Advertisers Find Our Columns a Key to 1,600 Martin County Homes VOLUME XXIX—NUMBER 28 COMPARATIVE FIGURES ON VALUE FARM CROPS PUTS MARTIN IN LEAD Three Main Crops Worth More Than Million Dollars Each WAY OVER AVERAGE T* Leads Adjoining Counties by Wide Margin on Basis of Per Acre and -Per Capita Valne of Crops Martin should not be a poor county, if cash income from farm crops is counted as the basis of wealth. Martin County is only exceeded by thirteen of the 100 counties in the value of the 17 leading crops produced in the State. The counties that lead us are Johnston, which produced crops valued at $11,000,000; next comes Pitt, which is only a few thousand dollars lower than Johnston; the third county is Robeson, with a $10,000,000 crop valuation. Then comes Nash, Wilson, Wake, and Edgecombe, each produc ing between nine and ten million dol lar's worth of farm products; the two eight-million-dollar counties are Hali fax and Wayne; Sampson comes next with $7,000,000. The other three coun ties which lead us are Lenoir, Duplin, and Northampton, each of which pro duced last year between six and seven million dollars' worth of crops. Martin County's crop valuation was $6,707,976. Compared With Beaufort and Bertie Comparing the value of Mai tin County's farm crops with our two large sister counties, Beaufort and Bertie, we lead Beaufort by $1,420,- 879 and Bertie by $1,768,061; Beau fort only producing crops worth $4,- 703,605 and Bertie $4,370,933. Of the thirteen counties that beat us in the value of crops produced only one is as small as Martin, which is Lenoir, and nearly all of the others are twice the siso of Martin. In pop ulation they run from 50 to 100 per cent higher than Martin, making us leading producer as to population and area of any of the leading North Carolina Counties, except Lenoir, ( which beats us in value of crops pro-' duced per acre. Martin County ranks seventh in the value of tobacco grown, thirty-fourth as a cotton county, twenty-fourth as a corn county, twenty-third in the pro duction of sweet potatoes, twenty eighth as a soy bean county, and goes up to second place in the value of its peanut crop, being excelled only by Bertie, which went up to $1,422,641 as against a production of $1,126,978 by Martin County. Peaaat Crop Over MilUon Dollars The Martin County peanut crop a lone was worth $41,207 more than all of the seventeen leading crops of Washington Qounty, while the total '• of the Martin County crops was worth nearly six times as much as the total of the Washington County crops. The value of Martin County's crops is but SIO,OOO less than the combined total of the following 12 counties: Al legheny, Avery, Cherokee, Clay, Hen derson, Jackson, Mitchell, Swain, Transylvania, Dare, Tyrrell, and New Hanover. Of the six counties bordering on "—"Martin, Beanfort has M 0 square mile*, Bertie 70S, Edgecombe 509, Halifax 676, Pitt 627, and Washington 827; aggregating a total of 2,856,480 acres. The total crop production for the six counties was $39,806,269, or $16.50 average income from each acre, whether cleared or wooded. Mar tin County has 280,320 acres and pro duced an average of $22.00 worth of crops on each acre, which is 38 1-8 per cent higher than the average of her six big sisters. Leads Adjoining Counties In population the adjoining six counties number 198,776 people, whose STRAND THEATRE A WHOLE WEEK OF SPECIAL ; PICTURES NEXT WEEK Starting off with "The Torrent" Mon day, and followed by "Shamrock" Tues day, and continuing throughout the week with a list of pictures you've Wanted to see. THE ENTERPRISE Fords Shipped Here By Water Is Distributing Point for Number Eastern Car- * olina Towns Within the last two weeks the Ford automobile plant, located at Norfolk, has shipped to Williarnston over the Norfolk, Carolina 4 Baltimore Boat Line more than 60 Ford care to be distributed to the various Ford agen cies in Eastern Carolina, thus caving a considerable amount in freight. Tarboro, Rocky Mount, Greenville, Farmville, and Windsor haye received shipments here, and the method of dis tribution has proved itself to be very satisfactory as well as economical. This way of supplying the dealers in Eastern Carolina is expected to bo made permanent, as the cars are shipped already assembled and are ready for immediate use. Mr. C. D. Carstarphen, local agent for the boat line, says the shipments are on the increase, as the paved roads leading out from Williarnston, the cheap freight rates, and the cars be ing previously assembled at the plant will save both the Ford company and the consumer a large amount within a period of twelve months. Colored Boy Iln Jail For Chicken Stealing A young colored boy is now in jail for stealing chickens from Mr. B. S. Courtney and selling them to local merchants, telling them his mother had sent the chickens to town. Mr. W. J. Hodges put Mr. Courtney wise as to who had been selling chickens similar to those lost. Police man Daniel *OOll found him. but had to run him down through the swamps. The boy is too young for the crim inal courts, and his case will be han dled through the juvenile court. Notice To Members Of Modem Woodmen The members of Everett* Camp, Modern Woodmen of An.erica, will meet in the hail at 7.30 Wednesday niu'M, June 9, and marc 1 ' to the Bap tut Church in a b»»dv to aHend the re - services. «. members of the above-named eiuii;i are urged !r be present. The nan bers also ex'.c d an invitation l. (lm members of any other camp to jcfci in this mee '.iy. average crop income is $202 for each person, while the income for each per son in Martin County from the same source is $293.50, or 35 ptt cent more than her neighbors. And Martin County has fine neighbors, to?. They show an income 65 per cent above the State's average, for population, which is only $125 per person. The State's income per acre is $10; Martin Coun ty's income per acre is and the six counties adjoining Martin, and named above, is $16.60, putting them 65 per cent above the State's aver age income per acre, and putting Mar tin 120 per cent above the State aver age. Comparing Martin and Beaufort, we And that, according to population, Beaufort has an income of $151.64 against Martin's $294.00. The acre age income in Beaufort is $8.75 against $22.00 per acre in Martin County. Diversified Crops Martin County is not a poor coun ty. It has a better diversification than any county in North Carolina, and of the major farm crops it leads all the counties in the United States. Martin is one of only four counties in the State that has three leading crops that an valued at above one million dollars. They are Martin, Duplin, Robeson, and Sampson. The last three being very large counties, each being larger than some of the States, ran their corn crops up above the million mark. Martin runs two thirds of a million in corn, but out classes them in peanuts, which runs her away above a million in that column, which makes Martin the on ly county in the entire State that sells three different crops for above a mil lion dollars. The three crops are to bacco, cotton, and peanuts. The following are the crops consid ered in this article: Tobacco, cotton, com, wheat for grain, oats for grain, rye for grain, Irish potatoes, sweet potatoes, peanuts, cowpeas, soybeans, small grain for hay, cowpeas for hay, all clover for hay, other grasses, tim othy, legumes, and sorghum, and is for the 1926 crop. Williarnston, Martin County, North CaHDiina, Friday, June 4,1926 Methodist Meeting , Will Close Sunday For the put two weeks Rev. T. W. Lee, pastor of the Meth odist Church, has been preach ing each night at 8 o'clock to large audiences. .He also held services at lOJt each morning. Mr. Coat en has led the singing, and his popularity with the folks, his quiet Christian vir tues combined with his fine leadership in music has added much to the success of the meet ing. The meeting will close with the Sunday evening service at 8 o'clock. N Sunday School Lesson Resume For Sunday, June 6—Ja cob And Esau—From Genesis 33:1-11 By Rev. C. H. DICKEY The first point to notice here is this one: "Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." It would be well for us to get that fact rooted deeply in our minds. It seems to be embed ded deeply in the nature of things. There is a price to be paid for our wrong conduct as well as a reward for the good that we do. Jacob went out from his home un der a curse. He and his mother had wronged his brother Esau. It brought a long train of consequences—he had to reap the fruit of his own deeds. In the first place, he had to leave home; and in the next place, he left home to flee from his wronged brother's wrath. And, in the naxt place, hs never saw his mother again. And in the last place, after he had left, his path was not smooth, but what he had meted out was again meted out to him. In Laban he met his match, and the same trick that he played on his father Laban played on him. The heel-catch er was caught; the deceiver was de ceived—paid back in his own coin. Seven years he served for Rachel, when Leah was palmed off on him in her stead. Seven years more he serv ed for Rachel. Six years more he served for cattle. God can take away a man's guilt. But the man will go on reaping the consequences of his past actions. As an old man, Jacob now turns his face .back towards the old home. There is something about the old home that attracts and fascinates us ever. After the years, after the storm, there is a yearning to go back. And, on his way back, Jacob meets the Lord. In the path of the rectifying of past wrongs is a good place to meet the Lord. Jacob met and wrestled with a man, or was it an angel, or, maybe, a manifestation of God. This was a great experience for him and changed him greatly, acting on him for good. What would Esau do when Jacob re turned? rrhat was the question up permost in Jacob's mind. He was con scious of his wrong to his brother — like David, his sin was ever before him. But if God was leading Jacob back home and back to Esau, would He not "also lead Esau to accept his kindly and receive him Joyfully ? It is often said that if God ts di recting us in a course of action whicn affects others that He will also direct them. So, if Divine events were bring ing Jacob back to right wrongs with Esau, would not the same power see to it that Esau receives his brother back again, so that they both could forget the past with its sin and de ception T Latham Resigns As, Chief Bank Examiner Mr. Clarence Lathm, who has serv ed as Chief Bank Examiner of the State for many years, has resigned his position for the purpose of taking a position with a banking institution in Raleigh, which pays a higher salary than the State pays its examiners. John Mitchell, who has served asl assistant bank'examiner for the past] six years, has been appointed as Mr. Latham's successor. Mr. E. P. Cunningham Moves to Garden Terrace Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Cunningham have purchased Garden Terrace from Mr. and Mrs. Luke Lamb and moved there Monday. This is one of the prettiest country homes in this section and is just a nice distance from the down-town section. Mr. W. H. Aiken, of Fuquay Springs attended the funeral of his nephew, W.° T. Meadows, jr., Wednesday, and spent several days with his sister, Mrs. W. T. Meadows. East's Tobacco Markets Open September, Ist Decided at Meeting of Warhousemen At - Kinston Tuesday OFFICERS ELECTED Pass Resolutions to Do Awsy With Trucking System; Barbecue Dinner Enjoyed Tha tobacco markets of eastern North Carolina will open the 1926 xea son on September 1 if the resolutions adopted Tuesday by the Eastern Car olina Warehousemen's Association at the annual meeting held in Kinston are approved by the United States Tobac co Association. Tuesday's meeting was featured by the election of officers and the adop tion of several resolutions which would tend to strengthen the tobacco indus try and benefit the grower as well. The association also adopted resolu tions setting aside Armistice Day, No vember 11, as a permanent holiday for tobacco markets of eastern North Carolina. Among the resolutions adopted was one that would do away with the pres ent system of trucking tobacco from farm to market by tha warehousemen, as the practice has proved costly as well as a detriment to the tobacco business. Another resolution adopted would prohibit the sale of scrap on the markets and prohibit the ware housemen from purchasing this type of tobacco.. The placing of scrap to bacco on the markot In the past has had a tendency to pull oown the price on other grades of tobacco and this action was found necessary. The trucking and scrap agreement now in effect between G|penville ware housemen was exhibited to the asso ciation as a model for the drawing up of the contracts resulting from the resolutions and all warehousemen were urged to hsve them executed and returned prior to July f. The ofltosta electa* fsday were president, J. C. Eagles, Kinston; vice president, G. V. Smith, Greenville; secretary, B. B. Sugg, Greenville; di rectors, W. A. Adkins, Kobersonville, P. C. Vestal, Rocky Mount; Selby An derson, Wilson; L. P. Tappe, Kinston; W. Z. Morton, Greenville; J. Y. Monk, Farmville; Hugh Skinner, Smithfleld; and W. L. Wooten, Wendell. The meeting Tuesday was held at the Kinston County Club and was at tended by about 160 warehousemen and tobacconists from this section. Following the business session the guests enjoyed a delightful barbecue dinner. Episcopal Church Sunday Services Rev. C. O. Pardo, Rector 9.4s—Church School. 11—Holy Communion, confirmation, and sermon by Bishop Darst. 3.30—H01y Trinity Mission. B.oo—Evening prayer and sermon by Rev. W. J. Loaring Clark, D. D. Mr. W. F. Lyon and son, Thomas, and Mr. Coley, of North Side, Gran ville County, attended the funeral of W. T. Meadows Wednesday. Benjamin Courtney and Fred Tay lor have returned home from Wake Forest College, where they have been students for the past year. Mr. Turner, proprietor of the Proc tor Hotel, Greenville, was a visitor here yosterday afternoon, visiting friends. Mrs. B. C. Holmes and son, Court ney, jr., and Mrs. T. R. Hodges, of Washington, visited Rev. and Mrs. A. J. Manning this week. ' ——« Dr. itobert Whitehurst, of Plymouth, was In the city this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Godwin Dunning, of Aulander„„were visitors here vester- MISS EI'LA FAYE BAILEY HAS BIRTHDAY PARTY At the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Bailey, on Church Strsst, Miss Eula Fays Bailey celebrated her twelfth birthday shis afternoon from four to six o'clock. There were forty of her little friends present, and she received many pretty gifts. On ac count of the weather, indoor games were played before delicious ice cream and cakes were served. y Miss Ethel Griffin will leave tomor row for Sanatorium, where she will visit her mother, Mrs. A. E. Griffin. She will bo accompanied by her niece, the little daughter of Mr. T. C. Griffin, and David Robertson. Number County Contests To Be Decided Saturday Three Candidates For Sheriff; Two Each for Clerk Superior Court and Judge Recorder's Court; Only One Contest On State-wide Ticket Tomorrow will be a day of much interest to the people all over the State. It the day for the holding of the Democratic primary, nominations on the Dem ocratic ticket bciilw equivalent to election in most ofxht counties.! There will be but one contest on the State ticket, that for IT tilt ed Ststes Senate, Lee S. Overman and Robert R. Reynolds being the contestants. In several counties and judicial districts the fight seems pretty warm. Perhaps the hottest fight is in the seventh judiclsl district, where it is ssid the bootleggers, gamblers, and bawdy house own ers hsve combned to try to defeat Judge Calvert and Solicitor Evans who have stood for law and order and have badly disturbed the law less gang in and around Raleigh. Bishop To Be Here Sunday Also Rev. W. J. Loaring Clark, Only Episcopal Evangelist in U. S. On Sunday morning, at 11 o'clock, the Rt. Rev. Thomas C. Darst, D. D., bishop of the Diocese of East Caro lina, will confirm a class of eight can didates and preach in the Church of the Advent. The many admirers of Bishop Darst will be glad of the privilege of hear ing him again. The Rev. W. J. Loaring Clark, D. I)., general evangelist of the Episcopal Church in the Unitod States, is s guest of Rev. and Mrs. C. O. Pardo. On Sunday night Dr. Clark will preach in the Church of the Advent. It is not often that a church is favored by hav ing the bishop of the diocese and the general evangelist of the church pres ent on the same day. general public is invited to at tend both the morning and evening services. Many Attend Funeral Of W. T. Meadows, Jr. The funeral of W. T. Meadows, Jr., was held at the resident or his par ents Wednesday afternoon at 3.30 o'- clock. It was one of the largest as semblages gathered to pay its last re spects to a friend ever witnessed in Williarnston. The floral designs were beautiful and numerous. The music was led by Mr. J. C. Coston and the choir was composed of the Baptist and Methodist choirs combined. Miss Car rie Dell White and Mr. Coston sang a duet, "Some Day We'll Understand" at the grave. Among those attending the services from out of town were Mrs. Van G. Taylor, of Everetts; Mrs. John D. Calais, and Miss Molger, of Washing ton; Mr. W. F: Lyon and son, Thomas, and Mr. Coley, of Northside; and Mr. W. H. Aiken, of Fuquay Springs. Sunday Services At Cedar Branch Church "We fail as a church if we raise money only; Bringing people to Chrisl is our main mission." m What the church means to the in dividual is of primary importance. Let's go to church Sunday and get an inspiration and be strengthened for the coming week. Each person needs something to live | for apart from himself and his own work. Nothing short of participation in the sublime understanding of the evangelization of the world is ade quate to emancipate us from selfish ness and to call out the best energies of mind and heart Come to Cedar Branch and worship with us Sunday morning and evening. Subjects as follows: 11 o'clock a. m.—"Reverence for the Church." 8 o'clock p. m.—'The White Life." Everybody is cordially invited to worship with uh st both services. A. COREY, Pastor. Bankrupt's Stock To Go On Sale Next Week The stock of Anderson, Crawford A Co. will be put on sale next Friday by the Norfolk UnderseUar's Co., who purchased the stock, when it was put on sale by the bankrupt court severs! weeks ago. Watch for the announcement in 'he Enterprise next Week. Judge Calvert recently demanded the resignation of certain party leaders who have been convicted in the courtH of the State and paid large fines and were held under suspended sentences. There are only three county wide contests in Martin. There are two candidates for clerk of the superior court, K. J. Peel and W. H. Crawford. There is a three cornered race for sheriff, H. T. Koberson, A. L. "Haldy" Roebuck, and W. J. Taylor. Then there are two candidates for judge of the recorder's court, Calvin Smith and J. W. Bailey- | There are several contests for county commissioner in the town ships, also for road commissioners. The polls open at sunrise, 4:52 a. m., and close at sunset, 7:04 p. m. Tobacco Town Improvements Farmers and Roanoke and Dixie Warehouses Being Enlarged Improvement* being made in "To bacco Town" are beginning to show for themselves. Hubert Morton ami Frank Bennett are on the job daily pushing the rebuilding of the Farmers Warehouse. Resides increasing thei» floor space, other improvements are being made to better accommodate their farmer friends, and better light ing facilities are being provided ovei tfftf Entire building. tyhen this building is completed it will be a credit to the community, foi it will be completely up to date. Work has already begun on what will be Williamston's largest ware house, the Koanoke-Dixie. The ltoan oke and Dixie houses will be combined into one, all the store rooms torn out between the two, making the floor space over an acre in size. This is as large as will be found on the few larger markets, of which Williamson will be one if our people will pull to gether as well as they did last year and the market grows as much this year as it did last. We have the lo cation and natural advantages that some of the larger markets do not have, and, besides, a goodly number of warehousemen who know their busi ness and have boosted prices for the farmers for the past three years. We have a man who is considered prob ably the best tobacconist in this sec tion, Mr. W. I. Skinner, lie buys for himself and for several companies. Arrangements have not been com pleted as to renting the lirick Ware house, but very progressive tobacco men are negotiating with the owners,, and it is expected they will bo con cluded soon. Sunday Semces At , Memorial Baptist Sunday is our Communion day. On communion days this church de votes the entire morning hour to the observance of the Lord's Supper. It is, and should be, a very sweet service. Great emphasis should , be placed upon its observance. Men and women will find it emi nently worth while to sit together in love, the while focusing their thought* on Him who entered Gethsemane for us; and never abated in His purpose until His price was paid for our sinß. All persons who want to sit at the Lord's Table are cordially invited to join with us. There will be no evening service, because at this time the Methodists will be holding the closing service of their revival. The members of the Memorial church are requested to bear in mind that we shall resume our Wednesday evening Bible study at the church next Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. The interest, sympathy, and tender affection of our church go out to Mr. W. T. Meadows and his family in this time of their deep distress. May our God, who is their God, sustain them Mr. Samuel H. Mobley Breaks Arm In Fall ... Mr. Samuel H. Mobley /ell from a wagon load of corn Thursday and broke his right arm and received a painful bruise on the right hip. While Mr. Mobl«y suffered much pain, Dr. Warren, who attended himj thinks he will suffer no serious conse quences. Watch Label on Your Paper; It Carries Date Subscription Expires ESTABLISHED 1898 First Service in v I New Everetts Church Sunday Service Begins at Eleven O'clock; l'icnic Dinner On Grounds HISTORY OF CHURCH Was Kstablished in 1877 by Itinerant llaptist Preacher; First Known as Pine) forest Baptist Church (Specialt to The Enterprise) Everetts, June 4.—To the west of the little village of Everetts there is a grove of stately pines, of which the Everettonians .should fße, and doubt less are, proud—proud of it for i*.s own sake, and more .proud .still for What it' surrounits'rfor nestling some what demurely in the center of this pine forest and guarded by these noble trees—which, of their kind, make North Carolina famous—is a little brick church now nearing completion. And Sunday morning at 11 o'clock this little church will serve for the first time the purpose for which it wu» built, and immediately following "I his service a piehic dinner will be serve I on the church grounds. It was in the year 1877 that the predecessor of the present church had its origin, hi March of that year a Mr. Powell, itinerant Baptist preach er, held in the Christian .Chapel Church, of Cross Hoads, a series of meetings, preaching one sermon each week during the month, and leaving soon thereafter for another field. Hut some seed, of which doubtless he was unaware yet perhaps hoping, fell on fertile soil; and in August of the same year Mr. Powell returned, bring ing with him another preacher, whos-» name was Pittman, from South South ' Carolina. These two pioneers, laboring for their Master whithersoever He wou'd they go, began another series of meet ings in what was then known as the Hryant Wynn schoolhouse, which place was about four miles to the south ol Everetts. And what an outpouring of blessings canx«4PW' those two ser vants anil upon those to whom they preached! Soon the small schoolhouse was filled to overflowing, making it necessary t> turn away those who would hear the Word, llUt those two men had not ciime' so far "to be over come by ii handicap so trivial, $o they r abandoned the schoolhouse and moved to the yard; and there, under the great canop„v of heaven, the Word was proclaimed for three weeks, atul as a result many confessed and were bap tised. . Now it is possible the old Creek was right when he said everything was in a constant state, of change, the hu man mind not excepted, of course; for no sooner had those Christian people changed to the yard than they found themselves, after the church was or-, ganized, wanting U> change to the house again; but, 10, the house was not large enough even after those who came mostly through curiosity had de cided to remain away. "What slui'l we do," anjted one. "Why, build a church, of course,'* replied a sai."}. And they did. . It was some time in the late fall of IM? 7 IhM '*"• „ ing located in a pine grove, ami was dedicated as the l'iney Forest Baptist Church. This church remained at its original location until the year 180(1, after which time it was taken down and moved to Everetts ifnd rebuilt, and the name changed to Everetts Itap tist Church. .And, as the first church had to give a larger one in the year 1800j so'has this one had to give way to a still bigger one in the year 1926. Discover New Star Brighter Than Sun A new star, has been found by astronomers shining in the heavens, ten million times brighter than the sun, and is so far away that it takes from eight to ten million years for its light to reach the earth. That is some bright shine—even if it does take such a long time to reach, usi— Woman's Club Donates To S. S. Cotton Fund At their meeting last week the \yo man's Club of Williamston donated , $25 to the Sallie Southall Cotton fund, ( which is a fund established by the federated clubs of North Carolina to help educate worthy girls. Messrs. J. W. Biggs and W. G. Peel wHI return tomorrow night from Phil adelphia, where they attended the na tional Shrine Convention. ; - .t . v .i Miss Louise Harrison will arrive to morrow from Dunn, where she has been teaching during the put year.

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