Watch the Label on Your Paper As It Carries tfas Data When Tow Subscription Expires VOLUME XXXII—NUMBER 15 BEGIN PRACTICE AT SCHOOL FOR FINAL EXERCISES .. Students Are Handicapped By Lack of Space in Old Building REHEARSE*OUTDOORS Large Percentage of 460 Grammar Grade PupUa To Take Part in Outdoor Program In spite of the lack of room in the j present building, that is in some de- I gree serving both the grammar and h'gh schools, plans for commencement exercises are being carried out, and the practice of some of the various parts of the program is being held-on the grounds. is no room for practice in the building, as the audi torium is being used for classrooms; the present music room is used for getting the different parts started before the teachers take up the practice outside. This outside practice is possible be cause of the type of exercise that is to be given by the jcranunar and primary grades as their part in the finals. The custom of using every pupil possible in these performances, as has been the case for the past two years, will be followed. In place of the usual oper etta given in the auditorium, a May Festival is to be presented on the fgroundt with by far the greater per centage of the 460 lower grade pupils taking part The crowning of the May queen and the Maypole dance will fea ture the festival. The various aes- . thetic dances and rhythmic drills will I demonstrate phases of work that is l.cing done in all moderit schools un- * der the name of public school music and physical education, branches of elementary teaching that are very much neglected in the schools here, as there are no teachers employed to d>i this work. Because of the same crowded con- ] dition, Mrs. L. H. Davis has been f reed to take the high school seniors to the city hall for practice on their play which they are to give in the new high school auditorium Friday ! night, May 3. There will he no class ] day exercises, but the commencement j sermon will be preached the following . Sunday morning by Rev. S. H. Craig- | hill, of Rocky Mount. The graduat- 1 ] ing exertises will be held Friday t nuiiil, Way 10. ! 1 To all of these closing performances | the public is very cordially invited. #_ Dr. Burrell To Preach To Baptists Sunday • ".. . Dr. W. R. Burrell will preach in the | local Baptist church Sunday morning and evening. Dr. Burrell is well known here, j where he served for some scyeral i years as pastor of thf local, church. I Hit many friend* in and out of the church will welcome this opportunity ot hearing him again. * At the morning hour he will speak especially to the young people of the congregation. .He will preach again at 8 o'clock in the evening. The pasTor wiH hold the regular Wednesday eveniug service in the church as usual. This has been a busy week at the Baptist church. „The pastor has been teaching a class in Sunday school ( teacher training In addition, the church has been very busily engaged in making due preparation for the V convention which it now assembling. | \ The Memorial Baptist church it . bringing to Williamstoii, frcjpn time to , time, a rather impressive group of public speakers; and the general pub lic it invited to hear them when they come. J * R. A. Pope Reelected County Superintendent Mr. R. A. Pope, auperintendent c schools in this county, waa reelected for another term In that office yes terday by the cotftityNboard of educa tion in special session here.' WAIT S| T T THEATRE Saturday April 20 MONTANA BILL ], "Secrets of the Range" Also COMEDY and SERIAL *The Vanishing West" Special Matinee - 3 P. M. 10c and 25c ——»—p- ' 1 Show* at 7:15 and 9 P. M. Daily MUSIC BY PHOTOTONK THSr ENTERPRISE Clean-Up Week Sunday—Church Cooperation Day AH clergymen of the city will make special announcement of the following days of the campaign: Monday—Fire Prevention Day 10:00 a. m.—Ringing of town bell; starting active drive against uncleanliness and fire hazards. 10:05 a. m.—Parade of white school children. Tuesday—Front Yard Day Cut lawns, prepare gardens and flower beds for planting, clean walks and gutters, exterminate ants. Wednesday—Flower Bed Day Exchange plants, plant flower beds and trim shrubbery. 10:00 a. m.—Parade of colored school children. Thursday—Paint Day Paint and inside and out, |>orches, fences, woodwork, screens, and porch chairs. Downtown business houses clean windows and replace old awnings. "A little paint works wonder^." Friday — Back Yard Day Clean alleys, repair fences and sheds, screen garbage cans, put fly traps on garbage cans. Put up screens, plant thrift gardens. Saturday—Vacant Lot Day I Everybody join in and help school children clean vacant lots and remove tin cans, paper, and dead weeds. Plow and plant garden plots wherever possible. All Old Members of Board Except One At Convention BALLOTING FOR BOARD MEMBERS IS VERY CLOSE N. C. Green To Get Place Of E. P. Cunningham On New Board RENOMINATE MAYOR *■ » R. L. Coburn Gets Nomination By Acclamation; 110 Citixent Attend Convention Approving in the main the admini tration of the present town official! 110 citizens of the town attended the convention held In the Olty Hall Ish evening and offered for reelection with one exception, Mayor R. L. Co burn and his board of commissioner to head the town's affairs during th next two years, beginning June -1029. Apparently remembering the oi come of the town convention in 1027, the women of the town offered no candidates, and aside from a business like method of voting, the conventioi featured nothing out of the ordinary. The convention was nearing a hasty close when Mr. A. R. Dunning adde to the list carrying the names of the present board members nominated bj Mr. L. T. Fowden, the names of N. C. Green and W.H. Biggs, "just for fun,' he stated. Once the ice was broken by Attorney Dunning, the number o nominees increased rapidly until tl convention had twelve of Ihe town'* leading citiaens from which to choost Ave. Shortly after the convention wi. opened, nominations for a mayor wen asked for by Judge Clayton Moor the permanent chairman. Mr. L. '• Fowden nominated Mayor. R- L. Cc bum, and nomination waa made by ac clamation. Mr. Coburn made a brief acceptance speech, stating that he enjoyed th. confidence of the people, that during his stay in office he had worked un tiring for progreaaive measures yet ones that were conservative in theii nature. He pledged hia willingness U handle the affairs of the office witi care, offering hia support to a pro gressive administration during hir next two years in office. The term begginning June SO is Mayor Coburn'i third successive one. Accepting "the uomination of Mayoi Coburn, the convention busied itaelf with the method of procedure, an once it was ruled that the Ave highest should win, the nominations for commission*rs were entered rapidly. Mr. L. T. Fowden's list of condidates Messrs. G. H. Harrison, C. 0. Moore, L. P. Lindaley, E. P. Cunningham and W. T. Meadows was apparently aecpetod when the ice was Mr. A. R. Dunning. The nominations followed: Mr. Dunning nominating Messrs. N. C. Green and W. H. Biggs; Mr. Luther Pee) offering the name of M. S. Mr. H. G. Horton enterting the name of Mr. John L. Rodgerson; Mr. D. D. Stalls nominat ing Mr. Theodore Roberson; Mr. C. H. Godwin, after withdrawing!)!* nomination of K. B. Crawford at Mr. Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, April 19, 1929 PROCEEDINGS IN SUPERIOR COURT * Few Cases Disposed of De spite Untiring Work of Officials m Baffled by long-drawn out and stub born caMi, the special term of super ior court for the trial of civil cases i. progress here this week has disposed of very few issues .although Judge Moore and the court attendants have worked untiringly on the docket. The caae of Slade, Rhodes 1 and com pany against Joe Purvis, colored, call ed last Tuesday noon was completed late yesterday. The case involved set ting aside a deed made by Joe Purvis to his wife, criUlrcn and others, the plaintiffs charging that the deed was made by Purvis to his family in an attempt to avoid paying Slade, Rhodes and company a legitimate debt. It was pointed out that after the deed was given, Purvis then gave Slade, Rhodes and company a deed of trust to cover the debt, which deed they took in good faith. The land was sold under the deed of trust and Sladfe, Rhodes and company bought it in. The amount involved was about $3,000. The jury found that the deed was void, and the plaintiffs recovered the land. The Coltrain versus Roberson case was called yesterday aijd came to an end suddenly when a call for a new survey of a piecj of land was made Crawford's request, nominated Mr. L. T. Fowden and just before the nomi nations closed, Dr. H. B. York offered Mr. Hugh G. Horton as a candidate for a seat on the board. Ballots were diatributed and a count was underway within a few minutes. The count was close at the beginning, first one and then the other of the candidates securing a marker. And then from the hat would come a volley of votes for first this one and then the others. Mr. E. P. Cunningham, a member of the present board, miaaed reelection by only nine votes, while Mr. C. O. Moore led thi ticket with 68 votes, followed closely by Mr. G. H. Harrison with 67 votes. Commissioner Lindsley was next with 66 votes and Mr. N. C. Green, the new board member, wai fourth with 63 votes. The official results of the convention follow: For Commissioners C. O. Moore —— 6f G. H. Harrison 67 L. P. Lindsley 6f N. C. Green 68 W. T. Meadows _Ju E. P. Cunningham 4O H. G. Horton 3! W. H. Bigrs 8 S. C. Griffin 22 J. L. Rodgerson If Theo. Roberson ... 16 L. T. Fowden 1 Although the convention practicalh determines the town administratis heads, an election will be necessar the first Tuesday after the first Mon day in May to make the eonven proceedings conform to election laws. BODY OF WHITE INFANT FOUND IN RIVER HERE Had Been in Water for Several Weeks, It Is Believed NO CLUE TO IDENTITY e Wat Discovered Lodged in Pile of Brush by Party of Fishermen Thia Morning Partially decomposed by a sev eral weeks' stay in the water, the body of an infant girl was removed from Roanoke river here this mom ing by Lula Peel, Mary Walker and Phyllia Smith, colored women who were Ashing along the stream's bank and saw the body lodged in a pile of floating trash. Coroner S. K. Biggs was summoned to the scene and an investigation waa started at once. The baby, a well-developed white girl, measured 18 inches and weighed approximately seven pounds. The back of the skull was gone, indicat ing that it had been crushed. Other parts of the body were intact. The condition of the body made an exami nation difficult, Coroner Biggs stating that it was impossible to tell whether the child's skull had been crushed be fore the body was thrown into the stream, adding that the body might have been thrown from a bridge and the skull mashed when it hit some object in the stream. It is believed that the body had been in the water for several weeks and that it had floated a number of miles. Apparently the child was not dressed when thrown into the water as there wasn't even a rag on the body when it was found. The body was buried in Potter' flald here after a thorough examina tion of it had been made by the au thorities. ■ —*. SCHOOL FINALS AT JAMESVILLE Plans for Commencement Exercises Are Now Complete Plans for the Jamesville High School annual coinnicncbuu-nt arc complete. One section of the grade commencement has already been giv en. Grades one, two, six and seven gave a delightful operetta, "Sunny Side," which was enjoyed by a crowd ed house. The senior play was given last Fri day night before, a large and apprecia tive audience. The play presented by seniors was "Professor Pepp." ' Coming attractions ,'ire as follows: April 23—Grade commencement ( Grades three, four, and fiye) pre senting a Japanese program and play, 8 o'clock p. ni. April 28—Baccalaureate sermon, by Dr. Fletcher, of Washington Collegi ate Institute. II o'clock a. in. • April 27—Music recital, 8 o'clock p. m. May and. declamation, contests, 10 a. ill. Seventh grade class day exercises, 11:15 a. m. Dinner on the grounds, 12:30 p. in. Literary ad dress by Professor R. C. Deal, of F-ast Carolina Teachers College, Greenville, j 2p. in. Graduation exercises, award- i ing dipl mas, certificates, and medals, 3:15 p. in. Baseball game, 4 o'clock. High school play, "The Road t> the City," 8:15 p. in. Oak City Play Presented Wednesday Is Success ♦ The three-act comedy, '44 Flappers,' played to a packed house in Oak City Wednesday night aw was declared the outstanding v/elit in ttye school during the year. The school auditori um was packed, people from a half dozen surrounding towns attending, in addition to the large number in the community. Principal H. M. Ainsley stated that 50 complimentary tickets were issued, and after deducting that number, the receipts amounted to. morl' than SBO. Following the presentation, those taking part in the program were en- I tertained by the school's social com mittee. ————? Prof. Pollock To Speak At Jamesville Church Professor A. L. Pollock, of the Jamesville schools, will fill the pul pit in the Jsmesville Baptist Church Sunday evening at 8:00 o'clock, It was snnounced yesterday by B. Harrington, the pastor. Rev. Mr. Harrington will conduct the morning service at 11 o'clock. The public is in - vited to each of the services Local High Baseball Team Defeats Scotland Neck, 6-4 The local high school baseball team registered its first win of the season here last Wednesday afternoon by de feating Scotland Neck's nine, 6 to 4. The local are playing Morehead City here this afternoon. Plans Complete for Clean-Up Paint-Up Drive Next Week BAPTIST YOUNG PEOPLE ,BE GIN ASSEMBLY HERE Sessions Begin This After noon; Continue Thru Tomorrow DR. GAINES TO SPEAK President of Wake Forest College Is Principal Speaker Tonight; Other Noted Workers on Program With large numbers of Eastern Carolina's finest young men a.ul young women in attendance, the Regional Convention of Baptist Young People opened here this aftei noon in the Baptist church, wit record sessions forecasted 'for th* evening and tomorrow. Registration, started shortly after the noon hour continues at the church, the delegate: being assigned to the various homes where they will be entertained to night. The delegates to the conven j tion are being given a hearty welcomi by the Baptists and members of othei religious denominations, pointing to i; j very successful meet, the first of ! kind to be held here. y Mr. James A. Ivey, general sec re - ] tary of the Baptist Young PeopleV work in North Carolina, will be pres i ent at all the sessions, and will givt : direction to the entire program. Mr. | Ivey is a cultured young man, and amply capable of leading the hosts ot young people in their program of ac tive Christian work. Dr. Francis P. Gaines, of Wakt Forest, James A.- Ivey, of Raleigh and Dr. Gerald 11. Payne, of Elizabeti City, constitute the "pig Three" "t. the program tonight and tomorrow. These are all men of ability in their respective fields and will make theii certain impression upon the conven tion when they address it. Dr. Gaaines, , r President of Wuk Forest College, is the feature speakei tonight in the church at 8:00. The public is invited to hear him. It i thought that the commodious churcl auditorium, and all the opening wing will be taxed to the limit in seatini the great throng of people who wi attend the convention when Dr. Gaine speaks. There will be three sessions held tomorrow, one in the morning, a sec ond in the afternoon and the last i the evening when Dr. Payne bring.* the convention to a close with a fina' address. This is probably the largest con vention Williamston has ever atte- •• ' ed to handle, and the young people are warmly welcome here. -> ■; »■■■ • Electrical Demonstration Attend by 123 Women Attended by 123. women of the community, the electrical demonstra tion held in the Woman's club hall here yesterday afternoon by the Vir ginia Electric and Power company was declared to be very successful by Mr. R."'H. (JoodAan, the company's salesmunager, of Roanoke Rapids. During the meeting Mrs. Orpha ('. Hill, home economist for the West inghouse Electric company, demon strated the use of the electric range, giving valuable information as to cost and service to the women. Mrs. Mil dred V. Martin, home service directoi for the Virginia Electric and Powi company, assisted in the\demonst' tions, pointing out the improved and modern use of electrical apparatus i, the kitchen. Several prizes were given to indi viduals and the societies of tlu' sev eral churches here. The, .school, the first to be planned here by Salesmanager- Goodman, u sisted by Messrs. Jack flreen, H. B. Speight, J. R. Griffin, 0. S. Anderson and Prince Purdy, was greatly en joyed by the 123 women,, according to repqjgs of the meeting. Boy Is Unconscious Two Days After Blow on Head -—- Rendered unconscious when hit on the head by a pole, last Tuesday, the eight-years-old son of Mr. Rober griffin in William-i towship, revived I yesterday and is reported to be get ting along very well-~at_ this time. The child was playing on a load oi electric light poles at the home of Mr Joshua L. Coltrain, near here, when a pole fell and hit him on the bead, it was stated. O., ■ ■ _—,— . Program of Services at Church of the Advent ——» Rev. Arthur H. Marshall, Rector , Sunday school at 8:45 a. m. y,v , Vesper service and sermon at 5 p: You are cordially invited to' atWWd all these services. (Mayor's Clean-Up Week Proclamation Know all men. women and children by these presents: That, Whereas the National Clean-Up and Paint-Up Cam \ paign has resulted in.many ad vantages to community life throughout the United States in t . safeguarding health, in promot ing thrift, in furthering fire pre vention, in stimulating civic pride and in making the home and city beautiful; Now. therefore, 1 Be it know that plans have been perfected for a thorough clean-up and paint-up campaign in Williamston. beginning April 22. This date to mark the opne ing of a real campaign of per sistent and constructive effort in cleaning up and keeping it up. In this worthy movement of cleaning, painting, planting, re pairing and general rehabilita tion I urge each citizen to do his or her best part to make our community clean, healthy, safe, thrifty, and beautiful. R. L. COBURN. Mayor, Town of Williamston. IS BADLY HURT IN AUTO WRECK Tom Carson, of Hobgood, Expected To Die After Accident in Oak City a I nni Carson,, aged white man of I Inligjiod, was seriously hurt last Tuesday afternoon when his car, a lord "roadster, was hit by a truck driven by William l.utlier Davenport -at a road intersection HI (>a4c t ty, .VwordiiTß to reports ot the wreck; Mr. Carson was driving down the high way when the I4,year old boy drove (lie truck from under a tilling station into the road and ljit the hold, caus ing it to turn over several times. I>r I'rttjnan was-called tu the scene and upon finding*that the man's Mas badly broken up, he had him rushed to a Tarboro hospital.. The Ford was badly, wrecked, the damage resulting to the truck being negligible The boy was unhurt. •Rendered unconscious at the time, Mr ( arson's recovery was considered doubtful. At the hospital $575 was found oil the man's person, $103.50 of the amount being in gold, the re mainder in paper bills: At .r«l I.K to reports, received from tin- hospital late lasf night,' Mr. t ar son had developed 'pneumonia, and recovery was considered impossible, Modern Methods in Local School Are Highly Praised This week, a general representatm of (!inn and company, one of the 'arg est school books concern in the United States, with headquarters in New York City, visited the local High School and stated that it is tin only school visited in this section o. the State where the teachers are scientifically approaching the problem of pupil classification. In fact, he had visited only one other in his travels. Principal Davis and his faculty are putting modern teaching methpds in every grade, and the results lire be ing recognized. Art Masterpieces To Be Exhibited Here Reproductions of works of artist;, of many generations will be placed on display at the new high school building here Monday, April for showing; during the entire week, ac cording to an announcement mad this morning. This collection consists of 150 mas terpipces, representing the French Italian, Flemish, English, Dutch, Ger man, Spanish and Amreican school.' of art. Most of these are the master pieces studied in the schools. Famous portarits, landscapes, ma rine and pastoral scenes in the colors of tie original canvasses will be in cluded in the display. . A small charge will be made to off set the cost of bringing the exhibit here, it was stated. —— » _ Farm Life School Is Having Finals Today » *• One of the largest crowds In the school's history, is attending the final exercises of the Farm Life commence ment today, according to reports re ceived here at noon. Dr. Maynard Fletcher, of the Wash ington Collegiate Institute delivered the principal address. The session will close with a play tonight. { I I Advertisers Will Find Our Col ! umns a Latchkey to Over 1,600 I Homes of Martin County ESTABLISHED 1898 MANY AGENCIES TO COOPERATE IN MOVEMENT (b Starts Monday Morning at 10 O'clock With Ringing Of Old Fire Bell PARADE Complete Program for Entire Week Is Prepared; Monday Is Fire- Prevention Day With plans completed and the sup port ot' evyry man, woman and child practically Williamston's "jClean Up and l'aint Up" campaign next week promises to be the town's most marked event in years from the standpoint of health and cleanliness. Sponsored by the Woman's cUib and supported whole-heartedy by th». town as a whole, next week's clean up and paint up movement is expect ed to establish)a custom that will be closely followed in the years to come. And it is an undertaking that every one can take a part in; for there is no unnecessary burden to result in joining the ranks of those who are striving for jn cleaner and healthier place in which to live. The officials and civic organizations have set aside routine duties for each day during the campaign week in an effort to carry the work into every nook and corner. Starting with the ringing of the old town bell at 10 o'clock Monday morn ing, the campaign will stress th prevention of fire during the first day; The town's fire loss has been unusual ly large this year, and while the loss it not attributed to negligence, it i an accepted truth that a large number of fires is tracable to collections 01 rubbish and trash. Chief H. I). Mat-' rison, of the local fire department, —- urging a general clean up in base ments, attics, and store rooms when* trash, paper and oily rags have ac cumulated over the winter season. All during the week the activities will be centered in an effort to beau tify the make it a more healthful place in which to,live. Tin cans must go, the campaign leader declare if the mosquito and fly are ti be ousted. To make the movement a success, practically every business house in the town has been visited by one 01 more of the campaign heads, and tli merchants and others visited ar pledging a UK) per cent support to thv undertaking* The appeal is being ex/ tended to all, both white and colored , and it is the expressed wish of. thi Woman's club that each individual take an active part in the drive foi I a cleaner and more beautiful town. Posters will be placed in practically nil the store windows next Week t i remind one of the campaign. TI I schools will parade during the week. \ the white children opening the drive Monday morning at 10:00 o'clock \\ i a parade through the principal streets. I The colored schools will parade at tht | same hour Wednesday. The scho: I • children, numbering almost' a thou ' and, arc planning an active part in the clean up and paint up movement, | and splendid results are expected 1 from all quarters next week in th campaign. J. R. Manning Supervisor Of Weights and Measures J. Raleigh Manning, of Jamesville has been appointed as supervisor of weights and measures for the First Congressional District, it was learned yesterday. The newly appointed super visor will begin his duties about the middle of next month. By an act of the last legi-lature the State was divided into t( i dis tricts with a keeper of weights and measures for each district. O. P. Shell of "Dunn, was made the State super visor. #—, Methodist Women To Meet Next Monday The Woman's Missionary society o' Methodist church will meet Mond afternoon at 4:00 o'clock at the hon of the president, Mrs. W. C. l.ivet-" man. All members are urged to be present to discuss, plans submitti ' the society by the Missionary Con ference recently held in New Bern. Sell Truck Load of Hogs On Richmond Market Raising a surplus of swine, Messrs. Lester and Haywood Rogers, farmer- *■ of ndar here, found a ready market for. 21 hogs in the Richmond stock yards last Tuesday. The Messrs. Rogers delivered the 8,400 pounds of live meat to the Richmond market by track. •'