Watch the Libel Oa Your Paper; It Carrie* the Date Yoor Subscription Expires. VOLUME XXX—NUMBER 39 Two Men Badly Hurt in Wreck Here Thursday Sport Model Hudson Is Practically Ruined in the Wreck John W. Green, who lives near here was badly hurt, and Arthur Williams, of Washington, was seriously hurt when the car in which they were rid ing hit a bridge abutment near here on the Hamilton road yesterday morn ing. Lyman Jones, auto salesman, of Washington, with Mr. Williams, was demonstrating the car, a new sport model Hudson roadster, to Mr. Green, when, the accident occurred. Mr. Jones, the car's driver, escaped injury, but did so by a very narrow margin, for when the car stopped one of the front wheels was overhanging a 12- foot embankment. The victims were brought to Dr. Warren's office here, where the two face wounds of Mr. Green were sewed up. Mr. Williams' condition was such that Dr. Warren had him removed to the hospital at Washington. One of hit knees was split open and dislo cated at the joint, and a leg was bad ly bruised. The extent of his other ii-juries could not be learned, bdt Dr. Warren tEought the man was hurt internally also. The three men were traveling to ward Hamilton, and as they started to pass a truck near the Whitley ca nal, the two left wheels went into the ditoh. The car was traveling at a high rate of speed and went at least 50 yards with its two wheels run ning at the ditch's edge before hit ting the bridge abutment. No estimate of the damage to the car could be had, but it is thought it will run into several hundred dollars. "Maggie's Koom To Be Feature of 1927 Fair "Maggie" has the strangest room in town, and it is always topsy-turvy. The walls won't stay put, and likely ac. not the floor will be where the ceiling ought to be. So strange is this room of "Mag trie's" that it will be thrown open to the public during the Koanoke Fair to be staged by the Roanoke Fair As sociation the week of September 27 on the fair grounds here, and every woman and girl in the county is urged .o visit it and sec what a room should not be. "Maggie's Room" is one of the at tractions that will be found on the long "Pleasure Trail" of the Nat Reiss Shows, engaged to furnish the amusements. It will be one of the most popuar rooms during the Fair, according to Manager J. L. Rodger son. There will be another attraction on the "Pleasure Trail" almost as funny, anxl it will be the "X-Word Puzzle." There are no horizontal and vertical squares to this cross-word puzzle, and one will have no need for a dic tii nary to solve it, but it is only fair to warn those who contemplate a visit to the fair that if it hurts them to laugh long and hearty, they had bet ter l«t the "X-Word Puzzle" strictly alone and stay far away from "Mag gie's Room." Sunday Services at Episcopal Church Rev. C. O. Panto, Rector Fifth Sunday after Trinity: 8:00 a. m., Holy Communion. 10:00, Church school. 11:00, morning prayer and sermon. On the fourth Sunday the rector will be in St. Martin's, Hamilton, ami directly after the fourth Sunday he and his family will leave for their va cation. All communicants arc urged to make their communion on the third Sunday at the 8 o'clock service. ICTRANrv 1.1 THEM I SATURDAY ■ I George O'Brien, 01- jj ive Borden, Lou Tel- I egen and Tom San tschi in I THREE BAD MEN' Also i Comedy and Serial I -A. I Always a Good Show THE ENTERPRISE Tobacco Condition in This Immediate Se Improved in Past Few Days Conditions Point To As, Good a Crop As the One Last Year; First Curings Are Generally Good Mr. W. T. Meadows stated yester day afternoon that the condition of the tobacco crop in this section has caused him to change his mind again. According to his statement the tobac co crop has improved, now looks as if there will be as good a tobacco crop in the county as there was last year. The improvement is due, according to Mr. Meadows, to the good rains a few days ago and other conditions favorable to the growing of tobacco. Mr. Meadows' statement has been verified by farmers from all over the Local Scouts Work for Trip Will Get Receipts From Picture Show Next Monday Night The local Boy Scouts have been v£ry busy during the greater part of this week selling tickets to the pic lure show next Monday night. Mr. Watts, manager of the Strand The ater is giving the boys all the door receipts above expenses, and they will add them to the fund set aside for a camping trip to White Lake, near Fayetteville. "Knockout Reilly," the picture to he shown next Monday has been thoroughly advertised by the Scouts, and a large attendance is expected. In fact, the attendance is expected to be no large that one showing will not care for it; so the Scouts arranged with Mr. Watts to have a two nights' run of the picture. Richard Dix ap pears in the picture, and he is a fa vorite among all the young |>eople of the town and a large number of the middle-aged and over. Citizens' Training Camp At Fort Bragg Ended Fort Bragg, July 14.—Eleven hun dred young men from North and South Carolina left here this morn ing at the close of their thirty-day period with the Citizen's Military Training Camp. Clothing and equip ment were turned in yesterday, travel j allowances were paid, and tickets fur- j nished by a representative of the At antic Coast Line Railroad. Training in the camp, which opened June 16, was designed primarly to enhance the value of the students to the'civil community. A course in cit izenship was given, and the military instruction was planned to emphasze the value of cooperation and self-dis cipline. An athletic program, de signed to improve the physical condi tion of the boys, was carried out. Officers of the camp expressed themselves as well pleased with the results of the camp. The students showed an unusu'Al readiness, and en tered all activities with enthusiasm Especial commendation was given to thr work of the band, composed en tirely of C. M. T. C. students and tiained during the camp period. Chowan Bridge Opens Next Wednesday The bridge opening at Edenton next Wednesday promises to be one of the biggest events in the history of this section in years. It will bring together and reunite families divided by the waters of the Chowan and Albemarle for a century. The old Albemarle section lost many of its finest young men and women in the colonial days. They followed the southwest course in search of a hilly country and cros'sed the sound, the Chowan, C«shie and Roanoke and began to spread in many directions. Most of them never returned, nor has their offspring gone back to view the scenes of their ancestral homes. It will be a now joy "Wednesday when the people of the southwest re turn to the country of the northeast, and there set up a new friendship, even if they arc not able to trace the kinship. Edenton hopes to greet at least 15,000 visitors that day. Attends Short Course Domestic Science Class Miss Edith Peal is in Raloigh at tending the summer short course for members of the domestic* science classes, wiich are held annually. The young girl is representing the local class> and Miw Trentham has girls from the other classes over the county representing their respective classes. h *_ t » Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, "Viday, July 15,1927 county. Not more than 10 days ago, one large grower stated that he would not get over 400 pounds to the acre. Yesterday, this same farmer stated that his crop would average at least 800 to the acre, and it might go as high as 850 pounds to the acre. The improvement in the crop has been general in this section, and fanners ure very optimistic over the outlook. First curings have been reported to be the best in years by dozens, of farmers. The lugs are clean, and in the majority of cases are coming from the barns with a good color and right much "body. Firemen Hosts To Association Plymouth Gets the Next Meeting 2nd Tuesday in September The Williamston Fire Department was host to the regular meeting of the Eastern Carolina Firemen's associa tion here last Tuesday night. The meeting was held in the rooms of the Woman's club where 160 fire men from all over the section gath ered around tables and dined together The chicken, brunswick stew, chowd er, slaw and old ham was pronouncr ed most delicioup. John Cook was chief cook and he proved himself to be some chef with the assistance of Theodore Roberson, Bill Baker and half a dozen firemen. It was a pleasure to the local boys to have more than a score of their own townsmen present to enjoy the meeting, which in a way seemed to give them a greater appreciation of the value and importance of fire fight ing equipment and organizations. A. R. Dunning of the local bar wel comed the visitors to the town with warm words of appreciation for their presence. 4 Mr. D. L. Ward, jr. of Now Bern responded to Mr. Dunning'* welcome address. He is a prominent youiiK lawyer of that town und did the job splendidly. Judge Francis D. Winston of Wind sor was introduced and he made a speech that outclassed his own. He is always ploasing and logical, hut on this occasion, he made a greater speech than ususal. It met with a hearty response from eveiybody. The regular order of business was taken up following Mr. Winston's speech. K. C. Whitley reported on the various types of equipment found in the towns belonging to the associa tion. Plymouth end Beaufort both asked for the next meeting to be held tlie Second Tuesday in September. A Small majority voted in favor of Pymouth and the next meeting will go there. One of the plcaaing features of the meeting was encouraging words com ing from a dozen or more of the friends present. They gave all the firemen assurance of the appreciation in which they are held by their fel lowmen. ~•. , The following towns were represent ed: Kinston, New Bern, Morehead City, Beaufort, Btdhaven, Washing ton, Ayden, Farmville, Robersonville, Plymouth and Windsor. The meeting was said to be one of the very best since the organization of the association. The boys are all set for a good meeting in Plymouth. J. I). Thrower Manager Local Gold Star Store Mr. J. I). Thrower has accepted a position with the Gold Star Stores, and will work in the local store here e.s manager. Mr. Thrower is an ex perienced grocer, having worked in some of the largest stores of that kind in Portsmouth and Norfolk dur ing the past several years. Sunday Services at the Baptist Church The pastor will preach at the 11 o'clock hour Sunday morning. The people are requestbd to be pres ent in goodly numbers. This church and its pastor feel, very keenly, the loss of that good man, Rev. A. J. Manning. We loved him deeply, and shall miss him continuously. To his vife and family we extend our pray erful sympathy. Postmaster and Mrs. J. T. Price and family have returned from a week's visit to Morehead City and Beaufort. i Recorder Had Number Cases Here Tuesday Fourth of July Holiday Cases the Crowded Docket Tuesday Failure to hold a session of record er's court Tuesday, July 5, caused Judge Bailey to face a heavy ducket last Tuesday. Fifteen ca-es, vary ing from simple assault to house breaking and larceny and receiving, were called. Simon Sheppard had three charges entered on the docket against him, but in each case a nol pros with leave was returned. The first case heard charged Will Williams with reckless driving. Nol pros with leave was returned. Wesley Baker plead guilty to an assault with a deadly weapon, and appealed from the nine months' jail sentence offered him. The uppeal bond was fixed at S2OO. The case against Hezekiah Purvis, charging him with non-support, was continued one week. C. H. Clark, violating, the liquor laws, plead guilty to the linage. He was fined SSO by the and a sen tence given him on the Kdgecombe rouds. The nine months' sentence, however, was suspended upon the de fendant's good behavior. Notice of appeul in opui court was made. The case charging l'erlie Harris with an assault with a deudly weap on was nol pressed. The court disagreed with Justus Kverett, when he plead not guilty, and after hearing the evidence in the cuse charging him with larceny anil receiving nave him a six month*' roiul sentence. He made an Appeal, ami hit- bond was fixed at S2bD.OO. Sam Roberson and Mancy Roberson plead not guilty to u charge of manu facturing liquor. The evidence in the case was such that the court returned a verdict of guilty. A ftiic of SIOO was made and one-half the costs from each was required. Notiue of appeal ill open court was madef with th« bonds fixed ut $l5O for each of the defendants. Simon Sheppard had four cases marked up against hiAi, and in each instance a nol pros with leave was made. Housebreaking, larceny and receiving, violation of the liquor laws and resisting an officer constituted his four cases. Will Hines plead guilly to simple assault in the case charging him with an assault. The plea wus accepted by Solicitor Horton. Judge Bailey sentenced him to 30 da>s in jail and required him to pay the costs. The case against Henry James, James Itowen, and Steward Taylor was of the one-two-three order. Nol pros in the case of James was re turned; Bowen plead guilty to aiding and abetting in the manufacture of liquor, arul Taylor plead Kuilty to the cl.arge of manufacturing liquor. Bowen was fined SSO and cost of ac tion placed on him; Taylor was fined $l5O and required to pay the costs. There were cases enti red against FJeetwood Boston, Nymphus James, and Will Spencer, charging them with violation of the liquor laws. In the first two, the cases were continued one jveek. In the last, S|>encer plead not guilty hqj evidence lieard caused the court to find him guilty and when prayer for judgment wa asked, the judge allowed one week to pass before passing sentence. To Demonstrate Majestic Ranges B. S. Courtney, furniture, holds its first Majestic demonstration in the new store here next wiek. These demonstrations have been held here annually for the past several years, and each one is well attended. At the range deriionstration next week, Mr. Courtney is Riving a sou venir puzzle to all. the i hidren. Ily special arrangement with the Majes tic Manufacturing po., Mr. Courtney gives without cost to every purchaser of a Majestic range a handsome kitchen ware set. Experts have called this range the fii.est ever built, ami many prospect ive purchasers will visit the store next week to see the latest make. Attending Lecture at (ireenville Today Drs. J. S. Rhodes and J. H. Saun ders are in Greenville this afternoon attending the lecture being given by l)r. Hartmann. Dr. Ilartmann, who is the head of the Marriot Clinic,,of St. l»uis, is holding six 8-week courses over several eatern States, and Greenville is where the eastern Carolina clinic is being held. Doctors from- all over this section are attend ing. The subject that is being studied is "Children's Diseases." roperty Valuation Quarter Million Dollars Under 1926 COUNTY'S LEADING FURNITURE DEALERS j H W7 1 . r hr* fc«a ■ -- ■■-*- a Above is u photo of the B. S. Courtney furniture store where special range demonstrations will be held next week. Main Street Prop $4,650 Decline losses Partly Offset by Gains Amounting to $11,670 According to the county's tux books, property in the business section on Main street here this year lost $,4,630 in valuation as compared with that of last year. Out of 28 listings, eight reveal a loss amounting to $16,300 and six show a gain of $11,670. Four- 1 teen listings are the same as they were last year. Listing for the Main street busi- J IUSS section, as they appear on the county's tax scroolk, follow: J. W. and (). S. nderson, I lot ail- j joining hotel, $2,000; gain $1,400. J. T. Barnhill, 3 stores $13,500; loss $3,000. J. W. Biggs, 1 store $3,00(1; loss SBOO. • Fannie S. liiggs, store $3,500; same as last yeur. (!. W. Mount, store, hotel and build ( ing.s in 'rear, $12,500; same as last I year. C. 1). Car.itarphen, store $3,500; loss SSOO. B. S. Courtney, store $8,000; gain j $3,50(1. Farmers and Merchants Bank, 3 mores, $10,000; loss $2,000; Bank building $5,000; loss $4,000. J. (J. Godard, bank building $5,000; loss $2,500, store $2,500; same as last year. Kli Gurganus, 2 stores $5,000; same as last year. S. S, Hadley estate and T. S. Had ley, hotel $8,000; loss SI,OOO. Harrison Brothers, store $15,000; loss $3,000. Harrison Oil company, Central serv ice station, $12,000; gain $6,006. Mary Ix>e Hassell, 2 stores $5,000; same as last year. Mrs. W. J. Hoijges, 1 stole, $3,500; I name a. lust year. .H, G. Hortorti office $.'1,000; gain SSOO. Mrs. Ada Knight, office $700; gain $l7O. Mrs. J. I). Loggott, store, $3,500; same as last year. , Mrs. C. A. Martin, office $2,000; t-ame as last year. Mary Gordy, store $2,500; same as last year. Mrs. J. E. Rogerson, store $2,600; snme as last yeur. Dr. J. H. Saunders, office $800;, gain SIOO. W. N. Sherrod, post office, $2,500; same as last year. Standard Oil station, $12,000; new. Mrs. J. G. Staton, Tar Heel hldg. $20,000; same an last year. Mooie, Crawford and Martin, dou ble store, {7,000; same as last year, j H. 1). Peele, jewlery store, $2,500; i store $3,000; both same as last year. | Truck License Demand Greater Than Supply The local auto license bureau is temporarily out of the one-ton truck license tags. The demand for the ton-truck license was much greater than was expected, and orders were filled so fast at Raleigh that the State's supply proved inadequate. Mr* J, D. Woolard, manager of the local bureau, stated yesterday that the tags wore expected any day now, but Just when they would arrive he did not know. The State is having more taps made, awl they will be distributed to the agencies through out the State where shortages exist as soon as possible. Until that time,' it is understood, one-ton trucks can operate and not be molested by reve nue inspectors. License tags for other makes of trucks ami cars continue in abund- j ance with no shortage expected. Meeting of Soy Bean Growers National Organization Meets in Washington On August 9th The American Soy Dean "Associa tion's annual meeting will be held this year in Washington, N. be ginning 011 the night of August !Hh. The business sessions will be held at night, .while the delegates will tour the surrounding; soy bean belt dur ing the day. On August 10th they will no to the rich, black land section of Hyde coun ty anil' will attend a picnic at Swan Quarter. This trip will show them the American home of the soy bean, where it wa.s lirst introduced in our country. It has had quite a number oi' names, among them were Japan peas, stock peas, and soja beans, but now everybody seems to have agreed to call them soy beans, which is recog nized us one of the cheapest stock feeds ami land improvers that can be grown in this section. The delegates will tour Martin and lii rtie Gounties Thursday, August 11, and pass on to Elizabeth City. Many prominent speakers will muke addresses during the various sessions; among them will be I'rof. I'. H. Dorsett, of the United States Department of Agriculture; K. K. lleeson, of l'urdue University, and Dr li. Y. Winters, of our own State Kx p riment Station. Fred P. Latham, of Helhuven, is president of the organization; Taylor Fonts, of Camden, Ind., is vice presi dent; W*. E, Ayers, of Stoneville, Miss., qflCTetary and treasurer. The meeting of the national asso ciation was brought to North Caro lina through tho influence of Mr. I.u tl'um, the president. The previous meetings have been held in the Mid dle West and Mississippi Valley States. Merchants Preparing for Heavy Fall Trade That heavy trade in expected rail i.s evidenced by the fact that many of the merchants are in creasing their equipment. Mr. P. I'. I'eel, owner of the cool drink and cigar store on Washington Street has .installed a large Frigidaire unit car rying 12 ice-cream containers, with a capacity of 0(1 gallons of cream. Per haps Mr. Peel carries the largest sup ply of ice cream of any retailor in the eastern part of the State ami can •supply the local trade with ice cream of every flavor. Right across the street from the cigar store, Mr. Dlykan has arranged his cafe after the modern style, and for the first time in several seasons, tin- town has an up-to-date cafe. Colonel A. I). Watts Is Critically 111 Colonel A. D. Wutts, who was commissioner of revenue for several years, is critically ill ut his home in Statesville/ Colonel Watts wus for many years the leading politician in the State, standing out a heud and far above any other man in the State in the knowledge of the political conditions here. He was a master in the science of politics and had the ability to mar shal! forces with the genius of a great general. Physicians at his bedside last night held out little hope for his recovery. I Advertiser* Will Find Oar Col umn* a Latchkey to Over 1600 Home* of Martia Conty. ESTABLISHED 1898 Total Taxable Property This Years Amounts to $12,962,542.00 € $255,963 less, this year than in 1926. The total' taxable property in the county this year, real and personal, hut not including railroads, is $12,- 902.">40, i- as agains. $13,218,493 in ! 926. S>ven townships lost $408,276 on real e. tale, as follows: Jumesvile, $i0."),22G; William.-., $58,135; Hear Grass, $956; William,-.ton, $162,512; Cross Koads, Poplar I'oint, $5!!,760; Goose Nest, $16,812. The land in three townships g»»iried $136,691, as follows: Griffins, $46,106; ltotn'rsonville, $59,146; and Hamilton, 31,439, leaving a net loss on hand of $271,585. „ Personal property in the county made a net (fain of $14,537, four town ships showing a loss from last year of $38,466, as follows: Bear Grass, $13,072; Wiliiamston, $15,540; Kober sonville, $6,218; Hamilton, $3,636. The other six townships of the coun ty gained $53,003, as follows: James ville, $5,708; Williams, $16,449; Grif fins, $7,021; Cross Poplar Point, $1,853; and Goose Nest $10,525. Of the ten townships, Griflins was the only one thai gained in both real and personal property; that township also made the largest net gain of any township, the total gain being $51!,- 127. Uobersonwille gained more in real I estate but lost in personal property | by $6,218, which brought its net gain si!»9 less than Griflins. Only two townships lost in both rtal and personal property, liear Grass and William ton. The loss in Wiliiamston Township makes tfp about two-thirds of the to tal loss of the county, running up to the enormous sum of $178,062. Five of the ten townships show a not loss, while five show a net gain, 1 ut not enough to overcome the heavy loss of the five. We find two townships, Roberson ville and Wiliiamston, above $2,000,- 000 in total valuation. Three, Janies vilie, Hamilton, and Goose Nest be tween one and two millions. Three townships, Hear* Grass, and Cross Koads, are within $45,000 of the same valuation, -ranging between $794,000 and $838,000. Two townships,, Williams ami Pop lar Point, are below the half million mark; Poplar Point being the small est, bot'h in size and valuation, which it, $440,148. The strange feature found in the list is the heavy loss in Wiliiamston ■Township land.. Peanut Meeting To He Held Here Next Week Growers, business men and profes-" sional men will hold a peanut meet ing here next Friday, July 22 in the court house at 3:30 p. m. These meetings are termed "Pri mary Meetings" and are held during the latter days of July each yearlfor the purpose of selecting nominees a-; directors for the Peanut Growers as sociation. Whip' it is true that only members of thf association can vote in this mutter of selecting nominees for di rt dors, yet it is very much needed V that farmers generally and business s>nd professional men attend, in order that they muy obtain information rel ative to the peanut industry as a whole and particularly as concerns the marketing of the crop. It is understood that all of our people are vitally interested in the price of peanuts received by the farm er, as his prosperity means the pros i perity of all. ' f There is some wuy in which each and every one can help in this mat ter of obtaining a living price for the farrfier and it is hoped that a large number of men will attend and see an outline of the work to be done. It simply is no use to continue talking j about the deplorable condition of the former except this talking is intelli j gent and constructive and tends to | devise ways and means by which this | .condition can be alleviated. We And that when our people become inform ed they not only begin talking intelli-., gently but acting in the right direc tion as well. These meetings will be held in nine counties in as many days. Methodist Program For Next Week Sunday school at 9:46 p, m\ Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. ni. Services at Holly Springs at 9:30 p. m. 1 . The woman's missionary society will hold its regular meeting at the church Monday at 4 p. m. v ft. 't,

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