VOLUME 29—NUMBER 38 COMMISSIONERS HAD SPECIAL MEETING TO CONSIDER TAX QUESTION MONDAY; 1926 TAX RATE NOT YET DETERMINED Funeral Rites of Judge Lloyd Horton Today Died Sunday Afternoon Suddenly; Youngest Judge in State Raleigh, July 12.—The final tribute of respect to iformer Judge J. Lloyd Horton waa paid this morning at 11 o'clock at his boyhood home in Farm ville. Judge Horton died Sunday afternoon after he apparently had withstood the ravages of a severe attack of menin gitis, and was believeii to be on the read to recovery. Death was caused by an acute dilation of the heart. He died instantly only a moment after conversing with his physician, Dr. Hubert Haywood, jr. Judge Horton was said to hav% been the youngest jurist ever to sit on the North Carolina superior court bench. At the age of 28, after serv ing as county prosecutor and solici tor of his home district, he was named judgte of the ftfth judicial district. He served in this capacity for five years, resigning last year to become a mem ber of the law firm of Jones A Jonas, of Raleigh. Judge Horton is survived by his widow and two small chldren; two sister, Mrs. Prank Capps, of Green ville, and Mrs. Charles Kountree, of Farmville; and a brother, Mr. Mar vin Horton, of Farmville. l Joseph Lloyd Horton is believed to have been the youngest man ever fleeted to the superior court judg snip in this State. He took his seat at the age of 26. Norfolk Newspaperman Visitor in Town Today C. E. Fike, representatie of the Norfolk Ledger-Dispatch, is in town today in the interest of a special eastern Carolina edition of that pa per, which will appear some time in August, It is proposed tp gather many im portant facts and give much informa tion on eastern Carolina in this edi tion. Williamston being the substation of Eastern Carolina, through which everything passes, should take special interest in this special issue. George H. Gurganus Steadily Improving George Hatton Gurganus, who was recently operated on at Park View Hospital, Rocky Mount, is slowly but steadily improving, so we were in forrtßd by his uncle, Roy Gurganus, this morning. The lad was under an anaesthetic and the surgeon's knife for four hours and a half, and the operation proved tc be one of the most delicate that Dr. Willis ever performed, according to his own statement. George Hatton was working with the State Highway Commission with his Uncle Durward, at Moyock, when be was taken suddenly ill 'and rushed to the hospital by those of his home here. He has numerous friends a*, mong both the young and old people who wish him a quick return to health. Mrs. Emma Ward Thompson was taken to Rocky Mount Monday, where she entered a hospital for treatment * STRANH THEATRE! J ✓ REMEMBER— The Radio will be given away Wednes day night provided the crowd is large enough. Come and bring some one with you. Superspecial Thurs day Night "Dancing Mothers" THE ENTERPRISE County Home Demonstration Agent . Arrived Saturday to Begin Work Here COOPERATION OF PEOPLE IS NEEDED T(TPUT WORILACUOSS Miss Anna Trentham, of Spring City, Tenn., has arrived to take up the work of a home demonstra tion agent in this county. We were informed by Miaa Pauline Smith, diatrict agent, that we would be very fortunate to get Miaa Trentham, and all those who have met her think that Miss Smith waa right. Miaa Trentham haa done simi lar work in her home State and comes highly recommended from there. She haa a diploma from Peabody Normal School, of Nash ville, Tenn., which ia one of the boat in the South. Local Tobacco Market Prospects Brightest Ever PHUNNY PHORD PHREE ACT AT PHAIR iff mm il imhftfVrf iil 'JS * iMßni Above is shown the Phunny Phord act, one of the side-splitting free acts to be put on at the Koanoke Fair this year, September 27-Ortober L ' This attraction was well recommended to the fair management and should » prove one of the biggest attractions there. Besides this, Mac Donald's Royal ' Scotch Highlanders Hand and the Armstrong Trio, aerial and wire artists extraordinary, have already been booked ami other acts will be secured. I ChildrensHour Each Thursday Woman's Club Appoints Committee to Enter tain Children The Woman's Club appointed a committee at its last meeting to get some one to entertain the children with stories and other forms of amuse ment once each week. Thursday has been selected, and all the children in town from the age of 5 to 10 years, inclusive, are invited to go to the club rooms at 4.80, where Mrs. A. R. Dunning will have charge for the first afternoon. The leaders will be announced each week in the Enterprise, and all the children in the age limit are cordially invited to attend. It is the purpose of the club to en tertain the children with stories, plays etc., that will be beneficial to them, and competent leaders who love chil dren will be selected. Local Firemen to Attend Ayden Meeting Tonight The Williams ton ft re company will be well represented at the meeting of the Eastern Carolina Firemen's As sociation, which meets at Ayden to night. The eastern Carolina association has been about a year and has done much in the way of build ing up better fire-fighting units in the towns which are members of the as sociation. Tobacco Board Trade Will Meet This Week The tobacco board of trade of Wil liamston will have a meeting some time this week, probably Saturday, Definite plans will be made for the coming season. Williams ton led the markets of this section a greater portion of last sea son and made a reputation for high prices and courteous warehouse serv ice. " Our warehousemen are expect ing to formulate plans at this meeting to bring our market up to the big market class. s ( Messrs. J. L. Williams and J. G Anderson spent Sunday in Greenville. Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, July 13,1926 Marttn County has not had any work in home economics for sev eral years; in fact, nothing since the close of the war period, and the field is quite ripe for work along that line. Miss Trentham will work under the direct supervision of Miss Smith, who is supervisor of this section of North Carolina with headquarters at Washington. The general plans will doubt less be to go out to tn« people through the schools, the women's clubs, the organization of girls' Recorder Had Dull Tuesday One Violator of Liquor Law Tried; Several for Fighting Only a few cases were on docket at recorder's court today, most of them 'being the outgrowth of fights. The following cases were disposed of: William Crew; assault. Guilty. Prayer for judgment continued to first Tuesday in November upon pay ment of the costs. Walter Bennett, violation of liquo, law. - Fine $25 and costs and given until October to pfiy same. Willie G. Wynn and E. S. Williams were charged with engaging in an affray. Wynn was adjudged guilty and charged with the costs of his case. Williams was found not guilty. Mrs. Susan Crofton Of Gold Point, Dead Mrs. Susan V. Crofton, of Gold l'oint, died at Robersonvllle Wednes day after an illness of more than a year. She was a daughter of Mr. Robert Roebuck and married Mr. J. W. Crofton, who with four children | survive her. Mrs. Crofton had been a member of th*. Christian church since girl hood. The fuheral was conducted by Rev. A. J. Manning and the burial jr., J. G. Godard, jr., and Joe 111 spent tery Thursday afternoon. Ice Cram Supper for Benefit of Church There will be given aa ice cream supper for the benefit of the Chris tian Church at Wallace's Grove, Jamesville, Friday night, July 16th. Ice cream, cake, salads, and sand wiches will be served. Everybody is invited to attend. Mr. G rover Washington Hardison will leave tomorrow for New York and other northern cities, where he will spend some time on the market. (J rover is one of the best "hat sellers" in all New York and af ter meeting the merchants on the mar ket he goes out and travels all the South Atlantic States after covering his native State. clubs, and in any other ntunner in which she will be able to help the people. Our people know the value of the work that a home agent does, so let us assist Miss Trentham in any way that we can. because unless she receives support, no matter how competent she may be, very little can be accom plished. Miss Trentham's office at pres ent is in the grand jury room at the courthouse. It is hoped to arrange for a permanent office for her within a few days. 3 Warehouse Firms Assure Record Sales Redrying Plant Also an Asset; Goal Twelve Million Pounds With the tobacco crop outlook in this immediate section .-to (food and our three big warehouse tirins all lined up with «trong^uJ[Bja|jtjjil perts to put Williamston and Martin County on the map as u tobacco mar- - ket. Williamston—and we can attain say Martin County, too—has had severe and several hard knocks in the past; hanks closing in every direction, along with the period of depression; Imt we have fought hard anil come up hill at a fairly good pace, and now we hope to get our footing, market our crops at home, spend our money at home, and grow so that we can pay our taxes more easily UTid then have something left. > Williamston has prepared for the tobacco market—first with three houses that will be run by some of our county's most successful men, as well as some of the best tobacco men ip the whole. bright;leaf belt. We have with us also Mr. Skinner, who is considered probably the best judge of* tqhacco of Eustern North Carolina; a man who believes in giv ing the farmers a square deal. He ie vitally interested in the Buccess of this market and has influence with the real powers who control the to bacco world. In addition to running the large steam redrying plant here, Mr. Skinner buys tobacco for himself and a number of big tobacco corpor ations. * The Farmers Warehouse will be competed within th£ next two weeks provided lumber can be secured, and very soon thereafter the partition be tween the Koanoke and Dixie Ware houses will be taken out, making one big warehouse with more than an acre of floor space. x With the increased floor space and competent management Williamston should have one of the most stable markets of eastern Carolina. The" personnel of the three ware house firms could hardly be improved, on. Taw Bamhill, Frank Bennett and ( Hubert MortoA'will run the Farmers Warehouse; Dr. Biggs, Dave Stalls, J Claude Griffin and Joe Taylor will ie at the helm pf the Brick Warehouse;, and the Roanoke-Dixie will be in the r capable hands of "Uncle Buck"| Meadows , Bifl Watts and Harry Meador. More Than 3,000 Auto Licenses Issued Here The State of North Carolina, thru the Motor Clubs local agency, the Williamston Motor Co., has Issued more than three thousand automobile licenses here since the bureau opened early in June. Most of the licenses i issued were for Fords, although the I total amount received for the sale of i the new tags is in excess of $40,000. Many are still being sold daily. ; Although the time has expired in which to purchase licenses without the risk of arreit and indictment there i are still a considerable number of car ; owners who have not bought their new licenses. FORDS ARE SENT HERE BY SHIPLOAD H HI lE§u j §32 This shows a .ship being loaded with "Lizzies" at Norfolk, Va„ from where they are shipped to Williamston for distribution throughout eastern North Carolina. More than 1 ,>oo Fords were shipped here last month. Do You Know Name Of First Railroad In Martin County? A historical sketch of the county's first railroad »ill he found on page 2 of this puper today. It is very interesting, giving a brief review of the road's history ami also dealing with a section of our county which was at one time the most prosperous and Nourishing but which is now used for stock rais bear huntmg. Union Services Began Sunday Held at Christian Chur Will Continue Through Summer on Sunday Nights The first of the summer union serv ices by the several churches was held at the Christian church Sunday night. Kev. C. H. Dickey, of the ituptist Church, preached an able and inter esting sermon from three texts of Scripture, "Grieve not the spirit," "Quench not the spirit," and "With diaw not thy spirit." Two of the nexts were warnings to men not to do something. Grieve not, or make sorry, the spirit of God nor iuench; that is, put out, the spirit of God in your heart.. The third waf M prayter from David to. Qod when he had traveled, the road of sin un til there was nothing good in sight. He became i|Uite humble ami remem bered the great joys that had former ly came from God and caused peace ii. his soul. Then he was willing to implore God and ask that He with draw not His spirit. The attendance at the service was very good. The service next Sunday right will be at the Haptist church, end Rev. T. W. will preach. Windsor's Railroad May Yet Be Saved The Windsor-Ahoskie Railroad, the Carolina-Southern, may yet be saved. Home effort is now being made by the people uloitK the line to ftnuiue the change of thfc road from narrow to standard gauge. If all the towns a long the road strongly support the new line the road may yet be saved. INVITATIONS ISSI'KD TO PARTY FOR RECENT HRIDK Mrs. J. W. Andrews and Mrs. Tifu.-i Critcher have issuel invitations to a bridge party Thursday evening from 8.30 until 11.80) complimentary to Mrs. Earl Wynne, a recent bride. Jesse Gurganuft, the little son of Mrs. Tom Gurganus, was operated on last night for appendicitis at a Wash ington hospital. Solly Orleans returned yesterday from New York City, where he has been visiting relatves' and friends foi six weeks. William Legrgett, of New Town, wai taken to a Washington Hospital Mon day for an operation for appendicitis. He is reported as doing well. Crop Reports Over County Encouraging I {oil Weevil May Hurt Cotton; Corn Crop Best Ever Crop reports are very encouraging from all parts of Martin County, as well aw throughout most of eastern .'"'Vol ton has t>een blooming rapidTjf |or about a week now.. Many farm ers say they have the best looking tobacco they have ever hatl. A good many of them are curing this week anil practically all will be getting in full swing next week. The peanut crop is one of the most even ever seen in the county, with a t'oo«l stand and clear of grass. Corn is unusually good and with an other rain or ..two Martin will grow a record breaking corn crop this year. The moderately-dry weather in the early season held the fertility in the ' soil which has been made available by the rpcent rains and gives promise to sustain them through maturity. The boll weevil is in evidence and if the weather turns wet and cloudy for the next 10 daysjie will do great damage to the crop. Infected Teeth Found to Cause Heart Trouble Albany.—lnfected teeth are respon sible for various kinds of heart ir regularities, J)r.S. Calvin Smith, of Philadelphia,' told an audience of phy sicians and dentists here recently. The poison discharged by dental ab scesses js ahorhed by the circulatory system aijid brings about irregular ac tion of the heart* This condition has leen known to lead to chronic heart muscle defects, more or less serious to people of mature years, declared Dr. Smith. The relation of heart defects to diseased teeth has been- ' established by the use of X-rays, which locate the abscesses of the jaw and a more cently developed apparatus, the car diograph. Ity means of this inven tion, the electric- current generated by the heart is passed through electrodes 'attached to the patient and registered ' on a revolving photographic plate, en abjrnjr the hear' to write its own stiiy In obscure cases of heart difficul ties where lack of positive indica tions renders' diagnosis difficult, the cardiograph gives a picture of the heart's behavor. X ray photygraphs are then recommended, said Dr. Smith to ascertain if the teeth are actually infected, aiuli? so which ones. After the clearing up of dental difficiVties, the heart will return to he maintained, if the case has jiofc pro gressed too far before action was be gun. Kdgecombe Building Road to County Line Edgecombe County is now building a hard-surfaced road from Tarboro to the Martin County line. The road is being built in the Oak City direction. Tarboro interests expect to draw a heavy trade from.the Oak City ter ritory, and especially tobacco. The road will be completed in the near future. ESTABLISHED 1898 1926 Valuation Of Property Is Smaller Than For Last Year [ County Loses £73,000 in Valuation; To Meet Again Thursday Monday was one of those bail days for the Board of County Commission ers." - It was tux day. The day to re ceive the-rax books from the various list-takers for the 10 township* and the day .when all the people were per mitted to appear and allowed to conv plain, if they wished—and they-'did. The 101 poor weary list takers said they had done their best to do right, but it was a very hard job, as so many f' Iks were unwilling to do ri«ht that it made it hard for them. Ihe county assessor was present, With his hands tied by the huge job. The commissioners were the only fel lows who were men to sit through the trying ordeal, and they looked like they would have preferred climbing trees to get away from fac ing this great tax' problem. They had inequalities; they knew it; but tijey, like any other good sen sible cituens, could hardly tell how to remedy the trouble. I hose appearing before them were )n many instances taxed about like their neighbors. A member of the board said that those who appeared there were generally those who hated taxes wo'rst and that made them Chink their property was listed too high. numitt-r of taxpayers,'and the follow ing changes in values, as they ap peared on tin tax list*, were made: I'' C. Hennett, guardian, valuation ieduced from $4,500 to $3,500. M. S. Moore's residence reduced from $7,00n to $5,000. Uoajioke Fair (i rounds, reduced from $.10,00(1 to sls,ooi'. Fannie C. Staton, "vacant lot on Main Street reduced- from $H,700 to SU,OOO. VV. M Sitterson's lot on Simmons Avenue reduced from $1,750 to SI,OOO, i'lut application of J. («. SUtton to reduce the valuation of the t'nioii Storage properly from $12,000 to st>,- 000 was rejected, The Southern Dairy • Products Co. (d Greenville, N. were - charged with two Prigiduires in Cross Koads Township. I'he SiuclairrOil Co. was also charged with $1(»0 worth of property in the same township.* The following persons were ret m li en as unlisted in Cross Koads Tuwn f.hip: Henry Stalls, J. D. Lcggett, Mrs. J. 1,. I.egge.tt, guardian; Keubiu I.ailey and Willie llardison; also Spencer Dickens. , The stock of merchandise of the Andyisnii Crawford Co. was not listed by the trustee. It has been sold ft> r 15,(»6S since May 1. Valuation on W. T. Ward's lot on Railroad "Street was increased from st>oo to si,:too. In Ltcar Grass Township the Sin clair Oil Co. was charged with pumps and tanks at slini valuation. The following were returned as unlisted in Hear (irass Townshp: C. I . Sturgeon, poll tax; Dewey l,ee, poll tax; Hill Jones, dog tax; Churlie Da l vis, Ford car and poll tax. The following were returned as un listed in Goose Nest Township: Stan dard Oil Co., W. ti. Afythony, (i, ('. Wynn, Sinclair Oil Co., Texas Co., F. K. Moye, uml Southern Dairy Products Co. Also the following colored peo pjtfl were returned a.-. unlisted: Hen llaker, Ned Hyman, Kl Spnull, Hen Walton, and Tfini Williams,' Upon motion a refund of sllO was made on the taxes of the W'illiamston Telephone Co. i To Meet Axain Thursday All the other tax matters will be talcen up at an adjourned meettrtg to be held Thursday, July'lß, at" Which time the county board of education wilj submit its budget for the coming school year. The tax list showed a loss of $73,- 460 in the county; six townships lost in valuation, while only four gained, as follows: Hear Grass gained $28,596. Williamston gained $35,106. Cross Koads gained $2,764. Goose Nest gained $3,984. Those losing and amounts were: Jamesville, $6,481. Williams, $29,078. Griffins, $421. Kobersonville, $41,461. Poplar Point, $21,738. Hamilton, $44,731.

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