PAGE TWO THE ENTERPRISE Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING COMPANY WILLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA W. C. Manninjr i Editor Subscription Rates IN MARTIN COUNTY year A -.'>o 6 months ! .75 OUTSIDE MARTIN COUNTY 1 y?ar 12.00 6 months , .J. 1.00 (Strictly Cash in Advance) No Subscription Will Be Received for Lets.' Than Six Months Advertising Kate Card Will Be Furnished Upon Application Entered »t the post ofltee at WilWamston, N. C., -as second-class matter under Sfte uit of Congress of March 3, 187J). , Address till communications to The Enterprise and not to indi vidual members of the company. ♦ Friday, January 20, 1928 Forest Fires Costly to Woodlot Owners V. The landowner «vho does * light burning of his timber land during the months/of Jpnuan and February to provide grazing for his livestock later in the season is following a costly practice "This plan is all wrong," says R (likelier, extension forester at Jitate I'ullege. '' The benefits from preventing grass and forest Jires are ten times greater than the 'cost. Trees antt"cn ips tin nut tttfcjw'"with j out hunnjs. and this huTmis i- neces sary 'to hold moisture ii) the soil and to- -furnish I nod 4ur bacteria which make fertility. Where land is burned over frequently, (he Jos- -of humus and plant food amounts to about one 1 inch per aire in-10 years. One inch of humus from one. .acre of land weighs from 10 to 12 tons ami has a greater value than commercial lei The man,who burns such valuable hwflUs floes not even get credit for giving it away. Mr. Graeber states also that un burned [ami produces from two to six times more feed in a single sea- The radio hog raised his bristles .Sooner that expected. Of course, it has been known from the very beginning that if;the ra .dio proved a success, that it,would be gobbled up. The .Radio .^Corporalion of Ameri ca has grabbed the wealth of the ait, apparently, and now wants to push everybody out. It means that in Who Are the Bandits? » 7 ——— *• v\ ho art' the bandits in Nicaragua, the natives or the Americans? in America every home is |>ermit- J ted to keep nun* and ammunition; as a fortification against robbers and ! thieves, and when- any person be gins to prowl around and meddle with our property in the wight, we are generally prety liberal in shooting, and when damage is done the courts are generally lenient In the case of Americans in Nica«, °7 &JL e-«-w. ytw» 4» ' *» j XA. /Qjl^xJllju. tson tmhl do burned-over lands. ? Rough pastures and woods hold their j moisture while the burned lands do r not The burned-over lands suffer ', more from drough and the run-off i water carries away the valuable top j . I soil. Kacli lire lessens the growing! power of the land. ,! t • f Burning the woods also prevents the natural seeding and the growth [of baby trees, states Mr. Graeber. Most of the trees which do start are soon killed, and the ones which sur vive rarely ever make normaj growth. 11 is estimated that the absence of thrifty young pines in some of the ( eastern sections of North Carolina is j a loss "many times as great as the res-»l idents of these sections would have! paid in taxes* during the ,past 25 vears. |I J , The preventioy of forest fires is a 1 community problem in which every class of citiiwns should join in solv ing and the owner of the land should be the most concerned, says the spec ialist. The Radio Hog s, the very near future only the radio jsets of their own manufacture will ! be in use, and the news of the prop agandist and the friend of the radio I trust will have the freedom of the air. I What the |>eople once hailed as a r blessing coming down from the air , .through the radio may soon be as i dangerous as the poisonous arrows i shot from savage bows. ragua, there it but little difference in what we are doing and common rob i berv. ll we are being insulted or are be ing deprived of a single right in that little country, then Congress should declare war on it at once. No other |H)wer can declare war excepf Con gress, and yet we send armies and I wargiips fdown there aiyl frighten j and shoot and kill their people, and | send word to the world that we are shooting bandits. V. * Nicaragua would be justified in de claring war against the United States upon the grounds of destruction of property and life and interference' with their governmental affairs. Of Where Capital Punishment Is Needed Michigan needed a law to hang or j electrocute Adolph Hotelling, the | slayer of the little 1 fiye-year-old girl of Flint and tutting up and biding j her body. He has pled guilty, to jthe crime and has been given life imprisonment in the State prison. The crime was almost a perfect j duplication of the Hickman case, ex 0* '»• Appealing for Education The NJear East, which embraces j lhat part of the world in Europe bordering on Asia, has long suffered I oppression, and in its weakness it has! ' never been able to defend itself, j Since the war a high percentage of j its people, es|iedaliy the children, whose fathers and mothers starved lor wire slain, have been thrown on] (the bosom of charity. I.very year the American people, have been called upon to send food i and clothing to these poor people. Now, the American people believe | one of the great needs of those coun-J I tries is tducated leaders, men capable of leading those people to a broader I knowledge of the better ways to live, and are beginning a campaign to j raise an educational fund for the purpose of endowing a number of j colleges and universities, •North Carolina is asked to con- I tribute SIOO,OOO to this fund. Mar- j i (in County is asked by Lieutenant Governor J. Elmer Long to contrib [ ute $ 1,000. The ap|>eal may seem to come from afar, yet the. more we think of it, the more reasonable it seems. Educated people do not starve in nor mal times. The uneducated are too I frequently 4t( the mercy of the edu- | TELTTERY POORLY Weak and Ron-Down Missouri Woman Got Strong and Well. Says Cardiii Started Her On Road To Health. Clarksburg, Mo.—Mrs. T. G. Harris, of this place, says: "For two years I was in very poor ! health. Some of the time I was al- , most past going. I was very weak and run-down. "I tried to make the most of what J little strength I had by taking fre- j quent rests, but I could And nothing * which would start me on the road j to health again, until one day I de- cided to try Cardui. J "I had heurd about other women who had been benefited after taking j it. so I made up my mind to see J what it would do for mj. J took Cardui for se ve raT months antT was very much gratified with the results. ; "I began to do my own work uguin, \ which I had not been able to do for J a long time past My color, which > had been pale and sallow, becume i natural, and my complexion cleared up. I gained in weight and was pluua- > ea to have an improved appetite. ( "When I finished my last bottle i of Cardui I was feeling better than I ) had in year*. Now lam strong and v well." I At all drug stores. NC-IS4 t I THE ENTERPRISE course, we could whip them, but it would be the greatest scandal in all of our history. It may be all right to* shoot and kill them and to appropriate their property to our own use, but it is ■ dastardly and impudent to call the defenders Bandits. cept that Hotelling did not sell the dead and mangled body to the child's] father as Hickman did. Michigan now seems to think they| are in need of "a iaw inflicting the death penalty in such extreme cases as thin. ' ■ ' ■■ _ 1 Laws without penalties have no Restraint among criminals. cated. | It will, be cheaper to teach the countries of the Near East how to ! make their own living than it will be to feed them. NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby K'ven that under anil by virtue of the power of sale con j tail ted in that certain deed of trust executed by Hannah Bryant, Mamie Green, and N. B. Green, to the under- I .signed trustee, bearing date the 14th I of. June, 1927. anil of record. in the public registry of Martin County in j Bo'/lc Y-2, at page 260, said trust deed E3DBBEDQBZ3 I Any drunist will PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure Itrhin*. Blind, Bleed or Protnidiiitf Piles. In I | tubs* with pile pipe, 74c; or in tin boxes. | 1 fiOc. Ju«t ask for I I I | i ; Nitrates are Cheaper/ Do you know WHY ? The ever-tnereaaing production of ths Synthetic Nitrogen Fer tilizers haa reduced the coat of nitrataa to the farmer, Aa a top and aide-dressing fertilizer, uae CALCIUM ©NITRATE (Nitrate of Lime) 15% Nitrogen 18.2% Ammonia 28% Lime (56% linesione equivalent) , and improve your soil as well aa increase your yields. Combines ' quick-acting nitrate with lime, which reduces soil acidity and mskes the land loose and friable. For sale by dealers every where. Write for booklets Nos. 5, IS and 25 or get them from | your dealer. Jfit Take This Tip From Me \ It's Going To Happen? And don't you dare miss it? It's For You? -* • '.-- • . . Wait, and Watch This Paper Tuesday YOUNG'S v» • . « O. P. CLARK, Advertising Manager WASHINGTON WILLIAMSTON having been given to secure the pay ment of a certain note of eren d*te ! therewith, and default having been made in the payment thereof, and the stipulations therein contained not hav ing been complied with, and at the re quest of the holder of said note, the undersigned trustee will, on Monday, the 20th day of February, 1928, at the courthouse door of Martin County, in Williamston, N. C., offer at public sale, to the highest bidder for cash, th? fol lowing described real estate, to wit: Being all that piece or parcel of land situate, lying, and being in the town of Oak City, N. C., and being all of lot No. 15 in block No. IS in block "F" of the plan of the town of Oak City, N. C., and all its appurte nances. This January 16th, 1928. T. H. JOHNSON, j2O 4tw Trustee. APPLICATION FOR PARDON OF NORMAN JONEB ■. Application will be made to the com missioner of pardons and the governor of- Norman Jones, convicted in record ers court of Martin County for the crime of unlawful possession of liquor Whon You Feei a Cold Coming O* On MS [BromoJ \Quinine) \ fwiJiti Grip, Influenza and many Pneu monias begin aa a common cold. Price 30c. Ths box bears this denature (£>.s!rJ&rovz- j —Proven Merit since ISB9-* and sentenced to the roads of Edge combe County for a term of twelve months. All persons who oppose the grant ing of said pardon are invited to for ward their protest to the commissioner of pardons without delay. This the 3rd day of January, 1928. B. A. CRITCHER. j6 2tw '• Attorney. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY By virtue of the power of sale con tained in that certain deed of trust dated January Ist, 1921, executed by Zeke Roberson to A. S. Everett, trus tee, which is recorded in the office of the register of deeds of Martin Coun ty. in book G-2, page 113, default hav JAMES CRUZE Director of' Feature Photoplays, writes: r** "In the direction of any of my big pietmrm, and I—ll especially during the filming of ~the Cohered Wagon, ■ H>IL «•»« comtant rue of my voice demand* that I keep It /l l Pfj ' n firn-clais condition. At a cigarette smoker it was /*W- -■ -VAL -eeeuary that I find a cigarette which I could rmoke without any chance of throat M i 1 1 , ration or cough. After trying them 1 derfdedo* Luckin. They are m 'ldandmellitui— uihichbothpr* The Creafm of the Tobacco Crop >"The growth of LUCKY STRIKE Cigarette* Is • wonderful thing but there it a reason. I know, because I buy theTobaccofor LUCKY STRIKE. I buy The C ream of the Crop,' that mellow, sweet •molting Tobacco that the Farmer justly de scribes as I have described it above. The quality °f LUCKY STRIKE Cigarettes is telling. It it natural that the brand should show the tremen dous growth that it is showing today." j. ai-/- ' Bw of Tobacco k 4 __ Ky. It's toasted No Throat Irritation-No Cough. Friday, January 20, 1928 ins been made in the payment of the indebtedness therein secured, the un dersigned trustee will on Tuesday, Feb ruary- 10th, 1928, at 12 KX) o'clock noon, before the courthouse door in William - ston, expose to public sale to the high est bidder for cash, the following de scribed real property, to wit: A certain tract of land lying in Mar tin Counter, in Cross Roads Township, adjoining -the lands of Warren Whit field, Georgiana Whitfield, William Rol»erson and W. R. Little, contain ing fifty (50) acres, more or less, and known as the 'Zeke Roberson' land. This the 12th day of January, 1928. A. S. EVERETT, jl3 4tw • Trustee. Sam T. Carson, attorney.

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