v Wack the ILabel on Your Paper; It Carries the Date ■ \ Yom Subscription Expires J VOLUME XXX—NUMBER 95 PROBING STATE OP CHILD LABOR IN THIS COUNTY D. R. Markham, of State Welfare Commission, Here Today BUT FEW VIOLATIONS Agent Call* Attention to Law Regu lating Employment of Children Under Fourteen Mr. ||| R. Markham, of the North Carolina State Child Welfare Com mission is ia the county today investi gating child labor conditions and as sisting the County Welfare Committee in changing certain conditions where the welfare laws are not observed. Mr. Markham spent the day here yesterday going over certain laws With members of the County Welfare Board and urging it to enforce all laws when necessary. The Commission's representative J pointed out that employment of chil-' dren under fourteen is regulated as follows, .'No child under the age of fourteen years tihall be employed or permitted to work in or about or in connection with any mill, factory, can nery, workshop, or manufacturing es tablishment. No child under the age of fourteen years shall be employed or permitted to work in or about or in connection with any laundry, bak ery, mercantile establishment, office, hotel, restaurant, barber shop, boot- Mack stand,, public stable, garage, place of amusement brick yard lumbct yard, or any messenger or delivery Service, public works, or any form of Street trades, except in cases and un der regulations prescribed by the Commission herein created: Provided the employments in this section numerated shall not be construed to include bona fide boys' and girls' can ning clubs recognized by the Agricul tural Department of this State, or vocational training classes authorised by the State Board of Education, and such canning clubs and vocational classes are hereby expressly exempted from the provisions of this article." Mr. Markham stated that the laws affecting child labor in North Caro Una are being carefully observed in this part of the State, but yet there ■re some instances where violations ■re being made. JAMESVILLE TO PLAYEVERETTS Two Teams Meet Here To night; Jamesville Wins Prom Columbia Jamesville and Columbia divided in a double-header on the local court last Friday night, the Jamesville girls loring S3 to 8 while the Jamesville beys won by a wide margin. Ike same night Williamston divided with the Belhaven boys and girls at Belhavwn, the local boys winning 27 to 9 and the girls losing 24 to 12. The two games here were very good, and while the Columbia lads made every effort possible to hold the Jamesville score down, they were at a loss to do so. Wide interest centers in the James ville-Everetts game here tonight, the two teams meeting for the first time this aoaaon. A large crowd is expected to see the two teams in action. Regular Convocation of Conoho Chapter Thursday There will be a regular convoca tion of Conoho Chapter No. 12, Royal Arch Maaons, Thursday night, Febru ary 2, at 8 o'clock. Dr. John B. Griggs Grand Secretary from Elisabeth City and H. E. Austin, Grand Royal Arch Captain, of Greenville, will be here and they are requesting that all companions attend the meeting as thtra will be several business matters placed before the body. STRANH theatre! J WEDNESDAY Buddy Roosevelt in "The Galloping Jinx" Comedy "Goose Flesh" New Serial "Heroes of the Wild" Starring Jack Hoxie and FREE TICKET FOR SHOW FRIDAY Theatre Well Heated THE ENTERPRISE STOCKHOLDERS IN ANNUAL MEET | Farmers & Merchants Bank Officers and Directors Reelected The Farmers and Merchants bank held its 23rd annual stockholders meeting here January 27. The president's report, read before the Meeting, showed the bank had a healthy growth in 1927 and for the first time since 1919, showed resources over one million dollars. The atten tion of the stockholders was called to the fact that this means nothing un less the resources of the bank are worth the money. The president ex plained in detail and anyone familiaa with "values knows his money is safe in the Farmers and Merchants bank. This bank with most all banks in Eastern Carolina has had a hard time in the past few years. It has however, stood every test and has al ways served the best interest of this community with safety to its deposi tors. Mr; R. W. Salsbury, vice presi dent, stated to the stockholders that l it was the duty of every bank that wished to intelligently and safely pro tect its patrons, to guide the people in lines of safety in investments and ' the wasteful spending of money. ! A standing vote of thanks and en- 1 dorsement of the year's work just i ended, were given the directors for the splendid manner in which they I have handled the affairs of the bank. The following officers and direc tors were re-elected: John D. Biggs, president, C. D. Cnrstarphen, vice president, R. W. Salsbury, vice presi dent, J. Eason Lilley, vice president, C. D. Carstarphen, jr.,. cashier and H. A. Bowen, assistant cashier; John D. Biggs, C. D. Carstarphen, R. W. Salsbury, J. Eason Lilley, Javan Rogers, F. U. Barnes and C. D. Car starphen, Jr., directors. LAUNDRY OPENS HERE THIS WEEK Every Day Except Sunday Is Wash Day With New Concern : ' Every day will be wash-day with the exception of Sunday when the new laundry opens here this week. Mr. J. W. Tucker, proprietor, during the past several weeks has searched the town over looking for a place to open up the new business in, and be ing unable- to find a more suitable place he has made prepartions to be gin operations in the building once used by the convicts on East Main street. The building has been re modeled and electricians and plumb ers made the light and water con nections yesterday. Mr. Tucker states that he will col lect and deliver laundry every day in the week and every day will be wash day, Sunday excepted, of course. Mr. Tucker has been in the laundry business for eight years in Green ville and is now interested in several laundries in Eastern Carolina at the present time. ARRANGE FOR MAIL SERVICE Postmaster Gets Order To Provide Substitute for Train Service Should the Atlantic Coast Line rail road remove trains 66 and 57, operat ing between Tarboro and Plymouth, the Government will arrange to care I for the mail service along the route, according to Postmaster Jesse T. Price. Mr. Price has instructions to pro cure a temporary carrier of the mails who will leave Tarboro at 10:27 a. m. and arrive in Plymouth at 1 p. m. The carrier will start his return trip soon after reaching Plymouth and ar | rive in Tarboro at 3:30 p. m. Should the trains be removed, this , arrangement will afford practically the same mail service as the towns along the route now have. Woman's Club To . Have Dance Tonight play for the dance tonight in the hall of the Womans' club. A new automatic Victrola has been ordered, but it has not arrived at this time, so Uie musicians from Robersonville agreed to come down and play for the dance. * , J i'( Borrows Mayor's Car For the Second Time For the second time, the Mayor's car was borrowed last Saturday night from the streets here. Several weeks ago Mr. Coburn's car was borrowed while he attended the picture show. He found it tfeat time parked back of the railroad station here. Sunday he was notified that hip car was parked in Bear Grass. Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, January 31, 1928 BEGIN REVIVAL ' AT EPISCOPAL ! CHURCH SUNDAY Rev. John Gilbert, of Massa chusetts To Conduct Services TO LAST ONE WEEK Meeting Here Is One of Many Being Held Throughout Diocese Of East Carolina Kev. John Gilbert will begin a week's revival in the local Episcopal church next Sunday. The evangelistic service here is one of many that will be held throughout the Diocese of East Caro lina during the next several weeks. Speaking of the campaign, Bishop Thomas Darst says, "1 consider the dioceasan-wide preaching mission, which is to be held during the next few weeks, the most important step that has been taken in the Diocese of hast Carolina, since 1 became Bishop." "In particular, the Movement ■will be, according to dioceasan leaders, a , special effort to gather souls into the , Church, reclaim and restore those who ! have 'lapsed' or have been lost, and to ! deepen the spiritual life of the whole | diocese." Uev. Mr. Gilbert is from the State of Massachusetts, and is- one of the four National Crusaders who will be Mmt to Eastern Carolina. He is a leader of prominence in his Church, and the people here will enjoy hearing htm all of next week. The public is cordially invited to attend and take part in the services. FIRE THREATENS BANK BUILDING S2OO Damage Caused By Small Blaze Monday Morning Damage, estimated around $200.- was caused by fire in the basement of 1 the Farmers and Merchants bank yesterday morning. Shortly after nine o'clock ,th ejanitor told one of the employees there that he had them a good fire. Not more than ten minutes later the volunteer fire company was called., It is thought that coals fell frrfm the hot furnace and set fire to a pile of dry wood near by. „ The several rooms at the bank and the offices of the (flark Drug Company next door were soon filled with smoke, and when the firemen reach the build ing they ecountered much difficulty in combating the smoke and flames The fire had burned its way through the basement ceiling and was burning in the walls and ceiling of the second story before it could be checked. A stream of water from a main hose waa used in the basement while the small chemical hoae was brought into play inthe second and third stories of the building. The/greater part of the damage resulted When the firepien were forced to rip the base boards and pick holes in the\walls to reach the fibmes. ( Baptists To Have Special Speaker On sunday Night Next Sunday night at 7:30 o'clock, the congregation of the local Baptist church will have, as special speaker, Mr. J. C. Powell. Formerly of this State, Mr. Powell and his wife have spent a dozen years in portions of Africa, under the aus pices of the Southern Baptist Conven tion. His appearance here should be very informative to those who heur him. The Pastor of the church stated to day that he and his church would welcome to this service all the people not engaged at that hour in their own services. It is possible that Mr. Powell may I remain over for an address to the : women on Monday afternoon. In that case, further announcement will be made in Friday's issue of this paper. Christian Philatheas To Meet Thursday On account of the. play being given Friday night by the parent-teachers' association, the monthly meeting of the Philathea class of the Christian church will be held on Thursday night j at 7:30 in the home of Mrs. Theodore Roberson. The date was changed from ' Friday ,the regular time of the meet ing. Remus To Learn Tomorrow Whether He Will Be Freed Limo, 0., Jan. 31.—George Bemus, wife-slayer and former "King of the Bootleggers," will learn Wednesday whether he is to go free or continue his confinement in the State Hospital here until such time as officials con sider him sane, according to indica tions. Messrs. Sibly and Winstcad, of thu Atlantic Coast Line were here today Jin the interest of building up a larger freight service hero. SUPERIOR COURT BEGAN MONDAY Is Special Term, for feivil Cases Only; Lasts Two Weeks ' The special term of Martin County Superior court was called here yes terday by Special Judge Clayton Moore who had been appointed by Governor McLean to preside over the two weeks' session. Civil cases only will come before the term, many of which are old ami stale and in many instances the law ing parties have grown to be good ' friends. Yesterday three divorce cases were swept from the docket when Mrs. T. L. Kavvls and Fannie Bazemore de cided to keep their husbands and Levi Boston decided to keep his same old wife, t Mittie Boston. All submit ted to nonsuits rather than take di vorces. Mrs. Lucy Modlin against Town of Williamston, having abandoned an appeal took a nonsuit. In the case of John D. Biggs vs. I Critcher et als, differences having been udjusted, it went off the docket. The case of J. G. Modlin and wife against J. W. Watts was also settled without controversy. In the case of the Bank of Rober- Eonville against, Joseph Hollis, judg ment in favor -of the bank for J7IW was rendered. In case of J. T. Smithwick against Henry Carson, judgment was , given in favor of Smithwick for $86.00. The case of Mizelle Griffln against Taylor was compromised out of court. Clark Seed Company vs A. L Alex ander et al, the parties agreed upon the sum of sl*4s. as i(ue the plaintiff. Slade, Rhodes and Company against Johnson et als, was settled and a non suit taken. The jury was dismissed-early to day until tomorrow and court adjourn ed until tomorrow. LOCAL MEN HURT IN AUTO WRECK Two Employees of Tele phone Company Slightly Hurt This Morning This morning while they were on their way to Plymouth, W. D. Mischoe manager of the - Williamston division of the Carolina Telephone and Tele graph company and Biscoe Rogerson, an employee of the company, were painfully hurt when their car was hit driven by Jule Elliott, of Edenton. The accident happened a short distance beyond' Jamesville. Young Rogerson who was driving saw the Elliott car sweeping both sides of the road and he went as far to the right as far as he could. The approaching car swirved to the wrong side and Rogerson stated that they came so near together that he was forced 1.0 abandon his side of the road and went out to the middle. The driv er of the other car then attempted to take his proper side of the road, but did so too late and hit the telephone csr in the side almost demolishing it. Mr. Elliott escaped injury but his car was badly damaged. Those who saw the accjdcnt stated that Elliott was drinking and that his reckless driving caused the wreck. OFFERED PART IN EXPOSITION Williamston People May Present Peanut Pageant At .Goldsboro April 9 According to tentative plans, Wil liamston people will have an opportun ity to get into the movies by taking the peanut part in the pageant to be' given at the East Carolina Ex position in Goldsboro, Monday, April 9. Movies will be made of the pageant J and placed on the screen before the I exposition comes to a close. The exposition people say that since Martin county people get a mil lion dollars a year from the peanut, they should show them to the con suming world and help sell more of the goobers. * Liquor Party Ends In Death of Youth ■ \ ■■ ■ ' * . Asheville, Jan. 30.— Will Bonham Lester Bonham and Grover Davis were held by a coroner's jury here today or charges of manslaughter in connect'on with the death of Joe Davis, 20, whose body was found nttff'New Bridge yes terday. • " ' • The jury held that the trio wert criminally negligent hi permitting Davis to lie by the roadside after he had fallen. According to county authorities, thi death of Davis was the culmination oi a liquor party in the home of Mrs. N B. Smith, who lives on the old Weavei ville road near New Bridge, She it held as a material witness. * » • . I AGENT HAS TWO ! MEETINGS HERE LAST SATURDAY Sixteen Women and Twenty Girls Meet Wih Miss Sleeper PLAN YEAR'S WORK 1 Girls Organize County Council To Meet Four Times Yearly; Women Also Organize County Council In answer to the call made by Miss Lora E. Sleeper, newly appointed home demonstration agent for this county, sixteen county women ana twenty young girls met with her last Saturday afternoon and formulated plans to be followed in forwarding home demonstration work in the coun ty this year. The club girts present at the meet ing which was held in the agent's office, voted to have a County Club Council meeting four times each year I at which time reports of work done would be given and plans made for forwarding the work over the county. This council was formed last sum mer while a large number of girls from the county were in camp. At that time, Miss lceline Martin, of Jamesville, was made president, Miss Pauline Jenkins, of Robersonville, vice president, Miss Vara Green Rogers, of Bear Grass, secretary and Miss Emma Hurst, of Robersonville was selected as treasurer. Miss Sleeper presented the outline of work for the year and ..those pres ent accepted it as the work for all the girls' clubs in the county. The plan is as follows: Clothing work in all clubs over . the country through the month of May; during the sum mer, a choice of bread or canning work, continuing clothing in the fall. All clubs are to follow this plan, and it is hoped that in another year suf ficient equipment will have been col lected to have .»||. food work a second year. Four clubs were represented at the meeting and besides the twenty girls, there were inany interested mothers j present. r I ■ The sixteen women, representing j . various clubs in the county, met ira | mediately after the girls' meeting and I were successful in forming the first I Women's County Council. The council is composed of the clnb officers of all the women's clubs in the county. I I They plan to riieet four times a year, at which meetings they will make ! suggestions and plans for forwarding j the work among the women; Mrs. i Wheeler' Martin, of this place" was \ made president; Miss Marguerite i Everett, of Palmyra, is the council's new vice president and Miss Effie Waldo, of Hamilton was chosen as secretary. Plans for work with the women was announced by Miss Sleep er as follows: Food, preparation and nutriUon through the month of May; Food preservation during the summer andfa county-wide Kitchen Improve ment Contest during the fall, Miss Sleeper stated that she was greatly pleased with the meetings lust Saturday, and that with the coopera tion of the women and young girls of the county, she felt sure that a very constructive work could be carried on this year. HICKMAN TRIAL GETS UNDER WAY Defense Attempts To Show Traces of Insanity in Hickman's Ancestors Hall of Justice, Los Angeles, Jan. 30.—An attempt to show alleged 1 traces of insanity among the ances tors of William E. Hickman wajs made ' by his attorneys today as a part of i j their legal fight to prove the 19-year ' old youth was insane When he kid- I napped and killed Marian Parker, Los .. Angeles school girl. ' Taking of testimony in the trial | got under way today before the com t pleted jury of four women and ■ eight men after Superior Judge J. J. , Trabucco had denied a motion by the . defense for dismissal of the indict f ment against Hickman almost as promptly as it was offered, Half of those on the jury are gray haired and all the others are middle- I aged. The first move from the state after the court called for the'opening of the trial waa to rest its case, this I indicating the prosecutlbn, with the } indictment read, would center its fight in cross examination and rebut [ tal. Pictures of a grandfather subject to fits, a grandmother of frail physique B and bed-ridden during her closing r years, were painted before the jury g in the depositions of relatives and ac quaintances of the Hickman family, e The mother, Mrs. Eva Hickman, was t disclosed as a neurotic type, attempt . ing suicide by poison when the father r of her five cMldren, Thomas Hickman, s bestowed his attentions on other women. * PRESENT PLAY FRIDAY NIGHT j ■> "Here Comes Arabella" To Be Staged for Benefit ol Parents-Teachers "Here Comes Arabella", a real i musical comedy with clever lines, } snappy music, good dancing and beau- | ] tifuf costumes, is something absolute- | ly new and different. If you want to ( sec a good show, don't fail to attend I this play Friday night, February 3 at j the school auditorium under the aus-1 pices of the parent-teachers' associa- ! tiqp. "The story is about Arabella, a lit- tie girl whom the Gypsies stole from I an orphan asylum when she was a ; baby. She grew tired of their way of . living, so one night she ran away i from them and started out to look for , happiness. "At first she feels like she isn't ; wanted. any where but her sweet dis- position wins innumerable friends for i her, and the Toppincrofts, to whom ( she goes for a home, treat her as i if she were their own daughter. They have a nephew, Bob Adair, who falls ; desperately in low with Arabella but , she is in love with a mysterious some body she calls Kobin Redbreast. "In the end she finds that llob Adair and Kobin Redbreast are the same person and that she has been in love with Bob all these years." Members of the cast are practicing nightly, and a creditable performance is assured. > 37 PERMITS TO MARRY ISSUED January Far Behind De cember in Number Weddings The uumbei of marriage licenses n the county this motnh suffered a sharp decrease as compared with De cember when 60 licenses were issue*i by J. Sam Get singer. Up to this morning there had been issued only 37 licenses here, and twentyrsix of them were for colored couples. The list follows: White Jos. Ernest Hardision, 26-llattie Williams, 19; Simon Rogers, 20 l«na Wynn, 19; Roscoe E. Downs, 25-Lil lian M. Gray, 22; Albert C. Grant,22 Annie Ixtuise Weathersbee, 16; James | J Sylvester Wynn 22-Gussie Mobley, 1H; ! | George Daniel Reason, 21-Gerteline j I Whitfield, 16; Wm. Hugh Robe raon, | 27-Maybell llarnhill, 25; William -C. Faucette, 60-Nellie C. Whitley, 38; J. Hyman Wynn, 45-Martha Harrison, i 46; Eber L. Whitehurst, 35-I-ucy I Jenkins, 23; Hoyt H. Rogerson, 23- i Margaret Griffin, 19. Colored 1-eßoy Andrews 21-I,ewester lie-l. 18; Thos. Sessoms, 21-Mary Roberson, [ 18; Manriah Jones 21 - Eva Council, 19; Wm Henry Winston, 36- -Mamie liiddick, 37; Augustus Mobley, 19-Louie Bell demons, 18;, Edward Eason, 21-Irene Moore, 18; Edward Wiggins, 20-Alice Williford, 19; Hil ary Matthewson, 21-Henrietta lius sey, 18; Alexaniler Purvis 20-Sarah Daniel, 19; 'Cleophus Daniel, 20-Gus sie Mae Spruill, 19; Lorenza Bryant, 19-Annie Sue Mitchell, 18; Joe Purvis, 21 Alma Williams, 17; James Sals bury, 22-Cleopatra Cherry, IK; Chas. Garfield, 21 '/Isabel Staton, 18; Turner Bonds, 39-May Bond, 30; Charlie James Bryant, 19-Fannie House, 21; Paul Purvis, 25-Rebecca Mabry, 22; Fred Little, 22-Verna May Stancill, 19; Samuel Webb, 21 Lizzie Knight, 18; Theodore Rhodes, 21-Roberta Bruwn, 19; Willie Everett, 25-Della Roberson, 20; Joe Yarrell, 60-Addie 1-ee, 45; Wiley Roerqun, Jr., 22- Rose anna Brown, 20; Eddie Biggs, 23 Viola Rogers, 21; I. E. Highsmith, 20- Cora Little, 20; Aaron Howell, 56 Nannie Best 36. Farm Life Deal eats Robersonville, 28-16 \ Farm Life defeated Robersonville last Friday night on the Williamston court 28 to 16. The game was mark ed for its lack of roughness. L. Griffin, of the Faim Life team lung up sixteen of his team's 28 pointy, while A. Griffin, tall of struc ture and broad in frame, aided ma terially in his team's victory. These two teams clash again in the near future, it was reported by R, B. Tslley, of the Farm Life school. Young Man Seriously - Hurt in Auto Wreck William Jordan of Washington was seriously hurt when he ran his car into a big tree on Highway 80 last Sunday night. Jordan was blinded by the lightn of another car and ran off the road and into the tree, fractur ing his skull and almost totally de stroying his car. He was earned to a Washington ' hospital where he was expected to , die. Late yesterday he was opera tod ■ on and was relieved of convulsions and caused to rest more easily. * , . f ~~~i " Advertisers Will Find Our Col umns a Latchkey to Over 1,600 Homes of iiartin County ESTABLISHED 1898 BOND ISSUE MAY BE NECESSITY TO BUILD 2 SCHOOLS Board Officially Informed That $50,000 Is All State Can Lend READY IN SIXTY DAYS : County Officials They Arc Not In Position To Comment On At Present • "It is a matter of-great regret ty me that many worthy applications could not be approved on account of lack of funds" wAtte Mr. A. T. Allen; State Superintendent - of Public In struction, to Mr. R. A. Pope, Super intendent of Schoola in this county, officially informing him that- oni/ |60,000 wolild be available frorrv the State Building Fund for the erectwi of school buildings in tho county "lii; year. While'this information' was giv en out in a published report, it was not officially announced until Mr. - Pope received a letter from the State Superintendent's office a Hay or .•> - ago. County officials- stated that the;/ were not in a position to comment on the situation at this time, and that nothing definite could be given re garding the matter until a meeting 11 county officers is held. Considering the facts in the mat ter ,it.isnt a question of who will get th,e S(»O,fMK), but rather it is a. question as to how additional fund ■ will be raised. A loan from the Spec ial Building Fund calls for 4 per cent, while the cost of a bond issue dt j pends upon the sale of the bond . Since there it little difference be tween the two, many people seem to ' think a bond issue will have to In floated to cany out the proposed . plans. The State funds wilt be ready with jn tiO days, but according to the oHi> of the Attorney General, the order • tire county board of commis. loner. i authorizing a loan from Building Fund, Whan tlte applet; it fa approved by the' .State Board I f I 'ducation is, to all intends and pu potes t equivalent to a bond oider, th' > enabling the county cdmmisf ioners t > make temporary loans against tli ; approval to finance the project pa tially until the loan- is available. According .to that ruling, work On t • , proposed buildings couhlbe started .\t | oivce, but a delay brought about by ' the State Hoard's,action will have Jo ' be cared for now before any steps 1 "an bi» made, "it is understood. TWO LIBRARIES GET STATE AID Robersonville and James ville Schools To Get S4OO Worth of Books Approximately SIOO. worth of books will, be added to the school libraries ! at Robersonville and JamesviHe. before the 1927-2 X term comes to a close, it was learned from the County Super intendent's office y este (day morning. Otdy two schools were on the list to receive aid from the State appropri ation for libraries this year, but ac cording to Miss Susan Fulghum, three and probably four schools will be included in the list for the next term. One-fourth of the amount comes from the State appropriation for libraries, a similar portion is given by an outside agency such as a Ki wanis club and the remainder ii} pr >- vided by the county and an organiza tion within the school. Funds from the State for library use are available only to schools hav an eight months' term or longer. The books for the two libraries will be . lected from a list adopted by the State. | Capture Still in Free Mondabjjk Messrs. K. H. Gay lord and E. Waters brought in a large still from the Free Union section yesterday: As the two men were nearing the.liquor plant, signals were given uod Ahe operators escaped with the stiUV Tap and-liquor. The still'itself waf? too hot for the operators' hands, so they left it lor the officers who brought it here. The worm with 600 gallons of beer was destroyed. A few days before, Mr. Gaylord captured a 60-gallon oil-burning still and six barrels of beer. #\ ( 111 ' V Two County Schools Gtt State and Federal Approximately one thousand dol lars were received by the County Treasurer here yesterday from- State and Federal sources for use- In the 1 Agricultural School at Jamesville and > the Martin County Training Bekool at i Parmele. The money corneal from a I fund estabUahad by the State and i National governments for assisting l , the operation of such schools.

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