Friday, June 29,1928 EatertaiamenU Ctak Hittiip Engagements Weddings Etc. Leave on Camping Trip Mr. and Mrs. John A. Ward and sons left Wednesday on a camping trip. They went from here- to Sana torium, to visit Miss Mittie Brown, who is convalescing in the hospital there. From Sanatorium they will go to Asheville and other points of in terest in Western Carolina. ►i i m Announce Birth of Son s Mr. and Mrv J. Robert Everett an nounce the birth of a son, Roland Mor timer, on Saturday, June 23, at their Ik,me in the Tar Heel Apartments. Leave for Suffolk MisS Ruth Peel will leave Monday lor Suffolk, where she will spend two weeks with her grandmother. In Raleigh Wednesday William Hodges spent Wednesday and Thursday visiting friends in Ra leigh. Visiting Miss Harrison Miss Mary Richardson, of Wilson, is visiting Miss Y'elma Harrison. Mrs. G. H. Harrison, Miss Velma, and Miss Nannie Murritl spent Tuesday in Rocky Mount and Wilson arid brought Miss Richardson home with them. Visiting in Chapel Hill Misses Bonner and Elizabeth Gur ganus spent several days of this week visiting friends in Chapel Hill. Visiting Friends Here ______ - Leave Monday for Norfolk Mrs. Carrie B. Williams and daugh ter, Miss Frances, will leave Monday to spend the fourth of July in Nor folk. Miss Darden Visiting Here Miss Mildred Dardeii, of Kenly, is visiting Misses Martha and Esther Harrison. Visit Mr. and Mrs. Hardy Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Willie, Mr. and Mrs. McCoy, and Vermm Willie, of Norfolk, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Neville, of Enfield, and Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Neville, of Weldon, were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. \V. Hardy. Spend Thursday at Beach Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gurganus, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Manning, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Manning, Mrs, 1.. C. Bennett, and Mrs. H. W. Hardy sftent yesterday afternoon at Gderaine Heaeh. * -- v - -- yi ■■■■■■■■■ ■ Arm i>ont E i TvfW even think off It! m H Hi |H DonlpafMeaitftfMrakalf' ■ pint of any llq«M Inarrt- I m killer. Black Ftaf-the JB |J deadliest of all-CMta —|y 18 remit for L (he name quantity. Black Ikf wipui out p J every Insect peat that Invades JMB- IMM. L I~J (Money back If It dMinlpmvn.) Black | ■ Flag came* In two far— liqwkl and ■ Powder. Both are an death to flies, mot ■ qultoes, roaches, ante, fcwi i«p, flea, etc. I J Powder, 14 ccaite and ap. FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND LI CENSED EMBALMERS We have recently purchased a new hearse and ambulance, which enables us to give our patrons th best of service at our usual reasonable prices. Day and Night Ambulance Service Barnhill Brothers ROBERSONVILLE, N. C. Day Phone 129 Night Phone 29 Funeral Director and Licensed Embalmer Only Licensed Embalmer in Martin County DAY AND NIGHT AMBULANCE SERVICE Excellent Service at Most Reasonable Price \ B. S. COURTNEY \ WILLIAMSTON, N. C. \ Day Phone 155 Night Phone 94 Society & personals Mrs. ELBERT S. PEEL, Editor Business Visitor Here Pete Layden, of Edentoti, was a business visitor here this week. Miss Lucy Claire Ivey, of Durham, is spending a few days with friends here. Here From Jamesville . Mr. R. O. Martin, of Jamesville, was in town yesterday. In Columbia This Week Mr. Jim C. Cook has been in Colum bia this week assisting in the ship. I iug of potatoes. Leave For Baltimore Messrs. C. G. Crickett and Rush Boudurant will leave Sunday afternoon for Baltimore. Leave for Washington Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Manning, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Manning, jr.. and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Booker will leave to morrow for Washington, 1). C. They will make the trip through the Shen andoah Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Entertain Tuesday At their home on Main Street Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler Martin entertained with a bridge party on Tuesday even ing. Prior to the games „ol cards a representative of a cooking-ware com pany gave a demonstration of the new method of cooking, which was very instructive. Mrs. S. R. Biggs made high score for the ladies and received a" box of powder. Mr. J. G. Godard, jr. for the men's high score prize, received a pair of suspenders. Mrs. Martin served an ice course at the conclusion of four progressions of bridge. Party for Recent Bride Wednesday At "their home on Haughton Street Misses Martha and Esther Harrison entertained with a bridge party on Wednesday afternoon complimentary to Mrs. I.eman Harnhill. it was one of the largest social events of the sea son. The house was attractively decor ated with summer flowers aiul thrown en suite with eleven tables arranged for bridge. The arriving quests were met by Min Martha Harrison and intmdneed PHONE ' Anything for This Department To 46 to the receiving line, in which stood Miss Esftier Harrison, the guest of honor, Miss Mildred Darden, of Kenly, Miss Lucy Claire Ivey, of Durham and Scotland Neck, and Msis Mary Jones, bride-elect, of Grimeslatid, and guest of her sister, Mrs. Milton Moye. Mrs. Myrtle Brown served punch in the rear hall and then the guests found their places with lily and rose place cards. At the conclusion of the games, Mrs. James Manning, who made high score, was given a pair of hose. Mrs. Barn hill was presented with a lovely luncheon set. Miss Ivey and Miss Dar den with boxes of powder, and Miss Jones with a piece of lingerie. The hostesses served an ice course consisting of ice cream and cake and mints in pink and white baskets. From an investment of $5.1.90 for 9 ewes and one ram. G. K. Bateman, of Prsquotank' County, sold sls worth of lambs and $lB worth of wool this spring. He saved four lambs valued at S2O to add to his original Hock. NOTICE Under and by virtue of a commis sion of the superior court of Martin County, dated May 25th, 1928, the un dersigned commissioner will, on the loth day of July, 1928, at 11 o'clock a. m., at the courthouse door of Wil liamston, expose for sale the follow ing described lands, said lands being situate in Martin County, in James ville Township, and being the lands of the late Mrs. Matilda Browning: Tract No. 1: Bounded on the north by George Brooks, on the south by Levi Ange, on the east by Solomon Boyd, and on the west by the Keys land. Tract No. 2: Bounded on the north by George Brooks, on the south by J. 11. Ange, on the cast by J. M. Ange and on the west by Levi Ange, the two tracts containing 85 acres, more or less. ' , Terms of sale: Cash. Sale is for partition among the heirs at law of deceased. A This 14th d fy of June, 1928. JOS. W. BAILEY" - jo 15 4tw Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE J12.500.00 WATER AND LIGHT BONDS, COLUMBIA, N. C. Bids will he received by the Board o! Aldermen of Columbia. North Car olina, until 8 o'clock p. in. July 3rd, 1928, "at the courthouse, for the pur chase of twelve thousand five hundred dollars ($12,500.00) of Water and Light bonds of said town, dated July SPOTS BEFORE EYES Miner Had Dark Spots Before Eyea. Felt Dull, Tired, Achy. Doem't Get Down Any More. Somerset. Ky.—Telling how he had known of the merit of Thedford's Black-Draught since he was a boy, Mr. Albert Oarland, of this city, recently said: "I used to work in the mines, but lost quite a bit of time on ac count of the sick spells I had. 1 would get to having a bad taste In my mouth, and a very dull, tired feeling and ache. 1 would have dark spots In front of my eyes, and I would be so dizzy I would stagger like I was drunk "I took medicine, but didn't seem to get any better. "My mother told me to try Black- Draught, which I did, and after a few doses I felt much better Now I take It as soon as I feel the-leost bad, and I don't get down. I cer tainly can say that it has done more for me than any other medi cine I have ever token. "I never get without Black- Draught. If I go on a visit, I take • package along in my suit-case My health Is better now than it has been in years, and I believe it Is the use of Black-Draught that did It" ' Black-Draught is prepared from medicinal roots and herbs, of high est quality. Try it. NC-HS DUE TO THE BACKWARD SEASON IT WILL PROBABLY PAY YOU MORE THAN EVER BEFORE TO TOP DRESS SUCH CROPS AS COTTON AND CORN. We Have Plentiful Supplies ol Arcadian Sulphate of Ammonia 25 1-4 Per Cent Ammonia Nitrate of Soda 18 Per Cent Ammonia 0-10-5 and 0-8-5 are especially recommended for cotton; plenty of am monia to push the growth and potash to prevent rust and other diseases. Can supply you with any analyses of mixed fertilizer or material that you may need. Standard Fertilizer Co. *•* * * * Manufacturers Fertilizers ON ROANOKE RIVER WILLIAMSTON, N. C. THE ENTERPRISE "1, 1928, and maturing $500.00 July I, 1931, and yearly thereafter until 1955. inclusive, and bearing interest at six per cent per annum, payable semi annually, bonds to be the denomination of $500.00 each, and both interest and principal payable at the Hanover Na tional Bank, in the City and State of New York. An unlimited tax is authorized for the full payment of the interest and principal of these bonds. Purchasers will be furnished the blank bonds and the approval opinion of Messrs. Storey, Thorndike, Palmer & Dodge, attor neys, Boston, Mass., without charge. These bonds are issued under the provisions of the Municipal Finance Art (sections 2928 to 2965, Vol. 3, Consolidated Statutes of North- Caro lina. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check upon aii incorporated hank or trust company, payable to the order of the Treasurer, Columbia, N. C:. for two per Cent of the face value oi the bonds bid for to secure the town against any loss resulting from fail ure of the bidder to comply with the terms of this sale. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. W. H. McCLKES, Clerk. Columbia, N. C. . Julius S. Peel, attorney, \\ illiatn -Bton, N. C. j e22 It! NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed on the 19th day of I March .1920, by L. P. llardisoit and' wife, I.uimla Hardison, apd of record j in the Public Registry of Martin j County in Book (J-2, at page 540,! said deed ol trust being given to se cure the payment of certaiii notes of j even date and tenor therewith, and! the stipulations in said deed of trust not having been complied with, and at the request of the parties interested, the ,undersigned trustee will on the I 23rd.. day of July, 192K, at 12 o'clock j M., offer for sale, to the behest bid der for cash at public autcion the fol lowing described tract of land. Id wit Adjoining l.ittlr Creek »>» ilit-* I'.asf, tlu .lVfl Mill Run on the N'ortli, the Tobacco Flues Must "FIT" There Is a Sad Story To Tell When They Dqn't Fit. Mine Have Been Giving SATISFACTION FOR 15 YEARS IF 1 have been making them for 15 years and they have given satisfaction through these years, it's a pretty good bet that you will be SAFE and PROTECTED if you buy from me this year. EVERYBODY KNOWS That I have a reputation for making the best tobacco flues made in this section. Other makers tell you that they make theirs as near like mine as possible. There must be a REASON. THERE IS A REASON The reason is that mine are nearer perfect than any on else has been able to make them. PRICES GUARANTEED See Me Before You Buy W. T. HURST Manufacturer of "Tobacco Flues That Fit" - ROBERSONVILLE, N. C. PHONES NO. 135 AND NO. 5 lands of John Rogers on the west and south, and more particulary describ ed as follows: Beginning at a post on the VVillianiston and Washington Road, corner of the lands of John Rogers; thence with the line of John Rogers, north 21 degrees east 25.04 poles, south 71 degrees east II 1-5 poles; north 21 degrees east 7 1-3 potes, south 69 degrees east 16 poles north 28 3-4 degrees east 32 poles, north 23 1-4 degrees east 44 poles; north 45 1-4 degrees, west 8 6-10 poles to a hickory; north 60 1-2 de grees west 10.4 poles to a pine and north 61 1-2 degrees west 10 poles to the Peel Mill Run; thence with the said Mill Run, its various ,courses to Little Creek; thence With said Little Ctek its various courses, to the VV'il liamstou and Washington Road; thence with said road to the begin ning. Containing 44 acres, more or less, and being the same lands con veyed to Luinda Hardjson by J. B. H. Price and wife, by deed dated January 29th.. 1916, and recorded in Martin County' Public Registry in Book T-l, at page 30. The $500.00 "note which this deed of trust covers is for advances to be made to L. P. Hardison and wife, Luiuda Hardison during the year 1926 by Harrison Brothers and Com pany. This the 21st., day. of June. R. G. HARRISON. 6-22-4t Trustee. Grovo's Tasteless Chill Tonic Stops Malaria, Restores Strength and Energy. It Purifies and Enriches the Blood. You can feel its Strengthening, Invigorating Effect. 60c. (Pleasant to Take) FOLLOW THE CROWDS 'i- - " I TO Margolis Brothers r Semi-Annual -' ■ " ' • ,i v ~ „■ '• Clearance SALE -- - v /* " * 4 -• '"-V"""' Margolis Bros. "Ihe Shopping Place After All" PAGE THREE

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