Iffitirtiiißiitß Mr. Ben Dixon McNeil, special cor raapondest for the News 4 Observer, of Raleigh, is spending, several days here as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Staton. Mr. Jamea R. Knowlea, of Dardeni, was a visitor on the Wllllamston to bacco market Thursday. Mr. Harry Waldo, of Hamilton, was a business visitor here Thursday. Mr. G. H. Cox, Ford agent, of Rob ersonville, was here on business Thurs day- Mr. Garland Hodges, of Washington attended the fair hare Wednesday night. Mr. Paul Kdmondson, of Hasealls, vras here Thursday morning. Mr. W. T. Tadlock, the McCormick and Chevrolet dealer, of Windsor, is displaying at the fair this week. Hon. F. C. Harding, of Greenville, is attending court this week, appear ing in the case of Harrison fa Barn hill. Hon. S. J. Everett, of Gseenville, attended court here several daya this week. Principal R. 1. Leake, of the Rob* ersonville School, aad Mrs. Leake at tended the fair this week Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hagans and chil dren, Jim and Mary Elisabeth, of Tarboro, attended the fair Wednesday night. John P. Booker, of Winston-Salem, visited his brother, Jack Booker, and friends in town this week. John is now working on the staff of the Win ston-Salem Journal. Mrs. Worthington and Mrs. Walsh, of Washington, attended the fair this week. * Mr. and Mrs. Vance Bunting and children, Measrs. Bill Smith, Tom An drews, and Wilson, all of Bethel, at tended the fair Wedneaday. Mrs. Ralph Parker, of Dunn, la vis iting her parents, Mr. an Mrs. T. F. Harriaon. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the author ity contained in a certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned trustee by Noah Hoggett, on the 11th day of May, 19it, and of record in the public registry of Martin Coun ty in book N-2, at page Nt, said deed of trust having beei* given to se cure notes of even date aad touor therewith, and the' stipulations con tained in said deed of trust net hav ing been complied with, and at the re quest of the parties interested, the undersigned trustee will on Saturday, the Pth day of October, 19M, at 11 o'clock m., at the courthouse door in the town of Wiliiamston, N. C., offer for aale to the highest bidder for cash, at public auction, the following described real estate: It being the undivided interest of the said Noah Leggett in a house and lot in the town of WilUamston, N. C* bounded on the oast by Joe Grifln land, bounded on the north by the land of Sam Faulk, bounded on the west by tha Wiliiamston and Waah ington Road; bounded on tha sooth by the land of Joe Grifln. Containing one-half of an acre, mere or less, bought of H. P. Henby, aad known at: the old Short Place This the Pth day of September, IMS R. G. HARRISON, »10 4tw Trustee. fc AQQ AC A- - D QT AD Prices Stronger syyo.yb One barn 1 today -''*. * ' * V . W. B. Roebuck and Bland, of Stokes section, two of Pitt County's best tobacco \\T ' LI J growers, sold one barn of tobacco at the STAR Warehouse Tuesday for the princely W 6 ilclV 6" & sum of $99fc96, breaking all Eastern Carolina 1926 records. The fine sales we are mak- . ing speak louder than any newspaper advertising. After all, dollars are what count I Fridciy, October 1, * First Seilg in selling tobacco. We are determined that every grade of tobacco sold at the STAR MondctV October 4 First 2nd ScilG shall bring the top price. We are selling lots of the finer grades from 60c to 85c, and ' - ' 1 . satisfying our customers, not with newspaper advertising, but with PURE AMERI- TuGSGciy, OctODGF 5, First ScilG CAN DOLLARS. SMITH & SUGG Wise Men Follow the STAR Society & Personals Mn. ELRKKT 8. PIXU Editor Miu Esther Harrison, of Atlantic Christian Collags, Wilson, will arrive tomorrow to spend the weak and. Mr. and Mrs. Biacoe Biers and chil dren attended tha fair yesterday. • » Miss Grace Martin, of Tarboro, via ited relatives hare this weak. Mrs. J. A. Daniel and daughter, Misa Myrtle, and little sons were in town yesterday. Mr. and' Mrs. L. P. Horn thai, of Plymouth, and Uttle granddaughter, Misa Baottk of flock} Mount, attend ed tha fair this weak. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Gray and lit tle son, of Robersonrille, were visi tors hare Wednesday. r Mr. and Mrs. George Paul, of Washington, visited the Roanoks Fair this week Miss Eolalia Darden, of Kenly, vis ited her sister, Miu Mildred Darden, at the home of Mrs. W. H. Harrell this week. Julian Evans, George Board man, P. C. Thompson, and Joe Alford, of the Carolina Telephone k Telegraph Co., were visitors here this week. Judge N. A. Sinclair and Matt Long, of Greenville, visited here this weak Mortimer Harriaon, of Danville, Va., visited friends here this week. Bern to Mr. juid Mrs. J. A. Mel son, a son, Wednesday, September 22, at their home on Haughton Street Arriving Daily from the Fashion Centers • Ladies' Coats Ladies Dresses V. , Misses Dresses Hats ~ * —y-; Shoes Sweaters V ' . -B* " J&. ——Men's Suits Overcoats Furnishings ' a Hats • If it's quality, style, and price you are looking for, a visit to our Store will prove that we sell for less.—Because we buy for cash— and sell for cash—you pay less. Margolis Brothers PHONE Anything far IMB Pinrtmst . To 46 Mrs. Forrest Sledge, of Tarboro, was in town Wednesday. Mrs. Irving Johnson is visiting friends in Tarboro this week. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Smith, of Rob ersonville, were fair visitors Wednes day. Mr. Howell Wadsworth, of New Bern, is visiting his sister, Mrs. J, W. WattN jr. IN MEMORIAM In levinf memory of Furney How ard, Junior, who died September 28, 1986. There waa an angel band in heiuren That was not quite complete And God took our darling boy To fill the vacant seat. Oh, so often wil we wonder Why God took our, darling boy; And then we hear a sweet voice whis- PW. . He only gave him for a while. No one knows the sorrow That was within our hearts Whan we saw your smiling face From this earth depart. Days of darkness still come o'er us, Days have never been the same, God alone knew how you suffered. So He called you and relieved your pain. * Good-by, Junior, our precious boy, But not for evermore; For in heaven we Will meet you, On that bright and happy shorn. MOTHER, DADDY, and SISTERS. Mr. J. A. Everett of Palmyra l viaited our office this morning en 1 route to the Roanoke Fair. FOR SALE: 840-ACRE FARM; 100 acrM cleared; S houses, 2 tobacco barns, packhouse, and other necessary outbuildings, 6 miles from town. Cheap. Easy terms. See A. R. White. Williamston, N. C. ol 4tpd FOR SALE: BENTHAL PEANUT picker and Stover engine in good condition. See G. C. Jenkins, Wil liamston, N. C. ol 4tpd ONE-HORSE FARM FOR SALE; containing 15 acres; adjoining the town of Williamston. Good 6-room house; tobacco barn; packhouse; poul try houses; orchard; 14 acres in high state of cultivation. Produces fine quality bright tobacco. A splendid buy for anyone wanting a small place and a permanent home. See or write W. Halberstadt, Williamston, N. C. ol 2tpd CARLOAD OF SHOATS FOR SALE. See Harrison Bros. & Co. Illinois Man Invents New Auto Gas Saver Walter Critchlow, 4331 M Street, Wheaton, 111., has patented a new gas saver that beats anything ever got ten out. With -it on Fords show as high as 61 miles on a gallon. Other makes do equally well. This new in vention saves gas and oil, makes a Ford start instantly in any weather and completely decarbonizes the en gine. Mr. Critchlow oflVrs one free to quickly advertise. Write him for one. He also wants County and State dis tributors p»ho can make SSOO to $2,500 per month. 5'21&28 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE In the matter of May King Williams, F. E. Williams, and Mary Blanche Williams, by her guardian, Mary Pursuant to an order of resale made by K. J. Feel, clerk superior court of Martin County in the above entitled proceedings, on the 16th day of Sep tember, 1926, the undersigned commis sioner will on Monday, the 4th day of October, T926, "at 1Z o'clock - m., in 1 front of the hereinafter described premises in the town of Hamilton, N. C., offe for sale to the highest bidder for cash, at public auction, the fol lowing described real estate, to wit: Beginning at Pattie Sherrod's cor ner on Front Street in the town of Hamilton, N. C., and running along said street 20 feet to J. R. Williams heirs lie, thence along said Williams heirs line a southerly direction 51 fi t to F. L. Gladstone's line, thence along said Gladstone's line a westerly direc tion 20 feet to Pattie Sherrod's line, thence along Pattie Sherrod's line (51) fifty-one feet to Front Street, the be ginning, containing 1,020 square feet. This the 16 day of September, li>26. ECHERT S. PEEL, sl7 4tw Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE X'nder and by virtue of sale made. J>y the Cltjrk of the Superior Court of Martin County in the Special Proceedings entitled, "Mflybolle Mae Johnson vs Lillian A. Laughinghouse et als" the undersigned Commission er will, on the 4th day of October, 1026, at 12 o'clock, Noon, in front of the Courthouse door f Martin County sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described property: A certain store building lit the town of Jamesville, Martin County, North Carolina, of which the said Henry T. Stalling* was seized at the ■ tinie of his death, facing Main street in the said town of Jamesville, said store building on which it stands with a narrow strip about eighteen foot wide on the easterly side of said building; said store building adjoin ing the building of the Jamesville Lank and being all of the residue We Are Receiving New Dresses, Coats and Millinery Nearly Every Day Be sure and see them before you buy, and -.t,. • ' ' . the special low prices we are giving on them. A . 'O; Harrison Bros. & Co. \ ' ; _ "' . . •. _ WILLIAMSTON'S LAR(iEST IJEPAKMENT STORE of the property which was conveyed to the said Henry T. Stallings by Deed of W. C. Hassell et us; and that the estimated value of the store above named is about $1500.00. . This the Ist day of September, 1926. B. A. CKITCHFR, Commissioner. 9-3-4 NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina, Martin County. Under and by virtue of an order of the superior court of Martin County made in the special proceedings en titled W. C. Turvis, administrator of .1. H. I'Urvis, against Joe Purvis and others, heirs at law, the undersigned commissioner will, on the 23d day of October, 1926, at 12 o'clock noon, at tlio courthouse at Williamston, N. C., offer at sale to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described tract of land, to wit: Same being a house and lot loeat et in the town of Williamston, N. C., .i h Simmons Avenue, adjoining the .lands of Tneodore Hoberson, F. H. Brown, Dr. J. S. Rhodes, et als, and being the same, house and lot form erly occupied by. the late J, H. Purvis and better known as the old Baptist parsonage; and that the same is esti mated at.around $3,000.00. This 21st day of September, 1926. 11. A. CUITCHER, 524 Itw Commissioner. ROCKY MOUNT MARBLE WORKS Rocky Mount, N. C. Makers and dealers in granite and marble monuments and iron fencing R. Sherrod Corey IvOial Representative Williamston, N. (\ BABY CHICKS FOR SALE: Large type Barron strain white leghorn baby chicks, $9.50 per hundred. An ronus, $11; Rhode Island Reds ,and Barred Plymouth Rocks, sl2; Buff Orpingtons and white Wyanftottes sl3 per hundred. These are all husky, pure bred, hatched from select eggs fr«TB our heaviest layers. We pay the pontage and guararttee live delivery. Prompt shipments. Order from this ad. Acme Farms, Farmviile, N. C a2O 12t » UNDERSTANDING The directing of funeral serv ices requites thorough under standing. We prid*i our selves in the fact that we receive high • commendation from many* for the sympa thetic anil sincere attention accorded. No detail is over looked. Because of our ex tensive experience we natur ally have a proper apprecia tion of our responsibility. F. h. EDWARDS Funeral Director and Licensed Km baliner I'hones 872 and 873 Williamston North Carolina