Friday, April 27„M28 Club Meetings Weddiags Etc- Society & personals Mrs. KLBERT 8. PEEL, Editor i . Here From Windsor Rev. and Mr*. A. J. Mactue, of Wind •or, were in town Thursday morning. Visitor* From Hamilton Mr*. J. P. Boyle. Mrs. Effie Waldo, and Mr*. Clark, of Hamilton, were visitors here Wednesday. Return* From Army R. Claud Jones has come home from Fort Sheridan, where has been in the United States Army. Attend Club Meeting * Mr*. A. R. Dunning and daughter. Miss Mary Alice, attended a club meeting at the home of Mrs. R. L. Smith in Robersonville Tuesday night. Here From Washington J. W. McAden. of Washington, was in town Thursday. Visitor Prom Petersburg A. B. Bradsher, of Petersburg, was a business visitor here yesterday. District Engineer Here Mr. J. C. Gardner, district engineer for the State Highway Commission, was here yesterday for a few hours. Mr. Ellis Here ' W. L. Ellis, of Wilson, was in town Thursday. Returns from Washington Mayor K. L. Coburn has returned from Washington. I). C.. where he went on a business trip. Rev. Hale Returns Rev. J. H. Hale has returned Columbus, Ohio, where he attended the international convention of the Dis ciples of Christ last week. In New Bern Wednesday Attorneys Wheeler Martin and B. A. Critcher spent Wednesday afternoon in Sew Bern. Judgt Winston Here Yesterday Judge Francis D. Winston, oi Wind sor, was in town yesterday. Mr. A. F. Taylor Better Miss Naomi Bryan, of Tarboro, is nursing Mr. A. F. Taylor, who has been very ill at his home near here. Mr. Taylor's friends in the county are very much' gratified that he is improv ing. Visitor Here Thursday J. Lawrence Feel was a business visi tor here yesterday. Return From Peter*burg Mrs. G. W. Hardison and daughter, Miss Katherine, have returned from Petersburg, where they spent the week end. In Town Thursday C. B. Dixon, of the Raleigh Banking & Trust Co., was in town Thursday. Visitors Here Thursday Prof. J. L. Jones and R. O. Martin, of Jamesville, were visitors here Thurs day morning. Attend Revival in Greenville . Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Perry and Mr. W. C. and John A. Manning attended the Billy Sunday meeting in Green ville Wednesday evening. FLY TIME IS HERE. WE SELL screen doors, window screens, and screen wire cloth. Culpepper' Hard ware Co. »27 2t ANOTHER CAR 5-V GALVAN ized roofing. Culpepper's. a 27 2t 66(j> is ■ prescription for . COLDS, ORIPPB, FLU. DENGUE, BILIOUS FEVER AND MALARIA It Kills the Germs . DIZZY, MAPPETITE Stoa Takkf BUck-Drtiftt Hu Mai Is Eaftr Far Hb Maals mi FaaU Mack Better. Harrisburg. N. C.—Mr. If. T. m »O t this place, says: "II BUM! bssn fully twenty-five years ago that I began taking Black- Draught regularly. It waant so kwg •Iter I married. "I was in town an* day, and while totting to -a friend I stooped over to ptek up something. When Z straightened up, I felt dfaKT. X spoke to him about this and bow 1 had not fait like eating. "My friend told me to take soma Black-Draught I knew my mother bad used It, and so I bought a package. When I got home, I took • good, big dose, and the not night, another. In a tew days Z felt much better. Z was hungry and the dim ness was gone. "-~ "A good many times Z bare bad this dlrslnwiß and a bad taste in my mouth, or headarhsa, and than X take Black-Draught and get bat tar. Z do not have to take it vsrr . often. Wo buy from fhw to packages a year." Tbedford's Black-Draught ha* been found to relieve sick haadachea tn thousands of cases that war* dua to oMMttpatton. Containing no min eral drugs, it acta geuUy, yst prompt*. Try tt NC-iU " --- ; Undergoes Operation at Wilson Mrs. J. Sam Getsinger and Mrs. Dur ward Gurganus accompanied theri sis ter, Mrs. Mary B. Shute to Wilson this week, where Mrs. Shute under went an operation for the removal of her tonsils. She is getting along very well now. Returns to Middlesex A. F. Manning returned to Middle sex this mornin gafter visiting his mother, Mrs. Nancy Manning for sev eral days. Mrs. Manning has been in ill health for the past few months, but is better now than for some time past. ' ' Visitor Here Thursday Mr. D. G. Matthews, of Hamilton, wa* a visitor in tojfo Thursday. Supt. Early Visitor H. W. Early, ''superintendent of schools of Bertie Count)-, visited our office Thursday. Mr. J. W. Green 111 The condition of J. W. Green, who has been ill for several weeks, is about the same. He expects to' go to a hos pital as soon as his strength permits. NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE North Carolina; Martin County; in the superior court. Farmers ft Merchants Bank vs. Brick Warehouse Company By virtue of an execution directed to court of Martin County, in the above the undersigned from the superior entitled action, I will, on Monday, the 7th day of May, 1928, at 12 o'clock m., at the courthouse door of said county, sell to the highest bidder, for cash, to satisfy said execution, all the right, title, and interest which the said Brick \ Warehouse Company, the defendant, 'has in the following described real estate, to wit: Beginning at a *tob, the Brick Ware house Company * southern back cor tier, thence a straight line about 44 yards to a stub in the bend of the ditch to J. G. Staton's line, thence up the said ditch and branch alonq Staton's line to the Brick Warehouse Company's corner, thence a southerly direction a long said warehouse company,'* back line to the beginning, being the same land deeded to the Brick Warehouse Company by J. G. Godard by deed of record in book T-l, at page 290. This the 3rd day of April, 1928. A. L. ROEBUCK. , aO 4tw Sheriff of Martin County. WANTED TO BUY EACH WEEK 1,000 to 2,000 pounds of hens, spring broilers, and roosters, included. Meet me Saturdays, 10 to 3 o'clock, N. J. Corey'*, Claudius Hardison's, Rom ulus Corey's, or Kader Lilley & Son's store*. Large hens, 20c lb.; medium to *tnall, 18c lb.; roosters, We lb. Friers, market price. W. H. Holliday, Robersonville, N. C. a2O fit Care -throats tol chfat Rjvvea ~ vLA\I abewSL inhalad. VjCKS : ▼ VA PORUB IMMHMff""" I '"'"™* * ~— Aii Investment ; for the Future it J '■ " a Si* of Long Life and Advanced Design j£> rv • ~ . T/ Judged by even the most criti* Kreuive engineering has de :t *3»j4 Successful Six ca ' standards, the New Series vised! And in addition, it has Pontiac Six is month*:—even that fundamental which has wmL (iicalef MICCCM years—ahead 01 its field. Its been the basis of Pontiac's ever- IMIR »tyle is the height of fashion— growing success —the great fun achieved with low, graceful, damental of long life! :■ modi '.i line trr mp , ha j , ! zed bv When you buy a Ponthc Six mWMt maßmflCeot FUhef b ° dicS * Vou know you are getting-no, Afl V ■ econom^ca ' motor has only a car that i» new today— cylinder head, for but a Six sq advanced in style 3 *jCISiL -A.. - smoothness, power, snap and and engineering, to famous for @1 speed. It has every other really long life that its inherent v ! ,ie worthwhile feature that pro. will always be high! fillt. \r 2-Door Sedan, S74SI Coupe, $741 1 Sport Roadster, $74 5; Phaeton, s77'; ( \rr iSik r101et,5791;4-Door Sedan, SH2S; Sport Landau Sedan, SH7I. Oakland Alt- American Six, slO4l to $1265. All prices at factory. Delivered lir cei im liids I y jj, LjjZHb minimum handling charges. Eatyto pay on the liberal (icnnn! Mutou Time . t Paymrrn Plan. t ROBERSONVILLE MOTOR CO. Robersonville, N. C. . .&■ .~ - T Y.. T ■■' *» JSUL obneral MoT °*® _tL_ " ' v • v ■ # • PH&NE Anything tor This Department Ta 46 - r Entertains Friends With Fish Fry Last Friday at their home in James ville. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lilley en : tertained a number of their friends with a fish fry. Shad, herring, a-id perch were pre pared in delicious style and served with sandwiches, slaw, olives, pickles, corn meal muffins, and coffee. On account of the rainy weather a good many were unable to attend. , Those present were Mr. and Mrp. Karl , McCarthy, Mr. and Mrs. Grover Dil lon, and Al (iurkin, jr., of Raleigh; Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Turner, Mrs. Paul Ca pell and Miss Mary Proctor, of Green, ville, Miss Mabel Perkins, Wilson; and Mrs. K. B. Crawford, Mrs. Oscar An derson. Mrs. Elbert Peel ,and Ray [ mond Taylor, of .Williamston. r , - - - - - Hail! Hail! Hail! Insure Your Tobacco Crop in the i Old Reliable HOME INSURANCE COMPANY r • e • Kader B. Crawford I ' * '' 1 Brick, Lime and Cement i ; Two cars Rocky Mount brick just arrived. Bet _ '' ter get yours now, as next cars will be higher. One carload Phoenix Cement, cheap for cash. k This cement is made by a new process which will give 21-day concrete in three days. Just the thing for tobacco harns. One carload Mason's lime. I■' ' ■ . Building Material of All Kinds 1 Williamston , Supply Agent for Hollow-Tile Tobacco Barns —Phone 109 THE ENTERPRISE NOTICE OP SALE OP LAND ■ Under and by virtue of the power 1 and authority contained in that cer tain deed of trust executed to the un dersigned trustee by Wilmer Sitterson, i dated the 22nd day of September, 1926 ' and of record in the public registry of Mtrtin County, in book Y-2, at page 37, said deed of trust having been given J to secure the payment of a certain rote of even date and tenor therewith, t and the stipulations therein contained ( not having been complied with, and at ) the request of the parties interested, the undersigned trustee will, on the 11th' day* of May, 1928, at 12 o'clock in., in front of the courthouse door in the town of Williamston, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described property:' lsi tract: All that certain tract of land and improvements thereon in Mar tin County. Williamston Township, North Carolina, containing 213 jfcres, more or less, and more tommonly known as the Joe Sitterson farm, ad joining Joe Nicholson, Frank Bennett, and Joe Nicholson on the north. Pen ny Slade farm, Joe Leggett, Joe Nich olson on the east, and the McCaskey : " road on the southwest. 2nd tract: That lot in the town of 1 Williamston, N. C., on the north side of Simmons Avenue and improvements 1 thereon and bounded by Simmons Ave " | nuc, Mrs. Bettie Harrell, Helen Rhodes j | monly known as the Joe Sitterson home place. This the 9th day of April, 1928. W. B. WATTS, al3 4tw Trustee. * - SERVICE BY PUBLICATION State of North Carolina; County of Martin. In the;superior court. WiUi^^Aan^kifhoUj^Ptamriff^va. IThe Store of Qyality" 1 Selling Out At Coft j Whatever you purchase at Harrison Bros., you V-) yg may be sure is the latest thing in style and is of ■Bx . & good material and workmanship. r Special in coats are being made that H will attract the discriminating buyer. IP« 9r> feL BliifllSfT ■ ' P on g ee morning dresses . and eg oD ■ ■ —dresses of beaded georgette, silk prints, canton & g? crepe, navy georgette, wool crepe, flat crepe • • • hk flft H Coats and dresses for all occasions. £0 Offered for sale at wonderful savings! §2 I Harrison Brothe & 1 I WILLIAMSTON - 1 | seseaeseaeaeseaeaeaeaeaeseeeaeseasaeseaeaeseaeseseseeeaesegßSßseaeseaPseseaeaem LAST CALL I aeseseaeaßaßsegeseaEssßSßsesesßaeseaeaeaesßseaßsesßseseaeaeaeasseaeaesege | JI am Forced to Levy J I for the Collection of I I all Taxes not paid by | I MAY the First! I 9BaBaeaBBBBBaBaeeBBBSBBBaBBBBBBBaBaBaBaBBBaBBBBBaBaBBBaBBBaeaBaBaeaBaBBB | I Come, Forward and 1 I save additional Expense 1 I aeeBBBaBaBBBBBaBBeaBaBBBaBBBaBaBBBBBaBaBaeaeBBBBaBaBaBaBBBaBaBaBaBeBeBBB | 1 A. L. Roebuck | ' " SHERIFF 11 George Nichols, defendant. i The defendant above named will take \ ! notice 'that an action entitled ps above j I has l>een commenced in the superior ! court of Martin County, North Caro lina, for an absolute divorce; and the E | said defendant will further take notice | that he is required to appear ,before the . clerk of the superior court of Martin PAGE THREE i County on the 11th day of May, 1928, at Williamston, N. C., and answer or "" demur to the complaint in said action. ; or the plaintiff will apply to the court : for the relief demanded in said com plaint. This the 18th day of April, 1928. R. J. PEF.L. a2O 4tw Clerk of Superior Court.