Advertisers Find Our Columns a Key to 1,600 Martin County Homes VOLUME XXIX—NUMBER 25 LIST OF CANDIDATES FOR COUNTY OFFICES; NOMINEES TO BE CHOSEN AT PRIMARY SATURDAY, JUNE sth Most Important Races Are for Register of Deeds and Sheriff ONLY 1 STATE OFFICE % " Reynolds and Overman Fight for Senatorial Toga Interesting The primary to be held June 6th promises very little excitement except in local affairs, there being only one State contest of importance; that of United States Senator. Han. Lee a. Overman and R. R. Reynolds being the aspirants for that high office. There are no contests for Con gress the State senate nor for solici tor. The candidates who have flled for the several county and township offices of this county are: For clerk of superior court: R. J. Peel and W. H. Crawford. For sheriff: H. T. Roberson, W. J. Taylor, and A. L. Roebuck. For judge of recorder's court: J. C. Smith and J. W. Bailey. For county commissioner from Jamesville and Williams Townships: L. P. Holliday and J. N. Hopkins. For county commissioner /rom Griffins and Bear Grass Townships: J. L. Coltrain and T. C. Griffin. For commissioner from Williamston and Poplar Point Townships: H. M. Burrass and J. E. Pope. For commissioner from Cross Roads and Roberaonville Townships: J. G. Bamhill and J. L. Bailey. For member of the board of educa tion from Williamston and Poplar Point Townships: T. F. Harrison and K. B. Crawford. For road commissioner in Jameavjli Township: J. F. Martin, Luther Har dison, P. M. Holliday, W. B. Gaylord, and H. L Davis. For road commissioner in Griffins Township: J. J. Roberson, Jno. E. Grif 4a, N- & Maniiism. B. R. Manning. Geo. C. Griffin, J. R. Corey, Jas. A. Roberson, Mc D. Hardison, Haiqnon Roberson. The voters of Jamesville Township will vote for three while those of Griffins Township will vote for five road commissioners. There will be a small square at the left of each name on the ballot and the voter will make a cross mark m the space opposite the name for whom he votes. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwards Operated On Mr. and Mrs."F. L. Edwards were called to Kinston late Friday, where their oldest child was suffering with an acute attack of appendicitis. The child was spending some time with his grandparents, and going to school in Kinston. When Mr. and Mrs. Edwards ar rived the little fellow had already been rushed to a hospital and oper ated on, and he is now doing well. ' •" 1 ■ ' ' List Taker to Close Books Next Monday The time for listing taxes expires May 31st Mr. Oscar Anderson, the local Ust taker, says a large number of property owners have not yet listed their 1926 takes. After June 1 the listing, according to law, will have to be before the board of county commissioners. Mr. Anderson will keep his books open at his office in the Peoples Bank Building up to and including next Monday, Hqf 41. STRAND THEATRE mtBBSBSSSSSSS I , . THURSDAY ' A PARAMOUNT PICTURE * "THE PONY with Betty Compson, Ri cardo Cortes, Ernest Torrence, Wallace Beery Jsm Cnise's Saeceseor to "THE COVERED WAGON" THE ENTERPRISE SITE OF THE FIRST PHONE MESSAGE » ' : : " 0 " m itV ' V\ ,*■ *K ,^ Waiter S. Gilford (left), president of the American Telwphone and Tete rra ph Company, aud' Leonard H. Klnnard (right), president of the Hell Tele phone Oompanv of Pennsylvania and Associated Companies, are shown itanding on the ezact spot where Alexander Graham liell first talked over lila Invention at the Centennial Exposition 60 years ago. in the background tan be seen Memorial Hall, relic of the Centennial, and which Is now being used as a museum. It was on this spot that l>on Pedro, then Emperor of Brasll, met the £9-year-old Inventor and exclaimed, "My God. it talks!" when be heard Bell's voice come over the wire. The exhibits to be staged by the organization these men represent will be one ,>of the great features of the Sesqul-Centennlal International Exposition, which opens In Philadelphia June 1 and continues to December 1 to celebrate the 150 th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. • Women Voters of Pitt Hold Mass Meeting From three to Ave hundred of the leading women of Greenville, Bethel, and surrounding territory met in the high qthool auditorium at Greenville on Friday afternoon for the purpose of discussing the coming election. Never before have the women of Pitt County felt so keenly the need to be stir themselves about this matter of voting and letting their voices be heard by cooperating with men and putting into office the best candidates for , their public affairs. Everything that touches the homes of these Wo men and because they want in office God-fearing respectable morally straight men to handle the public af fairs, to protect their children from the many evils prevalent today, they vote. The names of the candidates were read, but no candidate was endorsed by the women—it being left to the common-sense intelligence and inter est of each woman present to vote for the best man as she saw him, after investigating his record in the past public offices, his treatment of his wife and family, his standing on pro hibition and his moral character. _ .. Ths is the real organized beginning of the women voters of Pitt County. It was quickly arranged before the registration books should be closed, and few people were reached by tele phone, but the meeting far exceeded the expetations of the Instigators and next election year will find the wo men of Pitt County a real working force, a force to be respected by the candidates. Infant of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Griffin Dead y/llaon, jr., the infant son of Mr. apd Mrs. Wilson Griffin died last week and was brought to the home of its grandfather, Buck Brown, near James ville, for interment The child waa only Ave months old and died follow 1 ing an attack of bronchitis. The services were conducted by Revs. Omar, of -Geldsboro, and A. J. Manning, of Williamston. The pat ents were accompanied by Rev. and Mrs. Omar, Mr. and Mrs. Winstead, and others of Goldsboro. Arrest Negro With Automatic Pistol Deputy Sheriff Luther Peel and Chief Bareil Daniel became suspicious of m pert young negro named Henry Purvis, who strutting around the down-hill end of Main Street Sunday and placed him under enest. They found he had a big automatic pistol on him. This was taken and he was placed in Jail on a charge of carrying concealed weapons. Purvis is from the Robersonville section. Williainslon, Martin County, North (paroiina, Tuesday, May 25,1926 Woman's Club To Meet Tomorrow The regulsf meeting of the Woman's Club will be held tomor row afternoon at 4 o'clock. There is important business to come he fore the club at this meeting, and it is hoped that every member, if it is possible, will attend. It will be brought up for decision wheth er the meetings shall be continued throughout 'the entire summer, and in case they are not held there are some changes to he made in the departments, if the club is to accept the Federated club standard before the ,'une meeting, and u good attendance is especially urged. Mrs. J. O. Peel, of Cross Roads, Died Saturday Mrs. Lizzie Peel wife of James O. Peel, of Cross Roads, died early Sat urday morning from Hright's disease, from which she had suffered for a long while. „ Mrs. Peel was 55 years old, the daughter of the late George James and wife. She leaves four brothers, Julius, Mack, Lum., and D. L. James, and one sister, Mrs. Ida James. She also leaves one Boh, Mayo Peel, and one daughter, Mrs. Jackson. The funeral was held Sunday even ing at the James grave yard. The service was conducted by Rev. A. J.' Manning. Mrs. Peel had been a member of the Christian church at Everetts for a number of years. She was a woman of true worth to both her family and her neighbors, who bear testimony of her upright and unselfish life. In additipn to the sadness of the death of Mrs. Peel, her husband v stricken with paralysis Thursday and a grand-child had an arm broken on Friday before her death Saturday. Mrs. Henry Beach Died Sunday Afternoon Mrs. Eatha Wynne Beach died at her home Sunday afternoon after suf fering constantly for nearly a year with pellagra. The funeral services took place yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock in the local cemetery, with Rev. James, of Tarboro, officiating. The deceased was the daughter of George Wynne and his wife, the late Eliza Wynne, and is a native of Mar tin County. When quite a young wo man she married J. Henry Beach, also of this county. She is survived by her husband, two daughters, Mrs. George Bunch and Ada Beach, and three sons, George, Marshall, and Si mon Beach. Some time ago she united with the Holiness Church and has been a de vout member, aa well as a faithful wife, mother, and friend. REVIVAL SEBwICES DRAW BIG CROWDS Services Being Held Methodist Church by Rev. T. W. Le, Pastor; J. C. Coeton Leadi»§Singing The revival services (Ming; held at the Methodist church 4*l at tended by crowds. The pastor, Rev. T. W. Lee, who i# doinj, the preach ing, is being ably supported by the churches that he serves. The other churches of the town held no services Sunday night, and th«| Methodist church was filled, even tc the aisles. The meeting began with a great a mount of enthusiasm an 4 great re sults are expected. Miss Eva Peel is piam'st. She and Mr s Coston are putting a great deal of life in the music and service and are adding thereby much (o the services. Rev. Lee, in his Sunday night ser mon, "The Need of a Revival of Re ligion," gave the reason* for having a revival, likening the Individual to an engine; it needs fuel systematically to make it go; and unless religion is revived at intervals it dirt. Mr. Lee also differentiated between religion and Christianity. He said that those who have true have no dgsire for worldly thing* but enjoy giving to and helping oth«rs. The sermon was a leader to the ones that the minister will during this meeting and outlined the moral needs of this particular community. Services are being held ut 8 o'clock each night and at 10.80 ea«ii morning. C. R. Clark Killed Near Windsor Yesterday Mr. C. R. Clark, a Vira-ia trayel ing salesman, drove to death on the highway a few milc-Jf north of Windsor Monday mornings nmt ,«* »' clock. Mr. Clark was a salesman for P. O. Gwaltney, Jr., & Co., of Norfolk, and left Norfolk about 4.30 Monday morn ing in company with Mr, Gwaltney. When they reached Aloskie Mr. Gwaltney stopped and Mr. came on to call on his trade 09 the south side of Roanoke River. Hp was driv ing alone and out of sight of all peo ple except a man .plowing! in a near by Held, who saw the car Ms it turned over, from all appearances, three times. The car had run for some dis tance practically off the pavement, as if the driver was either asleep or had some heart trouble. No one knows to tjll the story. He was said to have spoken a few words after he was reached, though ho was very badly bruised and broken up. Prom various receipts from his Ma sonic lodge anil other lodges and in surance companies it was found that his people lived in Wakefield, Va. They were soon located and made the jour ney to Windsor_by automobile, where the body had been prepared for bur ial. He was taken through the coun try to his home in Wakefield, where he will be buried. Mr. Clark was 32 years old, a man of splendid reputation and very popu lar. He leaves his wife, father, mother, two brothers and five sisters. Ford Coupe Is Stolen Here Saturday Night Mr. P. H. Brown's Fori) coupe was stolen Satu rda y • jught-Jistwusn U an .I 11 o'clock. The car wari parked on Main Street, between Culpepper Hard ware Store and the Tar Heel Build ing. The key was not in the car, but the thief seemed to know the 1 ar business so well that he was able to get it front' a crowded street and K"t away unde tected. There is no clue whatever as to who did the stealing nor which way the car went. The car was nearly new. The motor number was 12,757,061, and the State license'number was lt-3205, Man Killed in Auto Wreck Near Bethel Dan Pollock, of Trenton, N. C., was killed in an automobile wreck Sunday night on highway No. 90, one mile west of Bethel. Mr. Pollotk was driv ing a Ford car and from appearance was almost off the road When he was struck by a Chrysler car, driven by- Andrew Jenkins, who lives in Beau fort County. Mr. Jenkins was accom panied by Albert Warren *nd Joe Ter ry/ two young men of his section. Mr. Pollock was taken to a hospital in Tarboro but was dead when he reached there. Peel-Carrawan Mr. Roy A. Peel and Miss Ruth Carrawan were married at the resi dence of Elder W. B. Harrington, of Smith wicks Creek, last Saturday night. " Mr. Peel is the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Peel, of Griffins Township. Miss Carrawan is from Hyde County, from the Swan Quarter auction. Commissioners Decide On Location For Almshouse; Agree On Salary Schedule "Bob" Reynolds to be in Town Tomorrow R. R. Reynolds, better known as "Bob" Reynolds, will be in Williamston tomorrow for a short time. Mr. Reynolds is making an extensive tour of eastern Caro lina in his campaign for United State Senator. He is from Aahe ville and is well known in weetern Carolina, where he is extremely popular. He was in the city last Sunday and was the guest of Mr. Z. H. Rose, who was a schoolmate of his while at the University. Well-Known I>octorof (irimesland Is Killed Dr. C. M. Jones, of Grimesland, was run over and killed at that place Sun day night about 8.15 by Earl Gallo way, also of Grimseland. Dr. Jones was crossing the street on his way to uttend church when Galloway, driving a Dodge car, came around a dark cor ner into the light and was blinded Dr. Jones was dragged about 20 feet end rendered unconscious. He was taken to the Washington Hospital suf fering greatly from shock. Severe tuts were found on his head, both arms, and all over his body. He died at 12 o'clock, never regaining con sciousness. Dr. Jones was 66 years of ago, was prominent in business and church life of the town and had been a practicing physician in Grimesland for between 30 and 40 years. He was regarded as one of the town's best citizens. "•"Dr. Jones is survived by his wife and four children. One son, Fred, of Houston, Tex., was advised of his father's death over long distance. He is now on his way home for the fu neral. Three daughters, Misses An nie Ruth, Virginia, anl May, also sur vive in addition' to' many relatives scattered throughout Pitt. The funeral will probably b* held some time Wednesday in Greenville. Dr. Jones was a member of the Chris tian Church. Many Operated on at Children's Clinic Many operations for the removal of tonsils and for other diseases of the eyes, ears, nose, and throat are made each day at the clinic now being held here. Monday Dr. Carter operated on 25 cases,'and from all indications he will have the maximum number each day, with a certainty that lie will not be able to reach a large number of qases that have been approved and need attention. People from every section of the county gather here with their children early in the morning, and after they are operated on they are kept under the constant watch of doctors and nurses for about 24 hours before they are permitted to go home. .Standard Making.... ... New Motor Fuel The entirely new motor fuel recently developed by the Standard Oil Co., will be available to motorists this week. This new fuel is more powerful than gasoline, und besides giving greater efficiency to present motors, will make possible further practical use of high er compression motors. According to a statement today by Frank Howard, head of the develop ment department, and who was respon sible for its production, the new fuel will be marketed under the name ofj Esso, It is red in color and will be dispensed only from silver pumps at "Standard' 3 stations and* dealers. "This new fuel," said Mr. Howard, "is not intended to displace the reg ular 'Standard' Gasoline, but it hao (been developed and will be manufact ured to meet the special motoring con ditions such as motor knocks, carbon accumulation, high-compression mo tors, old cars and engines operating under excessive loads. "The continued use of Esso will giVe n motor greater flexibility, less gear shifting, freedom from crank-eu lution, instant starting, faster pick up better speed, and pull on the hilts, ■more power and longer life. "It is our aim to put the test of Esso's efficiency directly up to the mo torists. After a trial he can deter mine whether his car needs Ksso or whether he should continue to use the regular gasoline." During the past three weeks, all of the Standard Oil Company's refineries have been busily engaged in the pro duction of this new motor fuel and now report that they are ready to dis tribute it in their respective territories. All Candidates for Local Offices Agree to go on Salary December 1 ERROR MADE IN LAW The Hoard of County Commissioners met in special session Monday for the purpose of considering the final location of the county home. The location selection is on the lands now owned by the county and which lies just west of the fork of tJi«' Greenville road and the highway to Everetts, Route No. 91). The building will be erected 100 yards south of the highway and 100 yards west of the Greenville road. The board also received replies to their inquiry as to the willingness 01 the various candidates for the several principal offices of the county to go on a salary basis December 1, 1926. By an error in the ihite of the bill authorizing the board of commission ers to fix salaries, they could not make it effective until December, 1927. All the candidates having answered the inquiry in the affirmative makes the salary basis, as fixed by the com missioners, operative at the beginning of the new term on December 1. The full report of the boa'rd of com missioners as to the inquiries follows: There appears in the public local laws, chapter 661, session of 1925, General Assembly of North Carolina, an act authorizing the commissioners of Martin County to place certain of ficers on a salary. There was an er ror in the drafting of this bill. It was meant and intended to be effect ive the first Monday in instead of the first Monday in Decem ber, 1927, as the law now reads. The board of county commissioners, being desirous of placing certain offi cers on a salary, passed an order in! session Tuesday, March 2, 1926, fix ing the salaries of the officers of Mar-, j tin County, as follows: Clerk of superior court for all serv ices, j.ITWo per year. Sheriff, for all services, s6,o)() per year. Register of deeds, for all services, s.'U>oo per year, with an allowance of $1,200 for helper. Treasurer, for all services, $1,200 per year. Said law to be effective the first Monday in December, 1926; it intended and expected to have the law amended in the next session of the General Assembly to read in accord ance with that date. It was not the intention of tin county commissioners to conflict in any way with the gaueral law now In effect as applies to collection of 1926 taxes. A questionnaire was submitted to the various candidates filng for office, requesting thein to signify their will ingness to abide by the above salary schedule, which they have answered as follows: R. J. I'eel—Yes. W. H. Crawford—Yes. J. Sam Getsinger—Yes. C. D. Carstarphen—Yes. —-Hr-Tr ltoberson> ■Yw i-,—i W. J. Taylor—Ye^ A. L. Roebuck—Yes. By order of the board this 24th day of May, 1926. HENRY C. GREEN, Chairman, Board Co. Commissioners I Attest: J. Sam Getsinger, clerk to| the board. No Relief Seen From Very Severe Drought No prospect* of relief from the un preeedented drought is seen by the Raleigh weather bureau for the. next few day*. Chances of ruin following the temperature rise predicted for to day were reported as being very slight. Although the drought is continuing, for duration it has already far ex ceeded all records for this period of the year of the lialeigh weather bu reau which date back 40 JPhe dry period, which started in April, has already caused a deficiency in rainfall for April and May of 5.18 inches, and of 3.67 inches for the year. This figure ia lowered because of an excess of rain during January and March. During the last 41 days, but .43 of an inch of rain has fallen in Haleigh. This was scattered over a number of showers, any one of which was little more than enougn to settle the dust. • Messrs. A. Hassell, jr., and W. H. Williams, jr., left this morning for Asheville, where they will work for some time. 4 Mesdames Whit Purvis and Leslie Fowden arc spending today in Bel haven with Mrs. J. H. Purvis. Watch Label on Your Paper; It Carries Date Subscription Expires ESTABLISHED 1898 THREE IN TROUBLE FOR STEALING MEAT Don Purvis Accused of Breaking in Smokehouse of W. M. Perry; Two Other Negroes Also in Jail I>on Purvis, who may be properly called Williamston's hard-luck ne«ro. is again in jail. This time on amount of the stealing of Mr. W. M. Perry s meat last week. Don says that a friend of lii.s stole the meat and that he is an innocent man; but Chief 01 Police Daniel, who worked up the, is not convinced of the truth of this statement. Hod Rogers, a young colored man .ho lives ncd - .' Site a:'.rke \ tuvl Wnltei Hassell, jr., \ ioloted h'>y, pic veil Vi i "*ves to t» • pi. »;-!r >u« , uiig larnio ; liil.iv. !' > hiio (!''K hams •.> meat all a round town. Chief Daniel bought threi! hams and observing the boys closely concluded ,-rto. go out to the home of the llassell boy. His father, who is a man of honor and truth, informed him that there must be something wrong, as the boys hail no meat. Chicl Daniel then arrested Rogers, who told him the meat was stolen from the smokehouse of a colored woman on the C, S. Price farm. Rogers and llassell each attempted to lay the fault at the hands oC.tlie The stealing of meat is only a common thing in and around William ston of late. The smokehouses o( Messrs. A. J. Manning, Eli Gurganus, W. C. Manning, and W. M. Perry Have all recently been broken into. Colored School To Close Tomorrow The Willmmston.colored school will plose its most successful year's work Wednesday night at the courthouse, with exercises by the graduating >:I«AK and an address by Dr. C. S. Brown, of Winton, N. C. 1 The exercises began Friday with a program by the primary grades. The annual sermon was preached by .Rev. C. J. Henderson, D. D., pastor of the colored Methodist church at Wash ington, in the colored Baptist church here Sunday. I The grammar grade exerciser will be held tonight. The principal of the schools, Frfpar I J. Hayes, has shown his efficiency not only as a well-trained teacher ami a willing worker but as a gentleman as well, ami commands the respect of the peope of the town. The school invites white vistoiw to all the exercises. • i Believe Bill Should be Modified Washington, May 22.—Despite the defeat of the llaugen farm relief bill in the House of Representatives yes terday, members friendly to price sta bilization measures and representa tives of farm organizations conferred today in an effort to frame similar legislation with some of the more con troversial features left out. Several House members from the Middle West said that they still believed that such a bill could pass if it were modified. Conferees hope to get a compromise hill before the agricultural committee early next week and will press for a favorable report. Little of Interest in Recorder's Court Recorder's court Tuesday was with' out much interest, though it netted the county school SIOO. Henry Purvis was convicted of car rying a concealed weapon and fined SSO and the costs of the action. lloscoe Clcmmoiis was charged with driving an auto while drunk. He was convicted and fined SSO and the cost*. Don Eurvis, one of the town's recogr nized thieves, succeeded in nullifying the State's testimony with doubt, ren dering the State unable to connect Don with the stolen meat. He was re leased for luck of evidence. Hod Rodjrers, another smokehouse break, asked for a continuance until next week. Editor Made Member of Centennial Committee Governor A. W. Mclean haj ap pointed W. C. Manning, editqx o£ the Knterpriße, a member of the Statf Committee in connection with the se»- qui-centennial celebration in Philadel phia from June 1 to December 31, 1926. Special Meeting Of Conoho Chapter There will be a special communica tion of Conoho Chapter, No. 12. of Royal Arch Masons, Thmsday night, May 27th, at 8 o'clock. Work in the Postmaster degree. All menibvm arc urged to be present.