M SEMI-PASTE PAINT It is White Lead and Costly White Zinc to assure longest years of wear, as proven by 51 years of utmost satis ' factory use. y££L£££l-because in Semi-Paste form, and therefore you mix 3 quarts of Linseed Oil into each gallon, and so make lyi gallons of Pure Paint for $3.00 per gallon. GUARANTEE— Un a gallon oat of amy yoa bay, and if not par rrnctly satisfactory thm remainder con rotmrmod-mrithomt *•"*» "HMdo for tho on, gallon uood. fORMUir i a!s!;;:n J • ; jj •>\ Hardy Hardware v 0., 1. v. > c iai.o i^Cvk John E. Bond Co. ix.vi.to.i I-Heath anti by T. L. Ruth *w to £Us j abeth Heath by Deed dated September 21st mi. This the 23rd day of March, 1925. G. HARBISON, I m 27 4tw •' Trustee