THE ENTERPRISE Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING COMPANY Williamston, North Carolina W. C. Manning Editor Subscription Price (Strictly cash in advance) 1 year $1.50 6 months BO 3 months 45 Entered at the post office at Williamston, N. C. as second-class matter under the act of March 3, 1879. Address all communications to The Enterprise HOW DOES YOUR HOME APPEAR TO TRAVELERS The Progressive Farmer of May 'iz contains a sifg&e'stion tluit fanners.liv ing on the highways beautify their places in order to make a pleasant im pression on passers-by. This is a most timely suggestion. Martin County and Williamston will be judged by what is .seen from the highways. If we have attractive farms and painted buildings many worth-while travelers will wish to live in Martin County. The whole world is now looking to the South. What are you doing to induce people to come here and live ? Why can't all the old tumble-down outbuildings be torn down and now ones put up? Why not put on a coat of paint and make the house and outbuildings show up well? Think this over. THE NEW SOUTH The Review of Reviews has recently published a series of articles on the New South that really appeal to the pride of the true Southerner. "Amer ica Discovers Dixie," by Clarence Pue, and "The Soath's Resources," by Richard H. Edmund, are two recently published. The magazitlw presents a world of study in the advantages and progress of the South. Upon first thought, we imagine our selves very great. We-think of our skyscrapers, our fine roads, our wide fields, and great forests and imagine ourselves rich. Of these we should be proud. Yet some of th«f articles treated in the New South write-ups,' i touch on even greater problems than big figures. They touch common life; they deal I with the facts nearest to us; that us often as three times a day all human beings are calling for food, the thing that sustains life. When we are fulf we think of big things. Yet only a few hours after we again hunt the kitchen that we may again pursue the ways of life. So some of the things shown are the better and easier ways! of life. They show the youth being taught ' " Leaky roQfs wash out ■KMMJM • voii'profits \ TWUmiffnl^ff'** r * u\ Storing hard-won crops and expensive |i||i|iLi W/ implements under leaky roofs! Isn't that JfflM i your idea of self-robbery ?If you're not YW " k'X VV /ini sur/ °* our roo^8 * there's only one thing \ * to do: Replace 'em with roofs that last v —Barrett Smooth-Surfaced Roll Rooting. M-jr Storm-tight! Fire-safe! Durable! * » / y^ry^—Mighty economical and easy to lay. -+ Coine iii. Inspect other types of B«r - of ' em reasonable! K «*- ! i . Roanoke Supply Cq. Telephone 265 Williamston, N. C. • to utilize the great things that nature has placed at his disposal. \ Climate, ; hoil, drainage, which so abundantly . produces food of every needed kind ■ and all things necessary for clothing and shelter. The way to better homes, better living conditions, and better educa tion is near at hand in the South land, and it is the teaching of the youth individually the fundaments of life that is counting in the South, even as much as the great factories and commercial resources. The South raised enough cotton last year, if the bales had been placed to gether, end to end, to make five bridges across the Atlantic Ocean from New York to Liverpool. Yet that did not make us prosper ous; neither did it make us great. A better «B8 of the cotton by the South will count more than a big crop if material progress is the base of great ness. When we change wastefulness into economic methods, the papers will truly have^much more to say about the new South and its prosperity. WOMEN AND CIGARETS We ask no apology for Copying an article by Ernest Crutcher, M. D., on "Women and 4garet-s," which appear ed in the last number of the New Age Magazine. , While some people may look at it lightly, it is well worth the consid eration of all people. There are some people who appar ently rush to their own destruction and" then are foolish enough to boast I about their privileges to do so. i „ If this magazine article keeps only j one" girl from being foolish enough'to [ i fall into the smoking habit, it will be i worth many times its cost, i 'She article follows: ; Judas gained everlasting infamy by f selling an Individual. Cigaret manu i facturers are "selling" the wonian ; hood of America, as far as propa > gamla can effect such seduction, i Why is it unwholesome for a wo i man to smoke? There are scientific reasons why it is more hurtful to a I woman thttn to a man, especially to a young or immature girl. For old wo men who have ceased to thing *nd find time hangs heavy -upon their hands, a pipe may be excusable—sometimes — and if used out near the born or in the chimney corner of a hovel. "Of course a woman has as much right to smoke as a man," said David Starr Jordan, "but when she I take hpr name off my visiting list.' "When a youhg man begins to smoke cigarets, we no longer worry over his future. He has none." "It is the cigaret smoker who flunks out of school," said an old teacher. "The General" Emulated Is it not amusing to see how strong the power of suggestion in observing the numerous simpletons who have a dopted an inverted pipe, since the por trait of a prominent man has been so extensively advertised by tobaccon ' ists. What is more beautiful than a mod est, womanly girl—one free from the affectation of vulgarity—a soft-voiced woman, one without barbaric stripe of "pumpkin'' hue, slathered over with superabundant starch, often put on in public, at a cafe or restaurant, tabie or even in the open street? Why is it hurtful to a woman to smoke? Because it impairs her fer tility and capability for motherhood. Because it is ruinous to her features, provoking premature old-age looks, sharpens facial lines, causes sagging of the flesh below the eyes and about the mouth, flabby breasts, invites ir regularities, bad breath, poor appe tite, ami general early breakdown. Why? Harmful Effect Seen The thyroid and thymus glands are especially important.'"The first has charge of the skin and hair, and often Is enlarged, called goiter. Tobacco is very hurtful to these two glands. It hinders the action of these, though stimulating that of the suprarenul glands, which, aided by another glan ular substance, invites a hairy growth on the faces of women but prevents growth of whiskers in a boy. A. strange paradox, easily explained, but not germane to this article. Young cigaret smokers never mature into manhood or pretty womanhood be cause of the evil effects of tobacco up on their ductless glands. Your body is your engine. You wish efficiency, out of your engine ? Then put into it only clean fuel (foods) pure liquids, and oils. Treat it as ' you would a fine automobile. Keep ', it clean and not smoked up, soiled, or I in ill repair.-* , "••• A clown is usually a bright man ' who apes u fool to make fools laugh. ■ It is odd that some bright, pretty • girls ape simpletons, unaware of the ■ smiles or derision and secret scorn of sensible folks. Only a shallow man • can admire a smoking girl. To a • sensible man she is suspicious. i 1 write as ji friend. Only a fool i ish, reckless woman will use cigarets.,, \ THE ENTERPRISE-WILLIAM9TON. N. C. (Political Advertising) TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF MAKTI.N COUNTY • My attention has been called by my friends to pertain insidious and under handed propaganda now being circu- ( lated against me by men 1 thought would never sto'ip to such vicious and deceitful means of conducting a cam paign. The propaganda is to the effect that I am the candidate of a certain man in Williamston and that if elected 1 will be under his influence. 1 hereby and now denounce this propaganda as a vicious falsehood.' I am an' inde pendent candidate for the office of the clerk of the court and am under no obligations to any man or set of pien, and if nominated and elected 1 shall administer the duties of the offict without fear, without prejudice, with out favofr and with courtesy to all. 1 stand for a just and impsytial en forcement of the law and will conduct the affairs of the office of the clerk of court so as to reestablish the faith of 1 the people of North Carolina in Mar- I tin County as a law-abiding county of high moral ideals. Yours very truly, ltpd W. H. CRAWFORD. LAND HALE by virtue of authority vested in me in that special proceedings pending in the superior court in Martin County entitled "Edna .Shields et al vs. Mifry B. Long, et al," ordering and direct ing the sale of a certain tract of land known as the lien Shield's home place as set forth in petition, I shall sell to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse in Williamston at 12 o'clock lioon on Monday, June 7, as follows: "A certain tract or parcel of land In Goose Nest Township, Martin County, State of North Carolina, adjoining the lands of T, 'l' Council, R. H. Gatlin, H. K. Harrell, it being lot No. 3 of the division of the W. H. Savage land known as the brown land) and others, bounded as follows: beginning at T. T. Council's corner, running S. 35 W. 227 poles to Gatlins and Council cor ner, near Rogerster's pond, thence 184 poles to a corner of lot No. 1, thence N. 51 E. 154 poles to Hyman's cor- Renew Your Health by Purification Any physician will tell you that "Perfect Purification of the System is Nature's Foundation of Perfect Health." Why not rid yourself of chronic ailniints that are Undermin ing your vitality? Purify your en tire syptem l»y taking a thorough course of Calotabs,—once or twice a week for several weelts—and see how Nature rewards you with lwa.lth. Calotabs are the greatest of all system purifiers. Get a family pack age, containing full directions. Only 35 cts. At any drug store. (Adv.» PENDER'S YELLOW FRONT STORES LOOK FOR THE YELLOW FRONTS For Home Or For Picnics The Choicest Eatables to be Had KLUFFO SHORTENING, 2 lb. can 39c Libby's or Del Monte Whole Sliced Pineapple, No. 2 1-2 can 27c Silver Run or Just Rite Standard Crushed Corn, can 10c Ami on or Ten Hills STRING BEANS, c&n - IQc HELPS FOR YOUR PRESERVING F rait Jar Rubbers FRUIT JARS Dozen 9c - (ilass Jar Tops Mason Jars Ideal Jars Dozen 20e Pints, doz 80c Pints, doz. 95c Paraffine Sealing Quarts, doz. 90c Quarts, doz. sl.lO , Wax, lb. 15c 1-2 gal., doz $1.25 1-2 gal., doz $1.50 TID BITS FOR DECORATION DAY To Make Delicious Sandwiches IVlicia Sandwich spread, can 15c Corned beef, l.ibby's No. 1 can T 29c French'* Mustard, jar lsc Potted Bleat, Libby'a, can 5t Peanut Hutter, Better Yet Brand, 7 oz. jar Ik Sardines, heat domestic. in oil, can 6c By the pound —23e Sardines, Kcnuine imported Norwegian, In Tongue. l.ibby's Lunch, can 30c olive oil, can 15c PICKLES N. B. C. Crackers KARO SYRUP Blue Label 6 oz. jar 15c ' No. 11-2 can.. 12 l-2c Pint Jar 28c iSKJSfcSf No. 5 can 35c - Quart Jar 45c ~ No. 10 can 63c Paper Napkins / Wax Paper Rolls 50 to package.. 10c * each 5c OUR PRIDE BREAD D. P. CAKE 21 ounce machine wrapjx»d loaf, the Fresh from the oven of Pender's day higheet quality and biggest value light bakery, layer or lb. - 10c 25c D. P. BACON Land O'Lakcs Sweet Cream BREAKFAST SLICED BUTTER * Sugar cured, rindle^.packed under U. S. GOT- H i K keat Quality T.aJ, , Made from pare .weed ' ernment Inspection. Fresh Daily _ Cream only. Try it! 1-2 lb. carton 25c; 1 lb. carton 49c Pound, cut from tub 49c , ner, now J. R. Council, thence S!" 68 W. 35 poles to a lane, thence N. 30, W. 58 poles .to the beginnings containing , ISO acres, more or leu, found in book v " S *>«. Increase in Barber Rates -I Beginning Tuesday, June Ist All the Barber Shops of Williamston Will Charge 20c for a Shave 1 CITIZENS BARBER SHOP MIDWAY BERBER SHOP BARBER SHOP FOR SERVICE NOTICE Delinquent Tax Payers You are hereby notified that your person al property will be seized and sold for the paymnt of taxes due the town of William ston on all your real and personal property if sqid taxes are not paid on or l>efore June 1,1926. ; £ ; By order of the board of commissioners at their regular meeting held May 3, 1926. M. S. MOORE CITY TAX COLLECTOR. FFF, page 90, Martin County registry. This the Bth day of May, 1926. B. A. CBITCHER, myl4 4tw Commissioner. S. Jr"Everett, attorney. SICK HEADACHE ll* Hgiwt, Says Ohio Lady, to £ Pisco, Til She M Black-Draaght Wkick ftriM.Lt Langsville, Ohio,—"For yean and years I sabred with servers head ache," says Mrs. Jane Campbell, at this place. *Tt want any pleasure for me to go places, for I cams home with sick headache. If I want to church or to any social g-" 1 ■■■ ing or to town to shop, when I got back I would hove these h adachee and have to go to bed for a day or more, till I would just get on of heart and would not try to g» "About 16 years ago I discovered that Black-Draught was good IBr these headaches. I began using it I would take it two or three nights in succession if I felt the leastbad. and it sure did wonders for me. It is about 14 years since I had aick headaches, I go places 5£J, u Headache often is a symptom of constipation. The beat relief is se cured by treating the cause of the trouble and in such a case many people have been greatly helped by the use of Thedford'a Black- Draught. Purely vegetable. Recommended | for young and old. No harmful after effects. Bold everywhere. NC-169 1 lie BULL'S EYE Kciitor and Qtntral Mmnmqtr WIUROOEIU * vj \ , ~ n4*«r- \| II U'*r■ •rtttey Will Hoffwt, Ikfl- ■ I feldVulllwtnrt «crr«n ■»«r,«od M I l*«dlo|f A 810 i» an humorist. II No Governorship For Mine My good old friend the Gov ernor of Oklahoma was in to see me at the theatre the other night. I had just had humorous mention as a candidate for that position, as they wanted to revive the Populist Party with me as the Standard Bearer. Well; the Governor showed me what had happened to atriend of hi.-, \\ ho had been defeated for Gov i ci nor in our state, so he discouraged nxe. I won't accuse him of doing it j purposely, but he did. His friend's | campaign expenditures were as fol | lows: "I kissed 6,000 babies; helped 42 voters thrash wheat; shook hands with the entire State; smoked 3,000 sacks of 'Bull' Durham; cut 22 cords of wood; helped brand 8,000 calves; spayed 4,000 of them; wa» sprinkled 8 times in Methodist Churchp; totally immersed in cold water in mijddy creeks three times by the Baptist; went to confession in every Catholic Town; paid dues to 11 Synagogues; charter member of the Holy-Rollers; listened to 800 get-together Kiawanis, Lions, and Rotary speeches; bought sheet and pillow -shp in every Ku Klux Klan in the State; and then I was defeated. " 'Bull' Durham was my sole satisfaction not only during, but after election. It is the only thing that stayed with me." %/?or? *** P.S. There will be another piece 1 in this paper soon. -Look lot h. 1 \«P "BULL DURHAM , Guaranteed by lllMaNMttS lit Fifth Avhmm, New York City

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