PAGE TWO GJhp Entrrpriaf Published Every Tuesday and Friday by The ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING CO. WILLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA ■ ■ 1 1 1 W. C. Manning - Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Strictly Cash in Advance) IN MARTIN COUNTY One year \ 7? Six months OUTSDE MARTIN COUNTY One year *?*ss Six months _ 1.00 No Subscription Received for Less lhan 6 Months Advertising Rate Card Furnished Upon Request Entered at the post office at . Williamston, N. C., as second-class matter under the act of Confess of March 3, 1879. Address all communication to The Enterprise and not to the individual members of the firm. Tuesday, May 8, 1928 The School Site Hurttility and sorrow, sackcloth and ashes, describe the feelings of the people of Williamston School Dis trict as tbev rise this morning to know that their pro mised new high-school is to be located at a [)lace that it can never serve conveniently. The people had cherished a ho|*' that the school might serve the purpose for which it is intended —a community center for educating the children, But not so. Nine out of ten of the people know it is wrong and see no logical reason for the selection. Must we bear the humility of being thrust back to a very unsuitable location? Must our children have the plague of going to a school that has been banished from every logical location? Did the selecting board try to help us, or did they try to punish us? The next generation will no doubt ask why the house was put there; and, certainly, the next genera tion will be in tearing it down and moving it to a more decent place to serve the people. . , On the Right Track The board of town commissioners is getting on the right track now. In a late meeting they have put a ban on the dance, one of. the modern curses, one of the new paths of destruction that is dulling the char acter of many (>eople, a thing that not only promotes drinking and fighting but worse. If the commissioners will just stick like men to that order, that one thingjrill be worth all they cost for a whole term of office. Test of Our Americanism Are the American people going to elect A 1 Smith President? The answer to the question will be a test of our Americanism The only test so far of Smith's standing with the American people was in the ehvtion for governor in the State of New York in 1924 and 1926. We find that in New York State, outside of the City of New York, in 1924, Roosevelt got 1,100,577 votes, and Smith got 690,170 votes, giving Roosevelt a ma jority of 410,407 votes. In 1926 Ogden L. Mills led Smith by 272,308 votes at the city limits. But what happened in each case? W hen the city vote was count ed, Smith was elected each time. Why clid New York ' City vote for Smith and New York State vote against NOTICE OF SERVICE BY PUB- further take notice that lie is required LICATION jto appear at the office of the clerk of North Carolina; Martin County; in ! suprior court of Martin.County on Sat the superior court. urday, the 2nd day of June, 1928, and Elisabeth River Lumber Co. v«. C. E. j answer.or demur to the complaint filed Griffin in said action or the plaintiff will ap- The defendant above named will ply to-the court for the relief demqtid take notice that an action entitled as ed in said complaint, above has been commenced in the su- l itis the 28th day of Aprij, 1928. perior court of Martin County. North K. J. fEEU Carolina,"for the purpose of eolecting i\iy4 4tw Clerk Superior Court, an alleged account due plaintiff by Hugh G. Horton, plaintiff's attor defendant; and the-said defendant will Key. ' does more than ice » and does it aut " If your present ice-box is in good condition, k can be nude a Frigidaire electric refrig erator at Tery small cost. You will then have all the health protection, convenience and economy of Frigidaire. Visit our display rooms for a demonstration. %0. S. ANDERSON & CO. ' 4 - WILLIAMSTON, N. C. 1 FRIGIDAIRE NODOCR >6( • SINIIAI • MOTORS MM ■ r -- ■ him? Simply because in the city 4 out of 5 voters were born outside of the United States, and they are 9trong for Smith; and 1 out of voters could not overcome this strong foreign element of voters, coming from every cornet of the globe; some good, many not Rood. It is a burning desire with them to liberalize the immigration law and let the floating world run over us. You can not fool them. They are like the liquor folks—they know their Smith. What will the people who love American ideals do about it? Will they surrender the liberties won by our forefathers to a man that owes every office he has ever held entirely to a foreign vote, which in many respects don't like the way we do many things ill America. ' '■> ) , The House Divided Against Itself The house that is divided against itself will fall. This, of course, means many kinds of houses; possibly churches are affect; families are also affected. But of all the structures that are destroyed, in this manner towns head the list. The minuti an opportunity appears, every fellow be gins to figure for self. It makes little difference whether it is political, religious, financial, or other wise, people will frequently divide on account of sel fish motives, even though it means loss and inconveni ence for generations. 14 Men will sell out for one mesa of pottage. When (>eopre learn the worth of all pulling togehter for the best average interest, then will the town grAw and prosper. " \ Selfishness is like ignorance when it comes to ging down; and it has not half as much uplifting power as ignorance in its crudest form. Tax Listing Time Again The time is on us again to enroll ourselves and our property for taxation. Certainly, it seems only a short time since we went through* the same process. Every man who has property should cultivate a conscience fon truth before listing his taxes. If we could only do Jo, the tax burden would be much near er solution thrfn it is. Tjie governing authorities have had the right ideas for many years on the tax ques tion, ITiat is that every dollar in property should pay taxes according to its true value. But they do not enforce the law, which is desecrated to the extent that practically every person taxes his property at what he pleases. Many men conveniently underguess the number of barrels of corn on hand or the amount of bacon. Hogs are generally small and cows poor at listing time, hence they get on the books at a low price. I'he lister swears to the statements which he has given, and with apparent ease of conscience walks away. One of the.troubles with a diminished value on prop erty is that it helps the |>oor very little but helps the rich very much. Fair listing of all property is one of the greatest needs in our tax'system. Dishonest Administrations It is safer to elect honest men t« office because it is so expensive to figure out what dishonest men have stolen after they have been in office for a while. With all our boasted improvements in auditing and checking on our government, we have failed to improve cnodi tions. The Harding administration and its heirs and as signs have robbed the government of more of its wealth rfian all other administrations in half a century. Prac tically every valuable natural asset which the people owned has been taken from them. Not only is this true of the hundreds of millions in rich oil lands, but every other thing. We can not be too careful in the selection of honest men, but we need to elect none who will tolerate dis honest friends, which was Mr. Harding's greatest blunder, as has been shown clearly in the investiga tion of many of his appointees. THERE are dozens of the whole family will be uses for Duco in every glad to help, home—chairs,tables,beds And the result is new and dressers, flower-boxes, beauty, color, life in fa wastebaskets, lighting fix- miliar rooms, tures and a hundred and „ We carry a complete one other things in your Btoc k of Duco colors as home. well as four rich Duco Duco is so easy to apply, stains, and the transparent whether you use a brush Clear Duco. Come in and or hand sprayer, in fact, let us give you a Duco it is such fun tp use, that color card, free. ■ DUCO —made only by du Pont 3. S. Courtney, Local Dealer ? " . HI D KVKNY g AMD PWIPAV THE ENTE R P RIS E WANTS WANTED TO BUY TWO MEDI um size iron safes. Harrison Oil Co., Williamston. my 4 4t FOR SALE: TWO FINE JERSEY sowa and pigs. One has 10 pigs, other 9. Come to .see them at once. J. W. Green, Williamstop, N.C. a 27 3tw LOST SATURDAY AF ternoon around 7 o'clock, between A. C. L. station and J. W. Hight's residence: Black leather week end case containing ladies' and boys' apparel. Any one giving in formation leading to recov ery of same will receive lib eral reward. J. W. Hight, Williamston, N. C. ' It CARDS CANDIDATE'S FOR SHERIFF To the Democratic voters of Martin County:—l take this means of an nouncing my candidacy for the office of itheriff. I wish to thank the people of the county for all favors and sup port given me, and will appreciate your support in the coming primary. ' A. L. ROEBUCK. FOR REPRESENTATIVE I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of representative from Mar tin County in the lower house of the general assembly, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. I also wish to thank -the people for their past fa vors and assure them that any sup port accorded me in the primary will be heartily appreciated. J. A. EVERETT. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of County Commissioner ■for the coming term, promising my best service if elected. L. P. HOLLIDAY. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS 1 hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of register of deeds of Martin" County subject to action of the Democratic primary to be held on June 2nd and kindly ask for the »up port of the Democratic voters. It is with sincere appreciation that I desire to thank the citizens of the county fur past favors and cooperation. J. SAM GETSINGER. FOR SENATOR I hereby announce my candidicy for the office of State Senator of the Sec ond District and will appreciate the support of the Democratic voters alO tf ELBERT S. PEEL. NOTICE OF CANDIDACY I hereby announce myself a Candi date for County Prosecutor of the Re corder's Court subject to the majority of the voters in the Democratic Prim ary in June. JULIUS S. PEEL FOR COUNTY TREASURER I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of treasurer for Mar tin County, subject to the action of the Democratic voters in the primary June 2. I wish to express my thanks for the support given me, and assure the people of tl\e county that their coop eration in the coming primary will be highly appreciated. C. D. CARSTARPHEN. Bring New Beauty to Familiar Rooms —with DUCO NOTICE OP BALB Under and by virtue of the power of •ale contained in that certain deed of trust executed on the Bth day of April, 1927, by W. H. Wrnne and wife, Ma mie Wynne, and of record in the pub lic registry of Martin County in book Y-2, at page 274, said deed of trust be ing given to secure the payment of cer tain notes of even date and tenor there, with; and the stipulations in said deed of trust not having been complied with, and at the request of the parties inter ested, the undersigned trustee will on the 31st day of May, 1928, at 12 o'clock m., offer for sale to the highest bid der for cash, at public auction, the fol lowing described tract of land, to wit: A one-fifth (1-5) undivided interest in the following tract of land, to wit: Beginning at a comer intersection of Watts and Ray Streets; thence 50 1-2 feet to a corner, E. M. Gordy's line and corner; thence towards river a long E. M. Gordy's line 252 feet, a corner to Apfel's line; thence towards Ray Street, a parallel to front line 50 1-2 feet to a corner on Ray Street, Ap fel and Tucker corner; thence a line parallel to said Gordy's line 252 feet to the beginning. One house and lot known as the Tucker property deeded by Thigpen heirs to the late John Tucker. Deed is of record in Martin County public registry in book D-2, at P f'his the 30th day of April, 1928. R. L. COBURN. myl 4tw Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned trus tee on the 19th day of January, 1922. by J. B. McGowan and wife, M. B. McGowan, said deed of trust being of record in the public registry of Martin County in book H-2, page 51, said deed of trust having been given to se cure a certain bond of even date there with, and the stipulations therein con tained not having been complied with, and at the request of the holder of the said bond, the undersigned trustee will, on the 28th day of May, 1928, at 12 o'- clock noon, at the courthouse door, in the town of Williamston, North Caro lina, offer for sale to the highest bid der for cash, the following described property: : Being the same house and land deed ed to J. D. Gray by J. B. H. Knight, commonly known as the 'D. Gray house and lot,' in the town of Wil liamston, bounded by the lands of J. G. Godard, J. B. H. Knight, Mrs. Irene Smith, and Smithwick Street.. This the 27th day of April, 1928. W. J. HUNTER, myl 4tw Trustee. Elbert S. Peel, attorney. NOTICE Having this day qualified as execu trix of tlie estate of W. M. Perry, de ceased, late of Martin County, all per sons holding claims against said estate are hereby notified to present tame to me for payment on or before the 4th day of April, 1929, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persona indebted to said*estate will please come forward and make immedi ate payment of the same. This the 4th day of April, 1928. VIRGINIA PERRY, Executrix of estate of W. M. Perry, deceased. a 27 6t NOTICE OP SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed on the 10th day of March, T923, by J. D. Gray and wife, Mary J. Gray, and of record in the public registry of Martin County, in book H-2, at page 250, said deed of trust being given to secure the pay ment of certain notes of even date and tenor therewith,'and the stipulations in Always . . a square USED CAR deal from the Buick Dealer Tha Buick dealer is in busi ness to stay. His future rep utation depends upon hii treating used car buyers fairly. Tha man who buys a good used car—baueetly repre seated—at a fair price— receives splendid value in transportation. In his enthusiasm for tha car bs has bought, and the value he haa received* it is only natural for him to look upon the dsakr as his friend. Tha Buick dealer has many such friends because he tap resents da true condition of the used cars ha ofn for sale—because ha gfves trtry daaL C * r Kfm BUICK MOTOK COMPANY PUNT. MICHIGAN on|g|g|ho N. A. RIDDICK MOTO! CAR COMPANY Tht House That Ssrvfe* Built SCOTLAND NKCK >t M. said deed of trust not having keen complied with, and at the request of the parties interested, the undersigned trustee will on the 31st day of May, 1928, at 12 o'clock m., at the court house door in the town of William ston, N. C., offer for tale to the high est bidder, for cash, at public auction, the following tract of land and person al property, to wit: A house and lot in the town of Wil liamston, N. C., on the north side of Smithwick Street, adjoining the prop erty of Mrs. Irene Smith, Dr. J. B. H. Knight, and J. G. Godard, and being the same property purchased by J. D. G>rey from Dr. J. B. H. Knight, which was recently conveyed to him by El bert S Peel, trustee. The following personal property: One Hoffman steam presser, all clothes racks, coat hangers, and stoves, chairs, tables, and sewing machine. „ Said above described personal prop erty being located in a store owned by Jos. S. Griffin on the south side of Funeral Director and - Licensed Embalmer Only Licensed Embalmer in Martin County DAY AND NIGHT AMBULANCE SERVICE Excellent Service at Most Reasonable Price B. S. COURTNEY WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Day Phone 155 Night Phone 94 THE HACKNEY TOBACCO AND GENERAL UTILITY TRUCK INDISPENSABLE ATTENTION FARMERS You get more for your money in one of these trucks than in any other implement on the farm. Solid Oak Bolsters and Plat COST NO MORE Quality and strength are the features of this truck. * You can't afford to handle this season's tobacco crop without the Hackney Trucks. In addition to the well-kixnrn saving in handling to bacco, it is a real time saver on all hauling around the farm not requiring a regular farm wagon. You will find uses for it the entire year, such as hauling wood, sacks of fertiliser, corn, cot ton, berries, watermelons, vegetables, etc. Insist that your trucks are Hackney. SPECIFICATIONS Flat: Length, 7 ft. 7 in. Width 22 in. Axle 7-8 in. steel. Heavy front bolsters. Wheels: Laminated of three pieces, 12 in. .high, 2 1-2 x 3-16 in. tire. Patented malleable iron sand-proof hub caps inside and outside, with device for holding box rigid and in place. It Will Pay You to See a Hackney Wagon Dealer Before Buying Wagons or Trucks HACKNEY WAGON COMPANY Manufacturer* Since 1554 "*• Wilton, N. C. o | FREE OUT SAMPLE CAN BPS PAINT I— May 15 & 16 " . it 7W-" ~ - We want you to try B. P. S. Finishes in your home. That's the reason for free sample— not necessary to buy a brush or anything. Demonstration MAY 15 AND 16 PAINTS, ENAMEL, STAIN, AND VARNISH The B. P. S. representaive will be pleased to show you easy atid pleasing methods of painting, finishing, lacquering. . » i Culpepper 'tfß| Hardware Jill Company WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Tuesday, May 8,1928 Main Street in the town of William ston, N. C., adjoining the property of H. D. Peel and J. G. Godard, and be inn the said personal property Una day conveyed to J. D. Grey by Octavws Price and all other personal property in connection with the pressing dub which the said J. D. Grey now owned including that he purchased from Oc tavious Price or that he may hereafter acquire during the continuance of this obligation. This the 30th day of April, 1928. WHEELER MARTIN, myl 4tw Trustee. R. L. Coburn, attorney. 666 b a pieacrlption for COLDB, GRIPPE, FLU, DKNGUK, BILIOUS FBTER AND MALARIA It Km* the Oardto

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