WANTS FARM LOANS: LOWEST COST TO borrower; no inspection fees; no life insurance; no stock. Interest due No vember Ist, prepayment privileges on any interest date. Raleigh Banking A Trust Co. B. A. Critcher, local cor respondent, Williamston, N. C. m2l 6 6ooJ Fresh GEORGIA PEACHKS $2.5# Per Bushel Crate Much Lower Price# in 5-bushel Lots Now shipping Elbertas and Car mens. Buy a crate for your sum mer ice cream. Write for quantity prices to GRIMES BROKERAGE 00. Room 429 , Kimball Hou.*e my-25 Atlanta. Georgia 20t \ln the Kitchen / \ Famous Cooks / NOVEL MEXICAN DISHES Pacific Coast Expert Tells How to Prepare Them (Editor's NoU TViia is on# of an unusual wokln# aorta* contributed to this paper by aU famous cooks Cut It out and paats in roar oook book ) Enchiladas, picadillo, Span ish rice, beans a la Ayre, and refritos! Those words conjure up pic tures of most palatable and spicy dishes to the Spaniard. And many an rw American has ~YW fallen for their JT tempting tooth ~ someness. I Mrs. Kate r /V Brew Vaughn, MM. KATI home eco- BMKW VAUOHN nomics diree tor, Los Angeles, and author of several cook books, was taught how to make these dishes by a Mexican lady. Fragrant and Daliciout Mrs. Vaughn give* the following directions for maklnc enoblladaa The gravy may be made the day be for*. Its Ingredients are: 4 ounce* chill p*pp*rs, 1H pound* tomato**. 1 *llce* bard toaat. 1 atimll onion, 1 pinch eaoh of clovo, thyme, peppar, augar. and *alt. Op*n popper*, and If It t* not de sired very hot, remove vein* and ae*d*. Soak In boiling water about 10 minute* Skin tomatoea by hold lag over flam*. Put toaat and onion through food chopper and .then strain all the Ingredient* In orVer to auk* a smooth gravy. M*lt two tablespoon* ahortenlng In frying paa, add gravy, and afromsr slowly •atU smooth and thlok Filling for Enchilada! (Picadillo) I pound pork 1 tsblsapoon ahortanlng i teaspoon chopped onion Clove of carllo^choppad) H CUD chill *auc* 1 tableapoon chopped gr**n ollvee 1 tableapoon chopped, blanched al mond* 1 tableapoon raisins (chopped) 1 teaspoon vinegar 1 pinch salt 1 pinch augar 1 teaspoon olive oil 801 l pork until tender, then chop fine. Melt shortening and fry pork until brown Adil onion, garlic, and chill sauce, and fry for three in In'-' utea. Add olive*. almonda. and ratalns. and oook two or more min utes Juat before removing adl vinegar, aalt, augar and olive oil Maka Tortilla *, Too 1 quart white flour 1 cup lard I teaapoona aalt Enough water or milk to make dough aufllclently thick to roll out like blacult. Dlvld* Into ball* alae of turkey egg and pat between the hands until" tnfn and round and cook on lop of th* atove without greaae Aftir frying, dip In hot gravy, place on plate, and place Itablespoon* of filling In center. Moll tortilla looaely and garnlih with gravy. grated cheea*. sliced oplon that has been aoaked In salt water a few minutea a green olive, blanched almond, radish, and a aprlg of pariley. 1 cup rlca 1 tablespoon (hortenlng #, 1 tableapoon chopped onion 1 clovs of garlic H cup tomato sauce t quart boiling water Peppar and *aH to tait* Malt tha shortening, add th* onion, and partially 1 cook, not H1 lowing to brown. Add to rice and fry until brown Add the tomato aauc* a little at a time, allowing •ach portion to almoat cook dry be fore adding mora. Add th* holllnK water. Do not *tlr. and allow to almmer alowly until done if it I* necessary to add morn water, be aur* It I* bol' Ins I>» n» ailr. ne qulre* about IV4 hours ot cooking. June 1,1926 is our 21st Birthday "* '' *. % r * * J ■——• —»■ - , J ■ ' ■ 1 •- M ■ • . V — "• v . J 1 ) . ** »' r We are still young:, But HftVG Htld JExperieilCe enough to justify us in saying we will be pleased to serve you upon mutually profitable lines. Come to see us., , , Farmers and Merchants Bank Williamson, N.C. • V J V ": * Coming! Prof. Pitt The Great Magician will show at the Court House Thurs. Night June 3rd Benefit St. Ignatius Mission .- • •H Admission 10c and 20c Seats for White People Delicious String Bmant ll.it). a new way to prepare •trln* beans—a la Ayre DM ISi pounds string bean* or green beans, • »*SS, and I teaspoon* cornstarch. Cook *trlng beam until tender. Separate Into bundles of eight or tan. Malta batter by beating whltea or «((■ iffitll stiff Add ellghtly beaten yoma Continue to beat, adding cornstarch. Flare a bundle ot beana on a large tablespoon and place In batter, working batter around the bean* with the apoon. Fry in hot fat until brown on all aides. Serve with the following •MO*; ",' t teaspoon shortening 1 teaspoon garlic 1 teaspoon chopped onion 1 small tomato 1 teaspoon cornstarch, salt, pepper, and augar Melt shortening In frying pan and oook (or a few mlnutea. Add the tomato ohopped fine, and cook until almost dry Add cQrnataroh and enough water to make a smooth sauo*. Add salt and peppar. • rink Beans," Too Tlnk beans" (kidney beans) are Terr filling Their Mexican name la refrltos." Take one pound of them, t teaspoons salt. « tablespoons fat. I ounces of ohees., and 1 small Mexican sausages Wash beans well, and cook with enough water to .cover well 1101 l about I hours. When adding mora water, be sure to add cold When beans btfcln to get soft add the salt. When mealy ana tender, drain Jute* from them, setting Juice to one side Melt fat In frying pan Add cheese and skinned, chopped sausages. Fry one minute, than remove to dish temporarily In the same frying pan pour beana and fry for three mlautsa. Mash, add ths cheese and sausages juloa from beana. and mis thoroughly. You will And these dlahea very a«psttslng." Mra. Vaughn says. rs&r* * r To the Citizens of Martiji - County , - ;• ' , ■ ' • . - There are quite a number of people whom I have thus far been unable to see in the interest of my candidacy for the judgeship of our Recorders Court. In the hope that a majority of them may be reached in this way may I not assure each and every one of my sincere appreciation for any support or favors that may be accorded me. J. W. BAILEY MAKGOLIS BROTHERS DEPENDABLE MERCHANDISE MAKGOLIS BROTHERS___— YOU ALL KNOW A * § w 3 I Margolis Brothers* Sale \ § '* - I | Means Great Savings and j Better Bargains a W ' ~~ ' "■' : ■ ■ "•-.. : ~T~ [ 0 Just a Few of the Many-Items You Reap (ireat Saving's On « ..'■.. . „ • ,• >•;/...r:z: 8 1 1 | Hoys 2-pants suits, as One k roup, of ladies* dresses— * low as . $4.95 only a limited quantity & I * left, values to $25; clos i w * ■ ' in# out for >. $3.95 | S One group of men's suits, v d » ■ I to close out, values to 35c frinßhams, 32 in. wide, x S2O; sale price - $12.95 »a • sale price :. 19c s | Men's SI.OO union suits, f)oc fancy voi , e sale | sale price - .... 69c . • 0 - 3 . . price ... *sc g rf ' -j | l/l t - -M Men's dress Shirts, $2.25 ' 35c dress prints, ideal for 8 P § value, sale price $1.69 children's dresses, at.... 24c ' CQ ca M 3 8 I „ J SIOES—For Every Member of the Family -at the greatest re | ' ductionßQfthcaengon 1 ■ , g S •" % >J| M i MARGOLIS BROTHERS S a . m g "The Shopping Place, After All** M • ' 5 snoDHVK asiQNVHjaaw aiavuNadaa — _ SHamoaa snooavw wmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmaam—mm—m—Kmm—mm—mmmammmm v * Candidates' Cards NOTICE OF (?ANWDACY To tha Democratic voters of Martin County:— l hereby announce myself a candiadte for the office of sheriff of this county, and solicit your support at the primary to be held in June. If elected, I promise to perform the du ties of th« office in a proper and sat isfactory manner. m3O tp- A. L. ROEBUCK, (Better known as "Baldy" Roebuck.) NOTICE OF CANDIDACY I take this means ofannouncing my candidacy for road commissioner of Griffins Township; not for the money nor for the honor, but with the hope that I I may able to serve the peo ple. I will thank the voters for their supportan d promise them my very best service if elected. Respectfully, JAS. R. COREY. NOTICE OF CANDIDACY I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of county commis sioner from Williamston and Poplar Point Township, subject to the ac tion of the Democratic primary to bo held June sth. Respectfully, J. E. POPE. i —— ———— NOTICE OF'CANDIDACY I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of clerk of the superior court, subject to the action of tha Democratic prima; y on June 6th. And 1 sincerely thank the people for their support inthe past, and if nominated and elected, 1 promise to give the peo ple the best service of which I am capable. _ R. J. PEEL - | ' • ' NOTICE I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of sheriff to the voters of Martin County and solicit their sup port at the Democratic primary to be held in June. I also wish to express my thanks for favors heretofore rendered me. Yours very truly, H. T. ROBERSON. NOTICE OF CANDIDACY 1 hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Sheriff of Mar tin County subject to the action of the Democratic primary, and solid the votes of the good men and women of the county. This the Ist day of March, 1926. W. JOE TAYLOR. CANDIDATE'S CARD I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of County Commis sioner from Cross Roads and Rober sonville Township.s, subject to thu ac tion of the Democratic primary to be held in June. J. G. BARNHILL. NOTICE OF CANDIDACY 1 take this means of announcing my self a candidate for the office of treas urer of Martin ounty, subject to the action of the Democratic primary to be held in June, and kindly ask for the votes and support or the voters of the county. Please accept my sincere thanks for all past favors accorded me. Respectfully submitted, C. D. CARSTARPHEN. NOTICE OF CANDIDACY I hereby announce myself as can ditlate for the office if representative of Martin County, subject to the ac tion of the Democratic primary, an solicit the support of the men and women of this county. J. ALPHONSO EVERETT. ■ .... ■ .... 4 NOTR E OF CANDIDACY I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of county commissioner from Griffin and Hear Grass Town ships. Respectfully, T. C. GRIFFIN. NOTICE OF CANDIDACY I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of county commis sioner of Martin County from Wil liamston and Poplar Point Township. If nominated and elected, I pledge my best efforts to help lower the tax bur den of the taxpayers by a substantial reduction of taxes, consistent with progress. H. M. BURRAS. CANDIDATE'S CARD I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of member of the countv board of education of Martin County at the primary to be held in June. K. B. CRAWFORD. NOTICE I lam a candidate for road com missioner In Jamesvill® Township, and i.sk everybody to voie for me Respectfully, W. B. GAYLORD. NOTICE OF CANDIDACY By request of a good many pople of Bear Grass and Griffins Townships, I announce my candidacy as a member of the county hoard of education to represent these two townships, subject to the action of the Democratic pri mary in June. a 27 4t NATHAN ROGERS. NOTICE OF CANDIDACY To the voters of Jamesville Township: I hereby announce myself a candi date for road commissioner, subject to the action of the primary to be held Saturday, June 5. Respectfully, P. M. HOLLIDAY. . NOTICE To all qualified voters of Roberson ville township: The icgistrat ; ou books will be open i at ihe (tore of D. A. James on Satur day, the first day of May, 1926, and remain o;,en until Saturday, May ib« 29th, 1926. for tae purpose of all .qualified; v cteis, who have not te/.n- Utred before, may ragister their names held on June 6th, 1926. J. L. ROBERTSON, Registrar. * HAVE YOUR HOME PROPERLY FINISHED There is nothing that beautifies them more than its walls. Have them finished by. §n expert I also do top finish wall work; makes the old wall new. Make arrangements now so as not to be delayed. Write me for par ticulars. G. C. COWELL 216 W. 6th St Washington, N. G CANDIDATE'S CARD 1 hereby announce my candidacy for the oflke of judge of the recorders court of Martin County, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. The support of the public will be sincerely appreciated. J. W. BAILEY. NOTICE OF CANDIDACY 1 hereby announce myself a candi date for membership on the Board of Education of Martin County, subject to the action of the Democratic voters at the primary on June the 6th. T. F. HARRISON. NOTICE OF CANDIDACY 1 hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of judge of the re corder's court of Martin County, sub ject to the action of the Democratic primary, and solicit the support of the good men and women of the county. This May 11th, 1926. 3w J. C. SMITH. NOTICE OF CANDIDACY I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Solicitor of the County Recorder's Court of Martia County, subject to the action of th« Democratic primary, and solicit the votes of the good men and women vot ers o( the county. This the Ist day of Mareh, 1926. HUGH G. HORTON. NOTICE OF CANDIDACY 1 hereby announce my candidacy for the office of clerk of the superior court of Martin County, subject to the action of the Democratic primary, and solicit the support of the voters of said primary. This March Ist, 1926. W. H. CRAWFORD. NOTICE OF CANDIDACY Upon the request of quite a num ber of citizens of Bear Grass and Griffins townships I announce my can didacy for the office of county com missioner representing said town ships, subject to the Democratic pri mary to be held in June. JAMES L. COLTRAIN. NOTICE OF CANDIDACY 1 take this means of announcing my self a candidate for the office of regis ter of deeds of Martin County, sub ject to the action of the Democratic primary to be held in June, and kind ly ask for the votes and support of the voters of the county. Please accept my sincere thanks for all past favors accorded me. Respectfully submitted, U J. SAM GETSINGER. NOTICE OF CANDIDACY I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of county commissioner for Cross Roads and Robersonville town chips, subject to the action of the Democratic primary to be held In June, 1926. «. Respectfully, JOHN L BAILEY. NOTICE I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of county commissioner from Jamesville and Williams Town ships, and as kthe support of the vot ers at the Democratic primary to be held in .June. Respectfully, JOHN N. HOPKINS.