Friday, January 21, 1928 «... . 1 111. Society & Perso\ W— ***" Mn. ELBERT S. PEEL, Editor To Spend Sunday Here Miss Pattie Harris, of Richmond, will spend Sunday with her mother, Mrs. W. S. Harris. Here from Elizabeth City J. H. Leßoy and M. B. Owens, of Elizabeth City, were here yester day. " Home From Roanoke Rapids Miss Minnie Hopkins, of Roanoke Rapids, was called here to be with her father, Mr. W. H. Hopkins, who died this week. Visit Relative! Here Rev. and Mrs. B. Duke Critcher and children, of Whitakers, visited relatives here for several days and re turned home. Visit Mr. and Mrs. Dunning Mr. and Mrs. Godwin Dunning, of Aulander, spent yesterday with Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Dunning. t „ To Visit in Wilson*. Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Peel will this week end in Wilson with Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Lawrence. Here From Pantego Senator P. H. Johnson, of Pantego, was in town yesterday. Viisting His Fat her* H ere Mr. Charles Hassell, of Washing ton, D. C., is here visiting his father, Elder Sylvester Hassell. Mr. Has sell is enroufc to Jacksonvifle, Fla., where she and Mrs. Hassell will make their home in the future. Mrs. Has sell is still in Washington, but will join him in Florida in a few weeks. Here From Scotland Neck Newsom Riddick, of Scotland Neck, was a visitor here yesterday. To Move Back Here Mr. and Mrs. Ben Barnhill and family will move back to their home town nest week from Washington, where they have been for the past year. Mr. Barnhill has the Star agency for Williamston, and for the past few months has done a fine busi ness here. Here From Tarboro L. B. McDaniel, of Tarboro, was in town yesterday. Leaves for Trenton Mr. R. F. Pope wifl leave tomor row for Trenton, where he will con duct the song services for a ten day revival meeting. Rev. T. W. Lee, formerly paslur of the . Methodist Church here,. will be in charge of the meeting. Th* L*n4itM* So&m* SI2tS Bedy by fUher f7% Spirit of ourßreathlessAge Stesv expressed in a Motor Car Step 011 the starter ■ let in the elutab— -and jou Homehow know you're in a car that's different . . . Different in Its silence, its smoothness and its snap. Different in the change of paee that sends you darting out through traffic. Different in the atmosphere of smartness which pervades Its Kisber body . , . Different, yes . . . and something more. Color, youth fulness and personality. Speed, drive and Sftiur, The spirit of our breathless age expressed In ■ motor car . . . Expressed in All-American engineering—in a ear of today for Americans of today—with everything that •vujbody wants! . . . The power, drive and stamina of a 212 cu. in. engine the endurance of a longer, stauncher eliar.U, oiei -tiae in vital parts—the luxury of notable new feslsin of design. , . All you need to do is come and drive It • . • sit at the wheel youreelf for an hour • , . and you'll know why all America it saying "That's the car!" FRICES t S-door Sedan, $1013; Landau Coupe, $1045 j Sport ffnaditsr, HOT Si 4-door Sedan, (1i45; Cabriolet, fUiSf landau Sedan, f1365. Wsiillsn mm, M-Oeer Smden. S7U. All prUmm ■« factor,. Dmttmermd p He— Im dm ft alxlasw kmndllnt cHmrf. t*,y to pay on the liberal General f i Meter• Time Pay meat Plau. Equipment ~ •;; f" ****"./ "fruri" ■p.risl Itn WA. mmd locMag • oolt*p.lU. Wunk rack . . . MM «ia am open mm . . . (I IS ma »hssls wMh sa—.„»»■■■ i.|ll w .„,si.„ I ROBERSONVILLE MOTOR CO. ' Robersonvile, N. C. * » '"OAKLAND ASIXMERICAN SIX MOBUCT or CINUAL MOTOM ■ - —„•**. i2OTH CENTURY CLUB MEETING Held With Mrs. Clayton Moore Wednesday Afternoon > The Twentieth Century Club was entertained by Mrs. Clayton Moore on Wednesday afternoon at 3.30 o'- clock. The papers for the afternoon were very interesting. The country being studied was Spain and Mrs. W. B. Watts read a paper on Seville. Mrs. S. R. Biggs had a reading, "Modern . and Old Madrid." Mrs. J. S. JUiodes I read a resume of current events. Mrs. Harper sang two very pret ty popular selections. The special guests were Mesdames F. J. Margolis, Jim King, F. W. [ Hoyt, "K. B. Crawford, Leslie Fow den, C. G. Crockett, W. C. Manning, jr., Raleigh Bradley, and Milton Moye. The hostess served chicken salad, I celery, saltines, cheese rolls, pickles, i and tea. PLAN OPENING SCHOOL HERE IN NEAR FUTURE To Bring Business College , Here If Interest Is Shown , The Georgia-Carolina School of Commerce, of Brunswick, Ga., and Goldsboro, t., which i.s considering I opening a school of commercial train . ing here, comes very highly recom mended. Standard courses -of study in stenography, typewriti)i|f, book . keeping, secretarial work, etc., will be offered. W. R. Henderson,, the representa tive of the colleges, who is in Wil liamston for the purpose of establish | ing this school has had very, encourag ing prospects for a very fine school ' here. Several interested people have » called upon him in regard to taking one t or more of the courses offered. . There will lie given only 25 scholar ships and it will he necessary for those ' desiring scholarships to see Mr. Hen ' derson at once. It will also be neces sary for all those interested in taking a course to let it be immediate ly, in order that the proper equipment may be ordered. ! That the people connected with this school are thoroughly reliable ii evi denced by-the following letters from well-known banking institutions of Brunswick, Ca.: ~ i" — To whom it may concern: We understand that the Ceorgia f Carolina" School of Commerce expects } to open a school in your city at an early date. . -Mr.—Alton H. Parryv who is _thc head'of this organization, has been a valued customer of this bank for sev- PHONE i finLS Anythtag for I IUW Thi. Depart Meat T» 46 ——— ______ In Rocky Mount Thursday Miss Ethel Harris and Bruce Wynne spent Thursday in Rocky Mount. In Raleigh This Week Judge Clayton Moore spent a few days of this week in Raleigh. Here From City Point John Whitmore, of City Point, Va., visited relatives here this week. Business Visitor in Town W. F. Alston, of Warrenton, was a business visitor here Thursday. eral years. He maintains his principal office here and has been quite successr ful in handling business schools in a number of cities. We believe you would find one of] his schools a Valuable asset to your I community, as Mr. Perry's organiza tion is a reliable one. Yours very truly, I. M. AIKEN, Cashier, Brunswick Bank & Trust Co., Brunswick, Ga. To whorti it may concern: Mr. Alton H. Perry, president of the Georgia-Carolina School of Com merce, tells us that he expects to open a school of commerce in your city with in the next lew days, and in order that you may know something as to how we regard Mr. Perry and Jiis schools, we take pleasure in stating that he has been conducting a high-class busi ness college here for a 'number of years, as well as maintaining like schools in a few of the other States, all of which we feel sure have met with success, principally because tlifor methods are sound and progressive and | they are being conducted along busi -1 nCss lilies. Very truly yours, C. H. SHELDON, Vice l'res , National Bank of Brunswick, Bruns wick, Ga. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank each and every erne of our many friends for their kind acts shown us during the illness and death of our father, M. G. Robcrsoii, and also Dr. V. A. Ward, who'so faith fully attended him. We humbly hope and pray that God's blessings may be shown them all through life. Mr and Mrs. ARTHUR ROBERSON. CARD OF TIIANKS It is, our-sincere desire to thank each and every one who so kindly assisted us during the recent illness and death of our husband and father, J. W. Hopkins. Their kindness will long be remembered by each ltpd THE FAMILY. LEE MEADOWS Famous Pitcher of the Pittsburgh Pirates, writes: "It requires splendid physical comlition and steady nerves to take your regular turn on the mound . season after season and in looking for my cigar retup was anxious to find one which could be | smoked without taxing my wind or J"7 irritating my throat. I decided upon flf, *7 Luckies and I can safely say that I am never doubled with a COM i»' l ,n y wind is in splendid shape.' f &C.4-C' ? c . .-O The Cream of the Tobacco Crop "Here in the Southland we know good . Tobacco. It if born in us and it is the livelihood of most of us. 'The Cream of the Crop*is bought for LUCKY STRIKE. I know for it has been my duty to pur chase it on the markets for years for this Bayer of Tobssss . ** st Covmgtsa. K/. It's toasted" No Throat Irritation-No Cough. I THE ENTERPRISE NOTICE OP SALE » Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of a power of sale con tained in that certain deed of trust ex ecuted by Chris C. jr., and wife, to the undersigned trustee, bearing date the 20th day of January, 1919, and of record in the public registry of Martin County, in book U-l, at page 182, said trust deed having been given | to secure the payment of a certain note of even date and tenor therewith, and the stipulations therein contained not having been complied with, and default 1 haying been made in the payment of said note, and at the request of the holder thereof the undersigned trus~! tec will, on Saturday t>f? 10th day of February, 1)28, at twelve o'clock npon.i at the courthouse door of Martin County, at Williamston, N. C., offer at public auction, to the highest bidder,! lor cash, the following described land, i to wit: | Beginning at the Jones road in the Smithwick line, running thence along said line to Mulberry Branch, thence up said branch to the Hardison and Jones line, thence along said line to the road, thence along the said road to the beginning, said to contain 50 acres more or less, and being the same land conveyed to Geo. W. Powell by W. P. Powell and wife, by deed re corded in the public registry of Maf tin'Counj®- in book L-l, at page 29. This tne 10th day of January, 1928. A. R. DUNNING, jl3 4t Trustee. " TRUSTEES SALE By virtue of the authority conferred 1 in me by a deed of trust executed to' me by C A. Lee and wife, Sallib Lee,' on the Ist day of January, 1919, and l duly recorded in the. register of deed's: office in Martin County, in book O-l, | page 498,-to secure the payment'of a certain botjd bearing even date there with, and the stipulations in said of trust not having been complied with I I shall expose at public auction, for cash, on Friday, the 10th day of Feb-j ruary, 1928, at 12 m., at the court- UNEASY^SLEEP Ktrret Were AO to Piece*," Says Lady Who Tells How Cardui Helped Her When She Was Run-Down. Hopkins, 8. C.—Mr*. GLW. Arrant*, j of this place, says: "1 was suffering from spells of weakness. These would come on mo , suddenly and I would have to give t up and go to bed. For several months I did not sleep well at night and got no rest from sleep. I was very nervous. I could not bear the I least noise. The children worried { me. My nerves were all to pieces. *1 hud taken Cardui several times before, so I sent at once for some I and began to take it again. At the i end of a short time I felt much bet ter, so I kept right on taking Cardui. When I would feel a nervous spell coming on, I took it more frequently for a few days. 1 can certainly say Cardui helped me wonderfully, for after a time the nervousness disappeared entirely. 1 could sleep st night and my general health was better. My appetite pick ed up and I enjoyed my meals, too." Thousands of other women have I told of the benefit they have receiv | ed from the use of Cardui. Keep it I I on hand, to take when needed. 11 A medicine of long-established , ' merit; mild, harmless. At all drug hi..l, * fJC IN6 house door in Martin County, the fol lowing property: Beginning- at Caleb Mizejl's corner, a large black gum in Afrila Swamp; thence south 22 west 17 poles to a pine; thence with J. A. Rogerson's line south 13 1-2 west .10 2-3 poles to a! pine; thence south 2 1-2 west 43 2-5! poles; thence south 1 1-4 east 23 1-2 j Isesßseaßaeaeaeaeaeseseseeesegeaeaeseaeseaßseasseaeaeaeseaeaeaeseaeseae^sgaes?;?? ' BUSINESS SCHOOL 1 FOR M WILLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA # Ihe Georgia-Carolina School of Commerce of Brunswick, (la., and Goldsboro, N.'( yviil open a busi- W* ness school in \\ iltiamston at once, provided a sufficient number are interested in taking ?t standard Steno- hR graphic. Commercial. or Secretarial course, either in the Day or Night School. Tins is a five-months' term and sufficient equipment will be shipped to Williamston for only the actual number of students. There- >Sr fore, it is necessary that we know at once what the enrollment will be. „ ' £jN Ihe Georgia-Carolina School of Commerce is an unincorporated institution managed and operated C& i c > crry, with general offices in Brunswick, Ga. We own and operate forty-five' in v i> Georgia, Florida, North South Carolina, Virginia, Keutucky. and Trrm«"!r. • - rerry nai been continuously in business School work since l&SK). Reference Ts mads to the Brun wiHi i ,4 .> v Board df 1 rade and to any bank in Brunswick as to the school's responsibility. — 1 Standard courses of study will be* offered in the Williamston school*both day and night. The school Jjy? will be taught by certified instructors from the home office. Under tf\js plan of offering husinrs-* courses in your home town by an old and reliable educational institution/- you save several hundred »j rr\ dollars, to say nothing of the convenience of being at home. You will complete a course much quicker xxj because the small attendance makes individual instruction possible. Instead of holdng all of our equipment and facility at one point and asking you t*> come to us, we divide both and place in your town such of each as is needed to meet the local requirements. 1 ; COURSES OF STUDY Stenographic Course ' Commercial and Typewriting Course ~,, >-K c Shorthand, Touch Typewriting, Business ; Bookkeeping, Banking. Touch 'Typewriting, Qj [ySt Business | Business Arithmetic, Rapid .Calculation, HumiWs-s w f Sjp Spelling, Rapid Calculation, General Office Prac- J English, Business Correspondence, renin • ivlnp, j cxS tice. • - ■- * Spelling, General Office. Practice. ffi Commercial Course Secretarial Course v Bookkeeping, Banking, Business Arithmetic, Bookkee'ping. Banking, Gregg ShiirthainJ Touch >V" Op Rapid Calculation, Business English, Business Typewriting, Business Aritha jXC Correspondence,% Penmanship, Spelling, General lish. Business. Correspondence. Rapid Calculation, >A 15J? Office r racticip. renmansliip, Spelling. General Office Practice. § " ; • ; t . I; $- I sg Day and Night Sessions, Individual Instruction, Diplomas 8c , Positions for Graduates ffl F° r all details of this opportunity see or call Mr. W. R. HENDERSON, Representative, \vlin will tic tp here for a few days to explain rates of tuition anil other things-in which ye>u will be intcresteiL m The school will open in a central location just as soon as a sufficient number arc enrolled. CQ !m Remember that when you enroll in,your home town you are automatically enrolled in the Georgia- ICP Carolina School of ConvnieVce, receive your diploma from the main school, have the ser\ ices of the 'Cp IJOC general Employment Department, which is in contact with the employing public in several' States, jaud -• . HK have evecv advantage you could have if .you weut away, less all th«? expense and in .nveioeiice i t go- hK Q) ing away. . s X m,. CALL, WRITE, OR SEE 1 W. R. HENDERSON, Representative AT MRS. J. C. CRAWFORD S '>' \ PHONE 48 CO | GEORGIA - CAROLINA SCHOOL OF COMMERCE | CO ALTON H. PERRY, President O; McLANE, Vice President" $ GENERAL OFFICES—BRUNSWICK, GA $Y Georgia Carolina School of Commerce, Williamston, N. C. txS Gefttlemen: Please furnish me. without obligation 011 TOY part, full infi-rtnati ~1- it a scholarship joC in the school you are establishing at Williamston m Name r: t ...... R. F. D.' .... |p CIJ Strut ( Ity o seseeeseseseaeseeesesessaeaßaeaeseaeaesesßeeseaßaßsea^eseajaeseaßSßSK+^s?^: l. -i - 1 [REMEMBER! I Our SALE Will dose In A I I ■ Few Days 1 P * . ' % I ■ I Our Bargains Have Pleased I Many i I * ll 1 1 I More Bargains Left IT WILL PAY TO RIDE MILES TO VISIT THIS SALE I I I ———————— ——— 1.1 ■ ■ I m I LOTOF ' LOTS Of ■ I I Ladies. Dresses MEN'S SUITS I I Only $1.98 Only .$8.981 R. SUMARA I THE LEADER STORE WILLIAMSTON, N. C. I poles; thence south 6 3-4, 10 3-5 poles; thence so„th T w»»t 19 2-5 poles,! thence south 4 1-4 east 49 2-5 poles to a past, J. A. Rogerson, A. A. Martin, | and Joseph H.. Rogerson children's 1 corner; thence north 74 east 108 1-2, jpoles to a long-leaf pint; thence north !78 east _B7 poles to a black gum in | Africa Swamp; thence up the run of PAGE THREE said swamp to the beginning. contain ing 120 acres, more or leas, and sane being the identical land deeded, to A R. Dunning by W. E. Rogers and bv A. R. Dunning to J. M. Rogers, Jo van Rogers, rind -Nathan Rogers. \ This January 'lO, IV2S W. A. BAILEY. ~ jli 4tw > Trustee.

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