THE ENTERPRISE Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING COMPANY Wilflamston, North Carolina W. C. Manning Editor Subscription Price ' J (Strictly cash in t 3 year _ - -T - sl*so t months - 8? 8 months » T *45 Entered at the post office at Williamston, N. O. as second-class matter under the act of March 3, 1879. • , . Address all communications to The Enterprise SI PKKMK COI'KT DECISION ON HI MING LICENSES The North Carolina Supreme Court, in a decision handed down last week, declared the ljiw unconstitutional which permits a county to charge cit izens of that' particular- county for a hunting license at a cheap price while they charge'citizens of other parts of the Stale a higher license rate„ The court declared that the game of. the State—that-is, the. wildjjlrds and the tlasts— belonged, people of the S.ate at large. This decision perhaps will turn and twist all the game laws of the State except thosi; affecting every county alike. In Martin County we have no .hunt ing licensii requirements. The world can hunt and fish in our woods and waters. A Beaufort County citizen c'y'n come to Martin County-and hunt at will, yet a Martin County citizen can't go to Beaufort County without' first bowing to an officer and paying for a license; yet the court- says Mar tin County citizens own a part of the j?" lieaufort and the Beau fort County people own a part of the Martin County game, because they say the State is the unit of ownership. Regardless of what the court savs, Rocky Mount Eleventh Annual Fair All Next Week " OCTOBER sth, 6th, 7th, Bth, 9th ■ . ' ' • .; J ■ • • i • RUNNING HACKS EVERY DAY—SOMETHING YOU WANT TO SEE—MULE RUNNING RACE WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY Miller Brothers Shows On The Midway s AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITS. (FLORALHALL OPEN UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK EVERY NIGHT.) GOVERNOR A. W. McLEAN AND SENATOR TOM HEFLIN WILL SPEAK AT THE FAIR GROUNDS AT TWO O'CLOCK, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6th. Local Pony Races Tuesday and Thursday ALL SCHOOL CHILDREN ADMITTED T O THE GROUNDS FREE ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER sth, UP TO FIVE O'CLOCK IN THE AFTERNOON. i i A Big Week Come up to Rocky Mout Fair 'so long as the present habit of hun i ureds of people from every part"of the .'"tate coming to .the swamps of this section to hunt, the day is not far dis tant that here will hardly be a turkey or a squirrel' to b^found. "Sportsmen" are now killing squir nls in large number, many of them have been killing as high as 40 a day. More and more each year the prin ciple of permitting the sportsman a v.ider privilege to hunt on the tax payer's premises seems to be getting stronger. •Only one principle seems to protect him—that is the posting rights that tie law grants the land owner. nW'CHKKTY'S (it'lbT PROVED TO THK PEOPLE The United States district fcourt now in session has not failed to show that Harry M. Daugherty, Attorney Gen ital Under the late President Harding, took a large sum of German money to turn over valuable property to certain people of that Country. It may be that they will fail to convict him be cause of certain technicalities. It would possibly have been the proper thing for Daugherty to li?»ve ('one as JessJ» W. Smith, his accom plice, "W'hOf committed suicide a few years ago rather than face his fellow men in a trial. The war opened the way for much fiaud and it begins to look as if those i.igh up wpre more anxious and will ing to wrong the government than were the common people. Secretaries Fall and Daugherty, both holding positions in one of the world's highest councils, the Presi dent's cabinet, betrayed their trusts and sold out their people. Yet with our order of government we find it very hard to bring men of such great influence to justice. Too many untrue men are occupy ing high-seats in our official realm. It weakens our government. FLORIDA'S GREAT STORM That every sweet has its bittei and every rose its thorn seems to be an | undeniable truth, and is again proven when we think of Florida. We hear very little from that State except threat joy or deep sorrow. Florida and its pleasures has almost run the whole country off the hinges. Millions in money have been spent on pleasures unbounded in that flower land; yet'the scales are level, for the same country has been drenched with suffering and sorrow. Crying and death fills the place where so recent ly was seen and heard life and laugh ter. Some of the goody-goodies claim that God breathed special vengeance on that section because of its wicked ness. And though world travelers hi,y no spot on earth was quite so vile and sinful, tropical storms were blow ing from the waters of the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean Sea, and the Atlantic Ocean long before man, red, white, or black, ever saw Florida. The winds and the waves would have raged even if no human being had been in Florida, and nothing but sea turtles, ellixators, and swamp moccasins in habited beautiful Palm Beach, Miami, % Hollywood by the Sea..' No ,man need not expect all joy and THE ENTMtPEISt—WILLI AMBTOW. W. C pleasure. There is torrow for aIL If thoae cities had not been so wicked, certainly they would not have had to repent of so much. Other citiea nearly as bad as any city in Florida have stood for cen turies, and God has not destroyed them. Certainly He has not taken special vengeance on Florida, but on ly sent an example of His power, just as has been the case since ojir earliest history; and they will continue, lest we forget. WASHINGTON'S TRAGEDY A Washington's shocking tragedy or) Saturday shot a pall of sJfrrow through the hearts of her citizenship, when the news flashed over town that her chief of police, as well as one of her best citizens, had been shot dead in the discharge of his duty, and. by a man who had not lived even within the law—a man crazed by liquor, a citizen who had broken the law, defied the law and dared the law, and then in his contempt for the law attempted to kill it. The Washington community may to .some extent be responsible ■ for this Mir row. They have permitted a man to skirt their town as a kind of law defier; said to be a bootlegger aiM a drunken nuisance. He grew hard and tough, cared nothing for others and little for himself. Murder and hate grew to be his desire and they bore fruit. If he had been brought to justice years ago, it might have so changed his course that he would today have been a good useful living citizen and Washington would not be shrouded in a veil of sorrow. All citizens should aid in law en forcement; it may cost them a little t'ouble now, but is sure to cause more later if they fail to help enforce the law. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the authori ty conferred upon me in that certain deed of trust, dated March 16, 1921 ar.d duly recorded in Book G 2, at page 189 of Martin County registry, I will on Monday, October 11, 1926, | at 12 o'clock, M. at the court house door in Williamston, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, r~ For Over 50 Years THE CHEAPEST AND BEST \ WILLIAMS/TON C. D. Carstarphen "THE OLD O fV . "THE OLD reliable" Oc KELIABLE" I SOME OF OUR [CHOICE BARGAINS Yd. wide yellow cotton, 10c Table cil cloth, yd 32c Turkish towels 2 for 25c 9-4 unbleached sheeting, 42' 7, c Sheets, 81 x 90, each $1.25 8 oz. featherproof ticking, 30c Ladies' silk hose, pair 48c Apron ginghams, yd 10c Pillow cases, each 33c Men's work shirts, each .. 79c Ladies' pure silk hose, pr., 98c. Checked homespun, yd. 8 ,/j c Mercerized table linen, yd. 48c Congoleum (2 yds. wic-e,. 90c Linen table damask, yd. $1.48 Kound prints 2 lbs. for 50c Bleaching, yd. wide, 10 & 12 ,/l c Ore:: Hugs, 9 x 12 $4.99 9x12 Congoleum lug $lO Crex rugs, 6x9 $3,69 * ' ' 4 * Also a complete line of hardware, furniture, wire fencing, hay, grain, stoves, clothing, and shoes; Men's and B ys' Clothing. ■ > — "Everything for. Everybody" ' the following land, to-wit: Bounded on the north by Church street, on the east by Haughton street and A. Hassell, on the south by A. , Hassell and W. C. Purvis and on the west by J. W. Manning, containing one aad one-quarter acre, more or less. L 9-10-4 " F. M. Peel, Trustee. This. September 10, 192,6.