y * > • , - s - * * , VOLUME 29—NUMBER 39 New School Budget Submitted; 7 Cents Lower Than Before Budget Presented To Commissioners Here Yesterday The Board of County Commission ers met yesterday for the purpose of further hearing complaints in tax values. All members of the Board were present and a full day was giv eti to various complaints. The Board of Education presented its budget to the Board, and a seven cent decrease from that of last year has been made. The budget was ap proved by the Board and is as fol lows: Teachers' salaries az 50 Operating equipment 20 Payment on loans 18 Total 88 The Board ordered that correction be made in the list of Joe Gorham so that it would read SIOO instead of $l,lOO. The Adeline DugfWn lot in Wil liamston was placed on the tax books at 700 instead of SI,OOO. Application of John L. Kodgerson for a reduction of valuation on house and lot in Williamston was rejected. Several changes were ordered to be made in the property of the Harrison Oil company. The lot and tank at the river is to be changed from 100 to SBOO, the Central Filling station increased from 8,000 to $6,000, and the Texaco Filling station to be chang ect from to $3,000. Dave Biggs was refunded $7.17 to correct error in taxes collected from him. The valuation of the stables of Mrs. C. A. Martin is to be decreased from $6,000 to $4,500 and that of the law office from $3,000 to $2,000. Mrs. Martin is to be refunded taxes paid on $2,600 listed by error in 1925. Mrs. H. H. Cowing was charged with $260 on one-half of Main street lot instead of S6OO on whole lot which she did not own. The property value of Joshua L. Griffin was reduced SSOO. Amanda Canada was released from payment »f (axes on $938 solvent credits improperly listed in Bear Grass township, year 1925, The Board ordered that the vacant lot in Williamston, listed by O, S. and J. W. Anderson be raised from S6OO to $2,500. Other T»x Kates to be Levied Tax rates outside of the the one for schools will be levied at the next meeting of the Board which will be held the first Monday of next month. There has been a decrease in valua tion in most of the townships of the County, and the exact rate the Board will be forced to levy will de pend party on this decrease and on the present financial condition of the County." ENTERTAINMENT OF CHILDREN BY CLUB GETS UNDERWAY Mrs. A. R. Dunning held the first children's hour at the rooms of the Womans' club yesterday afternoon. Many children were present and en joyed the hour's entertainment. An hour each Thursday will be giv en to the children between the ages of 6 and 10 and some form of en tertainment will be provided * each -time. , 4 Mrs. Stephen Gans, of Norfolk, re- { turned to her home after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Lindsley. Miss Elisabeth Braswell of Battle bo ro is visiting Miss Velma Harrison. S ' S THANH THEATRE I J Tonight Friday Ben Lyon, and May McAvoy in "THE SAVAGE" Pace Makers "Three Bases East" RADIO GIVEN AWAY Tomorrow, Saturday "FIGHTING JACK* Last Episode of SECRET SERVICE SANDERS and "Our Gang" TMT ENTERPRISE The Enterprise Sunday School Lesson in Brief / \ - July 18. "The Call of Mosea". Ex. 3:10-15 and 4:10-12. V, / By C. 1 H. DICKEY If you lift up the curtain it will reveal to you some very interesting things about many of the world's leaders: Aesop was a slave, Homer was a beggar, Demosthones was i..e son of a cutler, while Martin Luther was th« son of a miner. Robert Burns was a plow boy, Ben Johnson, a brick layer and Blackstone, the son of a draper. Carlyle was the son of a stone mason, and the mother of Wil liam the Coqqnerer was a washer woman. Shakespeare was the son of a bankrupt butcher, and a mother who could not write her name, Beethoven was the son of * consumptive mother, while the father was a. confirmed drunkard. Schubert's father was a peasant, and his mother in domestic service. Eleanor Duse was born in a third-class rail road compartment. Michael Faraday was born over a stable. Jesus, in a stable. If then, this man Moses who is to be one of the greatest of the great, was taken from the weeds at the brink of the Nile, as a slave child,' what of it? It mean& nothing at all. God can use men like that. He often times passes the homes of the world ly-wise and the rich and picks out just such characters. - The Lord luxl a minhtv task to be! performed. It stands to reason that He employed the very best man He had for the undertaking. His purpose was to take the Hebrew fiation out of Egyptian bondage, and usher them into the Promised Land, and make a great people of them—a people who, by training and adversity and school ing would be able, eventually, to give the world its Savior. The Lord thought Moses could per form it. He was a man of natural ability, He was also a man of train ing. He was bom a slave, he was reared a prince. He had both seen how the oppressed and the oppressors lived. He knew both sides of the case. This fitted him to be the master of any situation that might arise. And he was the master, with God, as further events disclose. When God called him to his high mission, Moses, of course, objected. We all do. And that is one of the very finest signs in the world. Hu mility and these are the qualities the Lord want* in His lead era. The Lord promised Moses to be with him. And whether Moses real ized then, or not, that promise was sufficient. For, if God is with us, who can be againßt us. One man and God constitute a majority. A man is too small for any great God-given task alone; but with God any man can perform miracles. The objective which was set for Moses was a most difficult one, but was capable of being realized. The Lord never calls a man to an under taking that can not be performed. The fact that He called Moses, was evidence that with God Moses could see it through. Finally, accepting the call, and leaning on the Everlasting Anns, Moses marches back down into Egypt, and from Egypt we shall see him, one good day, marching out at the head of a mighty army emancipated siaves. And this army is going U> change the face of the entire e|rth. Ex-Secretary of War Weeks Dead Ex-Secretary of War John W. Weeks, who resigned that office last year on account of ill health, died at his summer home in the White Mountains of New Hampshire Mon day. He had gone there after pass ing some time in California and in South America trying to regain his health, neither of which proved of any avail. Secretary Weeks was appointed as Secretary of War by President Harding, being reappointed |>y Presi dent Coolidge when he was elected, and held the office until he was lin kable to perform the duties required of him when he resigned. He had also served in the Seaate of the United States from Massachusetts. Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, July 16, 1926. Fetleral Commissioner >— y - m » •' ** t x Rear Admiral H O SHokncy, re tired, who has been appointed by Sec retaries Hoover and .Kellogg ns Fed eral Commissioner to the Sosfiul-Oen tennlal Internationa! Exposition com memorating the 150 th anniversary of American Independence ami which will be held In Philadelphia from June 1 to December 1. .Admiral Stickney will be In full charge of the United Status Government exhibit, which will IM the largest of 1U type ever mad*. East Carolina Exposition at Rocky Mount Number Cities Bid for Exposition; Rocky Mt. Best Suited ■ ~ ■>. U«tM»4, J—ly It. HO city | iMount was selected as the city for the 1927 Eastern Carolina Exposition by the board of directors of the East ern Carolinu Chamber of Commerce yesterday afternoon at u meeting of this body in Kinston. - Several cities bid for the exposi tion, but the board regarded the of fer of Kocky Mount as the best suit ed to the needs of the organization and announcement was made this morning to E.- C. Austin, secretary of the local Chamber of Commerce that liocky Mount had been select ad. The Shrine automobile show, an nually conducted in the Spring at the same time that the exposition will oc cur has been postponed, announce ments indicate, and will not be held in order that all interest may be giv en to the success of the Eastern Caro lina show. No announcements concern ing the program for the showing have been made, but plans, it is under stood, have been discussed and tenta tive arrangements begun. Methodist For The Next Week Slnday school, 9:45 a. m.—E. P. Cunningham, supt. Preaching, 11 a. m. Junior Eyworth league, 2:30, p. m. Mrs. J. P. Thigpen, supt. Preaching at Holly Springs, 3:80 p. m. Senior Epworth league, Monday at 8 p. m.—Martha Leggett, supt. Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 8 p. m. Intermediate Epworth league, Thurs day, 8-p. m.—Mrs. W. H. Booker, superintendent. Womans' Missionary society, Mon day, 4 p. m.—Mrs. W. C. Liverman, president. 49 Banks Closed In 3 Days in Georgia A blow that Will be felt all over the State of Georgia caused forty nine banks to close their doors in three days this week. The blow is said to have been delivered by the boll weevil. This little insect has caused great financial disaster in a large part of all the cotton growing states, and no doubt, the cause of the failure is due to it. It may be, how ever that Florida land speculation helped to weaken the banks, as the nearness of the two atates aroused the sympathetic feeling. SPLENDID PICTURE AT STRAND THEATREJ^NIGHF Ben Lyon and May McAvoy appear in a splendid picture tonight at the Strand Theatre. "The Savage" is worth seeing according to the state ment* of those who have seen it Advertising of Local Market To Begin Soon i Definite Plans Drawn up At Meeting Hold Wednesday Definite plans were drawn at a meeting of the advertising committee oi the local chamber of commerce when the committee met ii: Lawyer It. L. Coburn's office last \\ ednesday night for the purpose of staging an advertising campaign during the re mainder of this and the m\t two months. The work accomplished last year was reviewed and the committee hopes to surpass the work of 141-1 year. The plans offered at tJuj ing will be announced from time to time, and it is safe to say right now that the. local tobacco ®firket, the merchants and the town as a whole will be well advertised thh year. Mr, James E. Griftin, an alumnus I of the University of North,jOirolina' has been appointed to take tji'i active j work of the campaign ove; .and he! will devote his entire-timo or the next several months to f>s work. | lie will work in conjunction: with the advertising committee which wa. .0- lected at a recent meetiii of the chamber of commerce. The amount of money to l> used in the campaign this year has hot been determined," btit •twtcordinj to the 1 Preside lit, Mr. Frank J. Mai olis, the : amount will exceed by at least threw times that spent last year. Last year ■ was the first year in the history of the locul toL. :co mar ket that the chamber of P 1 tmerce joined hands and worked foi b» good of market, merchants, farmers town and all.'The cooperation of h»e two units went a lonic way in riu**iiu\ lust year one of the host in the market history. With last year's uiipafir-iiri- : the work this year should bo "belter | directed und should prove lii be of. even more value than that of the pas l year. There were grounds to _j%L'itis( our market on yiatT "ineso grounds are even better this year, anl there is no reason why a most; extensive advertising campaign shoigf not, be staged this year. The exact nature of the proposed plans will be made knowi from time to time, the first set to be announced soon as a joint meeting can be arranged with the commerce advertis ing committee and the local ware housemen. - Tobacco ( TO|J Kst imal ed (»6 Per Cent of Normal The North Carolina Crop Reporting service in it July report predicts the tobacco production to he around 600 pounds to the acre this year. The acreage is about the same a,s 1 that of last year, but the condition' is about 66 percent this year eompar-j ed with 81 percent a year ago. The report says, "The northwestern] part of the State shows th* poorest area of growth, the average being about 69 percent normal, while the eastern part of the .State shows an average of about 77 percent." The outlook for thi- immediate section is very good. In early spring crop conditions ap peared very unfavorable, but the past few weeks have seen much improve ment in the growth of crops, and the counties of Pitt, Beaufort, Pamlico, Bertie and Martin have line crops. In fact, all the counties east of Wilson have good crops. Sunday Program at Baptist Church "When God Disciplines His Chil dren" wiJL be the genual subject of the germon at the. Memorial Baptist The summer audiences have held up remarkably well at this church, and the pastor takes this means of ex pressing his gratification. The initial service of the Bummer Evening Meetings," wKicli was held in the Christian church iairt Sunday evening, was well attended. The house wall filled, and chairs were placed in the aisles. The splendid be ginning should be carried on to a great success. The pastor of this church noticed, with pleasure, that a_ large number of his people were in that service .Sunday evening at 8 o'clock, the Union Service wil be held in our ,church. Rev. T. W. Lee will preach the sermon. ' We should all feel especially soli citous about a good attendance at this service, since our own church is the host. "Behold! how good and how pleas ant it is, for brethern to dwell to gether in unity." Woman's Club Invites Women ' of County to Meet Home Agent at Reception Tuesday, Tuly 20 i'he \V illiamston Womans' Club will entertain the women of the county with an informal reception next Tuesday afternoon from 5 to 7 oVtock. They are invited to meet Mips Anna Trentham, our new Home Demonstration A Kent. I lie I luh will not be able to send invitations to every woman in the county and they extend thjrough this column invitations to all of thein. It is reallay for our women to Kinston Paper Lauds Martin 1 as Place to Live Says Farmers Have Bet ter Diversification Than is Usual I'he following article comes from •- kinstoii Free Press, Kinston's I've daily noW >aper. The article is of real merit,' d we reprint it, feel ihg,i!Ur inde *dncss to the Free Press, "■Martin Cod farmers have solv ed 'what ails ste.rn Carolina. They are diversify ut and their varied crops this -.mi t promise to be a mong the besi. 11 the entire South. I'tit • many mi| iti alt directions from the towi' f Williamston, the county peuti, bump, r yields of tobacco .0.4 cotton are in prospect, along with v.ooil yii Ms of coin, peanut,-. and other '■"Ojii I'he countrysides are overrun •v.th pigs imd poultry. There are hun dreds of cattle gracing in the meu w and pastures. Barns are being til'ufe ready to housti the harvests and additional slie'lters have lieeli erecttnl lor the additions to herds and Hocks. "the Eastern Carolina Chamber of omnierce today cited Martin as one the most progressive counties in ! srv... u ji. rnKwttiri n iiiiuinvrnn and Koher onvilie and between Wil li. unston anfi the Beaufort County line the country is in better shape, is better kepi, than in most any other part of Eastern Carolina,' it was stat o'i at the commercial organisation's ti. ul.ju;iiters here. "'.Such enterprising people pay little hi i-d to drops in the prices of cotton and tobacco. They grow other crops. 1 hey are acquiring more and more fowls, swnie- and dairy—eowx—Their I ~rns are larger than the average. I heir homes are better, kept than the average in the cities of tlu; section. Their fanning equipment. i Extensive and well cared for, They have (rood n ads and they are finding markets lor the increased production.' "At the edge of Martin Cminty ■onie miles from Williamston is a com munity once regarded as slothful and rather lawless. This neighborhood is now a model 'for all of the south.' I he towns are thriving. 'Williamston, i. very small city, has a fine civic spirit. It has rather imposing busi ness buildings, pretty homes and »rood streets. Williamston is growing. Ap parently it intends to continue. The corporate line extends in one direction nearly a mile beyond the last street in the town. There are five hard surfaced roads leading from It to ward Norfolk, Richmond, Raleigh and other centers." Town of Tarboro Makes Proposal to Buy Power The Town of Tarboro has made a proposal to purchase from any com pany wishing to connect with them at its city limits at the sum of .01.2 c per kilowatt. This figure seems to be the low cost of production that Tar boro lia.- reached with its' present plant. ' The Virginian • Power company has alitady contracted to furnish some of the Tarboro cotton mills and are go ing to that town anyway. They are interested in the town's contract a.s -tliey_-wi.il have their lines . 0 near the limits. To Erect New Parish House in Washington Accopipanied by impressive , cere monies, in which the Bishop of the Diocese, a number of visiting clergy men, the rector of the local parish, and visitors from neighboring towns, will afce part, the cornerstone of a new parish house of St. Peter's Epis copal church in', Washington will be laid next Tuesday. The exercises will begin at 11 o'clock. Lieutenant and Mrs. Ci H. Yost and daughter her sister, Mrs, Lawrence Lindtley and family. Ret together and get acquainted so that they can support the scent in her work, and help each other in any cause that is for the betterment of our County. Women, don't forget the day and be at this informal party. The Club greatly desires your presence. The reception will be held in the club rooms of the Masonic huildinK on Church and Smith wick at reels. Power Offers Discussed at Meeting Here Representatives From Plymouth, Windsor, Williamston Here Representatives frorii Windsor, Ply mouth and Williamston met at the Mayor's office here last night for the purpose of studying the tentative propositions of the various power com panics to run high power lines to this section. Messrs. C. L. Groves, A. L. Owens, I. \. Norman and Mayor Austin, of Plymouth, J. H. Matthews, Dr. J. L. Pritchurd', J M. Catling anil J. B. Davenport of Windsor, Mayor R. L. Ceburn, M. S. Moore, W. T. Meadows and W. C. Manning of Williamston were present. A genera discussion of the condi tions which have and are now pre vailing in the sevetal respect ing their lighting; problems, and the needs for the future were the main features of the meeting. There was some degree of caution expressed, yet, "it was apparent that all would be willing to contract fo£ power at a reasonable figure, with an assurance that the future could be properly guarded. Most .towns are a. nil. sc.tjoucai a bout doing away with, their equip ment anil getting power at a reason able figure under- a contract which is sufliciently elastic to endanger them t,i the point of burdensome rates at Home future date. It has to be admitted that the power companies can furnish power cheaper- than it can be. gotten in any other way so lon>c as they generate il by water. On the other hand, there fear that we" were surrendering our opportunities to a giant combine that wants us as a business asset only. Those present were unanimous in the opinion that we should ask the power companies to present us with proposals, both for power at whole sale and al retail at a meeting to be held here' at any time after next week. The same representatives of the three towns will bear the repre sentatives of the (tower companies. The Town of Plymouth is now, ap parently, in need of a bijf increase of power far in excess of what the town if now able to furnish. The new far lory now under construction there by the National Handle company will need as much power as the town itself is now generating. The Wilts Veneer company is usinK in its own factory twice as much as the town makes, it ,is said- These concerns would buy ru.rrent if they could get it in larip; quantities. The Williamston and Windsor plants are at present sufficient for the requirements of the towns, but could not .furnish new industries, requiring large amounts of current. The Virginia company proposes to run a standard line from Kocky Mount to Williamston, Windsor and Eden lon and would run a loop to Plymouth il proper arrangements could be made To Organize League At Holly Springs The Senior Kpworth league of the Methodist church will go to Holly Springs church Saturday night to or ganize an Epworth league. There will lie "a program Bfranged and the different members will tell what the league is and what it means to the young folks, of the church. Little Child Dies of Colitis Monday Thurman A., the one-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Johnson Corey, of Maple Grovg, died Monday after a two-weeks illness with colitis, which failed to yield to medical treatment and nursing. The funeral was held at the home on Tuesday by Elders A. J. Man ning: and W. B. Harrington. Burial was at the family plot in the Reber son-Hardlson burying ground. ESTABLISHED 1898 Operating Cost School Trucks Is Very Small ( ost Less Than Quarter Cent Per Mile Per Pupil Last Year Ihe school transporation figures in Martin county for the past season gathered from the books of the Hoard of Education of the County, show that it cost less than a quarter oi a cent per mile to convey each pupil to school last year. The cost per day for each truck was as follows: Kveretts, 24 miles • $3.10- Jamesville, A., 14 miles 1.44 Ji.mesville, B , J4 miles 2.80 Jamesyille, C., 115 miles 3.40 Oak City, A., IK miles _ 2.50 Oak City, I!., 27 miles 3.12 Oak City, C, 16 miles 3.82 Oak City, I)., 10 miles 2.46 Oak City, tv, IK miles _ 1.93 Oak City, F., 23 miles 2.0', Hamilton, A., 14 miles 3.25 Hamilton, I!., 20 miles 1.89 Hamilton, 23 miles 2.63 Williamston, 1!) miles . 1.34 Farm l.ifc, 22.3 miles".. 2.00 Hear Grass, A, 24 miles 2.04 Hear Grass, It., 20 miles 1.45 Private transportation was provided for three pupils in llassell school at u cost of $44.10 for 08 days for an lis miles haul. Sandy Ridge, school, 17 pupils, 8 miles for 120 days showed a cost of s4f>o.oo. Farm Life, 11, Hi pupils, 14 miles for 60- days show ml a cost of $102.15. Gold I'oint spent 1(157.09 foi four-pu pils for 10 miles during. 06 days. I he statement for the 1925-26 term shows a slight reduction in cost from that of the previous year. The items include all things necessary to run the trucks except depreciation. if school children can be transport ed over muddy rodas in rain, snow and sleef for a quarter of a cent per mile, how much can a street car make hauling passengers at 7 cents per ride? J. L. Williams To Move To (.reenville Mr. and Mrs. J. 1,. Williams* will ii> the near future, move to Greetitfille where they will make their home. Mi. Wiliams will open a lvaily-to wear stole for both women and men in one of tin- best locations of the busipess section of Greenville. Assoc i e.ted with him in business will be Mr. Lloyd Chapman, hi.-, hrother-in law, rot' Griftmu' — Mr. and Mis. Williains have leased V home in Greenville and are already t" take up their residence there in the early fall when Mr. Williams will begin business. Itotli Mr anil Mrs. Williams are very fine citizens and they will be greatly missed here. Mrs. Williams 'came here as a primary teacher and made a reputation of being one of the liliest teachers ever in the local schools. Mr. Williams came here from Norfok about the same time, 6 years ago, and has- been with Harrison Hi others where he has, through as- ' sociation with our people, become one of the most popular store men in the town .and county, Scotland Neck May Make Power Contract The Virginian l'ower company has made a proposition to the Town of Scotland Neck, according to reports made in the Commonwealth, the town's newspaper, asking permission to enter under a three years' contract and to sell power for lights and motor purposes on a 'flat wholesale basis. The proposal is made with the under standing that if at the end of that pi; rind the town found that it could not operate withotrt m additional ex penditure on its local plant the au thorities would enter into a new con tract. The town authorized a committee, representing it, to make a full investi gation of all features of the pro posil. i 1 : ——~—r— Tobacco Curing (iets Under Way in Martin The manly job of housing ami cur ing tobacco was started in this sec tion the early part of this week. Fires were seen in several sections of the county this week, and while they were i not at all thick there were enough to signify that the job is well under i way. "-i- . i Statements from various sections ; of this county are to the effect that the tobacco is curing up very nicely. ! Similiar satments come from our' ■ neighbors over in Washington coun- I ty, and even go so far as to say that ■- the tobacco crop in that county is better than the one in our county.

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