AdvertiMrs Will Find Oar Col nui » Latchkey to Over 1600 Hoaei of Martin County. VOLUME XXIX—NUMBER 91 City Commissioners Hold Special Meet Theater; Taxes; Streets; Dances Are Discussed Several Committees are Appointed; Very Little Done A two-hour session was held by the town commissioners here last night when they assembled in a special meeting. The session was featured by many technicalities as brought out by the famous old subject, "taxes." Very little business was put on the com pleted list, but a large amount was pieced in the |iands of various com mittees with instructions to investi gate and report back to the board not later than the first Monday in Feb ruary. A correction was made in the list ing of Mr. J. D. Simpson's taxes. In this property located outside the tewn limits was incorrectly listed in the town. The board corrected the __ error. , The leasing of the town theatre proved to be a problem, and the board made no, final step ih fettling the mat "7 tcr. A committee was appointed to investigate the mat er, report back to the board either at a regular meeting or at a called one. The findings of this committee will be gone into and bused upon the report rendered the board will advertise for sealed bids. A committee composed of several merchants appeared before the board when its members thought it was un fair for the itinerant merchants to come here, set up a business and then leave without having totaxes or witnes the dull seasons of the year. The committee was frank to state that it invited competition, for competi-1 " • tion is the life of trade, but it was most anxious to see the competition put on an equal basis to all. While the board was at a loss to offer rfelief, it did appoint ? committee to inyesti- j gate the matter along with a com mittee appointed from an organiza- j tion of the community. The steps to be taken are to be guided by these) two committees, and just what they will do is unknown. By way of sug-, gestion a trip to Raleigh might re sult and the matter be investigated there. How far back can a board of town commissioners go to collect taxes, and how far back must it go to re fund taxes where au error has been, was the question confronting the lo cal board when Dr. J.- S. Rhodes brought up a case where taxes had been collected through error. It wa.« the general opinion of the board that three years was as far back a board of commissioners was forced to go in returning taxes collejptetf'through er ror. Since 1913 Dr: Rhodes has paid taxes on property incorrectly listed, but not until recently was the erior detected. The question is to be set-j tied once this technicality is straight- [ ened out. All these questions required cun- ! siderable time, but the board did not stop but took up the condition of the streets as their next act of entertain-, ment. The big Mack truck has been shipped back to Richmond, and with that out of the way, the board in- 1 \estigated the purchase of a road ma-! chine and tractor with other equip-] ment necessary in maintaining the streets, The machine considered by the board as a probable purchase is % one where the tractor and machine are combined into one, requiring but one man to operate it. Such a ma chine would cost around $1,500, and IGTRANn THEATRE | WEDNESDAY Double Program BUCK JONES in a Five Reeler "Pals in Paradise" A Six Reeler Also Free Ticket for Friday Show •COME EARLY Always a Good Show THE ENTERPRISE Everetts - Jamesville Play here Tomororw According to an announce ment made by officials of the two teams, Everetts and Jamet - - **-ville will meet here tomorrow for a second basketball en counter. The game will be called at eight o'clock in the llrick warehouse. Due to a misunderstanding the game scheduled for last Friday night be!ween these two I teams was not played, but it is certain they will meet here to morrow night. \ . — - | Steamer Sinks Near Plymouth Boat Goes Down When Pumps Failed to Continue Work The boat of !H) tons i a pacity.and belonging to the Norfolk, Baltimore and Caroling line, went down last Saturday, two tjiijes below Plymouth. The' boat left Norfolk Fri day and while in the Perquimans river it hud a hole knocked in its si'de by a log. It arrived here early Saturday morning with its pumps run-! ning full force in an effort to keep her afloat. . '*.. „ JLittle time was used in clearing the boat of its cargo and it started back to Norfolk when just two miles below Plymouth the pumps refused to work.' Captain D. W. Tolson saw that all hopes to save his boat were lost, so | he put it on n mud flat where it went down. The captain with his crew was picked up by a passing boat and car reid to Plymouth. A boat is on its way ftom Norfolk to assist in the salvag ing of the sunken craft. It is thought it can be raised without very much trouble. The Chelsea has been running Wiliamxton and other 'Eastern Caro lina points for several seasons now, and thin is its first mark of trouble. The boat carried a.crew of six men, all of whom were saved. , Jamesville Defeats Edenton Team 29-11 Last Friday night the .Jamesville five traveled to 'Edenton to do battle with that town's basketball team. At the end of the the first half Edenton j was scoreles, but during the latterl half it ,made eleven points when the; Jamesville coach sent—it-his scrubs. The game was well played, with the: score of 29-11 indicating little more than a win. . A game was scheduled with Eliza beth City, but several of the James-'! vill players felt unable to play, and the game was called off. while it is not certain the board would actually buy, indications Were that it would. A committee was appointed to look further into the matter. With little or no information be-1 hind the request, the board was a*ked to grant a prospective guano concern i 5-year release from taxes should it locate here. The matter was present-1 tji by one'of the commissioners at the request 6f another party, and the com missioner makir.g.-tha request was notL in a position to give the facts irt"the : case. The matter went over until' more definite details are learned re-| gi-rding the establishment of a gu ano factory here. A statement made by Mr. D. D. Stalls, when asked if it was his concern making the re quest, held that it was not, and that he knew nothing of the new under taking. While it may not be in con nection with ftiis matter,' it was stal ed at the meeting that, an outside firm had purchased a lot near the old cooperage plant site on the river. Other tjian this, no details were avail able. A suit against the defunct Peoples Pank was withdrawn, the board decid ing to await any payment made by the receiver of the institution to its j depositors. This step was taken af- \ , ter legal counsel had been given. *>" | The dance held by the Woman's ! , Club Jast night went undisputed when ( it was announced that a permit had ( been granted to the club committee to | hold the dance. I Chief Daniel, tax was , urged to carry forward his duties as , tawn tax collector. A motion to raise the salary of a fireman at the electric plant was i turned down. ,L ) i - - il. —i Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, January 18,1927 Father of 34 JM \JP^ s jL | / ~ OC A g TJL' j I \ ? , v*scw | President Coalidgi> ton i gratulated Keuhrn Bland (n'Hivej of Kubersoiivitie, N w11• • chinos i to In, tin cbuitipion tilth, i >il U S | Mr ClaiMl is papa in : 1 .ctnhtren • (Note:- Thi' above photograph and comment, issued by a national pic torial new .service will appear In up pioximately 1,."(,)() weekly newspapers this v.c( k in -all parts of the I'niteil Slate. This amount of publicity is M'parato and supplementary to the vast amount carried in the daily pa pi rs of the country regarding Re.uben liland.) Rules for Bas ketball Series f i First Fart of Sei ies to be IMayed First Week of February At a meeting of the Martin County ' At'i'ilotic late in Deeoinher a county-wide basketball elmmpion ! shift ?rrtes wax airrerd upon* At that | meeting no rules/for the content were I made, the matter being laid over until j •» meeting could be held this month At its recent meeting the association ' adopted rules and effected a sehetfule which includes 10 schools. Tilt; plan for the : eritkjM-one .of elimination ami applies. to gMs and boys. The two teams (girls arid boy.-) winning the finals will be the -'■ cups provided by the tdhletic association for such champion ships. All games mud he pluyed ill ac cordance with the following'nilea: Hoys and (fills participation must •have entered school on or before No vember tli, 1926. Such boys am! girls must have at tended 'in jni c nt of the time since .that date, and . hrt'H* have passed at least three subjects wit 11 a ■(nark of ill per cent or more. No high-seined graduates shall par ticipate. All players must be under 21 years of age. ' The week oPJanuary 111 to Febru ary 5 will see the beginning of the .-erie-'when Oak City plays Roberson ville; William: lon meets Jamesville; I'arm I.ife Kxer-dtft; Hamilton plays l'.armel>.iui4 (iold Point meets l(?ar Grass. These-. cairios will lie played at a time and place during, the first week of the series arranged by tin principal- an.l coaches, of the chools involved. The second series of games will be played the second week in February, ■ mid the finals the following week. The m hedulcpßTt develops in the playing of the series, will be published from time to time. looses Home lind All Furniture in Fire Mr. W. H. suffer d the loss of his honm aitfi'tt yiai: ically all the furniture therein when fire den.' royed the strut ure in Plymouth about two o'clock morning. Valued at around s2,>oo. Mr. l'flelps carried only SX'OO in insurance on the lost property. TOWN 'TEAM MEETS W. C. 1. HEKK TONIGHT The town team will play the Wash ington jjCollegiate' basketball Aeam here tonight at 8 o'clock jn the Brick \ arehouse. Parents-Teachers to Meet Next Thursday The l'arent-Teacher Association v/ill meet Thursday at ' the* school building. ,On accountfcof the snowy weather last Weekthe meeting was postponed until this week, and the pjesident is very anxious thatthe mem bcrs attend, so that can be con?- plete'Wor the play which will be giv en ear|y in February. The hour of n.eetinfe is 3:46. / / MrrNJenry B. Peel of Jamesville waa a .business vistipr in town this afternoon, Bishops' Cru sade Started This Month Wil Hold Meet in Wash ington February 6-11 Inclusive By REV. J. E. W. COOK "What is-it all about?" is the qucs* i lion most frequently asked about the' Hisluips' Ciusade when one hears or tt>ads that it has opened up, .and it i.i in answer to that question that this 1 information is written. For a long time there had been a growing reusei n the Protestay^-E- 1 "1 piscopal Church of the Deed of a new ; J appreciation of the Gospel "story and : of a.fresh dedication of the hearts! and lives of its communicants to the b yal service of their Lord. ■ 1 hut feeling crystalized in the General Convention, which met in Ni-w Orleans in. October, l!2fi, when, after profound and prayerful deliber ation a National Commission- on Evangelism was created to consider the whole question, and to take the . teps deemed advisable to bring uhout this revival in the Church. The Ht. Rev.-Thomas Darst, I» .I>., Hisliop of Enst Carolina, Wilming ton, N. C. was made chairman "of the I'ommissiontand he has given pruc tiially all'of time and consecrated (fori to tlTis work,—his Piocese lib i rating him foe the larger service of thi General Church. I>uring this month anil the month of; February, around throe-hundred*.cru- j sailers will visit eigl'tyf-our of the' • o .ity even dioceses and Missionary !•IsU'.M'CS of the United Statijs. These' 1 ■ i". u aders have been geelcted from the J I reeks of Hshopsy Priests, and lay . men a ltd jMWomen, to open the Cru j j-sade. T\Wfor more speakers will hold! ■ Tie ~f six day services in at r' least two strategic points ill . each J \ 1 diocese, anil every Hiiemher of the • 'Church is urged to attend the nearest I fcries. . . After tie National Crusaders are* . i lie, every diocese in the country will condt'ct its own ci4yel\ thus carry- ' ii ", the Gospel story into the remotest v perts of our | 11 There are' two or three things a ; " boot- the lii-'hops' Crusade that should. •' In eari fiilly notiet'd; It is primarily a 11 call to the members of the Church to " r. di dicato .their uwn lives to the serv J ie of the Church. Doing this, they I' 'will necesu rilly become "witnessts of,-" these thjjig.," liki' the first disciples, 1 tl ;oul will ..oek to bring those outside a the Church into iU: loving fellowship. I w Tlio pri ading of the Evangel, and 11 tlio jiuiekening of the spiritual life of I fl. • ('lrurcji, will, il is confidently lioji-1 ',ed, lead to many conversions, which h thv. .secondary objective. H It should be stated, also, that this > .movement is not a ruse to raise fl- a fiances for the Church. Indeed, every I eiii.'iider is under pledge to give hi) t time and service without compensa> •• t on. Offerings will taken at the tl meetings to defray the bare expenses tl of tra\e|, entertainment and printing; If M.d, if there should be more than is tl i coiled meet the e bills, the C surplus will be contributed to the Nat- tl ional (Commission for-its further work. Without doiifit this Crusade is one t id' the most stupendous united re- ei li ioti efforts over known in tfie his toiy of the Church. Perhaps no great- _ er movement has been star'ed since I the Ri'furirmtion in Europe; and its i.o ibilities "for good cannot be over-! slated. National Crusaders for the Diocese „ of East Carolina wil], hold a mass j ( meeting in Washingtiin, N. C., Feb. r( 'i lo llth inclusive. ! B( Woman's Club to Have " Shower Wednesday p i i. The Woman's Club iwill give a e bower tomorrow in the club rooms, Il ; ill the public is cordially invited to p tttttnd. '• ci The social committee, Mrs. C. R. Fleming, chairman, will serve re- L freshments and entertain the guests, ti That those who wish to bring a gift si may know what is needed in the ei iiiums, the following list - has been prepared: J 100 water tumblers; 40 dinner rla'tes; 40 sniafi plates for dessert; ■ ii -oUp plates; 50 tea spoons; 1 large dish pan; 1 tea kettle; • 1 china tea T put; 12 cooking pans, different sizes; o a number of straight 'chairs; and R canned fruits and vegetables. . ir THE GEORGE W PIIEIJ'S TRIAL bi " ' ' ' | ir Tn reporting the murder trial at oi Plymouth in Friday's isfue of this pa- c pi i , the words "ill famed" l were not n eant or intended to reflect upon the w virtue of thi.' household, but were ref-.j_T ei lie particularly to certain features! fi t( the ividwire adduced at the trial,' pi lo wit: the divorce proceedings, the I« paternity of a colored child and the; R, threats of murder. j so Hello London! ■A y 1 T fl ■Eia i 3 WBs^HßMMjj^^^^Jjjj^JJjJMJH^HßßggMi^'uiAtTgfr'iß History wa* made when President Walter S. CitTord of the A. T. and T., inaugurated the new radio-telephone between New York ami London. You can now talk from your home to your Gngllah couaiot for $26 per minute. ■> .-. V—- • - ■ Bank Statements Show That Conservative Policy Prevails Among County Institutions! At no time in the past have the bank of the various bi.nks in the comity reflected a more sound and conservative type > of banking than the ones of De cember it Ist. Apply banking rules as laid down by all the leading bankers of the country, and you will find Martin's several banks in correct tune with all of them. If you are familiar with bank- j ing and its practices, look into the i several statements appearing else- I where in this paper, and you'll readily see u standard of sound- j ness being applied to Martin's j financial business. New Store to Mission School Open Feb. 15 Opens Tonight Will He Operated by the Barnhill Brothers of Everetts Operating under the firm nume of 1 :urnhill llros., a new department store will be opened here the fifteenth of next month. The building located next to Clark's Drug Store is now uri-1 Urgoin'g repairs, and members of the 1 new firm slated they expect the first; irrival of goods in the early part of February. When the repairs are com-; dieted the building will have a modern font with attractive show windows., .he W. C. Miller Co., of Washington, ire doing the repair work, and they | through by the latter part of I the month. The .store will be managed . by! Messrs. (iarland and I.eaman Ifarn- Ijill, who will be assisted by Mr. N. K. Harrison. The three are young men ''f sterling equalities. Both Garland mid I Hainan have been connected with Bailey and Barnhill at Everetts for the greater part of their lives, arul hiring that time they have.gained a thorough knowledge of the business they are about to enter here. Mr. Harrison was for a number of years he bookkeeper for Harrison Bros. & "0., here, and he is widely known by he people of this section. The merchandise will not be limited .0 any ontj line, but will be of a gen •nil nature. Discuss Road Question at Chamber Meeting The I'lymouth chamber of com- i trrrce held a very good meet there' last night when more than forty r presentatives from the 1/injir Acrel section attended and discu'sed the of a highway from Plymouth jp the Long Acre road for a distance! if 12 miles and then eastward toj I'antego. The road will connect Wash i.i«ton and Hydfe counties, and ac •oiding to thoue best acquainted with Ihe undertaking, it is the most logical , lilace for a road extending into Hyile county. The people in Plymouth and in the U>ng Acre section are very much in crested in the road'sjjoing into their section and they are at work in all iurnest in furthering their claims. Robersonville Bank has A Banner Year Robersonville, Jan. 17.—(SpeciafTo I'he Enterpri.*.)—The annual meeting if the stockholders of the Bank of [{obersonviHe was held January 11th, n-their banking rooms hefe. The board of directors reported a mnner year to its stockholders, show-1 ng net earnings of over 16 per cent in its capital stock, of which 6 per | •tnt was paid to stockholders. The entire old board of directors | vas reelected for the ensuing year. I'he following officers were elected rom the board: J. H. Robcrson, jr., •resident; R. A. Bailey, vice presi ent; R. L. Smith, vice president; D. t. Everett, cashier; and S. L. Rober- i on, assistant cashier. . , * Then there is another element to these statements. When you consider there are around a mil i lion and a half dollars on deposit in the banks of the county, you j might know that these institutions, ure rendering a service of wide value to this section. And yet another phase of service is evi dent when the one million and over loans and discounts are no- )■ - _ —i V - Taking the tatements as a whole, it can be seen that Mar- i tin County is building gradually u financial structure to cope with the needs of its people. -.-•• • • , . Members of the Several Denominations are Urged to Attend , O ' Tonight (Tuesday), at 7.3o'o'clock, the first session of the Mission School' will be held at the Hap list Church. I The first bell will ring at 7 o'clock, I J culling the attention of the people; j and promptly at 7.."!0 o'clock the ses j sTon. will begin. The courses of study, the teachers, | everything, is ready. Every effort is! | being put forth to make this a great j i school, where the central theme of i the New Testament is set forth in j simplicity and- foirefulness. The pastor will teach the adults, and i.i anximi ' for anybody in Wil ' liamston to attend those lectures. All | children who may come will be amply provided for. For six weeks this church is centering on this great theme and believes it will be a bless- • ing to the entire town. Miss Mian Stanlmck, Mrs. John I), lliggs, Mrs. Dickey, and Mrs. Cone—these are the teachers, and each class will have a separate room in which to .work. Those attending are at liberty to use the literature .or,not use it; study the course, or merely listen to the lectures. J No examinations will be held; no tests had. The course is to ■ be informative and inspirational. Kain, snow, or what not—the doors j will he opened, and the first session held tonight. Eyery one is welcome. Washington and Everetts Play to Tie ■ I According to the storekeepers, j Everetts and the Washington Wild- I cats played to a tie here fast Friday I night in a good game of basketball, I the score resulting 1!» to 19. Several fans who Wi re casually keeping score thought it should have been 20 to 18 in Washington's favor;- however, the tie was not disputed, and it was de . cided that another game be played to •settle the affair. ''. '. ,vj Jamesville was scheduled Ha. Kveretts, but due to u misunderstand ing that gume hail to be called off and the Wildcats secured. Washing ton play a good game, and so did Everetts, ami outride of the James ville-Everetts match here a few days ago it was one of the hardest-fought games played thus far on the local , court. Members of both teams played ex cellent ball, but that of Potts, for Washington, and Cherry, for Everetts, was most noticeable from an individ ual standpoint. . , . No (late was mentioned when the tie should be played off. SCHOOLS REOPEN AFTER BEING CLOSED WEEK > With agreeable weather and with a good attendance the local schools reopened yesterday after having been closed for the greater part of last week due to the larg# snow. The pUr -pilr, are hard at work reviewing for the examinations which are scheduled to begin next Thursday. " ~r~r ' O * Watch the Oa Your Paper; It Carries the Date Your Subscription Expires. ESTABLISHED 1898 Sixth Roanoke Fair Will Start September 27th Herbert MJPoe Will Be Manager Again This Year I v I - | September 27-30, inclusive, were j the dates set fur the sixth annual Ro anoke Fair at a meeting of the asso- I i lution here la t Saturday. LSst year ihe fair was held on September 27 to October 1, and it is with pleasure that the association announces that practically' the same dates will be used this year. The e dates will place the Roanoke Fair at the head of the list. ' Herbert M I'oe, manager for the past - several, years of the' Roanokn rair, and one who has made diligent (Torts to bring to this section a worth while fair, has accepted the again this year. His ac ceptance will meet with hearty ap proval on the part of every one in this section, and the association is indeed fortunate in having him for its manager again this year. At the meeting Saturday no, defi nite plans were made regarding the. staging of the fair for next Septem ber other than developing those details j.that will insure a better and more i complete fair. Mr. I'oe stated that "several shows" anxious "to play i here this year, but no. contracts would be signed until after thorough investi gations eo.uld he maje. When asked | (bout the free acts this year, Mr. I'oe rsti.ted that they would comprise one j of" the, best, features of the fair, that Ihe will review more than 4(1 attrac-. lions'within the next few days and se lect the very best of the group. ■ For the fair in general, plans are being arranged that will bring about improvements in many of the depart-? merits, but of course these are not lit finite at the present time. ' —'" • Two Weddings at Court House Late Saturday The ollice of the register of deeds ; was made merry Saturday evening I just at sunset, when two young men I rushed in with two beautiful youn i women and asked for marriage li | cense*. Of cour iOj M r.Getsinger dild | nil necessary to fill the joys of their j hearts. •» The papers ready, Justice Asa T. Crawford called Mr. Jesse Ayers and Miss Neva Hell Howen and repeated | the ceremony that made them man and wife; after which ho asked that j they give their places to Mr. Gilbert Kawls and. Miss lena Hell Ausban, who then took-the vows that made .them one. A few friends of the two couples accompanied them. After the cere mony Mi'- and" Mrs. Kawls departed foY their farm home on route . r >, Wil liamston, and Mr and Mrs. Ayers to route I, Kobersonville. First Dance at Woman's (. luI) Held Last Night Not only did the dance at the Wo man's C.luT) last night meet with'suc cess financially, byt it met with the approval of the ci izenry of the com munity; it received an okeh tliat has .long -been withheld in these where abouts, because it- could not correctly h« applied heretofore. This is the first «lance to be staged liy the Woman's Club, and while the permit granted allowing the danca was only' Tor last night, it is generally conceded that there will be no troubje i"i gaining permits for. the holding of this class of dances in the future.. The exact number of dances the club v.ill ho!.I is not known, bu some think nt least two u month will be staged by the ladies. The music for th£" dance was suc cessfully rendered by the Roberson \ille orchestra assisted by Mrs. W. B. Watts at the piano. Jamesville to Play Red Oak Team Here Friday This week finds.Jamesville confront ingl a tough schedule for tomorrow night it meets fcjyeretts and then on Friday night it meets the Red Oak basketball' team. Both games will be played here. Red Oak's record in sports for the past few years has attracted state wide attention, for it has turned out teams of credit to any school. This year so far it has won 17 basket | ball gametr and have not suffered a ! single defeat. Basketball fans in this section are pleased to know that they will see these two teams meet here r.ext Friday night. \ ■ The game will be called at eight p. nj. and Johnnie Johnson of Wash ington will referee. A large crowd is expected to witness the game. I