Wach the Label- on Yow Paper; It Cerries the Date Your Subscription Expires j VOLUME XXX—NUMBER 102 FEWER KILLEEMN AUTO ACCIDENTS i, DURING JANUARY Average Lower Than for Any of Preceding Four Months 51 IBLLED IN STATE Very Small Percentage of Accidents Doe to Mechanical Defects of Cars; Carelessness Is Chief Cause Raleigh, Feb. 23.—Fewer deaths were cuased in this State through au tomobile accidents last month than in amy of the preceding four months, while the 51 killed in this anner last month is seven below the average number reported the preceding six months, the report from the automo tive vehicle office of the State Revenue Department shows. "The majority of automobile acci dents are caused through careless ness," W. C. Spruill in charge of com piling these statistics, said yesterday. "Take these five reports of accidents i here," he said picking up five from his desk. "Carelessness was responsi ble for four of them. In only one was • mechanical defect of the car re sponsible." It is only occassionally that a broken radius rod or other mechani cal defect is to blame, he said, the majority of lives lost through ac cidents is due to taking a chance in the face of danger. In October, 71 lives were lost in automobile accidents. The number dropped to 67 in November, to 66 in December, and to 51 the past month. A total of 206 persons were injured in the 246 accidents reported during i the month, the report showed. Skid ding ,excessive speed, and other forms of carelessness being responsible for the accidents. More accidents occurred on Mon day than on any other one day, with 47 reported. Other days and tho num ber of accidents on each weffe as fol lows: Sunday 46, Tuesday 39, Satur day 36, Friday 26, Thursday 18, and Wednesday 18. Only one death was attributed to accidents at railroad crossings, al- 1 though ten accidents occurred at croaaings. Drunken drivers killed one man and injured 29. One death and seven injuries were attributed were attributed to motor bus accidents, and •even deaths and 30 in truck acci dents. Tovrits and travelers from other states, have complained to the auto motive bureau as well as to the State Highway Commission that the bright light law is not being observed in I this State, Mr. Spruill said. The re flectors are said to be faulty in many CUM. /«/«/ On Attempted I Criminal Assault Charge * Louis Brown and Ben Biggs, col ored, landed in jail here this week on * warrant sworn out by Hannah Stokes, colored woman, living near ,the A. C. L. depot. The warrant charges the two men with entering the Stokes home and attempting a criminal assault on the Stokes woman. The warrants came from the record er's court and are returnable next Tuesday when the case will come up for investigation. Both Biggs and Brown have employed counsel and a hard light will be made by them to break down the prosecution. If the charge is sustained the case win go to the superior court. No Services at Christian Church Next Sunday Ob account of the illness of the PMtor, J. H. Hale, the Christian dwith will not hold either the mom in* or evening service Sunday. Bunday school at the regular hour, • 46. STRANH THEATRE! J SATURDAY BRYANT WASH BURN in "With Sitting Bull at The Spirit Lake Massacre Also Two - Reel Comedy And Serial "ISLE OF SUNKEN GOJrfD" Theatre Well Heated THE ENTERPRISE LOAD POULTRY CAR WEDNESDAY Prices Will Be About Same As They Were Last Year County Agent T. E. Brandon co operating with the Division of Mar kets, will load • car of poultry here next Wednesday, the 29th at the A. C. L. station. The loading next Wed nesday will be the first this year, and according to Mr. Brandon it will be followed by at leat two other car shipments. The prices advertised for the poul try this year are almost the same as they were last year, ranging one or two cents below and one or two cents in the several types. The 1928 prices, like the 1927 prices, are not as high as those paid iu 1926. Last year several thousand dollars were paid to the farmers of this coun ty for their poultry, and it is , the opinion of farm and home agents that next Wednesday will be a good time to clear the barnyard of all the "dead beats". The poultry will be weighed at the car door where settlements will be made with farmers for their offerings. ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICES HERE Rev. Mackie, of Windsor, S. S. Nash, of Tarboro, In Charge A The Lenten services in the Church of the Advent were begun with a celebration of the Holy Communion at 9:30 o'clock, Wednesday morning with Rev. Mr. Mackie, of Windsor, as celebrant. The continued illness of the Rector would have kept the church closed on this important day in the Church's Year, but for the kindness of Mr. Mackie, who could conduct services here and then reach home in time for his own parish service. At four o'clock in tho afternoon, Mr. S. S. Nash accompanied by Captains Jarvis and Broxton, of the Church Army, who are now at Tar boro, held service. Mr. Nash is one of the most prominent laymen in the State, and has been in the work for fifty years, going out every Sunday to a Mission school. He read the Litany and Captains Jarvis and Brox ton made short addresses. These young men are Englishmen, and have been in America about a year. They are a unit of the Church Army of one thousand men sent out by the Church of England, and are holding services in different parts of the country. The congregation of the parish ap preciate the coming of both laymen and priest in mis hour of the Church's need. Sunday Worship At Baptist Church "The Cross in Eclipse" will be Sun day morning's sermon subject; and at the evening service the theme will be, "Emptiness". At the evening service there will be special music by some members of the choir. With the new choir arrangement, the church is now able to announce better music. With Mrs. Warren Biggs and Mrs. Harper Holliday training the choir, and with the addition of new members the standard of the music is much higher. Everybody loves music and this church is very pleased to be featuring additional musical numbers. „ Announcements will soon be made about the Bible school which., the church is planning to put on just be fore Easter. Sunday morning we shall hear the report of the Findings Committee which the church appointed as its preliminary move towards the erection of an educational plant addition to the church. This church congratulates the Methodist congregation on their one hundredth anniversary. We regret to learn that Rev. C. 0. Pardo is confined to his bed again. Washington's Birthday Not Generally Observed Last Wednesday, the birthday of George Washington, was observed by very few people in this county. Al though thi day has been proclaimed a legal holiday by enactment of Con gress and by a further enactment of the Geenral Assembly of our State, business was carried on here as us ual,-only the banks and postoffices in the eounty closing. However, the day was featured by church people, especially those of the ritualistic faiths as the day marked the beginning of Lent The Ku Klux KJan unmasked and started a mem bership drive in an effort to restore the lost membership of the order and fcegin a drive against Al Smith for Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, February 24,1928 REPORT FAVORS MAKING MOUTH RIVER DEEPER Boats Can Now Enter River Only Under Cer tain Conditions MANY COMPLAINTS District Engineer Jewett Advises Re moval of Sand Bars, Says Washington Dispatch According to a dispatch from Wash ington, a favorable report on the proposal to deepen the mouth of Roa noke river has been made by the District Engineer, Col. Jewett. Num erous complaints have been sent to the district representativ and senator and they were informed of the sub mission of the favorable report. The complaints made to Congress man Warren and Senator Simmons stated the condition of the river's .mouth, and went on to say that boats and barges were unable to pass over the sand bars except at certain peri ods when there was a strong east wind. It was shown that there was sufficient water until the mouth of the rver is reached, that the Roanoke is a deep stream and boats are not hin dered once they are inside. "Favorable report on the project to secure a mean low water depth of five feet will greatly facilitate the securing of an appropriation, which it is hoped to do at thi ssession of Congress," the dispatch stated. WANT MARKETS OPEN EARLIER —— Ifc. Opening Is Sought for Aug ust 21st This Year; Now Being Considered Kinston, Feb. 23.—A widespread movement was underway throughout Eastern Carolina today to obtain an eurlier opening for the New Bright belt tobacco markets this season. The opening sought is on August 21, A committee of directors of the To bacco Association of the United States recently appointed to con sider the opening dates of this and other belts is known to include mem bers who favor an earlier opening in this section. The committee is to meet at the call of the chairman before the to bacco season starts. It may not be called for several months yet, it was learned, until a line is obtained on the crop prospect. Tobacconists in this section oppose an opening as late as last year's for the reason that millions of pounds of the weed produced in the, new bright belt are sold on the border market, which usually ojjens several weeks earlier. . - _ It was learned that some members of the committee favor an earlier opening in Georgie and South Caro lina and moving up the Eastern Caro lina belt opening accordingly. OAK CITY SCHOOL AND TOWN NEWS ~ Parent-Teacher Association To Meet Tonight in School Building Oak City, Feb. 23.—(Special to the Enterprise).—The parent-teacher as sociation will meet Friday evening at 7:30 in the school auditorium. A special program has been planned and a cordial invitation is extended to all. The fourth grade has held the ball for the last month. Votes are expected to run up and a close contest i* ex pected for the next winner.' The Estherian Literary society gave a very interesting program last Fri day afternoon. Two more programs will decide Which society has the cup for next year. The boys and girls are enjoying the supply of new books just added to the elementary school library. The school is indebted to Mrs. Robert Everett for her valued service in se lecting and classifying this order of books. Town News Misses Mildred and Pauline Daven port, of E C. T. C., Greenville, were hoine for the week end. Miss Naomi Harrell celebrated her sixteenth birthday at a party given by her mother, Mrs. Alice Harrell, at her home Friday evening. Many friends were present, and they report ed a delightful evening. Miss Beatrice Whitfield, who is in training at the Fayetteville hospital is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Whitfield. - « Mrs. T. H. Johnson was hostess to the Literary club Wednesday evening Februray 15. A very interesting pro gram on Lanier's Life and Works was given, after which several valentine were enjoyed. Refreshments consisted of a chicken salad course. The meeting adjourned to meet with Mrs. L J. Davenport, March 14. PLAN ERECTION NUMBER HOUSES Local Housing Situation Is Serious; 25 New Homes Needed While actual work on Williamston's spring building program has . not started, plans are almost complete for the erecUon of seven new homes here during the next several months. Arch itects have been consulted in several cases, and in one or two the contracts to builders have been let. It is re ported that the majority of the build ings in the group now being planned will be located north of Main street. The housing situation has reached that point here where it is impossible to rent, and in numerous instances, more than one family occupy the aver age size home on account of the lack of housing facilities. Applications for homes and rooms suitable for light house keeping are made daily here, but it is always the same answer, ''no rooms and no houses." The majority of the homes to be built will be of the bungalow type, it is understood. I . j .WOMAN'S CLUB MET THURSDAY Had One of Best Meetings of Year; Good Program Is Presented The Woman's club held one of its best meetings of the year yesterday afternoon, thirty-two members and several visitors attending. It was announced by the president, Mrs. Wheeler Martin, that she had had the acceptance of Mrs. J. H. Hale as leader of the junior department. Mrs. Hale has had experience in work of this nature and the club is very glad to have her accept the leadership of fiiat department. Miss Sleeper, who Is so admirably succeeding Miss Trentham in home demonstration work in the county was present and explained the nutrition school to b* held today and asked delegates be appointed to represent, the club at the all-day session. Mrs. L. B. Harrison and Mrs. J. D. Biggs were appointed. It was voted by the club to buy the victrola that was demonstrated at the meeting at a price of $450. The machine is very satisfactory for the dances held by the club and will be a source of much pleasure to those who use the club rooms. The tresaurer was authorized to buy S6O worth of new chairs, the money having been donated to the club by the Kiwanians. The program for the day, arranged by Mrs. I'. B. Cone, chairman, was very good. Miss Lira Sleeper had an exceptionally fine biographical sketch of the life of Washington, .empha sizing the personal life more than sny other phase of his character. Mrs. J. W. Manning and Mtb. W. C Manning, jr. played an instrumen- I tal duet, "No Surender March", by Morrison. Professor L. H. Davis,- of the local schools, made a few very interesting remarks on the subject of "Good j English." ' 1 I ■ Lenten Services At Church ot the Advent On account of the illness of the rector, lie v. C. O. Pardo, the several pastors will assist in the Lenten serv ices at the Episcopal church each Wednesday afternoon throughout the period. The rector hopes it will be possible for him to conduct the Good Friday service, which is an institution of the Church, and a service which all should attend if possible. Wednesday afternoon, February 29, at four o'clock, Litany Service, with address by Rev. O. P. Fitz gerald, D„D., on the subject of "The Value of Repentance." The following Wednesday after noon, at the same hour, Litany Serv ice with address by Rev. J. H. Hale. On March 14, Rev. C. H. Dickey will make an address at the service. Wednesday afternoon, March 21, Litany Service at four o'clock with address by Rev. O. P. Fitzgerald. Rev. Mr. Hale will, on March 28, nale the address at the service. Wednesday afternoon, April 4, at four o'clock, Litany Service wUh ad dress by Rev. C. H. Dickey. To each and all of these service, tho general public is moit cordially •r.vifMl. No Session Recorder's Court Last Tuesday In the absence of Recorder J. W. Bailey, there was no recorder's court held here last Tuesday. Judge Bailey was in Baltimore at the time. The court will hold its regular session next Tuesday when the several cases scheduled for hearing this week will be tried. r . iCENTENNIAL IS CELEBRATED BY LOCAL CHURCH Large Congregation At Methodist Church Serv ice Wednesday FORMER PASTOR HERE Rev. J. T. Stanford, of Oriental, Only One of Former Pastors Able ■ To Be Here The Williair.ston Methodist church celebrated its centennial anniversary Wednesday evening, the 22nd. AH tht living former pastors of the church were invited to attetid the celebration, but on account of the bad weather only one, Rev. J". T. Stanford, of Oriental, attended. Rev. B. D. Crit chel', pastor of Whitakers with a large number of people from several sec tions in the county, attended. The program included songs, pray ers, a love feast celebration md a historical sketch of the church for the pust century. The celebration went forward in a most friendly and brotherly manner, many members of other churches at tending and who made short talks. Rev. Mr. Stanford, in his short talk, expressed great pleasure in hav ing the opporunity to meet those with whom he had lived and worked while pastor of the church several years ago. Dr. Fitzgerald, pastor of the church, read the history of his institution, giving brief sketches of many interes ting happenings during the hundred years the church served the com munity. Organised in 1828, the local church is the oldest existing one in this sec tion of the State. For seventy-two years the first structure served the ever-increasing congregation, but in 1900, the needs of the church had out grown the building and the pres ent edifice was erected just to the side of the first building. The church has a membership that compares favorably with the largest in the community, :«id the pastor with his congregntion, is going forward with a highly constructive program. FISH HATCHERY FOR ROANOKE Reestablish Hatchery for Rock on Roanoke Near Weldon Discontinued since 1023, tho only hatchery in the United State* for Striped bass will be in operation again this year on the banks of Roanoke river. This Information was contained to day in advice received by Wnde H. Phillips, director of the State De partment' of Conservation and De velopment, from the U._ 8. Bureau of Fisheries at Washington. **■ The hatchery will be operated bj? the federal bureau in cooperation with the state department. I'he hato'iery was discontinued in 102JJ, when it was found that the waters if the Roa noke were polluted by industrial wastes, but it was believed that this condition has been eliminated. Basketball Fans Greeted By Dark House Thursday Failure to pay the light bill it the Brick warehouse caused citizens from Everetts and Jamesville to be greet ed by a dark house last night when they- came here to see the basketball game between teams from th«, two towns. The light and water depart ment here had allowed the light bill to run a few days over the final date set for settlement of all accounts, and to complete his report the treasurer was forced to have the lights dis connected. Thifi action brought about an investigation which showed that Jamesville had paid $2.50 each night its team had used the house either for practice or for a scheduled 'game, tT Mr. Coy Roberson. Mr. Roberson turned $1,250 of each payment over to the managers of the warehouse, and according to those acquainted with the contract, the managers were obli gated to pay the light bill. The town books show that no payment had been made. * Upon learning the facts in the case, the commissioners ordered the lights back on until the matter could be adjusted. The order came after dark, and Eugene Price, employee of the light plant, refused to make the con nection for less than a $5 consider ation. During the meantime, the managers of the two teams made ar rangements to in the Roanoke Dixie warehouse. Since Jamesville has no court, and is, out of necessity, forced to play and practice on courts elsewhere, it has been suggested by local citizens that the town give the' visiting team Its lights free. Mr. J. H. Robertson, jr., of Rober sonville was here yesterday. SCHOOL MATTER BEFORE KIWANIS Club Appoints Committee To Assist in Any Way Possible The local Kiwanis club is attempt ing to help get a school building to house the children of the district at the coming fall session. The club ap pointed a committee to assist in what every way it may be able to help procure funds to erect the proposed buildings. The membership of the club was astonished when the true status of the school situation in the county was' given. Since the first building program was turned down by the commission ers here the 6th of this month, school officials'have made special efforts to prepare a program that would be ac ceptable to the commissioners. Ac cording to unofficial reports, a call meeting of the county commissioners was to have been ordered, but prac tically a month has passed and no definite plans have been made public. I he matter is expected to wait now until the county boards meet the first Monday in March. ■ ' TRAIN REMOVAL HEARING TODAY Ask Continuance of Trains Until Road to Plymouth Is Completed According to a long distance tele-' phone message made at 2:00 o'clock this afternoon, a large delegation of citizens from the several towns along the route served by trains 56 and 57. of the Coast Line, is in Raleigh to protest the removal of the two trains at a hearing before the Corporation commission at 2:30 today. Citizens appointed to represent this town were unable to attend the hear ing, but many protests were wired to the commission early this morning. Tht' rutin request, .slated to have been in the protests wired from here, was to have the transportation com pany continue the trains until the link of Highway No. 90 between here and the Washington County line was hardsurfnced. SCHOOL NEWS OF ROBERSONVILLE Vernon Ward's Play Pre sented at Meeting of Parents-Teachers Itobersonville, Feb. 23.—(Special to the Enterprise).—Despite the down pour of rain, practically all of the Itobersonville teachers attended the fiftal meeting iff the Martin County Teachers' association, held in Wil liam.fton, Saturday, February ili. Mrs. R. K. Adkins and Miss Eliza beth Shaw attended an athletic con fence in Washington. A large crowd attended the parent teacher meeting Thursday evening, February 16. The spirited applause showed jtfiat Vernon Ward's play, "The Power of the Rain", was thor oughly enjoyrtl. When the school assembled in the auditorium Monday morning for regular exercises, the students were very Diueh excited over the arrival of tr.fi frag which the P. T. A. awards, to the room having the greatest num ber of parents and friends present for the regular meetings. Especially t'ij the third grade, who had tne largest representation present at '.lie last meeting, view the new Hag with a certain pride of possession. Eighty five names appear rn the honor roll for the past month. When • it the half a dozen have hcer cropped? Addition and not subtrac tion is a promising sign! f Mr. W. C. Manning was a welcome visitor to the school Monday morn ing. During the regular chapel period he made a short talk to the students. After the exercises he spoke to the senior class relative to a plan to rajwe funds for the school library. Small Fire at Everetts Wednesday Morning A fiire thought to have been/start ed by mice was discovered in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Ayers,.Everetts, early Inst Wednesday morning when the family was awakened by burning timber-in a second story room. The flames were extinguished before ious| damage resulted. Everett's Woodmen To Meet Monday A meeting of the Modern Woodmen at Everett* has been announced for Monday night, February 27-. A special program has been prepared, and tho members of the camp are urged to attend. The (ftogram will have to do with the lives of Lincoln and Wash ington. Advertisers Will Find Our Col umns a Latchkey to Over 1,600 Homes of Martin County ESTABLISHED 1898 TO .START MAIL SERVICE BY BUS HERE NEXT WEEK ! Service by Train To Be Dis continued Tomorrow Afternoon HAS SAME SCHEDULE Only Affects Mail Formerly Carried By One and Five O'clock Trains From Parmele to Plymouth Mail service furnished by trains 56 and 57, operating between Tar boru and Plymouth, .will be discon tinued late tomorrow, and beginning Monday, practically the same service will be furnished by motor bus. Ac cording to information received here, the bus will take the mail at Parmele at 12:20 p. m„ Serving Robersonville, Lveretts, Williiunston, Jamesville, and Plymouth. The motor bus will arrive at Plymouth at 2:10. On its return triv, the bus is scheduled to i leave Plymouth at 3 p. m„ and serv ing the same -offices it will arrive at Parmele about 4 :T>Ol The proposed mail schedule was an nounced before the meeting held to day in Raleigh when citizens from the several towns along the route, served by the two.trains, were to protest the removal of express and mail service. According to the postal announcement, it is the opinion here that the two trains will be discon tinued. An official announcement of the removal of the trains has not yet been made, however, and the outcome of the meeting held in Raleigh ip»ild not be learned shortly after the noon hour today. According to the announcement made by the Postoffice department, the mail will be handled between Parmele and Plymouth by bus re gardless of the action of the Corpor ation commission and the transporta tion company. BANKERS MEET IN GREENVILLE Speaker Says East Carolina Should Abandon "Time" System "The great financial need of Kust-, ern North Carolina'js to abandon Hie time system of buying and selling anil adopt the cash basis," was the key note of an address delivered by Gil bert T, Stevenson, Raleigh banker, before - Eastern Carolina bankers -in Gerenville last Wednesday. Mr. Stev enson stated, "the time system has created in the east a state of finan cial dependence that affects landlords, tenants, merchants and bankers and ■retards to an extent' that one can - hardly realize, (he. progress, of the whole section." He went on to say that the system benefitted .none, but it creates a huge drain of wealth fron}„ the sectiofi oul of the State. In his address before the bankers, assembled from,several parts of the Lnited Mr. Stevenson pointed out that the time system makes bank ing in Eastern North .Carolina a sea sonal business, the banks being flush ed with money at market time when no money is needed and empty at other times when money is badly needed by the business man and farmer. ' "The chief benefit of the cash basis to this section will not be in the in crease of profit in farming, mechan dising or banking, but it will be in its effect upon the people themselves," the Raleigh banker stated. He further * pointd out that the tenant, the land lord and the merchant are caught in a vicious system profitable to none of them. Many of the bankers ,of this county attended the meeting in Green ville and practically all the members of the local bank were present to hear Mr. Stevenson. Mail Contract Is Awarded L. N. Vick, Robersonville 1,. N. Vick, of Robersonville w»3 awarded the contract to handle the mail from Parmele to Plymouth, dis placing the service given by trains 56 and 57 at the present time. The amount of the b : d was not made public, but it is understood that the, bids^, ranged from #IBSO to $5,- 000. Twent-si* bids were sent in from this "office, it was reported. The contract awarded Mr. Vick ex pires June 30, 1928. "NEWS AND NEIGHBORS" TO BE GVEN AT FARM LIFE "News and Neighbors" is the name of the library benefit play to be given at th eFarm Life school by the stu dents there next Wednesday. A sec ond ptey', "Neighbors" will also be staged by the students the same night. . In "News and Neighbors" there are ten characters and eight of them •re Griffins, and there's quality as well as quantity, states the director. A large attendance is expected.

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