LOCAL PERSONAL Mr. A. L. Roebuck and son, Charles, of Everetts, were in town yesterday. Meadames A. T. and W. H. Craw ford, Miss Anna Crawford, and Mr. Harry A. Biggs motored to Morehead City Sunday. Mrs. F. W. Hoyt, Miss Frances Hoyt and Charles Knight visited in Wash ington Saturday night. Mrs. C. A. Harrison and daughters spent last night in Leggetts. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Mizelle and lit tle son, Dan, visited Mrs. Anna Har rison Sunday. Born to Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Hol lingsworth, a daughter, Elizabeth Rhodes, Saturday, June 5, 1926. Miss Emma Bell Harris arrived Sat* urday from Greensboro, where she has been a-student at N. C. C. W., for the past year. Dr. and Mrs. G. C. Godwin and lit tle son, Grover, jr., of Asheville, are visiting relatives in the city. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Manning and little son, James, jr., arrived Sunday from Farmville to spend some time with their parents, Rev. and Mrs. A. J. Manning. WANTS FARM LOANS: LOWEST COST TO borrower; no inspection fees; no life insurance; no stock. Interest due No vember Ist, prepayment privileges 'on any interest date. Raleigh Banking & Trust Co. B. A. Critcher, local cor respondent, Williamston, N. C. m2l 6 FOR SALK: 1 RESIDENCE ON Simmons Avenue, 1 residence on the corner of "Haughton and Warren Streets; Also York Building on Wash ington Street. For further Jnformj*- tion apply to Mrs. H. B. York, jel 4t SIDE DRESS WITH NITRATE SODA For Quick and Sure Results Use Only NITRATE OF SODA You Can't Afford to Lose Your Season's Work by Experimenting With a late Spring and many weevil* expected, a Nitrate of Soda tide dressing oi 100 to 200 pounds per acre is absolutely necessary to set squares before drouth or weevils can hurt them. A Nitrate of Soda side dressing insures yields and increases profits. QUICK ; To be effective a side-dresser roust be quick acting. Official results in this country and abroad show con clusively that only in Nitrate of Soda is the plant i ood 100% available immmdialtly it is applied. It leave* no acid residue. SURE: These farmers report the following increased yields of seed cotton from the use of 200 lbs. per acre of Nitrate dt Soda as a side dressing in addition to their /ragular fertilizers: Increased Yield J. L. Orr, near Charlotte, N. C. 600 lbs. per acre C. H. Cheatham, Oxford, N. C. 260 lbs. " " Years of actual results thou) Nitrate of Soda the best side-dresser Ask your county agent or send a postal card with your address to our nearest office for our free bulle tins which have helped thousands of fanners to grow bigger and more profitable crops. CHILEAN NITRATE OF SODA EDUCATIONAL BUREAU Dr. William S. Myrt, Director I 111 Hurt Bid.., Atlanta, Ca. (7 WlMam Straat, Naw Tack MAKGOLIS BROTHERS DEPENDABLE MEKCHAN ' Ej 1 Super-Values J * E I>KlN'.lN; THE MANY CIJS | TOMEItS WE ARE NOW SERVING § « PS s ———: i 2 Evreybody knows Margolis Bros. d p « Sales Mean (ireat Savings. w 5 : I Daily we receive new mer- I chandise to replenish the £ _ stocks and the same reduc- § 9 E h tions prevail. •, » P 08 s v- . = 4 g Dresses for The Miss and Matron— g g suitable for sport or dress wear; t , S values to sls; Specially priced $8.95 i " i I Shoes- All the New Patterns and I Shades, from $2.98 and up | M a SMen —A visit to our store will mean many dollars saved on your purchases. g i , 8 BjMargolis Bros, i — 3KiqMVH.>Haw shjhxom Miss Margaret Manning will arrive tomorrow from Greensboro, where she has been a student at Nort£ Carolina College for Women during the year. CARD OF THANKS 1 was asked by the parents who had children operated on at the re-! cent clinic to express our thanks to the Woman's Club of Williamston; to the > people of the town at large, who helped minister t oour children anu relieved us to get out for our fneals. To both we are deeply grateful for everything they did. A. SHERROD COREY. NOTICE OF CANDIDACY I wish to sincerely thank the voters of Martin County for the exceptionally fine support given me in the primary held Saturday, and to my can didacy for the office of sheriff of this county in the Democratic primary to be* held on July 3rd, 1926. I wish to renew my pledge to you that K elect ed I will render the best service 1 pos sibly can. Respectfully submittted, A. L. ROEBUCK. 1 Better known as "Baldy" Roebuck. NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of a power of sale con tained in that certain deed of trust ex ecuted by R. E. Early and wife, Na omi Early, to the. undersigned trus tee, and bearing date of March 9th, 1914, and of record in the public reg istry of Martin County in book U-l, at page 316, said deed of trust having been given to secure the payment of a certain note of even date and tenor therewith, .and default having been made in the payment of said note and the terms and conditions in said deed of trust not having been complied with and at the request of the holder of said note the undersigned rustee will, on Monday, the sth day of July, 1926, at 12 o'clock m., at the courthouse door of Martin County, at Williamston, N. offer at public sale to the highest bidder for cash the following describ ed real estatte, to wit: Starting on the corner of Commerce an dMaple Street, running south 143 feet 4 inches to Osborne corner, thence in a westterly course 133 feet, 3 in., to a corner; thence in a northerly course 143 feet, 4 in., to Commerce Street, thence in an easterly course 133 feet, 3 inches, to the beginning, containing by estimation 1-2 acre, be the same more or less. This sth day of June, 1926. A. R. DUNNING, jeß 4tw Trustee. ■■ « VU"*' NOTICE OF SALE Inderand by virtue of the authori ty conferred upon me In that certain deed of trust executed September 7th, 1921, by L. E. Corey, and of record in the public registry of Martin Coun ty, in book H-2, at page 4, and the conditions of the same not having Bfeen complied with, 1 will sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash, at the courthouse door in Williamston on Good Fresh GEORGIA PEACHES $2.50 Per Bushel Crate M uch Iyower Prices in 5-bushel Lots Now shipping Elbertas and Car mens. Buy a crate for your sum mer ice cream. Write for Quantity prices to GRIMES BROKERAGE CO. Room 429 Kimball l'ouse my2s Atlanta, Georgia 2m Just Recived 500 Tons White Beach Nova Scotia Land Plaster . None Better for Peanuts Cheap for theC ash C. D. Carstarphen & Co. Cherry Furniture Company of Washington, North Carolina ALL GOODS DELIVERED FREE $70,000.00 . "-of-High-Grade Furniture ON SALE ~ JUNE 10th to 20th _ > ■ Red Room Suites Living Room Suites Dining Room Suites Refrigerators, Kitchen Cabinets, Odd Chairs, Tables, Rugs, Lampd A TREMENDOUS .SAVING Largest Stock of Furniture in Eastern North Carolina Morris Sales System In Charge , THE ENTERPRISE—WIMJAMfITOW. M. C Friday, June 25th, 1926, at 12 m., the following described tract of land, to wit: A tract of land in Grifflns Township, adjoining the lands of Henr> and Ar thur Roberson on the north; J a roes ville and Washingto nroad on the east; Henry and Louis Koberaon on the south, and Joshua Hardiaon on the west, and being the same land deeded to L. E. Corey by Joseph Corey and wife, Hanah J. Corey, and containing 223 acres, more or less. This 24th day of May, 1926. E. S. PEEL, m2B 4tw Trustee. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE North Carolina, Martin County. The undersigned having qualified as executors of the estate of B. L. Long, deceased, all persons having claims a gainst said estate are notified to ex hibit same to them on or before the 14th day of May, 1927, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 14th day of May, 1926. DELLA S. LONG, EDGAR M. LONG, B. M. WORSLEY, my 14 6tw Executors. TRUSTEE'S SALE By virtue of the authority conferred in me by a deed of trust executed to me by Henry D. Griffin on the 9th day of December, J 925, and duly recorded in the register of deed's office in Mar tin County, in book Q-2, page 259, to secure the payment of a certain bond bearing even date therewith, and the stipulations in said deed of trust not having been complied with, I shall ex pose at pubic auction, for cash, on Monday, the 6th day of July, 1926, at 12 m., at the courthouse in Mar tin County, the following property: Beginning at the intersection of State highway No. 90 and Mill Street in the town of Robersonville, running thence along said highway westward 150 feet, thence southwardly parallel with Mill Street 120 feet, thence east wardly 150 feet to Mill Street, thence northwardly along said street 120 feet to the beginning, being a part of lot No. 33, in the hosiery mill property. W. C. MANNING, Trustee. This June 3rd, 1826. je4 4tw NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in a certain deed of trust to the undersigned trus tee, executed by W. H. Perry and wife Fannie Perry, on the 11th day of De cember, 1924, said deed of trust being of record in the public registry of Martin County in book S-2, at page 28, said deed of trust given for the purpose of securing certain notes of even date and the stipulations in said deed of trust not having been com plied with, at the request of the par ties interested, the undersigned will on Friday, July 2, at 12 o'clock m., in THIN, NRVOUS Virginia LUj TeUs of Talriaf Cardui and Says She Has Sbce Recovered Per- • fed Health. Lynchburg, Vs.—l bra taken Cardui several time* for a run-down condition and have found it perfect ly splendid," says Mra.LMT.Manh, 716 Pint Street, thia city. "About ten years ago," aha as plain* "I became ao weak I could aotgoabout I looked like a skele ton and ... was dreadfully worried •boot myself. A friend suggested Cardui and I decided to try ft. . *1 kept up the medicine until I had taken nx bottles. It regulated and built ma up. I improved greatly. "Last year we drove up here through the country from Florida. I was sapoasd to the weather and must have taken cold, for I became i 11... I got run-down, lost flesh,... could not sleep and had no appetite at aIL I was so nervous that I did not know what to do. "I thought of Cardui. I began to take it regularly and it was not long before I began to feel better. I took six bottles, one after another, and at the finish of the last one was per fectly well again. Since then I have continued gaining in weight and all winter have been in perfect health" Sold by all druggists. MC-ITt I j,'« " "*' J MMM - rsf Specials Specials One lot of Children's Slippers One Lot of Men's Oxfords, to sizes 6 to 11; to close out, pair close out at One Lot of Misses's Slippers— One lot of Men's $7 and $8 ox -111-2 to 2, to close out at, pair fords, to close out at $1.25 $2.98 ■ 1 One Lot of Ladies Slippers— One Lot Men's Straw Hats- All Sizes; to clean up, price To Close Out at $1.95 ONE-HALF PRICE '^Tif 00X18 TOCUWE One-half Price COME IN AND LOOK THEM OVER YOU WILL FIND SOME ESPECIALLY GOOD BARGAINS I A .. ' . Harrison. Bros. & Co. _ * r : ' . front of the courthouse door of Mar tin Count/ at Willianuton, North Car olina, offer for a«de to the Lighent bidder for cash, at public auction, the following described real estate: All of our undivided right, title, and interest in and to a certain tract or parcel of land situated in Goose Nest Township, Martin County, on the Hamilton and Palmyra road, bound FLOWERS ■ WASHINGTON FLORIST Florist When in need of flowers for any occasion, just call or come to see us. Funeral designs, cut flowers, corsages, sprays, .and bloom ing pot plants the year around. Plants of all kinds for porch boxes —in fact, anything you need in the florist line. Special attention given to wedding flowers. , We have just installed a very nice greenhouse, open day and night. Visitors always welcomed. Give us a trial when in need of the next flowers. Satisfaction guaranteed. Mrs. F. F. Cozzens DAY AND NIGHT PHONE 299 Located Two Blocks From Post Office—East Second Street 18 KIITRAPO lotash percent / '(f Fi 12-4 Amm. ■ H I per cent COTTON AND CORN NEED POTASH Along With Soda ' ONE TON OF NITRAPO Equals 1 Ton of Soda and 1 Ton of Kainit Using NITRAPO Means Bigger Yields Early Maturity Better Quality Ease of Distribution Protection Against Rust and Wilts Packed in even weight 100 lb. bag, reground USE NITRAPO INSTEAD OF SODA For Sale by D. D. STALLS Williamston North Carolina Ed on the north by Everett Estate, Inc., lands, on the east by Roanoke River, on the south by H. C. Harring ton lands, on the west by Hamilton and Palmyra public road, and known as the Willioughby Rofteraon home stead and farm. This the 2d day of June, 1926. T. B. SLADE, Jr., je 4 4tw Trustee.