THE ENTERPRISE Published Erery Tuesday and Friday by the ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING COMPANY tyfflitnwton, North Carolina W. C. Manning : - Editor Subscription Price (Strictly cash in advance) 1 year $1.50 6 months 80 8 months •*> Entered at the post office at Williamston, N. C. as second-class matter under the act of March 3, 1879. Address all communications to The Enterprise ORGANIZED ATHEISM IN TEE UNITED STATES Atheism is aggressive in America today. We now have the "American A—oriattnn for the Advancement of Atheism," which was recently formed in New York, where it now has head foartei*. The Association applied for a charter, which was denied; ye* they in geiag ahead with their work. We do not know why such an asso ciation should be interested in break ing the faith which the very foundations of our government is builded. It weuld be interesting to know whe K is that is willing to spend money, energy, and time to change the whole plan ef our American system that puts God first to a system of atheism that puts man abend. The principal work of the associa tion so far has been to circularise the smrfer i Isssns of the universities ef America, and especially the church -» WMOfli. Naturally, one thing appeals te ■test people; that is to make him be lie** be i» superior te others. Of course, they appeal to the vanity the man, who has s knowledge ef science, and they drdive a wedge bateeen the young student of scisnce and the God of science, the Creator of the scientist, and the Maker of the things which scbience discovers. Sometimes bitter controversies rage among Christians, which always wilts the faith in some one. When Christian people get into con troversies with themselves and others, outsiders naturally fall to understand that we are possessed of God and the love of Christ end obedience to the Holy Spirit There is really no place for atheism in the human heart that trusts, loves, and serves. Then we must stand for Christian thrlng. Elder Sylvester Haasell has recent ly issued a tract on the question of evolution, in which he rightly divides the things of God from the thoughts, acta, and works of tha scientist We cant be too vigilant in holding op Christ if we block atheism. MOTOR CARS AND EDUCATION COSTS TO THE STATE Acoording to the records of the Stats automobile department and the board ef education. North Carolina peep Is spent $71,000,000 for automo biles la 1M», which Is mors than three times as mck as we spent for sdu catloa. t All the money paid for automobiles was spent voluntarily and willingly, while a large part of the money that |§ f|| |||d bOCMftM the law required tt. The entire toheeeo erey was not anaugh Is pay tor the pQiehase of •ntoOMMlau. U is hard to estimate the east ef running all the cars of the Mate. If we take |1 as the daily cost —ns many people give it—to operate • ear. than It cost the people la North QmsMm mmmm last year, wMsh to something sew 960 fsr every per- Hew mm wo going to eland aa an aaei —fiaitltsrs, meet of tt for pleas •Mh het eseto as more than the eet ftagothsr, ssO for. HOW DO WE KEEP THE LORD'S DAY T If we were to attempt to answer that queationjn full it would take too much space. In fact, no one person can answer the whole question. If he is good enoygh to describe the wor ship of the good, he will not be bad enough to describe the bad of the worst of us. The people in Christian nations do pretend to keep the Lord's day for three reasons: Jesus arose on that day; the Holy Spirit came on that day; and sn that day the disciples met for worship. Now, some sleep, some fast, asms spend the day in woridy amusements. No law compels men to be religious or to worship anything or anybody; and unless we have a conscience towards God seven days in the week we can not consistently keep one Lord's Day. The pilgrim fathers kept the day and worshipped on that day. Our national and State governments make it a holiday and regulate trade and commerce on that day. Every body favors the law, but no body seems willing to keep it. Every body leaves their business Saturday withoyt a thought of returning to it until Monday, ercept the seller of pleasure products. There seems to be a spirit existing in most people to force the sale of drug-store products, auto supplies, and pleasure resorts to furnish them on Sundays. That ap plies to the grown-ups, too. We see the children playing marbles baseball, and other games on Sunday. They, of course, are not so mjjch to blame for playing a little, becu'ise the examples set them by the elders are not wholesome. The home, the school, the church is not teaching the great principles of worship and reverence as it should be taught There are even those who hide a way at*poker on Sundays, and still others who gather at soma dark cor ner and drink liquor. So Sunday closes on very few true and consist ent keepers of the Lord's Day. Free Instruction An Instructor From Dennison's Will be at This Store April, .12 to 17 To Give Lessons in Paper Flowers, Baskets, Sealing Was Art and CRYSTALLINE LAMP SHADES Program for the Week Monday and Tuesday: Crepe Paper Work, Flowers, Favors, Etc. Wednesday and Thursday: Baaketry *■ . Friday: Sealing Wax Art Saturday: Parties and Decorations INSTRUCTION IN LAMP SHADES ALL THE WEEK Tabs This Opportunity to Learn the Deanieoa Crafts or to Get the Latest Ideas NO CHARGE TOR INSTRUCTION All The Material You Need for Sele Right Hots Small's Book Store Washington, North Carolina THE LETTER-BOX WANT JAMES L. COLTRAIN FOE COUNTY COMMISSIONER Editor of the Enterprise: Since Bear Grass Township has held the position of county commissioner for several terms, we feel it now be longs to Griffins Township. Quite a number of citizens of Bear Grass hope to see the name of Mr. James L. Coltrain up before the pri mary in June. We feel that he is safe and sound and that he is well qualified for the position. SEVERAL VOTERS OF BEAR GRASS. April 12, 1026. EXPERT HERE F. H. Seeley, of Chicago and Phila delphia, the noted truss expert, will personally be at the Proctor Hotel, and will remain in Gresnvills Wed nesday only, April 21st. Mr. Sesley says: "The Spermatic Shield will not only retain any case of rupture per fectly, but contracts the opening in 10 days on the average case. Being a vast advancement over all former methods—exemplifying instantaneous effect immediately appreciable and withstanding any strain or position, no matter the sise or location. Large or difficult cases or ruptures (following operations) specially solic ited. This instrument received the only sward in England and in Spain, producing results without surgery, in jections, medical treatments or pre scriptions. CAUTION—AII cases should be cau tioned against the aae of any elastic or web trass with aaderstraps, as saaie rest where the lump is and not where the eiwiuag is, prodacing com plications necessitating ssrgical op erations. Mr. Seeley has documents from the United States Government, Washington, D. C., for inspection. He will be glad to demonstrate without charge or fit them if desired. Busi ness demands prevent stopping at any other place in this section. N. B.—Every statement In this ns tice has been verified before the Fed eral and State courts.—F. H. Seeley. Heme Oflce, 117 N. Dearborn St., Cfcicage P. fc». —Fraud arming —Many oom plaints have reached me from dissat isfied purchasers that certain parties have b«en traveling about under mis representations—imitating my ads and claiming to be associated with me or my establishment Substituting an inferior imitation for my goods and improperly fitted, all of which is false and fraudulent and an imposition on the purchaser. * - CARI) OF THANKS We wish to thank all of those who were so kind to us during the few hours' illness and at the time of the death of our husband and brother. Their ministrations of sympathy will never be forgotten. Mrs. HENRY DANIEL. Miss MAMIE LANIER JOE LANIER. NOTICE In the superior court, before tha clerk. State of North Carolina; County ef Martin. Beatrice Pace, Plaintiff, vs. O. Lt Pace Defendant The defendant, O. L Pace, will take notice that an action entitled aa übove has been commenced in the su perior court of Martin County, to ob tain a divorce, a vinculo matrimonii, and the aaid defendant will further take notice that he is required to ap- THB HWiW—WIUUAMiTQN, M. * pear at the oflfc'e of the superior court at tha courthouse in Williamaton, N. C., on tha I2t£ day of Match, 1926, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief de manded in said complaint This 12th day of February, 1926. R. J. PEEL, mX2 4tw Clerk Superior Court NOTICB In the anterior court, before tbe clerk. State of N*th Carolina; County of Martin. C. B. McKeel, Plaintiff, va. Sadie Mc- Zaei, Defendant The defendant, Sadie McKeel, will take notice that an action entitled ae above has been commenced in the su perior court of Martin County, to ob tain a divorce, a vinculo matrimonii, and the aaid defendant will further take notice that she is required to ay pear at tbe oflce of tbe eoperior court at the eoarttiuse in Williamsten, N C., en the 12th day of March, 1926 and anewer er demur to the complain in said action, or tbe plain tiff will ap ply te tbe court far the raliaf de manded in said earnplalat This IMb day ef February, IMI. B. J. PEEL, i*l2 itw Clertr Superior Coert NOTICB OP SALB OF LAND Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed Earfy Fertilization Pays On Cotton MnahaftheneeripraMamhaalfad by fit tint a *rop set More the wee fis tav* a dMnee at it. TatUsend, tttsiieMilK tby^yyh^jhat that is need. , la i iwafil gUatemwtd eaparhnent f irHlmw carrying euidt acting Njtro rai. For thh purpose Nitrate of Soda is used throughout tbe South at the ret* ef fctwiiOO to 200 pouads per acre together wtth 200 to 300 pounds ef A4d. Oae ef the best known and meat aneeaarful ef cotton plantar* wrote in a reeant iaaae ef '"Hie Pro- Hiaatee hr««" ae felowa: "One (teat aim in- particular Should be te got a good eet of fruit emir in the season, before the wee vds gat so aumeroas as to get all fili'uSjj rateable a* a aaaans of doiag this. I aee 1000 poimds per acre of a mil tare made up of 400 pounds acid S3BMtjSCW lie Ksteit ia important whwever there ia a tea dan cy to mat; otherwise, it amy not be generally aeeded. It isaeereoveriauMrtaat that plea ty ef the Add aad ieda be put under the crop, (a arte that It may ea*M up growteg aad pah ell into vigoreur growth aad qui ok fruitage. Itu safe to say that upon early fertilisation de much at tbe aucreea to be had la hmtinf the weevil at hia own game. 40, Masons why you should carry automobile liability insurance— To protect you from lawsuit. To keep from losing your car. To keep from losing your home. To kaep from wiping out your savings account. To kaep from loeing stocks, bonds, and other securities. , .V To keep from having your salary garaisheed for years. To keep out of court To guard your family against suffering as the result of financial losses to meet damage claims. To keep from worrying. To keep your family from worrying for fear of an accident wiping out everything you possess. To strengthen your personal and business credit standing. To' protect persons whom you may seriously injure. To protect the owners of property you may damage. Because good business judgment demands its. Because your standing aa a responsible citi sen demands it Because you may be assuring your entile future To protect you against unjustified claims. To save legal feee for defending your rights. To have the advice- and counssl of trained lia bility specialists. Te protect" yourself against mishaps beyond yonr control \ ' \ Your Future Is in the Hands of Fate It Can Not be Otherwise—Why Take Chances when it costs so little To Play Safe See Leslie Fowden of trust executed on the 2nd day of December, 1919, by W. T. Bobbins, and of record in the public registry of Martin County in book A-2, at page 336, said deed of trust given to se cure the payments of certain notes of even date and tenor therewith, and the stipllations in said deed of trust not having been complied with, and at the request of the parties interested, the undersigned trustee will on May the 3rd, 1926, at 12 o'clock m., at the courthouse door in the town of Wil liamston, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, at public auc tion, the following described land: Being lots No. 2 of the division of the J. G. Godard farm, near Dardens, N. C., known as the Tarkle Neck of Jones land adjoining lot No. 1 and lot No. 3 the same division and the Piney Woods road from Dardeus to Jsmasville and containing 87 1-2 acres, more or leas, as will be seen from tMTmap made by Secrest, C. E., and recorded in land division book No. 1, at patfe 473, reference being made to said map for a more definite description. This the 31st day of March, 1926. KLBEKT S. PEE*. . at 4tw trustee. NOTICE Notice is hereby given to all credi tors and ail other persons in any way interacted in the lot, bank building, furniture, and fixtures of every char acter of the Parmer* Banking k Trust Co., situate on the east side of Main mWCP. V Pays io Use Jf -EIpZZZ-"' Get Your Supply At Once B® sure you have it at hand fj/g- when you arc ready to use it. At present prices, nitrate is cheap enough —} — to pay big profits from the increased crops it will produce. —r_ Ask your county agent or send a postal card with your address to our nearest office for our free bulletins which have helped thousands of farmers to grow bigger and more profitable crops. " Chilean Nitrate of Soda— EDUCATIONAL BUREAU Dr. William S. Mjrtri, Director 1 It Hurt Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. 40S llibernia Bank Bldy., New Orleane, La (It Cotton Eachange Bid*., Mantphla* Tenn. 57 Eaat Stata St., Columbus, O 27 Madieon Avenue, New York So that the insurance company will assume your liability. To reduce the mental strain of driving. To increase the pleasure of driving and riding. To travel in comfort, knowing that you are pro tected if the unavoidable happens. Because an ounce of prevention is worth tons of cure. ''" y - , Because auto traffic grows heavier every day and hazards greater. " ; Because the burden of proof rests on the driver. " Because the victim who may have a valid claim j, should be protected. Because of the moral responsibility to protect the family of the victim. Because verdicts against automobile owners are becoming heavier. Because the cost of defending a suit is heavy, , regardless of the validity of the claim. Because you may be liable for injury to a guest in your car. Because sympathy naturally goes to the injured Because after an accidenti it Is too late to pro tect yourself. J " Because the coat U^caaeonable. Because the jUb&it] and Casualty Company is reliable. Because common sense demands it—motoring requires it—your family's future protection or ders it , AND YOU NEED IT. Street, in the town of Rohersonvflle, N. C-, thai the Greenville Banking ft Trust Co., receiver of the Fannees Banking ft Trust Co. will make ap plication to Hon. M. V. Bamhill, res ident judge of the second judicial dis trict, at the offices of Simmons ft Kling, in the city of Rocky Mount, N. a, on the 10th day of April, 1926, at 7.30 p. m., for confirmation of the sale of the above described property to the Bank of Kobersonville for the sum of twelve thousand five hundred dollars. This March 29th, 192«. GREENVILLE BANKING AND TRUST CO., Receivers. Dunning ft Moore, attorneys. It NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR The undersigned, having beeiy ap pointed and duly qualified as Admin istrator of the estate of Abner Bur nette, deceased, all persons having claims against said estate are notified to exhibit the same before him on or before the 6th day of April 1927 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment. This the 6th day of April 1926. Ed Burnett, Administrator Abner Burnett, deceased. HUGH G. Horton, Atty. a«6t NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of the power and au- thority contained in a certain deed of try it made and executed on the see- i of February, 1925, by W. R. Boston and wife, Annie M. Boston, to the undersigned trustee, said deed of trust being of record in the public registry of Martin County in book Q-2, at pace 261, register of deeds office, and said deed of trust having been given to secure the payment of a certain note of even date and tenor therewith, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness for which said deed of trust was given, and at the request of the holder of said note and deed of trust, the un dersigned rtijstee will on Monday, the 12th day of May, 1926, at 12 o'clock m., in front of the courthouse door of Martin County, at Williamston, N. C., offer for sale, at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described real estate, to wit: That certain tract or parcel of land in Martin County, adjoining the lands of A. L Cordon, Minnie Cordon, and others, and being the same land con veyed to W. R. Boston by W. J. Bos ton, by deed dated January 26th, 1916, and of record in the Martin County registry, said tract or parcel of land containing twenty-one (21) acres, more or less. This the 10th day of April, 1026. F. H. WATTB, el 3 4tw Trustee. Hugh G. Horton, attorney. BULL'S EYE £4ltor mad Qtmtrml Manmqtr wiu. Roctm 7 IF ABOAW "Bull" IXjriumidnr.^l I titcmcnl by Will Rocen. ZWald I I Follies and icrcrn Mar, sad l«i I I iof American humoriM. Mors I li coming. Watch for them. I| Congress No. 1 I went to Washington the other day. I visited "The House of Rep resentatives," they were in session. What I mean by being in session, the tax bill was up for debate and they were arguing on "Better Golf courses for the medium salaried man." I suppose if the World Court bill had been up, they would have been talking on "Shall Amer ica park oblong or parallel." Well, then I went over to the Senate. They had adjourned, so I fek that America was not having such a bad day at that. We were only 50 percent inefficient THAT DAY. You know we all joke and kid about Congress, but we can't im prove on them. Nomatter who we elect, he it just as bad as the one he replaced. So with all their faults „ w$ love 'egi. They are as food a* the people who vote to put them there, and they are 10 times better „ than the ones who don't vote at all. They are like "Bull" Durham, they are not perfect, but they are the best in their line. Zht, s^-**4 P.S. There will be another piece in this paper soon. Look for it. "BULL DURHAM Guaranteed by

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