'if Society & Personals Mrs. ELBERT S. PEEL, Editor Ch* Hwtißge Weddings Etc. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Jones and little daughter, Mi as Myra Horton Jones, of Jamesville, were here for a short while yesterday morning. Mr. Garland Barn hi 11 visited friends in Grifton Sunday. Miss Mamie Harper, of Wilson, vis ited her sister, Miss Annie Harper here Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Lindsley visited Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Linds ley in Norfolk over the week end. Mr. Cleve Taylor, of Robersonville, vai a business vixitoi uere yesterday. Messrs. McCture, Porter, and Todd, of the Carolina Telephone £ Tele graph Co., Tarboro, visited the local exchange yesterday. Mr. Harper Holliday visited his family in Dunn during the week end. Professors Hainer, of Robersonville, and Hi*, of Everetts, passed through here Sunday afternoon en route to Jamesville. Miss Annie Hmnaer returned from Raleigh and WilsoT Sunday afternoon. Mr. Gobel Porter visited Irving Margolis here over thee week end. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Hardy, Oscar Anderson, and Miss Sallie Dickens mo tored to Bayview Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hard won, Mrs. Perlie Brown, and Mrs. Oscar Ander »on left last Friday for Baltimore. Miss Frances Williams spent the week end at Virginia Beach. Misses Susie James and Elizabeteh Gurganus visited friends in Norfolk during the past week end. Mr. James Edwin Harrell visited his mother at St. Vincents Hospital, Nor folk, Sunday. Mrs. Carrie B. Williams is spend ing the week at Virginia Beach. Misses Thelma HarreM and Mary Clyde Leggett and Mrs. Mary Bell Osborne visited friends and relatives in Rocky Mount Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Manning vis ited Mr. Manning's mother, who re cently underwent an operation at the Washington Hospital, in Washington. Mr. W. P. Harris, of Bear, was a business visitor hare yesterday morn ing. * Mr. John Hines, of Oak Cky, was here yesterday morning attending to business matters. Mr. R. O. Martin, of Jamesville, was here yesterday attending to business matters. Messrs. A. C. Robe won and W. D. Daniel, of Haidisons Mill, served on the superior court jury here yeater- Bupt. R. A. Pope returned Saturday from Raleigh, where he attended a rr.ee* ing of the Stai« teachers' educa tional association. DR. W. L. DAVIS EYE SIGHT SPECIALIST Bell Jewelry Co. WASHINGTON, N. C. JOHNSON'S KLEEN FLOOR Johnson's Kleen Floor will keep finish ed floors in perfect condition, regardless of how they are finished. It will remove spots, stains, discolorations and water marks without injuring the finish in the slightest, and prepares the wood for a new coating of - finish. , , Half-pint * $ .25 Pint .40 Quart 75 Half-gallon 1.25 Gallon at 2.20 mJ Let us send you a half pint. Guaranteed to remove spots, stains, dirt and grime. B. S. COURTNEY Williamston, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. A. Gano and son, John Howard, of Fort Lauderdale, Fla., are visiting Mr. C&no's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Gano, and sister, Mrs. Lawrence Linduley, and family. Rev. James E. W. Cook, of Green ville, arrived here yesterday afternojn to hold services at the Episcopal church here this week. While here he will be the guest of Rev. and Mrs. Fardo at the Episcopal rectory. Mr. Howard Evans, of Murfrees boro, visited friends here Sunday af ternoon. , | • , i Mr. D. M. Roberson, of Jamesville route 1, was a business here yester day. Mr. W. H. Adkins, of the firm of Adkins A Bailey, of Robereonville, was in town Monday. Mr. W. A. Vanderford, of Gold Point is attending court this week. Mr. A. K. Dickey returned to his eme in Murphy yesterday morning af ter visiting his son, Rev. C. H. Dickey, and Mrs. Dickey. DOUBLE WEDDING Suffolk, Va., March 26.—A double wedding took place Wednesday after noon at the home of Rev. 1. W. John son, Saratoga Street, when Robert Lee Jackson, of Everetta, N. C., son of Mrs. Charles Jackson, of Washington, N. C., and the late Charles Jackson, and Miss Irma Ruth Hamhill, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Church Bamhill, of Everetta, and Joshua Herbert Col traine, of Jamesville, N. C., son of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Coltraine, and Miss Nellie May Wynn, daughter of Mr. «nd Mrs. J. S. Wynn, were united in marriage. Miss Irma Ruth Barnhill wore an afternoon dress of tan crape and Miss Nellie May Wynn wore a dress of Alice blue flat crepe. J. G. Gay, of Jamesville, was an attendant at both weddings, which book place at 1.30 o'- clock. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson will re side in Everetta, and Mr. and Mrs. Col tiaine will make their home in James ville, N. C. t ROCKY MOUNT MARBLE WORKS Marble and Granite Monuments R. S. COREY Representstive—Route 4, \\ illiam ton Renew Your Health by Purification Any physician will tell you that "Perfect Purification of the Syatrijq is Nature's foundation of Perfect Health." Why not rid yourself of chronic ailments that are undermin ing your vitality? Purify your en tire system by taking a t'.i r iugh course of Calotabs.- - o;a wee': f r several \.c •' i--r i. t how N ./r.rdj • „ • t ~ •» th. t .v.t'« tiro il. 1 tatest all sytte: i . i f : T. 1 i f :;mily pack age, containiu ; ,! factions. Only *6 eta. At L.U/ LwOre* (Adv. 1 PHONE Anything f or This Department To 46 McLEOD-BROWN Friends have received the announce ment of the marriage of Miss Mar garet Brown and Mr. Leslie Winfield McLeod. The marriage took place at Union City, N. J., March 5. Mr. McLeod is the son of Mr? Wil liam McLeod and Frances McLeod, of Nova Scotia, and was formerly a sing er in the "Dearest Enemy" musical comedy company, of New York. Mrs. McLeod is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Brown. She was born in Williamston but moved away when a. small girl and has since lived with, her parents in Petersburg, Baltimore, bnd New York. She is a very popular and accomplished young woman. JAMESVILLE SENIORS ANI) FACULTY ENTERTAINED Prof, and Mrs. J. L. Jones enter tcined Friday evening, March 18, in honor of the senior class and faculty of the Jamesville High School. As the guests arrived they were served iced punch and during the evening various...games, and stunts were en-, poyed. An ice course, followed by mints, was served, carrying out Eas ter ideas in colors and decorations. Bear Grass Local And Personal News Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Andrews, of Par-1 mele, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bailey. Messrs. Wilbur Cowin and Tom Eailey motored to Washington Friday night. * Mr. and Mt*. Gilbert Rogerson and children and Mr. Herman Rogers spent the week end in Elizabeth City friends. Misses Mintie and Mary Bailey spent the week end w.ith Miss Sadie Mae Hadley. BADLY RUN-DGV7H | Kentucky Woman Had "Terrible i Time" Doing Her Home Work, j Strength Returned After She Took Cardui. Shelbyville, Ky.—"Several year* ago," says Mr». Alven Jesse, of this place, "my health was very bad. I waa very much run-down. I was in such a weak, nervous condition that I waa not able to do my housework. "I struggled to keep up, because I had to, but many a time I spent hour* in bed, trying to force enough strength to go through the daily routine. "This condition went on for some time, until I heard about Cardui, which some one told me was good for such ailments. I gave it an im- : mediate trial, and, I am thankful to say, my improvement was rapid. I ; soon was able to do my housework with ease and comfort I felt fine and I looked so much better. "This spring I was not as well as I had been. I was ill in the winter with colds, which left.me weak. So I sent at once to the store for Cardui and began taking it In Just a little ; while I was feeling much better, my 1 strength returned and I was able to get my work done easier and with less effort" At all drug stores. NC-tlt EASTER APRIL 17th Every woman wants a new coat, » .derss, hat, and slippers for this occa sion; and if you haven't got yours, it - 'j j iV ~ • ■*> frill pay you to visit our store, as we have a large selection to choose from and are making special low prices on them. S: " • • ' -- \ - "* . * ' H ,r/ * I I • - ' ' " ' r, Harrison Bros. & Co. THB gynatfRISH—WILUAM3TON. M. C TELEPHONE EMPLOYEES HAVE j FISH FRY AT RAY'S CAMP Employees of the Carolina Tele phone & Telegraph Co., and many in vited guests enjoyed themselves at a ! hig fish fry at Ray's Camp last Sat- j i: I'd ay night. Employees of the com-' pany attended from Rocky Mount, New Bern, Tarboro, and other towns. A large number of shad, rock, her rings, and perch were cooked for the otcasion. Local emeployees of the companj I arranged the meeting. VULCANIZING TIRES & TUBE! Flexible Balloon Repairs that hold j It will surprise you how chaep and! quick you can send me a tire by in-1 r.ured parcel post, have it repaired and get it back. City Vulcanizing & Battery Station Luke B. Roberson, Proprietor US Respass Street, Washington, N. C. [. NOTICE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned trustee on the 7th day of May, 1919, end of record in Martin County regis try in book A-2, page 146, securing certain .bonds of even tlate therewith, and the stipulations not having been complied with, and at the request of the holder of said bonds, the under- ! signed trustee, will, on the 2®th day of April, 1927, at 12 o'clock noon, of fer for sale to the highest bidder, for — What Kind of a Fisherman Are You? KSi They 1 re :^f , 7 • Biting ~~~/ Ur * ,ac ' l ' e n( ' ""Herman's / "Zlt-/ supply cases are now crammed /fl to the guards with new mer (.J|r..'geg* *~ , chandise— and the fish are bit " ' ' ' n u " waterß - Need we say --T —~ • more to those who know the In' rirf'* l " '""* °' ear, y s P r ' n K Ashing. No ' doubt your tackle needs a nen \\ I eral overhauling and repler^isli- ' n * —" nes > Hooks, flys, sinkers, lHSv^ySi*~~ii\ ' rods, etc., etc. No matter what SS l£jt ($T ./ "?• y°u want we have it, so come in, Jp" browse about, get the feel of a ' well-balanced rod and feel that • J 'his sport goods headquarters is ±o* | i|| y,,ur too. Culpepper Hardware Co. Sport Goods Headquarters in Williamston | cash, the following described proper-! | ty: Bounded on the north by the run j of Conoho Creek, «n the east by the i lands in possession of John Chesson and the Oonoho public road, on the bouth and west by W. R. Whitley, running the agreed line that was a greed to by and between William R. Whitley, sr., and Jtohn D. Biggs A Co., reference of said settlement of line is l hereby referred to, and being the same land sold by John D. Biggs A Co. ,to R. P. Saftterwhite to N. S. Peel, i.nd N. S. Peel to Woodley Thompson, containing 300 acres, more or less. This the 26th day of March, 1927. ; J. C. ANDERSON, mr 29 4tw Trustee. NOTICE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed to tho undersigned trustee on the 24th day of March, 1920 arid of record in Martin County reg istry in book A-2, page 610, securing certain bonds of even dwte therewith,, and the stipulations not having been complied with, and at the request of '.he holder of said bonds, the under signed trustee will, on the 26th day of April, 1927, offer for sale to the high est bidder, for easTi, the following de scribed tract of land: A house and lot in the town of Wil linmston, N. C., on the north side of Fmithwiek Street, and beginning at a stob on Smithwick Street, running [ thence seventy-one feet and six inches | to a stob, C. D. Carstarphen's line,! thence a line at right angles with the last-named line and along the line of C. D. Carstarphen'to the line of the Martin Livestock Co., thence along the line of Martin Livestock Co., towards Main Street seventy-one feet and six inches to a stake, thence a line at right angles with the last-named line Sell Your Logs Here At Home WITH Murray & McCabe ; Company ,> Successors To Williamston Lumber Co. STATEMENT CONTINENTAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW H)UK UM Condition December 31, 1926. as Sho* n by Statement MM ! Amount of capital paid in cash -- * !( •'•>- I Amount ledger assets l)w, 3tst previous year; total —> Income—from policyholders, $24,929,796.35; miscellaneous, $5,666,896.12; total ----- 30,485,690.4 . Disbursements —to policyholders, $13,639,520.95; nuscellan eous, $13,736,118.28; total -- 27,3.5, Fire risks—written or renewed during year, $4,004,979,177.00; in force 4,782,047,86-1.00 All other risks—written or renewed during y«ar, $2,275,813,- 708.00; in force ... 1,263,329,609.00 ASSETS - r : Value of nial erftate * [ Mortgage loans on reul estate ' Value of bonds and stocks 62,.»58,304.00 ' Cash in company's office *—•--£ r - ,i- I Deposited in trust companies and Wnks on interest ;r,zT-4,.iM. 1 > lAgiuts' balances representing business written subsequent to I October 1, 1926 ---> 2,635,230.12 Agents' balances, representing business written prior to October 1 1, 1926 ,2 Kf!*£ . UilKs receivable, taken for fire risks 42:!.^W.2> Hills receivable, taknn for other ri.'ks ./'■"*! '!'! Interest and rents due anil accrued 339,81.i.t, 1 »All other assets, as detailed in statement 229.i08.89 Total $71,276,896.13 Ixws assets not admitted «- 331.493.1.) Total admitted assets — r -' .^70,94;»,402.91 LIABILITIES Net amount of unpaid losses anil claiiris '-'d- $ 2,741,896.8k Unearned premiums i— 26.680.1J43.71 Salaries, rents, expenses, bills, accounts, fees, etc. due or accrued 2."»,000.0, i Estimated amount payable for Federal, State, county and mu nicipal taxes due or accrued SB;i.(HM).OO Contingent or other churgus due or accrued 152,154.0.1 All other as detailed in statement 5,252,4011 Total amount of all liabilities except capital ... $86,446,498.82 Capital actually paid up in cash $10,000,000.00 Surplus over all liahiltles 25,498,904.12 r ■ Surplus as regards policyholders __ • 35,498,904.12 Total liabilities __ .- Itosiness in North Carolina During 1926 Fire risks written, $65,566,424; premiums received ... - $180,481 41 All other risks written, $20,214,270; premiums received 17,569.25 losses incurred —fire, $108,780.22; paid I 18,942.41! Losses incurred—all other, $3,010.11; paid v— 4,328.15 President, Haul L. Haid; secretary, I*. H. Millard; treasurer, Chas. E. Swan. Home office: 80 Maiden liupe, New York City. Attorney for service: Stacey W. Wade, Insurance Commissioner, Raleigh N. C. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, (Seal) INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. ltaleigh, February 21st, 1927. 1, STACEY W. WADE, Insurance Commissioner, do hereby certify that the n4«>ve is a true-and: eorreet abstract trf the utafMnerit of the CiinTTni-nTal Fife*""" Insurance Company, of New York City, tiled with this department, showing the condition of said company on the 3lst day of December, 1926, Witness my, hund and official seal, the day ami year above written. —STACEY W.WADE. Insurance Commissioner. STATEMENT COUNTY FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Condition December 31, 1926, as Shown by Statement Filed Amount of capital paid in ca«h $ 500,000. 00 Amount ledger assets Dec. 31»t previous year; total ,v_ 1,840,698.37 Income—from policyholders, $899,669.46; miscellaneous, $112,- 068.76; total „ 1.011.728.22 Disbursements—to policyholders, $448,753.95; miscellaneous, $448,634.32; toUl 897.288.27 Fire risks—written or renewed during year, $160,939,237; in force •_ 188,686,290.00 All other risks--written or renewed during year, $10,697,000; in force • 'rr__ 15,615,734.00 ASSETS Value of real estate i_s 30,208.38 Mortgage loans on real estate 7,000.00 Value or bonds and stacks 1,668,577.43 Deposited in trust companies and banks on Interest 124,701.84 Agents' balances, representing business written subsequent to Oc tober 1, 1926 . >19.037.68 Ag onts 1 balances, representing business written prior to October 1, 1926 _• __V 4.436.84 Dills receivable, taken for Are risks _ 250.00 Interest and rents due and accrued 16,972.60 All other o*u>ets, as detailed in statement : 282,481.56 Total £ . $2,262,666.23 Lens assets not admitted j. 4,436.84 Total admitted assets . $2,248,229.39 LIABILITIES Net amount of unpaid losses and claims , $ 86,998.32 Unearned premiums 941.682.87 liabiliyep I . 6.00 Salaries, rents, expenses, bills, accounts, fees, etc. due or accrued 2,200.00 Estimated amount payable for Federal, State, county and mu nicipal taxes due gr accrued 1. 26.000.00 Contingent commissions, or other charges; due or accrued 8,000.00 Reinsurance and return premiums due other companies 98.63 All other liabilities, as detailed in statement 96,173.64 Total amount of all liabilities except capital $1,156,153.46 Capital actually paid up in cash .V $500,000.00 Surplus over all liabilities _V 592,075.93 Surplus as regards policyholders _ 1,092,075.93' Total liabilities $2,248,229.39 Business in North Carolina During 1926 Fire risks written, $963,136: premiums received $9,296.04 Losses incurred—fire, $3,610.33; paid *4,024.42 President, Frank W. Sargeant; secretary, Frank E. Martin; treasurer, Na than P. Hunt i - Home office: 110 South Fourth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Attorney for aervlce; Stacey W. Wade, Insurance Commissioner, Raleigh N. C. Manager for North Carolina: Manchester, N. H., office.— „ . STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. (Seal) INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. . . Raleigh, February 11, 1927. I, STCEY W. WADE, Insurance Commissioner, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct abstract of the statement of the County Fire In surance Co., 6t Philadelphia, Pa,, filed with this department, showing the con dition of said company on the Slat day of Deomnber, 1926. Witness my hand and official seal, the day and year above written. STACEY W.WADE. > i Insurance Commissioner. and along the line of C. D. Caratar phen to a stake on Smithwick Street, the beginning, and being the same premises this day conveyed to said Fowden by C. D. Qarstarphen. This the 25th day of March, 1927. WHEELER MARTIN, mr 29 4tw Trustee.

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