Wack the Label on Your - Paper; It Conies the Date Your Subscription Expires / VOLUME XXX—NUMBER 73 SHORT CROP OF COTTON WORTH MORE THIS YEAR Government Crop Report Estimates State Crop at 845,000 Babies HALF OF CROP GINNED Amifi Yield Per Acre Thia Year Given A* 226 Pounds, Against 295 Pounds Last Season lUueigh, Nov. 9.— North Carolina's coi ton crop of 845,000 bales, worth about |89,000,(X)0 shows 16 per cent, greater value than last year's 1,218,- 000 bale*. Based on 21 cents average for the first week in November and 13 cent* paid to farmers last Novem ber, thia year's lint crop is worth 23 per cent, per acre more than the 1926 crop. The National crop on this basis shows $177,000,000 gross value over last year. The government cotton crop fore casts jubt cannot suit every one's wishes and guesses, in spite of it be •ng baaed almost entirely on 15,000 farmers' and ginnera' November 1 studied judgments. This month's judg ment by the Crop Kaporting Hoard is the same as last month—B4s,ooo bales, or 70 per cent, of last year's 1,213,000 bales. The condition of 68 per cent, is -« ported, an dthe yield per acre is given at 226 pounds as compared with 295 last season. The acreage reduction is per cent, leaving the weevil damage at about 24 per cent, as compared with last year's yield. The Weevil damage to bolls picked waa cent, com plete boll loas. About 58 per cent, ot the crop was ginned in North Carolina to November 1 and 68 per cent, was picked. CHURCH FIGHT PROVES COSTLY Hamilton Negro Pays $75 and Costs for Hitting Another With Brick In recorder's court here Tuesday, George Lee Jones, colored of Hamil ton. was fined $26 and costs of the case and required to pay SSO to the defendant's doctor. A four months' road sentence was suspended for two years up on the good behavior of the defendant. Several weeks ago Jones and an other negro engaged in a fight while .attending church in Humilton. Jones sent a brick at the plaintiff, and crowned him Just behind tbe ear.'lt was thought for a time that the wound would prove serious. With this In mind it was agreed by the State and the defendand's attoreny that the judgment in the case be rendered \ null and void in the event of a serious \ relapse of the injured prosecuting witness provided the relapse be trace able to injury inflicted by defendant. Baptists Announce J' Sunday Services "Thilt Great Shepherd of the Sheep" are the words of the text whic hthe pastor will use in hia Sun day morning sermon. It is found in Hebrewa 18:20. Sunda yevening there will be held the third in the series of Sunday even ing feervice* at the School auditorium, 110 Kan kin being the speaker. Fur ther announcement of this will be Men elsewhere in this paper. The pastor will leave Monday for Durham, where he will attend first, the aesaions of the Baptist Pastors' Conference of thia Siate and follow ing that, the aeaalons of the State Baptist Convention. One of the main matters of moment to come before the Convention will be the launching of the movement to secure one and a half million dollara for the Baptist educational institutions of the State. STRANH THEATRE IJ SATURDAY BUFFALO BILL, Jr. in "THE INTERFER ING GENT" Also HARRY LANGDON "ALL NIGHT LONG" And Episode No. 1 "The Scarlet Brand" Always a Good Show THE ENTERPRISE (MaSSm ; mm i Ofe B in gßßi\ * 4f JH TEACHERS AND .PARENTS MEET Armistice Day Program Is Given At Meeting Held Yesterday In the exercises, commemorating Armistice Day, held at u meeting of parents-teachers association yestei d ly afternoon, liev. C. O. I'ardo stated the parents and teachers ■milling greater than cooperatingWilli all people in the outlawry of war and substituting fraternity of nations and brotherhood of men. The .speaker went on to explain the problem of America at the eve of the war urtU why it entered. The formal closing of the war, armistice, was pointed out to be the second of that Kind in the annals of history to the r _uje tioi- of Christ. "Nine years have pas ed slnn '.he cioMiig of the war, and public '.l.i ment is still against any more \.av, fhe speaker stated. Mr. I'ardo gave as an ac j !ish . nient of the World War the cry.-.tal izntion of sentiment agiinst war. lhis sentiment is not jnly expressed through such organizations as the American Legion, but France, Great ftritaiir and America are ex pressing it in their proposals for settlement of international disputes. Elbert S. Peel, in his talk before v the meeting, stated on Armistice Day 1916 he was 11M> miles from the front; 1919 he marched all over Wil iiamston, and now he has almost for gotten the war, but two lessona learn- L'd there are always fresh in his mem ory. One of these Kir. Peel learned from the French when they spoke Lheir motto, '"fhey shall not pass.' "History will show that the motto was all that remained of the French Army when the Germans were Anally stopped. Only a handful of troops were left." Hip. second lesson was found in, "Park up your troubles and smile— nort worthwhile to worry," the favorite expression of the American soldier. To revive the spirits of the French and English, American soldiers were . routed through the streets of England at . the cost of millions of dollars, and it was their march and attitude that turned the tides. American Legioh says the smiles of the Doughboys won the war; Great Britian says the bottling up of the Gennan fleet won the war and France says it was won by holding Verdun and at the Mame, but according to To Have Colored School In Hardison Mill Section At the request of several citizens in the Hardison Mill section, a school will be opened for colored children in the old Corey school house near Farm Life. Citizens interested in the open ing of a school there were here this week before the Martin County Bo am of Education, asking its cooperation in the undertaking. The school will open shortly, it is understood, with al help possible from the education board assured. According to citizens in that com munity, the number of colored resi dents in that community will furnish the school with a large number of pupils. * ' « Williamston, Martin County, North C, RED CROSS DRIVE TO BEGIN TODAY H. A. Biggs Is County Chairman; Generous , Response Expected With the cries of pjverty and hun ger stretAing across from the West awl down from \he New England biates, the appeal of the Red Cross otnus to us this year ,with an appeal that is strictly human. The annual roll cull starts today throughout th«« '_n nation, and it is the. hope of the Red Cross officials that million* w.ll answer and help save the lives of thousands of people who are now i homeless in the flooded areas. 11. A. lliggs, TTuirman of the call in this county v.nh the exception of Rohersoriville which has a local chap ter, appointed j/(\;torday chairmen for the various townships .and he will, vithin the next few days, visit them to assist in forming committees for \lie work. , The chairmen appointed are: Mrs. J. E. Smith wick, Jamesville; Mrs. Geo. W. Taylor, Everetts; Mrs. J. P. Boyle, H&miltjtn; Mrs. B. M. Worsley, Goose Nest; Mrs. C. T. Roberson, Griffins; Mrs. Joshua L. Coltrain, Williams; Mrs. W.lLWatta. Williamston; Mrs. J. F. Jordan, Dar kens; Mrs. Roy Taylor, Poplar Point. Sheriff Gets Off To Good Start On Tax Collections tP _________ , .J .'tariff Roebuck and Deputy Grimes made a splendid start on their.task of collecting over two hundred thousand dollars, county taxes, this week. The rucccgs is to be measured in terms of amount of monies collected, and is hot to be compared with the amount yet uncollected. Both the sheriff and the deputy a gree that to collect that amount of money is some task, they having ar rived at the conclusion since the books were turned over to them last Monday by the Hoard of County Com missioners. v, - > County Teachers Will Meet Here Tomorrow Due to an engagement in Fayette ville this week end, it is not likely that Dr. E- W. Boshart will address the Martin County teachers in their meeting here tomorrow afternoon. Or. Boshart was scheduled to speak to the teachers here the 19th, but the county meet was moved up a week so as to avoid a conflict with the dis- , trice meetings in Greenville and the change found' him with an appoint ment in Fayette ville. A programf'followed in the usual sessions will/' be held in the event that Mr. Bfthart cannot arrange to be here. j) / the ipeakiSj' all these terms should be .translated into modern thought, "There shall be no more war." "Live it and teach it; America has the optimism necessary to work for that accomplishment," stated Mr. Peel. In January, the association is plan ning to stage "Here Comes Arabella.' The attendance prize went to Miss Katharine Cole's sixth grade. During the program, Mrs. Harper Holliday sang, "Keep the Home Fires Burn ing." HEAVY DOCKET IN RECORDER'S COURT TUESDAY Caused by Giving Over to Superior Court for Two Weekis 22 CASES ON DOCKET: I Majority of Cite* Were For Viola tions of Liquor Law ki One Porn Or Another After giving over to the special term of Martin County Superior court i for the trial of civil cam's for two weeks, the recorder's court here last Tut-sday faced a heavy schedule. '1 wentj«W» cases wdflNri the docket for trial, and the majority of them j were disposed of during the day's tession, several of them 'were con tinued. however. In a number of in stances, the defendants plead guilty, nnd the work of the court progressed ' vapidly. The cases before the court follow: Benjamin Tillman, cferged with 1 riving an automobile while intoxicat- ! Ed, was lined S6O and cost and re quired to pay J. H. All J)rooks sls j damage done to his car? Tillman's license to drive an aut»»bile was also revoked for a term of 80 days. ScveAl days ago Tillman tan his cai into that of J. H. Allsbn>ok& on the »'i er hill. Tillman and his *ife crawl- ] til out of the car, and one* they were on the ground, the woman started beating her husband in the face, re minding him that aha had U>ld him he wus too drunk to drive a car. About that time Allsbrooks appeared itnd no f.ooner than the negro aaw the police man's uniform, he start*si in full speed down the river hill. Alls brooks caught him he had gone very far, and arranged for his trial here Tueaday. John Giles plead guilty to a drunk en and disorderly conduct lhatge, and was fined $25 and the costs of the case. Drought into court charged with non-support, WHlie Thomas plead guilty and judgment was suspended upon the payment of the costs and tin assurance of good behavior, The against Oori Jjorey, Jim Corey, Aaron Peel and Lee Griffin and considered of little purport, was continued for one week. Irvin Coltrain plead guilty when he was charged with driving an automo bile while intoxicated and was fined SSO besides having his license to drive a car revoked for 30 days. A. S. Leggett, charged with viola tion of the liquor laws, plead guilty of illegal possession of liquor. He wns charged with the costs of the case and given a ninety-day suspend ed sentence. | J. R. Gnflin, charged with assault, was called.and he failed to appear. "trie court, 'after hearing the evi dence in Bert Craft's case, disagreed with the defendant when he plead not guilty to the charge of driving an au tomobile while drunk. He was fined SSO and charged with the costs of th,- case. His license to drive a car dur ing the next four months wag revok ed. From the sentence, Craft appeal ed to the superior court under a flO bond. Herbert Stalls had his cage con tinued until December 20. The case, charging W. W. Griffin with larceny and receiving, was con tinued two weeks. J. Hyman Wynn plead guilty to an assault with deadly weapon charge. He was fined $25 and charged with the costs. A four months' road sentence was suspended upon the defendant's good behavior for two yearg. The case of Cris Barber, charging him with attempt to pass worthless 'money, was digmisged when probable cause could not be established. Kan Manning was given a nine months' rood sentence and charged with the cogts of his cage when he plead guilty to an assault charge. The case against him in which he was charged with driving a car while intoxicated was nol pressed. Henry Purvis charged with larceny and receiving, had his rase continued one week. Attorneys appearing for John Purvis, Earl Teel and Levi Purvis waived examination in their caw in volving a larceny and receiving charge. Bond wag fixed for the de fendants for their appearance at the next term of guperior court. James Purvig, charged with lar ceny and receiving, wag called and he failed to appear. James Purvig, charged with lar ceny and receiving also waived exami nation in hig cage and entered into bond for hia appearance at the next term of guperior court. Council Vick, with an agsault with a deadly weapon charge against him, was called but he failed to appear for trial. - ,' , * John Orange, violating liquor laws, judgment absolute in accordance with the scifa. J. T. Matthews plead not guilty when charged with operating a car while intoxicated, but after hearing the evidence the court found him "" '■ T- ' I, Friday, November 11, 1927 ' A Dr. E. R. Rankin Speaker At Meeting Sunday Night Recognized Authority On Public Health Questions To Be Heard Here NATIONALLY KNOWN Was Formerly Head oi State Health Department; fiow President of Duke Foundation The third of the series of com munity meetings will be held here in the school auditoriuni next Sunday evening at 7:30 when Dr. K. K. Kan kin, ot tiie Duke Foundation, speaks. The attendance upon these meetings us l " been very small in spite of the fact thaj some of the State's lead ing men are appearing on the pro gram. The public is invited and Urg ed to hear Dr. Kankin next Sunday. I'r. Kankin, a native-North Carolin ian, rendered untold service to the people of the State in his work 'as head of the State Department ot Health. He is not only a state figure, but is widely known throughout the South and North for his work in public health. Committees interested in public health from England and other foreign countries-' have visited him 111 this State and studied his methods used in public health work. When the Duke Foundation at Duke University was established, , Dr. liAnkin—w«s its head, and at the present time he is preparing an Aten sive program for promoting health work. It is-in this connection that he will tell what his work is doing (for the advancement of Chris tian citizenship ip the State of North' Carolina. HIT-RUN DRIVER SLASHES UP CAR Farm Life Man Has Close Call When Car Is Hit By Unknown Driver" Fenner. of the Fai/fTt Lift; section, had a narrow escape last ' Sunday night when! two cars were lacing and passed him near the fair grounds, fine on one side and one on the other. As the driver of the ear, passing -n the right, started' l«vpull back to the road, he hit HardisXn'.s car and tore practically one side ot it off. He never slowed down-;*'but went his way racing with the othei Ford car. . 1 Hardison was driving a practically new Star touring "car. Local police haw made special efforts to locate the Ford that did the damage, but they have been unsuccessful in theii attempts. "C Local Hi Eleven Defeats Plymouth Second Time '1 he win over Plymouth here yes terday afternoon 12 to 7 added the - fifth victory to th«» |'»vnl high whimi'* list and established a new record of Miccess in the realm of footbaH for the local school. The game yesterday afternoon had its thrilling features, but it remained "for C. B. Hardison, Durunt Keel, Claude Baxter Clark, jr. and To.mmie Teel to furnish the outstand ing plays for the' locals. Two toueh yciowns were prevented when the 1 whistle blewj at the end of the first I half and at the end of the game. In the first instance, Williamston wa» on Plymouth's ten yard line, rushing for the, goal. JugJ before the final I thistle the locals were on Plymouth's five-yard line, but lacked the neces Kary push to carry the ball across the white line in the alloted time. Plymouth played no poor game, but kept the locals at work from begin ning to end. Miller Warren featured for the visitors when he Intercepted a pass and ,ran forty-five yards for a touchdown. Meeting ot Jdmesville Parents and Teachers The parents-teachers association at James vine held its second meeting last night at 7:30 in the school audir '.orium since its organization only a few days ago. At the meeting last evening, Mrs. Uurnettc, the association's president, laid before the body plans the as sociation hopes to follow during the remainder of the school year. The plans .offered at the meeting are ex pected to result in the beautification the school's grounds and building. A dew piano for the school is needed ana tl(e association will lend its support toward its purchase. Tlie. need., of a picture machine in ihe gchool fOf the showing of school pictures was .The associa tion pledged its support in the move ment for a machine. guilty and fined him $76 and charged him with the costs. His licenge to drive an automobile wag revoked for four months. > , $15,000 BLAZE AT LUMBER PLANT HERE TUESDAY Dry 'Kilns and Lumber Completely Destroyed By Big Fire WILL SOON REBUILD Lack of Water Facilities Proves Great Handicap to Firemen; Main. Part of Mill Is Saved Williamston had its first big fire in several years last Tuesday after no* n shortly after four o'clock when thi; dry kilns of the Murray-McCabe i umber colnpany were burned to the ground. Starting from a spark fron. •the smoke stacks of the mill, the fire gained much headway before at tendants upon the mill 'discovered it and turned in the alarm. The fire company responded hurriedly to the cull, but was handicapped by the lack of water facilities., Chief Henry Har rison quickly organized a bucket brigade, and by sturdy work the mail, pan of the mill and several car loads of lumber were saved. For. several hours the flames from ,the_kj|j!ia..threatened the, main part the mill, but the steady flow of watei from the buckets held them in check Ulid the fire W8S N confined to the kilns. Mr, McCabe stated yesterd ly that the kilns were carrying around six cars of lumber, two of which wee almost ready, t be removed for ship ment. The kilns wsfi the lumber w valued at $15,f()0." Insurance in force '»t the time pflrt'ly covered the loss, but it will not replace the kilns to one-half the'• former value. Due to tlie—Wgh insurance rate where thr'V, h riot* adequate fire protection, Mt. McCabe stated that the company can celled one of its $2,000 policies hird lj more, than a week ago. Will Rebuild Kilns According to present plans, the company will replace the kilns with new and -larger ones. Wifrk Will be i'tarted as soon as possible, stated Mr. McCabe yestefcnuti . DEATH OF MISS ANNIE MIZELLE Beloved Woman of This Section Dies in At Baltimore Miss Annie Mizelle djed at the Woman's hospital, llaltimore, about one o'clock Wednesday, morning af ter an illness of mutty- months. Shtv. hint been in the Liultiinqre hospital tor six months and death was welcomed by, the weary sufferer who had strug gled so patiently during thAt time to regain Iter health. K very thi iiy knuwn to science was used in an effort to check the ravages of spinal tuber- • tulosis but nothing did any .good. 'I he body, accompanied by Mr. C. D. Carqf.arphen, wAs brought here and placed /ill thi* Methodist church to I await burial in the Methodist church I cemetery in Jainesvllle today. She I was a member of the local church for many years and asked that her body be placgjJ thei/ prior to its burial. ! 'Uit deceased was the only daughter , of the late Hardy Mizelle ami wife, 1 Anne Elizabeth Murriner, both promi-; l:ent families of this section, and was born in Jamesville, May 11, IH7O. i She is survived'by a. brother, Wilmerj Mizelle and a cousin, Napoleon Mar ! riner, of ltelhaven. In early girlhood 'she joined the Methodist Church at Jamesville and was baptized by the late Kev. J. O. Guthrie, who preach ed in this section for many years. After her parents' death when she was about sixteen, she came to Wil iiumston to live with her guardian, the . late Dermis Simmons. She was with | him untH ht* death several years| later after which she made her home j with the Curs tarphen family. She wak graduated from the Williainston Academy very young and then went to Norfolk College where she com-, pleted her education at eighteen. Since that time until the past year, she taught in the schools of Martin ahd Edegcombe counties. She is known to hundreds of the younger |»cople of these counties as "Miss Annie","and her her un assuming but lovely Christian char ' acter impressed every child she taught. She was of a cultured, re fined temperament, and was never ob trusive. but always firm and loyal to its ideals. She always gave liberally to the work of God, both of herself and of her means. The funeral will be conducted in the local church at 2 o'clock this af ternoon and interment will be made beside her father and mother in the cemetery at Jamesville. The active pall bearers are J. K. Smlthwick, W. W. Waters, Harry Waldo, W. F. Hai slip, E. S. Peel, and J. D. Biggs. The • 9 / s I Advertisers Will Find Ottr Col umns a Latchkey to Over 1,600 • Homes of Martin County ESTABLISHED 1898 NAME ARCHITECT FOR NEW SCHOOL NEXT TUESDAY Designer for i.ooet*bonvil!e School Will iJe oclected At Same Time NUMBER £ZR BIDS County Board To c£r..d ~pe ial Meet ' n K Tuesday To Gt. From Local Board . The Martin County lioacd cu Edu cation had a bu:,y iui> wet'!; studying plans lor the two i M ■ : school buildings to i.i t!-.i county, one at I'obcrsohvill? and at Wil liamston. Several\ architects from as faj away as Hj€ko ,y and Wilming ton were here subniut ,ig their work dont in other places and making bids for the work in this county! • According to present ulans of the education board, an architect will be chosen at a special meeting here next Tuesday at *s o'clock. I t i.- like ly thut the work will be assigned to one of the following architects, y. E. Herman, Hickofvi Eric C. FlannaKun, 41 enderson; M. 1 .ouis burg 1,. N. Honey;, Wilmington. Eu h of these architects has been recommended by the State I'.oard of I'jtiueation. • •> Al the special meeting Tuesday tvening, the Martin County la. ard will listen to suggestions fnwp the board and from that of Rober sonville. Superintendent Pope stated ye.sterday, that it was the county hoard's desire to listen to any and all suggestions in so far as it was pos tiiilc. ' Final plans will be ready by the latter part of next month or in early January... .according to an announce ment from the Superintendent's of fice. KINSTON HOST TO CHRISTIANS State Convention of Chris tian Church Closed Last Night The annual convention of the Chtls tian church,,hi'hl with the Gordon Street Christian church, Kinston, came to u close last evening, after a rno.st ■>uvexsful program. More than five hundred out of town delegates attend- The convention he,'(id some oT the Church's grtultest lenders during the three days' 'program. J)r, William K. Macklin, one of the world's foremost medical missionaries- and a great missionary statesman, and who has been in China for 42 years, made a . ploidid talk on the recent history o! China and its relations to the past. Dr. Mackin, through his hospital work in~lhe East and through his numerous translations of Knglish works into the Chinese, made ( muny frriends among thi' leaders of China and was closely •in touch with political movements ti'iere mill I recently. AMMIg his close friends beftfre he was forced to leave China, was Dr. Sun Vet Sen, at ope time provisional ' .president jnf the Chinese Republic and originator of (tie People's Party. Oilier prominent figures appearing before the convention were Dr. Jesse M.„ liader, of fit. Louis, who is in ternational chairman of evangelism of that church, Dr. li. A. Abbott, editor of the Christian Evangelist and Lee Sadler, of Richmond, who preached the convention sermort* Dr. liader is in charge of the pro gram on education and evangelism fMi„Ui eeonvention and his main talk was made Wednesday night on the preparation for the l'enecostal cele bration in 15*30. ' Di. Abbbtt spoke on Christian I'nity, anu he declared that Christian Unity is coming soon. Sunday Services at Episcopal Church efuroh sphoof, », TH. Morning Prayer and sermon, 11:00 a. m. There will be no evening service at this church. All members of the con; gregation are urged to atteml the, community service in the school au ditorium at 7:.10. Negroes Caught in Crap Game Are Fined $3 Each Thirty dollars and the costs of the cases, were paid into the mayor's court treasury when ten colored boys were found guilty of disorderly con dm i at the town's municipal light and power plant early last Sunday morn ing. Mayor Cobum held the trials last Tuesday evening. honorary pall bearers are C. D. Car ..tarphen, A.VT. Crawford, R. J. Peel, W. H. Crawford, W. S. Rhodes and Hassell. Rev. T. W. Lee, of the local church, wijl conduct the funeral services.

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