Watck the Liba Ob Your Paper; It Carrie* the Date Tow Subscription Expires. VOLUME XXX—NUMBER 10 ' List Civil Cases Disposed of in Superior Court Two Days Given in the Hearing of uitch Obstruction Case The second week of Martin County superior court ended yesterday at X o'clock. The cases which took up more time than any other during the week mm Etheridge vs. B. F. Myers, the controversy being over obstruct ing a ditch. After a long and tedious hearing continuing through a good part of two days the jury found that the dPch had been unlawfully ob structed, and the defendant was or dered to remove the obstruction. The contention wm bigger than the dam age, just as ia the case in many sim ilar hearings. While only a few cases, either crim inal or civil, were heard by a jury, many were disposed of by compro mise or by default. The following cases Were finally disposed of and judgments signed in them: State 4 City Bank & Trust Co. vs. Peoples Bank Guarantors; judgment for $3,183.61. Atlantic Bank A Trust Co. vs. Peo • plea Bank Guarantors; judgment for 110,500. . Slade, Rhodes & Co. vs. W. C. James; referred to J. W. Bailey for accounting. Mrs. E. S. Stalls vs. J. F. Warren; judgment for plaintiff for the sum of S6OO. Corey va. Lilley; land suit settled in favor of Corey. Augustua Ayers vs. Wesley Bell;.; the defendant being dead, the case was stricken from the docket. Mrs. Leia Etheridge va. W. J. Eth eridge, administrator; judgment for defendant. R. L. Coburn, receiver, vs. W. J. Holliday, at als; judgment of $392.10 for plaintiff. John T. Daniel, executor, vs. W. E. Davenport, et als; order entered to appoint a commissioner and sell land. A. B. Consolvo vs. Julius S. Peel, et ala; judgment ordering a hearing. Peter Thompson vs. Penina Thomp son ; divorce granted. Levi Boston vs. Mattie L. Boston; divorce granted. E. Gurgahus, et als, vs. J. B. Cherry A Bro.; judgment in favor of plain tiffs. R. L. Cobum, receiver, vs. W. T. Ward; judgment aurainst defendant for $1,136.69. The cases of James vs. Taylor; James vs. Planters A Merchants Bank; Planters A Merchants Bank vs. Rice, et als; and the R. E. Roberson will oa»e were all set for hearing at the June term of court. C. L. Cannon va. C. S. Smith; judg ment for plaintiff in sum of $2,009. 1 W. R. Grace vs. W. J. Holllday, plaintiff failed to appear and case was non-suited. Ri/th Andrews vs. D. Andrews; di vorce granted. . , Hughes va. Speigh; remanded to justice's court. Metropolitan Discount Co. vs. Cher ry; judgment for plaintiff for $29H.00. Parents-Teachers Have Biff Meet Robersonville Around 260 parents and teachers of the Robersonville school attended a meeting of their organization there ltyU night. The large attendance with in itself speak* well for the school and the oommunity in which it is lo cated. The association there is sup porting the school in its undertak ings of advancement, giving aid in practically all the phases of school work. Miss Evelyn Harrison, student al Louisburg college, Is spending a few days with her parents. STRANH THEATRE IJ SATURDAY 808 CUSTER in "HAIR-TRIGGER BAXTER" - Also 2-REEL COMEDY And Seventh Episode "OFFICER 444" Always a Good Show THE ENTERPRISE To Discontinue Two Friday Williamstonian Is Aide to Commander Commander I). C. Godwin, chief of staff for Admiral Wil liams, who is-in command of all the United States forces in Chi nese waters, including the Ma rines who have been landed in Chins, is a North Carolinian and a native of Williamston. Commander Godwin command-, ed a submarine during the early part of the World War, and was later in command of a destroy er. His wife snd daughter are with him in China and have been evacuated. L / Series Services Closes Sunday No Service Will Be Held at Local Church Tomorrow The evangelistic services at the Episcopal church this week will close Sunday night. The Rev. James E. W. Cook, who is preaching, has delivered some splendid sermons to appreciative congregations. Wednesday night, Mr. Cook preach | od a special sermon, choosing his text 1 from Nehemiah 3:6 and using as his i subject, "Building." Ft is safe to ssiy that the. sermon was one of the ablest preached in this j town for a long time. The description lof the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem was almost a perfect de scription- of what we see on every l«nd today. The fellow who can do w\d will not do is as true today as it was in Nehemiah's day when the "nobles did not put their necks to the work of the Lord." Last night the Masonic lodge at tended in a body snd heard a splendid sermon on the Patron Nirint of their order, St. John. Tuesday night Mr. Cook addressed a fine sermon to the young people, but unfortunately the persons to whom the sermon was addressed were busy with other affairs. Sermons will be preached in the church tonight and Sunday morning and evennig. There will be no services tomorrow. Robersonville School Notes The trip to Raleigh planned for to morrow, April 2, has created much leal enthusiasm and interest. Several huve thtir munes on the waiting list, not exactly hoping that others will have to miss the trip but hoping that if such does o«njr they will be able to secure,, the tickets of the unfortu nate ones. In other words, the tickets are too few. At 5:30 the bus will leave Grimes drug store. Those who hold tickets will be expected to be there " on the dot." At present the ones who will make up the party are: Carrie Lee Roberson lliusie Morris, Frances House, Glenn Norman, Millie Williams, Gladys Aunbon, William Evereitt, Hattie Ross, Margaret Ross, Sherwood Perkins Kliiabeth Shaw, Mary Johnson, John Robert Jenkins, Mae Hargrove, Ida Whitehurst, Bertha Krider, Leona Moore, Eva Irene Peele, R. I. Leake, Vernon Jenkins, Susie Jenkins, Vir-| ginia Ilarnhill, Hattie Lou Roberson, • Paul Roberson, Vernon A. Ward, jr., Mary Adkins, Alma Murray, Staton Williams, Harry H. Roberson, John W. Wynne, Irving Mason, Louise Smith. "Mammy's Lil' Wild Rose" promises to be everything that you could ex pect of a comedy-drama of the Sunny South. The seniors will be at their best. Each character is well fitted for hhf"part and all are working zealously to give you a good production. So don't fail to see "Mommy's Lil' Wild Rose" on Tuesday evening, April 6. Mrs. John A. Manning Guest of Honor of Club Thursday evening at the Woman's club, Mrs. John A. Manning wai the gueet of honor at a banquet of her card club, she having made high score in the club during the pest season. The husbands of the members were al so guests. The I*ll was prettily decorated for the occasion and a five-course dinner was served. 7' . . Mrs. litrttie Harrell returned last night from Norfolk, wheer she under went an operation several ago. Her many friends are glad to learn of her return. Williamston, Martin County, North Ottolina, Friday, April 1,1927 'Civic Clubs-> Ask for a Hearing Before „ Commission II I " «0 i The two Atlantic Coast Line trains running between Plymouth and Tar boro will be discontinued next Friday, April 8, unless something steps in and prevents such action. The application for the discontin uance of the two trains has caused many inquiries, but, according to in formation gained from correspond ence between Mr. J. D. Woolard, sec retary of the Williamston KJwanis Club and the North Carolina Corpor ation Commission, no date has been set for the hearing relative to the re moval of the two trains, Nos. 56 and 57, now operating between Tarboro and Plymouth. It was slated in the correspondence, Ivowever, that a hear ing would be arranged within the next few days, and that all parties inter ested would be informed as to what tifne it would be held. Mr. Woolard called officials of the chambers of commerce and Kiwanis Clubs in practically all the towns served by the trains, and stated the situation to them. In every case the officials stated that the towns they represented would send several men to | the hearing whenever it was called. The application filed with the Cor iwration Commission by the Atlantic , Coast Line was dated March 21, and ! follows: I "We have been considering for some time the question of discontin uance of our Trains 56 and 57, operat ing between Tarboro ajul Plymouth, N. C., on account of the money we are losing in the operation. The passen ! jjer revenue for these trains for the I year ended February 28, 1U27, aver ' aged 29 cents per train mile. Train 56 averaging for the period mentioned 27.3 cents per train mile, and Train 57 avei aging 30.6 cents. There is no direct connection at Taiboro with either of these trains. The mail and I express on these trains is very light. I Calculating on the operating cost of $1.25 per train are losing, ticking into consideration the maif and passenger revenue, about 83.3 cents per train mile. The express revenue is small, and we are not including that in this statement. "There is a hard-suhfiace road from Tarboro to llymouth, and there is bus service to accommodate the peo ple. We are therefore ipaking formal application to discontinue these trains." The letter is signed by W. H. New ell, general superintendent, Rocky Mount, N. C. - i " : . | Firemen Respond to Second Call in One Day The local fire company answered a second call on one day last Tuesday when a. trip wtvs made to a small tenant house ju*t beyond Robereon'a market on the Washington road a few minutes after 11' p. m. When the a- was given, Ijela Graham, colored, and several children were sleeping while the fire was burning the roof over their beads. Little damcge resulted, for the fire was put out in u very few minutes after it was discovered. Henry Ford Hurt in *" Automobile Wreck The a lAo mobile magnate, Henry Ford ,was badly injured when his car, a Ford coupe, was pushed over an embankment SuYiday night. Mr. Ford was driving alone and I tad just crossed the River Rouge bridge when a heavy car supposed to be a Htudebaker side-swiped his little Ford and knocked the two Fords off the road and down an embankment. Mr. Ford was bruised from head to foot and seriously hurt. He will be re quired by physicians to remain in an hospital for at least two weeks. There is a mystery about the ac cident, there being a strong suspicion that the driver of the big car at tempted to wreck the automobile magnate's car and kill him. A com plete investigation is being made to try to find both the car and the cause of the accident. Ford Company Will Announce New Car Information which looks to be au thentic says that the Ford Motor company will announce a new car on Sunday April 8. The car ia said to be a six cylinder wi'ih shift gears and will sell at popu lar prices. This will still keep the Ford at the head of the motor world. William ,C. Durant says ne ia going to staitU the'.motor world on April 7th, and it appears that Ford is rush ing to get his announcement to the public first. , Current jNews of Activities in County Schools Encourage Keeping of Flowers in Schools; Beautify Grounds A certain school of the county is encouraging the keeping of flowers in large quantities by taking for sale keeping flowers grown by parents till the weather moderate*. There was doubt expressed by aose of the par ents about advisability of this pro cedure. R appears to the Writer to liold splendid possibilities, , granted the premise that constant Association with nature is conductive teCharacter mak ing, that poots are incited to write through having lived a*l enjoyed the mountain scenery, that sang writers and music composers are influenced to produce classical music by familiarity with wild and ceaseless surging of the briny deep, one is obliged to be lieve association with flowers and en joyment of their perfume will draw out ami encourage finer qualities of thought and emotions in,the pupils. It a great pot, yard or scales will assist in teaching -mathematics, why will not flowers {typist in teach ing biology, English, «gr -ulture, and wen poetry. "Fair DaffqcM, why waste ye away so soon," "Lilflo that fester smell far worse than w wis," "Yet cnce more oh ye ivy sere, Fhou poor leaf so sere and frail J'—these and many other (jiiotaitions show the possibility of concrete iilustratjoas of what poetry teaches through the use of flowers. Some of out, schools have the beginnings of flowers and lawns, but many need more «U*ntien in this respect. It would be a flpe expression of community spirit for Martin coun ty if the pa rents-teachers associations would take up the matt it of laying off the school yards with John J. Hlair, director of school-yard planning, Raleigh, N. C. and once advised begin work on beautiflceition of school grounds. Could we not soon have the most beautiful school yards in the State? The laboratory method of teaching ! which to make the lesson practical and more impressive will, in the t'l/ture, encourage the use of flowers. With the poet, "If I knew what thou were, little flower, Root and all, all in aJI 1 would know what God is." (Continued on the back page) Rev. J. E. W. Cook to Preach in Hamilton Rev. J. E. W. Cook, who is conduct ling special services in the Church of the Advent, Williamston, will hold a m rvice in St. Martin's Episcopal Church, Hamilton, Saturday night, at 7.30. I*upils of Sixth Grade Had Picnic Yesterday Miss Stanback, teacher, and the sixth grade pupils of the local school,, enjoyed a picnic at the river yester-1 clay afternoon. Marshmallows were toasted ami served along with pickles, cakes, and Dixie cups. Baptist Church Announcements Mr. Moore will preach his first ser mon in the two-week's revival Monday night. Preparatory for this meeting, the following services are announced: The pastor will meet with the children of Hie church for a short service Satur day afternoon at the church at 4 o'- clock. In addition to the r&gular serv- 1 ices Sunday, the pastor will preach a special sermon to the women of his church Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. And Sunday night, at 7:15, there will be two prayer meetings in the church; one for and by the women, the other for and by the men. Following these, the pastor will preach at 7:30 o'clock. Mr« Moore is coming to give this community his full-time services for two week». It U desired by the peo ple of the Baptist Church to make these services community-wide in their scope. Everybody is invited, and the choirs of the other churches are es pecially wanted to assist in the music for these meetings. Beginning Monday night, all preach ing services for the meeting will be- I'in at 8 o'clock. Sunday should be a great day in the church, and to make it such the people ere invited ot come out in large num bers, and to come with prayers for the meeting. The people over Martin County are invited to come into these services as much as la possible. Mr. Moore is a plain Gospel preach er, and is heartily commended on this one statement. BAPTIST START REVIVAL NEXT |& '-}] mm Rev. Arthur O. Moore, pastor of the First FSaptist Church, of Salisbury N. C., who will preach his first sermon at the Memorial liaptist Churcl here Momlay TVtjfcht, at" 8 o'clock, in a series of meetings which will con tinue uirtil Raster. Announcement of Municipal Election for May to Set Political Town Convention Might Be Called to Take Place on 18th At a call meeting of the Town Com missioners hero yesterday afternoon, u {special town election was called for May 3. No date for the.holding of a town convention was decided upon, but Monday, the 18th was mentioned as ti time for the nomination ol the candidates. / No new regiiitratiortNif voters will Im> required this year, but all electors whose names are not 011 the books aro -firgod to register when the books arc opened the 22nd of this month. Mr. J. E. Pope was appointed registrar, he will have the books open in his office in the old Farmers and Merch «ii»U Uuik from April 22 to 30 inclusive. While town politics have witnessed lutle if any action up until this time, 1 things are expected to warm up when several possible candidates for may or and commissioners are mentioned. [ The status of affairs in the old camp is of a very quiet nature, and it is not known whether any of the prgsent administration will consider renomi i.ation or hot. j. . i C olored Schools Hold Group (Commencements The colored schools of the county will hold two group commencements one at Jamesville on April 14, ujtd the other at Hamilton on April 15. Preliminary commencements were held on tlie 16th and l7Vh of last month in Williamston and Hamilton. The work as done in the colored schools and an brought out in the, pieliminary com mencements was very good and show ed a decided improvement over con [ dition* of several years back. Tl.* schools were divided into three classes S-months class, regular-term clas , and Rosenwald class. In every case I competition was held within the classes and included the seven grades of the elementary system. School winnings in the preliminary group-center contests were: Flash-card reading: Willlanuton and Jpmesville tied; Wililunis Lower Hash-card number work: Williamston and Jamesville tied; Williams Ixiwe?. Dramatisation: Williamston-James* ville tied; Biggs and Spring Hill tiell. Silent reading Biggs, Jamesville. Spelling: Woolard, Jamesville. Com position : Biggs, Jamesville, William ston. Arithmetic: Jamesville, Wool . and. Hamilton (>roup Center: Flash-card reading: Parmele. Flash-card num ber work: Hamilton, Parmele. Dram atization! Robersonville, Salsbury, 'Hamilton. Silent reading: Roberson ! ville, Whichard. Spelling: Roberson-' ! ville, Jones, Everetts. Composition , j Robersonville, Oak City, Salsbury. ■ Arithmetic: Robersonville, Hamilton; 1 (a second;high score with James.) I Schools entering the Williamston group are as follows: Jamesville, Dar dens; Keyes; Piney Woods; Williams Lower Rosenwald; Smithwicks Creek; Woolard; Biggs; Spring Hill; Bur roughs, Cross Roads; and Williamston. .Schools entering the Hamilton group are as follows: Parmele, Rober sonville, Gold Poipt, Everetts, Smith, White Oak, Spring (did not enter), Salsbury, Poplar Point, James, Which ard, Oak City Rosenwald, Hamilton Rosenwald, Jones, Bower. This is the fourth year that the col ored schools havtf held such contests. Each year standards of achievement ltave been set, and each year the schools tiy to better them. MONDAY Group-Center Meet Friday Hamilton Extending to All Schools Most Cordial Welcome A hearty welcome was sent out by Mr.' W. W. Clarke, principal of the Hamilton schools, aiul a committee of V luit district this week to all the schools t!»at will take (>urt in the group center commencement in Hamil ton next Friday, In a letter suggested by the committeemen of the Hamilton , school, Mr. Clarke states, "Prepara tions are now going forward looking toward the provision of a dinner on ttre*School grounds for all visitors. The people of Hamilton school district are most desirous of having all the schools of group center I as well represented as possible." All the schools in the western tcwrufhipH of the county will have a holiday that day and wil journey to Hamilton to take part in the program which starts at 10 o'clock. The schools that will take port taht day are Oak City, Hassell, Roanoke, Cross Roads, Kveretts, Gold I'oint, Smith, Keels, Parmole, Uohersonville, Hurst and Hamilton. The group commencement for the .schools in the other townships will be luld in Janunville April 15. While no announcement has been made, it is expected that, the school there .will royally mtertajji its visitors on that day. New Electric Shoe Repair Shop Opens The Salsbury Shoe Shop opened here this week in the Rowen building on Washington Street next to the Wil liamston Motor Co. Mr. W. W. Sals bury, proprietor, moved his equip ment, which is modern in every re spect, here recently and is now oper ating. Juniors and Seniors Banquet Tonight The juniors of the high school will royially entertain the members of the senior class tonight with an elaborate banquet at the hall of the Woman's Club. Toasts for the occasion have been prepared by two of the juniors, William Cooke and Kuth Peel, Eli Harnhill will be the main spokesman for the seniors. Christian Philatheas To Meet Tonight The Philathea class of the Christian church will meet tonight at 7:46 o'- clock at the home of Miss Esther Harrison, All the members are asked to attend as delegates to the State convention which will be held at Mt. Airy t))is year, will be elected. Methodist Program of Sunday Services Sunday school, 9.46 a. m. Regular preaching service, 11 a. m. Preaching at Holly Springs, 3 p. m Owing to thp revival services at the Episcopal Church the night service at the Methodist church will be called off. It Js hoped that the Methodist peo ple.will avail themselves of the oppor tunity that is theirs and hear Rev. J. E W. book. Advertisers Will Find Our Col umns a Latchkey to Over 1600 Homes of Martin County. ESTABLISHED 1398 Martin County Vital Statistics • Report for 1926 Martin County Had 294 Deaths and 673 Births During La§t Year - * The annual report of the Bureau of Vital Statistics for.the year 1925 has just bfeen received and compares very favorably with the report of an un joining county that has one of the best health departments in the State. It it* no reflection on that county, however, for her rates are a great honor to it, and with such an excel lent iyid high grade health depart ment they will continue to come down. It its to be hoped that Martin's rate will sh*iw a reduction from the fig ures of last year. The comparisons are shown below to try to impress up on those who have the responsibility of bettering conditions that these sev eral people saved are worth much to a county. There were no deaths from measles, smallpox, seiurlet fever, or whooping ! cough reported by the bureau of sta [ tlstics. The report and comparisons follow: Martin County had 673 births; rate 29.8; adjoining county I ~">!);>; rate.J 1.4. must start it at the school. Spring is here. A committee of Hear Grass purents have recently raised a neat "sum with which to purchase stage scenery. Mr. John I'hilpot has been employed to paint and install same. Everett#, Gold Point and I'urniele schools need stage setting's and will probably arrange for such before many seasons pass. Tl'ie standard high sclhjol stages are fairly well providtd for. Kverythinig for the ennobling of the lives of our school children should be encouraged. In the issue of the Enterprise car rying an accouji of the program given fur the Jteneflt of committeemen. a* Kobersonville, one number was run nentioued- I am sure everyone was delighted with the splendid examples of dramatization given by the Bear Grass school. Mr. S.' M. l,ee and his teachers are to be congratulated for their excellent service in offering tlys work. Keep it up Bear Gras*; for, to irnderstand a subject, one must place himself in the "shoes" of the author. It has been reported that Martin county is going to lose some of her teachers. When approached by school Martin hail 294 deaths; rate 13.0; adjoining county, 656; rate 12.9. Maternal deaths; Martin, 2; rate, 2.!); adjoining county, 17; rajte 10.6. Infant deaths (under 1 yeari: Mar tin, 66; rate, 98.0; adjoining 'county 161; rate 100.6. Typhoid fever: Martin, 7 deaths; rate 31.; adjoining county, 13; rate 25.5. .••Malaria: Martin, I death; rate 1.1; adjoining county. S: rate. 15.7. Diptheria deaths: Martin, 7; rate, ol.O; adjoining county, 8; rate, 15.7, TubeEculo&iii deal lis : Martin, 12; rate 53.2; adjoining county, "52; rate 102.3. Deaths from Diarrhea and Enteritis —Martin, 16; rate 70.9; adjoining county, 53; rate 104.3. Win. E. WARREN. County Health Officer. Standard Stations Here Under New Managers The two Standard oil filling stations located on Main Street underwent a change in management this week when the Messrs. llarnhill Bros, took the business in charge. The station on the corner-of Main and Haughton Streets will be operated by Mr. Ben kiddick, formerly -of Everetts. The station next to the Tar Heel Apart ments will be managed by Mr. Charlie James. Windsor People Plan to Erect Modern Hotel At a call meeting of the Windsor Chamber of Commerce last Friday night, plans weie offered to launch a movement to organize a stock com pany and buikl a modern hotel for that town, dispatch from that town states that the need for a mod ern hotel has long been felt there, and that with the opening up the bridge across the Chowan a larger an I better hotel-would be necessary to handle the tourist tiattic. \ Sunday Services at Church of Advent Rev. C. 0. I'ardo, Hector Sunday, April 3, 1926. 8 o'clock—Holy Communion. 10:00—Church school. 11:00—Holy Communion and ser mon by Rev. J. E. W. Cook. 3:00—Holy Trinity Mission. B:oo—Evening prayer and sermon by Rev. J. E. W. Cook. '* " 1 Miss Myrt Wynne, of Wilson, is , visiting friends here.