PAGE TWO i / THE ENTERPRISE Publiahed Ever; Tuesday Friday by the ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING COMPANY WILLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA W. C ManninK r Editor / Subscription Rates IN MARTIN COUNTY 1 year : 1 6 mori*hs OUTSIDE MARTIN COlfHffY ' ' 1 year — r -K.OO 6 months l.W> (Strictly Caah in Advance) No Subscription Will Be Received for Less Than Six Month* Advertising Rate Card Will Be Furnished Upon Application Entered at the post office at WilWamston, N. C., as matter under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Address all communications to The Enterprise and not to indi vidual members of the company. Friday-, January 27, 1928 Washington's and Greenville's Bridges jealousy between towns is usually without grounds and almost always harmful. Some people say Greenville and Washington—the two, fine old towns located on the Tar and Pamlico, al though the same river, yet they re fuse to calFit by the same name—are each jealous of the other. Some no far enough to say that their rivalry is unexcelled except by the towns of Wilson and Rocky Mount The latest sensation came * when the State highway commission de cided to build a third of a million dollar bridge» (or Washington, and just an ordinary poor-town cheap structure for Greenville. The Pitf County town did not want a new bridge of any kind, re garding the old bridge as quite sufltc ient for a number of years, and pre ferred that its State/ allotment of funds should go on/a road headed toward Shelmerdine, Clay Root, and or toward the Craven County Capi tal. The bridge was designated by the highway commission, and then Greenville asked that the bridge be provided with a walk way and lights, both of which were refused. Presidential There are lots of candidates for the Presidency these days. The trouble is that there seems to be only two real presidential bureaus func ttontffßriVffir Sfrecr attd~~Tairmrany- Hall. The Republicans are at sea and are looking at Wall Street to ring the bell for a start. They have uUJted about candidates all the way from Maine to California, both the stand-patters and the liberals, and they have gotten nowhere yet. The latest thing that is trickling along the political stream is that they are going to give the country another dose of old Cold Coolidge Of course, Wall Street is not so much in love with Coolidge, but they do have a loving and tender affec tion for his Mellon, who is bossing the land. It makes no difference how high they kick nor how hard they paw the Western prairies, no Repub lican can enter the gate unless he has NOTlciTpr SALE OF REAIT PROPERTY By virtue "t>f the power ol Mile con tained in that certain deed of trust dated January Ist, 1921, executed by Zeke Roberson to A. S, Everett, trus tee, which is recorded in the ofjice of the register (f deeds of Martin Coun ty, in book G-2, page 113, default hav ing been made in the payment of tlit indebtedness therein secured, the un dersigned trustee will on Tuesday, Feb ruary 10th, 1928, at 12:00 o'clock noon, before the courthouse door in William- The High A/ Top Dresser/ Leunasalpeter (Ammonium —Sulphate—N it rate ) 20% Nitrogen 31.5% Ammonia ; ( TW» ilobdm> ci MM oi M»h kraliam It ■ no»i fact ? LEUNA&ALPtTER u a aioopm fartiUar. One liundnd pmifa ooatMß m «ud> nkioyi m 167 pounia oi nanu oi *oJ« It MB Hck fan par unit ai Hiofa. LEUNASAUVTER fa.coofatanon*Quick-ma. a im._4 mm 1 Mine mm*. «fcu» In kit dw cotton *1) during th* troviiu won MADE BY THE WORLD'S LARGEST NITROGEN PRO DUCCM. For «fa by dafan inayhwi. i Synthetic Nitrogen Products MMk*. Corporation /OA\ Washington wanted a bridge, a nice one, one with lots of space for pedestrians and riders, highly ilium inated. Their ap|>eal caught the ear of the highway commission, so they are going to get a structure that will be a thing of beauty, both by day and by night, with beautiful pilaster? and wide convenients safe decks and promenades ■Greenville says five times as many people walk on the Greenville bridge as on the Washington bridge and that to build a bridge without some .safe means of travel for the walking public is criminal neglect. They fur ther point to the fact that both bridges are in the same district and under the same commissioner. Green ville jieople are constantly asking if Mr. Kugler thinks more of one sec tion of his district than another. The question seems to be reasonable, and from their argument, it looks like lie does. Mr. Kugler has also been mighty good to Route 91, frym Swan Quar ter to Zebulon, via Washington, and it is a way uhead of Route 90, from Columbia to Raleigh. Candidates Ihe Wall Street brand burned on him. It would be different with the i Democrats, could they be led by a - teal man of the Wilson type; but so r faino one has been found. Hence i Wall Street is streaming mighty loud, i hoping the country will hark to them, " just as it has done in nearly every i Democratic since the r Civil War. • • . L-i ... ■ "How is Tammany" hasten a question often asked by good Demo crats throughout the land for SO year. These people are apparently ignorant of the fact that Tammany knows less and cares less for other i people than themselves than any | other [political organization In the l world. j I , > Wall Street will nominate the next i Republican presidential candidate, and Tammany hopes to nominate the s next Democratic candidate. * ' ston, expose to public sale to the high est bidder for cash, tlic following de - scribed real property, to wit: t A certain tract of land lying in M»r --y tin County, in Cross Roads Township, - adjoining the lands of Warren Whit f field, Georgiana Whitfield, William - Roberson and W. R. Little, contain - nig fifty (50) acres, more or less, and i known as the 'Zeke Roberson' land. This the 12th day of January, 1928. A. S. EVERETT, i, jIJ 4tw V .Trustee. Sam T. Carson, attorney. I have been bawled out, bawled up, held up and held down, bull-dozed, black-jacked, walked on, cheated, squeezed and mooched; struck for the war tax, excess-profits lax, per jcapita, State, dog, and syntax; Lib erty Bonds, baby bonds, a.nd the bonds of matrimony', Red Cross, green cross, and the double cross; asked to help the society of John the Baptist, O A. R , Woman's Re ! lief Corps, Men's Relief, and stom ach's relief. I have worked like h -; have been drunk and gotten others drunk; lost all I had and pari of my furniture; and {>ecause I won't s|>end or lend all that I earn, and go beg, borrow, or steal more,. 1 have been cussed and discussed, boycotted, talked to and taiked about, lied to and lied held up. huag up, | robbed and damn near ruined, and J the' only reason 1 am sticking now is because I'm an optimist and I want, to see what in the b is corning next. When I came to' this 1 old town 1 did not have' a tooth in jmy head; I could not walk; I had to lie lifted out of bed, and had no ' hair on my head -1 was born here. I have run a bakery, cafeteria, rooming house and boarding house I have owned and paid for eighteen | high-priced automobiles and all I ; have now is a >econd-hand Ford. Go To SALLY ANN BAKERY ior BREAD, BUNS. ROLLS, PIES, CAKES. ETC. W. H. GURKIN, Proprietor NOTICE OF SALE • 7^ Notice is hereby given under and by virtue of the (tower of sale fcon tained in the deed of trust of Charlie James and wife, Kvelyn James, dated May £4»i, \i£7. and ot record in the public registry, of Martin County, in book Y-2, at page 255, said trust deed having been given to secure the pay ment of a certain note of even date therewith, and default having been made in the payment thereof, and the stipulations therein not having been complied with, and at the request of Funeral Director and Licensed Embalmet .ft ——...—i ■—i Day and Night Service « Excellent Service at Most Reasonable Price B. S. COURTNEY WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Day Phone 155 Night Phone 94 F orPlantßedsand Early Truck Crops STANDARD Fertilizer ALWAYS A PLENTIFUL SUPPLY Made Right"— Thoroughly Cured and Aged We Load Your Wagon Or Truck And Load It Quickly * ' ¥. Standard Fertilizer Co. ON ROANOKE RIVER WILUAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA THE ENTERPRISE •he hold of said note the undersigned trustee wul, on Monday, the 20th day of February 1928, at 12 o'clock noon, at the courthouse door of Martin County, in Williamston, N. C., offer at public sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real es tate, to wit: Beginning at the C. P. Pine, and running thence S. 33 W. along Mid dleton's line to an oak, Buttery's cor ner, in WoH Pitt Branch, thence an easterly course with said 'Wolf Pitt Branch to a blick oak, thence N. 2 E. 127 poles to the beginning, contain ing 27 acres, more or less, the said tractY>f land being situate on the north side of Wolf Pitt Branch, and being the same land described in a grant fror.i the State of North Carolina to \l. W. Ange and recorded in book JJ J. at page 544. Martin County pub lic registry. . This the loth clay of January. IVZB. A. R: PUNNING. j2) 4tw' Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of the power of sale con tained in that certain deed of trust executed, bv Hannah Bryant, Mamie (ireeii. »wd N. B. Green, to the under signed trustee, bearing date the 14th of June, l'i/7, and of record in the public registry of Martin County in Book Y-2, at page 26(), said trust deed haVfne been given to secure the pay ment of a certain note of even date, therewith, and default having been made In the payment thereof, and the stipulations therein contained not hav ing-been complied with, arußat the re (ltiest of the holder of said note, the undersigned trustee will, on Monday, th 20th day of February. 1928, at the courthouse "door of Martin. County, in VV ilUannttort. N . offer at public sale, to the highest bidder for caslr, the fol lowing de: cribed real estate, to wit! tiring all that piece or parcel of hind situate, lying, and being in the to«vii of pek f ity,, N. C, and being air of lot No IS in block No. 15 in block ( 'l " of the plan of the town of Oak City.' N. t ~ and alj its appurte naitej'il This Isnuarv 16th, 1928. T H. JOHNSON, j2O 4tw ' Trustee. liead Colds TjPIl Relieved with Vapors / l If "o*® m me^t hot water and inhale vapors %/ICKS W^APORUB Ovea t/ Million Jars Used Yeaui* NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the power oi sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned trus- I tee by Roy Griffin and wife, Carrie G. Griffin, on the 9th day of January, | 1922, said deed of trust being of rec ord in the public registry of Mar- I tin County in book U-l, at page 253, | and having been given for the purpose I of securing certain notes of even date | and tehor therewith, and the stipula ; tions contained in said deed" of tru6t not having been complied with, and at the request of the holder of the said uotes, default having been made in the payment of the same, the undersigned will on Frdiay, the. 10th day of Feb ruary, 1928, at 12 m., in front of the 1 courthouse door in the town of \Vil liamston. North Carolina, offer for sale to'the highest bidder for cash the fol lowing described real estate: ' Situated in the town of Williamston and being lot number 5, and fifteen feet of lot number 4 adjoining the H. C. Hemby line, which includes all of lot number 4 except part deeded to H. C. Hemby. For further description see plot of Leggett property in William ston, N. C., on Washington Street, of record in land division book number 1 at page 394. Being the same land de scribed in deed from Cowen and Mob ley to Griffin and Perry, of record in l>ook T-l, at page 261. A one-half undivided interest in the above land is herein conveyed. Also a one-fourth (1-4) undivided in terest in and to the southeast ware DEL MONTE I WEEK Gold A Store | Wiiliamston, N. C. * Washington Street Our Motto: Purity - Low Prices - Courtesy FROM JANUARY 27 THROUGH FEBRUARY 1 WE I WANT TO GIVE OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS ! OPPORTUNITY TO STOCK THEIR PANTRIES ON ! THESE WELL-KNOWN NATIONALLY ADVERTISED FOODS. AT OUR STORES YOU WILL FIND THE LOWEST PRICES IN THE CITY. QUALITY NEVER SACRIFICED FOR PRICE. WE SELL ONLY GROCER- I IES WHICH HAVE STOOD THE TEST OF QUALITY. i YEL. CLING PEACHES NO. 2 1-2 CAN - 2 FOR 43* j SLICED PEACHES-----NO, 1 CAN-2 FO B 27' | SLICED PEACHES NO. 2 1-2 CAN - 2 FOR 43' ! PINEAPPLE, CRUSHED -NO. 1 , CAN-2 FOR 27' | PINEAPPLE, CRUSHED -NO. 2 CAN—2 FOR 39* | PINEAPPLE, CRUSHED-NO. 2 1-2 CAN-2 FOR 51' PINEAPPLE, SLICED NO. 1 1-4 CAN - 2 FOR 33' PINEAPPLE, SLICED- -NO. 2 CAN - 2 FOR 47® PINEAPPLE, SLICED--NO. 2 1-2 CAN-2 FOR 55" FRUITS FOR SALAD NO. 1 CAN - 2 FOR 4* FRUITS FOR SALAD NO. 2 CAN-2 FOR 61' I FRUITS FOR SALAD NO. 2 1-2 CAN - 2 FOR 81' BARTLETT PEARS NO. 1 CAN-2 FOR 41' BARTLETTPEARS-' NO. 2 1-2 CAN - 2 FOR 63' i APRICOTS NO. 1 CAN - 2 FOR 33' APRICOTS NO. 2 1-2 CAN - 2 FOR 59® BLACKBERRIES NO. 2 CAN-2 FOR 4* R. A. CHERRIES NO. 2 1-2 CAN - 2 FOR 73' CHOICE EVAPORATED PEACHES 2 LBS. 25' I FANCY EVAPQRATED PEACHES 2 LBS. 37' PRUNES, 50-60 SIZE 2 LBS. 17' I PRUNES, 30-40 SIZE 2 LBS. 25' | SEEDED OR SEEDLESS RAISINS 2PKGS. 2C j DEL MONTE VEGETABLES ASPARAGUS TIPS, PICNIC SIZE 2 FOR 37' ASPARAGUS TIPS NO. 1 CAN - 2 FOR 59« FANCY CROSBY CORN -NO. 2 CAN - 2 FOR 37' TINY OR MIDGET PEAS - NO. 2 CAN - 2 FOR 53' SMALL EARLY GREEN PEAS, NO. 2 CAN-2 FOR 43" SPINACH —NO. 2 1-2 CAN 2 FOR 35' TOMATO SAUCE NO. 1-2 CAN-3 FOR 25* LIMA BEANS — NO. 2 CAN-2 FOR 49« house of the Brick building, adjoining 1 the above described property and 1 known as the York building and being at present used by H..8. York as a garage and office. Also a one-fourth (1-4) undivided interest in the north wall of the build ing adjoining the land herein described and known a* the Flat Iron Building and at present occupied by Carrow and Crawford. This the 10th day fo January, 1928 ELBERT 5. PEEL, jl3 4tw Trustee ~~~~ NOTICE Having this day Qualified as execu tor of the estate of James Levin Leg nett, late of Martin County, all per sons holding claims against the estate of the said Leggett are hereby notified to present the same to me for payment oil at before the 18th day of January, 1929, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of ths recovery of same. All persons indebted to said estate will please come forward and make settlement of the same. This January 18, 1928. H. L. EVERETT, Executor of Estate of James L. Leg gett. j2O 6tw NOTICE North Carolina, Martin County; in superior court. R. L. Nelson vs. Rosie Nelson The defandant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the superior court of Martin County, North Caro lina, to obtain an absolute divorce on Friday, January 27, 1920 the ground* of separation and the laid defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the office of superior court of Martin County, in the courthouse in Williams ton on the 11th day of February, 1928, and answer or demur to the complaint in said ac tion or the planitiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint This the 11th day of January, 1928. R. J. PEEL, jl3 4tw Clerk Superior Coart For colds, grip and flu take @>S 7 I • Relieves the congestion, prevents complications, and hastens recovery.

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