Watch the Labci On Year Paper; It Carries the Date Tour Subscription Expire*. VOLUME XXX—NUMBER 28 County Officers Destroy Well- Equipped Still Kitchen Utensils Found at Still in Griffins Township Deputies Grimes and Ballard, in a ilquor-still raid yesterday afternoon found one of the most complete and carefully planned outfits go far dis covered. The officers left here in the afternoon and went in the Griffins section, where they found the outfit juat back of the old Joe Red Corey place. The still was of the steam type and had a capacity of 100 gal lons. It was one of long standing and had all the necessary equipment. There were around 1,400 gallons of beer in three big vats and two bar rls. The finished product hail already been sent to market, for it wasn't there. Besides the equipment essential in the manufacture of liquor, there were cooking utensils and provisions, such as lard, bacon, and sugar. Probably when the distiller fired up his plant he stuck to his job, not even leaving for his meals. Should the officers have reached the plant when the operators were there, they would have been at a decided dis advantage. The still was sitting right at the back of a little charing in the shape of a triangle, having its entrance in one of the angles, The still's surroundings were so thick that the operator could escape by the time the officers got half way across the triangle. Then, for an added means of safety, a hole about four feet deep lmd been dug in a small path lead ing into the thick woods at the back of the plant. The digger no doubt had practiced the steps to the hole and had hopped many times, knowing that an officer unfamiliar with the plaoe would surely tumble in. The plant was destroyed and brought in iby the officers. Yesterday morning Sheriff Jioebuck and Joe Roebuck picked up a still in the Macedonia section, but. it was not near so complete as the one capjtured by the two deputies, (Jrimes and Hal lard. The sheriff brought in the 60- gallon copper outfit and destroyed ap proximately 1,000 gallons of beer. Missionary Union Met Here Wednesday The Martin County-Plymouth di vision of the Women's Missionary Union of the Roanoke Association met at the Williamston Baptist church yesterday. Mrs. John D. Biggs of the local church made the address of welcome. Mrs. E. W. Mason, of Robersonville responded Vftry ably to Mrs. Biggs' address. Mrs. E. B. Beasley, president of the association, Mrs. A. B. Bass of Scotland Neck and Mrs. S. E. Ayers of Pingtu, China, made addresses in the morning session following re pcrts from the various societies. Dinner was served by the women of the Williamston society in the halls of the Woman's club. The afternoon sessin was presided over by Mrs. V. G. Taylor Junior leader, Mrs. C. C. Hoggard Supt. of the Elizabeth City division made an address on "Ways to serve", which was followed by an address by Mrs. M. H. Privefcte Sunbeam Leader. While" this was strictly a woman's meeting, yet it did invite Rev. C. H. Dickey, Mr. Holloman, Mr. Pope and Dr. Cone all of the Williamston church to sing a solo. The meeting was well attend, and the entire program was very interest ing and hepful to all. Mr. Love, representative of the Virginia Electric and Power com pany, was here yesterday afternoon. STRANH THEATRE I SATURDAY TOM MIX and Tony in "THE BRONCHO - TWISTER" Alao -Two-Reel Comedy And Serial, "Power God" Always a Good Show THE ENTERPRISE Begins Two Revival at Christian Church J) il H B |mj H MKIHHKiIifP &«§ Kev. A. F. DeGafferelly will begin i ach night during the week at 8 o'- a two-weeks evangelistic meeting at clock. He comes to Williamston very the Christian Church here Sunday highly recommended aa being a plain morning at 11 o'clock and will preach | forceful gospel preacher. Register Deeds Court Move Int Board of .Education Will Move into Clerk's Old Office; Commissioners to Register's The county officers are busy to- [ ancient dungeons than modern day moving from their old offices j offices, to the new ones in the courthouse j Two pri ,oners who ask**l fur and jail annex. the opportunity tj ixcrcisc thwn- The new offices for the clerk of ' sllvl ' s he| P in * to move uoo * h court and register of deeds con- from the ohl to the new vaults si* of two rooms each; one a wirt harl lo sa > ,h » l th,! ne * working office, the'other being a—- °® ce;l wvr ' nenr to pood as fire-proof vault in which all rec- " new n "; ; ords are to be kept. They are saorill's office ami noad so constructed that they may be quarters of tha l-0..n! ~f ducation used by those wishing to exam- board of county comniisalon ine the records without removing ® rs w '" rema '" the books from the vault. j"*' a | t,lo - u "h they will probably be enlarged by the addition of While those office:- are appar- the rooms vacated by the clerk of ently safe, they seem more like court and register of deeds. Quarantine Officer's Report for May In his report for the month of May, I)r. Wm. E. Warren, county health officer, shows the number of diseases reported by various doctors, householders and teachers. Dr. War ren also calls attention to the danger brought about by mosquitoes and urges a war against mosquito breed ing places. His report follows: Diptheria, 2 cases; chicken pox, 1 case; whooping cough, 42 cases; ty phoid fever, 2 cases; measles 36 cases. Dr. J. H. Saunders reported 5; Dr. V. A. Ward, reported 20; Dr. E. E. Pittman reported 25; Dr. Wm. E. Warren reported 1; Householders re-' ported 22; Teachers reported 10. Within a few weeks people are go ing to complain of mosquitoes, and they will have a right to do so if mo squitoes exist, and no doubt they will unless the people all over the county especially in the towns remove all the tin cans, automobile casing:;, buckets und hundreds of other things which v/ill hold water and breed mosquitos which are a menace to public health and a nuisance. It dees not take but a very little time to remove these conditions if you will begin early. This is the beginning of the ma larial season and the Board of Health requires that each case of "chills and fevers" or malaria be reported to the Health Officer. Pageant at Methodist Church Sunday Nig-ht The Woman's Missionary Society oi the Williamston Methodist church will put on a pageant, "The Vision," at the Methodist church Sunday night beginning at 8 o'clock. The public is cordially invited to attend. Dr. W.C. Wicker Here Next Monday-Tuesday Masons throughout the -ounty are having their attention called to the school of instruction here next Mon day night and Tuesday morning and evening. All masons are urged to at 'tend one of the sessions at least. ' At these meetings, Dr. Wicker, edu cational secretary of the Grand Lodge oi North Carolina, will hold educa tional sessions and give instructions tn the subjects of masonry. The meet ings will be held in the .ocal lodge. Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, June 3,1927 Marriage Licenses Issued in May The May marriage licenses, out numbered by one thoKf issued in the month of April. During that month seven certiflcataß- went to \yhite cou ples to six to colored. Last month ten licenses were issued by Register J. Sam Getsiiiger to colored couples and only four la while couples. Permits issued are: White William (). Gibbs, 37, of Elizabeth City-Hilda Kilpatrick, 82, of (iolds bo ro ; Harold Auhry Ccburn, 15; Louis Simpron 24-Fran ces Viek, 18; William Scott, 21-Km rr.a Hell Williams, 19. Colored Clarence Manson, 30-Mary L- Wig- L'irs, 211; Baker Purvis, 51 -Emma Briley, 40; Cha.s. W. Wiggins, 20- Mary Ktu Purvis, 18; Robert Speller, 21-Lottie Bland, 19; William Bell, 20- Odessa Evans, 20; Webster Thomp son, 23-Mary Walton, 22; Robert Jjil; liam, 54- Rebecca DouglusA, 60; Wil liam Daniel, 22-Sara Daniel, 21; Le- Roy Purvis, 21-Beatrice Hassell, 18; Robert James Williams, 21-Klorada Williams, 21.- Mrs. J. G. Lonjf Dies In Jamesville Section | Mrs. J. G. Long died at her homo in the Jamesville section, May 18. Mrs. Long was only 35 years of age at the time of her death. She ( leaves a husband, one son and two daughters She was a member of Cedar Branch Baptist church and a member of the Woodman circle. She had been sick for several months. Pamlico Beach Opens 1927 Season Today Pamlico Jreach, patronized by many people form this county, opens the season today. The management an nounces a large dance for tomor row night and'many local people are planning to attend. Pamlico has a well equipped hotel, and advertises the best dining room service of all the beach resorts. Mr. Henry D. Taylor left yesterday for Chapel Hill will attend a part of the commencement exercise# He will be accompanied home by his son, Cecil who has been in school there during the past year. Town Auto Tags to Go On Sale Tuesday With the lette*- and numerals in white on a black background, the town auto It„ensc tags out class the State ta«s in looks and cost only one-twelfth the a mount of the State licenses. The plates have been here for the past several days, and will go on sale after Monday night, when the commissionerH will ap point one of the officer* to sell the tags. Small Audience Enjoys League PlayLastNight One of Most Pleasing Performances Seen In Some Time "Sweet Pickles ami Hot Tnmales," the two-act episode given by local talent last night was one of the mpst pleasing performances seen herein a long time. It had snap and pep. the whole way through, and there was plenty of fun interspersed through out to keep one continually amused. The pay was produced under the direction of Albert R. liaker, who also tiok an important part. The girls who took |eadingj»«s, Misses Carrie Dell White and Hazel Kdmondson, as .si noritas, w«e very charming and at tractive Spanish nudds, and Misses Mary Melissa Andrws and Sophie I .it tie, American ladies, were both thoroughly fine in* yu ir respective rales. John Pope, as "I'unko Doro," a leader of the bull fighters' union, was surprisingly good. I'ete Fowden, the ruler of San Salvador; Mr. Baker, a* the pickle king of America; and Jim Stanley, the herald, w, re all fine and the Heau Hrummels of the local amateur talent, Ix>n Hassell, jr., Kill Manning, and Jessup Harrison, lived up to their reputations. Mrs. J. W. Manning' was pianist for the show, and .her rendition of the musical numbers *y",» very pleasing. The Ku Klux dance, by a bevy of lit tle ({iris in robes of the order, and the midgets' dances, given between the acts, added much to the evening's program. Incidentally, little Miss Kathryn ftl arming made the biggest "hit" of the show during the midgets' dunce. Only four years old, .she brought down the house with her in terpretation of the Charleston. The chorus girls, last liut not least, were pretty and attractive in both their costumes and natural beauty and talent and donated pep and spir it every time they appeared. The show was under the auspUre.-i of the Kpworth League of the Meth odist church, and fhe young people) did everything possible for the suc cess of the show. It is to be regretted that they did not have a full house, for the play merited a good audience. The League cleared about $(50.00. State Dentist 1 las One More Week in County I Jr. I- H. Butler, State dentist, will complete his schedule in the county nuxt week. A school a day next week and Dr. Butlc r will have visited prac tically every school in the county. Monday he will visit Cooper school; Tuesday he will be at Griffins; Wed . t esday at Cross Heads; Hassells on Thursday, and his last day will be spent at Parmele. There are a few uceordihic to Dr. Butler, that have not been vis ited, but the children in those school districts have the right to attend at Hie places mentioned in their respect ive townships and receive treatment. The school committees of the various schools are urged to see that all tha ! children in their districts see Dr. Hut ler and have their teeth examined. | It will cost nothing and will be well : worth the child's time to have his teeth looked after. I>r. Butler will be at each of the ! schools each morning at 9:30, with the exception of Parmele. On that day he will be at the school at 8.30 New Cafe Opens Here Tomorrow The Empire Cafe, new. to the city, will open tomorrow morning in the Howen buildinsr on Washington street. The cafe manage ment of Mr. "Bf A. }>lykan, of South Hill, Va. Mr. Dlykan is experienced in the cafe business, having owned and managed one for over fourteen years. v According to a statement made by the management this morning, new equipment will be added and a mod ern cafe will be operated. Mr. Dly lajn will depend upon local help in starting the business. He states that hie service is sure to please, and that all ha aslu is a trial. v Big Meeting of Kiwanis Ciubs Monday Night Local Club Will Join In the Meetings with Good I^ogram Joining in with the 11»21 Kiwanis clubs all over the United States and Canada, all of which will meet simul taneously, the Kiwanis Club of Wil lii.mston wilf observe "All Kiwanis Night" in connection with its «*■],-- bration of the annual International convention at Memphis, Tennessee, at the Woman's club rooms on Mdff uay, June ti at 8:30 p. m. The meet lugs throughout Canada and the l.'- nited States are to be observed as a united expression of devotion to the ideals and objectives of Kiwanis. All clubs have arranged the time of their meetnig so that the "Zero Hour" when U5),201) Kiwaniansj on the eonti- i nent assemble to observe the "Fel lowship Moment of Silence," will be held simultaneously with that in the convention city. The message to the clubs by the president of Kiwanis In ternational, lialph A. A merman, of Scranton, Pennsylvania, will be read at Monday's meeting. This will be the fourth time in the history of Kiwanis that such a meeting is held. At the Denver, St. I'aul and Montreal con ventions similar observances marked the opening activities. Kiwanian Dr. Jno. I). Higgs from the local club will be a delegate to the convention, and will send tele graphic messages from Memphis to the meeting on Monday night. The ''All Kiwanis Night" program at the convention's opening will be broad cast from Memphis over WMC. An interesting and appropriate programme wjl be arranged here that night. Recorder's Court Has Large Crowd Tuesday The Tuesjitiy session of the Recor der's coui/t attracted large crowds, but the cases were of little signiti I cance, the court collecting only sls ; iu t'lntt* and costs. For several ses | .sioils recently the court has tried as many as eight cases. While eight wore not triinl the past Tuesday, that many were called, and the rec ord t»f eight still holds. John Walts Boston measured the sentence of Judge liuilr f in liis mind and decided to take to the woods, lie was charged with disturbing/ a religi ous congregation, and when he was called and failed to answer, capias was issued. John wasn't alone in cre ating the. disturliance ,nor was he a lone when lie weighed the expected sentence. Ivirly Do. ten was \Vith him and, as far as is known, continues with him, for he-also was called and failed_t> answer. The two had other charges against them, but all went unanswered. Isaac I/oe, charged with non-sup port, had his case continued for two weeks. I). M. Robcrson plead guilty to a eharge of assault and was fined .sls and costs. 14. N. Hardison was found not gtiiH t> of cruelty ito animals. Woodley Rogers was acquitted of J a charge of carrying concealed weap ons. Rev. A. F. I)e(iaflerelly To Conduct Meeting Rev. A. F. DeGafTerelly will begin a tvyiji weeks meeting at the Christian church Sunday morning at II o'clock. Mr. DeGafTerelly has been engaged in preachi/ig in North and South Carolina for !,he |>ast year in the eiri ploy oP the Christian Church board, lie came to the Carolina;) from Illi nois where he has served as pastor of one of the leading churches in that I State. Mr. DeGafTerelly is a very pleasing and forceful spuaker, and it is expect ed that his r.itevsages will be well re ceived. He will preach each during the two weeks at 8:00 o'- clock. The public is cordially invited to attend all till; services, and tho church is a.sking the cooperation of all the religious people in the town in mak ing the meeting a succoaa. Local School Hoard Meeting Yesterday The local school board met yester day afternoon in its second meeting within the past few days, preparatory to the school term next fSlI] Teach ers for vacant places on. the faculty were appointed, and contracts were received from several. According to Principal L. H. Davis, an announce ment of the 1927-28 faculty un not be announced within the next severa' weeks, that much time being required for teachers appointed to make known their acceptance or rejection of con tracts. ■ - f New Town Board To Take Office Monday Marked Increase In Registration A marked inert-use in the number of registered inters has been noted during the past two days. , According to Mr. R. T. (irittin, registrar, a sharp inter est was manifested by citizens in the township during the past two days, when several hundred names were eiitertd on the hooks. However, th«' registration in •ar from complete, and the vot ers in the township are urged to register before the 25th of this month. Markets May OpenAugust29 Committee To Vote On Opening at Meet in Morehead City The tobacco meeting in Wilson last Wednesday was one of the largest held in Eastern Carolina in some time, according to delegatus from here to the meet. Every market in the sec tion was represented, and a big din ner was served the tobacco men. • The meeting deckled to have the markets remain open on Armistice Hay. Instead of dosing for the entire day, the markets will cose at 11 :IMI o'clock ant! then r open after'lunch. The action was bitterly opposed by several, but .was passed 'by a small votes A committee wa., appointed to attend a larger meeting at Morehead City on the 22nd of, ttys month; The" committee was ordered to vote for the opening of Eastern CatoLinu markets on the 2iHh of August. While its vote might carry weight, the opening of the markets i:i this section will be determined by other factors. Truck ing, under the direction of warehouses, will be abolished, according to a rul ing made at the meeting. The agree ment will prohibit warehouse* |>ay tuick drivers for bringing tobacco to their houses. Practically all the mar kets sigutd the ruling which also limits the number of drummers al lowed each warehouse. Several good talks were Inade in which the tobacco situation/and other maltt r relating to the tobacco in dustry wc."j discussed. Messrs. J. (i. Staton, K. li. ('raw lord, Claude Griffin, Harry Meatier, Jot? Taylor anil Hubert Morton were representatives form the !oo:U mar kit. IMshop I hirst To He In County June 12 lit. Kev. Thomas ('. I)ai«t, Bishop of. East Carolina, will make his an nual visit to the Church of the Ad vent, V\ illiamstou and St. Martin's Church, Hamilton, Sunday, Jura- 12th. The Bishop will preach and confirm a class of candidates in" Williamston Sunday morning and will hi' in Hamil ton for confirmation Sunday night. Since the last visit of Bhhop Durst to Williamston, lie has been the active In ud of tho great Bishop's -Crusade which has been so successful in the Episcopal Church through out the nation. Always, an excellent preacher and enjoyed by William:.toil folks, there will be an unusual interest in hearing him after his national Cru sade experience* Services Church of Advent Whitsunday Kev. ('. (). Pardo, Hector 10:00 Church School 11:00 Holy Communion and Sermon 8:00 Holy Trinity Mission 8:00 Kvening Prayer ami Sermon. Williamston Wins Two Games From Windsor Williamston's junor baseball team Wednesday won its second game from Windsor when it met the boys there in a third game. Windsor took one of the three. The local line-up consists of some of our pluckiest youngsteis, and a future in athletic sports can be ex pected from gome of them. ■» Mrs. W. H. Booker is visiting her tsittcr, Miss Emmu Robertsop in Greensboro. While away she will al so visit Miss Minnie Robertson who is teaching in Winston-Salem. Murioh Cobb, who attended school in Arden during the past year is home for the summer. | Advertisers Will Find Our Col umns a Latchkey to Over 1600 I Homes of Mmrtin County. V M ESTABLISHED 1898 Important Matters To Come Before Board at Its Meeting Town Commissioners C. 0. Moore, G. H. Harrison, E. P. Cunningham, I. I' Lindsley, W. T. Meadows, and Mayor' RT'L. Coburn-, will meet as a new Ijoard here next Monday® flight whefl ~xhey will hold their first meet iiiK. The members of the board will be sworn in by a justice of the peace and will immediately enter upon the town's business. The exact.nature of the business to come before the board could not be learned today, but it is understood that there arc several problems of ma jer importance to come up for con- sideration. I'he tax question will be up for discussion, and it is likely that a sale will be ordered to lake place within the next few days. Another problem of major import ance relates to the, town's light and .power supply. Greenville, according to a member of the board, will offer thr town a contract 'o furnish lifcht snd power. It is understood the con tract has already been prepared and will be put before the board Monday night. \u details of the contract could be learned, but it is thought that town will offer to sell William ston its current at a wholesale rate, allowing .the town the right to retail. Another proposal is expected from Washington, but it is not likely that it W'ill come up before the meeting next Monday. A special meeting will be called to hear tier offer, but no time has been sot so far. When these two propositions are submitted, the town will have a choice t.l five contracts. The one that has attracted the most attention thus far is that of . the Virginia Electric & Power Co. Tha company offers to pay $50,000 for the franchise and re tail current at K 1-2 cents and less per kilowatt. 'l'he two oil engine pro |it sals made by the Kairbunks-More people ami the Virginia Engineering Co. are still standing. The commissioners are still study ing the situation, and-it is not prob able that any contract will be accept e' within the next several weeks. Aside from these major problems a few minutes will be used in arrang. ing a way to care for the interest of the town's bonded debt. The regular routine ofibusiness is not expected to have a Cmuiee at the Monday meet ing, and it might be that a special soMsimf "wHlLhaye to be called to dear the table. Judge Moore To Be In Pasquoank Next Week Judge Clayton Moore, newly ap pointed emergency judge, of this city, will preside at the June term of su perior court in Pasquotank County next week Judge Moore has only been .serving as judge for the past few weeks and has held courts in Her tit and Forsyth Counties. The Klizaheth City Independent, of this week, says: "Judge Moore, who will preside,at the .1 um; term of Superior Court con vening in I 'asijitotank Monday, June i. is an outstanding North Carolinian, ho " lias served continuously in the General Assembly since 1921. He is from Williamston, Martin County, and first repre -t iited his cuonty in the house, and later served as senator from the second district. He is the author of many bills of State-wide importance, and is recognized as one of the ,great Democratic leaders of the State. He was appointed an emer- I't ncy judge by Governor McLean, un der the act passed this year. Methodist Church Prog-ram of Services Preaching service "at 11 a. m. Sun day morning. Preaching at Holly Springs, at 3.30 p. m. N Pageant, "The Vision;" 8 p. m. Sunday night. Ladies Aid Society meeting at Mrs. Maurice Watts Monday aftemoon at 4 o'clock. —— Jl Baptist Church Program for Week The paator will speak at both the morning and evening services Sunday. At the 11 o'clock hour the pastor will conclude the .short series of three ser mons on the general topic of "Grace." The text for the Sunday night sermon is Romans 6:14: "For ye are not un der the law, but under grace." There will be no Wednesday night service at the Baptist church this week; and the congregation -of this church is asked to join in with the local Christian church in the series of evangelistic meetings which will be going on at tha ttime.