Wack the Label OH Your j Paper; It Carries the Date ' Your Subscription Expires J VOLUME XXX—rNUMBE R 92 COUNTY AGENT BUSY TREATING TOBACCO SEED Seed for Over 300000 Square Yards of Beds Treated Up To Yesterday PREVENTS DISEASES Formula and Instructions for Making And Using Formaldehyde Solution County Agent T. B. Brandon has had a busy week treating tobacco seed for farmers all over the county. Up until late yesterday afternoon, Mr. Brandon had treated seed for over 800,000 square yards of tobac co beds, and he continues at the task in his office. It was stated that the treatment of seed is of /great im portance, and Mr. Brandon is anxious that all fanners ity'th*/ county pre pare their seed or bring them to him for treatment. "Angular leaf spot and widfire of tobacco are of common occurrence in Martin County," Mr. Brandon stated, "and it is safe to say that there are few fields entirely free of these di seases. Angular leaf spot in particu lar occurs with niurh prevalence and does serious damaige . from year to year. The following preventatives, if carried out Mr. Brandon declared, "will greatlY reduce the oc- ; currence of both the\ angular leaf spot and wifdfire diseases." 1. Selection of locatioh for plant beds. Select a new location for the . plant bed as often as possible on land that U well drained. Seed treatment. Tobacco seed should be treated with a formaldehyde so lution prepared by mixing one table apoon full of formaldehyde with one pint ef water. Place the treating so lution in a fruit jar and put the seed in a cloth sack (the sack should not be filled more than half full of seed); then dip seed in solution in fruit jar, for exactly ten Tninutes. Precaution should be taken to stir the seed, so that all seed within the sack are wet with the soltuion. At the end of ten minutes remove and wash aeed thoroughly in several changes of water, until the odor of formalde hyde is gone, then spread out in a warm room to dry. The seed may be left in the sack ! for washing out the formaldehyde, ! providing the seed are worked about j with the hands, in order to insure i water reaching all parts. Use several changes of water. The drying is best | done by spreading the seed out on i paper in a warm room. . Plant bed covers. Old plant bed j covers which are, to be used again this year should be disinfected by ! bdiling them in water for forty min utes or longer. Plants for Setting in the Field. Se J lect the most vigorous plants and thole tfrft- in fnw trnpn nHfrenif ("Walloon" or "calico"), and leaf spots, when drawing plants from the bed. Removal of Diseased Plants. Re move from the field and burn 4he first plants showing signs of mosaic or leaf spots, in order to prevent spread. Crop Rotation. Several of the more common tobacco diseases are known to live over in the soil from one seas on to the next. The rotation of crops on tobacco soils is of importance, therefore, from the standpoint of di sease cdhtrol, as well as that of soil fertility. W. T. Stone Shows Are Booked for Roanoke Fair The W. T. Stone shows were booked for the 1928 Roanoke Fair by Man ager John L. Rodgerson at a meet ing of fair secretaries held in Rich mond the early part of this week. Mr. Rodgerson stated that there were many fairs and amusement companies represented at the meeting. While in Richmond Mr. and Mrs. Rodgerson were the guests of Mr. Rodgerson's sister, Mrs. M. B. Dawes. I^TRANnI | THEATRE I J I SATURDAY Buddy Roosevelt in "ACTION GA LORE" ■': - Also Two - Reel Comedy H And Serial I BRAND" I Theatre Well Heated THE ENTERPRISE - -■ ■ «?,/ • -. > TEACHERS AND PARENTS MEET Field Worker for State As sociation Is Principal Speaker At a regular meeting of th£ par ents-teachers' association here yester day afternoon, Mrs. W W. Martin, field worker for the State Parents- Teachers' organization, addressed fifty members on the subject of "Higher Purposes of Parents-Teachers' Work." ■ The purposes mentioned and explain ed were parental education and the relation of local units to national or ganization in formulating policies and setting up standards in schools. Mrs. Martin is connected with the North Carolina College for Women and has covered the entire State, making speeches in behalf of parents teachers' work and effecting organiza tions. Finding the association here a member of the State Federation of Parents-Teachers organization, she dismissed the idea of having to per suade her audience to organize and chose to speak on the "higher and finer phases of the work." In speaking of educating for par enthood, she quoted figures to show ! that due to our lack of knowledge in the fundamentals of child training and health protecting we were losing in health of children from birth to the age of six. Children are born at the per cent, of !J4 perfect; that is, 94 out of every hundred born aie pro nounced by physicians to be in per fect condition. At the age of six, the number of the same hundred chil dren enjoying perfect health and sound minds is 49. "Why not," asked the speaker, "preserve what nature has given us instead of letting it de-1 cay and be dissipated through ignor ance of nature's laws?" She advo cates a more thorough training on the part of parents in both the physiology and the psychology of children. Not only may the frets and tantrums of children be changed into sleep, and playfulness by proper at tention, but, according to Mrs. Mar tin, the wanderings of adolesence can be anticipated by wise and thoughtful parents who have an understanding about the human instincts and im pulses and what they demand. The speaker gave no little praise to G. Stanley Hall and others who! blazed the trail of scientific child training. The way to get the ends for which 1 focal organizations strive is to func-1 tion as a unit in the National organi- | zatlon, for law makers and those in i authority to listen only to the ex-1 pressed wishes of the large organized group. Instead of giving all time, money and interest to local problems,, it was urged upon the local club to back the Federation as the best means J of relief. With a solid front, backed ' by the organized motherhood, the work of the Parents/Teachers' Associ- ; ation of America will be effective, And the speaker assured the audience that as those principles and policies fostered by such an organization were given respect and importance, citizen ship through the training of children would be raised. Strong and well balanced minds would be the price less possession of active and vigorous bodies of both men and women. The enlightenment of parents would assure this more than any other thing avail able believed Mrs. Martin. START COUNTY SERIES PRELIMS Williamston and Everetts Win First Round of Tournament The preliminary games in the county basketball championship seriel were played this week, Everctts winning over Robersonville 38 to 6 and Wil liamston nosing out ahead of Farm Life, 11 to 9. Bear Grass hasn't a team this season, so the scehdule with that school and Jamesville was called off. Reports of other games were not obtainable this morning. Next week the same teams will meet again, and if the winners of this week win again next, the first set of games will be completed. Should Farm Life; for example, win over Williamston, then another game will be played. The following week the two teams winning in the two terri torial section of the county will meet, and then the winners in each section will meet to decide the county cham pions. Hog-Raising Contest in Jamesville township Mr. Hoyt B. Barber is contesting the hog-raising championship in Jamesville township with his neigh bor, Mr. Bob Sexton. Mr. Barber killed 25 one-year old hogs this week, averaging 246 pounds each. He also killed several smaller ones, making his total hog killing 6,- 966 pounds. Previously he killed several pigs weighing 500 pounds and during the season he had sold S3OO meat on the hoof. Williamston* Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, January 20, 1928 FERTILIZER TEST I ON PEANUTS TO BE MADE IN MAY Expert of Holland Firm Here Yesterday Making Arrangements NOW STUDYING SOILS Making Experiments All Over East Carolina; Definite Plans Not Yet Completed Mr. A. H. Harris, of the Agricul tural and Scientific Bureau of the Potash Export Company, Ltd., Am sterdam, Holland, was here yester day making arrangements with Coun ty Agent T. B. Brandon for holding a demonstration in peanut growing in this county the early part of May. Mr. Harris, for a number of years a county agent in this State, is par ticularly interested in the raising of peanuts, and is preparing demonstra tions for the entire eastern part of North Carolina this year. While the plans for the demonstra tion in this county were not made complete yesterday, it is understood that Mr. Harris with County Agent j T. B. Brandon will make a study of certain soilg in the county, and apply | certain fertilizer formulas in the test. ' Between one and two acres will be used in testing the fertilizer formula j in this county. Mr. Harris stated that similar tests have caused noticeable results in many of the peanut growing sec tions of Virginia, and that he sees no .reason why the experiments should not prove highly beneficial to farmers in this State and county. PLEAD GUILTY OF MAKING LIQUOR « ft Two Men Caught at Still Admit Charge; One Other Freed Caught in the act, there was noth ing else for Alexander Williams and David Cooper to do but plead guilty before Judge Bailey here last Tues day of manufacturing liquor. Levi Rogers, in the same oase, plead not guilty and the court dismissed him when it was learned that he mas only a visitor at the plant. Williams was released under a s6oo'bond until next Tuesday when judgment will be pro nounced by Recorder Bailey. Cooper, a Bertie county Negro, and bootleg ger, failed in his bond and is now awaiting sentence which will be handed down next Tuesday.- Officers S. H Grimes and H. O. Daniel answered the call from Crosi* Roads township the early part of last week, and making their visit in a very quiet way, they were able to jcgash the scene of action They watched the operations for a while, and just before they started to make known their presence, the operators made the discovery and started for the woods. Cooper was caught by officer (Jrimes, and a war rant brought the other two men into court. The 65-gallon capacity still, ten gallons of liquor and about 600 gallons of beer were destroyed. "Cotton," As Seen By An Enterprise Reader Cotton, as viewed by one of our readers: "Cotton is the overcoat of a seed that is planted and grown in the Southern States to keep the producer broke and the buyer crazy. The fibre varies in color and weight, and the man who can guess nearest its length is called a cotton buyer by the public, a fool by the farmer and a poor bus iness man by the banker. The price of cotton is determined in New York and goes up- when you have sold and down when you have bought. A buyer j working for a group of mills was sent to New York to watch the cotton market and after a few days' de liberation he wired his firm to this effect: Some think jt will go up and tome think it will go down, 1 do too. • What ever you do will be wrong, act at once. "Cotton is planted in the spring, mortgaged in"the summer, and left in the field in winter. "You can and you can't; you will and yofr won't. Be damned careful if you do, and be damned if you don't." Rocky Mount Airplane Remains Here Today Representatives of Hinnant-Nash Company, fliers of Rocky Mount, are "looking the town over" today and are taking up passangers. The ma chine ii piloted by Walter Becker, veteran flier. The representatives will be here during the day only, leaving for Rocky Mount and Selma early to morrow morning. During the past several months they have been car rying passangers up in the various towns in this State. Mr. Becker is originally from Pennsylvania, and has been in active service in the American Air Forces. School Site Problem Tabled At Board Meet The question of selecting a Site for the proposed new school build ing waa tabled by the Board of Education in its meeting here last Wednesday. Unsatisfactory prices prevented a selection, it was un officially stated yesterday. Recommendations from the lo cal school committee were placed before the county body, and were regarded as favorable. However, the recommendations failed to be of value in the face of the price element entering into the matter. DIVIDEND 8 PER DOUBLE-HEADER CENT DECLARED THURSDAY NIGHT ' —i—. I * ' Roanoke Warehouse Stock- Jamesville Defeats Mays- Holders Hold Annual ville While Town Team Meet Thursday I - Loses Its Opener A dividend of eight per cent, was , declared at the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Roanoke Tobacco ! Warerhouse Company held in the courthouse here yesterday. The report of the officers to the stockholders was veTy favorable and j besides the 8 per cent dividend, 3 per cent was carried to the surplus fund, i This makes just 100 pre cent that the company has paid in dividends since I its organization. All officers were reelected for the I | ensuing year, Henry D. Peel, presi dent; S. C. Griffin, vice president and ' Hoy T, Griffin, Heceretary and treas-1 I urer. .* , I The warehouse property has been leased to Meadows, Meador, Griffin and Taylor for the coining year. FACE TRIAL'IN BERTIE COURT Five Martin Men Being Tried for Violating Game Laws Five Martin county men faced trial in Windsor today for violating the iitate game laws. Wd* Warrants were sworn out by Depu ty Game Warden Paul Ballard before Phillip Perry, justice of the peace, aguiJist J. B Barnhill, 1.. J. Mills and Herman Moore for huntnig without pel outs from the landowners. They had hunting licenses either for Ber tie county or the State at large. Warrants, charging Joe Johnson and Sam Taylor with hunting without permits or licenses, were also obtain ed. All the defendants admitted the facts as charged againfit them. The three with Ilicenses were required to pay tht costs amounting to SB.OO, the other two were released upon paying the cost and procuring Bertie county hunting license#. Many people have hunted the Ber tie low grounds this season, but this | is the first violation of the game law ! to reach the courts in that section, i Officers say that a number of does ! have been killed according to circulat ing reports but no arrests have been made in such cases. «•' /. Lawrence Peel Moves Store To New Location Mr. J. Lawrence Peel has moved his jewelry store from the building I next to the Farmers Supply company to the building adjoining P. P. Peel's soda and cigar store. The location is only a few doors from the oM one, and is much better arranged for Mr. Peel's jewelry business. Federation To Meet At Baptist Church Tonight Itev. Stanley Rogers, of Bethel, will preach to the Federation in the Baptist church here tonight at 7:30. , The Poplar Chapel quartette will ap- j pear on the program. The public is invited and urged. to attend. East Carolina Warehouses To Close Friday, Jan. 27 Aii Eastern Carolina tobacco ware houses are closing the season on January 27th, giving the farmers only one more week to bring in the last loads. The warehousemen think all farmers will be able to finish grading and get their tobacco on the market by that time. The post-holiday sales have fell far below the expectations of the ware housemen throughout this part of the State, and it is believed that the crop .report of December 31st, will be changed but very little by January sales. a . . . T 1 \ Timber, may be worked as a payi** crop on the farm. Thin out the and undesirable trees so that the bA ter trees may grow and be harvested for timber as they mature, is the method now being used by many progressive farmers. Therecommendations going from the olfice of the local committee to the County Board favored the Rhodes site and the Martin property. * Ideas entertained in regards to where the building should be plac ed are as many as there are cit izens in the town, and we have quite a few of them, but the lat est trend of though centers upon a spot of land adjoining the lot of Mr. Claud Griffin in New Town as a possible site. The site there faces William street. . «. Jamesville basketball team turned back Maysville's undefeated five last night 16 to 14. in one of the best games played here this season. The county lads were leading at the half, but from then to the end of the regu lar game, first one team and then the other was in the lead. A large number of spectators urged the Martin boys on, and the team's members did heed the commands, but the end of the regular period found the score tied 11 all. An extra period was called. One minute passed and the score remained the same; each team con tinued to hold to its defense until Brown, for Jamesville, tore away to carry the ball the diftance of the court and add two points to his team's -sty)re. The visitors staged a healthy comeback, but Jamesville's defense strengthened, and Maysville's at tempts score were futile. The two teams will meet here again tomorrow night it, was announced by Professor J. L. Jones this morning. The defeat last .night was Maysville's first this season, and the game tomor row night, while it can be no better than the one last night, is expected to be equally as good. Following the Jamesville-Mays ville game, the local town team_fac ed an all-star five from Washington and was turned back 35 to 1&. While this was the first gaifie of the season for the locals, the score of the game upset all previous dope, and will cause a more strenuous practice sche dule during the next few days to be followed SUNDAY SCHOOLS TO MEET SUNDAY Township Convention To! Be Held at Reddicks Grove Church The next township Sunday school convention scheduled in the county will be held next Sunday in the Ked dick's Grove church, it was announced this morning by Mr. John N. Hopkins, chairman. The program for the con vention which opens at three o'clock in the afternoon has been arranged, and the cordially invited to attend. Following the opening song, Mr. C. L. Daniel wil) make the address of welcome. Special music has been ar ranged and following Mr. Daniel's ad dress, a duet appears on the program. County Superintendent R. A. Pope and Editor W. C. Manning will hiake short talks. The children in the community have been practicing several songs and they will sing during the pro gram. Baptists To Have But One Service Sunday Two unusbally large congregations greeted the pastor last Sunday upon his return from an absence of sevenl days. / .Sunday night the congregation of this church will go to the Christian chuixn when, with the other churches • of Williamston, the new pastor will be welcomed. Sunday school and the morning preaching will, therefore, be the only Services held in our church Sunday. The pastor will have for his morn ing subject, "Is It Nothing to You?" Last Sunday we welcomed three new members into our fellowship. Quite a number of visitors were in the audience; and we especially wel come the people who have recently come to town. Everetts Woodmen To Meet Monday An important meeting of members of the Everetts Modern Woodmen camp is scheduled for next Monday when officers will be installed and other business matters are presented before the membership for settle ment. A large attendance it urged by the present officers, INSTITUTE FOR PARENTS TO BE HELD IN STATE Will Take Up Considera tion of All Phases of Child Life FEBRUARY 14, 15, 16 To Be Held in Raleigh; Number Prominent Speakers On Program An Institute on Parental Education for the consideration of all phiwtes of child life by parents and representa tives of the agencies in the State concerned with child development will be held in Raleigh, February 14, 15, and 10, in Raleigh, it was announced yesterday in a letter to Mrs. Wheeler. Martin, president of the Williamstoji Woman's club. According to the letter received by the club's president here, the Institute ,will be featured by addresses by Dr. George E. Vincent, President of the Rockefeller Foundation, Dr.. Francis Pendleton Gaines, President of Walyio Forest College, Dr. Ernest K. GroVes, i I of the faculty of the University of | North Carolina, Dr. Ruth Andrus, of | the faculty of Teachers' (College, Co | lumbia University, and others. Every one interested in the problem of parental education is most cor | dially invited to attend. All sessions | of the Institute will be open to the ' public, without charge, j The Institute is being fostered by I North Carolina College for Women, I State Department of Public Instruc tion, University of North Carolina, j State Board of Health, State College 'of Agriculture and Engineering, i North Carolina branch of the National Congress of Parents and Teachers, i State Board of Charities and l*ublic | Welfare, East Carolina Teachers' Col | lege and North Carolina Federation of Women's Clubs. " * ' MANY CASES /CONTINUED Seven of Eleven Cases Held Over By Recorder Until Next JTuesday The Martin County Recorder's j court entered the realm of conserva tism last Tuesday when it saved seven out of eleven cases oh the docket un til next Tuesday. Besides continuing seven cases, prayer for judgment was continued in one case until next Tues day and in anotlier, judgment was .continued" until March 1. \ The seven cares continued! Gu« Knight, assault with deadly weapon, Jesse jkilTebrew, reckless driving, i Floyd Moore, securing marriage licefiae jfalimly, : J J. W/Baileyj M elvin Kailey and Jns. T.,Bailey, trsepass, Peter Spruifl, attempted assault, Enley Speller, assault with deadly weapon anil carrying concealed wea pon, " Joe Henry Gilmore, assault with ! deadly weapon. " ■_ } Jim Chance plead not guilty when he was charged with drivinß an auto mobile while intoxicated. The findings of the court led to a !f75. fine and the revoking for four months, the de fendant's license to operate a car. Chance decided to take a chance in the superior court, and his appeal bond was fixed at A plea of guilty of simple assault was accepted by the court from James ltufiin, arid a fine of $5; was imposed besides requiring the defendant to pay the cost. , William Sessoms plead guilty when charged with violating the liquor laws, and yvas gNJvn a six months jail sentence. Upon good behavior, the sentence was suspended for two years. The case, charging W. G. Anthony with disposing of mortgaged proper ty, went one step nearer completion when he plead guilty to the charge. The case had been called several times before, but in one instance it was con tinued when the defendant failed to appear ami in another wjien the de fendant's attorney called for a jury trial. A jury was summoned last last Tuesday, the defendant ple_ad guilty, and prayer for judgment was continued until March 1. Mrs. Laura Wells Dies In Williams Township Mrs. Laura Wells, who lived near Ray's camp, in Williams township, died in a Washington hospital im mediately following an operation for goiter last Tuesday. Mrs. Wells had suffered for some time with the 1 goiter before deciding to go to the' hospital for an operation. iShe was 38 year sold and leaves her husband, W. H. Wells, and eight children. She was the daughter of Samuel J. Parrishef and wife, of Wil liams township. Interment was "in the Siloam church yard Wednesday, Rev. Mr. Edwards, of Plymouth, conducting the services. . Advertisers Will Find Our Col umns a Latchkey to Over 1,600 Homes of Martin County ESTABLISHED 1898 SPECIAL SERVICE LOCAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH SUNDAY New Pastor, Rev. James H. Hale Will Be Formally Installed ANNOUNCE PROGRAM i • i ■" Other Churches | Town Call Off Evening Services and Will Take Part in Ceremony I A special service in which the sev eral churches in the town will take part, is announced /or the Christian church next Sunday evening at 7:30 when formal installation of the new pastor, Kev. James H, Hale,' will be made. The several other churches in the town have kmdly called oIT their - evening services and w ill take part in the. installation of the new pastor. The following program has been arranged: * Hymn—How Firm a Foundation, Invocation by liev. Q. I'. Fitzgerald j Song—Jesus Shall Reign, Scripture, II Tim. Chap. J, Kev. 1 C. H. Dickey, Special selection by Mrs. Hojlid.iy, ' Intordliction of the l'axtoJ-,by K. J. • I Peel, ■■ ' " i Welcome to the City hy M'uyoi Co burn, i Welcome' to the City by Mr. Davi- I for the School*, * j Welcome to the City by Civic Or ganizations by Clayton- M,\ore, ' Response by the Pastor. Song—l Love to Tell" the Story, Charge to the l'astor by Rev. C. 11. j Dickey, Charge to the Church by Dr. Fitz gerald, Hymn—o Zion, Haste, I Benediction by the Pastor. I The church will Hold its regular i Sunday school ftnd morning service,-;* '{ The public is cordially invited to at tend. any of the services'. Judge Winston Again Is Candidate for Legislature Hon Fj'anci - D. W maton, tlnf e wun Bertie legi lator, has strpppd fti tt the ring again and Lettering 'hi.' past record' coupled a strong platform of good Democratic doctrine ■" | as a good rca on for the liyrtie crats to return him as their' repVo I aentativo to tht State Assembly: Judge Winston, recommends a IT du turn of expense of government by the consolidation of departments, b\ a uniform State support of schools by lowering taxes on' agricultural . land. An overhauling of the cm it.;, both criminal and civil, -is badly need ed according to tlie Judge and tome thinjr should be done to lower, tfi"' costs and quicken the -procss of the courts. ; M c. C Roberson [Dies ' "~ At Everetts Wednesday Mc, (j. Uobersoii, of Everetts, died of pneumonia Wednesday, afternoon after a week's illness. Mr. itoberson had " lived in the Everetts section all his I fe and at the* time of his death hi- was :■(> years'old. I His wife died thief" months a'gOi leav ' ing three grown sons. * Interment was'made at the Roger { son burying ground near Hear Crass yesterday afternoon, the funeral rites being conducted by Elder J. N. .Rog eison. The Modern Woodmen of the. Everetts Camp, of which he was a member, buried him with the cue monies and honors of that order. Seize 10-Gallon Still In Raid Wednesday The idea generally entertained in j this and other sections that Martin county manufactures liquor on a large scale was exploded last Wednesday by Sheriff A. L. Roebuck and Federal Officer C. E Alexander when they captured a copper still of ten galloif" capacity and of unique des'gn. Con . tinning the raid in Williarnston and Cross Roads town.-hips, the officers picked up a 75-gallon still and its equipment. The-still had been-run short time prior to the oflicers' ar rival, but its operators hi.d repaired to their homes. Home Agent Returns ■ From New Hampshire Miss Lort» Sleeper, the new home demonstrator for this county, return ed Wednesday from Concord, New , Hampshire, where she had been to at tend the funeral and burial of her only brother, who died very suddenly ' there last week. Mr. Sleeper had beon teaching in New England where he married and made his home in New Hampshire. • Miss Sleeper who had been here only a week when she received-the news Of the death of her brother, has ex pressed much gratification at the fine spirit of sympathy extended her by the Williarnston people. She wishes to especially thank those who were go kind in assisting her to make proper -connections for the trip.