PAGE TWO HErlCy • '"* ** THE ENTERPRISE Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING COMPANY WII4JAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA f W. C. Manning.- X- Editor " ■ ' _ > 1 ' * - Subscription Rates IN MARTIN COUNTY 1 year -—I r 6 months - • OUTSIDE MARTIN COUNTY , "" t 6 si:::::::::::::. - 100 (Strictly C ash in Advance J' No Subscription Will Be Received for Less Than Six Months Advertising Rate Card Will lie Furnished I'pon Application « - - • • Entfered at the post office ai t WilHamston, N. C., as second-class matter under the act of Congres* of March 3, 1879. Address all ccmmun.'cations .to The Enterprise and not to indi vidual members of the company. Friday, December 30, 1927 The Soberest Christmas in Many Years Williamston experienced the sober- j est Christmas this year that it has for many years. A staggering man j was hard to find, and very few folks, were talking loud. Ihe only | reason why people were soberer than One More Day— How Will You Spend It? One more day before the hooks close on 1927. A few more chances to do some good deed, but too late to make a complete success, unless the foundation bas been well laid and properly worked during the /lays al ready passed. Not too late, however, to do a bad thing and spoil a whole year. One day is enough to begin and finish a bad deed. Regret and remorse are very un desirable guests. All those Who look over their record and find ground for regret, and who think of some deed done tha tstrikes their Jieart strings North Carolina's Advantages North Carolina is the place to live. It is American and we all feel a pride in that' word "American,' it makes no difference whether we hail ed from Spain, China, Greece, Scan dinavia, or any other part" of the world, with the possible exception of England and Germany, who may not fully appreciate America. To all those who do, North Carolina has the purest American citizenship to offer. . ..... Then, North Carolina leads in so many of the things that make hap piness. We have all the agricul tural products necessary to feed and clothe man #nd beast. We' have all the itmber needed to shelter and warm them. We Kav§ alftibSt all the pecessarv minerals to supply their needs. We have the streams and waters for both good drainage and trans portation. We have the iish and game for food and fun. We have good transportation, rail, boat, and motor, which puts us within 24 hours of 50,000,000 neighbors and friends. We have schools and colleges. In colleges we have the greatest educa tional center in the world, accord ing to population, with the radius embracing the State Col- WEAK, NERVOUS Gear pa Ltdj CouM Not Sleep Nighta, Bat After Taking Qrdoi She Was "Like a Different Person." Comer, Ga.—Mrs. C- H. Smith, of this pises, related the following interesting experience: 1 wss weak and nervous snd run down. I couldn't sleep at night I fait tired snd not in condition to do Bay work. I had Cardui recommend ed to ma, but slwsys thought I could oat>do most sickness, but this wss e«s time I nsedsd help 1 wss so week I coffld hardly lift my hsnd. "I cant asrirsss how bad I felt 1 know I unproved after taking Cardoi. I was like s different per son. I wss built up snd was strong er and better than in a long time. *1 have s young daughter who had As fta,' and after aha got up she would ease in a while have such se vers cramping spells, fust suffer ter ribly. I knew them wss a weakness and, hoping Cardui would reach this trouble, Iliad her take it snd the ang bottle helped bar so much *it was able to lesvs it off snd does not have this trouble now." Cards! baa been in use far more Oms to ysers. »Teg(itsldn. mild, harmless. drag stotsa. NC-ira Jr>>- ' ) j usual was because they had had less ! liquor, of course. Yet there are those who say it Is worse than it used to be. Those who , remember how it used to be, of course, know they are wrong. with pangs qf remorse, will have only one day to balance up the year's ac cdtints. And then begins another year which will bring us all oppor tunities to write a good record. If we have failed in this year to do what we should, we should not for get that we will have 366 days in 1928 to write a good book. What we need ot do is to let the book have 366 clean pages without any blots. Good resolutions for the first day of the year, kept every day in the year, will look good to us as we review it in old age. lege, the several women's colleges at Hfaleigh, Duke University, the sev-, eral Greensboro colleges, Elon, and several other institutions which would fall within a circle taking in Raleigh, on the east, and Greensboro, on the west. No territory in the entire world with a like population can touch us, and then almost every child in the State is now (if not, soon to be) in reach of a good high school. Socially, we are as friendly as any people anywhere. .Those Whose Business it is to Know _ Lucky Strike* ; recces ever made. 11,10S)|( doctor* ion* about inj and throat A m ir H M CiES WHAT is the quality that Giovanni Martinelli, Mary Garden, William Hodge, David Belaaco, Lenore Ulric, Fiske O'Hara, Blanche Ring, and other famoua singers, actors, broadcasters and public apeakera have found that makes LUCKY STRIKES delight ful and of no poaaible injury to their voices ? For the anawer we turned to medical men and asked them this question: Do you think from your experience with L UCKY STRIKE citfjtrettee that they are toss irritating to sensitive or tender throatm than othmr cigarettes, whatever the re— on? 11,105 # doctors answered this fjl Theee figures represent the opinion and CLSaUafMB experience of doctora, thoae whose buaineaa it is to know. FUke O'Hara, Hearing Stage Star, fllinaiifl uriiui ■/ fci/Vn Y\ wl "Tht throat iiatUt- I Hi " . icese ■ \\f 01 If C /Kit ; .t. all ® : irritation, I molus jr or* not onlj^ktodI to M»ll 'SfifSSESg^* -It's toasted" •V W s_ LYBKAND, ROSS BKOS. a IIIITTIH umiiM HH rin> AwmmmU m Auditor* In business, we are ahead of all our neighbors. We are leading all the States in many items of manu factured goods. Our ratio of wealth increase is> three times greater than the average for the United States. With all these fine advantages, we should take every opportunity to fur ther develop our. State, which has only commenced to be a great State, if we will only work and let her grow. , , y We must not watch her grow, be cause we have no time to stop and watch. Nineteen twenty-eight will sojin be here with abundant oppor tunities. NOTICE Having this day qualified as Admin istrator of Mis* Annie Mizclle\late of Hamilton. N. C, all persons holding claims against said estate will present "tlierti to the undersigned for payment on or before the 2)*t day of Novem ber, 1928, or this-notice will be , plead in bar of the recovery of the same. All persons indebted Tit the said estate will please make immediate payment of the same. 1 ijis 21st chtv of November, 1927. l_. D. CARSTARPHEtf. n29 6tw Administrator. WANTS FOft OLD AGE INSURANCE plania pecan grove with Wight's Quality Pecan Trees. Write for prices and information. J. B. Wight, i Cairo, Ga. • d 9 8t APARTMENT OK HOUSE WANT . Ed: With three or fjur connecting rfcon) if possible, or a small house. Ap ply tn .1 K.. Stanley, care Carolina Tel. & Tel Co. ll7 2t 666 ii a prescription for COLDS, GRIPPE, FLU, DENGUE, BILIOUS FEVER AND MALARIA It Kills the Germs To Curo a Cold In Mk Ono Day f Uxattw (Bromo] \Quinine] tai/ftr Tha tonic and laxntiv* affect of Litxativa HHOMO QUININE Tableta will fortify the «y«t»ra against Grip, Influenza Mitd othwr aerioui ilia raault rug froiu u Cold. l'rica 30c. Tha mos bi ..ra thla aignatura —Proven Merit since 1889— THE ENTERPRIS CARD OP THANKS To the many friends and neighbor* who aided the family to overcome the shock, the Midden death and burial of otsr youngest ton we extend sincere*t thanks as an evidence of our great ap preciation. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. RAWLS. WANTED: JOB IN FIRST-CLASS grocery, general merchandise, or gent's furnishings; also experience in hardware. Excellent references. Ad dress H-507, care The Enterprise. d2O 3 FOR SALE: FIVE ROOM DWEL ling house on Watts Street, known a» the W. F. (iurganus house, will be sold for division 011 Monday, Janu ary 9th, 1928. in front of the Farmers tk Merchants Bank. W. H. Wynn. BY USING HIGH GRADE MAG nesium limestone containing 36 to *8 per cent magnesium carbonate the tobacco station at Oxofrd got an av erage annual increase in tobacco of S6B per acre for 5 consecutive years. You can get it, too, by using MASCOT Agricultural Lime. See your local MASCOT dealer or write AMERI CAN LIMF.STONE CO.. Knoxville, Tenn. J mo dec Grove's Tastoloss OhHI Tonic Stops Malaria. Restores Strength and Energy. It Purifies and Enriches the Blood. You can feel it* Strengthening, Invigorating Effect. 60c. (PUasant to Taka) i When you see it yougjwill say,... "Only General Motors could produce such a car at Chevrolet's Low Prices" I . s . -'» | 7 • . -'-t /*-- ,« - -■ - ».,, . V ;•.• • J.- •-• , , .£:• " .... • Jrafe Peel Motor Company wuHamgt.... Harris Motor Company' Robersonville QUALITY AT LOW COST ■' ■■ ;• i. v'L i WANTED: A 2-HORSE TENANT for 1928, colored . preferred. Good land; good home; two mile* front Windsor, N. C. T. J. Heckstall, Wind sor, N. C. d2O 2t LOST: BLACK HAT BOX, NEAR Gardner's Creek Bridge Sunday af ternoon. Contained ladies and baby's clothing. Also two patterns with name "Mrs. Austin Jackson" on them. Will the man driving a coupe who picked up this bag return it to Brown Bros., Jamesville, and receive reward? d 23 2t TENANTS WANTED ON BEST part old Ballara farm, new buildings built for desirable tenant and contract so tenants can make some money, 134 acres cleared. Sec W. C. Manning, Witliamslon. d3O 4t fYorit dose ULa Childs y CONTINUAL dosing upsets children'* delicate stomachs. V.cks is applied externally and th refore cannot disturb the diges tion. It acts in two way*: (1) The body heat releases the ingredients in the form of vapors which are inhaled. (2) At the same time Vicks "draws out" the soreness like a poultice. MtiSJig OWT T* MILLION JAMS USED YEAJUT I HAVE TAKEN UP A DUKOC boar which will freigh about 300 pounds, unmarked. Owner pleaae come for him and pay cost. Frank Weaver. • d3O 2t LOST: DARK BROWN MARE mule with white note, left my lot this week. Finder pleaae notify A. W. Hardison, Route 4, Williamston. d3O tf PENDER'S THE BETTER CHAIN STORES Week End Specials LIMA BEANS *£.' .r 27° BEAN HOLE BEANS __ 25 c PICNIC SHOULDERS » 20 c TUNA FISH - 20° OUR PRIDE BREAD " _ I.lo° DP PA VI? vuln ' . tr. WUVHi light fruit, lb. : ft? BUTTER Sb „ : 55 c * * ■ \ -1 ij- ?; m Friday, December 30,1927 SUITCASE LOST: WITH LADIES' and drildren't wearing apyreL Lft> eral reward. Apply to The Enterprise: It I SORREL PONY, BRANDED ON left hip "J. X. P." stolen or st»aj«i from Speight farm a week mgo. Lib* eral reward will be paid for his return. Sylvester Wynn. d3O 4t