Report of the Condition of the BANK OK HAMILTON j ai Hamilton in the State of North Carolina, at the lose of business, De cember 31, 1926. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $ 63,604.60 I nited States Bonds and Liberty Bonds 8,000.00 Dunking Houses, $4,500.00; ( - Furniture and Fix tures $1,700.00 6,200.00 AH other Real Estate own ed 522.25 Cash in valut and net a mounts due from Ranks, Rankers, and Trust' Co mpanies 40,395.57 Checks for clearing; 176.85 Total -3108,8^.27 LIABILITIES -• Capital Stock paid in $ 10,000.00 Surplus Fund 9,000.00 Undivided Profits, less cur rent expenses and taxes paid 449.181 Deposits subject to check, Individual 68,324.02 Cashier's Checks outstand- 1 ing 622 «; Time Certificates of De- posit, Due on or After 30 Days 20.603.61 Total *108,899.27, State of North Carolina —County of Martin, January 10, 1927. 1, F. L. Haislip, Cashier of the a bove named Rank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. F. L. HAISLII', Ca.shiei. I Subscribed arid sworn to before me, this 10th dav of January, 1927. u _ ' R. A. KDMONDSON, Notary Public. M> commission expires January 10, 192 V - ■ Corn ct' Attesf; "p. L. SALSIiI KY, _ .• ■ ; W. S. RHODES Directors. Report t>l the t omiition ol the HAN »f ifx X. MKIU HANTS BANK "at. Km i in U-' of North Carolina, ..t iiie tio.'e of bu»iiie»s, De cember 31. 1926. RLku.l id ES Loan. aiuvDiMtunls ?--15172,441.18 Loan:- -- '19,860.00 I tilled Stalls I.OIHI and I 11, rt y l • 3,400.00 North Caioiiiia Slat- bonds .(,000 00 All oUiei St icks, Bonds •ml Mpr-lVj.gcs.-_——..- 7,850.1K) liiij.kiug Hous' s, $:;600.00; Furniture and Fi x ures $2810.00 6,310.00 -Cash in vault and net a mounts due from Ranks Bankers, and Tm^Qom panies -1 101,466.10 Qash Items held over 24 hours - -- 610.20 Total L-——5305,816.48 LIABILITIES Capital Stock paid in $ 16,000.00 Surplus Fund '— 8,000.00 Undivided Profits, less cur rent expenses and taxes paid ' 2,672-36 Unearned Discount 1,666.31 Dividends Unpaid —.-- 12.60 Deposits subject to check, Individual 181,870.19 Cashier's Checks outstand ing ... 317.28 Time Certificates of De posit, Due on or After 30 Days 92,777.84 Reserve (Special) 4,000.00 • Total $306,816.48 State of North Carolina—County of Martin, January 8, 1927. 1, Paul liailey, Cashier of the i>bo\e named Hunk, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. PAUL BAILEY, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 8 day of January, 1927. DOROTHY tAYLOR, Notary Public. My commission expires January 12, 1927. Correct—Attest: V. G. TAYLOR, J. S. AYERB, lIENRY I). PEEL; Directors. The Bankrupt Store Sale Close Sat. Jan. 22 COM PELLED TO VACATE STORE TO DR. FOR SALE , LAST MINUTE REDUCTIONS 4: —X- : . -MEN'S SUITS LADIES' DRESSES SUGAR . SHOES Formerly $25 to S4O Formerly $lO to $35 5c Pound Men's, Women's, and Children's s6#B $9.98 $16.98 $3.98 $6.98 $9.98 Quantity Limited 19g LADIES' COATS BOY'S SUITS GINGHAMS ' Formerly S2O to S4O . : Formerly $lO to S2O 5c Yard SHEETING $6.98 $9.98 $12.98 $4.98 ~ $6.98 $9.98 Apron and Dress—Quantity Limited LL Sheeting 7c Yard ffhe Lafl Call THE BANKRUPT STORE I Report of the Condition of the |FARMERS A MERCHANTS BANK at Williamston in the State of North il Carolina, at the close of business, De l cember 31, 1927. RESOURCES i Loans and Discounts —5456,189.65 Demand Loans 16,000.00 i United Stales Bonds and ij Liberty Bonds 87,650.00 ' All other Stocks, Bonds !, and Mortgages 70,000.00 i Banking Houses, $12000.00; • Furniture and Fix tures .$4240.61 16,240.51, All other Real Estate own ed 22,628.88 Cash in vault and net mounts due from Banks, v. Bankers and Trust Com panies 147,085.94 Cash Itema held over 24 hours.. 101.00 Checks for clearing 16,838.54 Expense, less profits 16,782.35 j Total - $848,416.77 LIABILITIES ' Capital Stock paid in $100,000.00 ;j Surplus Fund 25,000.00 j Dividends Unpaid 24.00 j 1 Deposits Due Banks, Bank | ers, and Trust Com panies 39,443 84 | Deposits subject to check. Individual 467,663.43 1 , Demand Certificates of De posit*, for Bonds 2.650.0n Time Certificates of De posit, Due in Less Than 30 Days 6,482.19 , Cashier's. Checks outstand ing >- 26,569.34 Time Certificates of De posit, Due on or After 30 Days 191,083.91 Total $848,416.77 ( | State of North Carolina-—County of : I Martin, January 8, 1927. I, C. D. Cafstarphen, jr., Cashier of the above named Band do solemnly | swear that the above statement is j tiue to the best of my knowledge] and belief. C. D. CARSTARPHKN, JR. Cashier. ' Subscribed and sworn to before nifv 'this 10 day of January, 1927.. MILTON J. MO YE, Notary Public. I My Commission expires August .'!0, I 1928. Correct—Attest: i JNO. D IOGGS,-- . ) F. U., BARNES, Directors. —— 1 1 Report of the Condition of the BANK OF OAK CITY at Oak City, in the State of North . Carolina, at the close of business, De cember 31st, 1926. RESOURCES Iyoans and Discounts $107,550.64 Demand Loans 690 00 Overdrafts unsecured —.— 17.60 j United States Bonds and Liberty Bonds .* 12,300.00 -i Ranking Houses, $13,500.; f Furniture and .Fi x j tures - i. $3,320.09 •* 16,820.09 | Cash end net a kj mounts due from Ranks j Rankers and' Trust Com- I panies _____ -& 41,456.41 j Total - —5178,834^4 , 1 " LIABILITIES j 1 Capital Stock paid In $ 10,200.00 1 Surplus Fund _ 7,650 00 j Undivided Profits, less cur rent expenses and taxes j paid 1,021.91 I Deposits subject to check, Individual 102,459.07 • Cashier's Checks outstand |! ing 1,496.62 Time Certificates of De -! posit, Due on or After 30 } 3 day* - 46,668.14 U. S. Bonds Deposits 9,360.00 1 Total $178,834.'. 4 e \ State of North Carolina—County of r Martin, Janua/y 11, 1927. 0 I, B. M. Worsley, Cashier of the ' above named Bank do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, j B. M. WORSLEY, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 11th day of January, 1927. y F.H.JOHNSON, i Commission expires''October.- 16, 1928. Correct—Attest: H. S. EVERETT, S. W. CASPER, Directors. Wants 1 FOR SALE: PECAN TREES; Prices Reduced. Write today. Southern Nut Tree Nurseries, Thom bsville, Ga. jlB 6tpd j : ' | LOST. A SMALL HAND-PAINTED •change purse with Post-Office key inside. Finder please return to En t rprise office. It I lANO TUNING: REGULAR YEAR-j ly trip:;; leave orders or phone I j Courtney Furniture Store. Harry [ j Lenox. jlB 4tpd | j SWEET POTATOES BRING GOOD j 1 • prices in the late spring. We need j f'veral large curing houses like the | ona at Aurora to supply the demand. 1 Forced Draft Curing System, Aurori, PECANS WILL HELP TO PAY your taxes and dcbU if you will let ill em. Learn why and how. Write J B. Wight, Cairo, Ga. j4 8t LOST ON STREETS OF WILILAM-j •ston Sunday: One platinum bar pin with diamond in center. Reward if returned to Enterprise office. jl4 2t IOST SUNDAY AFTERNOON BE tween Everetts and Williamston: 1; | suck containing hunting suit and boots. Reward to finder. Please re turn to the Enterprise Publishing Co.,| illiamston, N. C. - I NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that under I siiid by virtue of a decree of the su perior court of Martin County enter- I ed by R. J. Peel, clerk, on the 13th j dey of January, 1927, in the special I proceedings in said court pending, | wierein Mattie Pugh, J. W. Mines, | Jofiii J, Williams and Eddie P. Wil i liams, minors, by their next friend, John W r illiams are plaintiffs, and Nan ric Burnett, Ed Burnett, and Sidney i Htirnett are defendants, said proceed-1 inV- belhir one to soli for division the . hinds mentioned and described in thej petition filed in sad cause, the under-j M-red commissioners will on Monday,, t! ■ 14th day of February, 1927, at V.! o'clock m., at the courthouse door of Martin. County, at Williamston, N. 666 is a Prescription for COLDS, GRIPPE, FLU, DFNGUE, "BILIOUS* FEVER AND MALARIA It Kills the Germs - i . „ . • t— — Great Reduction in Groceries | j We will offer for next ltf days, for cash, great reductions in prices. We will also give FREE with each $5 purchase, 50 cents worth of any merchandise desired. | Now is the time to buy groceries and store them away for the summer and save money. Reduced Prices Begin Wednesday, Jan. 19 .■- . • f • 1 1 ■ I J . W. GREEN | Grocery Company THE ENTEEPEISE—WILLIAMSTON. N. C j C.. offer at public sale to the highest ■ bidder, for cash, the following describ ed lands to wit: Bounded on the north by the Roan oke River, on the east by the lands of ; Robert Everett, on the south by the Hamilton and Palmyra county road; on the west by tfre lands of J. G. Sta ton, containing 200 acres, more or less, j \ and being the home place of Abner ! Burnett, deceased. This 13th day of January, 1927. | A. R. DUNNING, I H. £. HORTON, j jl4 4tw Commissioners. NOTIfE OF RESALE OF LAND j Under and by virtue of the power* I of a certain deed of trust executed I Iby W. T. Alexander and wife, the I 3rd day of -April, 1924, of record in book H-21, page 391, office of the reg ister of deeds for Martin County, and also by virtue of an order of the su perior eourt of Martin County, a de pos it having been made to raise the | bid and' a resale ordered, I will on Wednesday, the 2nd day of February, 1927, *t 12 o'clock m., in front of the courthouse in Williamston, N. C.,| resell at public auction to the high-1 est bidder for cash the following dc-, scribed lands, to wit: That certain lot in or near William-1 ston, Martin County, N. C., bounded on the north by Jane Garrett prop ! N-O-T-I-C-E to thS Public - % ' ' -0 n account of weather conditions, the Hale of Mrs. W. F. Wynn's, a t Cross | Roads Church, was postponed until Sat i udray, January 22, at 11 o'clock. Mrs. W. F. Wynn ■ erty, on the south by the lane running { from Garrett Street, on the west by! Tom Bagley, on the east by Garrett, Srreet, containing three-fourths of m I acre, more or .less. • OUR SALE Is Still in Its Infancy, and the Opening Days Brought* Excellent Results. The crowds came in spite of the disagreeable weather, because—what we advertise, we sell —and what we sell advertises us. i w ..... . ' • ' " 1 ' ONE GROUP of DRESSES * GROUP of MEN'S SUITS that must be cleaned out— , Not all sizes; in every all desirable styles and ma- style; but excellent values, terials, in wool & silks. Val- Reduced to ues to $25: while they last rti-*d*-# A i\t" qk $lO ■ $14.95 eP'iWtJ ■ Others 521.50 HUNDREDS OF OTHER GOOD VALUES IN EVERY DE PARTMENT—MADE POSSIBLE BY THIS SALE. COME AND COMPARE OUR VALUES MARGOLIS BROS. Report of the Condition of the t ' * ." J'—- 1 ' • .1... . • ; . n . Bank of Robersonville •'C . „ ROBERSONVILLE, N. C. at the Close of Business December 31st, 1926 RESOURCES Loani) and Discounts ' $280,867.29 Demand loans * . . , . 9,660.00 , Overdrafts, secured, $391.36; unsecured, $574.87 966.22 Unite! Slates Bonds and Liberty Bonds _ 17,900.00 All other stocks, bonds, and mortgages • *. 11,600.00 Banking houses, $19,600; furniture and fixtures $7.600 27,000.00 All other real estate owned 18,046.63 Cash in vault and net umounts due from banks, bankers, and trust companies. 183,391.97 Checks for clearing : ; 9,953.08 Customers' liability on acceptances * " 1,197.07 V. * Totul r _-_ ;j, $660,482.26* LIABILITIES Capital t tock paid in . .„1 ... „$ 41,600.00 Surplus fund : __ 14,000.00 Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid i __ 3,227.73 Deposits due banks, bankers, and trust, companies 1,711.96 Deposits subject to check, individual 364,367.49 Demand certificates of deposit - ______ 88,069.52 ™ Cashier's checks outstanding • . 290.17 Deposits for posting ; „* „ ' 20,188.6? Savings deposits'.... ; .j, 7,191.79 Bond deposits ! u 19,900.00 Total ..J. . ,„___._5560,482.26 .'' ' ' 4 State of North Carolina—County of Martin, January 10th, 1927. —* I, D. B. Everett, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly, swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. D. R. EVERETT, Cashier. ,* I - Subscribed and sworn to before me, Correct—Attest: this 12th day of January, 1927. , r l. SMITH, JAS. L. ROBERSON, H. £. NORMAN, Notary Public. Directors. | The bid on said lands will begin at ; ! the sum of 1266.20, the same being the bid of S. O. Mason. The successful bidder will be requir i ed to make a 10 per cent deposit of j amount bid on date of sale. This the 17th day of January, 1927. NOAH CHERRY, jlB 2tw ' Trustee. Craig & Pritchett, attorneys.

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