PAGE SIX SEPTEMBER 25-26-27-28 IT WONT BE LONG NOW! The Roanoke Fair - Williamston, N. C. URGES SUPPORT PARTY TICKET . (Continued from page one) fear for the Eighteenth Amendment, for Smith's views on the matter would count for little and are of* no more value than ours, that 1.1 States could kill any measure for changing the amendment by just doing nothing. Mr, Daniels' stand on the prohibition question was made clear when he -Mid, —•• - ' -j "History repeals itself. In 1928, a majority of the Democrats of North Carolina—and a big majority—found themselves in the same situation that confronted Vance and the majority of thi North Carolina Democrats' in IK')2 They were in disagreement with Gov ernor Smith on |#ohihitiou. They stood with him on fundamental Democratic principles and against privilege ill every shape or guise. With him they favor -the principle of the Underwood-Simmons tariff mcas- uie Uut their deep and abiding t «*i fictions . would not permit them to vote for his nomination. This oppo sition was. on principle. They rejoiced thai tfie Democratic platform indicted the Republicans for 'flagrantly' fail imt.lo enforce national prohibition and pledged their candidates to enforce the eighteenth amendment by name They bel|>ed to kill any declaration to modi fy, amend or repeal national prohibi tion. The majority of that conven tion nominated Smith on the platform adopted by practically'a unanimous "Vote. Then came Gover nor Smith's unfortunate statement of his personal recommendation of a mcndmeiit. Some Democrat*, thought, of bolting. Some will, refuse to sup port Smith because of it. As a dis ciple and follower of \ ance I call not go with them. Instead, refusing to endorse Smith's suggestion of amend ment, we dry Democrats stand against it just as strongly as Vance stood a gains! Cleveland's gold standard sug gestion. We frill continue to fight to the end against it as Vance did for his convictions. Like him wc will make our fight within the" party and win it there. In fact, all attempts to make 'wet* and "dry' the issue has failed. In New York and other con gested districts, both parties arc wet. It: the South both parties are dry. The same is true ip the West and in three New Knglaud States. I stand with Senator Glass, who said; "1 Shall support Smith in spite of his impossible proposal rather than be cause of it. Indeed, knowing perfect ly weH that, as President, be will have no power to modify the eighteenth or any other amendment to tlie Federal Constitution, and that not ill an hun dred years hence will two-thirds of both branches of Congress propose or three-fourths of the States of the Largest Sale of Year Friday THERE IS A REASON TOBACCO IS SELLING HIGHER AT THE FARMERS WAREHOUSE IF YOU HAVE SOLD YOUR FIRST PRIMINGS, LET YOUR TIPS COME NEXT. NOW IS THE BEST TIME., WE HONESTLY TRY TO PLEASE EVERY CUSTOMER, AND WE MAKE NO DISTINCTION BETWEEN MEN. WE SELL TOBACCO AND NOT THE MAN. TOBACCO IS NOT HIGH BUT IS SELLING GOOD, COMPARED WITH OPENING PRICES GAINING STRENTH EVERY DAY. BRING US YOUR NEXT LOAD, WE WILL GUARANTEE TO GIVE YOU THE MARKET PRICE FOR YOUR TOBACCO. " A .* • ', • V , - ... • ' R *~ ' . M '• T y'&, " ' R . ' SALES FOR NEXT WEEK: Monday First Sale Tuesday ... Third Sale Wednesday Second Sale Thursday .... First Sale Friday Third Sale BENNETT, BARNHILL & VEASEY Union ratify any such proposition, 1 put Governor Smith's record as a man I and an executive over against that of his Republican conifietitior and I put the record and declaration of princi ples of the Democratic l'arty against that of the Republican l'arty, and on this score preserve my party regular ity as a Democrat and join in tl(e fight against entrenched privilege and a gaiust the worst record of thievery and corruption anjl organized maladminis tration of government that ever dis graced any political regime in the his ti.rv ol the American Republic." Hoover followed Wilson principles in I'MB. but he turned against him and his peace program and now, while he leads the Republican's, let us, as Dem- KI rat's, vote the national ticket with out hearl in it and put down privilege and corruption, which have abused us lot seven years, Mr. Daniels pleaded. 74 Hunting Licenses Sold by Dealer tlere Seventy-four hunting licenses, 61 county and 13 state, had been sold up until noon today by Mr. P. H. Brown at the Culpepper Hardware store, it was learned by at heck' of the records The numbor Sold throughout the county could not be learned today, hut it is thought that the sale this year is not as large as i* was last foi a corresponding time. The sale is expected to show a de cided increase since the open season for game begins tomorrow. Before Mayor On Charge Drunkness "Mr. Mayor, 1 thank you," v said C. Columbus Hodges when Mayor R. L. Coburn sentenced him to jail for two days for !>eing drunk oh the streets here this week. And "Skibby" vouched for -his soberness from now until January 1 when the court threatened him with a road sentence. Hodges was required to pay the costs of the case and settle the jail fees. Many Rattlesnakes ' Killed in County Rattlesnakes certain sections of llii.- county are becoming so numerous that it is no uncommon thing to see oiucrawling along the public roads. Ktccutly Mr K- tjtr Roberson ran over one 'on the Ilardison Mill road near here. The snake was not badly hurt bv the car's weight, and Mr. Rob er'on used a /stick and killed it. Tues day morning Mrs Arnold Robcrson was traveling the same road and ran over one of the reptiles having 11 rat tles. . She Vas afraid, to fight\ the sniike. but others arriving at the scene killed it. Several reasons have been ad- vanced for the unusually large num bir of snakes (tl that section, one of them being that the snakes have the woods all to themselves since the fence laws were passed. Announce Services for Poplar Chapel Sunday Rev. J. H. Hale will preach to morrow night, Sunday morning and Sunday night at the Poplar Chapel Christian Church, -it was announced yesterday. The public is cordially in vited to attend any or all three of the services, and a large attendance is urged. Former County Citizen Dies in Pennsylvania ' Charles Grimshaw, a former resi dent of thin county, a few days i.go at his home in Malvern, Pennsyl vania. Mr. Grimshaw during his residence in this county lived on a farm near Jamesville where he erected a mod ern home and equipped his farm for stock raising. Ha left the county 40. years ago and made his home in the Pennsylvania town. He is remembered by many of the older people in the Jamesville sec tion who regarded hint as a splen did citizen. In Town Yesterday v Mr. Edmondson, of Hassells, was in town yesterday. The mountain section of western North Carolina is destined to become one oj the great dairy regions of. the United States. Slowly and surely the farmers of thai section are bringing this to pass. MARGOLIS BROTHERS' . STORE WILL BE CLOSED UNTIL 6 P. M. SATURDAY ; r> on account of Jewish Holiday THE ENTERPRISE In Norfolk Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler Martin spent yesterday in Norfolk. WANTS WANTED: DOGWOOD, EIVE inches up in diameter; lengths, 5 feet and up. Also white ash logs, yellow poplar logs Address Albert R. Kampf llox' 1010, Norfolk, Va. s!4 5t NOTICE: I WISH TO NOTIFY the public that I am practicing again. When you need me call 142, night 186. S. O. Mason, I). V. S. ill 2tpd WANTED: A LADY REPRESEN tative to take care of established tr;>de. in Hiis territory i/nr the Real Silk Hosiery Mills. Wonderful opi>ortunity (or the right party. Write H. G. Broome, branch manager. 504-5 First National Bank Building, Wilson, N. C. *7 6t GOOD FARM FOR SALE: FORM erly the R. T. Hoflf farm, located on road 5 miles south of Plymouth, con taining 3V5 acres, more «or less. Price $7,000.00 20 per cent cash, balance on a long-term loan. If these terms are not convenient, submit what term* you would like. Go and see this farm and come to Elbert S. Peel or W. C. Man ning, Williaiustou. sll tf FOR SALE ON REASONABLE terms: 6 room cottage in New Town. Water, lights, and bath, complete. House in good condition. 6-rooni bouse on Main Street, well located, modern conveniences. House in good condition. \V. Manning tf FALL OPENING Qur buyers have returned from New York and have«elected the very latest in ladies', misses', children's, and men's and boys' ready to wear. We'have on display a dazzling array of new fall clothes and novelties for milady. Everything of the very latest—you can get your complete fall equipment here, lovely in every detail. Wonderful new fall frocks that reflect the very spirit of the season. °\ - . v - . . ' 1 ' ) Harrison Brothers & Co. Friday, September 14, J928

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